HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-02-18, Page 16Page 2A Times -Advocate, February 18, 1981 Ivo M. HodgIrs* 227.4714 Senior Citizens to return visit to club in Michigan Members of the Sunshine and Busy Buddies' groups accepted. with pleasure, an invitation to make a return visit to Montrose, Mich. Sr. Sunday School officers meet Teachers, officers and their spouses of the Lucan U.C. Sunday Church School met' for a turkey dinner Sunday evening, followed by a hymn sing, with Helen Stanley at the piano. Sandy Meredith, of Ilderton, showed slides and told of her work with "Teen Mission" in India last summer. Sandy, who is 16 years of age, gave a most inspirational witness to her faith in this presentation. The ingredients for the lovely dinner were provided by the group themselves, but Supt. Jim Robertson thanked the members of the Dorcas Unit who assisted by setting the tables, cooking and serving the dinner and washing up. United Church "Jesus: God's answer to Anxiety", based on "The Sermon on the Mount" was the theme of Rev. Keith Brown's sermon at Lucan United church on Sunday morning. Anxiety causes many disorders in our minds and bodies, but this infection is not new to us, commented Mr. Brown. Ever since the beginning of time people have been anxious about many things and this problem is no respector of persons. Jesus asked "Why be anxious"? He gives us much needed advice in the Sermon on the Mount and if we follow it, putting our trust in God, not in "things" we need not worry. We will find that con- centrating upon living each day for the Glory of God will cure us from anxiety and bring to our lives that abundant life in Christ here and now. A father and daughter duet "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus" sung by Lisa and Henry Kaune added much to the service. The children's story, likening saying nasty things about others to the dandelion seeds blown in the air, was told by Dorothy Dedells as the children sat together in the two front seats. Betty Hall and Marguerite McRoberts welcomed members to the service and Debbie and Raymond Hall assisted Bob Murray and Don Maguire in receiving the offering. The potted mums in the Sanctuary were from the Bates -Appleman wedding on Saturday and the flowers were from the funeral of the late Joe Haskett. Sympathy is extended to his family and friends. UPCOMING IN THE UNITED CHURCH: Tonight, Wednesday, at 8:30 the Friendship Unit will meet in the C.E. Wing and will commence the new study "Partners in Gospel" as well as other interesting program. All women of the congregation preferring an evening meeting are invited. Tomorrow morning at 9:45. all women of the community are invited to attend the Prayer & Share Fellowship in the C.E. Wing. Next Saturday, from 3-5 the Sunday School will sponsor a "Croqui nolo party" - a social get-together for parents, friends, children and young people. If you have a board will you please bring it or loan it. Refresh- ments will be provided. Next Sunday at the 11.15 the Scouting & Guiding members will hold their "Thinking Service". Two hundred members will be present some of them par- ticipating in various ways. Come and join this inspiring time of worship citizens group, at the meeting on Thursday after- noon. in their clubrooms in the Masonic Hall. A letter of thanks was received from the War Memorial Children's Hospital for the 24 scrap- books sent in last fall. and money was voted to buy material for another 24, to be made up this spring. Several members in- dicated an interest in the First Aid Books recommended by Bill Haskett last week. Aggie Northgrave, one of the most senior members, was wished a very happy birthday. The members agreed to raise the very nominal ren- tal to Irving Lodge toward the upkeep of the hall and will try to do their own custodial duties for the time being. Valentine decorations gave the clubroom a very seasonal appearance and the president thanked Iva Hodgins and Marie Veel for looking after this item. The Busy Buddies enjoyed ceramics and their pieces are coming along beautiful- ly. Euchre prizes were as follows: Lady's high, Mildred Hirtzel; lady's lone, Rose Atkinson; low score Ann Kish; man's high, Lawrence Hirtzel; lone hands. Leila Abbott; low score. Muriel Cobleigh, each playing a man's card, and the B.B.'s prize was won by the person having the closest birthday or wedding anniversary, Mabel Needham. Lunch was supplied by Marion Thompson, Laura Toohey. Marie Turner and Marie Veel. Six area crashes, damages Six accidents were in- vestigated this week by of- ficers of the Lucan detach- ment of the Ontario Provin- cial Police with damages totalling $8.050. The same day at 11:45 p.m. a vehicle driven by Dean McRobert, Granton left County road 23 in Bid- dulph township and struck a telephone pole. Constable J.A. Wilson set damages at $500. Sunday at 8 p.m., Constable T.C. Chapman listed damages at $400 when a vehicle driven by Louise Wessel. London left Highway 4. Vehicles driven by Carey Thody. London and Steven Karr. RR 2. Ailsa Craig collided at 5 p.m. Wednes- day on Concession 7 in $8,050 McGillivray township. Constable D.B. Stables set damages at $700. Constable Stables es- timated damages at $650 when vehicles driven by Kathy Vereyken, RR 3, Lucan and Agnes O'Sullivan, London collided on Alice street in Lucan at 6:20 p.m. Thursday. Vehicles driven by Arthur East and Mark Waterbury, both of London were in colli- sion Thursday at 7 p.m. on county road 23. Constable C.S. Fleming listed damages at $2.800. Saturday at 8 p.m. vehicles driven by Helen Wemp. RR 3, St. Marys and Robert Wonnactt, RR 1, Arva collided on county road 23. Constable T.C. Chapman set damages at $3,000. RICAN FIGURE SKATERS — Taking part in the activities this year of the futon figure skating club are Bill and Pat Kelly and John Hodgins. T -A photo Revival Centre Practicing for drama Sunday morning, Danny Gilliard led the song service. Rev. Ray Brewster ministered from Isaiah 6:1-8 and 43:19, saying when we have a great need, we should see God high and lifted up, as Isaiah did. Instead of murmuring and complaining let us get our attention on God's glory. As Isaiah had a revelation of God in His holiness, we know our unworthiness as God cannot tolerate sin. Without Christ we cannot do what we should. As the seraphim used a coal to cleanse Isaiah's lips, we need to use faith in Jesus to cleanse us. We cannot live without right relationship with God. We need God's cleansing in our lives daily. We need to start by making restitution to those we have wronged. Like Isaiah we need to say "Here I am send me". This will mean we will go where He wants us to go, be what He wants us to be, and do what He wants us to do. Sunday evening, Mrs. Marlene Thornton ministered singing "Take My Life", followed with a duet with Mrs. Thornton and Mrs. Lorraine Armitage, "Have Thine own Way, Lord" Rev. Ray Brewster speaking said praise is the only sacrifice God has asked us to give. When we are in trouble to praise God is the sacrifice of praise. We then need to continue in a sacrifice of praise to bring the answer. Upcoming events: Saturday, February 21, is the Winter Odyssey at Bingeman Park, Kitchener, followed by a Mike Warnke rally in London. Please see Scouts plan spaghetti feed Plans are finalized for the second annual "All You Can Eat" spaghetti dinner" sponsored by the Lucan scout group committee. It will be held Wednesday evening. February 25, at Holy Trinity Anglican Church. lower hall, with two sittings. one at 5. the other at 6 p.m. Advance tickets are available from any member of the committee or by phon- ing 227-4623 Support your Lucan area scouting program and have a "good feed" at the same time. More Lucan news on page 10A Mrs. Kathy Mason for tickets. February 27 and 28 the youth are practicing for the drama "Heaven's Gates and Hells Flames", to be presented evening of March 1. Saturday, February 14, was a real Valentine day when Laurie Lyn Shaw was united in marriage with Rev. Steven Michael Taylor. Laurie is the daughter of Bruce and Ruth Shaw, Lucan. Rev. Taylor is the son of Mrs. June Taylor, Toronto. The bride was attended by maid of honour Karen Goldsworthy, and bridesmaids Sandy Shaw, Dianne Curnow, and Joanne Gallant. Rev. Taylor's best man was Rev. Roger Mason, with ushers David Shaw, and Rev. Mark Emerson. Dr. G.H. Nunn officiated at the ceremony, while Rev. Fred Thomson and Rev. Ray Brewster assisted. Highlight of the wedding was the bride and goom singing two songs to each other during the ceremony. The reception was held in Fellowship Hall of the church. The happy couple left for honeymoon in Quebec and the Maritimes. On their return they plan to reside in Toronto. For kindergarten Registration at Biddulph Pre-school registration has begun for all those children starting kindergarten in September, who must be five years of age on or before December 31, 1981. If you have a child in this age group or know of one who has not been registered please contact the school. Thursday, February 5 Ron Bellows, music director and seven students from the music department at Medway, three of whom were former Biddulph students, Lori Noyes, Mary Lou Tindall and Pat Bates, presented a musical program for the whole school. Each of the young people played a different instru- ment and Lori added to the program with her lovely vocal numbers. This presen- tation was made to interest the students going into Grade 9 in September, in the music program at Medway. Late in January, Bob Pearce, Guidance Depart- ment head, spoke to the Grade 8's, trying to help them to decide on the courses they will take in September. Tomorrow, Thursday, February 19, the public, as well as parents, will have the opportunity of hearing the Madrigal Choir from Medway. at the Home and School meeting in the Lucan building at 7:45 p.m. Includ- ed in the program will be a presentation by Kindergarten pupils, and the top four speakers from the schools will give their speeches. This sounds like an ex- cellent program and well worth attending. Instructional skating has begun for pupils at the Lucan School and parents are in- debted to the Lucan Lions Club which provides the ice time. The program followed is from the Middlesex Coun- ty instructional skating guide. The proceeds from the Christmas Concert at the Biddulph School have been used to purchase equipment for the Phys. Ed. classes. TV coverage was enjoyed ON HOLIDAYS Your correspondent will not be available for the issues on March 4, 11, and 18. Will you please leave your material with Mrs. Keith Brown, 131 Frances Street, behind the United Church, at the OPP office or if it is a short piece, telephone direct, 235-1331. Thank you. January 26 when a professional puppet theatre group from Washington D.C. visited the school providing an educational experience in "The International Year of the Disabled". Again on February 9, Sharlene Barnes, a grade 4 student. was televised as she gave her speech on the same subject. It is hoped that everyone in the community saw both of these segments on FYI. Two new teachers have joined the staff since Christ- mas. Miss Margaret Carruthers is the new kindergarten asssistant working half time with Mrs. Sharon Barnes and Dwight Baer is the grade 4-5teacher replacing Lynne Plummer who got married and moved to Toronto. Anglican Church Two lay readers from All Saints Church, London, Margaret Wackett and David Eastman, took charge of the Morning Prayer Service, at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, in the absence of the Rector due to illness. Worshippers were greeted by Beth, Bryan and Heather Smith. The Old Testament Lesson was read by NoraLee Elson and the new by Edythe Murdy. Penny Hodgins led the children in singing "Follow Me" prior to their leaving for Sunday School classes. The sermon was given by David Eastman, taking his text from the Gospel, Matt. 4: vs. 23. "We are not only responsible for our actions but also for our thoughts", said Mr. Eastman. Jesus is quite definite in His teaching that before we can offer ourselves and our gifts to God, we must be at peace with God wants 100 percent of His children and anger in our hearts prevents us from entering God's kingdom. Jesus did not promise it would be easy to follow Him and it means submission to God's will in our lives. In choosing to please God we have His promise that He will never abandon us but is always ready to hear our prayers. As Christians we are called to love one I� another which is the "Great Commandment". Bible Study continues each Tuesday evening at 8 p.m.at the Rectory. The World Day of Prayer for all persons in Lucan area will be held in St. Patrick's church Friday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m., being held in the evening to permit more working people to attend. NEED A DOG? In order to save a beautiful friendly female St. Bernard, from the "hatchet" a local resident brought her home and is trying to find a farm home for her, as they already have one large dog. If you want a pet and a watch dog on your farm, do call 227-4879 or 4401 for further information. Make this your "Save an Animal Week". AILSA CRAIG REPA IR Farm & Industrial Equipment Repair Welding hydraulic hose general farm supply Ph 293-3502 or come in to see us at 109 Main St. AILSA CRAIG ' OPEN BOWLING Saturday, 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. Sunday, 2 - 5 & 7 - 10 Children and Student Special 3 Gamesforfor only S2e00 shoes FOX BOWLING LANES - PARKHILL Telephone 294-6821 D3TIOnal )p)riE0 ru• ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street, S., Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. BOOKKEEPING MOUNT CARMEL Income Tax Centre Income Tax Accounting for Farmers & Businessmen Monthly Bookkeeping Service Phone 237-3469 Vince Ryan B.A. R.R. 3 Dashwood AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' of experience of complete sale service PrOv,nriolly licensed Conduct soles of any kind nny place We guarantee you more. • .n Sure SU(CMS of your Sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCJIONEER A. APPRAISER P•ompt (o,�''e ,s f M'i'ens ANY TYPE ANY SIZE ANYWHERE we yrve r omplete tolr te,v,(P ppro It BY EXPERIf NrE Phone Collect 735. 1964 EXETER ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS 257 Churchill Dr EXETER 2350281 J CHIROPRACTORS DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street, Exeter 235-1535 Ay Appomlmrnl Only f.en,ny CHIROPRACTORS C HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel lone. STRATHROY Telephone 243 1272 By appointment please Gerold A. Webb D.C. Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN Si., EXETER By Appointment Phone 235-1680 CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT JOSEPH F. DARLING CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT TEI., O19-28s-2e0A THE OLD TOWN BALL O211 MAIN I4TREET EXETER, ONTARIO NOM IRO INSURANCE Bev. Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main Street, Exeter NOM ISO Ontario 235-2544 Complete Insurance Coverage INVESTMENTS Guaranteed Investment Certificates representing several trust companies Norma J. Hooper 15 Gidley St., E. Exeter 235-1010 This space could be yours Phone The Times Advocate Exeter 235-1331 for details ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St. Lucan, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 INSURANCE (Jeor fe . /�lraorrrr . TE LE PHONE 15191 235-2211 c./�� i�(70T►P 147 MAIN STREET, Si EXETER, ONTARIO, P.O. BOX 1600 NOM ISO OFFICE SUPPLIES SEE US FORA FULL LINE OF Office Supplies Furniture & Equipment LIV GSTONI'$ Downtown Exeter REAL ESTATE lig bah; EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 Appraisals Mortgages Life Insurance Trust Certificates 1•