HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-02-25, Page 9Thames Road WI to meet Monday By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Mr. & Mrs. Ross Hodgert and Alan had supper with Mr. & Mrs. Hedley May of Exeter Monday evening. The occasion being Mrs. May's birthday. Pastor Ross Hargreaves representing Huron Perth Presbytery attended a World Outreach meeting along with some other men from London at Windsor, Friday. Mrs. Mary Hodgert, Exeter spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Cann,. Miss Brenda Ballantyne, Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne and Wendy. AILSA CRAIG REPAIR Farm &Industrial Equipment Repair Welding hydraulic hose general farm supply Ph 293-3502 or come in to see us at 109 Main St. AILSA CRAIG were Saturday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde. Pastor Ross and Mrs. Hargreaves attended the 60th wedding anniversary celebration for Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Malcolm of Burgessville Sunday. Mrs. Hargreaves poured tea. Monday Pastor Ross Hargreaves visited with his father Mr. John Hargreaves at the Oxford Regional Nursing Home at Ingersoll., Mrs. Jack Stewart returned home Wednesday after visiting with her daughter and son in law Mr. & Mrs. Rick Potter and family, Regina for two weeks. Harold Annett, Mrs. Helen Caswell, London visited Saturday and Mr. & Mrs. Case de Mooy London visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Passmore. Joint Session will meet at the manse Wednesday March 4. The March meeting of the United Church Women will be held Monday March 2nd at 8 p.m. The recipes for the Cook Book are to be at the church by March 1. NEW AUTHORITY MEMBERS — Friday's annual meeting of the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority featured the attendance of 12 new members. Shown above at their first meeting are Jay Campbell, Exeter;Minnie Noakes, Hensall; Leroy Thiel, Zurich and Clarence Rau, Stanley township. T -A photo SUPE, ipatv eill13p1, ON QUALITY PRODUCTS FROM PRICES IN EFFECT WED. FEB. 25 UNTIL CLOSING TUES. r�,�LMf;�_�' t...,.a.., ,AYM`'�--' AMER ,SOUP, +dYLMER =mg so�o , :fl 1 s EXTRA SPECIAL FRESH 2% MILK 3 QT. BAG OR JUG • 79 PLUS JUG DEPOSIT -- JffLMER MAR. 3 AYLMER CREAM STYLE CORN PEAS & CARROTS OR PEAS CHOICE YEGETABLES 19 FL. OZ. TINS6 WE RESERVE AYLMER FRUIT COCKTAIL, BARTLETT CLING PEAR HALVES OR G PEACH HALVES ' CHOICE FRUIT10 14 FL. OZ. TIN THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES AYLMER FANCY QUALITY KERNEL CORN 2/127FL. OZ. TIN TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY AYLMER CONDENSED TOMATO OR VEGETABLE SOUPS FL. OZ. T4 1,INS REQUIREMENTS AYLMER CHOICE SLICED F BEETS - TNs _ 3 R 99' AYLMER CHOICE CRINKLE CUT T: o a CARROTS TINoS 3 R 99' BOSTON BROWN F BEANS _TINS 2 R 89' AYLMER2/479° AYLMER CUT GREEN OR WAX F BEANS__ TINS- 2 R 790 0 BETTY CROCKER SUPER MOIST CAKE MIXES.....f ASSORTED VARIETIES 510 g. X-100 10W30 e. --r Shell \. 4p1°p 0°1 -- " MULTIGRADE SHELL FIRST GRADE -FRESH ZEHRS BOIL SIZE 169 WESTONS ENRICHED WHITE 1 REGULAR OR THIN SLICED SANDWICH BREAD 24 oz. FOR 1 LITRE McCORMICKS-5 VARIETIES r COOKIES 40011 t 39 RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY WITH PECTIN ST. WILLIAMS JAMS 24 or 1.69 4 VARIETIES PURITAN STEINS 24 oz 149 ZEHRS OWN BRAND NAVY BEANS 2 LB St f . CLOVER LEAF COHOE SALMON 7.76 oz. 169 TIN MOUNTAIN DEW OR REGULAR OR DIET PEPSI COLA 750 ml. 39 °PLUS BOTTLES DEPOSIT WHITE, YELLOW OR PINK WHITE SWAN BATHROOM TISSUE 6 ROLL sit 89 PKG. SHIRRIFF JELLY POWDERS 3 oz. 3/990 PKGS. HIGH LINER TURBOT FISH & CHIPS FROZEN $ 16 oz PKG • HIGH LINER BATTERCRISP FISH FRIES EROZEN $2 20 oz PKG • MRS. SMITHS APPLE PIE FROZEN $ 4 oz. SIZE • WESTONS HOT CROSS BUNS PACKAGE 99? OF 6 E.D. SMITH GARDEN COCKTAIL 48 SIZE 29 • DETERGENT FOR DISHES IVORY LIQUID LITRE 1 5 *499 SIZE •FROZEN 89 SAVARIN-4 VARIETIES POT PIES B °r2,, s90FL01 ZEHRS MOZZARELLA, BRICK, MARBLE, COLBY OR HAVARTI CHEESE ` '2.19. REGULAR OR BUTTER FLAVOUR AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE SYRUPIT 260 ml. BOTTLE 127 REGULAR OR BUTTERMILK AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE MIX 1 Kg. PKG.$119 SUPER TODDLER BABY SCOTT DIAPERS PKG. OF 24le79 REGULAR BABY SCOTT DIAPERS PKG OF 30 79 ORANGE FLAVOURED 13 02. PKG. OF 4 ZEHRS OWN BRAND A SCH EIDERS CRISPYCRUST TANG CRYSTALS 'x%69 APPLE SAUCE _19 or TIN 55v PURE LARD 1 LB PRO_ 79? PRIMO PLAIN SCHNEIDERS MILD ORNEILSON SPAGHETTI SAUCE14 0,_59# MEDIUM CHEDDAR12_0A 98 SOUR CREAM _ 250 ml S90 SCHNEIDERS CHEESE - COLOURED OR WHITE ROY -ALL CANADIAN RICHS FROZEN LUNCHEON MEATZ .109 OLD CHEDDAR 12 or s% 98 COFFEE RICH 500g 49 NIVEA SKIN CONDITIONER 200 ''L'2.79 MAYTEX AXI PADS 30 ao 5 =Z, 99 BUTTER TARTS 0F° 2 s%39 SNIKIN O9 MAXI PADS 1 .69 ICED CREAM 2 LITRE t SKIN CREME ,20 mL jj, 30 s?.59 NOT COOL7 AVAILABLE IN All STORES FRENCH OR VIENNA E o BREAD 1 h .,, n FRESH BROWN ROLLS Of "1, 79 , r'I FQ SFD TO SEhVE YOU IN ,1 EXETER - HWYS. 4 & 83 OUR MANAGER IS IES ROTI , OPEN - THURS - FRI TILL NINE IMMO Times -Advocate, February 25, 1981 Page 9 Learning for Lent starts at Dashwood Church By MRS. IRVIN RADER The Worship and Fellowship committee of the Dashwood and Zurich United churches is holding a series of programs called "Lear- ning for Lent". These will be held Wednesday mornings•at the Zurich United church. The program will include crafts and interest groups. Bible study will also be con- ducted by Barbara Laing, United Church minister. Baby sitting will be provided for mothers of pre- school children. All ladies of the community 'are invited to attend this series which commences March 4 at 9:15 a.m. Piano pupils results Miss Idella Gabel A.R.C.T. announced results of her piano'pupils with the Royal Conservatory. Grade 8 piano, first class honors, Shelley Hoffman; grade 3 piano, honors, Susanne Smith; pass, Andrea Zimmer; grade 2 rudiments, first class honors, Colleen Glasgow (100), and David Dougall; preliminary rudiments, first class honours, Lisa Miller. Fog limits euchre Due to dense fog, there were only seven tables in play at the euchre Tuesday, Feb. 17. Winners were: high ladies. Mrs. Elgin Rader; men, Mrs. Jessie Rader; lone hands, Mrs. Lloyd Rader; lucky scores, Valen- tine Becker and Gerald Mason. The next euchre will be March 17. 4-H: Sew Perfect Dashwood 4-11 club 2 chose "Sew Perfect" as a Donations for Medical Centre The following is a partial list of donors to the Dashwood and Area Medical Centre. Eldon Smith, Mrs. Lawrence Hill, Emerson Wein. Marion Schenk, Bob Hodge. Glenda Wuerth, Donald Roeszler, Harold Glanville. Gord Slaght, Don Averill, Oscar Pfaff, Mrs. Margaret Clark, Mrs. Gerald Schenk, Keith Nelson. Gerald Smith. Marg Pertschy, Mrs. A. Galloway, TammySchenk. Lorne Voigt, Audrey Wade. Dick Lord, CamStewardson. Lloyd Wein. Garry Dinney, Fern Labriche, Albert Vanderworp. Mrs. Brennan, Lorne Preszcator, Bill Payne, Barry Becker, Melvin Schlunt, Larry Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Genttner. Mr. and Mrs. Eben Weigand, Marilyn SteinmannCharles Martene, Mrs. Garnet Willert, Jim Lehman. Gerald Mason, Katherine Becker. Michael Tieman. Laura Datars, Joe Wragg, Margaret Butler, Butch Desjardine. Joe Regier, Mrs. Buelah Desjardine, Peter Becker. Carl Tyler, Mrs. Erna Schroeder, Margaret Merrier. Sidney Baker. Mrs. Flossie Willert, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rumball, Mrs. Ogletree. Mrs. Joe Regier. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Adams. Mrs. Hilda Rader. Mrs. Hilda Wein. R.T. Grif- fith, Bruce and Robin Pfaff, Russell Beaver. Charles Sims. Walter Fydenchuck. Mrs. Cora Wein. John Ned- za. Ernie Hohner, John Ducharme, Mrs. Pearl England. Don Dinney. Olga Klaver. Roger Finkbeiner, Joe Dillon. Gary Tieman, Mrs. Elda Koehler, Rev. Ar- min Schlenker, Nola Faist Mrs. Greta Beaver. Ray Morlock. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner, Brian Elder. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Haugh. Mrs. Ada Dietrich. Norval Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Al Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Swartz. Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Morlock, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowers, Mrs. N. Lam- port. Mrs. Clayton Sims. !111111111111111111111 llllll111111 11111111111 ADAMS Heating & Cooling • Heating Systems of AH Types INSTALLED MODERNIZED and MAINTAINED • General Sheet Metal Work • Air Conditioning • Humidifiers • Ventilation 235-2187 133 Huron SE Eoc, Exeter •111!1111111111111111111111 nickname for the club for this project at the third meeting. Kathy Schade, president presided for the business. Roll call was to name a piece of sewing equipment and its use. Construction of a garment was discussed. This included stay stitching, sewing darts, gathering. sewing seams and the different methods of finishing them. Pressing and pressing equipment, plus a quiz 'of pressing concern' was con- ducted. The leaders then helped some of the girls cut out their garments. Beginner sewers are to com- plete the dart sample for next meeting. Dashwood seniors meet Dashwood Senior Citizens met Monday. Feb. 16 with 47 present. Mrs. Pearl Miller, presided for the opening and business. Mrs. Eben Weigand's group was in charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and Ross Cardiff provided musical numbers. Some members presented a skit. "Going to Toronto" Cards were played. Zion ladies' aid Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid met Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 17, with group 1 and convener, Mrs. Arnold Becker in charge of devotions and lunch. Presi- dent, Mrs. Charles Martene, presided for the business. The Altar Guild reported 32 visits. seven treats, one flower and one phone call; four cards were sent by the cards secretary. The new_ Guild is Mrs. Harry Hayter and Helen Nadiger. Cards of thanks were received and many donations. Donations are to be made to the United Church Women and com- munity centre for the use of facilities. A wedding will be catered to in September. Mrs. Mayo Mellecke took for her topic the story of the t. mother whose only son had died. Bible reading and dis- cussion followed. Personals Mrs. Anne Nagle, Susan and Chris Baynh'am, Oshawa. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hayter and family bringing Mrs. Ernest Koehler, who had spent several weeks with them, home. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gib- son and family, Denfield, were Sunday guests with Mrs. Frieda Keller. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and Karen. Zion, wre Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter and Jayne have returned home after vacationing in Florida with Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, Lakeland. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce. Newport Janice Oke has recently returned from a vacation in Germany. Switzerland and Austria. She was joined by her husband Brad who is presently enjoying his work experience in Saudi Arabia. Credit' By MRS. STAN PRESZCATOR Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Wein who will be celebrating their 52nd anniversary on February 27. Mr. & Mrs. Stan Presz- cator were dinner and supper guests Saturday, with Mr. & Mrs. Earle Steele of Hensall and Sunday were supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Harold McCallum RR 1 Walton. Mr. & Mrs. Presz- cator also visited with Mr. & Mrs. Ed Regele RR 4 Walton and Mrs. Mary Thornton who is a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Ricky Wein celebrated his 19th birthday on Sunday with a family gathering. If all the cars in any city were placed bumper to bumper some fool would pull out and try to pass. 6-1e/XW `Decor Blinds �y Kirsch Th Slim -slat blinds. An updated version of Venetian blinds, th_ ey'ty the surest means of light control and a striking, u'indou' treatnlen t. Indisputably. Venetian blinds con- trol light hest. \lirti-blinds ( named for their sling, slits louvers) retain this feature .Ls they give you deco- rating impact. Close the louvers Of a mini - blind for total privacy", no outside light gets through. Open them to let the sunshine in. Because the louvers are so very slim, you have a "hare glass" look and view, Or. slant the louvers to dnv angle that SAVE 20% on all Kirsch Flexalum Decor Blinds from Feb. 25 to March 18 at THE CARPET CENTRE 450 Main St. Exeter 235-0174 J 1