HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-01-26, Page 20flutes- ate Janua 26 1
AUDIENCE APPRECIATION — Marion Doucette, information services co-ordinator
with the central Huron county library in Goderich, holds the attention of Hensel!
librarian Velma Robinson, Shelley Baer and children from the Henson Nursery
School during a visit to the Hensel! Library. Marion is telling about the old lady
who swallowed a fly, and a bird, and a cat and...
jack 3; joitinp
Furor over trust
my Jack Riddell MPP ~ the Ontario Provincial Police
and the Royal Canadian
The furore about Ontario Mounted Police are in-
trust companies continues vestigating mortgage and
unabated, with new trust firms involved in the
developments becoming controversial apartment unit
public almost daily. sale.
One question being asked is On January 17, elle Minister
whether the Trust Companies of Consumer add Commerical
Association of Canada took Relations, Dr. Robert Elgie,
advantage of inside informa- in a statement to the
tion to withdraw $64,000 from Legislature, said that Crown
Crown Trust Co. on January Trust had not been "a viable
7, mere hours before the com- concern" when the Govern-
pany's assets were seized by ment moved in on the
the province. The govern- January 7th, that the com-
ment has been sharply pony's lending practices since
criticized by the Opposition last September have departed
about this allegation, which is from the conservatism that
currently being investigated had been displayed before
by the Ontario Securities then and serious deficiencies
Commission. have been found in the securi-
Also being probed by the ty underlying about $130
Commission are reports that million of its investments.
Guaranty Trust tried to The Minister has intimated
withdraw $1 million from that he crisis in confidence in
Crown Trust the day before the activities of Crown Trust,
the takeover. Needless to say, Greymac Trust and Seaway
Trust hasshoc a staff
and himself into re-evaluating u ro n . groups try
ro n second in ro ykd histff
Hv oprogram
tions refusing to comment on
Huron County 4m
ranked second in the province
for the number of applications
filed to the Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture and Food
(OMAF) under the Ontario
Farm Adjustment Assistance
Program in 1982. As • of
January 4, 294 Huron applica-
tions had been approved by
OMAF, with a possible in-
crease for applications dated'
December 31, but not vet
ference as part of a process to
build an intellectual founda-
tion for the party, and stated
that he would not want to be
in the position of the Ontario
Conservatives who after
almost 40 years in power have
to use all their intellectual
capacity justifying the past.
firms continues
"1 am convinced", he said,
"that people in Ontario want
to break out of the economic
straighjacket and are open to
new ideas, provided they are
well though out and are ex-
plained fully."
The papers on the weekend
think tank are to be publish -
Vkv i li •i taint nlo+'
` fDyv r `t r iwr!•
li�.t li e ,tiveyro . 1/434-I.% ker.
QUESTION PERIOD — Volunteer fireman Leroy Ed-
wards answered children's questions when some
firemen visited Exeter Public School.
processed. and have produced $12,000 the controversy. the Government's role in
Under the program (to be
extended into 1983) there are
three options available to
farmers who are eligible.
Criteria for assistance will
be that a producer must have
equity in the farm business of
between 10 and 60 percent, be
paying interest and principal
on money borrowed for farm-
ing purposes in excess of 20
percent of the operating costs
Estate Furniture Auction
Some antiques i(
* On Saturday, February 5th, 1983 *
* 1 p.m.
* Estate of the late Mr. C.R. (Clarence) *
* Charlton, Village of Ilderton, sale *
* to be held in the Ilderton Masonic *
* Hall, Main St.
* FURNITURE — Kelvinator refrigerator, 4 *
* burner electric stove square wooden kitchen *
treadle Singer g anti-
que dining room suite square extension table, *
4( 6 chairs, buffer and china cabinet, upholstered
* swivel choir,llchesterfield and 2 chairs just
* reupholstered, lamps, pictures, linen and bed-
ding, book case open shelves, parlour table *
with small drawer antique, mantle dock,
* dishes,- some antique brass and silver, small *
* rug pine blanket boxes, wooden 'bed and *
* table and 4 choirs,flat to wall low cupboards,
I sewing machine 9 piece anti
Millions of dollars in monitoring such ihstitutions. •
duc worth ofn food arm 2cco pro -
t o voice concerns
ducts on the farm 12 months negotiable securities are be- "We may in the future," he
preceedingtheapplication.' ing or have been removed said "have to commit
The first option, Option A,
app tea ton.
from the vaults of Crown greater resources ' to the Criteria for landfill sites as ted $4,00010 her township to
is a deferral of interest by the Trust for safe -keeping by the review of financial instttu handed down by the Ministry develop the plan, but because
lender for a period" of six Bank of Canada as a "precau- tions 10 enable us to: make of the Environment, are not of criteria Changes, it has lost
months, back.") by a provin-tionary measure". Greymac more detailed and extensive practical for rural the municipality over $10,000.
tial guarantee. During this Trust Co. and Seaway Trust examinations of some opera municipalities says Grey Mrs. Armstrong would litre
period the lender would not Co. have also been taken over tions on a more routine Township Reeve Leona to see the Ministry break
compound the interest. This by the province due to con- basis." A-rmstrong. away from one blanket policy
option is designed to cover cern about mortgages ad- Some people are asking • Municipalities are attemp-regarding the land fill sites
short-termted' transactions Involy how the Minister and his of- ting to make the ministry and, -as the rural
su units to Metro Toronto. •ing to mind what happened .
at the end of a. six-month provincial government . not so long ago in connection County Council and the Rural trying to get the government
period. t the Investment Ontario Municipal Associa- to not be so strict."
Option B takes the for
ed and will lead to a further
series of conferences involv-
ing larger numbers of people
from across Ontario. "We're
not creating a platform at this
time, but building a bank of
material leading to specific
Liberal policies," said Peter-
son. "We need a strategy to
solve Ontario's problems and
that will take a great deal of
tough analysis. For now we're
building understanding and
problems where van m o
fficient income is expected in some 11,000 apartment ficials could be so naive, bear aware of their concerns and from Palin centres, s away -
seeking support from Huron from urban centres, "we're
m of lawyers are checking in o' with Re -Mor tion (ROMA> She foresees the small '
proposed sale of the company Management Corporation
Gerold A. Webb
Doctor Of
438 MAIN ST.
By Appointment
Phone 235-1680.
Reeve Armstrong said dum being closed down if •
interest reduction grants on which manages the former and its parent company Astra
,floating-rate and short-term, Cadillac Fairview apartment Trust nan and the fact representatives of the cora municipalities have to
fixed-rate loans for operating and townhouse buildings to an that " these .companies con townships of McKillop, Mor -
purposes of 12 months. The American firm. If this sale is that - to be the subject con cis, Howtck, Turnberry and regulations. Also, if residents ,
maximum interest reduction 1 Grey met on January 10 to are made to travel another 20
would be five percentage concluded, it would mean that tinning court battles and discuss the Ministry's - miles to a land fill site, refuse
points, bringing down the in- the 30,000 people who live in arguments over the Govern- criteria. may be dumped in woodlots
terest rate tows low as 12 per- the controversial units would ment's liability in the matter. "They're (Ministry) telling or places other than the land
cent. Option B is suitable for have their third landlord in as Geneva park Conference
us they're really pushing fill site, `noted Mrs.
situations where a reduction many months, a development On January 14 and 16 the that we can't burn anymore," Armstrong.
of interest rates would jm described by David Peterson Ontario Liberal Party held a. said Reeve Armstrong. The Grey Township reeve
prove cash flow and enhance as incredible Caucus Conference at Geneva Besides not being allowed expects the letter seeking sup -
the viability of the farm In other developments, the Park on • the shores of Lake - to burn anything but wood- port will first be dealt with by
operation. • owner of Seaway Trust has Couchiching. More than 200 related materials, the refuse Huron County Council's ex -
accused the government of
guaranteepeople attended the Con- at the land fill site is to be ecutive committee, of which
by the province oOption. involves a ' rewriting the accounts of his ference which dealt with compacted and covered with she is a member, and then
seized company. The Minister issues expected to dominate • dirt. brought before council as a
a new line of credit, forr "They don't realize the whole' at its February 3
had earlier told the the public agenda in Ontario
operating purposes only, for Legislature that Seaways ac -throughout the remainder of costs,' noted Mrs. meeting. She added that
up to 12 months. This new Armstrong.Hawick Township will bring
credit would be provided by counts were "seriously lack- the 1980's and into the '90's. She pihted out heavy the matter before ROMA at
ing in accuracy." Apparently. Experts spoke,on a broa. equipment would -have to be its upcoming convention.
thelender at the prime rate f t subjects includingp
is otion sou i ase.. three province's changing
dresser, antique wash stands, odd chairs, vani- *
ty bench, Hoover vacuum cleaner, antique lad-
der back rocker, metal pull out cot, chest of
* drawers, metal b ed, hall tree, wicker basket,
♦[ books, lawn bowling bolls, fernery, quantity of
* wicker trays and baskets, antique light shades,
antique childs commode, old hand irons, anti-
que canisters, wringer washer, antique flat to
* wall cupboard pine with glass drawers, coal oil
* lamp, copper boiler, old high chair, bottom part
* of kitchen cabinet, lawn chairs, old coloured
stained lead glass window, set of horns, step
ladder, nu•ilerous odds and ends, rotary lawn
* Terms cash
* Tom Robson
en eralso, there is a Swiss financier range o su lee s
Th would fit those purchased to compact the
P involved with two of the the refuse, the public would have.
where producers need ' trust companies seized by the demographics, strains bet to educated to scparafe
�( additional credit to put in a Ontario Government, and a ween the government, garbagebeed and it inn t feasible to
* crop or buy calves ,or feed. private Edmonton firm is. a business and,labour, and the cover the refuse with dirt in
* According to Don Pullen, strong contender to purchase relations between the govern the t
Crown r
Hurons agricultural win er.
ment and citisen "From experience, ifwe
* representative in Clinton, According to- the Solicitor Liberal • header David don't burn, the dump will be
there were app_
*General, George E. Taylor, Peterson described the con- overrun with rats;" com-
Clip for reference
Hugh Filson *
Legion booth 666-0832 *
locally for Option C, with the
remaining 241 applying for
Option B.
Bruce County led the pro-
vince's 54 counties and
district with 326 approved ap-
plications, 49 falling under
Option C. In Perth county
there were a total of 221 ap-
' plications with 32 applying for
Option C, the line of credit
Hot Water (30PSIG) .Packaged Boilers
• Burns Wood, Coal or Oil
• Built to the ASME Boiler Code
• Compact
• large Grate Area For Rated Output
• Proven Design
• Automatic Switch Over Between Solid
Fuel and Oil
•• Hand Fired
3.S BHP (125,000 BTU/hr output(
• larger Sires Available
• Also Available As Solid Fuel Only
Units '
Combination Forced Warm Air Furnace
• Burns Wood, Coal, Oil
• Automatic Switch Over Between Solid
Fuel and Oil
• Compact
• Unique, Energy Efficient Tubular
Heat Exchanger.
• Rugged Construction
• 23 Year Proven Performance
• Sire : 150,000 BTU/hr output
• 1 arger Sites Available
• Also Available As Solid Fuel Only
P.O. Box 70
156 Main St. S.
Sealonh. Ont.
T•b 519.527.0600
Telex: 069 55305
ke your best deal with your ins alley, pay for your furnace
filer by March 31, 1983 and we will send you a cheque.
00.00 DA150, $200.00 DA 250;1200.00 DUK 3.5
NEW EQUIPMENT — On behalf of the Telephone
Pioneers of America, Don McIver donated a PAYMAC
to South Huron Hospital: The box, made from surplus
Bell Telephone equipment,. allows stroke victims who
have lost their power of sppeech and patients with
language problems to visually indicate some of their
needs. Shown with Mr. McIver is RNA Marion Cornish.
Large Auction Sale
Of antique furniture, modern ap-
pliances, furniture, .household ef-
fects etc. To be held for Goderich
and Mitchell area homes at Richard
Lobb's Barn, Clinton, Ontario.
Saturday, Jan. 29 at 10 a.m.
Harvest gold Westinghouse frost free fridge,
G.E. harvest gold 30" stove, electric (fairly
new), G.E. automatic clothes dryer, like new,
Rogers majestic colour T.V., Inglis automatic
clothes washer, Moffat clothes dryer, 2 wringer
washers, large chest freezer, cookstove, large
antique flat to wall cupboard, large fancy
fet, little parlour stove,. fancy antique dresser
with oval mirror, dining room suite, small wall
"cupboard, Hamilton antique wooden washing
machine, antique wooden butter churn with
foot pedal, antique record cabinet, wall unit,
long dresser with mirrdr, beds, chest of
drawers, end .tables, recliner, rockers, 2
washstands, smell desk: antique clock case,
love seat, chesterfield with pullout bed, lamps,
pictures, books, floor lamp, baby crib, high
chairs, and change table, oval braided rug 9
x 7, 6' 8' Axminster carpet, men's size 9, and
lodies size 9 cross country ski equipment, men's
. size 91/2 moulded skates, new, fishing equip-
ment, oil lamp (peanut pattern), finger lomp,
small glass churn, sausage press, bottle cap-
per, electric heater, crocks, MTD 3141 horse
power garden tiller, nearly new, 30 foot -exten-
sion ladder, plus our usual large offering of
miscellaneous items. 125 sap pails and spiles.
Terms Cash day of sole.
Clinton, Ontario
mented Reeve Armstrong. •
Another criteria that has
upset municipalities is that
test wells on the boundary of
the site have to meet drinking.
water levels. In Grey
Township the nearest well to
the 7.5 acre site is a half mile
away and there have never
been any complaints regar-
ding the water there or
anywhere else in the township
said Mrs. Armstrong.
Municipalities are current-
ly in the process of developing
land fill site development
plans which have to be sub-
mitted to the Ministry by Ju-
ly 1. The Grey Township
reeve said the Ministry allot-
* ************** *****
of Hibbert
Change of date of
the February regular
from Monday
February 7th to
Wednesday 2nd
February, 1983 at 1
Use of Stratford
The Council of the
Township of Hibbert
have entered into on
agreement .with _ the
Public Library of Streit -
ford whereby Hibbert
Fesidents may use the
Stratford.Focilities free.
This for a trial period of
the year 1983.
(Sewing Machin*
Repairs . •
to all makes
Free Estimates
90 Day Warranty
since 1952
Sew and Save
Centro Ltd.
149 DownieSt „Stratford
Closed Monday
Phone 271-9660 J
* Large Combined Estate *
* Auction Sale
* Of excellent - antiques and *
* household furnishings, farm equip. *
* etc. For the estate ofthe late Miss *
* Ethel Hudson, Ilderton and also for * .
* Mr. John Gollings, Lucan. *
* . Saturday, Jan. 29 - 11:00 a.m. *
* Ilderton Masonic Hall *
* ANTIQUES: — Excellent antique 4 pc.
bedroom suite, combination china cabinet and *
*desk, love seat, brass and steel bed, war- *
drobes, parlour set, hall rack, large side board,
* '3 and 4 pc. bedroom suites, cane bottom chairs *
* and -)rocker, press back choirs and rocker, *
* square tables and dining room chairs, drop
* front desk, deer head, flower stands and *
* small tables, wooden beds, wash stands,
rockers, dressers, -pictures, fernery couch,
* rugs. set of upholstered choirs, 2 buffets with
* mirrors, chests of drawers, antique dishes and *
* glassware, music back choir, wicker rocker,
* parlour tables, hall tree, needle point chairs,. *
* lamps, clocks,treadlesewing machine, crocks, *
small pot belly stove, tin trunks, empty Edison
* cabinet, day sleeping couch, etc.
• * HOUSEHOLD — Inglis automatic heavy duty . *
:* washer and dryer ( like new), Inglisfridge, *
* Westinghouse 4 burner electric stove, other
stoves, Westinghouse 18 cu. ft.
deep freeze, General Deluxe deep freeze, col-
* our and B/W T.V.'s, good leatherette couch and *
* . chair, lamps, lazy boy chair, Filter Queen *
* vacuum, polishers, cedar chests, electric sew-
* ing machine, quilts, bedding, linen, bedroom
chairs, rugs,¢offee table, chrome sets, picnic *
* tables, humidifier, household appliances,
* dishes, pots and pans etc., wringer washer, *
* lawn chairs, gclyden tools etc., power town
* mower, ladders, etc. etc.
.* FARMERS SECTION: — Tandem axle 18' steel
trailer, (real good), 3 pt. hitch cement mixer,
* M.F. weights. dg water
windows, 200' silor unt scaffolding,
cable. niineral *
*,feeder, etc. *
* TERMS: Cash Sale Day, Booth , *
* Hu h Filson Tom Robson *
* 666-0833 666-1967 *
& McKAY LTD. •
592A Main St. S.
Exeter; 235-0995
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EXETER 235-2420
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Complete Soles Service
Auctioneers and Appraisers
R.A. "Sue" Edginton
RR 2, Luaus, Ontario
J.G. "Rud" McIver
RR 2, Luton, Ontario
Prompt Courteous Efficient
We give co apiete sde service
Phone Collect
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Chartered Accountants
476 Main Street, S., -
Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 •
Resident Fortner:
John S. McNeilly, C.A.
TEL, RI e-11116->Z*OA
NOM 100
Bev, Morgan Insurance Brokers Ltd.,
238 Main Street, Exeter
NOM ISO Ontario
Complete Insurance Coverage