HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-06-17, Page 13if
Board sailing...
Anyone can do it!
By Mary Alderson
When you first approach a
board sailer, you figure that
there's no way you could
ever stand on it and glide
across the water. The laws
of gravity just won't permit
But the instructors assure
you that it can be done, and
by the end of a two hour
lesson, you're doing it, much
to your surprise.
Believe me, if I can do it.
anybody can do it.
The instructors, with their
immeasureable patience.
say that they haven't yet had
a pupil who didn't catch on. I
feared I was to be their first
failure, but even I succeed-
Board sailing — it's simp-
ly a surf board with a sail
stuck in the middle of it. You
stand on it, and away you go,
across Lake Huron's
shimmering waters. Many
people call the sport wind
surfing or surf sailing — but
those are product names,
and the real name of the
sport is board sailing, accor-
ding to instructor Kim
Kim along with Richard
Kellem, is operating a board
sailing school in Pinery
Provincial Park this
summer.They work for Wind
Leisure Sports of Toronto.
who have acontractwith the
Ministry of Natural
Resources to operate board
sailing schools and rental in
Ontario Parks.
The Pinery is one of five
locations where the board
sailing is available in provin-
cial parks. A mobile board
sailing school will be visiting
11 more parks during the
summer. It is scheduled to
be Ipperwash August 20 to
Kim and Richard have set
up their business on the
Pinery day use beach in Pic-
nic Area Nine Change
rooms and washrooms are
nearby, and a refreshment
stand next door is open on
weekends. So far. they have
been busy during the good
board sailing weather. They
have 15 boards, and they ex-
pect all of them to be busy
when summer rush arrives
They feel that their loca-
tion in area nine is perfect
Campers can come over
from the overnight area.
while day visitors can rent
the boards, too. They are
hoping area residents will
take advantage of the
lessons and rentals.
A two hour lesson costs
$20.00. To rent the boards for
an hour is $8. Or you can
take them out for a half day
at $18 or a full day at $30
Included in the rental is a
wet suit (Lake Huron is still
pretty chilly) and a lite vest
Kim, 22, a student at
University •of Toronto in
landscape architecture. and
Richard. 20, a Geology stu-
dent at Sir Sanford Fleming
College in Lindsay. run the
board sailing operation daily
form 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p rn
or dusk
Kim and Richard say that
they have been given full co-
operation from park stall
Ministry officials feel that
the board sailing. a clean.
safe sport. will provide
family entertainment. and
will be something which
teenagers can enjoy. In the
past. provincial parks have
been behind in offering ac-
tivities for teenagers.
Richard said that he likes
to encourage families to
come for board sailing
lessons together. He stress-
ed _that it is something
anyone can do. not just a
men's sport as shown in the
Labatt's television commer-
He said that anyone who
weighs over 70 pounds can
operated a board sailer the
board and sail weigh less
than 45 pounds together.
If you can walk, you can
board sail," Richard said.
The sport does not require
strength, because hoisting
the sail is done with the en-
tire body, not just the arms.
All that is required is a sense
of balance, he added.
I stopped by to interview
the young men last week.
When they insisted that
anyone can do it, I was a bit
skeptical. They suggested
that I bring my bathing suit
the next day and fry it.
Still not believing entirely
in their optimism, I found
myself in a wet suit and life
vest the next afternoon.
The lessons start with
about 15 minutes of training
on dry land. Kim
demonstrated the procedure
which would take place in
the water, then made me go
over the steps.
He also pointed out parts
Please turn to page 3A
Imes - vocate
BOARD SAILERS, NOT BORED SAILORS — Richard Kellam and Kim Adams are teaching board sailing this summer at
Pinery Provincial Park. Staff photo
Break world record ?
Preparations for. Burgerfest
History may be made at
Grand Bend's Burgerfest
this year. Hopes are high
that our resort will end up in
the Guiness Book of World
CKSL radio and Waterbed
World, both of London. are
sponsoring a contest and
they hope to set a record.
They are going to see how
many people they can pile on
a water bed before it breaks.
Volunteers who want to take
part in setting the record are
asked to show up on Grand
Bend's beach this Sunday.
CKSL's morning man Peter
Garland will be on hand for
the record setting event.
Also this Sunday will be a
new, improved Bathing
Beauty Contest. Rather than
crowding into the tent at
Burgerfest, the Chamber of
Commerce will be holding
''the contest on the cement
platform in front of the old
Sponsoring the contest is
Sewer Rats ready
for ball tourney
"Tell them the Grand
Bend Sewer Rats will be
there," was the response of
deputy reeve Harold Green,
when a letter inviting Grand
Bend council to play baseball
in Forest was received at
Monday night's meeting."
Green volunteered to act
as captain for the baseball
team, and named his crew
the Sewer Rats.
The Forest town council is
sponsoring the baseball
game as part of their Civic
Week activities. The game
will be played at Coultas
Park, Monday June 29 in the
evening. Forest deputy
reeve Leigh Crozier sent a
letter to Grand Bend inviting
them to the game. The letter
also invited council to come
early for the greased pole
"That's for clerks,"
councillor Dennis Snider
said about the greased pole
contest, indicatin clerk
Louise Clipperton. Other
council members suggested
that taking part in the
greased pole contest was in
her contract.
Later in the meeting,
Reeve Robert Sharen
volunteered to attend a
meeting with the Lambton
County Board of Education
that same night. He said that
since Green was captain,
and Mrs. Morenz was sub -
captain, and Crawford and
Snider were such good
batters, he would give up the
ball game and attend the
The winning team at the
ball tournament will take
home the golden pitchfork,
suitably engraved as the
"Piled higher and deeper"
award. It hag been rumoured
that Lambton MPP and
Minister of Agriculture,
Lorne Henderson will be the
um ire.
Nick Carter of the Sun Shop.
along with Native Tan and
Jo Penney, Inc. Mrs.
Penney, a summer resident
of Grand Bend, operates a
Toronto modelling and
talent agency. She was
featured in the March issue
of Playboy, and has provided
many Play boy models.
Judging the contest will be
three models from Mrs.
Penney's agency. The
models, who have appeared
in some CBC television
productions and on commer-
cials are Cindy Girling.
Dorothy Goulah and
Christine Cattell. They have
appeared as the "Shoppers
three" on the Shoppers Drug
Mart commercials.
The beauty contest winner
will have a chance to audi-
tion for a job with Mrs.
Penney's agency. She will
also receive valuable'prizes.
The contest is open to
anyone 16 and over, and en-
try forms are available at
the Sun Shop.
Burgerfest opens Friday
with a businesspersons lunch
at the tent. Music in the tent
is provided by Freaz.
On Saturday. the action
continues with the bed race
on Main Street at 10:00 a.m.
The hotel challenge cup is
expected to be the most ex-
citing race, as the arch -
rivals Colonial Hotel and
Sanders Tavern vie for the
trophy. Two years ago
Sanders won the trophy.
while last year the Colonials
took It. Races in a general
class, ladies and juniors and
also planned.
Following the bed race.
the SWOOP club (South
Wes ern Ontario Or aniza-
•UROIRPIST TREAT — Members of the Grand Bend and area Chamber of Commerce
wen given an advanced taste treat at their meeting Tuesday night. The Chamber met at
Pinerld a Zoo in preparation for their annual Burgerfest which takes place this weekend.
Gene Grenier borbequas some samples. Staff photo
tion of Parachutists) from
the Grand Bend airport will
be sponsoring a sky diving
competition on the beach.
Jumpers will get three
chances to hit a three inch
marker on the beach. The
parachutist with the least
total distance away from the
marker on the three jumps
will win.
At 1:00 p.m.. chain saw
and cross cut saw com-
petitions will be held. After
that, the Grand Bend Op-
timists will again be hosting
a junior Superstars competi-
tion. Children will run
obstacle courses for prizes.
The Chamber of
Commerce is asking for
volunteers to help out with
Burgerfest activities. The
huge tent is to be erected
Thursday evening.
Also needed are
volunteers for security.
Anyone interested is asked
to contact Gene Grenier at
Rollie's Sports and Cycle.
Those wanting to work in
food preparation should get
in touch with Lil Best or
Norma Baird. Ruth Dunlap.
who was in charge of the
food tent. is ill.
Page IA
JUNE 17, 1981
Price Per Copy 40 Cents
Not in SWOTA tourist guide,
Grand Bend Chamber angry
More than 100,000 copies of
a beautiful tourist guide of
southwestern Ontario have
been sent out to the various
information booths and
border crossings in the
province. That's the good
Now the bad news --
there's no mention of Grand
Bend in the' guide.
4 While th ll colour guide
book features r copious in-
formation on Thedford's
Lumberjack Days, and
detailed facts on Harbours in
Port .Franks and Bayfield,
not a word has been included
'about Grand Bend.
The book, published by
SWOTA (South Western
Ontario Travel Association)
was the topic of much
discussion at Tuesday's
meeting of the Grand Bend
and area Chamber of
Commerce. When Chamber
president Mac Dunlap held
up the guide book and an-
nounced that there was "not
one thing about Grand Bend
in it, " there were audible
moans from the Chamber
Dunlap said that Grand
Bend had been left out by
mistake. Ruth Lemon of
the Book Store on Grand
Bend's Main Street called
the oversight "inexcusable."
Chamber secretary-ma-
mager Bob Simpson said
that he was "disgusted", and
added that a letter had
already been sent to SWOTA
voicing the Chamber's
Nick Carter of the Sun
Shop volunteered to sit on the
SWOTA organization to look
after Grand ,, Bend's in-
It was suggested by some
members of the Chamber
that "a bit of politicking was
going on " when Grand Bend
was left out of the guide.
They pointed out that
Lambton County Council had
not made donations to
SWOTA, while most other
counties gave $4,000.
When contacted by the T -A
Grand Bend deputy reeve
Harold Green, who sits on
the Sarnia Lambton Tourist
Council said that any
suggestion that the omission
was deliberate is "a bunch of
garbage." Green said that
the Sarnia Lambton Tourist
Council which is funded by
the city of Sarnia and
Lambton county council
donated 82,000 to SWOTA. He
said that grants to the tourist
council had been cut back,
and 82,000 was all that they
could afford.
Green explained that when
the proofs of the tourist guide
were presented to SWOTA,
Grand Bend had been in-
cluded in the section on
Huron County. He pointed
out that Grand Bend should
have been in Lambton
County, and was advised that
the change would be made.
As a member of the Sarnia
Lambton Tourist Council,
Green sits on SWOTA.
In moving Grand Bend
from Huron County to
Lambton, it was lost in the
shuffle. Names of members
of SWOTA from Grand Bend
area are included in the
Mary's mg timings
Canada's Wonderland
Normally, hanging upside
down is not my idea of a
good time. But something
happens to you. and before
you know it, you find
yourself on Dragon Fyre.
We visited Canada's
Wonderland last week, and
went on no less than four
(count 'em four) roller
coasters. It's not that I'm a
big rollar coaster fan -- in
my previous 26 years, I think
I had only been on a grand
total of two, and one was a
rather small one in Grand
Riding roller coasters is
sort of like feeding an addic-
tion. Each one must be
bigger, to give a greater
thrill. And once you start,
you can't stop.
Canada's Wonderland is an
ideal place for a roller
coaster addict to get fixes.
You start out on the Ghoster
Coaster in Happyland. It's
behind the haunted house,
with the grave stones in
front. The gravestones bear
the names of such folks as
Sally Mander, Chuck Roast,
and Walter Mellon.
Anyway. the Ghoster
Coaster is really rather
tame. There's only one drop.
and you take it relatively
So from there you move up
to the Wild Beast, over in
Medieval Faire. It features
a faster ride and a bigger
But you want more — so
you head across to the
Mighty Canadian
Minebuster. There you get a
longer ride and two big high
speed drops. not to mention
a view of the entire park.
And finally it's time to
tackle Dragon Fyre. As you
stand in line and watch the
riders and hear the shrieks.
you wonder what you're do-
ing there. Before you know it
you find yourself in a seat
with a protective bar to hold
you in place whileyou're up-
sidedown. You find yourself
hanging upside down on four
different occasions.
There's .two loop -de -loops.
a barrel run. and curves
bank so steeply that you see
the world sideways Your
heart's in your mouth. and
your tummy's in your throat
-- lets hope it stays there.
I wouldn't recommend a piz-
za dinner before you ride
Dragon Fyre.
The ride is over in just a
few seconds I climbed out
and heaved a sigh of relief
Then I realized the reason
for my big sigh -- I had
been holding my breath for
the entire ride'
No. I wouldn't go hack on
the Dragon Frye --- once
was enough. thank you But
I'd ride the Minebuster
again any time'
We enjoyed the visit to
Canada's Wonderland very
much. We arrived in a
downpour. which cleared the
crowds away nicely. Then
the sun came out. and we
were able to enjoy the rides
and attractions, with virtual-
ly no line-ups.' and no more
than a five minute wait for
The place is geared to han-
dle 40.000 people a day Late -
Please turn to page 3A
Lambton page. Several
hotels, motels 'and other
tourist businesses in Grand
Bend are SWOTA members.
It was pointed out at the
Chamber meeting, that of
the 13 SWOTA members in
Lambton six are from Grand
Bend. Chamber members
wondered why proof
reader's hadn't noticed the
lack of information on Grand
Ted Mandy, of the visitors
services in London, and
secretary treasurer of
SWOTA, said that they were
"very embarassed" about
leaving Grand Bend out of
the book. "These things
happen," Mandy added.
Mandy said that this was
the first attempt at a large
guide book and several
mistakes had been made.
"We located a city in the
middle of Lake Ontario,
too," he said.
Mandy said that when any
requests for information are
received, SWOTA includes a
brochure of Grand Bend with
the guide book. He said that
SWOTA is trying to
distribute the pamphlet put
out by the Grand Bend
Chamber of Commerc€ with
the guide.
Mandy said that he didn't
know how the information on
Grand Bend was lost in
moving it from the Huron to
Lambton section. "We
apologize, " he said.
Mandy said several im-
provements to the guide
have already been planned
for next year. He stressed
that Grand Bend will be
Other area represen-
tatives on SWOTA are
Petrolia deputy reeve Glen
LaPointe, who is president of
the Sarnia-Lambton Tourist
Council, and Bob Austin of
Arkona, who is od theAusatile
Conservation Authority.
Green stressed the
Lambton County had always
contributed to SWOTA,
except one year when "it
was going on the rocks."
Green said that the city of
London had saved SWOTA.
NEW COUNTY BUILDING -- lambton county off Cally opened its new administration
building in Wyoming Monday. In front of the new offices and council chambers are Grand
Bend reeve Robert Sharen, Bosanquet deputy reeve and reeve B�I1 Lindsay and Charlie
Srokosz and Grand Bend deputy reeve Harold Green Cutting the r.bbon of the opening
ceremony were P.remier William Davis and lambton MPP and Minister of Agriculture
Lorne HendersonStaff photo