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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-05-21, Page 44Page 14A Times -Advocate, May 27, 1981 Twilight Estate Auction Wed. June 3 at 5:30 p.m. Sharp For the estate of the late Verda Taylor, 287 Main St., Exeter, Ontario. Table and 4 wooden chairs, Ddd chairs, 2 antique dressers wooden bed, gossip bench, cupboards, plant stand, scatter rugs, 9 piece oak dining room suite, 3 piece bedroom suite, choir and chesterfield, washing machine, sealers, crocks and jugs, garden k‘ , tools, granite wore, assorted antique and kitchen dishes, and silverware, linen, B & W T.V., colour T,V., pictures and frames, antique dry sink, 4 pressed back choirs, pressed back high chair, washstand with towel racks, organ stool, cool oil lamps, Edison gramophone with horn, old clocks, Gingerbread and mantle, antique pine chest of drawers, many ar- ticles too numerous to mention. STATION WAGON -- 1975 Chev - Belaire V8 - outo, radio, power window, safety, certifed. TERMS: cash or known cheque. Estate and auctioneer not responsible for accident sole date. AUCTIONEER TOM SHOEBOTTOM ILDERTON 666-0289 • 23 Wonted To Rent 3 BEDROOM HOME in Exeter. Phone235-1060. 17t 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Lucan or surrounding area Occupancy desired by Aug. I, 1981. Phone 227-4242. I8-23' FARM HOUSE in Exeter area. 235-0327. 20:21 x WANTED boarding situation in Exeter for a young girl. Please phone 235-0177 Iles. p m. Wed. a m 21-23' /1' PAYS ADVERT/SE... 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary Elva He rn Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Elva Hem, late of the Lown of Exeter, County of Huron, who died on or about the 7th day of April 1981 are required to file par- ticulars of same with Deane & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 30th day of May 1981 after which date the estate will he distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Deane & Laughton Solicitors for the administrator Exeter. Ontario iwir-••• •-•-•-•4. REMINDER Auction Sale of Tractors, Haying Equip- ment etc. for Bert Patze, 4 miles west of Holmesville on Cutline Rd. Friday, May 29, 1 p.m. See last week's paper for full list. TERMS CASH Auction Sale of Household Furnishings, antiques, trail bike, and misc. items on. Sat., May 30 - 1 P.M. Sharp Ili mile South of Kirkton on 23 Hwy. For Mrs. June Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. G.R. Marshall, RR 1, Exeter. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: 9 pc. Mediterranean dining room suite +Andrew -Malcom); 5 pc. Vilas kitchen suite; 1 Braemore 4 cushion chesterfield and chair; 2 chesterfield suites; 3 arm chairs; platform rocker; folding rocker; other chairs; R.C.A. Victor colour T.V. with remote control; Hi-Fi set; Webcor component stereo eight tract AM FM tuner and two speakers; floor and toble lamps; hanging lamps; work bench lamp; 2 large mirrors; pictures and frames, (some hand hooked); coffee and end tables; odd tables; lomptables:small walnut book case;3 pc. bedroom suite, 5 chests of drawers; triple dresser; 1 large dresser with mirror; 1 set bunk beds; 1 Sealy Posturepedic mattress and box springs (like new); roll -away bed; cedar chest; double pedestal desk and chair; student's desk; Moffat 2 door frost free refrigerator (avocado); Moffat eletric range (avocado'; refrigerator; Simplicity washer and dryer; Viking de -humidifier; Singer upright vacuum cleaner; other appliances such as floor polisher, toaster, toaster oven. mix master with grinder att., Singer sewing machine, AM -FM' radio, 1 speaker, metal shelving unit, metal table, several dishes, pots and pans, car top rock, dog cage, wheel barrow, man's bicycle 24" rim, new b'arbecue and picnic table, moto mower, Sunbeam electric lawn mower, Toro - 4 h.p. riding lawn mower, cider press, electric cream separator, sheep shears, electric de-horner, stuffed pheasant, many more items. ANTIQUES: 3 pc. bedroom suite, dining room table with 4 leaves, Buffet, oak rocking chair, set of 6 chairs harvest table, lantern, several other items. NORM WHITING AUCTIONEER For further information CALL Exeter 235-1964 i i A Ade Old Estate Auction Sale Home & Contents 18 Goshen Street South, Zurich, Ontario Saturday May 30th., 1:00 p.m. Sharp Selling for Mrs. Nancy Koehler o life long resident of Hay Township, the following Antique, Collectable, Primitive and Nostalgia items at the residence: Round oak extension table with leaves and six chairs, ornate oak sideboard, oak library desk, old oak rocker, four washtands, small oak table, numerous pedestal plant stands, pair of hall trees, pedestal oil lamp. numerous framed pictures, fram- ed bevel mirrors, various crockery pieces, brass floor lamps tilt top writing desk, hooked mots, matching bed and dresser with curved facers, wicker baskets, small medicine cabinet, commode chair, small sideboard, nice dresser, wardrobe, six slab seat choirs, walnut spooled bed, steamer trunk, chest of drawers, single beds, Singer treadle, drop leaf table old wall cabinet, wool winder, old double drawer, kitchen table, wooden flax rake and forks, coal/wood cook stove, foot stool, 30 Ib. butcher scale, iron butcher kettle, wooden butcher tub, small disploy.cabinet, sewing stand, maple breakfast set, love letter boxes, books, old Philco radio (works,) stereo set, old chesterfield and matching chairs. numerous kitchen items. appliances, T.V., copper ket- tle and boiler, granite pieces, old wall type coffee grinder, carpets, mashers, rolling pins, carpet beater, old carpet sweeper, old first aid kit, lard stir, cabbage cutter, pig gam, cream can, quilting frames, parts for old child's sleigh, sad iron, meat grinder, sealers, linen, quilts, bedding, silverware, post cards,' buttons, garden tools; gloss and china consisting of Depression, Germany, Canada Glass (Actress & Diagonal Bank pitchers, etc.) old souvenir cup of St. Marys School, coalport vase, sterling silver relish holder with insert, fruit nappies, nice cream & sugars plus many more items too numerous to men- tion. Cash or cheque with I.D. lunch booth, not responsible for accidents. Porperty known as lot 22, Knelles Survey, village of Zurich, No. 18011, two storey Victorian brick, four bedrooms, dining room, living room, kitchen, three piece bath, full basement, forced air oil, updated panel, new roof, pine floors, lot size 66 x 132, barn 12 x 16, selling with reasonable reserve, 10% down balance in thirty days, will be offered at 2:00 p.m., excellent investment property, viewing by appoint- ment. Don Van Patter Auctioneer Zurich (519) 236-4547 AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clearing Auction Sale Of 100 acre farm, full line of farm machinery, feed, car, truck, and com- plete household offering to be held at lot 1, concession 9 of Hibbert Twp., 5 miles south of Mitchell and 11/4 mile west on County Road 16. Wednesday, June 3 at 10:30 a.m. Sharp FARM — This 100 acre farm features 89 acres of productive clay loam soil which has been spring seeded in red clover and 9 acres of bush. This ideal cash crop farm has 25 acres systematically drained with the balance being drained at random. On the property is located one and one half storey insul brick home with attached garage, a large L-shaped bank barn, and 2800 bu. steel granary. Interested parties should inspect this property prior to sale by contacting Norman Dow at 229-8279. TERMS OF PROPERTY — 10% down day of sale, balance in 60 days, being sold subject to reserve bid, property will be offered at 12:30 p.m. TRACTORS — J.D. 1830 diesel with Hi Lo shift (800 hours), J.D. 3020 diesel with power shift, set of 15.5 x 38 duals and chains to fit either tractor, Case VA gas tractor, J.D. 316 garden tractor with 46" mower and PTO (2 year old) IMPLEMENTS — John Deere 7000 four row planter with population monitor (like new), Kongskilde 4 row scuffler with rolling shields, Winpower 24/15 PT2 generator on trailer, plus a full line of implements. VEHICLES — 1979 Delta 88 Royal diesel 36,000 klm certified, 1977 Ford F150 Ranger XLT 30,000 miles certified, Camper for pickup with stove, sink, fridge and bed, John Deere "Spitfire" snowmobile (like new) FEED — Approximately 1400 bu. of Conquest barley. PLUS — a complete household offering of appliances, antiques, and misc. items. All items are in like new condition. For information call Douglas Jacob at 393-6214. Proprietor Estate of the Late Nelson Dow Norman Dow Executor AUCTIONEER Douglas Jacob 393-6214 Clearing Auction Sale Two tractors, haying equipment, machinery, truck, straw, etc. to be held at Lot 18, Concession 14, Hullett township. 1 mile east of Blyth for Larry Treanor. Monday, June 8 at 1 P.M. TRACTORS: Cast 970 diesel tractor w/ cab, heater, air, eight speed trans, front weights external hydraulic; 1250 hours. David Brown 880 diesel trac- tor (white) three cylinder, hyd. outlets, good tires. EQUIPMENT: New Holland 489 nine ft. haybine w/ floating head, like new 2 years old; New Holland 718 forage harvester w/ electric controls knife sharpener and 770 hay pick up (like new 2 years old); Dion N14 59 inch short trough forage blower (like new 2 years old); Gehl BU 620 three beater 16 ft. self unloading forage box w/ roof on Horst #15 eight ton wagon w/ 1 1 L x 1 5SL tires; Eastern three beater 16 ft. forage box w/ roof on Horst 15 eight ton wogon w/ 1 1 L x 15SL tires; Case 17 1 ft. cultivator w/ mid west harrows; John Deere F145 H five furrow 16" bottom plow - w/ trip bottom; Taul 11 ft, cultivator; Old J.D. 8 ft. trail disc; 10 ft, fer- tilizer auger; lucknow 61/2 ft. single auger snowblower; J & M 225 bushel gravity bin on Geo White 6 ton wagon; Turnco 180 bushel bin on wagon; John Deere 494A four row corn planter w/ press wheels; 16 ft. flat rack on good wagon; 32 ft. tube hay elevator w/ 3/4 h.p. motor; Farm eze single beater PTO manure spreader; 3 pt hitch manure loader; 10 ft. Husky A manure agitator pump. TRUCK: 1970 Ford F100 1/2 ton truck w/ 6x8 checker plate platform, 40" wire side racks selling as is. Wood side racks for GM pickup. TOOLS & MISC.: Forney 225 electric welder, 100 ft. extension cord for welder, Maketa cut off saw, small quantity of iron, gas push lawn mower, pressure washer, small wood lathe, Bardizzo, cattle oiler, water troughs, 30 cc automatic syringe, feed carts, small quantity of used lumber, 26 ft. of 8" transit asbestos pipe, plus numerous items. STRAW: approx. 1400 bales of straw. For informotion phone Larry at 519-523-4374. Lunch Booth Terms Cash Day of Sale AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb Clinton 482-7898 Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sole. 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate 11 Milton Daniel Haugh, Deceased All .persons has Ing claims against the estate of Milton Daniel Haugh, late of the Village of Dashwood, County of Huron, who died on or about the IOth day of May 1981 are required to IIIc particulars of same with Deane & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 13th day of June 1981 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. DEANE & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the executor Exeter, Ontano Beef Barbecue Kirkton Woodham Community Centre Sat. June 27 Stocker Sale 1000 Head at Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. on Fri. May 29, 1981 at 7:00 p.m. Consisting of: Steers, Heifers 8, Calves Victor Hargreaves Barry Miller (519) 482-7511 (Clinton) (519) 235-2717 (Exeter) or 229-6205 (Kirkton) Doug Carruthers (519) 237-3734 (Dashwood) (519) 262-2619 (Hensall) (519) 262-2831 (Hensoll) A uctioneers Larry Gardiner & Richard Lobb Greg Hargreaves AUCTION SALE to be held at Circle B Auction Centre, 5 miles east of Mitchell on Monday, June 1, 1981 at 6:45 p.m. VEHICLES - 1977 Dodge 'Royale Monaco', V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, A.M. F.M., undercoated, low milage, ex. condition, certified; 1976 Ford 'F 350' 1 ton, dual wheel, V8, 4 speed, stake rack, Michelen radials, certified. OTHER INCLUDES - M.F. 5hp riding mower, with 36 in cut; topper to fit small compact truck; 8 ft. camper to fit pickup, sleeps four, ex condition; table saw; mitre box; belt sander; other tools; small chain saw; flat to wall cupboard; open pine washstand. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES - refrigerators, Moffat range, table and chairs; rockers; studio couch; old wood beds; cribs; bicycles; Bell upright piano lamps; brass cow bells; plus much more. Partial list only. This is a consignment sale, so more items will be added and some possbily deleted. Circle B Auction Centre prop. Auctioneers Douglas Jacob and John Nicholson * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Property Estate Auction * For the estate of The Late Dawson ♦c * Woodburn, in the village of Corbett 5 * mi. N. of Parkhill, just off Hwy. 81. ♦c * * * Hugh Filson 666-0833 Friday Evening June 12 7:30 p.m. We have been instructed by the Executors to sell the following property: Being part of Lot 36, South Boundary Concession, Township of Stephen. A lovely remodelled white brick 1 1/2 storey 3 bedroom home on 1 acre. Built in cupboards, oil furnace, pipeline water, recreational room downstairs, 4 pc. bath, carpets throughout. 20 x 30 new garage. An exceptionally maintained home situated in a lovely rural community within commuting distance of Lon- don, Grand Bend and area. TERMS: 10% down, Balance in 30 days. Subject to a moderate reserve bid. AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson 666-1967 * ******************* Large Auction Sale Antique furniture, appliances, etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's barn, Clinton, Ontario for Nina Arthur of Goderich and Edna Jamieson of Clinton. Sat., May 30, at 10 a.m. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS — Square model fridge, chest freezer, electric stove, (realgood) Oak dining suite w/china cabinet, buffet, table, six chairs, Kelvinator automatic clothes washer (good one), Moffatt clothes dryer, Niagara Message unit, extension din- ing table, goes from 2 ft to 6 ft. w/4 chairs, and corner china cabinet, Antique hall seat w/mirror, Jam style cupboard, fancy oak wardrobe (antique), piano stool, combination side board w/centre china cabinet, extension dining table w/leaves, bedroom suites, washstands, trunk, kitchen cabinet, chrome oval table w/four chairs, hall tree, dresser w/mirrors, davenport couch, love seat, bookcase, treadle sewing machine, end tables, odd parlour tables, lamps, swivel rocker, odd chairs, copper boiler, picnic table, gas lawn mower, camp stove, electric hedge clippers, drill and bits, vacuum cleaner, electric grass trimmer plus a large offering of misc., tools and items plus many furniture items, not mentioned plan to attend. Terms Cash Day of sale Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Kinsmen Garage Sale South Huron Rec Centre Arena Floor May 30, 1981 10 a.m.-4p.m. Happy 70th Birthday Dad Love, Your Family Dance Kirkton Woodham Community Centre Sat. May 30 Music by JOE OVERHOLT Proceeds for hall maintenance Exeter Kinette Craft Show & Sale SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE May 30th, 1981 Between 10 a.m. & 4 p.m. CHICKEN BARBECUE WOODHAM UNITED CHURCH Wed., June 3 5 p.m. Adults $5.50 Children $2.50 Homemade salads & pies Rain or Shine Calvary United Church Cemetery Dashwood Dedication and Memorial Service Sunday, May 31 2:30 p.m. Rev. Stan McDonald guest speaker Music by Dashwood - Seaforth Band In case of rain at the church LAWN BOWLERS Anyone interested in lawn bowling contact Anyone having used lawn bowls for sale contact Exeter Lawn Bowling Club Olive Hicks Secretary Box 266, Exeter +JJI1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111nIL Western Jr. 'D' P. Banquet & Awards Night Fri., May 29 , 1981 SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE Banquet $12.00 per couple Dinner at 7:00 Dance 9-1 $6.00 per couple Music by MOZART & MELODY MAKERS Dance open to All Tickets at door or at RSD Sports Den Banquet Tickets Available From Ron Bogart or at RSD Dominion Tavern Zurich Entertainment this week Dwight James Fri. and Sat. 9 — 1 Fresh Lake Huron Perch featured on Sunday in the Dining Room Jrm1Jow To the Auxiliary members, volunteers and the many husbands for their long hours of service. The response of donors and the public made the sale a huge success. Thanks again for supporting our hospital Rummage Sale Committee BINGO LUCAN ARENA May 27 Doors open - 7:15 p.m. Early bird - 7:55 p.m: Regular games, Midway special, share the wealth, stand up, etc. Jackpot $650 - 55 calls Proceeds for Arena Double Door Card $1,00 Bingos will continue each Wednesday night. Licence # 28721 1 Proceeds for Arena Du* re keens* regulotiens no en. under 16 year. el ops will b. odmim.d Me(��neen c�test MOTOR HOTEL Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Every Day from 5 a.m. Friday night: FISH FRY, all you can tat. Fresh Perch and Shrimps 9S Salad Bar . p.p. SUNDAY BRUNCH from 11:30a.m.-2:30p.m. Bacon -Sausages and Eggs, Hot Dish, Salad Bar, Home Frits, Pastries, etc. $5.30 p.p. LIVE LOBSTERS Saturday and Sunday nights For Reservations CaII 238-2365 This woks •nt.rtalnm.nt: RANDY & CATHY Grand Bend No. 21 PHONE 238-2365 1 MI. S. of Traffic Light 1