HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-03-11, Page 64 Page 6 Times -Advocate, March 11, 1981 By ELAINE TOWNSHEND If you could be where I am and I could be where you are. for just a day or two.... If you could take my place and I could take your place, for just a little while... If you could fit inside my shoes and I could fit in yours.... If you could travel the road I travel and I could walk down yours... If you could see the world the way I see it and I could see the world the way you see it... If you could live the life I've lived and I could live the life you've lived, for only a moment or two.... If you could see yourself through my eyes and I could see myself through your eyes.... What an eve -opener that might be! If we could listen to each other and really hear what is said, not what we expect to hear or want to hear or think Study India at Caven The topic at the regular meeting of Caven Presbyterian Church Women was taken on India. Comparisons were made as to just how modern we are in North America, as we think we are. This was illustrated by showing a Shoulder Bag, Sandals, Thongs, all typical styles of Indian wear, as well as pierced ears. Artifacts shown were: a comb, fan, and a pencil, all beautifully carved. The group were then taken on an imaginery trip inside an Indian Church. Incense would be burning in a brass holder, a low stool covered with a white cloth, on it would be the Open Bible, a brass vase with flowers also. There would be banners with blue and green backgrounds. A highlight of the topic was president, Edna Simmons, acting as a model, when members were shown how to put on a silk Sari. Ways of life, food and religions were discussed. A map showing where some of the Missionaries are stationed was also used. Odds 'n ends A little understanding we ought to hear.... If we could understand the words and the true meaning behind them not try to twist them into the meaning we think they should have... If we could read between the lines. yet not invent something that is not there... If we could sav what we mean and mean what we say... If we could show our true feelings... If we could look at each other and seethereal person, not the person we expect to see or want to see or think we ought to see... If we could accept each other as we are and not ex- pect the other to change.... If we could realize that each of us is sometimes right and each of us is sometimes wrong.... If we could accept that each of us is different and has the right to be... Understanding might come a little faster; criticism a little slower. Jealousy might fly right out the window; argument might become obsolete. This is the dream of many; the accomplishment of few. If we could remember the ancient Indian Prayer and recognize the merit within it: "Great Spirit - Grant that I may not criticize my Gordon Auxiliary study various issues The Gordon Auxiliary of Caven Presbyterian church and their husbands enjoyed an evening of bowling at the Exeter Bowling Lanes Saturday February 21. A delicious lunch and social time was held afterwards at Jim and Mary Dougall's. The Gordon Auxiliary group is also finding their recent program topics very interesting and thought provoking. They are studying "Issues that Concern Women" with topics including "Marriage & Family", "Creative Aging", "Women and Addiction", etc. Their group are also pleased to report, they have purchased some needed additions to the kitchen supplies. The choir would like to expand the membership of the church. It is a very important part of the church service and it is difficult to produce an anthem every Sunday. Can you help? Anyone interested (12 years and up) please contact Susan Moore at 235-0853. Around 70 adults and - children attended the skating party and potluck supper March 1. Games such as crokinole and Bible quizzes followed. It was a good time! Also we are pleased to announce on March 22 the Covenant Players are coming to take part in the service. They are 45 full-time touring units that put ministry in drama. In ad- dition to live drama, the CP ministry now includes radio, TV, motion pictures, Almatex Paints and Varnishes Wide Selection Wallpapers Complete Line of Refinishing Products Gifts - Pictures - Plaques Exeter Decor Centre 15 Gidley St., E. 235-1010 (Ari %i/iiI/1 Baker of London Continuing a precious tradition of excellence since 1881. The Special 100th Anniversary Collection From Canada's Oldest and Finest Ring Manufacturer Can Be Seen At Either Of Our Stores. ( recording, cassette tape and workshops in drama and communication. They are not affiliated with any particular church or other organization. There will be two people acting out a skit for the congregation. It should be very interesting. There will be a congregational meeting following the church service March 15. neighbour until I have walk- ed a mile in his moccasins." We don't want to get in- side each other's head and find out what makes each other tick, for that would take away the gift of in- dividuality and the mystery of life. But, if we could try a little harder to understand each other better.... If we could respect each other's right to think our own thoughts. speak our own mind, live our own life, be our own person.... Our list of friends would grow longer; our life would be enriched. and our world have more peace. PANCAKE RIPPERS - Catherine Elston Tuesday's pancake supper at the Exeter and Carrie Russell are shown frying pancakes at Anglican Church. T -A photo SAUSAGES AND PANCAKES - Pancakes and sausages were plentiful at Trivitt Anglican Church Tuesday night. Above, Tiny Wells and Irene Harness are shown with some of the delicious sausages. T -A photo READY FOR SUPPER - lauretta Siegner Mari Pollen and Stella Taylor are being served by Dorothy McAuley at Tuesdays pancake supper at Trivitt Anglican Church.T-A photo AN EAGER CUSTOMER - Bill Lamport seems to be in a good mood as he pays Hilda Smith for his meal at Tuesday's pancake supper at Trivitt Anglican Church. T -A photo HURON -PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION St. Boniface School P.O. Box 128 Zurich, Ontario Mr. Gaetan Blanchette 31st March, 1981 - 9:00 - 4:00 (236-4335) Kindergarten children need to be 5 years of age on or before 31st December, 1981. Where there are sufficient student spaces, a child who attains the age of 5 years after the 31st December but prior to the 31st of January may on the request of the parent be registered in Kindergarten for the school year. Please bring proof of age (Birth Cer- tificate or Baptismal Certificate) 1 11014, THE COUNTRY BAKER Features This Weekend JELLY ROLLS 9 each COUNTRY BAKERY 367 Main St. Exeter 235-2525 Cloth & Nylon COATS Professionally cleaned for S 99 (Fur Trimmed coats 50c extra) One Week Only - March 11-18 GOOD AT ALL 3 LOCATIONS Grand Bend Cleaners Inc. Exeter Grand Bend Mitchell J '•ODMA•KE muumnapr • &H UPERIOR FOOD MA • . E L_ FOOD MARK tD p&H ¶mnRHTs OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. SUPERIOR MEAT SPECIALS Fresh Pork FRESH PORK SALE SHOULDERS Whole or Half Fresh Pork SIDE RIBS �h 95t 1.38 Fresh Pork BUTT CHOPS fresh Pork BUTT ROASTS Swift's Premium WIENERS Devon Brand Side BACON Swifts Premium Ib. Ib. Vac Pak l's Ib. 500 g.17'/? oz. pkg. BOLOGNA Sliced or piece Ib. Swifts BACON ENDS Store Sliced Cooked HAM Ib. 1.25 1.15 1.38 1.39 1.08 98t 1.98 Ib. Cheese, Chicken loaf, Dutch Sr�mi MEATS 58 Ib. Red F Oren(;, P”kor. TEA BAGS 60 1.59 Weston Plain or Salted .SODAS 'Bet Crocker Angel CAKE IX our choice TIDE Detergent 17 Titre box 6.99 400 88( 1.79 LIGHT BULBS 79 40, 60. 100 watts 2 bulbs pkg No Name Raspberry or Strawberry JAM or. Orange Marmalade i 24 oz. 38 Clover Cream ICEtrCREAM 3,89 4 Ile poll Heinz Fancy TOMATO JUICE 98t 48 oz. Robin Hood FLOUR Natures Best Kernel CORN 12 oz. tin 6.19 2/89s SUGAR 2 k bag 1.98 SASLMON1.88 7 �/� oz. tin 1)I In(1 DOG ag CHOW 5.75 8 kg b SSDETERGENT184 4.3.9 Ai/1 SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET COFFEE 2.49 t�pton CUP hoicea SOUP 63( your c Ragu Spaghetti plain 79( SAUCE Meat or Mushroom 89t A�PP(L1E�rJUICE 89(1 4f301 Monarch Pouch Pak CAKE MIX PEPSI 750 ml. bottle plus deposit 9.8 oz. BUTTER 1 Ib Print ( nno(In lb 1.69 fresh produce Produce of U.S.A. Golden Yellow 33 BANANAS Ib. Product of USA Canada no. 1 Head LETTUCE 59‘ CELERY STALKSI each 594 a7( Product of USA GREEN ONIONS 2/45( 3/99( each frozen foods SHREDDED WHEAT', . 99( Old South Frozen 100% Pure From Flori Frito ORANGE JUICE 12.5 oz. tin 794 POTATO CHIPS 89Highliner Haddock your choice 200 g. FSH STICKS BREEnriched 24 oz. Lewis Whole Wheat 80% Bluewater FISH and 3/1.89 CHIPS 75( McCains Deluxe PIZZAS 1.45 WE DELIVER Size 1.19 PHONE • READ ?stens OTTAGE SLICES 20 az. Hostess ONUTS A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET 24's Snack 14oz.- 2.49 32 oz. box 4 pkg 15 oz. 1.99 1.89 A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET tie Y v 0 70 0 0 v XI rnV1 -4 20 tfl v rn 0 nr-p-u l^giT•F, )1 • V • • • 2lO1213df1S H = • Z