HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-03-11, Page 31Granton church groups study influence of women in Bible when examined By MRS. E. SUMMERS GRANTON Unit (1) met at the home of Mrs. Glen Jameson on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Gordon McRobert presided. Lesson thoughts were en- titled "Let your Light Shine". Mrs. Glen Jameson was responsible for the program, and presented a paper which dealt with the "Influence of Women". Miss Edna Wallis read passages from the Bible, giving examples of woman's influence in those days, and how it related to our time. A discussion followed. Mrs. G. McRobert assisted the hostess to serve lunch. i Notice to Voters Electoral District of Huron Middlesex The following people have been duly nominated os candidates for the Provincial Election March 19,1981, followed by the names and ad- dresses of official agents. 1. Jim Britnell Official Agent J.Chris Little 241 Pryde Blvd. Exeter 2. Gwen Pemberton Official Agent John D.M. Wood 40 Victoria St• South, Goderich 3. Jack Riddell Official agent Sheridan Revington Lucan W.Elarici Simmons Returning Officer Marcl, 5, 1981 Mrs. Leroy Bryan was the hostess for Unit 3. Mrs. Eric Chovancek presided and opened the meeting with a story. Plans were discussed for the general UCW meeting on April 14, this Unit is responsible for the program, and has engaged a speaker from the Canadian National Institute for the Bline. Mrs. Chas. Hayden and Mrs. Wilfred Garrett con- vened the program on the Influence of Women. Passages were read from the Scriptures, in relation to this subject, and compared with the present day's liberation of women. This provoked a stimulating and lively discussion. Mrs. Elwyn Bryan and Mrs, Fred Cook assisted the hostess to serve lunch. Unit (4) met at the United Church for their meeting. Mrs. Cliff Hardie presided. Lesson thoughts were taken from the Scripture reading and entitled "Let your Light Shine". Mrs. Fred Hardie con- vened the program, and -read a paper dealing with Women's Influence, now and in the time of the Bible, using passages of Scripture to describe this, a good discussion followed. Mrs. Gerald Dann, and Mrs. Reg Crawford served Lunch. Miss Venetta Baker was the hostess for Unit (5) on Thursday. Mrs. Chas McRobert presided. The Scripture was read and Lesson thoughts were taken from the Scripture and entitled "Let your Light Shine". As there was no meeting in January or February the minutes of the December meeting were read followed by the treasurers report. The roll call was answered with the paying of fee five visitors were present. Mrs. Florence Bryan convened the program and opened with a • Lucky St. Patrick Bucket Days Saturday to Tuesday Manch 14 to 17 You get 15 pieces of delicious, golden chicken for only .99 Dive ke Exeter 235-2665 CHICKEN & SEAFOOD I TOO I.I CNI[7.,N - ro„ II ION a1( 111, . poem "Happy New Year" followed by the presentation of a paper on the subject of Women's Influence. Mrs. Garnet Baker and Mrs. Ina Harlton assisted by reading scripture verses where Women's influence was used in the Bible for good and evil. Mrs. Bryan closed with a poem. Rev. Morden closed the meeting with prayer. The hostess was assisted to serve lunch by Mrs. Lesta Kew. 4-H news The fourth meeting of the Granton 4-H Club "The Fancy Fryers" was held at the home of assistant leader Mrs. Eric Chovancek on March 2. The meeting opened with the 4.11 Pledge, followed by the roll call which was answered by naming the parts of an egg from the outside to the centre. Two identical salad dressings were examined, then leader Mrs. St. Dennis cracked an egg into one, and let it set for 3/4 of an hour, later it was Julie McRobert was the Granton Restaurant for found that the dressing with secretary and press the rest of their meeting. the egg made the oil and reporter. vinegar blend. Next the girls learned how to separate the yolks from the whites, than Mrs. Chovancek, Joanne Goos, and Margaret McGuffin demonstrated using both methods, the egg separter, and the moving from one egg shell to another. The eggs were then used with the ingredients for the cheese souffle. While this was cooking, the members discussed going to the Ice Capades. It was decided that the girls that wanted to go as a group were to order their tickets from Mrs. St. Dennis; also plans were made to have a party and bring the mothers and to invite five members of the Granton W.I. The members were told what to bring for the party which will be held on March 21. Christine Jones and Colleen Malcolm served the souffle and Julie McRobert, and Joanne Goos cleaned up. C.G.I.T. visit book store Mr. Greenham of the Christian Book Nook in London opened his doors to the Granton C.G.I.T. and their leaders on March 4. He explained the set up of the store, the items of in- ventory, why they were carried, and others not, also some interesting personal facts of other articles such as a cassette of organ music performed by a person with no hands. Mr. Greenham is a missionary on the main street of London, as he is able and willing to talk about his faith to anyone entering the store, and has been able to bring others to follow Jesus. The visitors browsed through the store finding many interesting items to look at and purchase. Margaret McGuffin thanked their host and led in prayer. Everyone then returned to PRECISION TEAM SKATES --- The Ilderton precision skating team performed a special number at Saturday's carnival of the Exeter figure skating club. Back, left, Lourie Prout, Kathy Hudson, Tracey Reeves, Leanne Robinson, Gayle Lewis and Paisley Abrams. Front, Donna Devine, Heather Prout, Tracey Overholt, Liz Cottrell and Cathy Quick. T -A photo Continue Shipka euchre By MRS. HUGH MORENZ SHIPKA Seven tables were in play at the progressive euchre party held Wednesday even- ing at the community cen- tre. Winners were: ladies' high. Mrs. Alonza Hodgins; ladies' low. Mrs. Ross Pickering: men's high. Cliff Russell: men's low. Lorne Fenner: most lone hands. Fred Gibson. The north group were in charge of lunch refreshemnts. It was an- nounced that another euchre Help keep the promise of Ontario. Elect a Davis government. Ontario is rich in promise. We have the people. the resources. the initiative and the vitality to make Ontario the envy of the world. But promises do not fulfill them- selves. To build the future we need strength and leadership. Premier Bill Davis has demonstrated that leadership He has shown that he has the under- standing and the vision to identify the priorities in Ontario's future and to take the vigorous action needed to capitalize on them. The Davis Government's new B.I.L.D. plan is a comprehensive economic program. designed to stimulate the economy. create jobs and to realize Ontario's future potential The B.I.L.D. program provides for the necessary planning and assistance to create growth in all the following areas of activity: energy independence. develop- ment of resources. including farming and forestry: industry: human resources. with new emphasis on training for skilled and professional employment: transportation and communications: tourism: every aspect of Ontario's economic life. And the B.I.L.D. program is backed by the solid performance of the Davis government in economic activities which have created new Ontario jobs at the average rate of 100.000 per year for the last five years. Ontario needs the strength and experi- ence of Premier Bill Davis as its leader. On March 19th, you will have your chance to support the B.I.L.D. program. to keep the promise of Ontario through your support of your Davis candidate. On March 19th, elect your Davis candidate. Vote Progressive Conservative. GARY HARRON JIM BRITNELL Huron -Bruce Huron -Middlesex /IIv BOB EATON Middesex party will be held on March 18. Personals Dinner guests a week ago Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fenner and Mr. Herbert Harlton. were Peter Snell and daughter Linda, and Peter's mother, Mrs. Harold Snell. Exeter. Mr. Harlton enjoyed Peter's music and singing. Gus Van Massenhoven had a hockey question answered on the T.V. news feature.' "Ask the coach", last Monday evening of C. F. P. L. Mr. and Mrs. Les Adams, of Exeter. visited recently with Don and Liz Adams on the occasion of their grand- son. Clark Adams, birthday. Lucille Vincent, Leota Snyder. Eleanor Durie and Annie Morcnz, from this area. attended the World Day of Prayer service, Fri- day. at the Church of God. Jill and Russ Geiger, of Zurich. visited Saturday evening with Linda, .lohn and baby Rebecca, Wuerth. On Sunday the Wuerth's were supper guests with Lin- da's parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hern. her brothers Robbie and Fred, and Rebecca's great grand- mother. Mrs. Gladys Hern, all of Woodham. Kevin Beierling spent the weekend with his grand- parents. Joyce and [coward Adkins, near Zurich. Don. Lir and Clark Adams, visited Sunday in London, with Brock and Mark Adams. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Keller were grandson Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Keller. great grands Sarah and Barry, Stratford! (wen Windsor, Exeter, Audrey and Roy Gibson, Crediton. Bev. Stephen and Sherri Keller. • Jake and Elsie Rader and Bert and Doris Schilbe visited with Ken and Ortha Baker. Friday. Donna Baker left Friday to return to work in Edmon- ton. Alberta after a week's holidays with her parents and family here. Donna and her friend Mrs. Steve Haberer of Zurich, visited a day with friends in Sarnia last week Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Arnold Keller was a grandson. and wife. Mr.and Mrs. Jim Keller, and their three great grand- daughters. Sharon, Laurie and Heather. and Mr. ano • Mrs. 1)on Keller, Crediton. World Day of Prayer service The theme for the World Day of Prayer Service this year was "The Earth is the Lord's". A joint service involving the two United Churches, Granton and Wesley, also the Granton St. Thomas Anglican Church, was held in the Wesley United Church on Friday evening, March 6. This service was prepared by Native American Indian women who represented Indian tribes from throughout the United States, south, north, east and west. Leaders from all three churches were the following ladies, Mrs. Fred Walden, Mrs. Wilfred Garrett, Mrs. Lois Herbert, Mrs. Don Beatson, Miss Marion Herbert, and Miss Susan Noon. C.G.I.T.ers Margaret McGuffin and Bonnie Harloff. Mrs. Clayton Karges gave a very informative talk on the theme, saying what modern man had done to God's earth with pollution, and other destruction. Church news At the St. Thomas Anglican Church, the Rev. Greg Smith was in charge of the Morning prayer service for the first Sunday in Lent. The twolessonswere read by Mrs. Percy Hodgins and Miss Marion Herbert. In the children's story Rev. Smith explained that the seed or bulb was planted in the soil, and after being cared for, developed into a beautiful flower. The Rector said that children were to think of themselves as a Christian seed, that will grow up to bring life and beauty to the world. They were each given a flower to hang on the Jesse Tree. It being the first Sunday in Lent, Rev. Smith preached his sermon on the temp- tations of Jesus Christ after fasting 40 days and nights in the wilderness. We must follow the true victory of Jesus Christ by refusing temptations, and as Christian people we must attend our particular church on Sunday. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve. Lenten Services are being held every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. in the church. At the United Church the Rev. Elwood Morden was in charge of the morning worship for the first Sunday in Lent. Rev. and Mrs. Morden took part in a dialogue with the theme "Lenten Zoo". This was the first in a Lenten series that dealt with the "Serpent" which represented "sin and Forgiveness, sin in the Garden of Eden, and Forgiveness from the Brass Serpent in the Wilderness. The minister told how Jesus washed the feet of His Disciples just a few hours before surrendering Hitnself to death. Serving has to compete with strife, we find this in our own lives. Men are called to serve their country, they know that sacrifice is involved. Nothing provides the basis for a humble spirit in a church congregation, as the service of its members to those who are striving to find their way in life, some have strayed from the right path, and need someone to put their feet back on it, and some have no feet at all. Personals Get well wishes are ex- tended to Mr. Clifford McRobert, who is a patient in St. Marys Memorial Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hardie and Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Cook have returned home after spending a vacation on the Island of St. Lucia in the Caribbean. Mrs. Emerson Wallis and Mrs. Betty Alce have returned home, after en- joying a bus tour through Florida. Times -Advocate, March 11, 1981 1 We'll Do the Job Right... _.. Page ISA Whatever the prosect, call on us for Ready -Mix Concrete • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE ESTIMATES. C. A. 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Don't sign anything - until we've told you about OUR DEAL FOR COLOURED BEANS! HENSALL 262-2410 CENTRALIA 228-6661 K1RKTON 229-8986