HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-04-29, Page 24Page 8A Times -Advocate, April 29, 1981 GETS TOP LEGION AWARD — Comrade Sid Daley of Branch 540 of the Royal Canadian Legion in Lucan received a high honour Sunday. He is now the proud possessor of a Palm Leaf. From the left are Commander -elect Charles Moon of District A, District awards chairman Tom Healy, Sid Daley, Zone A-5 Commander Jim Simpson and branch 540 president Ken Wood. T -A photo Seniors euchre School buzzes for fun night The Biddulph-Lucan Home and School Association annual "Family Fun Night" was held Thursday evening in. the Hiddulph building. Every class room and the gymtorlum held games, food or things for sale and the school was buzzing with various activities. The gym held the very large "flea market", as well as a table the full length of the hall containing 34 "draw" boxes from various local and community business establishments. Games included "hammer 'n' nails", bowling, darts, fish pond, bean bag toss and in the lunch room the helpers were kept busy handing out doughnuts, chips, drinks, etc, No money was . handled in any room except the bake sale, as children and adults purchased strips of tickets at the door. The puppet show seemed to be the most popular of all as Dorothy Dedells has become quite well known for her terrific presentations. The home baking room had not yet opened when the writer was present but in proves success Members of the Sunshine and Busy Buddies groups hosted a very successful dessert euchre Thursday from 1:30 to 4:30 in the Legion Hall. Various ladies ti Revival Centre Sunday morning Rev. Ray Brewster conducted the service at the Revival Centre. An Easter bunny (Mike O'Neil) came boun- ding down the aisle happy that he was an Easter bunny. Then he became sad that he was an Easter bunny bringing joy only once a year. An Easter egg (Rev roger Mason) came in to tell :film the joy of Easter was for time, because Jesus gives the joy. The egg told the bunny how to accept Jesus Christ to have this joy. After the bunny did so, he went out rejoicing. Rev. Brewster sang "Peace in the Midst of the Storm." He then ministered from Mark 4:35-41, saying all of us have been in storms of life in the winds of adversity. In this storm on the Sea of Galilee the disciples did not trust the power of Jesus until He calmed the storm. As Jesus overcame and calmed the storm, He can give us peace and victory to over- come when we trust in Him. Sunday evening Rick Thornton led the song ser- vice. The Dr. Tim LaHaye film on Marital Happiness was shown. Dr. LaHaye told that two people with a vital relationship with God will enjoy their relationship more with each other. Most stressful occurrence is the death of a spouse, then a divorce, then marital separation. Keys to marital happiness are found in God's word. Key one is emotional maturity in Phillippians 2:3-4. being unselfishness. Key two is submission by wife to husband as unto the Lord Eph 5:22-24. Key three is love -- for husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church Eph 5:25-33. A Christian husband will love his wife, and transform his marriage in love. Key four is communication -- by planning good times; never discuss negative things or finances at night, never argue; commit problems to God. as in Eph 4:15. Key five is prayer -- pray together as in Matthew 18:19-20, as prayer changes things. Key six is Jesus Christ as without flim we can do nothing. We pray in Jesus' name. We need His power to do good. Jesus cannot be in your home unless He is in your life and He can only come in when invited. Upcoming events Dr. Arthur Moore, from Concord California will be the graduation speaker for Christianview Bible College at Lucan Revival Centre at 8:00 p.m., May 8. Dr. Moore has recently become an extension teacher for Christianview Bible College. Dr. Moore will also speak at the Sunday Services May 10, then at the anniversary services Monday and Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Jaywalking is a bad habit that could give you a run- down feeling. accepted responsibility for a table and as one entered the hall the tables looked lovely, each with a floral arrangement and colourful cloth. Guests were welcomed by the President, Mildred Hirtzel and prizes won as follows: Lady's high - Hannah Clark, Beechwood; lone hands - Ethel Lewis; low score - Merle Lewis, Brinsley. Man's high - Leda Revington; lone hands - Roy Swartz , Exeter; low score - Mary McCarthy. "Skunk" game prizes were won by Loretta Brown, Exeter, Hazel Williams, Charlotte Barker and Kay Neil. The "Birthday Prize" was won by Jean Hodgins. A "dutch auction" took place at the close of the euchre games and prizes were won by Harry Carrol, Shirley Dickens, Exeter, Kae Lankin, Russell Brown, Exeter and Shirley Dickens also won the fourth prize. Thanks to Harry Noels of Forest for acting as the very capable auctioneer. A few members of the Busy Buddies returned to the club room after luncheon to work on the quilt for the fair. Tuesday evening six Busy Buddies and two guests visited "Our Glass" to ex- periment with the art of Glass Craft, prior to setting up a Fall Course. They were impressed with the lovely work being done by three - students who were working in the studio, and enjoyed their "trial run." It is expected the course will be offered for eight weeks, commencing in September. If any senior, or near -senior, is interested, please phone 227-4714 for further information. peeking through the door the tables were well -laden and everything looked scrump- tious! Credit should be given to the many parents, teachers and some students working in each area. They were certainly kept busy. The money will be used toward putting up a "Creative Playground". Four area accidents ..v.. _ .. .. f.. ...._ and district news Iv* M. Hodgins 227-4714 Four accidents were in- vestigated this week by of- ficers of the Lucan detach- ment of the Ontario Provin- cial Police with damages totalling $6,600. Sunday at 1:20 a.m. vehicles driven by Clarence Tate, RR 5. St. Marys and Scott Vey. RR 3, Thorndale collided on county road 16, east of county road 27. Constable J.A. Wilson listed damages at $1,800. At 5 p.m. on Monday a trailer being towed by a vehicle driven by Charles Bechtholo, Kitchener broke loose on Highway 7, east of county road 22 and entered the ditch. Damages were set at $2.000 by Constable D.N. Marshall. Constable T.R. Chapman estimated damages at $1,400 when vehicles driven by Kaye Appleby, London and Peter John Kamen, RR 1, Hyde Park were in collision on county road 28, east of Highway 4 at 8:15 p.m., Thursday. The same day. at. 7 p.m. vehicles driven by Gaspiro Panyi, London and Peggy Currah, St. Marys collided on county road 20 at Highway 22. Constable D.B. Stables set damages at $1,- 400. GRAND CHAMP — The league in league were won by the Hu Jim Smith, Harold Smith and and grand stlers. Back, Wayne Smith. championship trophies in the Lucan men's bowl - left, Bob Smith, Russ Smith and Jim Burt. Front, T -A photo Activities at St.Patrick's Thursday April 16 an Easter celebration prepared and presented by Mrs. Kelly's grades 1 and 2 class was enjoyed by the students and the many parents and friends who were in at- tendance. The grade 1 and 2 students were involved in a drama production showing the Religious meaning of Good friday and Easter Sunday. They also read aloud their own ideas about the symbols of Easter. Their songs showed enthusiasm, and happiness about the Easter season. With education week approaching all classes are Anglican Morning Prayer was the order of service at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Greeting worshippers were Eileen and Clarence Ilaskett, and lesson readers were Jim Shipley and Kay Egan. The sermon given by Rev. Pocock was based on the readings of the day. Thomas, was the doubting disciple and insisted that unless he saw Jesus himself he would not believe that He had risen from the dead even thoush the other disciples told him that they had seen Him. Are we not like Thomas - unless we actually see something we doubt. Doubt is the companion of fear. Fear overcame the disciples following the crucifixion and they were in hiding. When Jesus appeared to them and they knew that He indeed was the Risen Christ their fears vanished and they came forth to proclaim Him. Our fears make us doubt and the world we live in is full of fearful happenings, but as believers in Christ we are called "to be in the world, but not of it." Faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ will protect us from all worldly fears. Upcoming events ' Upcoming events: Each Tuesday evening, 8 p.m. Bible Study at Rectory Thursday April 30 A.C.W. Annual Conference and Meeting, St. James West- minster; London. preparing to greet their parents at the annual Science Fair and the other upcoming events. The week beginning Sunday, May 3, has been designated as Education Week. The theme this year will be "The Spirit is Alive." The students from grades 4-8 are preparing for the annual system cross country event at Regina Mundi College on Monday May 4. These jogging enthusiasts are also helping to raise money for Mission Hope which aids people in the "Third World Countties" who are less better off than United Church At Lucan United Church Sunday, Rev. Keith Brown completed the series on the "Words from the Crass" using "The word of Com- mittal" based on Luke 23.46 "Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit" are words of prayer. of peace which He experienced and a pattern He set. Jesus began his ministry in prayer. He prayed all through His ministry and He concluded His earthly ministry with prayer. Close communion with God is necessary for the real peace that Jesus ex perienced as he died on the cross. It was based on the love and trust He had for His Father. Those at the cross were greatly affected by the death of Jesus. The magnet of the cross had begun its work. The flowers in the Sanc- tuary were from the funeral of the late Mrs. Corrie Van Meer and the prayers of the congregation are extended to her loved ones. Pledge forms for the Bible Society walk-a-thon were distributed in the Sunday School where 103 pupils were in attendance. This is a community event and there is a "senior's" walk as well, so get your pledge sheets from Jim Robertson and get "in the swim"! The Walk-a- thon is Saturday, May 23, leaving from this Church. Members were welcomed to the service by Leda and Sheridan Revington. Upcoming In Lucan U.C. Tomorrow, Thursday, the Prayer and Share Fellowship meets. Next Sunday the Lucan service is withdrixwn so members may attend the 116th anniversary of Clandeboye U.C. at 11 a.m., with Rev. Craig Railton, London Conference Communications Officer as speaker. T.V. dinner trays and 1 lb. margarine tubs, with lids, are needed for take-outs for the dressed pork supper on Wednesday May 13. Please leave them in the kitchen. ourselves". , The wrestling team coached by Jack Gardiner has participated in an in- vitational tournament in Lambeth. Saturday, the team will compete in the annual London and Mid- dlesex County Catholic School Tournament at Regina Mundi. We wish Mr. Gardiner and his boys good luck! The grades 7 and 8 classes will also be going to Regina Mundi to participate in their annual drama production entitled "Cain Mutiny Court Martial." This promises to be a very enlightening and educational event for our students. This being the year of the 125th anniversary of the London Diocese and the 100th anniversary of St. Peter's Cathedral a special professional development program has been designed for Thursday April 30 in connection with these events. The staff in- volvement on this day will center mainly the religion . Auxiliary RIDE FOR CANCER IN LUCAN — A large number of Lucan residents took part in Sunday's Great Ride for Cancer. Shown ready to leave for the return trip to Granton are Beulah Storey, Bobby Maslen, Peter Bakker and Lana O'Leary. T -A photo Tuesday evening the Women's Auxilary of the Lucan Revival Centre held their monthly meeting in the Fellowship Hall of the church, with husbands and young people present. Bruce Shaw opened the meeting by leading in chorus singing. Ed and Anneliea Butler showed the slides from their trip to Israel, giving highlights of the trip. Their plane would not fly over Israel due to danger, and landed in Amman Jordan. Many were shocked to see a guard with a machine gun guarding them as they embarked from the plane. They found the Arabs very hostile, doing much yelling, and quite disorganized. They drive Mercedes, and Volvos. Going across the border to Israel the customs took six hours. The reason for the Arabs hostility is that after the six day war the Jews bulldozed down all the houses and the Arabs were left with nothing to return to. Before that the Jews were buying the land and houses from the Arabs as much as they could. The Jews are learning to fight, are quite organized and they will not give up their land now, as they feel God gave it to them. The slides showed the land as it is now, as well as ruins showing how it was back to the time of Christ. It was a very informative evening seeing the land in pictures. WHITE ELEPHANT SALE — A white elephant sale was part of Thursday night's Fun Fair at Biddulph Central School. Above, sale convener Shirley Fowles is shown with Nicole Hardy and Valerie Fretz. T -A photo WIN AWARDS The Ontario Business Education Association sponsored an Accounting and Typing Competition at Strathroy District High School, Thursday. Heidi Hoffmann, a graduate of Biddulph Cen- tral School, placed first in the Novice Typing Division, Barbara Biemans was second in thejunior division accounting and Alan Maslen third in the senior division accounting. The latter two young people are graduates from St. Patrick's School, Lucan. Congratulations. DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC E. J. Steele 62 Front St. West STRATHROY 245-4211 ****************** yT W.H. Battram & Sons, Ltd. 294-6893 — 294-6303. ****************** CRANE SERVICE PARKHILL AND DISTRICT Fire chief Wes Hickson and OPP Sgt. Bruce Shaw start Cancer ride In Lucan 25 Ton Mobile Grove 92 Foot Boom — 24 Foot Jib SPECIAL AWARDS - Three members of Won Legion Branch 540 received special awards Sunday afternoon. Above, president Ken Wood presents certificates of merit to Anne Craig and Hubert Ward and a life membership to Keith Dickson.T-A photo We have: • Yarns •Nearly New Clothicig • Craft Supplies • Shell Crafts • Macrame Yarns • Crafts and Yarn literature • Ready Made Crafts and Nearly New Clothing Taken on consi.nment COUNTRY CRAFTS RNNQWO THINGS OPEN Wanted Childrens Clothing COUNTRY CRAFTS and THINGS 175 Main, Lucan 227-4033 •