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Times -Advocate, Jun 24e 19$1
Ad.ecore Established I$$I
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D.t r' d by 1W Eedy Publications Limited
Ed.for - - Bill Bonen
A,stcn•' Editor — Ross Hough
Advert,s,ng Manager — Jim Beckett
Compos,non Manager — Harry DeVnes
Bus Hess Manager — Dick Jongkind
Phone 235-1331
Amalgamated 1924
Published Each Wednesday
at Exeter • Ontario
S.cend Class Mail
Registration Number 0386
Canada 517.00 Per Year;
USA 535.00
Lend your voice
There s been a suggestion that at
noon on July 1 every Canadian should
stand up and sing hur national anthem.
Silly eh?
After all. what have Canadians to
sing about? There's rampant inflation
and high interest rates taking their toll
on our economy. There's a political
struggle over oil pricing and the con-
sumer is caught right in the middle
paying for it. If you look around there's
gloom and doom galore.
Still. is there really any other place
to this whole world where you'd rather
be living? Perhaps arousing solo from
Your porch or from the solitude of your
locked bathroom may well be the tonic
needed to reinforce the fact that com-
pared to most. the problems in Canada
are not severe.
Go ahead. 'oin in the coast-to-coast
singaiong. Throw back your chest and
let in boom. Bet it will make you feel
O Canada!
Our home and native and/
True patriot love
n all thy sons commana.
With glowing hearts
we see thee rtse,
The True North
strong and free!
From far and wide
A second
Residents of the Victoria Park area
may have been thinking of the aesthetic
appearance of their neighborhood when
they voiced over -whelming opposition
to the suggestion of erecting a fence to
protect children from passing
While the safety of children should
be given higher priority than the
aesthetic ramifications of a fence, it
may well be that the type of fence that
was being suggested was wrong and
that in fact both elements could be
served by a fence more, in keeping with
the park.
Several area residents have used
old-fashioned split rail fences to
decorate their property. These are
most appropriate in a park -like setting,
as are other types of board fences left
in their natural state.
Even a short. unobstrusive fence
would provide an element of safety in
that it would prevent children from
C CJnaca
We :rcnc an guard
-or •hee.
Goa veep •our lond
gtonous and free!
.ve stand on guard for thee
ve sr and an guard for thee.
dashing orito the roadway to retrieve
balls or while chasing each other in
This would appear to be the main in-
tent of any type of fence as it is im-
possible to protect youngsters from
their own folly or lack of training in not
observing safety rules while crossing
the street to the park: nor is it entirely
possible to protect them from careless
However. the main element of risk
is still associated with situations during
play when youngsters dash onto the
street and a fence in keeping with the
park area may well be received with
more favor by the neighbourhood
A sterile chainlink fence was a poor
suggestion at the outset from an
aesthetic point of view. although the
need for a fence should not be quickly
or totally dismissed.
Dare to be vulnerable
The assassination attempt on the
life of C S. President Ronald Reagan
will almost certainly result in a demand
for tougher security measures and a
crackdown on dissidents.
Although there will probably be a
renewed cry for tough gun control laws.
a more likely outcome in that more
people will carry guns than before.
After the shooting of John Lennon. a
number of show -business personalities
announced that henceforth they were
going to carry guns for their own
Similarly. if and when Reagen
returns to public appearances. we may
well expect that he, as well as his
security forces. will be armed. His wife
Nancy already is known to 'keep a little
gun' at her bedside. The trouble with
this is that the Wild West philosophy
prevails. To protect himself, Reagan
(or anyone else) must shoot first. The
quickest draw wins.
That may have worked on the
streets of Tombstone. Arizona. In
today's crowds. the president or a
showbiz celebrity can't wait for the
When this part of the coun-
try was first settled. over a
hundred years ago. there
was a dense forest covering
the whole area. Trees were
often over a hundred feet
high and three or four feet in
Because the trees were
merely a nuisance to be got
rid of in the easiest manner
available. a lot of good
street to clear, for the enemy to be
John Lennon could have saved his
own life only if he suspected Mark
Chapman's intentions, and had moved
first. if he had shot the young man as he
came forward out of the shadows, ap-
parently asking for an autograph.
But suppose he shot someone who
really was looking for an autograph?
Suppose Reagan or an aide felled a fan
who was just pulling out a pocket
camera? It is an assassination if a
citizen tries to shoot the president, but
merely an unfortunate mistake if the
president shoots a citizen?
Unfortunately. in this dilemma, the
answer offered by religion will seem
like no answer at alt.
It is that we cannot protect
ourselves. We must all go out each day
in quivering vulnerability, having done
our best to ensure that none of our
brothers and sisters has cause for a
grudge against us. and then trusting in
There's not much 'protection' in
that - but there could be a better socie-
lumber was burned where it
fell. and the ashes collected
for the farmer's first crop
(The ashes could be used in
the production of potash and
As farmers got established
they gradually pushed the
bush back until only a few
woodlots were usually left at
the back of the farm. These
supplied wood for heating
and cooking.
Then. of course. electrici-
ty, oil, and natural gas came
along and wood no longer
seemed necessary. instead
land to put more crops on
became of prime impor-
tance as it became harder
and harder to make a living
on existing land areas
In the past five years I
have seen the countryside
open up incredibly. Instead
of seeing trees along the
road you can see flat land
stretching for as far as the
horizon. In the winter the
wind blows snow with much
more force. The
resemblance to the prairies
is uncanny.
I understand that there are
laws now governing the
clear -cutting of bush lots and
that heavy fines can be im-
posed on people who defy
these laws.
Perhaps it is a good thing.
I would hate to see the day
when the only place a child
can see a tree is in a park or
a backyard.
*x ,4'49
#40 Ofd , 410 Aripf i #
Picnics are important
MPP Jack Riddell has made some
rather unfair remarks about
Agriculture Minister Lorne Henderson
chartering a helicopter to take him to
an engagement in his Lambton riding
early this month.
Never mind the fact that the men and
women who try to make their
livelihood in agriculture (and most
other things) are in serious trouble in
Ontario these days. Showing them the
real meaning of accepting adversity
and tightening belts by spending $750 on
a helicopter to flip off to a warden's
picnic should not be cause for adverse
Picnics. after all. are important
functions for politicians.
Some of them feature ball games,
three-legged races. kick -the slipper,
guessing the number of jelly beans in a
jar and all those other events in which
politicians must maintain a high stan-
dard of excellence if they hope to win
favor at the polls at the next election.
There may be some people who think
billiards should be included. It may
give politicians an idea of what it feels
like to be behind the eight -ball of high
interest and input costs and low returns
for goods produces.
The three-legged races of course are
one of the few areas in which the
average taxpayer can really hope to
compete with politicians at picnics.
Most people find that when their one
leg is tied up with government rules,
regulations and taxes that it is often
difficult to reach the finish line without
toppling on their face. Through ex-
perience many have mastered'the race
to a certain degree and even when they
topple on their faces. pick themselves
up and continue on towards the end.
The imposing sight of Mr. Henderson
alighting from a $750 helicopter ride is
no doubt incentive enough for most of
them to want to continue having their
one free leg tied up to politicians.
When it comes to kick -the -slipper,
politicians have no equal. Many of
them have their slipper in their mouth
most of the time. and combined with
the hot air that emanates from that
source. their slippers soar for great
Their competitors are at a distinct
disadvantage. Many of them are wear-
ing shoes that have been worn thin pac-
ing nervously around a banker's office
and with the reduced weight they just
don't get any distance.
"Guessing the number of jelly beans in
a jar is another area in which
politicians have considerable exper-
tise. They spend days guessing the
numbers affected by the current
economic situation. If they're on the
opposition side, they guess high to make
their figures sound alarming. If they're
on the government side. they guess low
so people won't realize there is any
Toobada few of them don't follow the
one basic requirement for any jelly
bean guessing contest. That is the re-
quirement for someone actually coun- .
ting jelly beans to know exactly who
had won and who had lost. Surely with
their vast sources of information and
their high-priced computers,
politicians could take the guess work
out of the situation so they would know
exactly what action is warranted on
their behalf.
When it comes to the ball game, the
picnickers are again at a distinct disad-
vantage to the politicians. They're
masters at throwing curve balls, screw
balls and a variety of other pitches
that keep people off balance.
Even if an opponent is fortunate
enough to hit one of their deliveries
squarely and appears to be heading
safely around the bases, he quickly
finds his way impeded by the over-
zealous bureaucrats they have playing
in the field.
You can try and dodge them, but they
SuQar and Spice
Dispsed by Smiley
Desperate for every nickel
Canada's Minister of Finance has the
accoutrements of the ideal man for the
job. He's a thick -set. sturdy chap who
doesn't seem to panic easily. He has
had years of experience in Parliament.
He is extremely able in debate. es-
pecially on the defense. And then
there's that good. solid. thrifty. Scot-
tish name. Allan MacEachen.
On the surface. a canny Scot, who's
been Minister of practically
everything. except Prime. and he had a
shot at that.
But behind that exterior lurks a
Machiavelian mind. and a Liberal
arrogance that make him not only the
opposite of what he appears. but also a
dangerous man. And a dangerous man
close to the seat of power is a threat to
the entire country
In his budget speech, MacEachen
hinted broadly that he would consider
removing the indexing of income taxes
in relation to inflation. That would be a
savage blow to the average citizen of
this country. except. as usual, to the
very poor and the very rich. You and I
would pay more taxes each year, as in-
flation rose and our claims for
dependents and other things remained
Fine for the government. A source of
income that would bring in hundred of
millions of new taxes each year, and
help to ease the massive. growing, and
embarrassing national deficit.
But for the average Canadian, such a
step would be extremely painful, in
some cases disastrous. More inflation
every year. What a nice little merry-
go-round. For the government.
Personally, I wouldn't trust Mr.
MacEachen as far as I could throw a
bulldozer into a swamp. And when it
comes to money. I wouldn't trust the
Liberal government that far. The poor
sods aredesperatefor every nickel they
haven't already squeezed out of us.
The only thing liberal about our
government is the way it hands out our
money to bail out large companies
headed for bankruptcy, and buys, with
our money, oil companies at inflated
prices in the name of producing not one
single, extra gallon of oil. But it's good
politics. It garners votes.
When it comes to the rest of us, the
government is about as liberal as
Scrooge. If you or I have a small
business, and are going bankrupt
because of vicious inflation and mer-
ciless interest rates, are we bailed out?
always have an ace up their sleeves.
The thing is. the politicians own the
baseball and they can change the rules
to suit themselves. If the opposing
players appear to be winning, the
politicians just add on another tax or
regulation to keep the upper hand.
They have thousands of score-
keepers at their disposal, and while
tney all come up with different answers
at times, they seldom err on the side of
the opposing team. Disputing their tal-
ly is considered a waste of time and
money by most people and they usually
take their lumps and hope they can get
back in the game the next time around.
No doubt with initiative and hard
thinking. some of our readers could
come up with a few other examples of
the type of games that could be staged
for politicians at the various picnics
they attend each year.
Their antics in the various
legislatures around the country might
lead some to suggest that they'd be ex-
tremely good at pinning the tail on the
donkey, having some expert knowledge
on that portion of the anatomy involved
and often appearing to have some rela-
tion to the cantankerous nature of the
Tug-of-war is another of their
favorite contests. They have developed
sure-fire techniques through practice
between the parties in the legislatures
or from one government level to
another. Rather than rope. of course,
they use a lineup of citizens on which to
pull and as everyone knows, the rope
never wins and usually ends up badly
frayed and dumped in the mud after the
Regardless of the cost, whether it
was personal or government funds,
spending $750 to get to a picnic must be
recognized as a worthwhile expen-
diture to hone those skills,
Fat chance. Tough luck, old boy, but
you have only one vote.
If you or I are on pension, barely
able to provide food and shelter, are we
assisted? Sure we are. We'll raise your
pension by two dollars a month or some
such, says our liberal government.
Five cans of soup.
A recent development has alarmed
me, and confirmed my suspicion that
letting the government into your
business is the equivalent of asking a
safecracker to look after the store
while you go out for a coffee.
The government. with the sweet
smell of money in it's nose, is trying to
move in and control one of the best ex-
amples of Canadian knowhow and
resourcefulness — the Canada Develop-
ment Corporation.
This outfit was established by the
government to enable Canadians to in-
vest in their own country. The govern-
ment promised. tacitly, not to interfere
in the company. Thousands of
Canadians invested (no foreigners
allowed.) A noble concept.
Unfortunately, the Corporation was
successful. In ten years, with astute
Mainstream CanadA
Small firms hit hard
By W. Roger Worth
About 30,000 Canadian in-
dividuals and firms will be
placed in bankruptcy this
The experts anticipate
23,000 or so personal bank-
ruptcies, and business bank-
ruptcies will probably total
8,000, the highest number re-
corded since the 1930s depres-
In addition, thousands of
other businesses will be placed
in receivership and other en-
trepreneurs will simply pay the
bills and go out of business.
Roger Worth is Director,
Public Affairs,
Canadian Federation of
Independent Business.
While the overall figures
are depressing, smaller busi-
nesses are placed in a parti-
cularly difficult situation
because many of them will
become creditors. And
Canada's outmoded bank-
ruptcy and receivership laws
overwhelmingly favor secured
creditors such as banks and
financial institutions, leaving
smaller firms to write off tre-
mendous amounts of money.
In fact, one study indicates
banks rarely lose money when
The r
Dear Bill:
bankruptcies and receiverships
occur. Meanwhile. snsaller
creditors receive less than 10C
on.lhe dollar in about 853/4 of
cases, according krone survey.
Ottawa is presently re-
viewing bankruptcy legis-
Most provinces have also
been lax in creating rules and
regulations to protect smaller
Here's an example. An
Ontario company recently
delivered S2,000 worth of
goods to a customer. A few
days later, the bank placed the
customer's firm in bank-
ruptcy. The supplier's product
was sitting untouched on the
bankrupt customers shop
When the product is sold
at a bankruptcy sale, most or
a0 of the proceeds will go to
the major secured creditor,
the bank.
Meanwhile, if a similar sit-
uation had occurred in
Quebec, the supplier would
have had 30 days to retrieve
the goods after the customer
became insolvent, saving the
Quebec is the only pro-
vince in the country with such
dere write
This letter is sent to you on
behalf of the South Huron
Amateur Radio Club
Each year during the last
weekend of June an Amateur
Radio Field Day is held to
simulate emergency radio
conditions, using a power
source independent of com-
mercial sources, and por-
table antennas for
emergency use.
The Field Day was design-
ed to prepare amateurs for
catastrophies such as
earthquakes, hurricanes and
the like when traditional
communications may break
down or be over -loaded. Us-
ing emergency power,
amateur radio can become
the vital link between the
disaster area and the world.
Such was the case with the
Guatemala and Italian
After the alert was passed
to the proper authorities by
amateur radio operators,
news of the survivors was
relayed among nations by
amateurs working with the
International Red Cross.
The Ausable-Bayfield
Conservation Authority has
once again very kindly
allowed the South Huron
Amateur Radio Club to use
the facilities at the Morrison
Dam Conservation Area,
north of the reservoir, for
this year's Field Day. Anten-
na erection will commence
at approximately 1000 hours
Saturday 27 June 81 and
communications will com-
mence at 1400 hours.
The object of Field Day is
to work as many stations as
possible (in a 24 hour period)
and in so doing. to learn to
operate in abnormal
situations under less -than -
optimum conditions. A
premium is placed upon
skills and equipment
developed to meet the
challenge of emergency
preparedness and acqua'nt
the public with the
capabilities of Amateur
The S.H.A.R.C. will be
operating three high fre-
quency stations covering the
80, 75, 40, 20. 15 and 10 meter
amateur bands. Com-
munication contacts will be
by both single sideband
(SSB), which is microphone
or voice operation. and con-
tinuous wave (morse).
The Exeter Times Ad-
vocate is invited to cover
this emergency exercise and
learn what amateur radio is
all about. Your represen-
tative(s) will be most
welcome and should contact
the President, Bob Morrison
or myself at the site. If you
have any questions please do
not hesitate to contact the
undersigned at 262-2636.
Don Reynolds
Secretary -Treasurer
management and a good deal of skill and daring, it built up
its assets in ten years to $3.4 billion dollars. The investors
were happy, the corporation confident.
But there's that smell of money. Ridiculous. A
government-sponsored or controlled corporation is sup-
posed to lose money, like the Post Office or the CNR or any
dozen others you can think of.
Now, the government, google-eyed, is looking at that
highly successful corporation like a snake looking at a fat
rabbit, and as a potential instrument for interfering with
the manufacturing sector of this country, as it has in-
terfered with the oil and gas industry to the benefit of none
of us.
The government began to lobby the corporation directors
in an attempt to have them elect its own man, a certain
Maurice Strong, ex -Liberal candidate, international finan-
cier, as chairman of the CDC.
Mr. Strong has an interesting connection with a Swiss
firm that picked up about three-quarters of a million in
commission for negotiating the purchase of Petro Fina for
Canada. Nice day's work.
It's a nasty piece of business, and nobody knows it better
than the business world. When the first reports about possi-
ble government interference in CDC appeared, the shares
fell sharply in price, reflecting the market's, and the
public's distrust of government intervention in business.
Oh, it's a nasty, slippery business, all around. The
government promised to stay out of CDC's business. Now,
with some gold on the horizon, it wants in. And so would I,
probably, if I had run the country so far into debt.
Financial analyst Ronald Anderson says: "A policy of
subverting the profit -based, growth -oriented development
strategy of the CDC would amount to a betrayal of the cor-
porations 30,000 shareholders. Many of the investors have
never bought shares before; they invested in the CDC for
the same reason they buy Canada Savings Bonds - because
they trusted the Government to keep Its word." Silly
reaching the unreached
of Disabled
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