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Page 18 Times -Advocate, January 7, 1981
V & G establishes
mortgage company
1ti' . H. Somerville, A tax preparation service
President and Chief provided by Tax Titne of
Executive Officer of Canada Ltd. The largest
Victoria and Grev Trust such tax service in Canada,
announced the recent for- Tax Time of Canada takes
..mation of the Victoria and pride in its speed and ac -
Grey Mortgage Corporation. curacy. •
• formerly the International Curnba • A product being
Savings and Mortgage offered through Victoria and
Corporation founded in 1920. Grey's Ontario branches, it
with assets of 40 million pays the difference between
dollars. OHIP and what one would be
charged outside of Canada,
not only for hospital metjical
expenses but also
prescription drugs. private
duty nursing. a return air-
fare for a medical attendant.
and other services
As well, a full line of
financial services are also
available through 'the
company's more than 85
branches from British
Columbia to Quebec. They
include: Guaranteed
Investment Certificates,
mortgages, loans, tax
deferred plansand many
For some years, Victoria
and Grey has played host to
the internationally known
publisher of the Farmers'
Almanac, Ray Geiger. who
visits Canada to discuss
weather trends, old-
fashioned virtues and other
pretinent social problems,
with • radio, press and
television representatives.
The Almanac is distributed
as a public service through
all Victoria and Grey
branches from B.C. to
Quebec. •
Victoria and Grey's proud
history and tradition dates
back to 1844 and. it's often
referred to as "a small toAvn
company with substantial
assets." (3.48 billion).
Victoria and Grev has
earned a reputation of
adopting a strict policy of re-
investmment of local money
in small business and farm
operations in its market
"We like to invest in the
communities we serve,"
says Mr. Somerville. "With
the passage of the new Bank
Corporation, founded in 1920. Act and the anticipated
To further broaden its base broadening of the Loan and
of existing services, the Trust Company Act, Victoria
company also offers: and Grey will he able to
American Express Gold move ahead with its plans to
Card. the only card to merge be all things to all people -
the financial services of looking after all aspects of
Victoria and Grey Trust with its customers' finances in -
the world-wide capabilities eluding savings, mortgages,
and benefits of American personal and small business
Express. It offers a line of loans, credit cards and
credit. at preferred rates, estate services. Victoria and
emergency travel funds, Grey will serve as one-stop
plus many other benefits. shopping centre for money."
Victoria and Grev Mor-
tgage Corporation is offering
debentures through all
branches of Victoria and
Grey Trust Company at the
sante rate and terms as
Victoria and Grey Trust
Company Guaranteed
Investment Certificates
"By offering Victoria and
Grey Mortgage Corporation
debentures and Victoria and
Grey Turst Company G.I.C.
we will be able to assist a
concerned customer with
2x$20,000 of coverage under
Canada Deposit Insurance
Corp." says Mr. Somerville.
Canada deposit insurance
applies separately to each
company. It is now possible
for a husband and wife to
have insurance coverage up
to $120,000 for their com-
bined financial transactions
with Victoria and Grey Trust
Company and Victoria and
Grey Mortgage Corporation.
The Canada Deposit
Insurance Corporation is a
crown Corporation
established in 1967 by an Act
of the Parliament of Canada.
To further clarify the
company's image, in
January, Victoria and Grey
Metro Trustco will be
renamed Victoria and Grey
Trustco. Subsidiaries of
Victoria and Grev Trustco
Victoria and Grey Trust
Company: provincially
incorporated and founded in
1844, it's the oldest such
company in Canada.
Victoria and Grey Mor-
tgage Corporation: a
federally incorporated Loan
KICK-OFF ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS — The kick-off for Zurich's 125th anniversary
celebrations got off to a flying start Monday as the village and area's three schools releas-
ed hundreds of helium filled balloons. Distributing some of the flying objects was Zurich
Public Sch 'ol secretary Mary Haggitt and teachers Doreen Oesch and Eric Mansfield.
In economic area
Room for some optimism
While Canadians must be
fed up with double digit in-
flation. politir'al squabbling.
stagpant economic growth
and dreary predictions for
more of the same in 1981.
there is still plenty of room
for optimism atnid all this
gloom and doom.
Surely no developed nation
has brighter long-term
prospects than Canada, as
our country's vast potential
overshadows all our current
difficulties; Our ability to be
relatively "self-sufficient in
energy can create exciting
BLOWING SNOW - - Al Flynn used a snow blower to take care of rx(ess snow near his
property on Marlborough Street, Saturday. T -A photo
economic opportunities for
every region by 1985. This in
turn cannot only restore
respect in a stronger dollar,
but help us to move ahead
with boldness and con-
fidence in overcoming inter-
nal., differences to build a
better nation for future
The unity of Canada can
and will be strengthened by'
developing new
technologies. placing more
emphasis on management
and trade skills, creating
more healthy enterprises.
There opportunities will
be lost. however, if there is
not a realignment of power
between Eastern and
Western Canada. Facts tnust
be faced: the West holds the
economic cards and the East
has the political heft. The
situation, therefore.
demands compromise -on the
contentious issues of energy
pricing and revenue sharing
so that massive projects in
the field of energy may
For small business, living
with high interest rates in
1980 has been a nightmare;
and 1981 promises little, if
any relief. In addition, shor-
tages of skilled manpower
and the excesses of govern-
ment red -tape continue to
restrict development.
Draw winners
Winners in the Huron Fish
and Game Conservation
Association lucky draw were
Rick Bilcke , 106 Andrew
Street, Exeter and Brian
Wuerth, 153 Patrick Street,
are Crystal Bierling, Tracey Snell, Shonoon •Baynham and Gillian Simpson,
Some of the youngest participants in the Exeter f.gu'! 5'nt,ey .tub are shown above. From the left
,, T•A photo
Despite at this. the spirit
of enterp,rise remains
strong. This is borne out by
the fact that for every
business that fails. another
springs up to replace it And
the hard economic reality
remains that it is the srnall
firms. not the large cor-
porations. which create
most of the new technologies
and 'new jobs.
So good riddance to a
battered and bruised 1980,
and a hearty welcome to a
greater futon with "mind
blowing' r,poportunities .
The Crediton and District
Social Club welcomed in the
New Year to the music of the
Wildwoods. Door prizes were
won by Mr. & Mrs. Charlie
Browning Sr . Mr. & Mrs.
Ross Jacques and Mr. &
Mrs. Fred Bowers. A good
time was had by all.
The installation of officers
for the Crediton and District
Social Club will be held
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie
Browning Sr enjoyed a trip
to Winnipeg, Manitoba over
the.., Christmas holidays.
They visited with their son
Allan, his wife Linda and
grandchildren, Teresa and
Jodie Browning.
Several area couples at-
tended the reception for Mr.
& Mrs. Dennis Pfaff
Saturday evening.
Congratulations to Dennis
and Marian on 'their
Special day
for poultry
I'r'1 keep fanners informed
of the latest in energy
related equipment and
techniques. Ontario Hydro
and the Ontario Egg
Producers' Marketing
Board are jointly sponsoring
an Energy Management
Day for Egg Producers and
Pullet Growers, Tuesday
January 13 at the Ontario
Hydro Regional Office,
Wellington Road South, Lon-
Egg Producers and pullet
growers rely heavily on con-
sistent energy supplies for
feed. fuel. environment con-
trol and 1;ansportation.
1•:nrpha`ra will be laid on
i f Relent ,quppty and utiliza-
tion of el' ,•trical power, as
well as air!) subjects as in-
sulation of hnildings, safety
considerate„ ,; and warning
The event complements a
variety of other seminars
sponsored by the Ontario
Egg I'rodnrrrrs Marketing
Board. and ;,Iso extends On-
tario Ilyrhn's educational
efforts to these important
hrar►ohc of a nitnal
The prow mime, which in-
cludes lunch, commences at
9:30 a.m and continues to
3:30 p m Registration is
$5.00 plyabte at the door.
Communion this Sunday
Rev. Miner speaks at Centralia
Rev. Stewart Miner
conducted the service in the
United Church Sunday
morning. He based his
thoughts on the teachings of
Jesus in the temple.
How alive are we
spiritually? One can be
spiritually dead if we are
away from God. Paul said,
Those who let Jesus come
into their lives are new
We can only become new
Milk prices
to increase
Ontario dairy farmers are
to receive a price increase
of $3.50 per hectolitre (3.5s
per Titre) for the milk they
produce for table use, effec-
tive February 1,1981.
In announcing the in-
crease in returns to
producers, the Chairman of
The Ontario Milk Marketing
Board, Kenneth G. McKin-
non; said that "to ensure
that adequate milk supplies
are provided in the long-
term, it is vital to the whole
industry that milk producers
receive this increase".
Mr. McKinnon noted that
the total industry has been
affected by rising costs and
it is likely that price in-
creases will occur
throughout the whole
system. "For this reason, he
concluded, "we do not know
what the final consumer
price will be."
Mr. McKinnon said that
for several years the Board
has set the price to its
producers using an
economic formula as a
"Current information," he
said. "demonstrates that
milk producers' incomes are
lagging and they require an
immediate increase to help
offset escalating costs."
In giving some examples
of cost increases which have
occurred since the last price
increase. Mr. McKinnon in-
dicated. "feed costs are up
seven per cent and fuel costs
have risen eight and twelve
percent, respectively. are
projected for these two ma-
jor farm inputs during the
first quarter of 1981. Fer-
tilizer costs are also pro-
jected to increase between
five and seven per cent in
early 1981. These specific
cost increases, combined
with staggering interest
rates and increasing energy
costs, are adding substan-
tially to the cost of product
ing milk."
The 3.5e per litre increase
raises the farm price for
raw milk in Southern On-
tarioofrom 38.366 per litre to
41.86c per litre and in
Northern Ontario from
39.65c to 43.15c -per litre.
through the power of God.
Responsibility lies heavily
on us. Life is like a copy
book, easier to make a blot
than to rub it out.
The choir sang an anthem
Mr. and Mrs. Art Hartry
and Miss Marfa frfartry of
London and Mr. Barry Hess
of Sarnia, were guests for
New Years with Mr.and Mrs.
and Mrs. Russell Wilson's Wm. Elliott and family.
solo was deeply appreciated. New Years was celebrated
Communion will be ob- at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
served this coming Sunday. Tom Kooy on Sunday and
they had as guests, Mr. and
Personals Mrs. Maurice MacDonald,
Mrs. Fred Cunnington Mr. and Mrs. Howard
returned home last week MacDonald and family, Mr.
following a week's visit at and Mrs. Peter Sovereign
the home of her daughter and family, Lucan; Mr. and
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jack Dickins, Exeter
Lloyd Vogan in Listowel. and Mrs. and Mrs. Clayton
The Sunday following Kooy and family, Huron
Christmas she accompanied, Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogan , Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kooy
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vogan were guests on New Years
to Kitchener where they Day with Mr. and Mrs. Doug
visited with Miss Mabel Riley and family.
Refoir and were guests for Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
dinner with her s ster, Mrs. Molnar and Mr. and Mrs
Pearl Shantz. Mr Leonard -Borden Smyth were dinner
Bender joined em for guests on New Years Day
dinner. with Mrs. Russell Wilson and
Mr. and M Joseph family.
Creech, St. Marys a..d their Guests at the home of Mr.
son, Mr. Bill Creech, and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable
Stratford were visitors at the on New Years eve were Mr.
home of Mr. and Mrs Stan and Mrs. Edward Lamport,
Flicks and family the Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamport,
following Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Love,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mrs. Elmer Wilson and Mrs.
Somerville, Sandy and Stacy Irene Lawson of Exeter.
returned home Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Huxtable
night following a two week were guests for dinner on
vacation in Florida. Among New Years Day with Mrs.
the highlights of their sight- Irene Lawson in Exeter.
seeing trip was the beauty of Mr. Bernard Rimmer
the tallest Christmas in the returned home on Wed -
Crediton home Friday afternoon.
make their way along King street north in Crediton during the
snowstorm Sunday. T -A photo
Whats Doing?
Ween OZCSt
GRAND BEND H'wcty 21 rix Mile S. Traffic Light
For Reservations Phone 238.2365
Breakfast, lunch
and dinner
every Sat.
January 9 dr 10
Heather and Dave
Schnitzel Night Every Friday
We offer a Schnitzel dinnerS 495
including salad bar for only
snow near his
T -A photo
nesday of last week atter
being hospitalized in
Victoria Hospital, London,
for over a week. Their family
spent New Years with them.
Visitors during the past
week at the home of Mrs.
Minnie Harrison were Mr.
and Mrs. Don Dixon, Hen-
sall, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Harrison and girls, Clan-
deboye, Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Zachar, London and Mrs.
and Mrs. Roy Harrison. Mrs.
Minnie Harrison was a New
Years dinner guest with Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Harrison.
Mr. and Mrs Fred Bowden
were guests for New Years
with Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Paynter and family,
Euchre party
Mr. and ,Mrs. Tom Kooy,
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins
and Mrs. Blanche Hodgins
were in charge of the euchre
party at the community
centre Monday night with
seven tables in play.
Ladies high -Mrs. Jack
Dickins; lone hands -Mrs.
Maurice MacDonald; low -
Mrs. Otto Darling; men's
high -Jack Dickins; lone
hands -Otto Darling; low -
Mrs. Russell Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Rollings will be in charge of
the next party.
Boy Scout
Fund Raising
Sat. Jan. 10
9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Your Support
is Appreciated
Dwayne Tinney
Sat., Jan. 10"
Music By
Proceeds for
Hall Maintenance
I,1% South Huron
Recreation Centre
'Saturday & Sunday, Jan. 10 & 11
(Due to Hawks Tourney)
Tuesdays 2-2:50 p.m.
Thursdays & Fridays
10-10:50 a.m.
Silver Collection
Next class January 10, 1981
By Wanda Regier
Limited registration so please register early
Date: January 14, 7-10 p.m.
Call 235-2833 to register
Fee: $3.00
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