Times-Advocate, 1981-04-08, Page 43Unknown vehicles in two
Six area accidents
Six accidents were in-
vestigated this week by of-
ficers of the Lucan detach-
ment of the Ontario Provin-
cial Police.
A vehicle owned by
Christopher Hayes RR 3
Granton was struck by an
unknown vehicle while park-
ed at the Edgewood Variety.
Constable T.C. Chapman es-
timated damage. at $500.
A vehicle driven by Eileen
Toth of RR 1 Ilderton
sustained $600 damage when
it swerved to miss a mini
bike on concession 10 in Lon-
don township on Tuesday. P.
C. Stables investigated.
Th, rsday at 12:55 p.m. a
1978 Plymouth driven by
Glen McFadden, London
was in collision with a 1975
Cadillac driven by Gordon
Duke also of London. on
highway 4 at concession 9 in
London township. Constable
Wilson estimated damages
to the $4,300.
Friday, a vehicle driven
by Richard Hokanson, RR 1
Ailsa Craig collided with a
vehicle on concession 2 of
McGillivray township just
north of Highway 7. The
other driver involved was
John Rose, 230 Pryde, Ex-
eter. Constable C.S. Flem-
ming estimated damages at
A 1978 Volkswagen owned
by Margaret Gore of Prince
Albert St., Centralia was
struck in' the rear by an un-
known vehicle while parked
on Main Street in Lucan on
Saturday. 'Constable Flem-
ming listed damage at $100.
The same day a vehicle
driven by Tom Percy, Ilder-
ton struck a farm tactor
and manure spreader
Palm Sunday
Confirmation and Commu-
nion Services were
celebrated on Palm Sunday
in Lucan United Church,
with the junior choir leading
in the ministry of music.
Under the direction of
Helen Stanley the children
sang "Were you There" and
"I Am The Resurrection."
Virginia Lynn Scott was
received into ' church
membership by transfer
from Byron United and Jean
and Jane Thompson were
received by Confirmation.
All were welcomed into the
fellowship of Lucan United
Church by Rev. Keith Brown
and the members of the con-
Ed Melanson, on behalf of
the Mission and Service
Committee, gave a "Minute
Talk", advising that 20 per-
cent of the charge objective
has been reached, and
reading a short answer to
the question "But what can I
Mr. Brown's message was
brief, on the meaning of Con-
firmation. He said that God
has been at work in the lives
of the communicants
Sgt. Crane
Sgt. Bernie Crane, a 23 -
"year veteran of the Ontario
Provincial Police, has been
promoted to detective -
sergeant and will take
charge of the crime unit at
London district head-
quarters April 27.
A Cambridge area native,
Crane began his career in
London. He became Lucan
detachment commander in
1966 when he was promoted
to corporal. In 1975 he was
promoted to sergeant and
transferred to Tillsonburg as
detachment commander.
Crane. whose duties will
involve overseeing all
criminal investigations for
the 10 OPP detachments in
District 2. succeeds Murray
Peer, who was promoted
from detective -sergeant to
inspector and moved Mon-
day to general headquarters
in Toronto.
through their parents, Sun-
day School and through
attendance at church ser -
services, etc.
During the past 9 weeks
they have been studying,
with Mr. Brown, for this oc-
casion and the future, using
the book "Your Confir-
mation" and now are ready
to commit themselves to
God and to Christ and His
On behalf of the session
and the church, Robert
Murray, Clerk of the Ses-
sion, presented Jane and
Jean with Bibles.
Eva and Alex Young
welcomed members and
friends at the door. Flowers
in the sanctuary were from
the funeral of the late Muriel
Carling and sympathy is ex-
tended to her family.
Sunday school pupils were
presented with Palm
branches during their ses-
sion and many were in
evidence in the church ser-
Upcoming in the U.C.
The Friendship Unit,
usually meeting on the third
Wednesday, has been post-
poned one week until next
Wednesday, April 22 at 8:30.
Tomorrow morning,
Thursday, at 9:45 all women
of the community are in-
vited to the Prayer and
Share Fellowship.
The Good Friday service
will be held at 7 p.m. com-
mencing in the church,
proceeding to the C.E.
Rooms and returning to the
church sanctuary for Holy
Communion. It will be a
learning experience for
everyone and the young peo-
ple will be participating.
Next Sunday, Easter, will
be observed with special
music and message. Sunday
May 3, 11 a.m. will be the
116th anniversay of the
Clandeboye United church
and the Lucan Service will
be withdrawn.
Sunday, May 10 is Chris-
tian Family Sunday when
the Sacrament of Infant
Baptism will be celebrated.
Please contact Rev. Keith
Brown 227-1143 as soon as
possible, if you have a baby
to be baptised.
operated by Bev Hughes, RR
3 Ilderton. P. C. Flemming
listed damages at $1,800.
Revival Centre
Bill Davies conducted the
service Sunday morning and
Mr. Ken Allen read Isaiah
53. Mr. Davies asked "How
free are you?" before he
read Colossians 1:9 - 14.
Verse 13 tells us God has
delivered us from the power
of spiritual darkness.
Luke 4 tells how the devil
will try to get to us through
the physical. The next way is
through selfishness. to have
things that are attractive.
The last way is through the
spiritual realm, by trying
peoples doubts about God's
power. We thank God that
He has delivered us from the
devil's power of darkness.
Bruce Shaw opened the
evening service by reading
Eph. 1; 22-23 . Mrs. Jean
Cochrane sang "I See Who
You Really Are" accom-
panying herself on her
The Dr. Tim LeHaye film
"How to cope with
Hostility" was shown. Our
temperament is the key to
many of life's biggest
problems. Hostility is one of
the worst problems. When
people get emotionally upset
and angry they make serious
mistakes. A person can
destroy himself by anger,
bitterness, and wrath, as
this affects all the body's
vital organs.
Hate and bitterness
towards a parent can be
transferred towards one
mate, ruining a marriage
relationship. The best sex
education for little children
is for parents to show them
parental love. To eradicate
hate and bitterness against a
parent, one has to ask God's
forgiveness. then forgive the
parent who hurt you and
made you angry and hate
Upcoming events
April 17, Good Friday,
Good Friday service will be
held at Exeter Pentecostal
Church. Lucan Revival Cen-
tre and Centralia Faith
Tabernacle will join in this
service. Everyone welcome.
Sunday School
Palm Sunday was special
for the children of Lucan U-
nited church Sunday School.
Not only did they receive
Palm branches, but it was
the culmination of a service
project to mark the "Year of
the Disabled", for which
each class has beenbringing
in their money the last three
Julie Lambert, Supervisor
at the Developmental Centre
London, and Marg Hamilton,
the volunteer co-ordinator of
the London and District
Assoc. for the Mentally
Retarded were on hand to
receive, with thanks the
$97.16 which will be used to
buy towels for the Centre.
Mrs. Hamilton made a brief
slide presentation indicating
how handicapped children
cope with their particular
IN CHARGE OF PROGRAM -- Ladies from the Lucan Revival Centre were in charge of the
second portion of Wednesday's learning for Lent service at the United Church. From the left
are June Cochrane, Becky Brewster, Ruth Shaw and June Henry. T -A photo
Sunday, May 3
10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission 50c
over 70 tables will be on dupla
Craft Show and Sale
Community Centre
DISCUSS FAMILY LAW — Lucan lawyers John Hope and Bob Benner were the guest
speakers at Wednesday's Learning for Lent service at the Lucan United Church. Shown in
conversation are John Hope, program conveners Shirley Ryan and Mari Park and Bob
Benner. T -A photo'
iv* M. Hadgins
Dumpto' site be open
Saturduys 2 and 9
Residents of the village of to leave the sidewalks until Council learned that
next year." MacLaren Engineers,
Included in the estimates Planners and Scientists had
would be all earth ex- forwarded the terms of
cavation,storm drainage, an reference for a municipal
outlet through the park, a housing study to the Ministry
granular base, soils control of Housing.
and engineering. With the government
Works superintendent approval the London plan -
Doug Johnston was in- ning firm will do a study to
structed to install a number determine the need of senior
of "No parking from here to citizen apartments.
corner signs. The locations The survey will cover the
are at the intersections of village of Lucan and portions
Main and Frank, Main and of the townships of
Albert and Main and McGillivray and Biddulph.
• Francis streets.
Parking restrictions were
also discussed at the Lucan
Community Centre. Larry
Hotson, a member of the
Community Centre com-
mittee said his group hoped
to reserve two parking spots
for emergency vehicles near
the arena.
Building official Frank
Goring on recent completion
of a three month
probationary period was
given a permanent position
with the village.
A resolution was passed
authorizing clerk Ed
Melanson to prepare a bylaw
to rescind the village's
fencing bylaw.
A note from building of-
ficial Frank Goring said all
fencing controls were now
cavered in the building and
zoning bylaws.
Later in the meeting,
deputy -reeve Norm Steeper
after a quick check of
several of the bylaws said he
had some further questions
and the matter will be
brought up again at the next
Lucan will have a number of
opportunities to get rid of
their garbage and refuse
which has built up over the
winter months.
In an agreement with C.H.
Lewis Ltd. the waste
disposal site operated by
that firm in Biddulph
township will be open for two
Saturdays for use by local
residents who wish to make
their own deliveries.
Council will bear the extra
cost involved in operation for
these two Saturdays in
conjunction with the
townships of Biddulph and
In addition, the annual
spring cleanup will be held
on May 13, 14, and 15 when
village residents may put
extra articles at the curb for
Engineer Paul McIntyre
attended the latest meeting
of council Tuesday and was
instructed to proceed as
quickly as possible on the
engineering for recon-
struction of Elm Street.
McIntyre replied, "We are
ready tb go full speed ahead
and should be ready to call
tenders early in May with
start of construction in June.
The engineer said
preliminary estimates for
reconstruction of the 850 feet
of Elm street including curb
and gutter without sidewalks
would be about $45,245.
Reeve Ivan Hearn said
subsidy monies in the
amount of $21,000 were
available for the project
which is very close to being
one-half the projected cost.
McIntyre added, "We
can't possibly do it all in one
year. Likely it would be best
Cancer group
holds annual
The Lucan-Biddulph
Branch of the Canadian
Cancer Society Executives,
and in particular, the Educa-
tion Committee, hosted a
meeting Thursday evening
at the Lucan Public School.
A large number of in-
terested men and women put
in an appearance to hear the
guest speaker, Dr. Joseph
Cummins of the Plant
Sciences Department of
For further details please
see the report of the Publici-
ty Chairperson, Eileen
Summers. the Granton cor-
We have:
Craft Supplies
Macrame Yarns
• Nearly New Clothing
• Shell Crafts
• Crafts and Yarn literature
Ready Made Crafts and Nearly New Clothing
Taken on const nment
175 Main, Lucan 227-4033
The children of the Sunday
School. the Jr. and Sr. choirs
Processed into the church
carrying branches of palms
to begin the Palm Sunday
Service at Holy Trinity
Anglican ('hurch. Loretta
Dickson read a poem by
G.K. Chesteraton, followed
by a reading. Rev. Pocock
then blessed the palms.
The worshippers were
greeted by Russell
Radcliffe The Old Testa-
ment lesson was read by
Rev. Pocock and the New
Testament by Joyce
The senor choir sang a
lovely anthem entitled "The
Palms" A spgospel
based on Matt. 27ecial - The Pas-
sion of Our Lord Jesus
Christ - in ‘vhich all the con-
gregation tarok part was
During Holy Week, Rev.
Pocock asked us to meditate
on the events which took
place and lead to s beon the Cross. it
wascrucified us who abandoned
Christ and left Him in the
hands the Roman
authorities„f. who hated the
Dsuring their class time,
the children made up palm
crosses and distributed them
to each member of the con-
gregation at the
of the service.
Congratulations conclusion are ex-
tended to our junior choir
and to their dedicated direc-
tor. Beaulah Hardy for the
ffinish at K
Mirstusic Festival.the Well done!iwanis
Upcoming events
p.m. -night Lenten Mediytationat 8
and on Good Friday at 10
a.m. Meditation "The Way
of the Cross- will be given.
Plan for
Jim Robertson. president
of Lucan branch of Canadian
Bible Society. has contacted
ministers of the local
churches regarding the an-
nual Walkathon to raise
money for the work of Cana-
dian Bible Society.
They have agreed to par-
ticipate in holding the
Walkathon Saturday. May
.23, starting at 9 a.m. from
�Lucan United Church, south
on' Main Street to Con. 4.
then south to the sideroad,
where St. James Anglican
Church will have a check
point. From there the walk
goes west two miles to Coun-
ty Road 22. where Lucan
Revival Centre will have
their check point by
Murray's Orchards.
From there the walkers
will go north to junction of
County Roads 22 and 13.
where Holy Trinity Anglican
Church will have a check
point. The walkers will then
go west to 'mean Park
Conservation Centre. where
Harry Bond. and Granton
United ('hurch members will
serve lunch. Leaving the
park. walkers return to
check point at junction of
County Rds. 22 and 23. to go
east on County Rd 13 hack to
Lucan United Church where
they will check in
Mr. Roberston will have
flyers and sponsor sheets
made up for representatives
from each church. 'Those
taking part in the Walkathon
should get their sheets soon.
Collections are to he made
by the church Sunday School
Superintendents by the end
of June
Times -Advocate, April 15, 1981
Pana 13
Seniors plan euchre
Members of the Sunshine
and Busy Buddies' groups
met on Thursday afternoon,
opening with "0 Canada"
with Dora Thompson at the
Plans were finalized for
the dessert euchre next
Lent Learning
is concluded
The final session of "Lear-
ning for Lent" was held
Wednesday morning with
Shirley Ryan acting as
hostess, introducing the
guest speakers Bob Benner
and John Hope, two of
Lucan's local lawyers.
Mr. Benner introduced the
topic "Family Law
Reforms" saying that no one
really understands all the
reforms yet as they are so
new, and Mr. Hope con-
tinued on the same topic to
explain the rights of the
spouse, according to the
Mr. Benner discussed
three basic areas regarding
"Wills". What is a Will, Why
Have a Will and New
Situations in Connection
with Wills. Both speakers
were most interesting as
was the question and answer
period which followed and
which had to be cut off in
order to continue with the
rest of the program.
Coffee was served by Iola
Goring and Iva Hodgins and
the music interlude was led
by Linda Froats with Joan
Cochrane on the guitar.
The hostess introduced the
Bible study leaders from the
Revival Centre. June Henry,
Ruth Shaw and Becky
Brewster. Mrs. Henry spoke
first of the shaping of Moses
through a fine education and
the influence of a godly
mother and. in the course of
her study, June shared some
of her own growing ex-
Mrs. Brewster continued
as she spoke of Moses and
the Man of Prayer and of
personal prayer when we
speak to the Lord and listen
to Him. Mrs. Shaw con-
tinued the study by con-
sidering Moses as a Man of
She shared her own ex-
perience of the infilling of
the Holy Spirit. and the
effect this power. living in
her. has had upon her own
life and the lives of her
Joan Cochrane concluded
the study session as she sang
"Whisper Jesus" accom-
panying herself on he -
Muriel Lewis of Granton,
expressed the appreciation
of the group for the benefits
obtained from this year
"Learing for Lent" sessions.
It was decided to give
small donations to the
Cancer Society and the
Crippled Children with any
funds remaining after ex-
penses are paid
Music festival
Pupils of Beulah Hardy
were most successful in last
week's Kiwanis Music
Festival and Mrs. Hardy is
to be congratulated for her
untiring efforts and patience
with the children and young
The junior choir of Holy
Trinity placed first with
Brenda 1ic('rae accom-
panying them and Mrs. Har-
dy directing
Ruth Hardy and Sue
Telford also placed firs( in
their duet class and Ruth
took a 1st. 2nd and 4th in solo
classes. They were accom-
panied by Helen Stanley.
Jason Haskett received a
second and fourth place.
Scott Triebner a first and
third and Derek Hardy a lst.
Congratulations to all. firs.
Hardy would like to thank
Mrs. McCrae and Mrs.
Stanley for their assistance.
Tim & Bev LeHaye
in a
Family Life Film Seminar
The Spirit
Controlled Temperament
April 19th - "Overcoming Fear,
and Worry"
PLACE: Lucan Revival Centre
TIME: 7 p.m.
Thursday, April 23 at 1:30 in
the Legion Hall. All euchre
players are invited. The
committee in charge is
Helen McDonald. Marie
Veel, Liz Conlin, Mary Kooy,
Laura Williams, Kae
Armstrong and Marjorie
Steeper, with the men in the
club arranging tables, etc.
Marie Turner received
best wishes for her birthday
and two readings were given
by the president, Mildred
Hertzel"Little Things that
Count" and "Side by Side
With a Friend".
A guest from Ailsa Craig,
Greta George, was in•
troduced by Ethel Crouch
and welcomed by the presi-
Jessie Lewis convened the
card card with winners be-
ing; high scores Mary Kooy
and Rheola Hotson; lone
hands, Mildred Hirtzel and
Percy Williams and low
score Angeline Scott and
Marie Turner.
The Busy Buddies complete
WI meets
Tonight. Wednesday, at
7:30 the Lucan W.I. will be
hostess to the members of
the three 4-H clubs, their
mothers and leaders. Each
group will present a short
resume of their latest pro-
ject and the conveners of the
Standing Committee of the
$ranch. will give their
reports so the girls may get
an insight into what their
sponsoring body is all about.
Members and friends of
the institute are urged to be
present to welcome our
Lneir ceramics classes
tomorrow, Thursday, and
the quilt for the "Fair draw"
will be put in for the 23rd, for
those members who do not
play progressive euchre. All
quilters will be welcome the
following Thursday, April 30
from 10 a.m. until the time
of the meeting.
Saturday afternoon 48
members and friends attend-
ed the Ice Capades at the
London Gardens and all
reported that it was the best
one they had ever seen, with
gorgeous costuming and
choreography. The comic
numbers were hilarious and
the Gardens rang with
shouts and laughter by the
many, many children and
The Lucan group along
with many others, ate at the
Wellington Road Ponderosa,
so it took much longer than
anticipated. It is hoped the
"hour late" getting home
did not inconvenience too
many people.
The Tops press secretary
regrets an error in the date
of the garage sale, in last
week's paper.. The date
should read Saturday, April
25 at 141 Alice Street. It will
commence at lb a.m.
Farm & industrial
Equipment Repair
Welding hydraulic hose
general farm supply
Ph 293-3502
come in to see us at
109 Main St.
guests and share in this very ` AILSA CRAIG
interesting meeting.
W.H. Battram & Sons, Ltd. It
294.6893 — 294-6303411(
25 Ton Mobile Grove
92 Foot Boom — 24 Foot Jib
You and your Lady and Guests are invited
to attend the gala event to be held at
Branch 540, Sunday, April 26, 1981 com-
mencing at 1:00 p.m. We have an in-
teresting program laid on:
Honours and Awards presentations
Initiation of New Members
Installation of the 1981 - 83 Branch Of-
Come on over to meet and greet Comrade
Charles Moon, Chatham, the incoming
District A. Commander; Comrade Tom Hea-
ly, Strathroy, District A, Honours and
Awards Chairman and our own Comrade
Jim Simpson, incoming zone A-5 Com-
mander and their ladies.
A pot luck smorgasbord dinner will gills
available. Make every effort to be in atten-
dance and show our guests a real Branch
540 welcome.
Comrade Kenneth G. Wood, President
Wednesday Evening - 8:00 p.m.
Lenten Meditation - Holy Trinity, Lucan
Maunday Thursday Evening
7:30 p.m. Eucharist
at St. James', Clandeboye
Good Friday - 10:00 a.m.
Meditation "The Way of the Cross
Easter Sunday
Easter Eucharist - 9:30 a.m.
St. James' Clandeboye
Festive Easter Eucharist
1 1: 15 a.m. Holy Trinity lucan
The congregations of St James .
Clandeboye and Holy Trinity. Lucan invite
you to share with them again the great lay
of the Resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ
May you and yours have a
Blessed and Happy Easter
/R -me .in!r It•Na*41111i.1eic1 AL ---s,.yi.