HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-04-08, Page 13Anglican Church Tbo fifth Sunday in Lent called Passion Sunday was celebrated with the Service of Holy Communion at Holy Trinity Church. Greeting the congregation were Mrs. Jackie Slay and Nathan. The Old Testament lesson was read by Mrs. Edythe Murdy and the New Testa- ment by Mrs. Kay Egan. Due to the absence of the organist ,music for the ser- vice was supplied by Rev. Pocock and PennyHodginson their guitars. The Homily was given by the rector. based on the reading from Ezekiel 37: 4 "He said, 'Prophesy to the bones. Tell these dry bones to listen to the word of the Lord." Our church has become very much like the dry bones the life has gone out of us. In these times when we are surrounded by the evil in our world. Ezekiel's words seem to be speaking directly to us - A renewed interest in Bi- ble Study, however, is breathing new life back into our Church. We have badly neglected the study of God's word - we have not listened and have not obeyed because we have not known what His word said to us. Through a systematic study of the Bi- ble we search for the living Christ who will be with us and support us day by day. We must allow the breath of God to come into our lives and to be changed. What better time than now to begin to fill our lives with the word of God. During the remainder of the Lenton season why not read Matt: 26 to the end in preparation for the great festival of Easter. During the offertory, Rev. Pocock and Penny Hodgins sang a beautiful song en- tailed "The Bread of Life" Flowers on the altar were to the glory of God and in loving memory of David and Mabel Ashworth given by their daughters and families. Daffodils from the Cancer Society were also on the altar. Upcoming events Wednesday evening - Perth Deanery Meeting, St. Only three accidents Only three accidents were investigated this week by of - (leers of the Lucan detach- ment of the Ontario Provin- cial Police. Tuesday at 3:45 p.m. vehicles driven by Harold Walsh, Huron Park and Stephen Day. Ilderton collid- ed on County road 16 in Ilder- ton. Constable Marshall set damages at $1.400. Constable D.R. Vance set damages at $460 when vehicles driven by Arno Gemeinhardt. RR 5. London and Erik Evans, RR 1, Den- field were in collision on Concession 5-6 of London township. west of county road 23 at 9:15 a.m. Wednes- day. e same day at 8:06 p.m. a vehicle driven by Patrick Moir, RR 3. llderton went out of control on Concession 10-11, west of county road 23 when a tire blew out. Constable Jim Craig listed damages at $2.200. Thomas Church, Granton commencing with dessert at 6:30 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Beth Smith of this congregation will be the guest speaker telling of her experience as a mother of a child with a dis- ability. Dessert euchre set April 23 Final plans were made for the dessert euchre to be held at 1:30 on Thursday, April 23 at the Legion Hall, at the meeting of the Sunthine and Busy Buddies Groups on Thursday afternoon in their clubrooms in the Masonic Hall. Everyone is welcome. Vina Emery was welcom- ed back after a long absence and Rheola Hotson was the receipient of birthday wishes. Members decided, on a close vote, to eat at the Ponderosa, following the Ice Capades on Saturday, April 11. Non-members please take note. Bring your senior citizens Ontario or Federal card in order to receive the Sr's discount at the Ponderosa. There are 5 seats left for the show. Phone 237-4714. Elsie Gibson was thanked for the dainty daffodil and pussy willow bouquet, a nice touch, as we near Easter. Euchre was enjoed with prizes going as follows: Lady's High - Helen McDonald; lone hands - Mary Scott; low score - Harriette Holmes; man's high - Jean Miller, playing a man's card; lone hands - Ed Armstrong ;low score - Marie Veel, also playing a man's card. Gayle Cronyn won the prize for the craft group. President, Mildred Hirtzel, thanked the lunch conveners Vina Eniery, Irene Egan and Jean and Lloyd Elliott. also the card convener for the day, Ann Kish. Daffodils for Cancer Bouquets of daffodils were placed in each of the com- munity churches and colour- ful daffodil bulletins were used for the orders of ser- vice thanks to the Canadian Cancer Society and the Lucan-Biddulph Branch, in particular. The first sale of daffodils, held in Lucan and Granton on Friday and Saturday was most successful and the branch executive would like to thank all who participated either by selling or by purchasing. Don't forget to start work- ing on your sponsors for the family ride for cancer on April 26. not May 3 as orginally planned. Sponsor sheets available at $esker Milk Co. Ltd.. Lucan. You are reminded of the very excellent meeting to be held tomorrow. Thursday evening at the Lucan Public School when you will hear Dr. Joseph Cummins of the Plant Sciences Dept. of the U.W.O. on "Cancer Hygiene How it affects the farmer and you". This is a timely subject with spring planting coming up. dealing with pesticides and fertilizers and the people who use them. LUCAN JUNIOR FARMERS' Are You Wondering Whot Junior Formers' is all about? Come out and see April 14, 1981 The Lucan Arena To join, you must be between 16 and 30 as of May 1. For more information contact Elaine Cunningham 227-4346 01141(RS PWOLr4 Cg u..rrr i Tbn & Bev LaHaye in a Family Life Film Seminar The Spirit Controlled Temperament April 12th - "Coping With Hostility" PLACE: Lucan Revival Centre TIME: 7 p.m. LUCAN DAFFODILS — The Lucan-Biddulph branch of the Canadian ticipated in Friday's sale of daffodils. Above, Elsie Gibson and Mary De to Isobel Haskett. Cancer Society Brower make T -A Revival Centre helps Times -Advocate, April 8, 1981 Page 13 Craig students show film Fellowship Hall to honor Bruce and Ruth Shaw, and Burt and Mary $ies, who were celebrating their twen- ty fifth wedding anniver- saries. Friday evening the student body of Christian view Bible College, under the leadership of Rev. Ray Brewster of Lucan Revival Centre presented the film The Cross and the Switchblade, featuring Rev. David Wilkerson's work in the Mau Mau gangs of New York city. The film shows how Rev. Wilkerson with only love, and the word of God went among these gangs, and won many of them for the Lord's service. Shortly after the film started the sound system gave out. Ken Allen, played his violin, as he sang with Marlene Brothers, gospel choruses to pass time until par- sound system was repaired. a sale Without a P.A. system their photo voices did not carry throughout the hall. Rev. Brewster called for Mike O'Neil to do pan- tomimes for the audience. Mike first got the people's attention asking what a pan- tomime was. He then, with a boy and girl v..iunteers, showed how to climb walls with their hands. Mike then had a man come up, and with him, they walked around the stage us- ing their hands in a walking Final Le session Over 50 women of the com- munity gathered for the third session of Learning for Lent, in Lucan United Church, on Wednesilay. The interest group wat entitled "Fun with Fondue" led by Grace Bird, the Home Economist for Middlesex County Dept. of Agriculture and Food. who was in- troduced by Beth Cowdrey, leader of the Friendship Unit, and hostess for the ses- sion. Miss Bird demonstrated nt Learning set for today the making of three dips, how to prepare and use the food to be cooked in this manner and also gave an in- teresting history of Fondue cooking. Cheese dip, chicken in batter and then into hot oil, and a chocolate dip for desserts were sampled by those present and everyone agreed they were delicious. There are likely to be a "rash" of Fondue parties in the next few weeks! Miss Bird pointed out how very easy it is to entertain in this Exciting events for St. Patrick's Beautiful. sunny weather was enjoyed by all during the March break. Now that we are entering the last term of the school year many exciting events are in store for the students at St. Patrick's School. College Studios from Strathroy have begun to take individual student and class photographs. Grades 6, 7 and 8 students are presently involved in designing a crest in con- nection with the 1982 Inter- national plowing match. They are, also, in the process of preparing their Science Fair projects which will be displayed during education week which is scheduled for the week of May 3 - 9. Also, during this week Father Arthur Meloche who is the Spiritual Leader for the Renewal Mission at St. Patrick's Church visited all primary classrooms and made a special presentation to the Junior and Intermediate grades which included a very interesting film and discussion. We feel honoured to have such an ex- citing and informative visitor in our school. Diane Giesen and Ray- mond Giesen who won first prize at the Bryanston Birr optimist speaking finals are representing this area in the zone finals in the next week. We wish them all the best! It is, also. a very exciting time for the sports minded students. Under the leadership of Jack Gardiner, a group of students will represent the school in a wrestling meet at Regina Mundi later this month. Congratulations are, also, extended to those students who participated in hockey. The third annual hockey tournament which is dubbed •'Super Series 1981" has been convicted ,for yet another 'year. This year the rAILSA CRAIG REPAIR Farm & Industrial Equipment Repair Welding hydraulic hose general farm supply Ph 293-3502 or come in to see us at 109 Main St, AItSA CRAIG Invitational Tournament for elementary schools, held in Strathroy, involved teams from Strathroy, Parkhill, Delaware. London and, of course, Lucan. St. Pat's Fighting Irish coached by Hubert Arts did remarkably well this year finally finishing close to the top of the standings in this unique tournament. In fact the school team did better this year than ever before. Comprising the team, in alphabetical order were: Mike Arts• Paul Foran, Joe Haygarth. Jim Jaquith, David Manders, Joe Mcllhargey, Mike Mitchell, Pieter Molenkamp, Stephen O'Sullivan. Michael Pratt. John Straatman, Ron VanGeel and Matthew Welsh. and captain Lester Arts. The team's one and only loss was against London who just squeezed them out 1-0. Against Parkhill the score was 3 - 1 in favour of St. Pat's. St. Pat's tied Delaware 5 - 5 and also, held the overall tournament winner Strathroy to a tie 1 - 1. Top goal scorer overall and most valuable player was Lester Arts with six goals while Mike Arts, Pieter Molenkamp and Mike Pratt each scored once. Super Series 1981 provided exciting hockey, lots of skill, good sportsmanship and a good experience for the team. TOPS elect new officers At the weekly meeting of Tops O.N. 338. the installa- tion of officers was held, with Marjorie Park, a past leader, • acting as installing officer, as follows: Leader, Sally Williams; Co -leader, Gerrie Hayes; Treasurer, Florence McNaughton; Secretary, Bernice Maslen, Weight Recorder; Willie Yule, Ass't. Pam Smith. Twenty members were present and one weigh in was recorded. Special thanks to the past' leader, Marjorie Park, for her capable work during the past two years. It will be a challenge for the new Ex- ecutive to follow in her footsteps. A garage sale will be held at the home of Florence McNaughton, Alice Street on April 11 commencing at 10 a.m: Members are asked to start saving their donations. way as the preparation is all done ahead of time. Coffee was served during the con- versation break by Dorothy Young and Alice Thompson. Singing was led by Linda Froats with Helen Stanley at the piano and Mrs. Cowdrey introduced the group from St. Patrick's C.W.L. which was in charge of the Bible study on the theme "Journeys in Faith in Bible Times and Today", Helen Toonders, Els Vandenberg, Jeneine Damen and Angela Clarke. The study was based on Roman's 12:9-22, with each member of the group taking a number of verses. explain- ing their application to our daily lives, telling of their own personal journey in faith and closing her remarks with a very mean- ing prayer. or prayer poem. Mrs. Cowdrey thanked Miss Bird and the ladies from the C.W. L. announced the Friendship Unit sale of spring bulbs and invited all present to return for the final session. this morning, Wednesday at 9:30 to hear Messrs Bob Benner and John Hope on "New Developments in Family Law and Wills". The ladies of the Revival Centre Pentecostal Church W.A. will be in charge of the Bible study. motion. The sound system was repaired, to continue the film. As the town hall was filled to standing room only, the students felt having this film shown was a very worthwhile venture. Lucan Revival Centre The yearly business meeting of Lucan Revival Centre was chaired by Dr. G.R. Nunn. Bishop of Pentecostal Holiness Church of Canada. Dr. Nunn read Rev. 2:8-11, speaking on be- ing faithful unto death, to receive a crown of life. Those who are faithful to God will not be hurt by the second death. We need to be faithful to one another in divine love. Being faithful to Jesus Christ is a commit- ment to serve Him. The results of election of of- ficers for the church were: church secretary -treasurer - Mrs. Lorraine 'Armitage. Appointed as elders were Bruce Shaw and Bruce Henry. Judy Henry was ap- pointed to be Sunday School Superintendent. Elected to the board of deacons were Rick Thornton, John Ar- mitage, and Peter Butler. After the meeting, members gathered in the United Church "It is Finished", the final words of Jesus, according to John 19: 30-37. were word of victory, said Rev. Keith Brown to the congregation at Lucan United Church on Sunday. These word had different meanings for different peo- ple. To the soldiers it meant the completion of a day's work. For Mary. it was a cry of sorrow as • her Son was dead. For Pilot the threat to his authority was gone. For the high priest the threat to the establishment was over. For the crowd the excit- ment of the day was finish- ed. For His enemies an im- poster was dead. and for his friends it seemed the end of their hopes for deliverance from their Roman op- pressors. They were words of victory because they meant the malice and hatred of His enemies was finished, the instructions and com- mandments of God were ac- complished and He rejoiced that all had been fulfilled. His suffering was over and He entered into the joy of His Lord. Christ is on the throne of the universe working out the implications in our lives to all that He accomplished while He was in this world. The flowers in the sanc- tuary were from the funeral of the late Erle Haskett, who will be missed by his many friends. Sunday members and friends were welcomed by Nancy and Leroy Maguire and this Sunday by Pam and Howard Wright. Barb Coughlin told the Bowling scores Monday Ladies - Donna Parnall 286-756, Brenda Taylor 279-736, Joyce Sovereign 219-636, Louise Sutherland 215-630, Diane Williams 252-618, Joanne Colliver 220-617, Sharon Redick 239-615, Audrey Watt 221-614, Jane Ankers 316-611, May Murphy 257-610, Audrey Scott 224-604. Joan Leger 280. Lorna Ellyatt 243, Patti Carter 246. Sue Wilcox 240, Betty Leitch.238. Pat Riddell 226. Tuesday Juniors - Diane Watt 210. 214. Michael Can- non 232. Jeff Bond 195, Anne Marie Riley 183, Janice Atkinson 175. Jamie Pitt 170, Chris Harrison 167, Todd Vance 160. Leanne Sovereign 166. Colleen's - Lorna Harrison 300-691, Nancy Densmore 318-648, Ilene Hodgins 283- 626, Helen Hearn 235-626, Sue Heffernan 261-613, Joan Scott 207-607, Val Neil 231- 605, Joan Goddard 227-605, Marie Sockett 255. Medway - Orval Rinn 254- 681, Al Kish 252-663, Ilene Moir 236-601. Carol Kish 233, Paula Weir 216. Ken Weir 207. Senior Citizens - Jean Miller 226-650. Charlie Grieve 232. Gord Higgs 218, Laura Williams 216, Percy Williams 210. John Park 181, Alf Riley 179. Wednesday Bantams - Mike Radcliffe 180, Karen Leger 167, Jason McDonald 164, Mindy Bates 151, Michelle Cannon 142, Peter Bates 142, Troy Smaill 139, Pat O'Sullivan 135, Brett Butchart 133, Terry Evans 132. Wednesday Mixed - Randy Roels 255-684, Buddy Appleman 284-670, Dave Wickens 233-632, Debi- Chatreau 243-630, Larry Smith 239-628, Martin Clarke 2'32-622. Donna Evans 583. Allb 619, Rose Maxwell 284-614, Karen McKafferty 232, Joanne Collver 229. Thursday Min - Don Watt 313-849. Brian Ankers 306- 787, Bob Smith 293-785, Wayne Smith 380-775, Pete Sovereign 342-752. Dave Mawdsley 269-745, Len Smith 291-760. Paul Hodgins 263-738, Jeff Park 248-728. Ken Eaton 262-724. Harold Mayo 256-706, Bruce Parnall 326-700, Jim Smith y250-677, Hi Thompson. 250-686, Bill Neil 258-671• Jerry Morgan 297. Doug Lee 281, Fred Smith 276. Friday Mixed - Bill Butler 336-739, Brenda Smith 269- 689, Audrey Watt 295.688, Brad Taylor 2:;-685, Angela Clarke 238-677. Gene Glavin 260-676. Ken McLeod 274-670, Heather Smith 228-639. Ron McLeod 258-638, Lori Con- nolly 228. delightful children's story of "Colours of the day in God's World" and the congregation and children sang "This is the Day the Lord has Made", using the overhead projec- tor, before going to Junior Church with Sharon Barnes. A "minute' talk" on the new Out reach Committee was given by Dennis Dedels outlining a few of their proposed ideas, the biggest of which is a complete visitation of the congrega- tion. He asked alt members who are willing to help in this project by making four calls to telephone and leave their name at 227-4421, 4623, 4538, 4357 or 4966. The choir sang the lovely and timely anthem "All on an April Evening and Tabatha Froats played an offeratory piano solo "The Rustic Chapel". The Friendship Unit An- nual Spring Fellowship Luncheon held after the sr - vice was delicious and well attended. Thanks ladies. Upcoming in Lucan U.C. To those who like to sing, please come to rehearsal Friday evening at 7:30 rather than Thursday. Confirmation and the Lord's Supper will be celebrated next Sunday and the Junior Choir will sing. Tuesday, April 14 at 8 p.m. the U.C.W. Thankoffering Easter meeting will be held in the C.E. wing. All ladies are invited to relive the story of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Lord in inspirational pictures, music and the spoken word. The Good Friday Service will be different this year. You are invited to come and learn and worship with us on Friday. April 17. at 7 p.m. Quilts done The fourth session of the Quilting Course. sponsored by the Lucan W.I.. was held at the home of Iola Goring. on Monday. March30. with Bernice Lockyer. assisting as co -leader. Members of the group worked on their articles for Summary Day which will be held on Thurs- day. May 21 at St. Patrick's Church. Dundas Street East. London. The club name "Talented Tens" was chosen but we have yet to prove worthy of fhb name! Two more meetings will be held. Monday. April 27 and Monday. May 18. the latter to set up our display as a practise "run". for the 21st. His Son, to come to make sacrifice as forgiveness of sins. In the Old Testament, an animal was slain everytime a person asked for forgiveness of sins from God. Rev. Ray Brewster con- In the New Testament ducted the Sunday morning Jesus came to give His blood service. reading Psalm 133, as the final sacrifice for the Unity is evident in helping forgiveness of sins. Jesus others. One thing the devil giving His blood meant God uses to hurt the move of not only pardons us, but God's Spirit is disunity. Uni- casts our sins away from Us. ty brings God's blessings. The greatest sin is rejecting Rev. Brewster spoke from Jesus Christ. When we Matthew 26:26-29 saying that accept Jesus as our Saviour, Jesus' blood was shed for the then our sins are sent away forgiveness. remission, and from us. by Christ's blood cleansing from sin for many. we are cleansed. delivered, God's plan was for Jesus, and healed. Sunday evening Rick Thornton led the singing. Mrs. Marlene Thornton sang with Mrs. Lorraine Ar- mitage "Surely Goodness Plans were finalized for and Mercy Shall Follow the May 13 "dressed pork" Me". The film presentation supper. to be held in the C.E. form Dr. Tim LaHaye Films rooms at the church from 5 of Why you act the way you to 7 p.m. It will be served do was shown. Gal 5:22-23 "family style" rather than tells how a Christian is sup - smorgasbord and will posed to act. Basic tempera - replace the Chicken ment show the kind of people Barbecue. we are naturally. Revised telephone lists The sanguine person is a were distributed to the born actor. outgoing, cheer - t e l e p h o n e r s and all ful. But he is also emotional - members and adherents ly unstable. short tempered, may expect a call in the near undisciplined. insecure future, for contributions of behind a bold facade. A food. or money and many choleric person naturally is hands will be needed to strong willed. independent, make this the unqualified visionary. confident. success we hope it will be. Upcoming events Tickets will be available this For the next three Sunday week from most members. evenings there will be films Proceeds to the work of the shown from Dr. Tim LaHaye church. Films on Family Living. Plans set for supper l Crafts n' Things Gift Shop and Garden Centre NOW OPEN SATURDAYS 10 a.m. — 4 p.m. Easter Lilies 53.99 each 1 Open daily Monday to Friday 8:30 — 4:30 2 miles West of Elginfield on Hwy 7 Meadowcrest Residences•Inc. • -FLOWERS A FOR ASTER lilies Hydrangea Mixed Pots Reiger Begonias Azaleas 6.ut Flowers and Fresh & Silk Arrangements Nicholson Flowers 277 Main St. Lucan 227-4283 Garden Centre Open April 13 r INCLUDES • 20 LB. TANK • DUAL CONTROLS • DUAL STAINLESS STEEL BURNER • AUTOMATIC START • LARGE COOKING AREA • LAVA ROCKS • 5 YR. LIMITED WARRANTY BARBECUE PACK Availat e at time of this Gas Grill purchase only • ROtiSSenP • Propane vouchers • W.'m,q ra.:k VALUED AT $78.25 • Naogahyde Cove, • rronl shell • T,,,i se• FOR ONLY INTER -PROVINCIAL 952 OXFORD ST. E. AT QUEBEC PARKING IN REAR OF SUNOCO ANNUAL SPRING FL EA MARKET Craft Show and Sale Lucan Community Centre Sunday, May 3 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. , Admission 50C over 70 tables will be on display His Son, to come to make sacrifice as forgiveness of sins. In the Old Testament, an animal was slain everytime a person asked for forgiveness of sins from God. Rev. Ray Brewster con- In the New Testament ducted the Sunday morning Jesus came to give His blood service. reading Psalm 133, as the final sacrifice for the Unity is evident in helping forgiveness of sins. Jesus others. One thing the devil giving His blood meant God uses to hurt the move of not only pardons us, but God's Spirit is disunity. Uni- casts our sins away from Us. ty brings God's blessings. The greatest sin is rejecting Rev. Brewster spoke from Jesus Christ. When we Matthew 26:26-29 saying that accept Jesus as our Saviour, Jesus' blood was shed for the then our sins are sent away forgiveness. remission, and from us. by Christ's blood cleansing from sin for many. we are cleansed. delivered, God's plan was for Jesus, and healed. Sunday evening Rick Thornton led the singing. Mrs. Marlene Thornton sang with Mrs. Lorraine Ar- mitage "Surely Goodness Plans were finalized for and Mercy Shall Follow the May 13 "dressed pork" Me". The film presentation supper. to be held in the C.E. form Dr. Tim LaHaye Films rooms at the church from 5 of Why you act the way you to 7 p.m. It will be served do was shown. Gal 5:22-23 "family style" rather than tells how a Christian is sup - smorgasbord and will posed to act. Basic tempera - replace the Chicken ment show the kind of people Barbecue. we are naturally. Revised telephone lists The sanguine person is a were distributed to the born actor. outgoing, cheer - t e l e p h o n e r s and all ful. But he is also emotional - members and adherents ly unstable. short tempered, may expect a call in the near undisciplined. insecure future, for contributions of behind a bold facade. A food. or money and many choleric person naturally is hands will be needed to strong willed. independent, make this the unqualified visionary. confident. success we hope it will be. Upcoming events Tickets will be available this For the next three Sunday week from most members. evenings there will be films Proceeds to the work of the shown from Dr. Tim LaHaye church. Films on Family Living. Plans set for supper l Crafts n' Things Gift Shop and Garden Centre NOW OPEN SATURDAYS 10 a.m. — 4 p.m. Easter Lilies 53.99 each 1 Open daily Monday to Friday 8:30 — 4:30 2 miles West of Elginfield on Hwy 7 Meadowcrest Residences•Inc. • -FLOWERS A FOR ASTER lilies Hydrangea Mixed Pots Reiger Begonias Azaleas 6.ut Flowers and Fresh & Silk Arrangements Nicholson Flowers 277 Main St. Lucan 227-4283 Garden Centre Open April 13 r INCLUDES • 20 LB. TANK • DUAL CONTROLS • DUAL STAINLESS STEEL BURNER • AUTOMATIC START • LARGE COOKING AREA • LAVA ROCKS • 5 YR. LIMITED WARRANTY BARBECUE PACK Availat e at time of this Gas Grill purchase only • ROtiSSenP • Propane vouchers • W.'m,q ra.:k VALUED AT $78.25 • Naogahyde Cove, • rronl shell • T,,,i se• FOR ONLY INTER -PROVINCIAL 952 OXFORD ST. E. AT QUEBEC PARKING IN REAR OF SUNOCO