HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-01-26, Page 16Pager 16 Times -Advocate, January 26, 1983 Library gets aid from Col. Ross estate When Lt. -Col. Duncan Graham Ross dropped into the Lucan branch library to check out some books, he went straight for the biography section. He especially liked reading political biographies, remembers branch librarian Donna Atkinson. It seemed a reasonable choice, consider- ing Ross was the Liberal MP for Middlesex East from 1935 to 1945, When Ross died at the age of 91 last October, he remembered the library in his will with a $2,000 donation. The money was the first major financial donation the Middlesex • County library system has received from a private source, said head librarian Janet Moss. Given the present economic times, it was ' a much ap- preciated gesture", she said,, The money will be used at the Lucan branch library, Break-ins reach eight • Officers of the Lucan On- tario Provincial Police detachment investigated eight occurrences of break and enter this week. Small amounts of cash, soft drinks and cigarettes were taken Sunday night from Matheson Motors and Marion's Variety in Bryanston. Nothing was reported taken from the Master Feeds store in Belton, Centennial Central School, east of Arva and the Gould residence on Conces- sion 8 of London township. At the Turner residence in London township, a telephone and some food- items in- cluding steak and chicken . were stolen while small amounts of cash were taken from the Allen residence at RR 1 Arva " and the Kevin Brome residence at 114 Albert Street in Ludan. • although no decision has been made on exactly how, Moss said. "With all the (economic) doom and gloom, $2,000 cer- tainly is a bright spot." A brief biography of Ross in the 1944 Canadian Parliamen- tary Guide describes him as a decorated First World War verteran. After two unsuc- cessful tries, Ross became the first Liberal to win the Mid- dlesex East riding since Con- federation when he was elected in 1935. He was returned to office in 1940 before losing out in 1945. Ross, who operated a dry goods store in Lucan before he entered politics, retired to London. After the death of his wife and son a few years ago, Ross bought a house on the main streetof Lucan and liv- ed there with a housekeeper until his death. St. Pat's discuss poor in India St. Patrick's Young People met -Sunday to discuss "Chris- tian Poor in India." Slides and a commentary were presented by Father `Gus'• Kandathil, a priest from India. He sponsors the "Save a Family Plan" and "Goats for Poor Families." The presen- tation included a question and answer period in addition to a presentation from the young people for a cheque of over two hundred dollars to Father Gus. C.P.T.A. general meeting will be held Wednesday, January 26 in the school library. Special speakers will be Larry Sangan and Pat Pro- ulx who will present the topic "Helping Children Develop a Wholesome Self -Concept." A `Cor Weekend' will be held from February 18-20 at St. Robert's School for all senior teenagers wishing to attend, and application forms are available at the Rectory. SF AMU ESS [AV[STRO U G H ,°" SIDING Ask About Our SAVINGS • Stoic* Shutters • Aluminum Storm Doors & Windows • Aluminum Awnings • This energy -window roll shutters System • Renovations gyral Construction FREE ESTIMATES JIM BECK CONSTRUCTION DASHWOOD 237-3526 IT'S TIME TO TALK BUSINESS! Visit us at The Devon Building on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month (Next Visit Date: February 2nd . ere the Federal Business Develop merit Bank, and we can be one of your most Important resource centres We can lend you money, provide loan guarantees or finance an Increase in your business equity. Presently, you may quality for a Small Business Investment Grant and thus be entitled to up to a 4%ate on specified loan interest We offer a brain bank of experienced people, too. Cagle talk business with us. We'll tell you about financing, counselling, management training and government assistance programs One phone call can bung it all to you For on appointment call•F.B.D.B. Stratford and ask for Jim Foster ot. 271.5650 (Collect) Federal Business Banque federate Development Bank de developpement Your success is our only. business Canada PIRATES WIN — Pete's Pirates won the "B" championship of Saturday's mixed volleyball tournament in Luton. Back, left, Pete Martens, Rick Gwalchmai and Dave Rogelstad. Front, Jackie Martens, Patti Watson and Linda Quigley. T -A photo Seniors create miniature roses from bread dough Members of the Sunshine Club met Thursday afternoon in the clubrooms in the - Masonic Hall, with President Ed Dowdall presiding. Marie Damen was welcom- ed back after an absence of many weeks due to illness and her husband John was includ- ed in the welcome. John Park was also present and welcom- ed after an absence of several months. Marie" Turner was the third "special mention" having been on a trip to Scouts plan for big. week The January meeting of the Lucan scouting group com- mittee was held January 13 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Further plans were made for celebration of Baden-Powell Day and Scout Guide week. A joint service will be held for all boys and girls involv- ed in Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Brownies and Guides, their families and the community on February 20 at 2 p.m. at Lucan Community Centre. Representatives from each section and from the 'local clergy.will meet to make fur- ther arrangements. Lucan Cubs are hosting the District Kub Car Rally. Cubs from HuronDistrict will enjoy a day of friendly Kub Kar rac- ing competition. Thursday, February 24 is the annual spaghetti dinner. Tickets will be on sale soon. All scouting parents will be contacted regarding dona- tion of food or help Whether or not to have another paper drive is under review. It was agreed a cen- tral place for the community to take the newspapers would be more economical than picking up the newspapers at the curb. The next meeting of the group committee will be Thursday, February 3 at 8 p.m. at Holy Trinity Anglican Church and will be chaired by Rev. Bruce Pocock. All scouting parents are welcome. Australia. Marie will show her pictures at a later date. A card of thanks was read - from Irene Egan and Mary • Davis conveyed the thanks of Lexie Atkinson, both for cards received from the club, and both members are making good progress. - Those members not present previously were reminded of the invitation to attend the Lions Club supper meeting Monday, April 8, at 7 p.m. at the arena. A. singsong w enoyed . with Muriel. Cobleiigh attyre piano. Mary Kooy, as card con- vener for the afternoon, presented the prizes as follows: Lady's High, Mary Davis; Lone Hands, Rose Atkinson; Low' Score, Kathleen Neil; Man's High, Reviva Rick Thornton opened the morning service leading chorus singing. Patty. Har- rison and Wendy Robertson sang The Lord is my Shepherd accompanied by Robert Becker playing his guitar. Patty, Wendy, and Robert are Christianview Bi- ble College students. Rev. C. J. Williams, from Matthew 6:31-34, stressed people want security and material things. Christians should put God's Kingdom first. We are not allowed to put anything before God, as that is idol worship. How much time do we spend pray- ing and seeking God for direc- tion for our lives? When obey- ing and following Jesus is first in our lives, there will be evidence in our living. Seek- ing the Lord means to exert oneself, to worship Him. Rev. C. J. Williams Sunday evening, from several Bible readings, told of men sleep- ing. In Matthew 13:24-25 a man sowed good seed, and weeds came up with it as he slept. NO matter how well we work, the devil will try to un- do it. In Acts 10:9-10 Peter fell asleep on a rooftop and had a Percy Williams; Lone Hands, Helen McDonald, playing a man's card and Low Score, John Loyens, with the Busy Buddies' prize won in a draw of names by Gayle Cronyn. In the craft group Honor Stanley instructed 18 'members in making miniature roses from a dif- ferent type of bread dough, and with more practice we should come up with something near Honor's love- ly samples!. Tomorrow, Thursday, the'Busy Buddies will commence the woven place mats with instructor Bessie Roberts of the Crafty Crowl staff, London. Those having their own looms are reminded to bring them. Lunch was served by Jackie and John Damen and Honor Stanley. Centre vision of unclean food the Jews do not eat, and a voice telling him to eat it. - God told him what he had cleansed was not unclean. When Gentile men called for Peter, he knew God had been telling him to accept those who God had called. Matthew 26:36-46 tells of Jesus going to pray with three of his disciples before His crucifix- ion. The disciples let Jesus down when they fell aleep while He prayed for strength, three times. We need to stay awake to pray for strength. In Genesis 2:20-22, tells how God took a rib from under Adam's heart to make Woman, to be Adam's wife, while Adam slept. This first Adam brought sin into the world. The second Adam, Jesus Christ, after He awoke from sleeping in death, made the way in His ressurection to prepare the church for His bride. . Upcoming events — star- ting January 24, at 7:30 p.m., night classes at Christianview Bible College, with Rev. Roger Mason teaching the book of James, in a 12 week course. Cost is $15 to audit the course, $25 for credit. "A" VOLLEYBALL FINALISTS — The Eight is Enough team were "A" finalists In Saturday's mixed volleyball tournament held in Lucan. Back, left, Darrel Finkbeiner, Martin Van Raay, Debbie Lord, Dick Lord and Joe Laurie. Front, Teresa Von Roay, Wendi Schwindt, Sandy O'Neill and Sue Stretton. T -A photo • WI meeting Roll gall on member responsibility President, Isabel Haskett, led the members of the Lucan Women's Institute in singing the Institute Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect. • Roll call was "A respon- sibility I have as a W.I. Member." Letters were read asking us to nominate a girl for Farm Show Princess and also so- meone for Farmer of the Year for the Farm Show in Four accidents Four accidents were in- vestigated this week by of- ficers of the Lucan detach- ment of the Ontario Provin- cial Police. Sunday, January 16 at 7:20 p.m. Constable D. B. Stables` set damages at .$9,500 when vehicles driven by Russell McGuire, RR 5, Wingham and Adrienne Diane Mann, RR 4, Denfield collided on Highway 7, east of Highway 23. - The same night at 8 p.m. vehicles driven by Gerald Walter Harris, Huron Park and Donald Wayne Wolfe, RR 2, Zurich were in collision on Highway 4, south of Mid- dlesex road 22. Serious injuries were sus- tained by both drivers, Pamela Harris; Janet and Jason Boudreau, passengers in the Wolfe vehicle. Suffering minor injuries were Tracy Harris and Christopher Boudreau. Constable Stables listed damages at $4,000. A vehicle driven by David McCann, RR 3, Ailsa Craig struck a guard rail on Highway 23, north of Highway 7 at 7:45 p.m. Friday. Con- stable G. N. Wilcox estimated damages at *560. The fourth mishap at 8 a.m. Monday on Middlesex road 23 involved vehicles driven by Norman Hutton, RR 1, Gran-' ton and Lori Parkinson, London. Baptismal service at United Church The sacrament of Infant Baptism was celebrated Sun- day morning at Lucan United Church when Jennifer Diane, daughter of George and Lin- da Wilkinson was brought for baptism by her parents. Den - nit and Mary Maguire served at the door as welcoming committee before the service, and the Senior Choir contrib- tued to the beauty of the wor- ship as they sang "Be Thou My Vision." During story time Mr. Brown reminded the children that God made everything. He can heal us and help us because He made us and can understand us perfectly. Following the story, the children left for Junior Church in charge of Sue Barr. Mr. Brown began a new sermon series based on Paul's first letter to Timothy. This letter was written to Paul's young colleague, Timothy whom he had left in charge of the Church at Ephesus. Paul wrote to in- struct him how to deal with problems that had arisen in that congregation. Many of these same problems appear in the church today, so that Paul's advice is very relevant for us also. In Paul's greeting at the beginning of the letter, he in- troduced himself as an apos- tle of Jesus Christ by the com- mand of God. Hewasanapos- tle because he had rrret Christ personally and had received a special commission to share Christ with others. Christians today who know and love Him have been -given a similar commission to help others • come to a personal faith. The One we serve is God our Saviour, not an angry, vengeful God, but one who loves the sinner and is deter- mined to do His utmost to give him a second chance by sen- ding Jesus to be His instru- ment to save us. Paul men- tions also Christ Jesus, our only Hope. Thursday at 8:15, the Couples' Club meets in the C.E. Wing fora games night. 'All couples of the congrega- tion are cordially invited to attend. Saturday at 2 p.m. is the Lucan Sunday School Fun Day at the church. Children should come prepared for fun in the snow if the weather per- mits. Otherwise there will be indoor games: Next Sunday, January 30 following service is Lucan an- nual congregational meeting beginning with lunch. Members are asked to bring sandwiches and finger desserts. Soup, tea, and coffee will be provided. Confirmation classes for young people 12 and older will begin Sunday, February 6 at 3 p.m. in the C.E. wing of the church. London which will be held from March 1 to 4. A rural seminar for Vital People is to take place in Lon- don and our members ex- pressed interest in attending. • There will be five 4-11 Clubs this year with leaders atten- ding workshops on"Looking Great, Feeling Great" which is the topic on the upcoming spring meetings. The short course for adults that will be taken through the Home Economics Branch, Department of Agriculture and Food is "Food For All Seasons." A donation from our In- stitute was made to the. Women's Committee of the War Memorial Children's Hospital. There has been a new class no. 69 for youth in which boys or rtirls under 18 may enter certain crafts at the Western Fair, London, from September 9-18. Children ages 9 to 13 may enter a poster 1n the Farm Show based on the theme, "E.T. goes to the Farm Show." Bernice Lockyer read the parable of the Talents and Iva Hodgins gave a meditation on it. Convener Flora Robertson gave an interesting talk on our responsibility in the home, our church, and in any organization that we belong to • and in the life of our country. RIGHT NUMBER Anyone wishing informa- tion on the Lucan seniors magnifying sheet for telephone books should call 227-4879. For groups of 6 or more IIIJECN1PPLIIS offers • Comprehensive Dental Plan • Comprehensive Drug Plan • Maior Medical Benefits . • Vision Plan • Preferred Hospital Accommodation • Direct claims payment • Easy administration with one monthly billing 5100-3H Write ht a brochure or call dkeet Lori Christensen 120 York Street London, Ontario NSA 1A9- Se(S19)439-0136 - ONTARIO BLUE CROSS WOOD STOVES Talk to us about the high technology stoves by: Lakewood; RSF Energy; SFB 3 Boilers; Heritage; Better 'N Ben's REDUCE CREOSOTE in any airtight stove with the CATALYTIC DAMPER Results wily amaze you Available at THE COLLECTOR'S SHOP Kirkton 229-896 The energy saving products store Plan to attend our - Joint Dinner Meeting with Stretford District Management Club FEBRUARY 9, 1983, 6:30 p.m. THE STRATFORD LEGION HALL, 207 St. Patrick Street, STRATFORD Mr. C. Horfiiehnert, I.A.P.A., Toronto, will speak on "Noise Regulations" sponsored by PERTH -HURON SECTION, WESTERN ONTARIO DIVISION INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT PREVENTION ASSOCIATION For further information on this and other events , please contact Mrs. Stella Bannister - (519) 4734450 or Mrs. Shirley Gera, Reliance Electric Ltd., - (519) 271.3830, Stratford I.A.P.A. Annul Conference, AprIl 11, 12 8 13, Royal York Hotel, Toronto