HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-06-17, Page 9Flower Sunday
at United Church
Babies to be baptized,
children of the Church
School, many members and
guests and a multitude of
flowers added much to the
annual Flower Sunday
Service at the United Church
on June 14. The flowers
donated by members of the
congregation were arranged
by Marguerite McRoberts
and Donna Van Aren Thais.
Rev Keith Brown led in the
service and baptized Adam
Jeffrey, son of Raymond and
Patricia (Fisher) Carter and
Michael Bradley, son of
Brian and Luanne (Taylor)
Herbert. Books were
presented to the babies, on
behalf of the U.C.W. by
Barbara Gibson.
T -ball ready
to get going
The game of t -ball for boys
and girls ages 5 to 8 by July
1, 1981, will commence
Tuesday June 30 at 7 p.m.
The games will be played
each Tuesday at the Market
Square Park, corner of
Beech and Market Streets.
All children of this age are
welcome for this fun sport.
Equal chance is given to
every child. For further
information, please call
Doug Halladay at 227-4107.
Langford buys
third .operation
Langford Lumber and
Builders Supplies Limited of
Lucan have purchased their
third retail operation. On
January 27 they finalized the
purchase of the former Fred
J. Hudie — Wiseway lumber
yard and retail store in Clin
ton from Price Waterhouse
Limited, agents for the Bank
of Montreal, who had taken
over the Hudie operation
when the Wiseway owned
Stores went into receiversip
with the collapse of the
parent Wiseway of Canada
Langford Lumber, under
the ownership of Jerry
Nurse, operate a large retail
store and contractor supply
yard in Lucan — serving the
Lucan and surrounding area
and serving many contrac-
tors in the London area. This
yard has been in operation
since December 1. 1958 when
it was purchased from the
former Harvey Langford. In
the spring of 1965 they open-
ed their second retail yard in
Parkhill in partnership with
Tom Mitchell who had been
an employee of the Lucan
Mr., Nurse believes this
latest acquisition will give
them Sales Volume in the 3
to 4 million dollar year
range and along with their
recent joining of the Castle
Home Centre buying group
should make them very com-
petetive in this very chang-
ing and challenging market.
The Clinton Store at 230
Bayfield is being managed
by Don Colquhoun who is
well known in the Clinton
area and has had many
years experience in the
lumber and supply business.
Assisting In the service
were Debbie Hall, Jane
Holden and Sherrie Smith
giving the Responsive
Psalm, Tabatha Froats and
Matthew Lane taking the
Bible Readings, and Paul
Lankin, Peter Bates,
Michael Holden and Brent
Bannerman receiving the
Dale and Linda Froats
were the welcoming com-
mittee for this lovely oc-
casion. Dale is chairman of
the C.E. Committee and
Linda is one of the Sunday
School teachers.
The Sunday School choir,
under the direction of Helen
Stanley, sang two choruses:
"I'm Gonna Sing" and
"Praise the Name of Jesus."
A delightful children's
story was told by Dorothy
Dedels and Darrell Ibbitson,
a member of the Teens' class
gave the "Recipe for
Prayer," assisted by Brent
Bannerman who added the
The boys started with a
glass of water and as the
story unfolded three dif-
ferent packages of white
substances were added
representing faith, un-
ceasing prayer and last,
thanksgiving. Nothing
happened until the last
ingredient was added, when
the whole thing bubbled
over, as though for joy, in-
dicating that when we expect
answers to our prayers we
must make use of all the
substances used.
Superintendent Jim
Robertson and Secretary -
Treasurer Sherry Lane and
all the teachers, are to be
commended for their un-
tiring efforts with the
children and young people of
the Sunday School.
Upcoming In the U.C. e
Next Sunday is Com / s e flashlig his
mext in both Churches at �+
the regular service and at
1:30 p.m. the annual Church Members of the Lucan church. Lucan and Brinsley
family picnic will be held in General United Church U.C.W. support the Church
the Market Square Park. Women had the opportunity through their "Live Love"
Kids, bring your parents for to share in a Campfire projects.
food, fun, fellowship, games Vesper Service at their A question and answer
and surprises. Bring your meeting on Tuesday period followed. Rev Wright
picnic basket (pot luck), evening. The Dorcas Unit was thanked by Marjorie
plates, cuttlery and lawn was in charge of the worship Park and refreshments were
chairs. Beverage will be which took this form with Iva served by the members of
provided. Hodgins leading in the the Friendship Group.
During July and at Lucan service, assisted by Leda During the business
only, the services will be at Revington, Bernice Lockyer, meeting donations were
11 p.m. rather than at 11:15 Iola Goring, Dorothy Darling voted to the Church Family
and Verna Ibbitson. The Picnic Committee to be held
Guides indoor campfire was in the Market Square Park
used as were flashlig un
ue to
4gmorm NO, an=
the best section at Thursday's inspection of the eHunt ron Middlesex Cadet Corps. Recd a eiving the
award from the left are Ed Morrison, Regina Schaufler, David Downing and Sharon
McDonald. T -A photo
UCWshare in campfire
Cancer receipts
up 10 percent
The Lucan-Biddulph
Branch of the Canadian
Cancer Society is keeping up
with inflation! Treasurer,
M.H. Hodgins is pleased to
report that "upon com-
pletion of the 1�:1 canvass
for funds, we have collected
and remitted to headquar-
ters, a total of x,349.48,
which represents a 10 per-
cent increase over the total
collected last year."
The executive would again
like to thank everyone who
participated in any way in
making this increase
possible. It is only by a total
community working
together that this was ac-
complished. Thank you, one
and all.
W.H. Battram & Sons, Ltd.
294-6893 — 294-6303
25 Ton Mobile Grove
92 Foot Boom — 24 Foot Jib
Township of Biddulph
Notice to Property Owners
Destroy Weeds
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in
possession of land, in accordance with the
Weed Control Act, 1972, Sections 4,14 and
20, that unless noxious weeds growing on
their lands within the Municipaliy of Bid-
dulph Township are destroyed by date of
June 29, 1981, and throughout the season,
the Municipality may enter upon the said
lands and have the weeds destroyed,
charging the costs against the land in taxes,
as set out in the Act.
The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly
Weed Inspector: Hugh Baird
Clerk: Austin Hodgins.
for on S day afternoon June 21,
those reading parts. with a pot luck luncheon at
Guests were welcomed 1:30, and to the Community
from Brinsley U.C.W., by Church Vacation Bible
President Shirley Ryan. The School to be held July 6 to 17
guest speaker, Rev Glen
Wright of the White Oaks
United Church Community
of Faith, was introduced by Local heads
Kit Hearn, program con-
vener. Mr. Wright explained Sweet Adelines
how he happened to go to the
area and of his experiences Loretta Dickson was
during the first year as he recently installed as
"knocked on doors." He president for the 1981-82
showed pictures of the season of the London
community and their present Chapter Sweet Adelines, Inc.
accommodations in the This chapter is the oldest
Public School and an office of the non-profit, four-part
over the liquor store, of all harmony chapters within the
places. He says this raises organization in Canada and
some eyebrows! celebrated its 27th birthday
The congregation hopes to at Harmony Manor on
build in 1982 and one of the McKay Street where the
latest pictures was some of International President,
the members erecting a sign Marsha O'Neill, installed the
to indicate the site of the new new Board of Directors.
Other local members
F of A rep
speaks to WI
Members, friends and
their husbands are invited to
the Women's Institute this
evening, Wednesday, in the
Masonic Hall, when Ron
White of Birr, vice-president
of the Ontario Federation of
Agriculture will be the guest
The convener for
Agriculture and Canadian
Industries, Reta Robb, will
be in charge of the meeting
which will be of interest to all
Members are asked to be
present at 7:30 and guests at
8:30 when Mr. White will be
include Beulah Hardy, Judy
Darling, Shirley Jones, Mary
DeGraw, Wendy Hardy,
Julie Beadle, Maxine Par-
nall and Joyce Nevin.
Duncan Ross
hits 90 years
Colonel Duncan Ross was
honoured by many friends
and relatives as they called
at his home recently to wish
him well on his 90th bir-
thday. The occasion was
arranged by Eileen Cranston
and Noreen McNaughton.
A birthday cake was
presented to him by Irving
Masonic Lodge members in
celebration of this very
special event.
to read
from 9 to 11 a.m. at the
Pentecostal Church.
Many of those presen
volunteered to make cookie
and see that they are served.
Teachers, assistants, and
recess people are still
needed. If you can help in
any capacity, please call the
Henry residence at 225-4753
The 1982 plowing mate
plans came under discussio
as did the food booth for t
Lions Club fair and a com
mittee was appointed for the
School for leaders at Alma
College was announced and
it is hoped that a
representative will be sent
as well as many attending on
the "open day" - Tuesday
August 18.
Members were reminded
of the donations to be left at
the Church for the Women's
Community House, London.
Any type of useful household
articles or supplies are
needed. Deadline is June 28.
The U.C.W. has agreed to
be responsible for the
Church service on the first
Sunday in July, when Rev
and Mrs Brown commence
their holidays.
Piano recital
well received
Pupils from the studio of
Helen Stanley, B.Mus.,
A.R.C.T. presented their
annual piano recital in the
Church on Thursday
evening, June 11, which was
much enjoyed by the many
parents and friends who
Refreshments in the C.E.
Wing were arranged by s
several of the mothers, for
all those taking part and
those enjoying the evening of
Those participating were: P
Brett Revington, Mary s
Holden, Jamie Bond, Bonnie w
Lynn, Cheryl Lynn, Suzanne
Kress, Jane Holden, Angela
MacDonald, Matthew Lane, Fire kills
Katherine Lynn, Matthew
Lane, Jane Holden, Tabatha 30
Froats and Loys Melanson.
Trip to Elmira
Times -Advocate, June 17, 1981
Page 9
Seniors plan -summer events
The members of the
Sunshine and Busy Buddies
groups met Thursday af-
ternoon with a very good
President, Mildred Hirtzel
welcomed the members and
during the business meeting
plans were discussed for a
luncheon on the June 26th
trip to Elmira area, the
dinner following the "Music
Man" and the pot luck
luncheon to close the seasons
activities on June 25.
A reading "Grand-
mother's Cookie Jar" was
given by Iva Hodgins, and
Ed Dowdall reported for the
Nominating' Committee.
The 1981-82 Executive is as
follows: Returned to office
were President - Mildred
Hirtzel, Secretary - Mary
Kooy and Treasurer - Edythe
Murdy. Jean Miller and
Eleanor Darling will co -
convene the social hour and
Elsie Gibson will convene
the bus trips. The visiting
committee is to be appointed
by the next meeting,
tomorrow, Thursday when
the group meets at 1:30 at
the Lucan school for a
student assembly program.
Ed Melanson, village
clerk, attended the meeting
and gave a brief outline of
plans for a seniors apart-
ments slated for Beech
Street, possibly by the end of
1982. Further information
will be forthcoming at the
meeting June 25 when in -put
is desired by the Department
from the seniors of the
All seniors are asked to
come to this meeting, at 1:30
p.m. , not only from the
village, but from Biddulph,
parts of McGillivray and
London Township. Infor-
mation is asked from those
58 years of age and up, while
Picnic despite rain
Rain did not dampen
picnic spirit when Lucan
Revival Centre held their
Church family picnic,
Saturday, at Market Square
Park, Lucan. Judith Henry,
the Sunday School
superintendent was in
The registration welco
table was situated beside t
war memorial canno
where Mrs. Becky Brewst
and Mrs. Geri Fletcher ga
each person a name Lag, an
a clothes pin. During the
picnic if someone said the
word "rain" their clothes
peg was confiscated. Bill
Cochrane was the trium-
phant collector with 12 pegs
at the end of the afternoon.
The children's games were
officiated by Mrs. Barbara
Sloetjes and Annelies Butler
overseeing the primary and
nursery classes. Judi Henry
organized the primary
classes, while Bill and Joan
Cochrane looked after the
junior classes. Mrs. Marlene
Thornton led the in-
termediates in their games,
and Mrs. Geri Fletcher had
humorous activities to oc-
cupy the adults.
A picnic dinner, provided
by the families who came,
was served. Energized by
the meal, a mixed game of
"blooper ball" was enjoyed
with Rick Thornton in
Mike Armstrong hung
banners announcing the
different areas of activities.
A special thanks to all the
children who helped clean up
the park. Also, thank you to
the village for opening the
park for the picnic.
Vacation Bible School is to
be held July 6-17 weekday
mornings at Lucan Revival
Centre. Teachers and
assistants and recess help
are still needed. Call Judi
Henry at 227-4753.
occupancy will be from 60
years of age and up. Please
come to the meeting and
"have your say."
Gets special
Alan Maslen, son of Len
and Bernice Maslen, Butler
Street, a 1981 Ontario
Scholar at Medway, has been
advised this week that,
because of his excellent
academic achievement in
secondary school, he has
qualified for a one-year
entrance scholarship at the
University of Western
Ontario in the amount of
The letter goes on to say
"As you are doubtless
aware, there is keen com-
petition for these scholar-
ships, which are awarded to
only a select few of those
admitted to Western. Please
accept my congratulations
on your distinctive academic
performance." The letter is
signed by the President and
Vice -Chancellor, G.E.
I'm sure Alan's many
friends in the Lucan area
would also extend their
nele ' •
in area soccer
Sunday Services
Sunday morning Mrs. Joan
Cochrane beautifully sang "I
Believe in You." Rev Ray
Brewster, back from a
building project trip to Haiti,
reported the success in
putting up the concrete
blocks, for the school there
Rev Brewster ministered
from Hebrews 4:14-16 and
7:23-25. These verses give a
beautiful description of
Jesus' priestly work, as He
was moved with compassion
when He saw people in need.
He is the same today.
Rick Thornton opened the
evening service by reading
Psalm 20, before leading the
song service. Mrs. Marlene
Thornton sang "Spirit
Song". Rev Ray Brewster
spoke from Nehemiah 4:6
aying God's work must be
done by His people, as He
will always have work to do.
Nehemiah 1:5-11 tells of
Nehemiah's burden for his
eople in prayer. Many
imes when we pray for a
ituation God will give us the
ork to do to help.
Upcoming events
Lucan Community
Carne Lane, Jennifer
NEW UONS EXECUTIVE -- The 1981 executive of the Luton Lions club was installtd1d Mon-
day night. Back, left, treasurer Richard Welsh, fourth vice-president Fred Grant, tail twister
Ron King, vice-president Pat Ryan and past District Governor Bill Amos. Front, post presi.
dent Frank Von Praet, president Jack Ryan, vice-president George Gibbs and secretory
John McDonald. Missing were George Cifa and Peter Martens. T -A photo
Seven beef cattle managed
to escape but about 30 others
burned to death when fire
destroyed a large frame
barn on the Gerald Cornelis
farm in East Williams
Township near Ailsa Craig
Ailsa Craig Fire Chief
Carm Pickering said the
building was engulfed in
flames when firefighters
arrived shortly atter
Cornelis's wife turned in the
alarm about 5:15 p m He
said his men. assisted by a
tanker from the Lucan fire
department, could only
protect the house and other
nearby buildings.
Pickering doubted
whether the cause of tit'
blaze would ever he known
but he suspected a heavy
lightning storm in the area
about 2 p.m. may have
sparked it. He could not es-
timate the loss, which in-
cluded a quantity of feed
In boys minor soccer
action this week, Lucan
teams won only four of six
games played.
In squirt action, the Lucan
Celtics downed Exeter 6-0
while the Kickers lost 5-1 to
Ailsa Craig. Jason
Dukeshire led the Celtics
with a three goal per-
formance while Matthew
Dillabough booted two goals
and Shannon Thomas not-
ched a single. Lenny Carter
was the only marksman for
the Kickers.
In atom play, Chris Bell
scored the only goal as the
Lucan Spurs lost 5-1 to
The Lucan Flames
defeated Exeter 2 team 5-1
as Sandy Hyde and Terry
Ouimet each scored a pair of
goals and Michael Annis
booted a single.
In the Lucan Rangers 3-1
loss to the Exeter 1 team, the
only goal was fired by Peter
In a pee wee game, the
Lucan all stars were on the
short end of a 7-1 score to St.
Thomas. The only scorer
was Mike Pratt.
The Lucan atom girls
played to a 1-1 tie with the
Carling Vultures of London
as Noelle DeGraw was the
only scorer.
Darlene Fevery and Gisele
Williams counted for the
Farm & Industrial
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Welding hydraulic hose
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come in to see us at
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Lucan senior girls as they
played a 2-2 draw with Grand
In another contest, the
mosquito girls dropped a 7-0
decision to the Oakridge
Birthday wishes were
extended to Ethel Crouch
and Gayle Cronyn.
Reta Morley convened the
euchre with prizes being won
as follows: ladies high -
Mary Kooy; lone hands -
Charlotte Barker; low -
Ellen Broom; high man's
went to Maurice McDonald;
lone hands - Joe Carter and
low - Herb Broom. Elnora
Raycraft won the Bus)
Buddies prize. Lunch was
provided by Jean Miller and
Edythe Murdy, Violet Hardy
and Mary McCartney.
Tenders have been called
this week by the Township of
Biddulph for the erection of
a new three -bay township
garage in Lucan.
The building has been
designed by David C.
Stevens & Associate,
Architect. London.
Tenders will close on June
N7G 1X7
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Saturday afternoon
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Beginning June 20, 1981
Classes Starting Soon
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