HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-01-19, Page 14Paye 14 Times -Advocate, January 19,1983 Six women join Hensall Legion
time satsuccessful
"Saturday night, skating on thank you is extended to Rosdndal held a birthday
the Pond" with family and everyone who helped celebration in honor of her
friends, was the theme of the organize the event, and those birthday last Friday. Those
Hensali skating party on who helped clean up attending Alice's party were
Saturday night at the arena. afterwards. Nancy and Jennifer
Everyone had a good time. Rev. Kenneth Knight con- Vanderwerf, London; Mrs.
skating to the latest tunes of ducted, worship in Carmel Marie Soper, Lambeth; Lyle
Glen Miller and Lawrence Presbyterian Church on Sun- and Elsie Kraft, Lucan; Obe
Welk. Trees, logs, costumes, day, speaking on the subject and Jean Rozendal, London
picnic tables and even a cou- "The Lost is Found" from the and her husband Don of Hen-
ple of snowflakes falling on 15th Chapter of Luke's gospel. sail. Welcome to the home
the ice helped add to the Mrs. Joan Keys presided at new resident Mr. Lloyd
authentic "Old Tyme" • the instrument for the service McDougall. High bowler
atomosphere. Prizes were of song. The annual meeting Jackie Howe - Many thanks to
given to the youngest skaters of the congregation will be our volunteer who helped with
Kim Dewys age 21 months; held January 26th at 8 p.m. bowling, Mrs. Iva Reid.
and Andrew Mount, age 22 Queenswax News Visiting with Mrs. Louise
months; also to the oldest Rev. A. Bleak conducted Mitchell was her son, Les of
skaters, Russell Ferguson, 59 the worship at Queensway Crediton. Mrs. Merkley
and Marg Vanstone (age still Nursing Home last week. visited with her husband Per -
under discussion). A special The family of Mrs. Alice cv Merklev- Mies 41on1n rro.�
Arena Activities
Wednesday, January 19
2:30.3:30 Moms & Tots
3:30.5:00 Public Skating
6:00 Novice
7:00 Atom visits Huron Park
8:00 Pee Wee versus
Huron Park
9:00 Bantam.
Thursday, January 20
8:30 Sherwoods versus Exeter
Friday, January 21
7:00 Hensall Oldtimers
visits Swamp Rats
Saturday, January 22
8:00-12:00 Hensall Minor
1:00-3:00 Public Skating
8:00 South Huron All Star
Intermediate Hockey Game
Sunday, January 23
1:00-3:00 Public Skating
7:00-11:00 Hensall Rec
Monday, January 24
8:00-11:00 Seaforth Broomball
Tuesday, January 25
5:45-8:45 Hensall Minor
Sponsored by Don s
Food Market
.' II I III II 1,,,,, I, I II
Varna lady sees again
with new Tens implants
By Mary Chessell
Mary Ostrom has ex-
perienced a miracle this past
fall. Cataracts had so severe-
ly impaired her vision she
was no longer able to drive a
car, or see anything clearly.
A visit to Dr. Dyson in London
provided her with a couple of
options , and she chose to
have lens implants. The
defective lens is removed,
and a plastic lens inserted in
a relatively simple operation
under a twilight anaesthetic
and local anaesthesia, so the
patient is aware of
everything, but very comfor-
table and relaxed. Mary's ap-
pointment for a January
operation was made in June,
but she was able to have one
eye done in September and
one just before Christmas on
cancellations. By January
she's quite sure she would on-
ly have been able to
distinguish light from dark,
and possibly some
Both times she was admit-
ted one day, had the operation
the next day and came home
I the following day, but she
knows of one patient who
' came in early in the morning
and left the same night. Care
( must be taken for several
days not to bump the eye, the
only restriction. After healing
is complete, glasses are fitted
Ifor anyother problems, such
as stigmatism, and one's
eyesight is nearly perfect.
Our friend says he Mary thinks it would have
doesn't worry about in- been quite a shock to have
nation. He's got both of them done at thesame
enough to last the rest time, as she was not prepared
of his Life --unless he for such a dramatic improve -
wants to buy ment in her sight.
something. - Development of the lens itn-
• * • * plant method came because a
The blindfolded con- doctor noticed that pilots who
demned prisoner was had fragments of airplane
asked if he wanted a windshields in their eyes dur-
cigarette. • "'No, ing the war experiences no
thanks," he said. "I'm problems with them. The
frying to quit." same material was used in-
• , • itially to make the lens, but
Income tax forms: the some improvement has been
government's gift for made since then.
person who has At one time, only older peo-
theeverything. pie were considered for the
• * operation. Now lens im-
By the time children plants are done for middle -
learn that money aged and even younger
dor. sn'r grow on trees, The annual meeting of Var-
they're already out on a na United Church congrega-
limb. tion will be held next Sunday
* • after church: There will be
When you speak to activity arranged for the
others for their own period before lunch, with the
good, it's advice; when meeting being held following
they speak to you for the potluck lunch. Children
your own good, it's will he entertained
meddling. downstairs during the
* * . • • meeting. Ladies are asked to
Speak to us at bring sandwiches only.
The new Community
Women's Club is planning a
variety of activities, including
instruction in quilting and
107 queen St. = other crafts. There may be
Hensali 262-2103 - speakers at some meetings,
and possibly some trips to
for advice on chainsaw_ local theatre productions.
repair: we'll tell you E This is an informal group, still
whether to fix or buy. E in the experimental stage,
linlninnninnnlnnnmini,nnninl; and open to women of all
Small Engine
Repair Service
• VACUUM CLEANERS • (Sates ai Service to
Most Makes)
For Farm ai business
VARNA, ONT. 482-7103
ages. The next meeting is on
Wed., Jan. 28th at 10:00 a.m.
at Pat Norman's. Alternate
meetings are in the evening,
the next one being at Lorraine
Taylor's at 8:00 p.m. Feb 9.
On January 25 at 2:00 p.m.
at Varna Church, the study
topic will be "The Many
Faces of Power". At 8:00 p. m.
the same day the Public
Speaking series begins with
the topic "Preparing the
Way": learning to relax and
make plans for a variety of
occasions. Other sessions will
deal with where to find
material and how to organize
it; how to conduct a Meeting;
how to take part in discussion
- sliort "speeches" on a well-
known subject. Eventually
each one will present a ten
minute talk. Open . to
Mr. Morrison had a nasty
visited with her father Mr.
John Kats in Exeter.
W.M.S. ladles' meet
The W.M.S. ladies' of
Carmel Presbyterian niet in
the schoolroom of the church
on Monday. Mrs. Margaret
Hoggartl. presided for the
Worship, taking her topic
from the study on the Pacific
Islands. "Standing at the Por-
tals" was sung with Dorothy
Taylor at the piano. Mrs.
Marlene Bell gave a reading
"New Year Resolutions" and
Mrs. Kathy Bell gave a New
Year Prayer. The Scripture
readings from the book of
Hebrews was read by Mrs.
Jean Snell and Mrs. Florence
Mrs. Hoggarth gave a very
interesting message on the
Life, Worship and Church of
the Islanders, and closed with
a. quote "Put Your Hand In
The Hand of God" and the
Mrs. Dorothy Taylor
presided for the business in-
troducing Rev. Kenneth
Knight who spoke on "Mis-
sions of the Church" taking
his address from the last
Chapter of Matthew "The
Grear Commission". He was
in the Hensel! Community to book banning. A converse -
Centre January 29th at 8 p.m. tion between author Margaret
Also an invitation to the Lawrence (read by Audrey
celebration of Mrs. Jessie Joynt) and Rev. Lois Wilson
Armstrong's 90th birthday be- (read by Dorothy Kipfer).
ing held in Hensall Ua ted Margaret Lawrence told hoyr
church Sunday, January 23rd Christian faith underlies her
from 2-4 p.m. books. The roll call was
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ross, answered by 11 members.
Anita Bengough and Irene The business meeting follow -
Finlayson were in charge of ed. Rev. McDonald joined the
the euchre playing and serv- grqup for a cup of tea and a
ed a delicious lunch, Euchre tasty lunch, a good w
prize winners were high pink start'the New Year.
cards; Vera Lemmon, high Five ladies Install
white cards; Ruby Bell, Con- The Royal Canadian
solation white cards; Hilda held their monthly meet
Payne, consolation pink January 12 with a
cards; Alice Ferg, lone hands attendance.
Aldeen Lenimon, lucky cup; Five new members w
Dorothy Mickle. stalled, Betty Oke, as
Lodge euchre dinary member, Collee
The Humanitarian Services ris, Mona Campbell,
committee of the 1.O.O.F. and McClinchey, Jean Ste
Amber Rebekah Lodges held associates. Bee Uyl
a euchre party in the local first lady to join the B
hall on Wednesday evening was installed last Oct
with seven tables playing. Two more applications
Prize winners were ladies approved by the mem
high,ML's. Elizabeth Riley; Several members v
ladies consolation, Mrs. Annie the last World War I Ve
Reid, lone hands, Mrs. Vera Harry Horton in Huron
Lemmon; Gent's high Bert before Christmas and bro
Brown, Exeter; consolation, gifts and homemade
Mrs. Bert Brown. The winner goods, finding him in
of the Grew was Mrs. health. Harry s
thanked by Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Elizabeth Riley. The commit- Christmas with Irene an
Kathy Bell • gave the tee are holding another nie Davis. The branch
Treasurer's report. The euchre in February. preciates all the Irene and
World Day of Prayer will be Hensall U.C.W. nie do for Harry.
held in Hensel' United Church Unit 11 of Hensel' United Hensel! Legion and
March 4th. Refreshments . Church met on Monday even- iliary visited Queensway
were served by Mrs. Alex ' ing. January 10th at eight ing home with treats a
McGregor and Mrs. Margaret- o'clock. Mrs. Mona Alderdice sing -song under the direr
Hoggarth. . welcomed everyone with a of choir leader Pete Zwaa
The February meeting will "Happy New Year" poem. good time was had by al
be held at the home of Mrs. The roll call was answered by The Beaver Club reques
Knight, Exeter on the 7th at 2 12 members telling How They the Legion help to buy I
p.m. Mrs. Elizabeth Faber Celebrated Christmas. for them for outing:
and Mrs. Dorothy Taylor in Mrs. Hazel Corbett was in the winter. The cost is a
charge of refreshments and charge of the devotional. The $300 per tent. The mem
Mrs. Knight in charge of the study was presented by Mrs. decided to purchase one
Worship. Kay Mock followed by a slide have a good time boys!
The Ladies' Aid meeting presentation on the South Membership chairm
followed with Mrs. Taylor Pacific Islands. -Mrs. Mona Lloyd Allan reported all
presiding and Mrs. Hoggarth Alderdice conducted a contest paid dues, so tete Hensali
Secretary Mrs. Hyde gave the and lunch was served by Mrs. Branch will be rewarded with
Teasurer's report and Mrs. Judy Parker and Mrs. a 100 percent early bird pyla -
Marlene Bell the report of the Eleanor Mansfield. que. Congratulations Lloyd
cards and treats. Catering Unit I of Hensall United for a job well done.
was discussed and it was Church held their 1st meeting Bee Uyl was appointed to
voted to cater to a meal of the year, Thursday Jan. 13. help serve on Hensall's
March 23 and a banquet April Mrs. Audrey Christie opened Centennial Committee which
27, group leaders Marlene with an appropriate poem. is next year.
Bell and Kathy Bell to make She then presented the Study A spur-of-the-moment par -
arrangements. Rev. Knight "A Commentary and Film" ty on New Year's Eve was
closed the meeting with on the spirit of the South held at the hall. Everyone had
Seas"-- a large percent of the a very good time. About fifty
Seniors met Tuesday population is Christian, the attended.
afternoon family unit is often quite large Shuffleboard is gain under -
12 couples . playing.
Organizers this year are Fred
Campbell and Murray Baker.
At the going down of the
Sun, and in the morning we
will remember .them.
ay to LEGION LADIES — Six women ave joined Hensall Branch 468 of the Royal Cano-
ed dlan Legion. Betty Oke (back left) received ordinary membership (ex service) and
Legion Bea Uyl, Jean Stewart and (front) Mono Campbell, Jackie McClinchey and Colleen
ingot) Ferris become associate members. Mrs. Uyl was installed previously, and the others
good received their membership at a special ceremony last week.
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ranch F. j CORNER
bets. j
isited t
teran 1-. Dia You Know?
view t-
good N
dEr- E
Aux- a
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THAT Bylaw no. 878 prohibits the running at large of^
all dogs within the Village of Hensall. A dog shall be -2
deemed to -be running at large when found not under=
"'•` " : �• the control of their owner either' on or off their
— — — premises.
and THAT 3ylaw no. 876 prohibits parking on the streets of Hensali bet-
ween the hours of 2 a.m. and 7 a.m.
and THAT any person who contravenes any provision of the Bylaws will
be guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty or fine as provided for E
and THAT a Bylaw Enforcement Officer and an Animal Control Officer have =
been designated by the Council of the Village of Hensall to enforce all —
provisions of these Bylaws.
ted 3 A new problem has surfaced of the dump with the advent of the wood _
ents a burning stove. Live ashes are being disposed of and causing fires which —
in i contravene regulations as established by the Ministry of the Environment.
tout E Please make certain that all ashes are dead before disposal of same at
the village dump.
tent. _ —
The "T
accident a week ago while ` met in the local hall on Tues- many matters. The devo-
cutting out some pieces for day afternoon with president tional was taken by Mrs.
doll furniture. He got the end presiding. Mrs. Dorothy Audrey Joynt. Mrs. Mary
of his thumb and a finger in Brintnell gave the Buchanap, read from the
the saw. They are apparent- Treasurer's report which was Scripture Luke 24 vs. 18-20
ly healing nicely. accepted. and 28-31. Mrs. Joynt's
Elva Webster returned An.invitation was received presentation was uniquely
home last week from Victoria to the Golden Wedding an- presented as an interview. It
Hospital where she had niversary of Mr. and Mrs. had appeared in the Observer
surgery the previous week. Clarence Volland, to be held a few years ago, and related
SKATING PARTY — Two snowflakes (who wished to remain anonymous) and a
group of children stopped skating for a moment to huve their pictures taken at
the old-time skating party in the Hensall arena.
Debbie Renne is hostess for
the second half of the Stretch
and Sew course being taught
by Barbie Van Allen. Ten
ladies are taking the lessons
which are being held on
Wednesday afternoons.
Attending the annual
meeting of Stratford
Presbyterial Women's Mis-
sionary Society Tuesday in St.
Andrew's Church, Stratford
were Muriel Scott, Dorothy
Miller, Betty Dow and Agnes
Lamond from Cromarty
W.M.S., and Hannah Miller,
Helen Parsons and Ruth La-
ing of the Marian Ritchie
Evening Auxiliary.
Several members of the
Marion Ritchie quilted at the
home of Joy Scott,
In order to conserve fuel
church services are being
held in the basement for the
winter months.
Parts and Service
to all Snowmobiles
Cylinder boring and crank shaft
rebuilding: We stock almost all parts
for all engines.
Over 44 different tracks in stock, no
'waiting, we have them now
Axles, boggies, sprockets, runners,
• sliders, carb parts, electrical parts.
Rewind parts, over 100 different pistons
• • in stock. Bearings, seals and gaskets
for all engines. Windshields, lenses,
etc. You name it, we got it.
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cip,rting Kentucky Fried Chickenstores in Ontario. Offer ex ires February 6thMI MN
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Oiitieeky fried Ckickeit.-
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