HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-03-25, Page 28Page 12A Times -Advocate, March 25, 1981 BIRTHS — ALEXANDER - Paul and Lin- da ince Winship) are pleased to announce the arrival of Ryan Paul on February 25 at St. Joseph s Hospital, London. Fourth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs Fred Winship of Newbury. First grandchild for Mrs. Mary Alexander of Hensall. great grandchild for Mrs. Edith Winshipof Newbury and Mrs. Anne Fubent of Bathwell. l2pd ELDER - Robert announces the sate arrival of his brother Philip John William. South Huron Hospital. Tuesday March 17. 1981 Parents, Bnan and Mary Elder. Crediton, grand- parents Mr and Mrs. David Elder. Chatham and Mr. and Mrs Ralph MacNally, Wallaceburg 12pd GODBOI.T - George and Lois, Frederick and Matthew welcome with love the arrival of Julie Christine. born March 19th. weighing 7 lbs. 8 oz. Proud grandparents are John and Bet- ty Simmons and Alma God - bolt 12c HARRIGAN - Julia is pleased to announce the arrival of her new sister Barbara Elizabeth at St. Joseph's Hospital, London on February 26. 1981. weighing 8 lbs. 7 oz. Proud parents are Dave and Cindy (nee Shumka). Grandparents are Nick and Liz Shumka and John and Evelyn Harrigan. 12nc JENNISON - Richard and Wendy proudly announce the arrival of their second child and daughter Erin Leita born on St. Patrick's Day March 17. 1981 at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Ontario. weighing 6 lbs, 12'2 oz. A littleplaymatefor Alisha, third grandchild for Cliff and Lori Grasdahl. Crediton and 13th for Bob and Eveleen Jennison, Grand Bend. Special thanks to Dr. R.W. Read and Dr. M.D. Maynard and third floor nursing staff. 12c ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS — LOVELL - Allan, Janet and Sherrie Lynn thank God for the sate arrival of her precious wee sister Pamela Janine. born at 1:30 a.m. on February 20, 1981 in St. Joseph's Hospital weighing 8 lbs. 2 k oz. Grandparents are Alvie and Yvonne Lovell, RR 2 Wallaceburg. and John and Elaine Kinsman RR 2 Staffa.12c MAGUIRE - Paul and Joanne are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their third son, William Sean" born at St. Joseph's Hospital. London on Wednesday. March 4. weighing 7 lbs, 10 oz. A wee brother for David and Tommy. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Russ Maguire. London, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter, Dashwood. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. Maguire, London. 12c PIKE - David and Elyse (nee Lamport ) are very happy to an- nounce the arrival of their se- cond daughter. Adrienne Elyse, at Norman Hospital, Norman, Oklahoma on March 5, 1981. A sister for Christine. second granddaughter for Mrs. Nelson Lamport Crediton and fourth for Mrs. Charles Pike. Gravenhurst. Ontario. 12c REGIER - Cecil and Wanda are pleased to announce the birth of their son Kevin Michael on February 23. 1981, weighing 6 lbs. 12 oz. Little brother for Raymon and Jeffrey. Grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Regier. and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Wilder. 12c REVINGTON - Peter and Deb- bie I nee Wyatt) are proud to an- nounce the arrival of their first, a daughter Sarah Dawn born, March 6. 1981 at 8:20 p.m. weighing 7 lbs 13 oz. at St. Joseph's Hospital. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Edgar • Wyatt. London and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Revington. Lucan. Special thanks to Dr. Manners and 3rd floor O.B. Staff. 12c lli """' 111111111f1111111111111ihlttllllll1111 111111111 cl I! ll' i c t!li1 !lig .10IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..,.1111111111111 I) '111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' 11 I III'li 1 1!t 1Hjt i.„...,filliiiiiiii..,:IIIiiIiiiiiihhi,i liiiuiliiiiit,.:iiiml Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood (In the New Church) Pastor REV. MAYO MELLECKE Sunday, March 29 9:30 a.m.-Sunday School & Bible Class 1100 a.m.-Divine Service Everyone Welcome Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets Vicar ROBERRT SCHERMBECK Phone 235-1 24 2 Sunday, Manch 29 9:30 a.m.-Sunday School 1030 a.m. -Morning Service Church of the Lutheran Hour CFPL 7 a.m. Sunday We to me Centralia Faith Tabernacle REV. BOB DEGRAW Sunday. March 29 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School 11 00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.00 p.m. Evangelistic Service A Special film "A touch of the Masters Hand" will be shown in this service. Persons who have been touched by the Masters are never quite the same. Their attitudes, Ideas. direction In We are changed by His touch. Don't miss it. Tues.. March 31 - 7:30 p.m. Prayer. Share Bible Study. Young People's Fellowship Everyone Welcome. Exeter United Church James at Andrew MINISTER REV JAMES FORSYTHE Assistant Minister REV GRANT MILLS Organist and Choirmaster Mr Robert Cameron Sunday. March 29 9:45 - Church School 11 00 a.m - Fourth Sunday in Lent Nursery Courtesy Car - 235-1400 Everyone Welcome Centralia and Zion United Churches Guest Speaker Mrs. Shirley Luther Hensall Sunday, March 29 10:00 - Centralia Sunday School 11 :15 - Centralia and lion congregations meet, at /ion for Combined Service 10:45 - Zion Sunday School ORGANISTS Zion Mrs Lome Hem Centralia Mr Douglas Gill All Are Welcome Exeter Christian Reformed Church Main St. North MINISTER REV. B.H. DE JDNGE Phone 235-1723 Sunday, Mach 29 1000 a.m-Morning Worship "My Mind's Made Up" Phil. 1:20-30 2:30 p.m. -Afternoon Worship "What Is Faith? (II)" Heb. 11:1-7 Everyone Welcome The Back to God Hour Radio Program CHLO Dial 580 4:30 p.m. CHOK Dial 1070 7:15 a.m. Sundays Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister Ms. BARBARA LAING Organist Miss Idella Gabel, A.R C.T. Sunday, March 29 9:45 a.m. -Sunday Service 10:50 - Sunday School Everyone Welcome Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East. Exeter Sunday, March 29 10:00 a.m. - Worship 11 00 a.m. -Sunday School 7.30 p.m. - Evening Worship Everyone Welcome Caven Presbyterian Church MINISTER REV KENNETH KNIGHT Phone 235-2243 Organist Mr Robert McIntosh Sunday, Mach 29 1000 a m - Morning Service Everyone Welcome TrIvltt Memorial Church Anglican Episcopal Rector REV G A ANDERSON. DFC Organist Mr Gerald McAuley B.Sc The Fourth Sunday in Lent Sunday. March 29. 1961 11,15a.m -Morning Worship Sunday School during Service We invite everyone to join us as we worship God in an at- mosphere of reverence and holiness Everyone Welcome BIRTHS — VanESBROECK - Ed,Marianne and Jeremy are happy to an- nounce the safe arrival of Jaclyn Petronella 8 lbs. 2': oz. on March 11. 1981. Special thanks to Dr. Fellows arid staff of St. Joseph's Hospital, for their wonderful care and to our family and friends for their thoughtfulness and concern. 12c ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs AI Flynn take pleasure in announcing the forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Valerie Elizabeth to Charles iChuck Ford,son of Mr. and Mrs Jack Ford. The wed- ding will take place Saturday. April 25. 1981 at 4 o'clock in Ex- eter United Church. Open recep- tion to follow 12nc Dave Ferguson and Kathy Switzer. St Marys are pleased to announce their forthcoming marriage on April 11981 at St. Marys Presbyterian Church at 6 p.m Followed by an Open Wedding Dance at 9:00 p.m.12c ANNOUNCEMENTS — The family of Jerry & Alice MacLean invite you to attend an Open House in honour of their Silver Wedding Anniversary, Sunday April 5. 1981 2:30 - 4:30. 220 Marlborough Street, Exeter, Ontario 12,13c CARDS OF THANKS — A sincere thank you to everyone who remembered me with prayers, flowers, cards and visits while I was a patient in University hospital. A very special thanks to Rev. Gonyou and Pastor McLean and the con- gregation of Exeter Pentecostal church. Eleanor Hayter. 12c Sincere thank you to all my family, relatives, friends and neighbours for their lovely cards and get well wishes, also flowers, treats and visits while I was in St. Joseph hospital and since returning home. Also to anyone that helped out at home in anyway, also to Rev. Brian Elder, it was much appreciated. Mrs. Hazel Pfaff. 12c The families of the late Roy Allison wish to extend their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy, floral tributes, cards and donations to the Cancer Society. A very special thanks 'to the Rev. John Latham for his com- forting message, the C. Haskett and Son Funeral home, St. Mary's Church ladies guild who served lunch. Also a sincere thank you to Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex Young for their acts of kindness to the immediate fami- ly and relatives, and to the neighbours who sent food to the homes. Also to those who remembered him with cards and visits during his stay In Strathmere Lodge and while in tiospital.i.Your kindness will always be remembered. The Allison, Faulder, Flynn families. 12c A special thanks to our children on our 40th Wedding Anniversaryfor the family dinner at Fre Side Inn, Thed- ford on Sunday also the lovely chair, for'the party at our home, Sunday evening. Thanks to relatives and friends for cards, flowers, plants, gifts. Many thanks go to our five daughters- in-law who planned all and made it a day of special memories. Carman and Verna Lovle 12pd The nieces and nephews of the late Miss Lily Ballantyne R.N. express sincere appreciation to relatives, friends.neighbours for their kind thoughts of sympathy, beautiful floral tributes, cards and food to the house. Special thanks to Huronview for their care, Dr. Staciuk, Caven Presbyterian ladies for lovely lunch. Rev. K. Knight, Hopper - Hockey Funeral Home and the Honorary pallbearers. Your kindness will long be remembered. Ballantyne fancily. 12pd I wish to thank my family for cards and flowers also to those who sent cards. visits, phone calls, to the Ministers who left a special message. Special thank you to the nurse and staff, cooks, Dr. Steciuk and everyone who made my stay in South Huron Hospital a pleasant 'one. Ettie Penhale. 12pd Sincere appreciation and the greatest of thanks. I would like to express to my friends, relatives and family for their many cards. (lowers, treats and visits which made my stay in St. Joseph's Hospital. a little bit brighter and pleasant. Special mention to. Dr Ecker, Dr. Sweeney and the nurses. A very special thanks to Mom and Dad Skinner and Mom and Dad Rovius for looking after the girls. Your kindness will never be forgotten. Brenda Hovius. 12c It gives me great pleasure to thank the South Huron Hospital staff and Doctors for all their kindness and generosity during my stay there. Thanks also for the many visits. flowers. cards, gifts etc. Mrs. Irene Hoist 12pd 1 would like all those who remembered me with cards phone calls and visits while I wasin the hospital and since coing home They are greatly appreciated Cora Miner 12pd To all our friends and neighbours in the Sharon School Section and surroiinding 'area, sive would like to express our ap- preciation for the most en- joyable social evening and es- pecially for the lovely gift which will always bring hack fond memories. Donna & Danny Overholt. 12pd CARDS OF THANKS — We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our family members, relatives, friends and neighbours for all their visits, phone calls, gifts, flowers, cards and treats and transportation while I was a patient in St. Joseph's hospital and to Dr. 'P Rechnitzer and his medical team and nurses on the 6th floor also for the Ambulance Service and to the Dr's and nurses in South Huron Hospital. Thanks to Rev. Forsythe for his cheery visits, and to others who assisted at our home. We ap- preciate it all Violet & Wallace Makins. 12pd The family of the late Leda Ford wish to express sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind ex- pressions of sympathy through floral tributes, memorial donations, also for food brought to the house. Special thanks to Hopper -Hockey funeral home and the ladies of Exeter United Church for lunch. Our Sincere Thanks to all. '12 pd. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my family and friends for their visits, cards, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in University Hospital and since returning home. It was greatly ap- preciated. Bea Uyl. 12c We would like to express our grateful appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours, for the kind and con- siderate ways they offered assistance during Cec's illness, and upon the death of a dear hus- band and father and grand- father. To those who sent food to the house, floral tributes, and charitable donations given. And to the ladies of Lucan United Church for a lovely lunch served following the service, Sunday March 15. To Rev. Keith Brown for his unfailing attendance at our home and at Hospital, and for his comforting and in- spirational message at the ser- vice, to Dr's Kortese and Miller of London. Dr. Lock of Lucan for their devoted care as well as the nurses of the 5th floor of St. Joseph's Hospital, to the 'C Haskett and Son Funeral Home for their thoughtful concern for us. Mrs. Reta Robb, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd I.aNeve and family. 12c IN MEMORIAM — ATKINSON - In loving memory 'of a dear husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather, Earl who passed away March 28, 1980. There is no parting from those we love, No distance can divide For each day in memory's garden We will walk side by side. Wherever life may take us. -- ever4ife--may-take U3.. Whatever we may do The memory of the years we shared Will keep us close to you. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by his wife Alexia and family. 12pd COWARD - In fondest memory of a most beloved wife, mother and grandmother, Mary E. Coward who passed away four years ago, March 28, 1977. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps you near. Always remembered and sadly missed by husband Charles, daughters Lois and Donna and their families. 12pd HENNESSEY - In loving memory df'a dear husband and father Leo J. Hennessey who passed away so suddenly 25 years ago. March 29, No words can ever express Our love. our sorrow or our emptiness No one knows the grief we share When the family meets and your not there No tears can show, no words can saHow much we lost on that sad day. Dearlyloved and sadly missed by wife Vi and family Jack Jean, Pat and Jim. 12pd IN MEMORIAM -- BRINTNELL - In loving memory of Dad, Jim who pass- ed away March 20. 1980. From our midst you are gone But memories linger on. Bev, Marg, Kerry and Bill.11c DUNLAP - In loving memory of our dear son and brother, John, who passed away March 28, 1980. Some where in the distance a new flower grows. Far beyond the horizons of time, We had him awhile, and then God chose, The stairway of heaven to climb. The passing of time can shorten the pain, But lengthen the memories we share, Till once more we're together again, In God's garden, and His loving care. Lovingly remembered by mother, dad, Diane and David. 12pd FORREST - In loving memory of a deal' daughter and sister, Donna, who passed away one year ago, March 22, 1980. From hospital bed to Heavenly 'rest, God took you home to be His guest, You had a nature one could not help loving. And a heart that was purer than gold, To those who knew you and loved you, Your memory will never grow old. We miss you more than anyone knows As day passes, the emptiness grows. No longer in our life to share, But in our hearts, you are always there. Dearly loved and sadly missed by mom and dad, Jane and Ken Wildfong and brother Rick. 12c GENTTNER - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Ralph K. Genttner who passed away one year ago, March 29, 1980. Love's greatest gift - remembrance Father in thy gracious keeping Leave we now our loved one sleeping His memory is as dear to -day As in the hour he passed away. Till memory fades and life departs You live forever in our hearts Sunshine fades and shadows fall But sweet remembrance outlasts all. There is a link death cannot sever Love and remembrance last forever, In life loved and honoured, In death remembered. To live in the hearts of those we leave behind Is not to die Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. We cannot Lord thy purpose see But all is well that's done by thee. Lovingly remembered by his wife Florence and family. 12pd GLANVILLE - In loving memory of my mother In law Tillie Irene Glanville who died so suddenly 21 years ago, March 26, 1960. One precious to my heart is gone, The voice 1 loved is stilled, The place made vacant in my life Can never more be filled. Always a thought, and many a tear, For one 1 miss and loved so dear, The sudden way you had to die, I shall always remember and wonder why No one can know the sorrow I share. When the family meets and you're not there. 1 hold my tears when we speak yourname, But the ache in my heart remains the same. Loved and remembered by daughter-in-law Shirley Preszcator iGlanvilfe) and grandchildren. 12c Coming Events SCHNEIDERS MALE CHORUS WoodhamUnited Church; Wednesday April 8, at 8p m. Ad- mission, adults 13.00, Children 12 and under 11.50. pre school free. 12pd HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT - invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, being held in the Health Unit Office, South Huron Hospital commencing Monday, March 30, 1981 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. These classes will run for 8 weeks. Would anyone who is in- terested please register by call- ing 1-800-265-4252 toll free or the Health Unit office at 235-1014. Both husbands and wives are in- vited to attend and participate in the discussions. 11,12,13c FESTIVAI, SINGLES -- Dance at Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dan- cing 9-1. Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans. 12c PLAN TO ATTEND - the 100 Huntley Street Rally Friday March 27 in Wingham at F.E. Madill Secondary School, 231 Victoria Street East. Rally starts at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Be part of the live studio audience of 100 Huntley Street Saturday March 28, 8:30 a m. - '12 noon in CKNX TV studio Call Wingham 357- 1083. 12c LOOK FOR -- Full page ad next week, from the Exeter Agricultural Society (Ladies Division Prize list and save this Ad for future reference 12nc BINGO - every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, RR 5 Clinton. 8 p m. First regular card 11 00 15 regular. 115.00 games, 3 share the wealth. Jack Pot 1200 00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. 26ctfn CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S - Club will meet Friday Mareh 27, at 9:30 a m parish Hall. All Welcome 12c STRATFORD BOY CHOIR - will be appearing in concert Sunday. April 5, 7:30 p.m. at the Hensall united Church. Adults 13.00 seniors and students 12.25. Tickets available at 262-3133 or at the door 12,13c HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT - invites you to attend the Adult Health Guidance Cen- tre, held at the Health Unit Of- fice, South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter on Tuesday, April 21, 1981 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. for health Surveillance, Foot Care, Anaemia Screening, Urine Testing, Rlood Pressure, Hear- ing Test 12c HURON COUNTY HEALTH I1NIT - invites the Child Health Clinic, held at the Health Unit office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Monday, April 13, 1981 from 9 30 - 11;30 a.m. for Health Surveillance, Anaemia Screening. immunization, Hear- ing Screening, Vision Screening .Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years Adult immunization will also he offered at this clinic.12c IN MEMORIAM — STONE - In loving memory of Gordon Stone, who passed away three years ago, March 26th, 1978. He never failed to do his best, His heart was warm and tender He lived his life for those he loved, And those he Loved remember. Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear. But always a beautiful memory. of one we loved so dear Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by the Stone family. '12pd STONE - In memory of a dear brother-in-law Charles T. Stone who passed away March 31st, 1978. The years may wipe out many things but those happy days. Always remembered by his sister-in-law Vi. Also Philip and the rest of the family. 12c LEWIS - In loving memory of a dear brother and uncle Elmer Arthur Lewis who passed away one year ago. March 31, 1980. The day he left us was sad to recall Without a goodbye he left us all Butfond memories keeps him near As we face another year. Lovingly remembered by family. 12pd IN MEMORIAM — DESJARDINE - In loving memory of a dear mother, and grandmother. Fern Desjardine who died on year ago, March 17, 1980. We lost a mother with a heart of gold Who was more to us thanwealth untold Without farewell she fell asleep With only memories for us to keep She was a mother so very rare Content in her home and always there We treasure still with love sincere Beautiful memories of one so dear. Lovingly remembered by her son Elroy and daughter-in-law Myraline. Also her grandchildren Ron and Sally and Sandra and Ron and five great grandchildren. 12pd :enlnlnmmlumminim omni unnuuumnnnmmuuunnn nommunnuumu iluE ,J le South Huron • Recreation Centre =_ WINTER ACTIVITIES a Hall Rentals Due to re -scheduling we now have 2 Satur- days Open July 4 and June 20, 1981 Call Rec Centre 235-2833 to book =y, E. E MARCH BREAK Wednesday Free Movies 'The Devil and Dan Mouse' plus cartoons Recommended for ages 3-8 Time 2-3 p.m. Thursday Free Movies 'Who Killed Doc Robbin' Recommerided for ages 8-13 Time 2-4 p.m. Parents & Tots Skating Thursday March 26, 2-2:50 p.m. Admission. 25d Public Skating Last skating of the year! Saturday March 28 2-4 p.m. P. Admission 35ct Children & 50it Adults LiIIIMMUI111111I I II II I II I I I11IIII I II I I111111111111II I II I II I II I II I I III II11111111I11111III I I11111111111I I I I11 1 1 1 1 1Ir G0,IFORN/ i HERE WE COME JOIN FETTES TOURS This tour has been especially arranged to include the areas and attractions that no trip to California is complete without. We visit Salt Lake City, los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Francisco just to mention a few and we include admissions to Disneyland, Universal Studios, Hoover Dam, the Petrified Forest and much, much more. Don't Miss the Exceptional Tour. Departs April 25 Spring Tours 9 Day Carolinas Plantations and Garden Tour Departs - April 5 3 Day Holland Tulips Departs - May 12 3 Day Ottawa Tulips Departs - May 18 May 20 3 Day Lilac Festival Departs - May 20 May 23 Offices in MOUNT FOREST 323-1545 MITCHELL 348-8492 SHELBURNE 925-3080 DURHAM 369-5440 OUR NEW AGENT FOR FETTES TOUR IN EXETER * SMALL WORLD * TRAVEL Call Toll - 1-800-265-7022 41 Dining With A Flair On Exeter's Main Street!! • • • r • 411 Main Street, V Exeter You are invited to a new experience in food and flavour. Our carefully prepared weekly dinner menu (Featuring only fresh produce) will be introduced for the first lime on Thursday 26th March. Our selected ingredients and excellent service is your guarantee of a most pleasant dining experience. Our increasingly popular lunch time menu and daily special at $3.50 will continue un- changed. Served from 11:30 - 2:30. Sunday Special 4 Course Dinner at $6.25. Served 12 noon to 4 p.m. Open Daily As Follows Tuesday - Saturday Lunch 11:30 - 2:30 Dinner 5:30 - 9:30 Sunday 12 noon to 4 p.m. Closed All Day Mondays For Reservations Call 235-1315 Give Yourself A March Break And Book A Tablet r • i r HELD OILIER: MARCH 26 to APRIL 2 *NOTE SHOWTIME FRI. - SAT. & SUN. 7:00& 9:00 MON. - THURS. 8:00 P.M. The Power Behind The Throne NINE TO FIVE PARK GODIRICH 0 H PHONL 524 7811 AIR CONDI I IONE 1111111117T• •Z1.TInTi "II7n r•7�� 4 \\ 4 Box Office Opens 7:30 SHOW TIME 8:00 P.M. TRIPLE FEATURE FRI., SAT., SUN. MARCH 27, 28, 29 WE DARE YOU To Discover The Legacy li •4:: d •W awn NVtR'A "IIIAV k1 At) 1$1/ (' i B(%). ,.,-'. '5' by0'..e. casS,,,1 WARNING: Violence and coarse language throughout rheafres Branch -- Onfarrc HWY. 8 CODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 ' PHONE 5249981 u5raiVf DRIVE'IN TBEATRE