HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1983-01-12, Page 2Page 2 January 12, 1983
• ...Just For The
Fun Of It
Pay hikes approv.e for employees •
animal control officer for
Tuckersmith and Clinton, ap-
peared beforecouncil to
outline various options under
which he could be hired by
Hensall. Council decided to
employ Argyle on a 8100 an-
nual standby retainer, to
come to the village when call-
ed by the clerk, and paid
mileage, fee per dog and an
hourly wage each time.
To eliminate the drainage
problem at the arena parking
lot, council authorized works
supervisor Don Towton to in-
stall two catch basins and 200
feet of pipe, the work to begin
as soon as possible.
Council will wait until more
suitable springtime weather to
work on the drain in front ,f
the nursing home. The streets
and drains committee plans
to tour the village and pin-
point other problem drainage
areas to be included in repair
work. Council recommended
repair and replacement of
sidewalks continue on a -
regular basis.
The dump site was discuss -
The first item on the agent
da when Hensel' council met
for its regular January
meeting was the presentation
of a wrist watch to former
reeve Paul Neilands. Engrav-
ed on the back was "1970-1982
Village of Hensall".
Neilands thanked everyone
and said the gift would be a
reminder of his time on
The special committee's
report on salaries was ap-
proved. For 1983, the reeve's
salary will increase 850 to 8850
per annum, councillors and
PUC commissioners goes
from 8650 to 8685, and pay-
ment for special night
meetings is now 825, half day
special meetings 840, whole
day special meetings up 87 to
$67, council appointee com-•
mittee meetings now 825, with
Ja4 flu
"Tasty -Nu white sliced or 60% whole wheat"
B read 24 oz. 3 loaves $2.39
Delicious - all varieties
(Exeter store only)
D onuts (except fancies) doz.=2.49
Pineriver old, colored or white
Cheddar Cheeselb. ;3.19
Headwater -Perth
Onion Cheese Ib. '3.24
Toasted Corn Ib.;2.09
B BQ Peanuts lb. t 1.49
Jas t - flu- /3aber,
Ckeese ilouJe
443 Main St., Exeter 235-0332
Zurich, 236.4912
Seaforth 527-1803
the chairman Of such a
meeting now receiving 830
per meeting. This'is the first
increase for council since
All village employees
received a five percent in-
crease in salary. The new pay
schedule is . clerk -treasurer
Betty Oke, 823,730 per annum,
assistant Sheila Regier (on
completion of three- on
probationary period) .50
per hour, road superin t
Don Towton 818,400 per an-
num, works department part-
time help 86 per hour, waste
disposal site attendant R.
Miller 85.75 per hour and
custodian Jean Berends 85.25
per hour.
Under the terms of. the
Canada/Ontario Employ-
ment Development Program,
815,000 has been allocated to
Hensall. According to the
guiaelines, this would permit
the employment of persons
for a total of 37 man weeks
(one man for 13 weeks, two
for 12 weeks each). The
village will be expected to
contribute $3,750 as their
share of the total project cost
of $18,750.
The program is designed to
provide temporary jobs for
those whose unemployment
payments have run out
and/or are on welfare, to
work on a project not
.• previously budgeted for or
funded with prior government
- Possible undertakings will
be discussed with Hensall's
Business Improvement
An application for a liquor
ptore in Hensall was turned
down, by •the Liquor Control
Board, due to the close prox-
imity of such stores in Zurich
and Exeter.
Council passed a by-law ap-
pointing Herman Van Wieren
by-law enforcement officer
for Hensall. First-time
violators of parking regula-
tions will receive a warning
ticket. A second offence will
mean a fine; if the fine is not
paid, the situation will be
turned over to the vehicle
registration office for
Robert Argyle, currently
Save Energy. Seminar
1 Hour
Reduce Maintenance and Fuel
Consumption with
• Gasoline vehicles
• Diesel vehicles
• Oil Heat Furnaces
• Kerosene Heaters
Exeter. High School .
Monday, Jan. 17
i• 8 p.m. - Room 116
No Fee
For advance registration Phone (Evenings)
Ed Lindenfield. Robert Gilbert
Register at the door
ed. Reeve Klungel said it is in
fairly good condition accor-
' ding to Steve Burns of BM
RosS Associates, who attend-
ed (he December council
meeting to outline the opera-
tions and management plan
for the dump prepared by his
"We should try to keep it
that way," Klungel added.
The site supervisor is en-
countering problems when
people put still live ashes in
with their household garbage.
The coals may smc.uider for
two or three days and then
break out into open flame. A
notice prohibiting the dump-
ing of hot ashes will appear in
the Civic Corner
Council decided to retain
the tons of dirt that will be ex-
cavated when road work
begins in the spring, to be us-
ed as land fill at the dump. A
new roadway at the site will
be required for the trucks. A
general idea of costs will be
obtained before the next
Huron County planner
Roman Dzus has been asked
to investigate the possibility
of a second railway crossing.
Council accepted with
regret Minnie Noake's
resignation from the task of
compiling a historyof Hensell
for the village's centennial in
1984. Photographer Brian
Richman, who had been
working closely with Mrs.
Noakes on the project, would
like to continue working on
the history. Another in-
terested volunteer is Eileen
Rannie, member of the
historical committee. All
members of council pledged
full support for the project.
Irene Davis and Richard
Peckham will actively
Council is enthusiastically
beginning to plan for the
village's centennial
festivities. They are booking
the arena for an initial
celebration New Year's eve.
A sample pin and button,
each containing the village
crest, where shown to council.
WHiCH HORSEPOWER iS MORE USEFUL? — Scott Bedard takes his pony Darby
for a ride past the stationary snowmobiles which have not been used yet this winter.
The pony, born and raised on the Bedard property, was more interested in eating
grass in January.
Tuckersrnith building down
There were 55 building per-
mits issued by Tuckersmith
Township Council in 1982 for
a value of $668,000. Herman
Van Wieren, building inspec-
tor, in his report: to council
reported that this was down
from 1981 when 73 permits
were approved for $1.144,000.
He reported that permits for
houses and barns were about
the same as the previous year
but - that renovations were
Van Wieren said that he
had issued 21 demolition per-
mits in the township in 1982.
Jim Rose, RR 4 Seaforth,
who has been re -appointed as
the ratepayer to represent the
township on the Seaforth and
District Community Centres
board, attended the council
session Tuesday night to
report on the newly com-
pleted building. He said it has
been completed satisfactorily
with only some minor pro-
blems to be finished up. Such
as wheel chair ramps at the
front entrance and indoor
window glass. He reported
Huron County
Continued from front page
Reeve Calvin Krauter,
Howick Township Reeve
William Newton, 'Usborne
Township Reeve Gerry Prout,
Warden Grant Stirling ok
Goderich Township, Hay
Township Reeve Lionel
Wilder and Goderich Reeve
Harry Worsell with two votes.
Nays = West Wawanosh
Township Reeve James Ait-
chison, Hay Township Depu-
ty Reeve Tony Bedard, Ex-
eter Deputy Reeve.. Lossy
Fuller, McKillop Township
Reeve Marie Hicknell,
Bayfield Reeve David
Johnston, Hensall Reeve
Harry Klungel, Turnberry
Township Reeve Brian
McBurney, Exeter Reeve
William Mickle, Reeve
Stickle, Zurich Reeve Don
Van Patter, East Wawanosh
Township Reeve Neil Vin-
cent, Stephen Township
Reeve Alan Wolper, and
Stephen Township Deputy
Reeve Ralph Weber.
Wingham Reeve Joe Kerr
was absent.
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use of the building is great.
Several Egmondville
ratepayers. attended the
meeting to complain about
the unsightly appearance of a
property and building in the
hamlet. The building has
recently been moved from
one lot on the main highway
to another lot.
George Earle was the main
spokesman for the delegation
and he spokeof old cars, bath
tubs, machinery and other
debris littering the lot and
rats running in and out of the
The problem is to be plac-
ed with the bylaw enforce-
ment officer to investigate
and have the owner clean up.
Council made the following
appointments to committees:
Seaforth Fire Area Board -
Deputy Reeve William
Brown; Clinton Fire Board,
Councillor John Brownridge;
Hensall Fire Area Board -
Reeve Robert Bell; Seaforth
Community Hospital Board,
Cleave Coombs of Egmond-
ville; Seaforth Landfill•Com-
mittee, Brown; Seaforth and
District Community Centres
Board. Councillor Robert
Broadfoot and James Rose,
ratepayer representative;
Ausable-Bayfiled Conserva-
tion Authority, - Mervin
Falconer, RR 3 Seaforth; Tile
Drainage inspector, Coun-
cillor George Cantelon; and
he was appointed to the Farm
Safety Council as well.
Weed inspector, Joe Gib-
son, RR 2 Seaforth; Vanastra
Day Care Committees Reeve
Bell and Councillor John
Brownridge, Betty McLean,
Margaret Rogerson, Carol
Dixon, Lois Evans and
'Rosemary Evans: Livestock
Evaluators, Ken Carnochan,
RR 4, Seaforth, Robert
McGregor, Kippen and Al
Hoggarth, RR 2 Kippen;
Fence Viewers - Emmerson
Coleman, RR 3 Seaforth;
W.D. Wilson, Brucefield and
Robert McNaughton, RR 3
Kippen; Committee of Ad-
justment, Cleave Coombs,
Jack Bell, Kippen and Elgin
Thompson, RR 3 Kippen:
Council passed a borrowing
bylaw for $1 million should
council heed t� borrow money
'to carry on the township
business pending payment of
In his report to council road
superintendent Allan
Nicholson complained about
14 road signs damaged by
vandals and' household gar-
bage discarded along road-
ways and at bridges.
Council decided against a
request for a road sign saying
"Bus Stop Ahead" , on
Sideroad 20 and 21 as council
members named other areas
considered more dangerous
than this one where similar
signs might be useful if
drivers were speeding.
Passed for payment were
the following accounts:
Vanastra Day Care,
$5,582.99; Vanastra Special
Day Care, $3,735.36; Vanastra
Recreation, 811,065.46; roads,
112,836.32: and , general,
OOmP►, FiEfi0
Chartered Accountant
(519) 238-2388
Grand Bend,
39Woodpark Cres.
Give Yourself a Breaklll
with o
Tax Break!!
- No Fees
No Charges
Paying 12%
The deadline for contributing to your 1982 in-
come tax is March 1, 1983.
70 Ontario St.
374 Main St.
The attractive pin, in white,
red and green, will be ordered
in a slightly smaller size than
the sample. The button needs
further discussion.
Richard Peckham had
gathered 15 pages of informa-
tion pertinent to Hensall, and
pamphlets from other com-
munities. He said the latest
booklet on. Hensall is out-
dated, and suggested a new
municipal profile be prepared
listing area businesses, hydro
voltages available, other
utilities, MP and MPP, a
village map, photos, and a
pull-out page listing the
centennial year. activities. He
was asked to meet with
Agripress and bring precise
data and figures tothe next
council session.
Hensall citizens will be ask-
ed to give the exact location
of any old fire holes, used at
one time to store water for
firefighting purposes. The
works department is filling in
the holes. Village maps give
only the general location of
each hole. -
Council passed a bylaw ap-
pointing the members of the
committee of management
for community recreation
centres. They are councillors
Cecil Pepper and Jim Robin-
son, and appointees Leonard
Hoffman, Melvin Wurm, Tom
Neilands, John• Baker and
Dan Mcglinchey..
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