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Times -Advocate, June 24, 1981
Promises early decision into
Continued from front page
as he was concerned
He told the hearing that an
application by Baptist to
sever a lot had been turned
down as the ministry of
transportation and com-
munication would not allow
an entrance off the highway
due to the rise in the road.
Strang said that installing
a storm drain would "be
peanuts" in comparison to
enlarging or twinning the
Beaver drain.
County planning director
Gary Davidson said the site
had alwyas been zoned as in-
dustrial. whereas the pre-
sent Laidlaw property is
given status zoning as a non-
conforming use in a com-
mercial zone.
He said the intent of the
zoning bylaw approved by
the OMB in 1980 was to
provide Exeter with an in-
dustrial base with controls
over development to ensure
minimum pressure on
providing services.
Davidson said the status
zoning at Laidlaw's present
site was to provide some
protection for the existing elements would adversely
use and to give some im- affect the operation.
petus in the hope that it will Kelly did not allow cross -
cease to exist. examination of the engineer,
He said there was some noting the board was not
concern over the limited size concerned with the par -
of the present facility and ticluar drainage design and
there was a hazard with it would be dealt with at the
large trucks moving in and site plan or building permit
out of the yard at the busy in- stage.
tersection. James R. Scott, local ter -
Engineer B.M. Ross, who minal manager for Laidlaw
acted for the town in coming Transport, testified the firm
up with a design for drainage had established a site plan
of the proposed site, said the agreement with Exeter and
township engineers, Spriet had received an entrance
Associates London Ltd., had permit from the ministry of
concurred with the proposal transportation and com-
for the storm drainage pond. munication.
Ross said water from the He said the agreement to
pond would be released in purchase the proposed site
the summer when the was conditional upon the
Beaver drain was not used rezoning approval and there
for agricultural purposes. is also a buyer for the pre -
He said the pond would re- sent site.
tain 90 percent of the runoff He explained the firm's
from the property and the location in Exeter now was
outlet valve will be manually in a congested area and the
activated so Usborne would trucks have to block
have control over the dis- Highway 4 to back into the
charge timing. loading docks. Scott
Heindicatedanyoilor salt reported the firm has
would be in suspension and overgrown its present loca-
didn't see how these tion and said the same type
TALKING CONSERVATION — Members of the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority
enjoyed a tour of the watershed, Thursday. Above, Authority manager Tom Prout and
superintendent Ted Jones talk with Ervin Sillery of Tuckersmith township along the river at
Grand Bend.
Hear handicapped duo
Continued from front page
Susan Hemmingway, Eloise
Klungel, Mary Lou Masse,
Claudette Proulx. Larry
Rowe. Karl Verbeek and
Andy Volk.
Executive director for the
assocation Don Campbell in -
Open 8 a.m.
(weather Permitting)
Closed Sat. at 5
All day Sunday
Bring you own quart boxes or baskets
Containers can be purchased
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troduced three employees of
ARC Industries in Dashwood
who are going to be atten-
ding the Special Olympics.
Swimmer Dorothy Dakins,
and track and field champs
Gary Stebbins and Brian
Clarke will be accompanied
by coaches Paul Runnals
and Bonnie Baynham.
Secretary Connie Lewis
read the minutes of the last
annual meeting, and the
treasurers report was
presented by Paul Turnbull.
Association president Ann
Klungel chaired the
Robert Southcott of the
nominating committee
presented a slate of officers
which were elected for the
upcoming year. On the board
of directors will be Robert
Southcott, Ann Klungel,
Herb Verbeek, Paul Turn-
bull, Margaret Purdy. Anne
Cann, Jim Dalton, Randy
Evans, Ellen Forsythe, Jack
Gaiser, Alma Godbolt, Myra
Lovell, Winston, Shapton and
Roger Sheeler.
Sal. ends
June 27
Of l''
A.S.A. 325 mg. 100's 66iC
Shampoo 350 ml. lotion
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SUPER SUN -IN 139m1 2.39
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CREST Mint or Reg.
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Drink Mix assorted flavours 22 oz. tin
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!t AMNO Mt! WI TO 11.R OOAMTI111 )
zone change application
of operation would be con-
ducted at the new location.
He had pictures showing
the visiblity to the east from
the proposed entrance off
Highway 83 was 2,112 feet
and it was 1,584 to the west.
The local manager agreed
Local strike
Continued from front page
assistance when Mattucci
received a pledge of $5,000
per week from the union
members at the Heinz plant
in Leamington on Saturday.
He indicated support was be-
ing received from other
He said union members
employed in supermarkets
who have a "hot cargo"
clause in their contract will
be refusing to handle
Aylmer DelMonte products
when current in-store
supplies are used up.
"We may be effective
there," the union president
said in reference to the
availability of company
products at some retail
that drivers in a transport
would be sitting higher than
he was at the time he took
the pictures and would have
an even better vision of traf-
fic. There would be no trucks
backing on to a highway as
now happens.
He reported that the firm
planned an 8,000 square foot
garage, a 4,000 square foot
dock and office facility and
parking space for 250
highway trailers.
In answer to a question
from Veri, Scott said the 14
acres (seven in Exeter and
seven in Usborne) would
give the firm much more
land than they presently
have. Veri aruged the land
aize was not much more than
the firm presently operates
The local developer also
suggested it wouldn't be
beneficial for the firm to
move out of the Exeter area
and Scott replied that he
doesn't make those
"The reasons (for the
move) aren't financial?"
Baptist asked.
"We need property," Scott in that the town required the
replied. extra step of a site plan con -
In his summation , trol bylaw and he said the
Mitchell noted the landin town had diligently concern -
question has always been ed itself with the storm
designated as industrial and drainage problem and the
the application wasn't any two engineering firms
surprise move. He noted agreed it could be resolved.
there was added protection He said that should satisfy
the concerns of Strang.
Commenting on the traffic
hazard as outlined, the
lawyer said this concern was
adequately answered by the
MTC issuing a permit for the
He said the application
represented a classic situa-
tion where the zoning bylaw
has worked in prompting the
industry to move to a more
advantageous location and
the old site can be put back
into the zoning process in a
more compatible way.
Exeter court
Continued from front page
which to pay the fine and
Park was given 90 days.
In the only other case on
Tuesday's docket, Wayne
Robert Peters, Hensall, was
fined $78 on a charge of fail-
ing to report damage to
property. The charge arose
from an incident in Zurich on
May 24 when his vehicle
collided with a hydro pole.
Damage to the vehicle was
listed at $500 and the cost of
replacing the transformer
was estimated at $2,500.
There were no injuries.
The court learned that
Peters had previous convic-
tions of a minor nature. He
was given 15 days to pay the
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