HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-03-18, Page 28Ipi" 9111111111111Itlllllllilhlttl11111111 '1'11111IIHIllllllllhllllhllll111111 IlIllI1111g1111 111101111 till 1 n IIIc 4111;',00,11' I IIIIU ��` f I � ��� I . Ihli,„.....iiiiiiil wltllurih,.4ulllnilut i Milo uihr.:mn)1m111iNllllutllluuh,.:Nim i Page 12A Times -Advocate, March 18, 1981 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS - DITNER - Rick and Barb. are pleased to announce the birth of their son Timothy Eldon at St. Joseph's hospital, February 71, 1981. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Ditner, West Montrose and Mrs. Doreen Daters. Exeter. llnc MOORE - Bob and Cathy are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter. Kristen Diane, at St Joseph's hospital, London on March 14. 1981. A sister for Kevin. another granddaughter for Cliff and Audrey Moore and Evelyn McKeever. llpd MOUNT - Bradley. Dennis and Kevin are proud to announce the arrival of their brother Andrew Wayne 9 lbs on March 6, 1981 at St. Joseph's hospital. London. Parents Lynn and Lowell would like to thank their relatives and friends for their -concern and support. llc PALSA - Joe and Judy are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Kimberley Ann on March 4. 1981 at St. Joseph's hospital. A tiny sister for David. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. GeraldDorscht, Lucknow and Mrs. Andrew Palsa. Parkhill. Ilc • PURKIS - Bill and Jennifer are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Jennifer Aileen weighing 8 lbs. 9 oz. on February 24. 1981 in Seaforth hospital. A sister for Kelly and John. llnc RADER - Stacey, and Derick are happy to announce the arrival of their baby sister Stephanie. March 15. 1981 at St. Joseph's hospital. London. Proud parents are Dave and Nancy Rader. Dashwood. Another granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Rader, Dashwood and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott. Crediton. 11c WYNJA - Allen and Frances (Knip) are proud to announce the arrival of their son Brian Harry. 8 lbs. 13 oz. on February 25. 1981 at Seaforth Community Hospital. A brother for Lisa and Steven. 11c CARDS OF THANKS - CARDS OF THANKS - IN MEMORIAM- The EMORIAM- The family of the late Wilson Brintnell wishes to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives. friends and neighbours for their kind and thoughtful expressions of sym- pathy during the loss of a dear husband. father and grand- father. The beautiful floral tributes. memorial donations and cards were greatly ap- preciated. likewise the baking which was sent to the home. Special thanks to Rev. Forsythe and the R C Dinnev Funeral Home. Your kindness will always be remembered Annie Brintnell. & family. I lc 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to my family. relatives and friends for their visits. flowers and cards while I was a patient in South .Huron hospital. also to the doctors and nurses for the care and kindness i received while in hospital. Peter McNaughton 11c I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my family and friends for the visits. phone calls, cards. flowers and gifts while i was in the hospital and since returning home Jeanette Turner llc Karl and Glenys MacNaughton would like to thank their family. friends. relatives and neighbours in every way on the occasion of our 25th wedding an- niversary IIpd I wish to thank my family and friends for cards and visits while I was a patient in University Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Janzen. his team and the nurses on the 6th floor west. Their kindness was appreciated. George Ducharme. llc The family of the late Verda Taylor wish to express their sincere thanks to all their relatives. friends and neighbours during their recent sad bereavment. Your sym- pathy and kindness will always be remembered. llpd Trivitt Memorial Church Anglican Episcopal Rector REV. G.A. ANDERSON. D.F.C. Organist Mr. Gerald McAuley B.Sc. The Third Sunday in Lent Sunday. March 22. 1981 11:15 a.m.- Holy Communion Sunday School during Service We invite everyone to join us as we worship God in an at- mosphere of reverence and holiness. Everyone Welcome Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood (In the New Church) Pastor REV. MAYO MELLECKE Sunday, March 22 9:30 a.m -Sunday School 8 Bible Class 11:00 a.m -Divine Service Everyone Welcome Exeter Christian Reformed Church Main St. North MINISTER REV. B.H. DE JORGE Phone 235-1723 Sunday, March 22 10:00 a.m-Morning Worship "A Funny Thing Happened On My Way To Jail" 2:30 p.m. -Worship Service "Faith -What is it?" Everyone Welcome The Back to God Hour CHLO4:30 p m Dial 580 Sundays Centralia Faith Tabemacle REV. BOB DEGRAW Sunday. March 22 9:45 8.m. -Sunday School Bible Study 1100 a.m.-Morning Worship Special Speaker Rev Vernon Wood 7:00 p.m Evangelistic Service Special Speaker Rev. Vemon Wood Tues., March 17 - 7:30 p.m. Prayer. Share & Bible Study Young People's Fellowship Everyone Welcome Caves Presbyterian Church MNSTER REV KENNETH KNIGHT Phone 235-2243 Organist Mr. Robert McIntosh. Sunday. March 22 1000 a.m.- Morning Service Special Guests will be The Covenant Players Sunday School cancelled for this special event Ewiyone Welcome Exeter United Church 'James at Andrew MINISTER REV. JAMES FORSYTHE Assistant Minister REV. GRANT MILLS Organist and Choirmaster: Mr. Robert Cameron Sunday. March 22 9:45 - Church School 11:00 a.m. - Third Sunday in Lent Baptism Nursery Courtesy Car - 235-1400 1:30 p.m. - Confirmation Class Everyone Welcome Centralia and Zion United Churches Guest Speaker Mrs. Arch Andrew Bayfield Sunday, March 22 10:00 - Centralia Sunday School 1115 - Centralia. Worship 9:45 - Zion Worship 10:45 - Zion Sunday School ORGANISTS Zion Mrs Lome Hern Centralia Mr Douglas Gill All Are Welcome Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets Vicar ROBERRT SCHERMBECK Phone 235-1242 Sunday. March 22 9:30 a.m.-Sunday School 10:30 a m -Morning Service Church of the Lutheran Hour CFPL 7 a m Sunday Welcome Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister Ms BARBARA LAING Organist Miss Idella Gabel. A.R.0 T Sunday. March 22 9:45 a.m -Sunday Service 10:50 - Sunday School Everyone Welcome Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East, Exeter Sunday. March 22 10:00 a m - Worship 11:00 a.m -Sunday School 7:30 p.m. - Evening Worship Everyone Welcome We would like to express our sincere thanks for cards and best wishes on the occasion of our 40th Wedding Anniversary. Special thanks to our family and those who attended our Open House Elmer & Lorene Hayter. llc Marc. thanks to friends and relatives tor lovely cards, sent to me for my birthday, also thanks to Cliff and Leona for having dinner and the family for beautiful flower arrangement, to grandchildren for corning to share my 85th birthday with me. It was all very much ap- preciated Mrs. Wesley Jaques. Ilpd • IN 'MEMORIAM - BRITNELL - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather. James A. Brintnell who passed away one year ago March 20, 1980. To a beautiful life came a sudden end. He died as he lived. everyones friend He was always thoughtful, loving and kind. What a wonderful memory he left behind He left so suddenly his thoughts unknown. But he left a memory we are proud to own. Treasure him God in your garden of rest. For in this world he was one of the best Sadly missed and remembered by his wife Lois, Sons. Daughters and their families. llpd DESJARDINE - Fondly remembering my dear sister-in- law Fern Desjardine who passed away one year ago March 17. 1980. We miss you Fern Since you've been gone But love and memories linger on Sadly missed by Sister -in -Law Ceal Meyers and girls. 11c JEFFERY - In loving memory of Dominic Jeffrey. who passed away two years ago. March 18, 1979. Gone are the days we used to share But in our hearts you are always there The Gates of Memory will never close We miss you more than any one knows So many things have happened Since you were called away So many things to share with you If you were here today We wish so much that life could be Just like it was before But since our dreams Can never more come true We are grateful for the good years That we had with you. Lovingly remembered by wife Dolly and family. llpd RADER - In loving memory of a dear son and brother William Harold Rader who left us suddenly 3 years ago. March 18, 1978 Please God. forgive a silent tear. A silent wish that my son was here. There are others. yes i know. But he was mine. and I loved him so Three years ago we had to part. With a son I loved with all my heart The wound is deep. it will not heal. Only those who have lost know how I feel. if I could speak to my son to -day Laugh with him in the same old way Hear his voice and see his smile Then life indeed would be worthwhile Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mommy and sister Julianne Ilpd Coming Events BINGO -- every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre. RR 5 Clinton 8 p m First regular card 8100 15 regular. 815.00 games. 3 share the wealth. Jack Pot 8200 00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years and olover 26ctfn STRAWBERRY HAM SUPPER - St Marys Church. Rrinsley Wednesday June 17 ' 9.10.11c EUCHRE PARTY -- Crediton Hall. Monday March 23. 1981. 8 15 p.m Admission 81.00. Prizes and lunch sponsored by Crediton Women's Institute. Everyone welcome llpd CANCER MEETING -- (;uest speaker Robert Broad (Lamb - ton Chairman) March 20th - 8:00 p.m Town Hall. Grand fiend. All canvassers and all in- terested please attend llc EXETER SENIOR CITIZENS -- will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday April 7, at 7 p.m in the Legion Hall 1Ipd OPEN HOUSE -- Come to Dashwood Zion Lutheran Church on Sunday. March 22, from 3-5 p m and have a look at our new facility The entire community is invited. 11c HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT - invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes. being held in the Health Unit Office. South Huron Hospital commencing Monday, March 30. 1981 from 7.30 - 9:30 p m These classes will run for 8 weeks. Would anyone who is in- terested please register by call- ing 1-800-265-4252 toll free or the Health Unit office at 2.35.1014. Both husbands and wives are in- vited to attend and participate in the discussions 11,12,13c BEEF' BARBEQUE; -- Mensal) United Church. April 22, 5, 6. & 7 p.m Adults 5.50 12 and under 2 50 under 5 free Tickets 262- 2130 llc BRINTNELL - In loving memory of a Dad. Bev who passed away March 20, 1980. From our midst you are gone But memories linger on. Bev. Marg. Kerry and Bill. l lc BENDER - In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother Mrs. Dorothy Bender who passed away March 20, 1980. To us she was someone special. We miss her more each day For the saddest day In all our lives Was the day she passed away We think of her in silence Ahd often speak her name For all we have are memories And her picture in a frame. Lovingly remembered by Betty. Ken and Grandchildren. llpd RADER - In loving memory of a dear grandson Billie who was taken so suddenly three years ago. March 18. 1978. Gone from the earth so swiftly Just like a flower in bloom So young so fair so loving -Yet called away so soon. Lovingly remembered by Gramma Rader. llpd RADER - In loving memory of our grandson William Harold (Billie) who was taken so suddenly March 18. 1978. God looked into His garden, And found He needed a rose, Then he chose our Billie Why? Only He alone knows. Sadly missed by Grandpa and Grandma Lightfoot. llpd RADER - In loving memory of a dear nephew and cousin Billy Rader who passed away March 18. 1978. Three years have passed since that sad day. When the one we loved was called away. God took him Home. it was His will But in our hearts he liveth still. Lovingly remembered by Uncle Ron. Aunt Helen and family. llpd RADER - In loving memory of Billie who left us so suddenly three years ago. March 18, 1978. Your end came sad and sudden No time to say good-bye You were gone before we knew it Only God knows the reason why. Always remembered by Uncle Bill. Aunt Helen and Robbie and Cathy. llpd RADER - In loving memory of a dear little nephew and cousin Billie who passed away March 18. 1978. to our uncle and brother-in-law Bill who left us April 10. 1974. Softly the leaves of memories fall Gently we gather and treasure them all There is a link no one can sever Love and remembrance last forever. Lovingly remembered by Carl. Shirley and family. llc WILLIAMS - In loving memory of a dear father. grandfather and great grandfather. Roland who passed away March 15, 1979. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near. Lovingly remembered by Keith and Hazel Weber, Edward and Marilyn Hern and family and Don and Joyce MacLean and family llpd WILLIAMS - in loving memory of a dear grandfather and great- grandfather Roland who passed away March 15. 1979. Those whom we love go out of sight. But never out of mind: They are cherished in the hearts Of those they leave behind. Always loved and sadly missed by Kevin and Sherry Pfaff and family. • line WILLIAMS - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Roland who passed away March 15. 1979 His charming ways and smiling face Are a pleasure to recall. He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. Always remembered and sadly missed by daughter Onah, Vic Stackhouse and family.' Inc WILLIAMS - in loving memory of a dear husband Roland who passed away March 15. 1979. Loving and kind in all his ways, Upright and just to the end of his days Sincere find kind in heart and mind. What a beautiful memory he left behind. Ever remembered and missed by wife Virgie. * * sadly 'Inc N C J3'3 rizzEn } '235-2311 EXETER Queen's Hotel Seaforth Appearing Thurs. RAll Fri. & Sat. The Slam Fund Raising Dance Sponsored by the Dashwood Volunteer Firemen DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Fri., Mar. 20 Dancing 9 till 1 Music by Mystery Train Admission donation box at door All proceeds to go toward the Dashwood and Area Medical Centre Building Fund. Hensall Minor Hockey DANCE Hensall District Community Centre March 28, 1981 9-1 Country Companions $6.00 a couple Lunch provided Dashwood Hotel Dart Leagues sign up now Tues. - Men Wed. - Ladies Thurs. - Mixed Wed. Night is ladies Night "Your Friendly Neighbourhood Pub" ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Highway No. 11 West, Clinton FRpM * mitt'aoslo u�t 4(SNE so - coag Nf,G "MASQUERADE" Appearing Monday, March 16 to Saturday, March 21 * An extraordinary Las•Vagas * style comedy and variety revue. Masquerade features an '00,000. costume wardrobe. Don't miss them) * PLEASE NOTE: Thursday, friday and satur- * day, March 16.20.21, there will be a '2.111 cover charge. ON TIN IIIOACN t� i GRAND REND Join us on March 20th at 5 p.m. for the oflkiol rand opening of Pirat s Cave Free Barbecue Beef on a bun 8 other special features from 5-7 p.m. Live .Merteltitrnent starting et 9 p.m. Mar 20 & 21 Fri. & Sat. Mar 27 & 28 Cookin Jets Dining Room open Fri., Sat., Sun. For information or reservations Call 238-2251 Optimist Bingo Weekly Jackpot $150 Ailsa Craig Townhall every Tuesday Doors Open 6:30 p.m. '350.00 in weekly prizes BINGO LUCAN ARENA March 18 Doors open - 7:15 p.m. Early bird - 7:55 p.m. Regular games, Midway special, share the wealth, stand up, etc. Jackpot $550 -55 calls - Proceeds for Arenc. Double Door Card $1.00 Bingos will continue each Wednesday night. Licence # 28721 1 Proceeds for Arena Duo to license regulations no ono under 16 years of aye will be admitted. J �1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illllr IIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIININNIINIIINIIIIINIININIIIIIIL E a 1 VIII. Soul, Huron Recreation Centre qv I; WINTER ACTIVITIES MARCH BREAK PROGRAM Monday March 23 Theatre Go Round Presents the play 'Count Me In' 7:30 p.m. (concerning drug abuse) (Recommended for 11 years and up including adults) Admission $1.50 Adults .754 Child $4.50 Family Rate Tuesday March 24 "Fun On Ice" (Games & Competition) Races on skates Obstacle Courses Broomball Games Hockey Games. Boys & Girls: Please come & register by 1;30 p.m. Games start at 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Two groups Juniors & Seniors Ages 6-9 & 10-13 Prizes for each group! Bring your skates Wednesday March 25 "Free Movies" Children ages 3-8 (Recommended) Cartoons Movie - 'The Devil & Dan Mouse' Time 2-3 p.m. Thursday March 26 "Free Movie" (Mystery) Who Killed Doc Robbin Ages 8-13 (Recommended) Time 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Parents & Tots Skating Tuesday 2-2:50 p.m. Thursday & Friday 10-10:50 p.m. Admission 254 Note: March Break Week Parents & Tots Cancelled Public Skating Cancelled Saturday March 21 (Due to LHZR Tourney) Sunday March 22 Skating 2-3:50 p.m. Admission 354 Children 504 Adults Minor Softball Meeting Thursday March 19 7:30 p.m. South Huron Rec Centre NIINHIINIIIIIIIINIIIIRINUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItII1NIIN111NIIN11ppINNININININNRNRMNN111RNNN . Coach Nouse Travel 399 Main St., Exeter, 235-0571 "Let our personal touch /mint AcTA provide you with professional .1.06, AIR RIF �.� planned holiday" IATA +ssoc Doug & Phyllis Johnson & Family would like to thank all our friends and neighbours who visited with us at the Grand.Opening of the Dashwood Hotel. A Special Thanks to our -friends who gave a helping hand when it was needed. °Me Vett gOteSt MOTOR HOTEL GRAND BEND H'way 21,''4 Mile S. Traffic Light For Reservations Phone 238-2365 DINING ROOM OPEN DAILY except Sunday evening Breadfast, lunch and dinner ENTERTAINMENT Saturday Ohly Dwight James' Schnitzel Night Every Wednesday We offer a Schnitzel dinner for only $495 mall . travel- It Whet* rand troy*, advice is always ire• 450'0 I» The 0.de town . Hipp, Emkto f Fiesta's California Fly/ Drive from $239* Your car and our sun awaits you Enjoy a California vacation with unlimited possibilities. A►taiting your arri►'ial is a car, choice of hotels and the opportunity to see and do the things that you want. Then take to the highway in a .snappy- compact ►rich unlimited mileage for a .freewheeling holiday. Explore .sunnr.California and neighbouring Arizona and Nevada at your leisure. ft's unlimited fun in the sun and Fiesta makes it happen like no one else. *Fiesta's California Fly/Drive holiday price includes: • Compact car ►rich unlimited mileage fin- 7 days • Accommodation vouchers for 7 nights at selected Travelodge and Vagabond hotels California Guide Book • Super Discount Book. • Just add airfare for your total holiday cost. 1M0ANOSR We've found more sun. :'CALL 235-2000 OUT OF TOWN I TOLL FREE 1-800-265-7022 1