HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-04-01, Page 19classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment. Yeti. 1 Cars. Trucks 2 Pets 3 Musical Instruments 4 Appliances. Television 5 Personal 6 For Sale 7 Wanted To Buy 8 Wanted 9 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 Far Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 3 Situations Wanted PART-TIME clerical work wanted for Thursdays and Fridays. Call 228-6823 A'Snytime. ,I Ilfx ELECTRONIC Technician will repair small T.V.s, tadios, stereos, tape decks. etc. Call Francis at 228-6823 anytime. Reasonable rates. I Itfx WILL BABYSIT anytime weekdays in our home. Phone 235-2542. 13 4 Help Wanted RELIAIILE MA !URI. ADULT to babysit 2 pre-school children Monday to Friday in Dashwood, Grand Bend area. Please call after 5:30 p.m. 237- 3344. 12:13c TENNIS INSTRUCTOR - re- quired for South Huron Recrea- tion Centre. Children and Adult Lessons. Registration forms at Rec Centre office. 235-2833. I3c EXPERIENCED PERSON for help on cash crop farms in the Henssll - Zurich arca. Must be responsible, dependable and ex- perienced with large farm equip- ment. Starting in Mid -April. Apply in writing stating ex- perience and references to Box I24P. c/o Exeter Times Ad- vocate. Exeter.Ontario. I3:I4c PART-TIME OFFICE HELI' Typing and McBee system kill- ing. Please send resume to Blanshard Municipal Telephone. Kirkton. 229-8933. Lloyd Mardlin Manager. I3c PERSON TO WORK in local furniture store. job includes. delivery. warehouse managing and picture framing. Apply in person lo Disney Furniture. Ask for John. 12:14c AVON. NEED EXTRA MONEY? Selling Avon can help fight inflation. Immediate place- ment in EXETER, (;RAND BEND. Also 2 rural areas avaihble. Call Marjorie Millson, London 451-054I or 235-2275 for nformalion. I3-I5c INVOLVEMENT IN MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION Provincial - Municipal frrogram Exeter MuniciraI Office requires a Universi- ty or Colleg Student enrolled in Business Administrati4T (or related courses) to work at •the Mun ipal Office from April 27 to August 28. end resume to undersigned by April 6. (St ent must be enrolled in eligible course of dy and be returning to Univer- sity or Ctiege•) Elisabeth Bell Clerk -Treasurer 406 Main Street EXETER, Ontario t Veterinary / Lecturer $25,200 - $30,200 In s position with the Ministry of Agriculture and F , Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, y will prepare and deliver courses of study in at+'naI health technology; supervise clinical lfporatory sessions and evaluate students; counsel }idents and assist the co-ordinator. Location: Huron Mrk alifications: Doctor of veterinary medicine degree ith demonstrated related experience, and licenced o practice in Ontario; instructional ability, teaching experience and interest in postsecondary education; ;'excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Individuals with Tess experience will be considered at Ita lower salary. Please submit application by May 20, 1981, quoting file AF -15/81 to: Principal, Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, Huron Park, Ontario, NOM 1YO. Ontario Equality of Opportunity for Employment Ministry of Agriculture and Food Own Your Own Business • Wonderful opportunity for financial independence. • Can be operated as full or pert time venture in your, home. • A product that the general public plus the business community needs and buys on sight. • No age limit, no minimum education. No technical knowledge needed. You have possibly answered a similar ed in the past, only to be disappointed, upon investigation. There al- ways seems to be a gimmick to cause you to lose money. • This is no gimmick. It costs $4,450 cash. You may finance venture at your bank or with us. • You start making money immediately and your in- vestment is returned quickly. • No franchise fee. Merchandise for value of money invested. • Operator is personalizing and printing in GOLD or colors. Business cards, greeting cards, key chains, book matches, etc. Right in your own home. TO TALK THIS OVER AND RECEIVE BROCHURE WRITE OR CALL PRINTALEX Intl. 151 MAIN ST. EAST, SUITE 25 HAWKESBURY, ONT. 613-632-8509 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore bosed on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbrri, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count os one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSFRTION — 20 words S2.90, 104 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No copy changes, 94 per word, minimum 51.80. - SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION -- S3.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — $2.50 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 Yi inches. Accepted in multiples of holt inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office — 51.00 per insertion. BIRTHS — 20 words 53.00, 104 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices — 20 words 53.00, each additional word 104 IN MIMOMAMS — S3.00 plus 134 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS — 20 words 53.00, each additional word 104 Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS — 30 Words 53.00 additional words 54 each. 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 p.m., Mondays. Phone 235-1331 4 Help Wanted MAINTENANCE • Lawn & Garden maintenance firm or per- son wanted to maintain Exeter property April to October. Call London Landscape Ltd. 652- 3392 or evenings 471- 5723. 12:13c PART-TIME CUSTODIAN service for McGillivray Township hall and McGillivray meeting room and office. For further information wntact Jack Dorman 293-3400. Applications to be in by noon. April 6 to Jack Dorman, R. 2. Ailsa Craig. 12:13c SUPERVISOR required for James Purdue Centre for clean- ing program. Salary 512,3991X1 to 514.883.00. Please send resume with references to Bud Carter St. Marys and District Assoc. for the Mentally Retard- ed. P.O. Box 1618 Si. Mary,. Ont. NOM 2V0 helore April 4. 12:13c 6 Services IPAR-«CC ENGINEERING SERVICES 228-6927 P.O. Box 55. Centralia. On Linn NOM IKO Technical Drawings & Detailing -Jig & Fixture Design & Engineering - Custom Mechanical Design - Technical Artwork - Plant Layout & Material Flow - Time & oio Study ;':;':;: 6 Services CARL GOWER Weldingand Repair R.R.el, Centralia Open 6 Days A Week Truck Boxes, Portable Welding. Wrought Iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 8t R.H. & S. PAINTING & DECORATING - Painting - Interior & Exterior - Wallpapering - We have a good selection of walkoverings available. look at samples in your home. Phone 235-2087 Ron Heywood 2yt PERRY'S DRYWALL Apply Finish & Texture Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates 228-6837 25t INTRODUCING 6 Services Don's Electric For all your electrical repair, & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential and Farm Winco Standby Generators Sales & Installations PHONE DON BENDER Dashwood 237 3S7 12t Huron Trim General Carpentry Renovations, Rec Rooms, 1rinlnling, etc. No job too small Keith Freebairn CaII 235-1449 6 Services BARN ROOF IARRIN(i. Basement and driveway sealing. James Symes. Lucknow 528- 3233 or 528-3047. 11 t L & D Heywood Painting & Floor Sanding & Refinishing 235-2914 2t Jerry's Drywall and Plaster Repairs 228-6724 7- I(lt GRAND BEND - EXE II.R AREA. Semi -retired men user 10 years experience, interior exterior painting. home relating repairs. grounds keeping. etc. Phone 238-2287. I2-I>c �ht Personal INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Reasonable Rales Flora Robertson Lucan 227-4538 Lakeland Sanitation Septic Tanks, Holding Tanks, Cleaned and Serviced Portable Toilets Residential, Commercial Farm 24 hr.servire Grand Bend, Ont. Tim Boyd Res: 238-2291 Bus: 238-8492 25t JIM SIDDALL TRUCKING Livestock Farm Supplies Direct Plant Shipping. Trailer & Pot Rates Bulk Grain Service KIRKTON 229-6439 .12f BILL WATSON Whitewashing and Cleaning Zurich, Ontario A NEW CONCEPT IN COMPLETE HOME RENOVATIONS ATTENTION MORTGAGE HOLDERS If you hold a 1st or 2nd mortgage and would like to cash in on your investment, PLEASE CALL Tim Fitch 519-235-0633 121 Part-time Secretary for Office at Exeter United Church Must be capable of typing, mimeographing and basic bookkeeping Send written application to Box 599 Exeter by April 10 /81 SAFE "0" CONCRETE STEPS PORCHES • patio slabs - sidewalk slabs - curbs - flower bed edging - interlocking paving stones - flagstone CaII: G&G CONCRETE PRODUCTS 236-4723 VAN HAARLEM CONSTRUCTION umHeti 235-2210 GIVE YOUR HOME A HEALTHY BREAK LET VAN HAARLEM RENOVATE 141 NEW LISTING EXETER — Three bedroom home, remodeled, con• trete poured for new addition. Close to park. Priced in the twenties for quick sole. PRICE REDUCED MAIN ST. LUCAN — Over one acre of property. Nice full two storey brick duplex. Close to public school. Priced in the sixties. make us on offer. 5 ACRES — Nice quiet setting, 4 miles from Exeter. A pleasing home, with spacious rooms and bank barn. Fruit Trees. CREDITON — Nice home in Crediton, new addition large lot, small barn and owner anxious to sell. SCHOOL HOUSE — Over one acre of property. Refreshing inground pool. Not far from Bayfield. Priced in the thirties. GRAND BEND — Three bedroom home, south of Grand Bend. Nice treed lot priced in the thirties. Owneranxious to sell. Comm.rcial Properties and other Real Estate For Sole CALL ANYTIME CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY 686-7100 AGENT JERRY PROUT 235-1866 any Umr I2 -17c ORNAMENTAL IRON — porch railings. columns, posts. inside vinyl covered stair rails. room dividers, etc. Elroy Desjardine. 236-4622 or 236- 4242. 28t JOHN NEUTEL CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE FORMING * * * RESIDENTIAL * * * COMMERCIAL * * * AGRICULTURAL PHONE 482-3049 6 Services (iROO1'.1I NG - Poodle, and most other breed,. Phone 24.3- 2686. 50 t LAYING ANI) finishing uru- crele Iloors lur basement,. gar ages. drive sheds. etc. (.111 (itxsrge482-3291 ht MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR • Ranges • Washers • Dryers etc. TRIEBNER ELECTRIC 235-1756 Custom Slaughtering and Processing hill Lars \\ cdncsrlas DASHWOOD 237-3677 Gravel Pit Applications 1 MURRAY FRASER LIMITED LAND SURVEYORS 380 Ridout St. N., London, N6A 2P4 673-0720 Res. Granton 225-2490 REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR M ZFAR LAN E 53 Main Street, Exeter 235-0541 HOUSES ARE BIG HOUSES ARE SMALL, IF YOURS DOESN'T FIT GIVE US A CALL! Times -Advocate, April 1, 1981 235- 1331 Pogo 19 Exeter 235-2420 Grand Bend 238-8484 Clinton 482-9747 Goderich 524-2118 REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE INC. Representatives Phyllis Johnson 237-3547 Fran Ritchie 235-0588 Bruce Fischer 238-8735 Bill Fuss 262-2946 Penny Dinney235-0231 Griffin Thomas 238-203 Dwayne Tinney 235-1408 EXETER OPEN HOUSE Sunday, April 5 2-4 252 Sanders St. E. 3 bedroom raised ranch in immaculate condition. Finished family room with stone fireplace and bar,aplus playroom. Many extras. NEW LISTINGS LITTLE BEAUTY - a real sharp two bedroom home in nice quiet area, natural hard wood floors in livingroom, carpeted dining room, cosy kitchen, 4 piece both, workroom could be 3rd bedroom, sun porch. An Affordable Price. EXETER -- 14.5 acres, industrial zoned property #83 highway. Call today. EXETER — 12 acres industrial zoned property #83 hydro & water. HENSALL — commerciol zoned lot, 132 x 132 HENSALL - clean and cozy and priced to sell - two bedroom cottoge, hos gas heat, carpeted livingroom, 3 piece bath. VENDOR WILL CONSIDER M HEORTGAGE.NSAII —th. ree bedroom 114 storey frame home with large livingroom, dining room, kitchen and 3 piece both. PRICED AT 533,000 to SELL. BEAUTIFUL RED BRICK RANCH HOME — in ex- cellent condition, three large bedrooms, corpeted livingroom, dining room with patio doors to wood deck, ongelstone fireplace. A REAL LOOKER. CREDITON AREA - - Sow operation 5 acres. Call for further details. HURON COUNTY -- country grocery store. By ap- pointment only. CENTRALIA -- two bedroom cottage, good starter home at 525,000. CLINTON 7 unit apartment building, good in- vestment. CLINTON -- one storey brick building, 4 years old, centrally located. Ideal Fast Food or Office Space. CLINTON - two storey brick home, Zoned Commercial, ideal office arrangement. Central loco t,lsn Call for more details. VANASTRA two storey semi-detached 3 bedroom units $21,500.& 520,000. LUCAN -- 3 new homes, unfinished, pick your own interior - 10 '/7% mortgages. CLINTON — two storey duplex, 2 two bedroom un- its. live in one, let the other pay your way. CLANDEBOYE a country get -a -way on one acre, three bedroom raised ranch, electric heat, frankiin fireplace, livingroom, dining room, 4 piece bath. Si Simmons Bob Thomas Marg Scali 235-0526 482-3096 225-2301 EXECUTIVE HOME — in prime area - 4 level split, perfectly suited for entertainigg. Extra large treed ot, finished family room with heatilator fireplace, central air, many exclusive -;features. Call Phyllis Johnson to view by appointment only. COMMERCIAL LAUNDROMAT, 3 APARTMENTS AND RETAIL STORE — in excellent location. Call Phyllis Johnson Now. 2 BAY GARAGE — in good . location - includes some equipment. Call Phyllis Johnson for details. LAUNDROMAT AND 3 APARTMENTS ON MAIN ST. — shows good return, excellent income proper- ty. Call Phyllis Johnson. Several commercial properties and industrial properties available in the Exeter area. Call Phyllis Johnson. UNDER $50,000 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW — on large lot. Call Bill Fuss 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW -- port basement, separate coll. Price in 20's. Call Phyllis Johnson. 4 BEDROOM HOME ON LARGE LOT — new addi- tion needs some finishing. Make an offer. Coll Phyllis Johnson. 1976 GLENDALE MOBILE HOME -- like new con- dition. Includes garden shed - priced to sell. Coll Dwayne Tinney. ALUMINUM SIDED — 1 ,2 storey on ' acre lot. In- sulated, low taxes, pool, mature trees. Asking 540,- 000 Coll Fran Ritchie. COMPLETELY RESTORED — 2 storey family home. forge living room, separate dining room, huge master bedroom. Call Phyllis Johnson. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION — 11/2 storey 4 bedroom home. Fully insulated, new wiring and plumbing. Open to offers. 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOME, — with pine floors, fireplace, sun porch, wood stove and main floor laundry room.r Coll Fran Ritchie. LOT 53'x192' -- In established area. Will build to suit. Coll Phyllis Johnson. LOT 65'x 119' -- Make an offer. Call Fran Ritchie. FARMS 100 ACRES OF PRIME FARM LAND -- Excellent 4 bedroom home Call Phyllis Johnson for details. OVER 40 ACRES --- development land on main highway - includes excellent house, commercial shop and barn Coll Phyllis Johnson. USBORNE TOWNSHIP -- 30 acres, 21 workable, 9 bush. For further information call Fran Ritchie. CHOICE PROPERTIES RAISED RANCH -- on beautiful landscaped lot. Large master bedroom on main floor, 2 o'rl-lower level, finished family room. Coll Phyllis Johnson. CHOOSE YOUR OWN COLOUR SCHEMES — on this new 3 bedroom raised ranch, close to schools. Call Phyllis Johnson. READY FOR SUMMER -- heated in -ground pool on large landscaped lot, red brick family home with 4 bedrooms Coll Phyllis Johnson. LOVELY BRICK HOME --- on edge of town, m im• maculate condition. Owner may consider holding a mortgage for qualified purchaser. Coll Phyllis John- son for details. Vs ACRE HIGHWAY LOT -- with 2 storey 3 bedroom brick home in excellent condition Coll Dwayne 'honey PRICED REDUCED - - 2 storey brick home - in ex• cellent location. Presently 2 apartments, could be restored to family home. •Coll Dwayne Tinney LOOKING FOR A CUSTOM BUILT HOME ON YOUR CHOICE OF LOT? Call Phyllis Johnsor (trent for Roger Dougall Construction Ltd 2 STOREY FAMILY HOME - - 3 bedrooms on se cond floor, attic converted to master bedroo large fenced lot with inground pool, change room and sauna. Must be seen to be appreciated Call Fran 4,tchie. DOUBLE GARAGE -- finished family room with Franklin fireplace, dream kitchen - all features ,n this 3 bedroom roised ranch. Call Phyllis Johnson LAKEFRONT COTTAGE ---- Sunken living room with fireplace, kitchen and dining area was renovated Inst year, new cupboards, and cushion floor Separate guest house and storage shed. Private lot mature trees, good beach. Call Fran Ritchie. .qi •