HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1981-01-21, Page 13Euchre enjoyed at Shipka Centre By MRS. HUGH MORINZ SHIPKA There were 9 tables in play at the progressive euchre party held Wednesday evening in Shipka com- munity centre. Winners were ladies high -Mrs. Margaret Lagerwerf, Parkhill; ladies low -Mrs. Elzar Masse, Zurich; men's, high -Ward Neeb, Zurlch; men's low - Fred Gibson, Shipka; most lone hands -Mrs. Annie Fink- beiner, Zurich. The town group was in charge of lunch and refresh- ments. Personals Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Willis Desjardine in the death of her father Arthur Wood. Mr. Wood, a resident of Winnipeg, died suddenly while on vacation in Hawaii, on January 12. Larry and Joy Uniac, of Toronto, spent the weekend here with their friends John and Linda Weurth and baby Rebecca Lynn. Jackie and Jenny Russell visited Tuesday with Hugh and Annie Morenz. The Morenz's were Thursday dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ross Corbett and Janine of Hensall area, and on Sunday were supper guests with their son Bill and Michelle in Goderich. Funeral services were conducted last Tuesday, January 13, for Edgar C. Webb, who passed away in St. Catharines hospital, Saturday, January 10th in his 83rd year. Survivors include his wife Helen (McPherson), fqur sons Roy, Charlie and Douglas, all of Niagara Falls, and Karl, St. Catharines, one daughter, Mrs. Cliff (Velma) Russell, one brother, Art Webb, Grand Bend, one sister Mrs. Mary Francis, Exeter, also 17 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. The service was held from Butler's Funeral Home St. Catharines, with burial in Lane's Cemetery, Silver- dale. Attending the funeral from this area were Cliff and Velma Russell, and Kathy, Doug and Ann Russell, "Tom and Rosanne Russell, also three nieces, Mrs. Doris Sweitzer, Mrs. Eva Sweitzer and Mr. & Mrs. Jack Pickering. CHNE SOFT MARGARINE 1 LB. TUB KENT BRAND FROZEN 212.5 OZ. TINS FOR HAMBURG OR WIENER WESTONS ROLLS PKG. 79# OF 12 0for market* of fine food,. zehrs PROD. OF U.S.A. BRUSSEL SPROUTS 89! PARSNIPS _ _ BAG __ _99" 21b RADISHES -_____s9 1 Ib. PKG SKATING ASSISTANCE — Tabatha Hamlin, centre, gets little help along the ice from Rebecca Vandeworp and Christie Eveland during Sunday afternoon's skating session in Crediton sponsored by the village's volunteer firemen. T -A photo PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY JANUARY 27 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS SCHNEIDERS MILD. MEDIUM OR OLD CHEDDAR CHEESE 12 oz 198 SCHNEIDERS FROZEN COOKED BAI9TET ZOFDCHICKEN 9 o 9 53.49 FRENCH FRIES 4 Ib. BAG j 99 NORDICA 2% 500 a �' COTTAGE CHEESE _ TO E; .109 NEILSONS VENETIAN VANILLA ICE CREAM_ _ _ _ 2 LITRE 1.28VACHON-12 CARAMEL OR 6 JAM FLAKY LUNCH SNACKS PKG 139 1 1 1 McCAINS MINI PIZZAS 4 OZ. PEPPERONI* 5 OZ. DELUXE 7 OZ. SUPREME PRODUCE OF ONTARIO SNOW WHITE MUSHROOMS PRODUCT OF FLORIDA TEMPLE ORANGES SIZE 100's r 2 SWEET & JUICY DOZEN • PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA CELERY HEARTS CANADA NO. 1 GRADE BUNCH PROD. OF U.S. a 4 POTTED Mall ONIONS BUNCHES R 99 COLOURFUL CANADA FANCY REO IELICIOVS APPLES _ _ _ 3lb 994 mums_ _ _. _ 6" POT le 99 See German pictures Times -Advocate, January 21, 1981 Good crowd at Fellowship By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD A good crowd attended the Fclbruary meeting of the Fellowship Group , at Elimville Sunday evening. Mrs. Edwin Miller read "Lets Sing for Joy". Mr. Edwin Miller read Psalm 98, and Mrs. Miller closed the worship service with prayer. After a number of hymns Mrs. Philip Johns introduced Mr. & Mrs. Hans Ger- stenkorn, Hensall who showed pictures of their recent trip to Germany and Austria, and also a won- derful commentary of their trip. They were thanked by Mrs. Glenn Jeffery and were presented with an envelope. It was reported that Rev. Morley and Mrs. Clarke of London will be the guest speakers at the February meeting. There will be a box social for lunch as it is close to Valentine's Day. Personals Mr. & Mrs. Michael Elford were guests recently with Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Elford, Elimville, SCHNEIDERS 6000 AD( PIES BEEFSTEAK. R TURKEY OR r?� •�'`I,`/ CHICKEN ' FROZEN READY TO 250 g. BAKE PKG. SCHNEIDERS REGULAR PROCESSED CHEESE SLICES gyp` yr� 500 g. 4(� PKG. 100•/. WHOLE WHEAT DIETRICHS BREAD s9# 24 oz. LOAF NOT . AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES s Sfi FRESH BAKED CRUSTY ROLLScP Gzi90 FRESH BAKED RAISIN BREAD. LOAF 890 FRESH BAKED • SCHNEIDERS FROZEN QUICHE LORRAINE 1.29 400 gr. PKG. BRAN MUFFINS;F 689;` McCORM)CKS COOKIES BIG VALUE 600 g. PKG " 1.79 LARGE 500 gr. KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ 119., 5 DELICIOUS FLAVOURS 4 VARIETIES six 6 or VANILLA. BUTTERSCOTCH. LIBBYS JUICES_ '1149 CHOCOLATENEAPOLITAN ARRID EXTRA DRY -4 VARIETIES 200 ml ANTIPERSPIRANT 189 CARNIVAL ESPRIT -NORMAL OR OILY SHAMPOO_ _ 300 ml PLAYTEX DEODORANT ''229 ICE CREAM MINI PADS___ 3as 1?.29 PLAYTEX REGULAR MINI PADS 30°s X1.09 AEROSOL ANTIPERSPIRANT ARRID XX _ 200 ml '1.89 • 2 LITRE CARTON HOSTESS POi�iO CHIPS 99° REGULAR. DIP SALT 8 VINEGAR BARBO OR SOUR CREAM 200 g PKG. 1 Kg. PKG. CATELLI PASTAS :f.39 R C. MACARONI SPAGHETTINI OR SPAGHETTI CLOVER LEAF WHITE FLAKED TUNA 6.5 oz TIN 149 4 ROLL PKG. DELSEY TISSUE #f.49 WHITE. YELLOW. PINK OR BLUE HILLS BROTHERS INSTANT COFFEE 10 or JAR ;4.69 AIM TOOTHPASTE '119 100 ml TUBE PALMOLIVE DETERGENT 189 LIOUID FOR DISHES 1 LITRE FAB DETERGENT 8 LITRE 24 KG BOX '3.29 POPULAR KRAFT MACARONI i CHEESE DINNERS, QUICK & EASY 226 g. PKGS. 31 O KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP SUPER IN A SALAD 1 OR A SANDWICH 600 ml. JAR KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUES WHITE, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN. PINK OR MOCHA BOX OF 200 69° KRAFT SALAD DRESSINGS COLESLAW 1.000 ISLAND ITALIAN OR CREAMY CUCUMBER 500 ml. BOTTLE 529 ZEHRS JELLY POWDERS 4 FRUIT FLAVOURS,, 3 oz PKGS. F 0 R $1 KLEENEX BOUTIQUE PAPER TOWELS WHITE OR YELLOW 2 ROLL PKG x1.19 vVE WILL BE PLE AST D TO SERVE YOU IN F0Il EXETER - HWYS. 4 & 83 OUR MANAGER IS LES t: OPEN - THURS - FRI TILL NINEN Mrs. Robert Sharp returned home recently after having spent two weeks with her grandchildren in Toronto while their parents were holidaying in the West Indies. Gordon Pengelly, Belgrave, Mrs. Myrtle Metters, Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jeffery and Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde were Friday evening supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Art Pfaff in London. They celebrated Mrs. Jeffery's birthday. Mr. & Mrs. Ross Hargreaves were Saturday evening supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ted Hargreaves of Glanworth. He is herd- sman for Shores at Glan- worth. Mrs. William Allen, Mr. Arnold Cann, Mr. Barry Miller all returned home last week from the different hospitals. Mr. & Mrs. Alec Denys, Wallaceburg and Mr. & Mrs. Art Pfaff, London were Sunday evening supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Stone. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Johns, Woodham were Saturday evening supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde. Mr. & Mrs. David Officers installed for Kippen UCW By MRS. RENA CALDWELL KIPPEN Kippen U.C.W. met in the Sunday School rooms January 13, Mrs. Robert McMullen conducted the worship and chose as her theme "The New Year". She opened the worship with a poem "The New Year". She related from the book "Opportunity" followed by prayer. Offering was taken by the hostess Mrs. Ray Consitt and dedicated by Mrs.McMullen. President, Mrs. Robert Kinsman, opened the business portion of the meeting with a poem "Recipe for the New Year". Budget for 1981 was discussed and corrections made. Mrs. McMullen• installed the officers for 1981: president, Mrs. R. Kinsman; vice president, Mrs. David Turner; treasurer, Mrs. Bert Faber; secretary, Mrs. Edison McLean; Social convener, Mrs. Keith Lovell ; past president, Mrs. D.E. Kyle. Roll call was answered by 13 members who paid fees and presented an item for Queensway Nursing Home. Mrs. Bert Faber gave reports on visiting, correspondence and the treasurer's report. Mrs. Keith Lovell presented the social budget for 1981. Topic was taken by Mrs. David Cooper. She in- troduced the Study for the year, "Partners in the Gospel" and closed the topic with the South Korean Response - a prayer taken from "Worship around the World". Members are to entertain Queensway Nursing Home in February. On January 26, Mrs. Bert Faber, Mrs. Keith Lovell and Mrs. Robert Kinsman will attend the executive meeting in Brucefield. World's Day of Prayer will be held in Kippen March 6 with Mrs. David Turner key woman. Mrs. McMullen reported on the Vietemese family - their progress and present needs. Mrs. Bert Faber gave courtesy remarks. Meeting closed by singing "Onward Christian Women". Hostess for the evening were Mrs. Ray Consitt and Mrs. Lloyd Lostell. Larry Wright, Fort McMurray visited with Mr. Percy Wright and Julie. Sympathy is expressed to Mr. & Mrs. Hank Binnendyk on the death of Mrs. Bin- nendyk's father. Page 13 Passmore, Tom and Jon were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. John Bgtten, Elimville. Fourteen boys of the Tyros and their leader Barry E. Miller went bowling Wed- nesday evening and then to the Pizza Place in Exeter for lunch. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Coward and family and Mr. & Mrs. Barry E. Miller and 11 girls of the Explorers went bowling Saturday evening and then to the Pizza Place for lunch. Mrs. Coward and Mrs. Miller are the leaders. The annual congregational meeting will be held Sunday, January 25 after the regular church and a pot luck dinner. Perform a death -defying act. Give Heart Fund. Give Heart Fund SPECIAL ON OIL Get 1 Case of 10W30 Ultramar Oil for $26.50 with a gas fill -up at Rumba!! Motors Dashwood 237-3302 •••••••••••• • • • •20 % • • • • OFF �EVERYTHING IN THE STORE • • a 170lka•'Dot iLb .............. • • • • • • • •I • • i AFTER A DAY OF WNTER OUTDOOR FUN Everyone will enjoy Kentucky Fried Chieken. BUCKET BARREL THRIFT BOX DINNER FOR ONE CHICKEN 'N' CHIPS SNACK PAKS Kentucky Fried Cldcken 227 Main Street N. Exeter C1i