Times-Advocate, 1981-01-21, Page 24Page 24
Timers -Advocate, January 21, 19E1
Name conveners
for Ladies Aid
Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid
niet Wednesday afternoon
with 19 members and one
visitor present. Group 3 with
Mrs. Ray Vandorsselaer
convener was in charge of
Devotions and lunch.
Following opening by the
president. Mrs. Charles
Martene. Mrs.M. Mellecke
took the topic on prayer with
Bible readings and discus-
The Altar Guild reported
helping to pack 28 shut-in
boxes for Christmas and
making 17 visits and three
phone calls. The new Guild
is Mrs. Lloyd Rader and
Mrs. Irvin Rader. Many
cards of thanks were read
and donations received.
Peace Lutheran Church
ladies. Exeter. are donating
an electric kettle for the new
church. Zion Ladies' Aid is
buying a refrigerator.
Conveners of the groups
for 1981 are. group 1, Mrs.
Ernest Koehler and Mrs.
Lorne Becker; group 2, Mrs.
Earl Keller and Mrs. Ray
Rader: group 3. Mrs. Ray
VanDorsselaer and Mrs.
Gordon Kraft.
Calvary United Church
Women held their meeting
Tuesday. Jan. 13. Mrs. Elda
Heppler assisted by her
sister. Mrs. Harry Hoffman
donated and packed 9 shut-in
boxes and distributed them
at Christmas. The church
annual meeting will be held
Sunday afternnon Jan. 25
following a pot luck lunch.
The Sunshine committee is
Mrs. Mildred Kellerman and
Mrs. Greta Schade.
Mrs. Kellerman finished
the study book on Japan un-
der the heading "Human
Rights and the future of
Japan." The ladies then
went to Zimmer's house
where they saw the film
"The Fine Line" featuring
cerebral palsy victims.John
Kellerman of Dashwood and
Norman Kumc of Toronto.
Mrs. Mildred Kellerman
attended the premier of
"The Fine Line" in Toronto
last week as guest of Toron-
to city council. The mayor of
Toronto introduced the play.
He said "as a friend of
Joy meet
The Youth of Zion
Lutheran church held their
meeting Jan. 11. The calen-
dar for February was
prepared. It was decided to
do the annual report for the
congregation. A gift will be
presented to Andrew
Shermbeck. infant son on the
vicar at Peace Lutheran
church. Exeter. The group
enjoyed finding the books of
the New Testament in a
word search prepared by
Lori Boogemans.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Merner and Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Schilbe, Zurich, Miss
Donna Merner, Toronto,
Elgin Merner, Kitchener,
Mr and Mrs. Elliot Bartliff,
Clinton. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Tieman and Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Tiernan, Ex-
eter. and Mr. and Mrs.
George Tiernan were Satur-
day evening dinner guests
with Mrs. Louella Tieman.
The occasion was the
birthdays of twins, Mrs.
Louella Tiernan and Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood
Gill and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Higgs. Ailsa Craig, were
Saturday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Irvin Rader.
George Tieman underwent
surgery at University
hospital to -day
Wednesday I.
Mrs. Hilton Ford is a
patient at University
hospital with a fractured
hs Mr and Mrs. Mervyn
Tieman attended the Fur-
niture show at Toronto last
Mrs. Jean Walper has
returned home after spen-
ding a month in London with
her sister and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Stan Slezak. Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Wurm Exeter
were Sunday guests with
A large basket of flowers
was placed in the church
Sunday by the family of
Jacob Rader, in loving
PIANO FROLICS — The pupils of Julie Easterbrook presented a delightful piano recital at the Exeter United Church. Back,
left, Becky Morgan, Kim Greenlee, Jennifer Greenlee, Dennis Webster, teacher Julie Easterbrook, Bridget Newton, Christine
Easterbrook, Adam Bieman and Derek McGee. Front, Tim Nethercott, Jeremy Brock, Heather Wagner, Melinda Nethercott,
Christine Passmore, Pam Greenlee, Gillian Simpson, Michael Strang and Fred Godbolt. T -A photo
Centralia UC holds annual
Arch Andrew of Bayfield
was the guest speaker for the
service in the United Church
on Sunday morning and used
Samson's riddle as a topic
for his sermon.
He told his listeners that
Samson had special com-
mitments. God calls the
Christian but leaves him free
to make his own choice.
Small things take us away
from our devotion to God.
Our strength is in Jesus
Christ who is our anchor and
our rock. We accept our
blessings without attributing
them to God.
Ray Mills assisted in
conducting the service. The
choir sang an anthem and
there was a vocal duet by
Mrs. Ray Mills and Miss
Faye Blair. Both numbers
were appreciated.
This coming Sunday Bob
Heywood will be in charge of
the service.
Annual meeting
The annual congregational
meeting of Centralia United
Church was held in the
schoolroom of the church
Sunday following the mor-
ning service and was
preceded by a smorgasbord
lnnr h
Rev. Stewart Miner
YOUNG CREDITON SKATERS — The Crediton•volunteer fire department provided free
skating Sunday afternoon at the Crediton pavilion. Shown ready to participate are Steven
Lightfoot, Dennis McDonald, Robbie Finkbeiner and Carolyn Pritchard. T -A photo
Vestry elects slate
Kirkton ACW meet
The Anglican Church
Women met on Thursday
evening at the home of Mr. &
Mrs. Dick Jongkind.
President Mrs. J.
McCormick opened the
meeting. Scripture passage
was read by Mrs. Garth
Blackler. The business
meeting followed, there was
a discussion regarding
catering in February.
Rev. Smith showed audio
coloured slides of the ac-
tivities last year at Huron
church camp of which he is
the Director.
Next meeting of the
A.C.W. is to be held Wed-
nesday February 18 at the
home of Mrs. Burns
Blackler. At the close of the
meeting Rev. Smith was
presented with gifts for their
baby daughter Catharine
from the ladies. Lunch was
served by the :iostess and
Mrs. Burns Blackler
Persona Is
Jim Bearss has returned
home after being a patient in
St. Marys Memorial
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Ross
and Mr. & Mrs. Allan
Eveleigh have returned
home after a vacation in
Florida with Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Ross.
Mr. & Mrs. Don Hewitt
have returned home after a
two week vacation in
Saturday Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Simpson and family and Mr.
& Mrs. Burns Blackler at-
tended a Fly -In Mid Winter
Blues a' Hespeler.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Henry,
Jeff and Mrs. Wm. J.
Blackler, London visited
Sunday with Mr & Mrs.
Burns Blackler.
Vestry meets
The Vestry meeting was
held in the basement of St.
Paul's Anglican church
Sunday evening. Reverend
Smith opened the meeting
with prayer Mrs. Brent
Blackler acted as Vestry
clerk in the absence of Mrs.
Bill Schaefer. Minutes of last
years sheeting were read and
all reports given.
Garth Blackler and Bill
Schaefer; acted as
nominating committee for
1981 and presented the
following slate.
Rectors warden, Burns
Blackler; oeople's warden,
Ken Blackler; Lay delegates
to Synod, Gerald Paul, Bill
Schaefer. sub delegates to
Synod, Mrs. Harold Davis,
Walter Creery; board of
management, Bernard
McCormick. Gerald Paul,
Bill Scheafer, Mrs. Bill
Waghorn, Mrs. J. McCor-
mick, Mrs. Bill Schaefer
Miss Ethel Copeland, Garth
Blackler, Brent Blackler,
Walter Creery, Ken '
Blackler, Burns Blackler,
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Davis.
Cemetery committee,
Garth Blackler, Gerald
Paul, Brent Blackler and
Walter Creery. Rectory
committee, Burns Blackler,
Mrs. Bill Schaefer and
Harold Davis. Auditors, Mr.
Brent Blackler and Bill
Schaefer . Head Sidesman,
Harold Davis.
Helpful hints
If you haven't thrown out
last year's phone book,
don't' Save it for the car.
It'll have some information
you need while driving or
shopping. Put it under the
front seat. out of the way but
opened the meeting with a
Bible reading, followed by
prayer. Mrs. Elmer Powe
was appointed secretary and
Mr. Elmer Powe was ap-
pointed chairman for the
Reports of the various
church organizations were
read. Church officials were
returned to office for another
year and David Elliott's
name was added to the
Board of Stewards.
It was decided to continue
the family plan of ordering
the Observer on the same
basis as last year. Thanks
was expressed for the
volunteer labour at both the
church and the manse during
the year.
It was decided to arrange a
meeting of the two
The January meeting of
the Clandeboye Women's
Institute was held at the
home of Mrs. Arnold Lewis
with president Mrs. Harold
Hardy in charge.
It was a noon luncheon
served by lunch conveners,
Mrs. Art Hodgins and Mrs.
Jack Hodgson assisted by
the hostess.
Mrs. Lewis, who is the
Public Relations program
convener arranged to have a
speaker from the Women's
Community House in Lon-
don. She explained The
Women's Community House
is a temporary shelter for
battered wives and their
children from a violent
They need to feel
physically safe until they
decide what they should do,
40 percent return to their
hi�s. Community. House is
no L nded by United Way, so'
is dependent on grants and
The W.I. members an-
sered the roll call by giving
donations of clothing, canned
food and cash.
Mrs. R. Worthington gave
a reading on Public
Relations. Secretary, Mrs.
Gerald Lynn read the
correspondence and during
the business a $10.00
donation was made to the
"Helping Hands" volunteer
service in Lucan.
It was decided not to
compete this year in the W.I.
Exhibit at Western Fair. The
W.I. will sponsor Elaine
Cunningham in the Farm
Show Princess Contest in
Thespring 4H
Homemaking project will be
a cooking project, "Which
Comes First, the Chicken or
the Egg?" and leaders will
be Mrs. John DeWeerd and
Elaine Cunningham.
Recipes for the distric
W.I. recipe book, are to be
typed , and in no later than
February 7.
The next two meetings are
to be switched. The
February meeting to be held
in St. James Church under
the convenership of
Agriculture and Canadian
Industries, Mrs. Chas.
Coughlin, at which Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Cunningham will
show the pictures of their
tour last February to
Australia and New
This will be a family
meeting so hope all will plan
to attend. Anyone in the
community wishing to come,
. is welcome. The
nominating committee for
the April election of officers
will be in charge of Group 2.
A New Years greeting
card and note, wishing all
members of the Clandeboye
W.I. a , very happy and
prosperous New Year from
Cofford Women's Institute in
Essex, England, was passed
around for everyone to read.
The card was sent via Mrs.
Art Hodgins who met several
W.I. members from England
last summer while on the
same tour of the Canadian
Mrs. Hodgins was wearing
her W.I. pin which caught
the attention of the W.I.
members from England,_
thus good public relations.
The sympathy of the
community, is blittended to
the Blake families in the 1
of a lovifrg mother, grand-
mother and great-
grandmother, Mrs. Evelyn
Blake, who passed away on
Saturday at her home in
McGillivray Township, in
her 88th year.
Mrs. Ralph Lynn returned
home from hospital on
Monday after having
surgery last week.
Fire destroyed the
machinery shed owned by
Ken Glendinning at
Mooresville, Saturday af-
ternoon. Damage estimated
at $30,000, mainly feeder and
silo equipment was part of a
farm business operated by
Ken and his father. The
extent of damage to the
building has not yet been
congregations, Centralia and
Zion, and the Pastoral
Relations committee early in
persona N
Miss Patti Tasko,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Tasko, a student in
journalism at the University
of Western Ontario is
spending her work month in
Edmonton with the
Edmonton Journal. She
expects to return home early
in February.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Maguire, London, and Mr.
John Soldan, Zurich were
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Lightfoot.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Taylor, Exeter, were
Thursday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs, Fred Bowden.
Saturday evening dinner
guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Kooy were Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice MacDonald
and Miss Leanne Sovereign,
Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Kooy, Bonnie and Clyde,
Huron Park and Benjie
Riley. They were. joined in
the evening by Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Riley to celebrate Tom
Kooy.'s birthday.
Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel
were Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Rowe, Exeter and Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Keller and Tracy,
senior citizens enjoyed
1fenday afternoon of
crokinole and cards at the
community centre.
Play euchre
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Rollings and Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Carter were in charge of
the euchre at the community
centre Monday night with 11
tables in play.
Ladies high, Mrs. Bob
Blair; lone hands, Mrs. Bill
Lamport; low, Mrs. Cecil
Neil; mens high, Percy
Noels; lone hands, Andy
Thompson; low, Earl Dixon;
special prize, Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair,
Kay Elston and Mrs. Viola
Atkinson will be in charge of
the next -party.
CENTRALIA SLIDERS — Enjoying a slide down a Centralia
village man-made snow hill Saturday were Gerry and Tina
Grubbe. T -A photo
AN USBORNE BAKE SALE — Grade seven students at Usborne Central School staged a
successful hake sale Friday. From the left are Jim Lewis, Jeff Miller, Vicky Parsons and Kelly
Johns. T -A photo
Reports given
Community youth meet
The Granton and com-
munity youth group met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Wallis on Jan. 11. The
group responsible for the
program showed a film en-
titled "A sense of Purpose".
This was later discussed and
opinions were freely given.
This group has been in-
vited to hear Bruce Coward
of St. Marys when he speaks
on 'drugs, at the Unit 3
meeting at the Granton
United Church on Feb. 4.
Members are to meet for a
toboggan party on Sunday,
February 8. Membeis will
meet at the home of Scott
Duncan at 6:30 p.m.
C.O.I.T. news
Chris Currah called the
first meeting of 1981 to
order, and led in the C.G.I.T.
hymn and purpose.Shannon
Fiedorec offered a new
year's prayer. The members
studied a poster on
"Mother Love", and told of
their feelings forthe roll call
which started them on the
night's topic which was
"Our Family", which not
only included their im-
mediate family, but also the
community and global
human family.
The girls did some role
playing on caring for one
another. and a few family
crisis. A poem on "Our
Families" was read by
leader Mrs. Robt Harloff,
and a lively art game con-
cluded the meeting.
U.C.W. Units 3 and 4 meet
Unit 3 of the U.C.W. met
at the home of Mrs. Fred
Cook on Jan. 13. Mrs. Eric
Chovancek presided over a
short business meeting, then
the members worked on
quilt blocks for a quilt they
are making for this year's
The regular meeting for
this Unit was cancelled ow-
ing to a bad snow storm on
the night of Jan. 7. The
speaker for that meeting has
been rescheduled for Unit
3's Feb. meeting. Officer
Bruce Cowan of St. Marys
will talk on drugs, at Gran-
ton United Church. All the
youth groups are invited to
Mrs. Henry Wissel was the
hostess for Unit 4 on Jan. 14.
In the absence of the presi-
dent Mrs. Cliff Hardie, Mrs.
Gary Humphrey was in
charge of the meeting and
Mrs. Harvey Kennedy and
Mrs. Henry Wissel convened
the program on "Chosen
Women of the Bible". Mrs.
Kennedy presenting a paper
on this subject and Mrs.
Wissel, reading passages
from the Scriptures in con-
nection with this topic. This
program provoked a good
discussion. The meeting
closed with a poem on the
New Year read by Mrs.
Mrs. Fred and Mrs. Ron
Hardie assisted the hostess
to serve lunch.
Unit 5 cancelled their Jan.
meeting owing to the storm
Medway Euchre Club
Mrs. Elmer Summers was
the hostess for the Medway
Euchre Club on Jan. 12.
Prize winners were the
following members. Ladles'
high score, Susan McComb,
lone hand. Inez McRobert,
low score, Wreatha Burnett,
men. high score, Jim Kerr,
lone hands, Carmen
Hodgins, low score, Chester
Charlotte Kerr and Inez
McRobert assisted the
hostess to serve lunch.
Church news
At the United Church the
Rev. Elwood Morden con-
ducted the Sunday morning
worship. and entitled his ser-
mon "The Radical Nature of
Worship". This is the first in
a series of three sermons on
worship.. the second and
Continued from page 17
prepared for a course at the
Univesity of Western On-
Another visitor at the
council meeting was Mary
Lappan. representing
Salmon Plumbing of London.
. $he told council her com-
pany was interested in set-
ting up a year round business
in Grand Bend and they
would like to work on hook-
ing up sewers. Sharen told
her that the village would
welcome her business taxes,
and it was up to the company
to deal privately with the
people for sewer hook-ups.
Council could not advise the
people on this matter, he
In other business:
Russ Lingard and don Grat-
ton were given permission to
replace gabian baskets on
their beach front property
with timber groins. Council
offered to look into whether
or not the project would be
elegible for shoreline
Snider said that he was
negotiating for the rent paid
by the provincial govern-
ment on the police station
and the court room.
Snider said he was still look-
ing into costs on insulation
and storm windows for the
council chambers. He said
he had received some
reasonable quotes; and
would look further into It.
Council received a letter
from E. Williams saying
that he would not be able to
fill in his septic tank
because it was located under
a permanent cement patio.
The matter was referred to
the sewer liaison com-
Council was advised that a
court case aginst former
casino lessee Jim gin would
be January 21.
third are sacrifices of
worship. and the remem-
brance of worship.
The thing that I like about
Protestants is that nobody
pressures them to go to
church. said Rev. Morden.
The Christian faith agrees
that the worship of God is a
choice. The two most impor-
tant words In this sermon Is
ultimate committrnent, this
means make and confirming
our committment to God in
our worship, and our atten-
dance at Church. The word
worship is from the Greek
translation meaning to
Prostrate oneself before
God. Jesus likened the
Kingdom of God to a fine
pearl. where a- man sold
everything in order to
purchase it.
In conclusion the Minister
said "May God empower us
all to worship authentically.
At St. Thomas Anglican
Church the Rev. Greg Smith
conducted the worship, and
was the Celebrant of Holy
Communion assisted by Miss
Marion Herbert. The Epistle
of Day was read by Mrs.
Lois Herbert. Rev. Smith
based his sermon on the
"Unity of the Body".
Do your best to preserve
the unity which the spirit
gives. there is one Lord, one
Faith. and one Baptism, one
God and Father of all, and in
you all. said the Rector.
Using his guitar, Rev.
Smith taught the children a
new song entitled "God is
our Father". Explaining the
meaning of the words as it
affected their own lives.
The annual vestry meeting
and pot luck supper will be
held in the Parish hall on
Jan. 25 at 6 p.m.
Wedding congratulations
is extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Thomson, who
were married in the Granton
United Church on New
Year's Eve at 7:30 p.m. Mrs.
Thomson is the former
Natalie Stroud of Kirkton.
The happy couple will make
their home in Granton.
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