HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-01-12, Page 14o•e 14 Times -Advocate Januar 12, 1983 %.• /%.. A SKATING WE WILL GO — Wendy Jennison provides assistance for Andrew Jen- nison, Sondra Van der Loan and Erin Jennison at Tuesday's moms and tots skating session at the South Huron ,Rec Centre. T -A photo Couples elect new slate, seniors enjoy card game Thirteen attended the Couples club meeting held Saturday night. They gathered at the Public school gym for games of volleyball followed by lunch refreshments. During their business meeting the new officers for 1983 were presented. Presi- dent, lion and Jean Weigand; secretary. Larry and Paula Taylor; treasurer. Larry ard Donna Lovie. Couples in charge of this meeting were Jan and 'Don Kobe. Elsie and Leroy Keyes, llarlene and . Fred Desjardine.' Golden Age club meets There vete 38 in attendance at the Golden Age club meeting held %Vednesday afternoon al SI. John's Parish hall. New president Mrs. Irene •V aid. welcomed all, acid olx ne.d with all singing 0 Canada and repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. Happy Birthday was sung for January celebrants and a sing -a -long of favorite numbers with .lean Page ac- companying u0 pino. The minutes were read by Marjorie Mason and a treasurer report given KY-' • Olive Webb. Nola Taylor's group was in charge of program opening with, "A New Year's prayer." reading by. Mrs. Susie Devine. Marjorie Mason read a poem "Heads ixnt low." and also about calendars in history: Resolutions throughout the year was read by Nola Taylor. Tho people divided into four groups and did question con test on "Motor Romances". Games of euchre and crokinole were played and Mitch refreshments served. • . Note-. the Parish. hall will be open at 1:3o p.m. on January; 19 for Golden.Agcrs and friends to drop in for cards. games or visiting. courtesy of the Parks and Recreation committee of Grand Bend. Bible' coffee hour The non -denominational Jli- blc coffee hour was held at Roberta Walker's home Tues- day afternoon in Oakwood. with 10 in attendance. llrs. Nita Sinclair .led the class on The Lord's Prayer. Jesus (aught his disciples to pray. Our Father which art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name, in Matthew 6.9.15. means authority and holiness We are not asking Grid for something, •instead we open the way for the inflow of God into us. We are to respect and revere .Nis name. to reveal himself to us. We are to look into our own hearts for God's cleansing powers. We need to be right with aur brothers and / • t with God then we can ask for they met in the Parish hall for our needs. - their regular January Beaconaires club meeting and made plans for a euchre party to be held in the Parish hall at 8 p.m. Mon- day Feb. 7. Refreshments will be served and prizes. ' Upcoming events - The se- cond part of the annual vestry meeting will be held Monday, Jan. 31 with a pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m. at the Parish hall. Lent starts on Ash Wednes- day, Feb. 16 with a servile at'. St. John's at 1:00 p.m. with regular Lenten services to be held each Thursday at 1 !00 p.m.. with study to follow. The 1983 Board of Manage- ment will hold their last ' meeting on January 20, at 7:30'to aptrove the budget to .be forwarded to the vestry. United ('h}crch news • 'l'he Sacrament of holy Communion was held Sunday morning at the _ United Church. Rev: H. Moore's ser- mon topic was "A word for our lives". He said God loves and sees the worth in each in- dividual person. God is the source.of our strength. both Spiritual and physical. The scripture 'from John 1:1-18 was read -by Beulah !loll. The Beaconaires held their meeting January 3 at the Church of God with 20 present for a carry in supper. Ferman Snyder led in devotions on Psalm4,100. Leota Snyder con- ducted a hymn sing. In. the social' time table games of crokinole and tri- ominos were played. - Dart game •scores Al the weekly dart game held every Tuesday night at (;rand Bend Legion the scores were: first Xavier Boogemans and bou Hamilton; second, Harry Hamilton and Marg Hedley. New playeis welcomed. Church of God • "Serve one another"" was the topic chosen by Rev. John Campbell for the Sunday mor- ning service at Church of God with scripture from Galat ions 5:18. The music special was a solo by Glenda. Desjardine, titled "Room :it the cross for you.'. accompanied with . piano by her mother Ilene Desjardine. There were 35 from ('hunch of God who . attended the Iilucwater Rest home service . Choir anthems were "Con• Sunday evening. Rev. Camp tritibn.•' and hymn 261 •from bell spoke on how attitudes af- the Red hymn hook. "Teach feels your live, with scripture me my God and King." with from Philippians 4.4 • :', variety of music specials were enjoyed . with a ladies choir. solos and duets. There 'were two carloads from Church of God attended the Youth for Christ talent night held at Brucefield last Saturday evening. The talent number from ,Church of God w•al a piano duet by Lori Vincent and Laura Campbell. .‘nglican Church ,. day. January 27 at the • Last Sunday. at St. Johns church. was the first Sunday after• The afternoon unit of congregation joining in on last two verses. Door greeters were•Morley • and Stillie,Desjatdine. The children's• story was about antiques. Rev. ,Moore compared them to the age old time worn teachings. such as+ the Ten ('omtnandments and Sermon on the, Mount. • Annual meetings coming up are Grand Bend January 24. and the Official Board. ThUrs: Epiphany ibaptism of our Lord). Scripture readings were from Isaiah 61:1-4. Acts /8:14-17 and St. Luke 15-17. 21-22. Rev. Jim Sutton said it was at this time the Wise Men went to Bethlehem with gold. frankincense and myrrh. Gold sy niholizes the King. Roy and Hazel Broad. of frankincense the incense of Grand Cove. have returned prayer and myrrh is from the . home after visiting a few days tomb of death : - . last week in Toronto, at their Epiphany is to show a long daughter's home. Mr. r nd road. Perhaps only to see a small light which is ,Jesus 'sharing our concerns with those who need us. Rev. Sut- ton said Epiphany in the church is a natural state to lead us to the star of light and understanding The ladies of St. John's at- tended a holy Communion 'service on Epiphany day. Jan. 6 at 1:00 p.m.• at St. John's church. At 2:00 p.m. U.C.W.• will meet on Thurs- day. January 13 at 1:36 at the church. • Grand Bend N'oung Peo- ple's group will meet next Sunday. January 16 at 7:30 at the church. Come and bring a friend. Personals Mrs Norman Chandler. Michael. Donald and Barry. Mrs. Walter Eunice Cripps. of Saskatiotl. Sask. is spending this week with her parents. .Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts. in Green Acres. while Walter is atten- ding business meeting in Toronto. • Several more local 'folks have left recently to spend some time in the warmer e lxpect sewer hearing to be lengthy one It was suggested at last week's meeting of Grand Bend Council that the Ontario Municipal Board hearing to determine sewer rates for Grand Cove Estates would take three or four days. The hearing, originally scheduled for January 5, has been rescheduled fqr February 8. Ridge Pine Park Inc. (Grand Cove Estates) has maintained that their charges should be less since the com- pany funded part of their system. Stephen Township has passed a by-law which would allow the township to set the rates. A mill rate of 100 mills was agreed upon for interim bill- ing. First taxes will be due February 15. Councillor Bruce Woodley reported that he has received enquiries for summer jobs and will be lining up help for beach patrol and parking within the next week. There was a motion that Grand Bend council confirm Athe use of Grand Bend Nursery School at the United Church as being within the zoning regulations of the village. Council endorsed the school's efforts as very beneficial to the community. There was a motion to charge area landscaper Mor- ris Webb for dumping leaves at the waste disposal site. Further to waste disposal, it was decided to allow Mac- Donald Sanitation to use the site for r one load a week from Ailsa Craig for the period of one year. This would be sub- ject to the approval from the Ministry of Environment. Extended time for sewer hook-ups were granted to owners of the Downtowner Restaurant and to Havasu Trading Post. Councillor Murray Des - Jardine .requestedachangein the sign by-law. He distributed copies of the by- law and asked for recommen- dations. There was con- siderably discussion on fee schedules and other changes needed. A by-law to' borrow $75,000 for current expenses received a third reading. Councillor Dennis Snider reported that tender forms are ready for the purchase of a new truck for the village but would not be sent out until spring.' Subject to the two proper - Giant tree - comes down When Mr. and Mrs. Laird Hendrick, Orchard Street in Grand Bend, realized that the giant white ash in their back yard was in danger of falling they sold it to Joe McCann, of Grand Bend, for firewood. McCann and a crew of three spent two days last week go- ing about taking it down. By Thursday they had all but a trunk, two meters in diameter, and two -plus metres high, and a branch of the trunk, measuring a metre across and four metres long, disposed of for firewood. White ash, being one of the more dense and hard woods will keep Joe's wood fires in fuel for some months. He says there will be about 20 cord of split wood from the old giant. When it came to the big trunk and branch, McCann was forced tocut wedges with his big chain saw before it could be split. The tree is estimated to be well over 100 years old. climate of Florida. • Mrs. Mary Ravelle, who has been in South Huron Hospital at Exeter this past few months; is now residing at Bluewater Rest Home. Monday and Wednesday visitors with Lorne and Loreen Devine were George arid Viola McArthur. of Wallacetown, and Vera. Er- vin and Gary. Latta of Point Clark. The. Devine's were Satur- day dinner guests with their aunt Mrs. •Elva Willert. in Dashwood. Mr.'and Mrs. Leeland Des - Jardine, of town and Mr. and Mrs. Ferman Snyder of Shipka area. were guests with Mr. and Mts. Elgin MacNab. of Grand Cove, last Tuesday evening for a turkey dinner and social evening. Jim Kennedy, who has been home for the holidays with family and friends left' last Thursday for Toronto and to catch a plane back to Calgary to resume his medical :studies. Hugh and Annie Morenz visited Tuesday evening with George and Marie Chowen in Southcott Pines. ANSWER CALL Grand Bend Fire volunteers were called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Venning, Havenpark Court. in Southcott Pines Monday mor- ning to extinguish a chimney fire Some smoke damage was reported. ties adjacent to the Walker drain and in need of erosion control work, council has ac- cepted.. special, beneficial status under the Ausable- Bayfield Conservation Authority. Properties involved are owned by the Bank of Mon- treal and Gaiser Kneale In- surance Inc. Council will re- quest that the Authority pro- ceed with work on the project. Council accepted the fill and . floodline mapping for Grand Bend, as presented by the Authority. The Authority will be asked to proceed with the registration of its regula- tions for the village. BAKER'S BASKET t and COFFEE SHOP - . BIGGEST ASH — Standing beside the stump of the largest white ash in the Grand Bend area behind their home on Orchard Street in Grand Bend are Mr. and Mrs. Laird Hendrick. The Hendricks mold the tree, which was deteriorating, to be cut for firewood. The trunk measures two metres and tree -rings show that the tree is over 100 years old. Winds hit project Come tumbling down . High winds on Friday brought down parts of the , walls of the new harbour building under construction in Grand Bend and destroyed the big tent that was protec- ting them. • Bob Fenlon, owner of Fenlon Construction Ltd. of Lambeth, said he hopes the falling walls won't delay the scheduled completion of the single -storey building which will accommodate customs facilities as well as a public laundry, showers and washrooms for marine visitors. He said' "we've been set back four or five days but will just have to work twice as hard to get it finished for March 26. It was a strange in- cident but nothing's changed." The winds ripped off a large canvas tent enclosing the con- struction and knocked down freshly -laid tops of walls, in- cluding almost a metre (about three feet) from one wall which was 212 metres (eight feet) high and had wood supports on both sides. Fenlon's company, which was awarded toe $100,000 con- tract in December, was using the rented tent to allow the "bricks and mortar to set pro- perly in bad weather." He' said the workers now would cover newly completed work on an individual basis "and that will slow us down." His company started work on the project Dec. 6 and was "well aware of the strange conditions" produced by winds coming in from the lake. "When they're from the south it can be beautiful but when it comes from the north it can be bitter cold and blustery." He said winds Fri - End of Season Sale Now on Hundreds of quality sweaters for ladies and men at savings up to 50% We will be closing for the season on Jan, 30 , itis .CII E L 16 Main St. FACTORY OUTLET GRAND BEND /' 238-8007 LEARN ALL ABOUT LEASING AN ALTERNATIVE TO BUYING YOUR NEXT NEW CAR/TRUCK Our Free Brochure will explain in detail the advantages of Leasing. You don't have to be a big company to realize the substantial ad- vantages Inherent In leasing over buying. Give us a call today. We'll come out to your home or office and fill you in details. WARNER !]pen 1 Dors AUTO MARINE MOM INI o s 4.r../err ,o , GRAND BIND 238 1391 s . ,, day were about 64 kmh. Fenlon said loss in the pro- ject was "small, just a few bricks and the work we'll. have to make up." Jim Jep- son, owner of Raymond Bros. Ltd. of London, said loss of his company's tent "was about $2,500. It was an old tent, pot one of our better products.'' The building will' be con- structed for the small craft .harbours branch of • the Fisheries aria0cean§ Canada with the federal government picking up -the tab. The government also has approv- ed a $5,000 grant for the first phase of a long-range study to determine the best use of the harbour and the Ausable River within the village limits. - Grand Bend 238-5055 This Week's Special Tasty -Nu white 'sliced or 60% whole wheat Bread 214.7* 3P2.39 Homemade soup, chili, hotdogs and submarines, served daily Featuring "Tasty Nu Bakery" products JAIIIIARY IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIliIlIlIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Wallpaper Book Orders 0 O Off Stock Wallpaper S V 0 Off Top of the line Benjamin Moore Paints 2O% off Save up to $12.00 M2 on stock carpet IttMMO. V1 GRAND BEND DECORATING and FLOORING CENTRE HWY. 21 238-8603 Do you know someone who deserves a medal? If you know someone who has made Ontario a better place to live...through their selfless- ness, humanity and kindness. tcll'us. An Advisory Council of Ontario citi2ens, whose honour- ary chaimian is the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, The Honourable John Aird, selects . 12 winners from nominations made byyou each year. We need your nominations by March 16,1983. Nomination forms arc available now by writing: Executive Secretary, Advisory Council,'OntariO Medal for Good Citizenship, Queen's Park,Toronto, Ontario M7A 1N3. The Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship 10th Anniversary 1973-1983