HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-02-25, Page 7Pray for Terry Fox By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA There was a good at- tendance at the service in the United Church Sunday morning when Mr. Peter Snell ministered in both message and song. Speaking on Christ the Good Shepherd as recorded in John 10, verses 1-10 and using as a text "I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly", he said. God's greatest gift to us all is life. Your life is your fortune. Jesus was a Master in seeking out the problems that people were faced with. To the rich young ruler He said, sell all your possessions and follow me. There is a difference in knowing about Jesus and knowing Him personally. God can be a part of the simplest things in our lives. The children's story was on Honesty. During the service a special prayer was offered on behalf of Terry Fox. The choir sang an anthem and the offertory music was a piano duet by Ruth Anne Essery and Kelly Hern. Ruth Ann also accompanied Mr. Gill for the children's hymn. Centralia United Church Women will entertain the ladies of the Zion West church at a service, in the Centralia church on Thur- sday evening March 5 at 8 o'clock, to observe the "World Day of Prayer". Mrs. Alma Langford, Exeter, will be the guest speaker. All ladies are in- vited to attend. Personals Miss Mary Shoebottom, London was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shoebottom and family. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keller and Tracy, London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel. We are happy to report that baby Doug Rimmer, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rimmer returned home Monday from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, after being hospitalized for a week with pneumonia. NEW LIONESS MEMBERS — Four new members joined the Exeter Lioness club, Monday night. Above, club president Ruth Eveland welcomes Marg Epp, Jacky Hrudka, Penny Dinney and Linda Wuerth. T -A photo 4-H girls pick slate Cubs,'ScOUts at service .. By MRS. ROBERT LAING CROMARTY Staffa No. 2 4-H club held their first meeting at Hilbert Church with 20 members present. The winter course this year is Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg? Following the 4-H pledge, Rebekahs plan events NG Marjorie Arthur welcomed 31 members to the Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge meeting Wednesday evening. VG Cheryl Edwards assisted with the business and also gave the visiting report. Plans were finalized for catering to the Odd Fellows curling bonspiel, March 7. Treasurer Mavis Atthill gave the finance report. An invitation was accepted from Rtuh Lodge, Stratford to attend their friendship night April 7. A banquet will be held April 15 in honour of the official visit of the Assembly President Myrtle Paterson when Huronic Lodge Clinton and Edelweiss Lodge, Seaforth will be guests. The annual dessert euchre is planned for March 31. Following the meeting bingo was played followed by lunch. the following officers were elected: president, Nancy Scott; vice-president, Janice Vivian; secretary, Betty Upshall, assistant, Katie Kerslake; press reporter, Sheila Riley; achievement day comm., Nancy Scott, Sheila Riley, Katie Kerslake, Kathy McKellar; telephone committee, Steve Vivian, Steve Gardiner, Sheila Riley and Jill Norris. There was discussion on grading structural parts of a chicken. Cutting up chicken was demonstrated by Katie Kerslake and Cathy Barnes, boning by Kathy McKellar and packaging by Joanne Roney. Church parade There was a large at- tendance at the annual Boy Scout Church Service which was held in Cromarty Presbyterian Church on Sunday. During the processional hymn, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory, the Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts filed in to fill the front pews of the church. Scout leader, Joost Drost gave the prayer of in- vocation followed by the responsive reading led by Joan Daynard, Beaver leader. The minister, the Rev. Kenneth Knight, read the Old and New Testament scriptures, and assistant Cub master, Rhea Cameron led in prayer. The Beavers delighted "Look for the Yellow Tag Speck/is" At Thou Prices They Won't Last Long. Shop Now and Savo. FINAL W 4K SHOP NOW AND SAVE SWEATERS Our reg. prices to 540 Now - Your Choke 0 DRESSES Our reg. prices to 5115 Now - Your Choice All our ladies , Cords Our rip. prices to 540 Now - Your Choko 9 Choose from •Sasson •Corhortt • Roodrunner •Form. •Wrongler Still o group of Ladies Fashion Jeans Ry t r ( 1o,,. (.nrhortt and wrn„glcr Our reg. prices to 529.95 Now 51j Inlnnr, to Adults) Our reg. prk.s to 5300 Now - Your Choice SKIRTS Ovr reg. prk.s t. 545 Now - Your Cholce Velours. Wools or polyesters SHIRTS by Roadrunner$10 Reg to 522 the junction EXETER S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE 1, • everyone by singing the Beaver Hymn and the Beaver Prayer was recited by Kip Daynard. Following the hymn, This Day God Gives Me, all three groups and their leaders renewed their pledges by repeating their Promises. For his children's story, Rev. Knight told of the ac- complishments of two men who had become blind in early childhood, and had overcome, their handicaps and become famous. The first, Ray Charles, of the Ray Charles Singers, was told by his mother, "You have lost your eyesight; you haven't lost your brains. Use them! The second, Louis Braille, became blind at the age of three and went on to invent the Braille alphabet. The hymn, Jesus Came to Save the World, was sung and the offering was received by Scouts Paul Parsons, Roger Fell, David Smale, Ronald Finlayson, and Steven Vivian. The hymn, "He's Got the Whole World", was sung. Rev. Knight's sermon was en- titled "A Good Scout" and in it he compared 'a good scout to the good Samaritan in the Bible. The service closed with the hymn, Simply Trusting, the Benediction, and 0 Canada, using the modern version. Beaver leader, Carol -Ann Scott was organist for the service, and Scouts Steve Youths at church Times -Advocate, February 25, 1981 Pao. 7 • Kirkton women tackle work By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS The ACW met on Wed- nesday evening at the home of Mrs. Burns Blackler. Following the business a social hour was held in the form of a work meeting. Lunch was served at the close by Mrs. J. McCormick and hostess. The Scouts, Adventurers, Guides, Brownies and Gardiner and Tom Laing were ushers. Persona Is Mrs. John Wilton, of Meskanaw, Saskatchewan was in the community last week renewing acquain- tances. Mrs. Wilton was the former Nettie Robertson, a sister of the late John Robertson, Cromarty. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wolstenholme of Weekes, Saskatchewan have been spending some time with Mr. &Wolstenholme's brother, Filmer Chappel, and other friends in the community. Beavers joined in the wor- ship service at St. Paul's Anglican Church Sunday morning at 11 a.m. Lessons were read by Leanne Burgin and Shawn McAlorum. The offering was taken up by the Adventurers. Mrs. & Mrs. Oscar Brine of St. Marys were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Rea Stephen. Mrs. Mike Byrne of Summerside P.E.I. is visiting with her parents Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Marshall. Bob Marshall of Clinton spent the weekend. Mr. & Mrs. Les Fairbairn and Diane of London, Mr. & Mrs. Burns Blackler were t -Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Davis. Mr..& Mrs. Holton Veitch of London were Monday evening dinner guests of Miss Ethel Copeland. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Pearl Budden were Mr. & Mrs. Murray Budden, Corry and Nickie, Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Preszcator, Mr. Almatex Paints and Varnishes Wide Selection Wallpapers Complete Line of Refinishing Products Gifts - Pictures - Plaques Exeter Decor Centre 15 Gidley St., E. 235-1010 Charlie Fenton and Helen of London, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Budden, Pam and Jeffery of London. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Budden, Linda and Tracy of Strat- lord, Mrs. Carson Mid- dleditch of Sebringville, Mr. & Mrs. John Stone of London. The occasion was to celebrate the birthdays of Norma and Ken. WEIGHT WATCHERS DONATES 25tt PER MEMBER PER WEEK DURING FEBRUARY TO THE WIN A TRIP FOR TWO, IN THE WEIGHT WATCHERS GET AWAY CONTEST F -ii/ HEART WEIGHT WATCHERS FUND WILL DONATE TO THE HEART FUND 251 EACH WEEK FOR EVERY CURRENT MEMBER DURING FEBRUARY 1981 Give your sweetheart and The Heart Fund a Break Take advantage of the NEW Weight Watchers Personalized Pro- grams and be eligible for an all expenses paid trip for two. 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