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Page 18 January 19, 1983
Mt. Carmel
team wins
The Mt. Carmel senior boys
won the Huron -Perth
Separate School Volleyball
Tournament held in Stratford
It was the strong play of Jon
O'Connor and Sivilay
Setighounmany that got them
through the first set against
St. Mary's School, Goderich.
In the second set it was
good team effort that carried
them to two straight, victories
over St. Michael's School of
In the championship set St.
James of Seaforth jumped out
to a 14-3 lead. Mt. Carmel
came back but lost 17-15 in the
first game. Using a combina-
tion of accurate serves and
hard spikes they won the next
two games and the
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WIN IN CANNERS BONSPIEL — A rink skipped by Gerry Smith won the first draw of Saturday's
bonspiel sponsored by Canadian Conners. Above, Sylvia Smith; Bill and Janice Brock and Gerry
their prizes from Jack Urquhart.
Church ladies groups meet
mixed curling
Smith receive
T -A photo
DashwOod couple back from HoUland
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Struyke
have returned home following
a three week visit wit;;
relatives in Holland.
Mrs. Bill Chandler and Mrs.
Bill Struyke will be collecting.
in Dashwood area for the
Heart Fund starting the first
week in February. Volunteers
to help would be appreciated.
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. John Becker and boys
were Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Becker, Joe Becker and Nan-
cy Overholt; and Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Hearn, Kari and
Julieanne, Exeter.
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Stift and family
were Mr. and Mrs. John Ar-
nold and Jeremy, Grand
Bend; and Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Slezak
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t\� rc bringing home the future.
and family, London; and Mr. London, will be the anniver- of Scott and Mary Ann Boyle
and Mrs. Ed Wurm, Exeter, sary speaker May 1. The was baptised Sunday',
were Sunday guests with Mrs. Huron -Perth Presbytery will January 16, in Riverside
Jean Walper. havethe annual meeting United Church, Ottawa.
Flowers in the Lutheran January 24 at Northside Two infants were baptised
church were placed by Mr. United Church, Seaforth. The Sunday by Rev. M. Mellecke.
and Mrs. Ernest Miller in Iov- February meeting will be in James Rober?Joseph, son of
ing memory of Sheila's father the afternoon at 1:30 p.m. . Mr. and Mrs. John Becker
Tom Bern. "Learning for Lent" will with sponsors, Mr. and Mrs.
The Youth of Zion Lutheran begin February 16 at Zurich Jim Becker and Joseph
church met Sunday, January with registration at 9 a.m. Becker, and Sarah Marie,
daughter of Mt-. and Mrs.
9. The topic was "Prayer." Baptisms • Larry Stire with sponsors, '-and overpowered b their op -
This involved scripture Shannon Maeline, daughtery p
g Mr. and Mrs. Dan D
SH girls volleyball
team shows up well
Stratford Central's girls the favour of the games Ex -
volleyball team, the reigning eter hosted last week. South
all -Ontario champs, were Huron won five of the seven
given a good, competitive games. Today the volleyball
game and close score by team travels to Dorchester
Sourth Huron's senior team. and then to Wingham for a
SH forced the game into over- weekend tournament. For
time but the Ramblers used more experience they will
their superiority to win 18.16. also travel to Goderich next
In other play at the tourna- Tuesday.
ment hosted by Stratford Cen-
tral, only the second league Senior boys
tourney, South Huron's
seniors defeated Madill in get victory
both games. This team from Only the South Huron senior
Wingham is reasonably boys basketball team manag-
strong but Exeter, ranked up ed to win as Seaforth's teams
with Stratford Northwestern came to Exeter Wednesday.
and Central, had little pro- The seniors were again high
blems, showing good serving scoring, defeating Seaforth
and effective spiking. 74-61. The scoring was not so
The battle for the Huron- evident as the juniors went
Perth championship should down under Seaforth 33-15.
be fierce with Stratford Cen-The, South Huron juniors
tal, Stratford Northwestern seemed to have trouble scor-
and South Huron, all in ing as the score after the first
reasonable contention. Local quarter was 12-0 and only 24-4
coach Joe Fulop hopes his • at the half. However South
team can upset the feared Huron rallied and got their
Central team.- defence together to outscore
The reputation. . the . Seaforth in the second half.
Ramblers have built up is an. .Scott Lovie was high scorer
awesom"`one to tackle. Fulop with 7 points.
is ingraining his players with' This low key game puts the
the thought that Stratford juniors league record at one
Central can' be beaten. Last win and two losses.
year South Huron won a The senior game was cot)-
single.game over Central in siderably more active. South
the playoffs. That and the Huron was down 28-27 at the
' resells of this latest tourna- half even after shutting down
Ment have bolstered Fulop's the Neilsen brothers from
efforts. . - ` Seaforth. Exeter played well
In the ,first game against together to beat Seaforth
Central, Exeter seemed awed 74-61.
readings with questions •
urdin. ponents., They gave up the
game 15-5.
palated to the different Insfirtute rnm ee i s
passages. Various projects - � Fulop used his second -line
were discussed. • - in the next game but
Rachel Mellecke told aboutzed that
the WOLYF Rally in
Chatham May 14 with the
theme "Peer Pressure and
Parental and Teacher
Pressure." They then played
a .game, Trivial Pursuit.
Ladies Aid
Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid .
held the January meeting
Wednesday afternoon with
group 1 in charge of devotions
and lunch. Pastor M.
Mellecke took for the topic,
"Saul Becomes a Christian."
This involved the ladies in Bi-
• le study. ,
Acting president, Mrs.
Florence Martene, dealt with
the business. There were 22
shut-in boxes packed. and
delivered at Christmas. The
Altar Guild reported 36 visits
andone plantsent. 'file new
Guild is Mrs. Lorne Becker
and Mrs. Oscar Miller. Cards
of thanks and donations were
received both for the Aid and
the flower and treat fund.
The February meeting will
be held Wednesday, February
9 in the afternoon. Mrs. Alma
Genttner had closing devo-
tions followed by lunch.
U.C.W. meet
The Executive was in
charge of the January
meeting of Calvary United
Church Women. Mrs. Harold
Hendrick welcomed the
ladies. Mrs Mildred Keller-
O � substituted as he realized
t s mg e'
e ga
The January meeting of the Switzerland, - ermany and
Clandeboye Women's In- Holland.
stitute met Wednesday at the • Personals
home of Mrs. Wilmer Scott. Lucille and Arnold Blake
- Lunch committee, Ruth accompanied by Laurene and
Hill, Marion Hodgson, Aggie Ken Hurren of London,
Groenewegen and Bernice returned on Saturday evening
Thompson prepared a from a most enjoyable holi-
delicious hot lunch which the day that took them on a Car -
members really enjoyed. - ibbean Cruise, stopping at two;
President Edie Wor- islands in Mexico and two in
thington opened the meeting Jamaica. Needless to say, the
with the Institute- Ode and weather was beautiful, sunny
Mary Stewart collect. Sixteen and hot. '
members answered the roll Clarence Millson returned
call, "A resolution I always home from St. Joseph's
make and never keep." Hospital Fridr:y, where he
Secretary; Hazel -Cu nn- . . had spent five days following
inghamread the cor- surgery on his eye, to remove
respondence -which was ' a cataract.
discussed at length. Due to the snowfall and slip-
The'spring 4-11 Homemak- ' pery conditions, car accidents'
ing project, "Looking Great - were numerous on the
Feeling Great" will be led by weekend 'on the stretch of
Jean Amos assisted by highway between Manders'
Christine Hodgson and June and Cunningham's Sunday
Henry assisted by. Elaine evening several people were
Noyes. taken to hospital by three am -
An invitation to attend a bulances after a two car
Rural Seminar for Vital Peo-
ple at Ramada Inn, London was called to wash down the
February 3 was read also an road. Fortunately no one was
seriously hurt and only one
adult program - "Food for all
Seasons" with a one day tame ofrsonremaing iin hospital at
workshop for ,leaders to at-
tend, will take place later in
February at Komoka and
d knit
man read the scripture, 1 Cor- Volunteer sewing an -
inthians 12:12-27. The body ling for War' Memorial
has many members but the Children's Hospital was
many parts make up only one discussed and wool was hand -
body. It is the Holy Spirit who ed out and plans for a sewing
gives all these gifts and bee was arranged for the
powers deciding which each . same cause.
one of us should have. We all Resolution convener Elsie
need each other and should. • ' Lewis gave a reading, "A
care for each other as we do Perfect Day" and Velma Bar–
ourselves. dy read "The Ten Command -
An amusing skit"TheTator ments of a Farmer's Wife."
Family" was enjoyed. The - This was followed by a very
tators were dictator, agitator, interesting description of a
imitator; spectator and, tour to. Europe• by Betty
hesitator. All people Coughlin and Gladys Cunn-
sometimes become these but ingham showing slides of the
hopefully not. highlights of their trip last
Past -president, Mrs. Don summer.
Gaiser led in prayer and in- The Coughlins and Dunn -
stalled the new executive for inghams travelled through
1983. Rev. Francis Clarke. England, France,
After an early South Huron
lead, Central rallied and the
score see -sawed past -the nor-
mal 15 -point game. Play was
outstanding for all Exeter
team members but Central
again won the_ close 18.16
decision. -
South Huron's skilled game
prompted a member of the as
- yet undefeated Central team,
to remark that it was the best
game they had played' this
It is obvious that South
Huron is very close and eager
'to defeat Stratford Central
but the other •Stratford team,
Northwestern, might -force
Exeter out of a -Huron -Perth
final 'meeting with Central.
The Northwestern squad has
been defeated by the Central
Ramblers. The Northwestern
Huskies won a recent Tillson-
burg tournament where South
Huron was second. Their
games in the final were fair-
ly close and Fulop believes
that Northwestern can and
will be defeated.
South Huron ha's several ex-
hibition games before their
next league- tournament on
February 3. They travelled to
Seaforth last night to return
Best wishes from the Com-
munity to Luella Smith who
celebrated her 80th birthday
on Sunday, January 16.
Sunday, when we looked
outside it looked like a mar-
shmallow werld. I guess the
weatherman decided it was
time that we had another
taste of a Canadian winter
The sermon in the United
Church on Sunday by Rev.
Moore was "Follow Me". The
Scripture was read by
Douglas Woodburn. The con-
gregation- is holding the an-
nual meeting, Thursday,
January 20.
Saturday evening a party
was held at Corbett Com-
munity Centre for two recent-
ly married couples.
The evening was spent
playing euchre and prizes
were as follows ladies - Isabel
Bullock and Marilyn Thomp-
son. Men's Roy Bullock and
Jim Bullock. The Lucky Draw
was won by Gertie Hodgins.
A presentation of money
was given to each of the
honoured couples, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Marshall nee
Valerie Bullock and Mr. and
Mrs. Terry Kelly nee Peggy
The wind-up: Teacher - I
am pleased to give you 70 on
your math test. Student - Why
don't you give me 90 and
make yourself really happy?
WIN MEN'S FIRST DRAW -- The first draw of the Exeter men's curling club was won by a rink skied by Jack
Urquhart. From the left are Jack Urquhart, Bert Borland, Don Mousseau and Art Cann. T -A photo
Comedy show coming to South Huron
South Iluron's student coun-
cil is bringing three Canadian
comedians from the famed
Yok-Yoks comedy theatre in
Toronto. The comedy night is
this Friday at 8:00 p.m. at the
high school. Admission is
Featured comedians are
Tat Butler and Lou Dinose
who have played at Toronto's
Yok-Yoke as well as appear-
ing on several television
variety shows: Their reper-
toire is suitable for a high
school audience and promises-
a hilarious night, They plan to
entertain for two or three
This is only the second time
South Huron's student council
has attempted comedians.
two years ago d single laugh
hustler was featured during
the lunch hour. Changing the
idea to an evening affair will
hopefully draw a good crowd.
Several events are being
planned for February to
replace the winter weekend of
past years. The students
council hopes to involve more
people by concentrating on
Friday night events.
The first weekend in
February is taken up by the
school -sponsored ski trip to
Blue Mountain but February
11 will be a movie night. The
movie has not as yet been
chosen but will be a suc-
cessful feature film.
The next Friday the
popular mentalist Mike
Mandel will return to cap-
tivate his audience. February
2.5 is the date planned for a
Sadie Hawkins dance. Music
has not yet ben arranged. As
well throughout Februarythe
intramural council will
schedule various noon -hour
The rowdy and spirited
road hockey games already
have many male and female
teams vying for supremacy.
Snow sculpturing and a Polar
Bear Run are also planned to
alleviate the pressures of the
upcoming second -term ex-
aminations which commence
March 11 and continue until
the eighteenth. The March
Break gives a week's holiday
until the 28th.
John Mol's score of 26
points was helped by six foul
shots awarded to South Huron
after three technical fouls
were laid against Seaforth
and their rather excitable
coach. Kevin Parsons and
John McAllister, both in their
final year of high school
basketball, scored 17 and 14
points respectively.
Senior, junior and midget,
teams travel to Clinton Thurs-
day for their fourth league
game. The seniors are now
three wins and one loss. Clin-
ton will not be a cinch as
coach O'Rourke warns
Yesterday the junior and
senior teams 'met Regina
Mundi for exhibition games.
This weekend- the seniors
travel to Eglington for a
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