HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-05-21, Page 34Page 4A Times -Advocate, May 27, 1981 See old court house Institute visits 'creepy jail' The Tweedsmuir History meeting of the Lucan Women's Institute was a little different this year. Members lunched at the Garage restaurant and proceeded to the "Old Court House", where Mark Smith gave them a most interesting tour of not only the part that has been refurnished, but also down to the old jail which would really give anyone the "creeps". It was awful! Mr. Smith took us to the staff lounge and the meeting was held in this very lovely room which has three large domed skylights. The meeting opened with the Anniversary is celebrated Jane Crozier Saska London and Susan Enerson, Guelph, daughters of Ron and Margery Crozier hosted a 40th anniversary celebration for their parents Sunday at the family home 440 Adelaide Street, London. The family lived in Lucan prior to moving to the city Inst. Ode & Mary Stewart Collect. Iva Hodgins, a past district president, installed the 1981- 82 officers as follows: Past - president and district director - Mrs. Thomas Emery, Sr.; President - Mrs. Glen Haskett; Vice- president - Mrs. R.R. Crozier; Secretary & P.R.O. - Mrs. Wm Froats; Treasurer - Mrs. James Lockyer; Branch directors - Mrs. S. Revington and Mrs. C. Robb; Conveners of standing committees agriculture and Canadian industries - Mrs. Robb; Citizenship and world affairs and resolutions - Mrs. Revington; Educational and Cultural activities - Mrs. Crozier. Family and consumer affairs - Mrs. Alan Hodgins; Curator, Tweedsmuir History - Mrs. M.H. Hodgins; Sick and sunshine secretary - Mrs. Cecil Neil; Tel. committee - Mrs. F. Pruss, Mrs. Neil and Mrs. M.H. Hodgins; Nominating committee - Mrs. Crozier and Mrs. Emery. Mini -flea market convener Mrs. =i 111111111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l l t l l l l I I I I I 11111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 L H. VAN MOORSEL INSULATIONg. LTD. R.R. 5 MITCHELL 348-9376 ' Sprayed In Place Urethane Foam Blown Insulations NEW: FLAT ROOFING 8r REPAIRS • Agricultural & Industrial Bldg'. • Now & Old.r Homes Insulation Plus a New Roof FREE ESTIMATES F. • 40 FT. BASKET TRUCK SERVICE OR RENT BY HOUR OR DAY 511111 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 M Jim Becker Construction DASHWOOD 237-3526 Five Inch Steel Seamless Eavestroughing Now Available In 6 colors with all accessories The only siding with the steel -plus -vinyl difference! Take steel. add layers of zinc chemicals and a thick poryvmyl chloride (PVC) coating You ve got Stelco Ultragard Siding Siding supreme. There's never been a siding like new Stelco Ultragard Siding It s the perfect protection to put between your home and the weather. NEW STELCO ULTRAGARD SIDING A product of Stelco Inc For a free no -obligation estimate contact JIM B CKEfl 237-3526 CONSTRUCTION f Pruss and Auditor - Mrs. Harry Wraith. The President's Pin, belonging years ago to the mother of Lina Abbott and a Charter Member, was presented to the incoming president by Mrs. Emery and that of Mrs. Les McGuffin will be worn by the Secretary. A new member, Mrs. Jim Robertson, (Flora) was welcomed to the group. The roll call was "A Mistake I've made in Past Years" which caused considerable hilarity. The motto "To err is human - and sometimes its the best thing that could happen to you!" taken from a book "Keys to Happiness'$, 'was given by Iva Hodgins, Curator. Letters of thanks were read from Wallace McLay regarding the flag presented to Donna Walker's grade 3-4 class and from John Jury of the Canadian Red Cross, regarding the Blood Donor Clinic. United church As members and friends entered the Sanctuary for the service at Lucan United Church, Sunday, they were welcomed by Helen and Bob Patterson who were joined by their son and daughter, Leslie and Linda in receiving the offering. Piano selections of familiar old hymns were played by Janey Robertson as a prelude to the service. The service was prepared and presented by members of the Mission & Service Committee with special emphasis on the World Development and Relief Fund which is in urgent need of our support. Rev. Keith Brown con- ducted the service, with Mabel Froats leading in a Prayer Litany, Sharon Newman reading the lesson and Marjorie Park, com- mittee chairperson, giving a very brief resume of the Live Love Projects of the Charge and introducing the special speaker, Rev James Somerville, Director of Compassion Canada, and Ass't Minister at King Street United Church, London. Prior to the message, Barbara Bannerman told a children's story of "The Flying Chicken", a missionary story in precommunist China. Mr. Sommerville, speaking from Phillippians 3:10 said that the Gospel begins with personal com- mitment to "know Christ", thus receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Sharon Newman gave the M & S fund report which stands at 33 percent. We must try to be more dedicated in our sharing of God's riches to us and bring it over the 50 percent by the end of June. An offeratory solo "My Task" was sung by Rev. Keith Brown and the choir sang the mission anthem "So Send I You," with Helen Stanley at the organ. The 119th anniversary of the Lucan Church will be celebrated Sunday, June 7, at 11:15 with Rev Wes Oke of King Street United Church, London, as guest speaker. Mark this on your calendar now and plan to celebrate with us. QUILTING DAY Those taking the quilting course, through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Home Economics Branch, during recent weeks from London and area held their Summary Day at St. Patrick's Church Parish Hall, Dundas Street East. It was a most interesting and worthwhile afternoon as 14 groups displayed their handiwork. While many articles were similar there were also many which showed the creativity of those making them, and the Home Economist, Grace Bird, pointed these out for special notice. Among them was a crib quilt made by Elsie Kraft of the local group. The very interesting speakers were Lu Farnell and Willi Powell from Quilter's Supply, Hyde Park. The local teachers were Iola Goring and Bernice Lockyer of the Lucan W.I. GRADUATES Janey Robertson, daughter of Jim and Flora Robertson has received her certificate for elementary teaching of Grades Kin- dergarten to 6 from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Janey has made application to School Boards across Canada and is hopeful of being one of the successful candidates. We are too, Janey, good luck. The 810 donation toward prizes for the Education Fair was approved and will be presented by the P.R.O. at a designated time. A sincere vote of thanks was given to Iola Goring and Bernice Lockyer, the in- structors in the recent quilt course. Voting delegates attending the District Annual held in Poplar Hill Baptist Church on Tuesday, were President Isobel Haskett, District director Vina Emery, Member -at -large and representative to Family & Children's Services, Margery Crozier. Iva M. Hodgins was also among the -delegates as Curator of the North Middlesex Tweed- smuir History Book. Reta Robb, representative to the Federation of Agriculture for North - Middlesex District was unable to be present but sent her report which was read by Mas Haskett. Mrs. Emery gave the courtesies at the lovely luncheon provided by members of the North Lobo Branch who were the hostesses for the day. TOP LUCAN MINORS — Individual trophies were presented to the most valuable and most improved players at the recent Lucan minor hockey banquet. From the left are Lan Craig, Mike Arts, Lawrence Pocock and Michael Damen. T -A photo I 11� 1 Revival Centre Sunday morning Rev Ray Brewster introduced Rev Richard Simpson, from World Vision. Rev Simpson talked of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish, with 12 basketsfull left over. He told that one quarter of earth's people do not have enough to eat. World Vision gives out Love Loaves for people to fill with money which goes toward helping feed hungry people overseas. The Love Loaves given to Lucan Revival Centre members were brought to Rev. Simpson. This time all the money collected in them will go to help build a school in Haiti where there is none. Usually 40 percent of the money collected goes to World Vision for feeding the hungry, while 60 percent goons toward the church's mission. Rev Simpson said that 819.00 a month feeds, clothes and buys school supplies for a child for one month. Three years ago World Vision learned of a tuber- culosis outbreak in Haiti. Scores of doctors and nurses went at their own expense to inoculate children with vaccine supplied by World Vision. SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY JUNE 2 CHOICEST YOUNG ONTARIO PORK "CENTRE CUT" LOIN BURNS PART FUED PORK CHOPS SMOKED PORK CHOPS 98e` g2g Haiti is the world's poorest country. The minimum wage is $2.50 a day. Because of this several people from Lucan Revival Centre are going to help build this school in Haiti so children can learn. At the evening service Rev Ray Brewster spoke from Matthew 6:33-34 and 7:1-6, and Luke 6:36-45 on the dangers of judging. We cannot expect God to give to us if we violate God's principles by judging, condemning, not forgiving, not giving. When we do not judge or condemn, when we forgive and when we give to others, then we can expect God to give to us as we give to others. Upcoming events The annual Sunday School picnic will be held Saturday June 13 at 1 p.m. in Market Square Park, Lucan. Blossom Tea will be held this Wednesday evening, May 27 at 7:30 p.m., at Lucan Revival Centre. All ladies are invited. Guest speaker is to be Mrs. JanaLyn Rutledge. 100 Huntley Street bus tour is to be May 28-29. Phone Mrs. Cathy Mason, at the Church for details. YOUNG ONTARIO PORK 3 CENTRE CUT PORTIONS 3 RIB PORTIONS 3 TENDERLOIN PORTIONS BUDGET PAK LOIN PORK BONELESS CENTRE CUT LOIN ROAST OR CHOPS • WHOLE OR HOCK ON SHANK PORTION Ib. SCHNEIDERS BROKEN $ COOKED HAM Tin! PKG.129 ZEHRS OWN TASTY AS SMOKED ib. WIENERS PKG. • lr BURNS PART SKINNE COOKED SMOKED HAM BUTT PORTION • Ib. PART BACK ON FRESH! CHICKEN LEGS NOT FROZEN 9g° BURNS PART SKINNED COOKED $ SMOKED HAM PORTION • Ib. SPECIAL AT THE DELI SCHNEIDERS COOKED SLICED St CORNED„ X 57 BEEF PKGS,K. II. I BURNS FINE QUAUTY SANDWICH STYLE COOKED HAM SLICED Ib. 1199 SCHNEIDERS BLUE 111101 SLICED LARGE BOLOGNA lb#1.69 SKILLET STRIPS 500 9.�1.78 SCHNEIDERS �1. �� SAUERKRAUT 900 t,,,, PUDDING RINGS 1!1.48 S I DLA► 'Irak FRESH ATLANTIC FILLET$ E B ' CON 50og. 1.98 1OCEAN PERCH Ib. $2.39. QUALITY AT ZEHRS au 'ice • t'O,/ I IMPORTANT TO YOU AND PRIDE OF CANADA la PURE 500 g. PKG. 8 ALL BEEFCASE OF$ 10 PKGS. STEAKETTES $YOAR PLUM FULLY COOKED *2.48 DINNER HAM Ib. SHOPSYS PREPARED CREAMY COLE SLAW BULK lb.;118 "AT THE WHAF" NOT IN ALL MARKETS I MAPLE LEAF PARA BOLOGNA CHUNKS Ib. $1.29 NAM LEAF BACK ENGLISHSTYLI 175 g$.159 WE RESERVE THE RIONT TO UMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. PRODUCT OF HONDURAS CHIQUITA. DOLE oR DELMONTE. BANANAS EXTRA XTRA FINE QUALITY Ib. • . -• PRODUCT CANADA EN OF CANADA NO. 1 GRADE G L S H EA. COLOURFUL BLOOMING REIGER BEGONIA PLANTS a INCH POTS t1 EACH 49 11411 PRODUCT Of LU. CAL N0. 1 CAUFORNIA GREEN ONIONS RupcHE8 4o99 WiNETIMITOnin SPANISH ONIONS Le. 69' PROD. OF U.S.A. CAN. N0. 1 RADISHES 1 Ib. PK.. 690 P*OOUCT bF us.A. CANADA N0. 1 684 BUNCH CARROTS BUNCH PR0011CT OFR AFRICA CANADA FANCY GRANNY SMITH APPLES x.89 PROD, OF M.&& CAN. N0. 1 CELERY STALKS ORABEE 98#