HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-01-19, Page 17Times -Advocate, January 19, 1983 Page 17 Resort Chamber will assist in annual Pinery ski loppet Grand Bend and area Chamber of Commerce will assist with this year's cross country ski loppet at the Pinery Park in early February. Past President Eugene Grenier, Mae Morenz and Beverly Harwood were named as committee members representing the Chamber at the general meeting held at the Colonial Workshops For Parents of Teens Presented by The Lambton Health Unit February 8, 1983 THE ADOLESCENT AS A BEING 'February 15, 1983 PROBLEMS IN SCHOOL AND IN THE HOME February 22, 1983 DRUGS, DELINQUENCY AND ALCOHOL Day and Time: Tuesdays,. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Location: North Lambton Secondary School, Forest Admission: Free Format: Panel, general discussion Hotel, Tuesday night. Assistance for the annual ski event was requested by Terry Crabe, of the Pinery Park, at an executive meeting of the Chamber held in December. 'The group has agreed to pay for one-quarter of the cost of a film projector to be used by Grand Bend Public School. Up to $300 will be donated. There was some discussion at the general meeting about cooperating with the village in obtaining funds for various projects in the next tvt o years. The Chamber has previously discussed the installation of picnic tables on the beach and additional benches around the village. Representing the village, Reeve Bob Sharen indicated that labour and some materials would be available from the village. Sharen also said that government funding was available over a two year pro- gram for group projects on a cost-sharing basis and asked the group to get ideas together so that applications for grants could be made. The village has verbal - geement for 75 percent fun- ding for an economic oppor- tunities study to be conducted in the near future. The total cost of the study will be $1,400. Vice president Lloyd Morden was appointed to at- tend a Conference on tourism to be held in Stratford next FIRST PINERY SNOW — Among the 60 families enjoying the first skiing snow at Pinery Provincial Park Sun- day were Peter and Mary Thayer and their sons Steven and Mark. Close to 100 cars with skiers were admit- ted to .the park, Sunday. FROZEN BEEF SCHNEIDERS STEAKETTES WESTONS HAMBURG oR WIENER ROLLS FRESH BAKED PACKAGE OF 12 Irt SCHNEIDERS BEEF WIENERS OR SCHNEIDERS RED HOTS CIA KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES ASST'D COLOURS - 200 SHEETS CREST TOOTHPASTE REGULAR, MINT OR GEL ti Box FLAKED PARAMOUNT . LIGHT TUNA X�9` VELOUR BATHROOM TISSUE ASST'D COLOURS 4 ROLL PRONTO PAPER TOWELS 0 WHITE ONLY 2 11011 PKO. LAURA SECORD MINI -PUDDINGS ASST'D FLAVOURS GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN OZ. MILK MATE INSTANT SYRUP CHOCOLATE OR STRAW BERRY 350ml1 29 CATELLI SPAGHETTINI, READY CUT.MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI 1 kg 99# KrrTerrM CATELLI TOMATO SPAGHETTI SAUCE •.• WESTONS ENGLISH MUFFINS FANCY GRADE 12 FL. OZ. TINS PKG. of 8' BOX 28 oz. 119 PO SOUP. KAM'& PIA 011VEOETASLE HABITANT SOUPS 28 oz. 990 TIN STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY LAURA SECORD JAMS 250 mL 1.39JAR OUT 3,7rM; .65 ALL PURPOSE FIVE ROSES FLOUR 6 9 PLUS 10 kg BONUS 1 kg DEEP 'N' DELICIOUS PEPPERONI OR DELUXE McCAINS PIZZA 14 oz. OR 99 CTN 15 oz. . OF 4 DEEP 'N' DELICIOUS SUPREME McCAINS PIZZA - 7-1.19g oz. OF 1 CTN. 100'x. WHOLE WHEAT DIETRICHS BREAD 24 oz. 79 LOAF875 g ALL FLAVOURS NEILSONS FAMOUS - ICE CREAM 2L 2.99 CTN. CIAL GREEN GIANT POLY BAGS FROZEN PEAS OR CORN POO 350 g PKG. NEILSONS FRUIT PLUS OR NATURAL YOGURT 1751 PS 7 CU FOR ZEHRS CHEESE COLBY, BRICK, MARBLE, MOZZARELLA, HAVARTI RANDOM CUT 6.49,.. PERT SHAMPOO ID -?.69 GREEN GIANT . FANCY OUALITY SWEETLET PEAS FRENCH STYLE OR SEASONED GREEN BEANS 14 oz. 69 TIN illrr;171111 SCENTED OR UNSCENTED SECRET ROLL-ON 75 mL 2.29 TWO VARIETIES SECRET ANTIPERSPIRANT REG 600 ml on EO q so1.ro 2.29 MAPLE LEAF FLAKES OF TURKEY .w. f. 79 DOWNY . FABRIC SOFTENER 3L 4 4 JUG 4 MORNING MEADOW SEA WIND FRESH BAR SOAP 2 95g BARRS 1 FO COMM' OV041 000014,11 !MUM FROZEN FRESH BARED D(LIC1011t SOLE FILLETS C �' . CHIP COOKIES 450 9.1.69 uUEVIATER BOSTON BLUE ' 24 o=. COV NY OVEN'S OWN FISH STICKSDRFRIES 3.39 BOSTON CREAM PIE 400 g 1. /'s LIQUID STYLE PALMOLIVE DETERGENT 500 —L 139 NEILSONS 3 FLAVOR CHOICES A FROZEN REGULAR OR CRINKLE McCAINS SUPERFRIES 1.5 kg 1.89 PKG. 18 oz. 3.29 GOOD'N'PUDDIN COUNTRY OVEN'S OWN WHITE BREAD THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: 24 oz. ILUEWATER BOSTON BLUE 65' FISH IL CHIPS oK' 2.99 HIGHWAYS #4 & 83 EXETER WESTONS MAN MUFFINS OR BUTTERHORNS FON YOUR LAUNDRY 1.29 eS 1.15 FAB DETERGENT 12 L 7.89 VjiM GREEN GIANT FANCY.OUALITY CREAM STALE CORN OR SUMMER SWEET PEAS 69 14 oz. TIN FAMILY NIGHT FEBRUARY 15 AT THE ICE CAPADES $2.00 DISCOUNT COUPONS AVAILABLE AT ALL STORES DETAILS AT ALL STORES TOO. POWIERE0 AJAX CLEANSER 4009 69' coy/ER SCOURING PUFF CHORE BOY 3 S 1.59 ALCM FOIL WRAP 12 *50 FT. 1.89 MONDAY, TUESDAY i WEDNESDAY 94 P.M. TNUSDAY & FRIDAY 94:00 P.M. SATURDAY $:304 P.M. • week. Mel Douglas, chairman of the theme team requested that members submit ideas they may haveto beautify the town. Past president, Mac Dunlop was appointed to represent the chamber on an airport committee. A film on 1982 Burgerfest was shown in the lounge of the hotel. Coffee and donuts were provided by the management of the hotel. Interest is sparked in �pgrading airport News that a surplus US Air National Guard Voodoo jet fighter was waiting at Lon- don Airport to be transported to Grand Bend sparked in- terest in the upgrading of the airport east of the village this week. An airport committee is in the process of formation. So far Deputy Reeve Harold Green has keen appointed to represent the village and past president Mac Dunlop of the Chamber of Commerce will represent that group. Dunlop stated that there is a letter froni the office of MP (Lambton-Middlesex) Ralph Ferguson stating that up to $50,000 is available t6 resur- face the longest runway ( 2,600 About people you know Continued from page 16 dogs at John and Marian Steckle's house. Anglican Church news Rev. J. Sutton spoke about stewardship this past Sunday referring to the Gospel of John 2:1-11 - the Wedding at Cana. The servants had not planned well and the wine had been all served. Jesus manifested His power by changing the water to wine. Rev. Sutton feels ev!ryone is given gifts. They must in- dividually discern what they are - then how they can be us- ed and how they will -be ac- complished. Back in the '40s and visitors and friends will the Grand Bend Anglican ' be welcomed. Come out and Church of St. John's was bring your craft to display. founded with a mission for the For the next two weeks will future. And now in the '80s the you Grand Bend folks please phone your news items, meeting and.church notes, to Barb Southcott at 238-2310. Thank you. a couple of days visiting last week; Norma with her friend Mrs. Bernice Chambers, of Wingham, and Greta with her sister Mrs. Doris Hicks, at Blyth. Congratulations to Lorne and Loreen Devine, who. observed their 35th wedding anniversary last week. Grand Be.nd Women's In- stitute will meet Thursday afternoon January 20 -in the Sunday School rooms at the United Church for their winter crafts afternoon. Several crafts will' be demonstrated at this meeting members of St. John's must try and fulfill that mission. ' The first Board of Manage- ment meeting for 1983 will be k1dThursday, January 20 at 00 in the Parish Hall. The annual meeting starting with a pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m. will be held January 31 in the Parish Hall. Coffee hour hostess follow- ing the morning service was Mrs. Joan Cole. United Church news Follow me! was the medita- tion chosen by Rev. H. Moore Sunday morning, taken from Jr, Mark 1:20, He called them - they followed Him. The scrip- ture lesson Mark 1:14-20 was read by Mrs. Marjorie Mason. - Choir anthem was, "Ye ser- vants of God." The annual meeting of the Grand Bend congregation will be held at the church Monday, January 24 at 8:00 p.m. The Official Board Annual Meeting for the charge will be at Grand Bend church on Thursday, January 27 at 8:00 p.m. Huron -Perth Presbyterial will take place on January 24 in Northside United Church, Seaforth beginning at 9:30 a.m. Rev. H. Moore read a letter to the congregation from Rt. Rev. Clarke McDonald, United Church Moderator re - Ventures in Mission. This was announcement Sunday for Ventures in Mis- sion across Canada from St. John's Newfowndland, Cr' White Horse in the Yukon. Ventures in Mission (V.I.M.) represents a new challenge to the life of the United church in Canada. It is a church -wide programe designed to have a major im- pact on the future of the church across our land. Over the next few months, until Advent 1983, we will be receiving study information concerning V.I.M. and in 1984 each member of the United Church will be given the op- portunity to take part. –., Southcglt Pines news Congratulations! to Tom Lawson, Lakeshore, on being named to the London Mayor's New years list for contribu- tions to the arts; and . to Robert Deane, Lakeshore, on receiving the Q.C. designation from Queen's Park. . Welcome to new owners. the Ken Mclntyre's on Christie. They own/operate pharmacies in Parkhill and other centre. Among children with prin- cipal roles in Grand Bend Public School's production of Wizard of Oz were Verne Iskauskas, Brookbank; Kim Finch, William; Barbie Lawson and Stephen Lingard, Lakeshore. Winners of the best essay contest sponsored by the Book Store for Grand Bend stutlants included Kathleen Perch and Claud Dykstra, Sherwood; Matthew Ander- son, Brewster: Sherry Twynstra, Riverside; Michael Clay and Jennifer Bumstead of Parkway. Personals Mrs. Emery Stebbins is a patient in Strathroy Hospital. Mrs. Norma Desjardine and Mrs. Greta Luther, spent feet ). "It's not in as bad shape as we thought," Dunlop said. He feels they may not need the full amount of the allocation. It was suggested that perhaps the, jet might have been able to land at Grand Bend on the big runway. The plane will be used in a joint research project with the U.S. and Bell Aerospace for the development of an air - cushioned undercarriage to facilitate the movement of the plane on the ground. Resear- chers at Bell are currently working on a tri-phibian, air - cushioned landing gear which would allow a 12 passenger plane to land and take off on land, water or snow. OOI11Pt, FIEIRO BOOKKEEPING INVESTMENTS LEADING TRUST CO.NPA.YIE ART READ Chartered Accountant ( 5.19) 238-2388 Grand Bend, Ontario 39 Woodpark Cres. N�tice to Residents of Grand Bend No overnight parking on village streets according to Bylaw 17/78 to allow for snow removal. Vehicles will be towed away at owner's expense. Dianne Mollard Clerk -Treasurer Village of Grand Bend and COFFEE SHOP Grand Bend 238.5055 This Week's Special ' Soft Dinner Rolls doz. 994 Delicious Apple Fritters �r Males Donuts 6P1" Homemade soup, chili, hotdogs and submarines, served daily Featuring "Tasty Nu Bakery" products "THE SWEEPS" SAVE SAVE Your Grand Bend and area • wnL PAYTHE SALES TAX On any of our Lakewood stoves (Savings are substantial since our prices are already reduced) Catalytic Dampers $17900 Ask about a catalytic demonstration See Garry Desjardine - Pinedale sub Grand Bend Keith Crawford . Zoo Road RR 2 Grand Mend *Orders must be placed . before Feb. 1, 1963