HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-12-29, Page 1ly
••••• •••••••••••••••••••••NN•
• •4••••••••••••• ••• 4*** ••.
& MAY'S W. J. Heaman and J. W. Taylor out for Reeve; .Messrs. lialk\\ill,
No. 32. Day, Lcvett, Rivers and Walper for Councillors, and Carling,
Martin. Rowe and Wood for School Trustees. N.G,
Bissett and R. E. Davis elected Water Commis-
sioncts by Acclamation.
Huron & Middl
e Wish
All Our
y and
text Week
our annual Stock Taking when our
Sale will be in full force. All Win -
.1d at Clearilgg Pi ices. Everything in
ae must be cleared out.
.or the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
igh grade shoes and wall paper
'rhe nominations on Monday were was one man more than another w"ho
n, follow+:• I deserves credit. it is Mr. McCallum.
NOIR REEVE If we want to keep pao.• with the
THOMAS 11. CARLING by Ed. Cbris-I times we must put our hands in our
tie and \\'m, !fivers. I pocket. We are .safer with the pre-
• W. J. IIEAMAN by T. '11. 'McCallum sent system of waterworks and now
and las Jewell the insurance should conte down.
J, W. TAYLOR by 11. It. Bright and The .•p:•aker stat •d that one of the
Stephen Powell. best things in the whole sy.tem i3
COUNCILLORS the water toner. owing to its quick
W. III\'EItS by T. 13. Carling and It. ervice: also that some say it 13 a
monument to 117. 'McCallum.
Township Nomination)
It re, '$auto.) Ss t itzer, Acct.
I) way -Reel,. \1'i!I::rm Anderson,
W. O. Sanders and F'rcd '\\worth.
: ncillors, Michael Finkbeiner,
11 Kellerman, John Lots•, ')avid
Reeve, \Wm, Atkinson.
Councillors, Fred Ellerington. S.
Routley, 8. Skinner and Thos.
Brook by acclamation.
Mit-3 Ethel Dow -pent Christmas
week in Detroit.
In Strathroy un l),•cemb.•r 20th
there were 17 inches of snow felt.
A '.artt.t number of our young folk
spent Christmas in Ilenaall skating.
1. .
N. 'Bowe. .lir, Carling would curtail expenses Mise I). -light Hobbs ii spending the
HERBERT FORD by T. Sanders and in regard to fireman. holiday., at Brantford and Toronto.
114. recommended cutting down the Mr. Way r. presenting th • Chat -
number and getting in young.tr rasa. ham Business College, ,ip'nt last
lle would not advise the town to get tyeeL in toren.
rid of the engine, 51r. and Mrs. John Jarrott spent
In referene.' to th:. Jackson Manu -
factoring Company, he was surprised Chm
ristas ..'ith Mr. and Mrs. Wan.
that two :nen got the credit. ii..urrott, Bills 1,tee n.
considered he did as much as anyon', Mr. and Mrs. John 'Rowe, of Exe-
Ile 1hiuks the Jackson factory is a ter, visited friends in town this
good thing and a de.erving concern, week.-Seaforth Expositor.
and the more wee get in of that thing A. simple calculation. Manitoba
tit, better for th • town. wheat. Ontario wheat. the laetst)
'rhe speaker was in favor of a wat- methods of 'Militate give us the de-
er commission :utd thinks it watild sired result. A Model Flour. ilar-
be a saving to the town. He would vey Bros.
prefer paying the taxes at a bank Mr. Rruee Anderson. teller of the
instead of having a tax collector. Ile flank of Commerce, left on Friday
T. H. NleCalluul; would also like to see Exeter lacer- for three week's visit with his tnoth-
S. MARTIN by W. J. Beaman and porated into a town. Politica should ter at Ottawa. i1r. A. Ilewit, of
It 1 t. \ Rowe. be deft out of Municipal elections; Crediton, is relieving here.
'1' R. CA 'MING by It. and
••n Powell,
1t(11T, N. ROWS by A. licl'herson
it. N. ,CREECR by Jar Davis and Taylor elected and would do hi; best
CO\1111bSIONERS. W. .1. 'Leaman was next called
1W 0.SISSETT b • Thos. Sanders an awn. Ile thanked his mover and
Sanders.ween er and also thanked a pea-
T.II, McCALLUM by A. E. Puke pre for electing hire for five rears
• Sidney :Sanders
I10CIS DAY, Sr., by Sidney Sanders
• • and Thos. Sanders.
\VM. A. RALKWILI. by A. E. Enke
: and A. McPherson.
:W. 'W. 'WALPFR by Jos. Davis and
• ')'hos. Sanders.
• GRAS F. 1NR)Ii it 1,y A. S. Deavitt
j♦ and .Io,. Davin.
\V'(1 LEN' WIT by N. D. Ilurdox and
• • W. 11. Aloncur.
2 • .)t►1IN WOOD by J. Beaman and
• .Io,. Davis.
• Win. G. IIrsSETT by A. S. Deavitt
• :Ind Jos. Davis.
• • FRA\IC wool) by A. Hastings and
ut o
but arca, v.-hovii we can look up to, a111r. Aquina Sheer.. of Lansin-.
good business men. should b. put ir..
5t, { h Mich.. spent Christmas visiting his
Ile annotated that he like not in the mother. Ile returned 'Tuesday with
field: that he would to see ?lir.
and G 11 )leen)•Mr 6hcerc and two children, who
to sleet bun hat•.• been visiting here for the past
I: rhos San ler. fr•w ir•eks,
I: W. J Beaman 1
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Wolper. of
• :
WATER l ) d I Itrewster, ret: ived word from Totron-
• • pea -
Sidney d 1 lh k 1 th to hospital that their daughter. Mrs.
: •♦ Itestmeer, who underwent a see-
•a and It. N. Creech. as councillor. Although In business lou= operation. is much better and
• • A. V. FI'KE by It. N. Rowe and C. he had spent touch of his time in the expects to tx hour first of January,
Il, Ilorney. interests of the• municipality, Ile , The Young Ladies Sewing Circle
• It 1: DAVIS by \V, W. Wolper and may have male mistakes bat the m.•1. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
11. R. Bright. only man who never made nlistak s Thos. Prior on Wednesday evrni71
W. A. RALEC\VILL by 11. 'it. Bright 1 was the man who never did an' - of last week and prey nted Mi!s Cora
and W, J. Neaman. thing. Prior. bride to be. with a miscollnn-
All have withdrawn with th' ex- Mr. Beaman dealt with the fins.- .•ous shower. A very pleasant even -
c ):tion of those named in the h_ad- cial .statement. In the cemetery ac- int: was spent.
art count there are 8100 that have not A hod of junior hockey boys went
The nominatioins w. re held frlkn been rollect,•d. Th •r t. • r• also lin-
Tho Clinton Friday evening and weer•
twelve till one aft r which the meet- coil e.ed taxes and l: rworks ae- badly beaten by the home team. Thoi g adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock , co: which would 1 r n•,.:the• bahomeboss had IRO • or no practice and
In the eveni,nti. in the evening a • a0,• • up to about :•1200.it is not the hest policy to go up
motion was paved that the Clerk. I Mr. .Neaman thouebt that in con- against an outside team under such
\1r. Jos. Senior occupy the chair. I sodering the tars of 09 and 10 and condition= as it spans 'the reputa-
There 44.1+ a fair a:tendane of the! striking an averse of the two years. tine. Th: boys speak highly of the
ratepayers. they have not 1.• n high. 1r•••ttnr'r'' of the Clinton biers.
Th,• old council and sobobl '.ruse In connection .. ill the waterworks A y,: but pretty wedding took
•••es wet invibd to seats on .he he was pleased n,th th• kind words he Trivitt Memorill rhl;rch
of Mr. Taylor .:11 i '41 r C tiling.. 11.•
The first to be called on was Mr. said that th • -• 1: :•1 h n I :ere •.-
could not 1 I • • r and w 1 • !
that NIr t•,t • t ! l ell til _ •i It
view., a: :`•
1 - 1 , 11 ,t '1 ly.
Regard:,,• tto n ,t• t ,t ark • r Iris, -
�: .lobo
W. Taylor, reeve. Mr. Taylor
said that a few months ago h.• hitt)..
: expected to occupy bis present pci+i-
••tu,n, and all would regret the eir ;ion Mr. Il:lrnan proposed !
rnmstances that made that possible.
: Ile referred to the (late reeve os a 1111-s nn t . - ,w to the cmtne,
• ••oy11 citizen. a true friend and •1 I' 11' . 1 • ! , h
afttat:•rtwhnrkt,441•1 r
• • 1 keen business man and that th • r•. J. wer
• • h •reit family have the sympathy of '•' " •1 r and in
• • ' th community. 1111Y•
w } , t h•) rovld t . touch to
♦•••••••••••♦••••••••••••••••••••• I The .prak.•r said that in ih . Pa." r t. h. nt •.r
•♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦••••••♦♦••••••••• I ttvo t ars the town had spent mon••
mon• F than in any other two yearn r0 t ...wild t Cott n U
in its history. And there was credit.
.rue the councils of the:v% years for
the w t. in which they have sp*•nt
that money. 11e did not take the
credit but saw3 the councils dc+ervcd
the test thinks of the ratepayers.
2'2.000 was voted for eatablishinV
w )terworka and the co,Incila have
r trri.•d it through sucec.''s+fu ly. have
ut nmr�••d surplus of .several bund.
r •d+ of dollar,. and have a vy.sten4
'hit will eompar'• favorably with the
-mall town+ and al.o meta of the
rot .•s. The speak -•r continued that
11 w•aa theduty of the incoming
council to make the very best .out of
th • system and to make a revenue
oat 01 same. Ile had inquired from
the• Grand Trunk people and found
they paid a man 8450 a year for
puulpin{ acuter, :1nd believed lb..•
town could net 8400 from that cor-
poration. They could also get a
r . •n'r. front lawn and house ser -
•t 3,v morning when M .-. I-1-
. 1. Hawkins. daughter of \1r o •
'I, 'rhom•ts Hawkins, w :. .:r,,- • •
1 ,n 111 tech:' • ' •) \1 r. 1'. rciv.tl 1'u1-
ra. of Wind ., 'I b 1 mons vv... •:
t:. •1 by , I, i' l: W. to:l•r: •. •
.: ,.••k :r. •'. • r ••'nc•, of 'h :;
r '1 h • coon:, • •
r,• 1 , r: ; ! •1'h•' bride I •:
3 •-t h r 7 r i 111{ suit of 2•
1 1, \t 1 111 '•1 1 Pollard •:
Ir un lite • r n.rr r1.1 11 fur Wind -
,,r where th t 1 in ,k th r (et- •
1 • home. Th 1 r:.l • ., an Et ' r • ♦
., canoe r Lor.- ' r t:,'.ntr 11,1y and h Id .n the t.il•h -t. :•
said it was ,.;t t , !h ; ople to carry
the he r:I by h r many friend's in too 71. •i
!►1 r. 11l ' 1tn1n r,ntt:red tto rayy that Ire .•• r• t omu-cion. 1'11 tv •1 vtish• v of all follow th •In
the taxes world be low, -red next to th :r new borne.
year '
Double the nrnonnt• 1htt had b• -' 'ti Ali
,p eat ' :.t y - Ir 7711 • • r • 4 7.11.1 .1r en- l,. 1'11 \It\11:--At the Bauble Line. ' i "prlct' 10 clear
h• 1 l --i1 . r, :r ' h . t ,. 1) :1 ..n f
' h 2nd, inst.. 10 Mr. end 'I r-. ' •:
tip. )•.••.r h• h.•I s. r - 41 h,nt. '1 n r.r Uucharme. a son. •• 111(111
that owing to the ::'r- ady h. t• 17' 'I:R!VEA1 -At the Lake itatr1 :: tf'll •l71ays11O. pYlltilloti
expendititre. a port on of •h rrav \'.. - 7 ll1y. on 1).c.'1
•e. i9th. to r. and• • • Patinaai%r(1
ling should b left ov• r. b :t hoe.- `•!r-. ' ,ter Corriv. a1,, n son. •
.-veer th, road- w -r• nos In • ae !lent • \\'1•:STCITT-111 )'.-born,•. on Monday : to buy your
enmity,)). Ih•remher. 19th to Mr and Mr _ :1:11.1es
u,• r:noonr•I km •'` 4 •• utdi.l1: , t;eorge \V. cot t. . .l,,:t:ht--r. 1
for r .• ,hip, 11 teal • r, 4 thin 11\Ritii-:1) •: ere.A.look
r r•. +: ! ') FOIti) - \WIII'I'IA I'K In l'aborne on •
1r• I 1'4 -.•rye 1h m tt 1 "1 f !, '1 Woolly -allay I ter. 24th. Mise Irene. • our stock
. I •r n, r r:1 3 , ; part 11 h,,;• '1 daughter '.f Mr. and Mrs. Peter • 1 convince
t h y ,• •• ,I • 11 '1 on ' •. h 3 %VIittha-k to Mr. henry Ford.
of J ' 11.:1 > . \'. 111'1'1 \0-\V 1.3,q11. -in )'.borne, on ss
Ti a ,u,,? f• ,r r•..:t,r 7 n, r I' d 1v. Il e, ')7th. MiGs Th•'rse .1.. :
n t 11.1 the n ,v a p;r,n'• . 1: ht r of Mr. John Welsh. tti
71; 11 tire 0 Whitine. of Lone I:
,I • ' t ! 3, It 1t. ?MIMII,. Xmas Ties,
r71,1,\ItI-R\\\*I.1\S- in Exeter. ZZ Muffl('rs
to be sold for 49C each.--
Hplet}tlid Value -Secure one.
;$1.00 per year in advance
Wo wish all our Customers and Friends
A Happy. and Prosperous New Year,
We stili have a big supply
of Spring and Hockey Skates.
Spring skates 50c. up.
Hockey skates 1.00 up.
Hockey sticks 10, 15, 25 and 50o
Hockey pucks and straps
Stock and Poultry Foods
Royal Purple in 50c and $1.50 packages.
International in 25c and 5Oc
llel'bageunl in 25c and 50c.
Dr. Scott's in 50c and $1.00
Oyster shell, Grit, Sulphur and Salts.
XCnt Sawd and AxPs
$2.50 up Good ones at $I.)O
�PEGIflL XMH� _•'••
•• :.
♦ •
•• •
*• IN M[,N'S W[IIR =;
v: fl bis Gilt in the Price on all OVER -
ii GOflTs. This Is genuine. We have v.
a COMMUTE STOCK and the lard- •••
il eft and most up -tic -date lines in town.
_• ••
•• G` Ki+O ::
••�\ �:�\�.\��►;1 1 1r.�r %o/. h, •• •
ry Store
up our New Stock of
ruits and Candies
and just south of the Metro.
complete and you can get any
occry Line and remember our
es, Flavoring Extracts, Candies, Nuts
ct you can get anything you want for
as Baking.
elicit a share of your Patronage and will do all we can to
g a pleasure for YOU at our Store.
t Prices paid for Butter and Eggs.
apposite Electric Light Plant.
Dairymen's Association of
Western Ontario.
II referr 'I to the contract foie
1•: I fie the water tower. Tho con -
r r trr'•r- 11: r ••d to have th -• in')teria'.
,•, ti! .-rn.n•I by the 15th of .1un-
! e,•Inr 1•41 within seventy 41.13•s
,f• rt. 11 1-. ,nd if they la ,led to do
fort .r `27) :t week ('11 cram-
• • .3 11 1, .•0 the Sown should
.•• .t• r th ,•,t I; •nt
,11 1 ' r I,- t-. •'1 t 1 th r..
t. , t .: r .1• . ! ; h I t'.'t-1
!, t It:: th r
: t, ;. nal,. had I, • n
•r. • 'n the diff 1-
n I 1, ; l:ni sidea'alt:-
. 'r do thi: :t.
It Annual Convention and Winter i).liry Exhibition.
r,l City 11511. 1Vp'tnea lay and Thursday elan. 11, 12, 11111.
on each day. Excellent list of speakers. Wednesday of
Linn apeeiaIIy for patrons of cheese fvctoriea. creameries and
nd,Irera. See the cheese sad hatter exhibit. Reduced
!railways. Everything Is Tree. For programs apply to
• Scott, Pres. Prank Herns, Sec-Treas.
Exeter, Ont. London, Ont.
1••••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••N
' . n •.. . I
I. I) 1 r
u• f r
: ,. me. • 1 1, •h.
I n d 1 .' h the cotnnl'.Ihica-
t:•n, )rein '•!r 114uncey• of Godrr.ch.
r ,r I,r I!; (tanner's Asrociatinn.
, , 108 to rvlci•-• the mart -
lei the 3, opt,' have to arty
or rantth-• mortgage will h'
'.1r '1'.ylor thanked th•
u• 0.1 hien as sue-
.• !• ,' It 'eve 13awden and
•' • h • vva' .a candidate
hip for 1911.
'i', II. Carling
,\ nominal on evening its town
«o,:•t 1411.1 v b.' complete without
1.1 n hit • (torn T. 11. Carlin).:.
:•r lway
(',r'.I � sai'1 it was a
..,,re to stand on the platfdrm
a,n'I address the rat••nay,rs.
Ile touched nn 1h•• wat, rw•nrk•
•Latino that th,. )own first started
a 'system with n windmill. then
1 hey pat in n gasoline engin •. next
they put in tank., and later cern • 13
rinks. but these wr)'.' expensive and
not fill the h1' Mr. Carlin•*
R y ead =to'wear Suits have been cut in
r, t .;,,It I i '1',, ret t., •, ,It
w ,- \lr. ',\'. Itis r
`.1, 1';t r I h nk 1 h • n, •,• r :, 1 I, '1' d ty, I1 a h. \)tat laa-
I. 1:. daught, r of Mr. and \Irv, ♦ \\'itlioltt. it
1.r. 11, b �! 1 n hro.••ht h r' r' • h � :ilio Ilavvkina, to Mir. I , re veal •
•u I I. I. 11 h t t h d.,l nn' I 1 r 1. or \\'Inds('. by t h• Rev. . doubt i 1119
the Ili �; to 'h:I, h• c., �1 \\ 1', t:n-.
the t ..' ,on R h , d .•on ' 0 1)IEl) pa. t of 0111'
Air. \\ t l l, t .11.1 1 t.l. ••1 tit, in " • r 1.1:A V ITT -in London. no To -d ,>.• �CoCI( Ofl•CI'li
over tn. dal 11)1 krl,ty• deft Mr. 1) r .7th. Catherine. beloved wife :
\\' 1. t .,n� n ! •1 to r :o, At 1'- • 1'(111 tl 3eleCt-
1' o/ \'• tI1 1. ivitt. in Ih.' 1Pth year •
,,', :1. •.11 7 t 1- •I t. ,l for the • I t • 1011 that. you
pn•If nn 't111 .3) 3 o'r'n'•k (O,Ind Ihat \l,n•1:.. � ,
Mt \'� alp. r h1,1 !' :t hi+ pa{rr.s in 1: )l'ia'r 3 -- I ter. on t'aDll')t b( }till
..n t 1,' .hen tr I to w 1hdraw. It i' - • , . '•'• •• . -• relief 01 th
u ,iii •,I to know 1h • d•Itq of th,. • t.. 3, •.r.•. .I. •-•r t'. arr•.) i1 3-...1 - ♦ t0 get else-
, ., r er,rrtnti'son r
:.n 1 if they r ! 11'011:tt r: i I t .1' j µ'hl'1't', )011
r +t• 0 tiny !alarv� 1i• n• -II may in I I. -0 t•, .- • , I.. n. • n Mnn•I •
I h • field and hal 1 1 h y wnnld give 1, ' 11 h ('h 1 :.11 Will be (l1S•
biro a h r ••1 1l• 8! \'•'• I .nt V, 1,11. •- I A1)l►OiIit.Pd If
II t , 1• I 11 r',: nth, -nil _ 4I-7 4.
\ir. 1'111 1• 1 ' 1, d.'I nut in. 21 you (11) not
t noftt•• - ,,1..8:81 41 I not w•:•h to • 91'C our lines.
t,k.• 11. • form. :•
I. - -, - 11'.
What is Nicer than a •OF' Rohs Shoes, Rubber-, )toys Moe
1 � asine hell Monte. liberty Rrand;lS ►oe
Good Ring for a
BIC LINES r rola d tS
'1'h: t• .. • h f � .. •
tti .1
II 44 01,3,1 ,
• h work .,'
th inked his 11)0'.• r 1 • .• i t .114
•nnn1>.nr:•d that h :11 t17 . .d.
('h •rtes F. 117•uper.
\3r. Rout' r was eared upon. foul Either a Lady or!(,enticman 5 pairs 25c sox for $1.00 See our 11ot:-t' Coats
'.1, I,,t
• are the highest grade shoes in Anieriut,
tZ SKATER GOATS loo f1lllerent coats to choose
Xmas Gift :• irom
�. 1►, atilt , th1 yl r.
it n:• r .. � nal of t.:. •, appreciate them. «'e have an 2 • and li ltll Robes for m 'll
.Inh11 \\:,•,I C \\' 4. 1:' , tl. T•
\1.. .r-. .1-,1111 \W001 .111 \\i':i:stn 0.
11, .a -tt .t, 1 f• LI 111,8:1 b•0 tt, r•
not pr'-ent. I •:
SC1i001, Tit( tile):k; 1'ca I Rfn s
F, Woo I.
\1 r. i. .\\'owl n•• . •n ab -•111.
S. NI 08171
wool.' t �1r, Martin thnnk^'1 h•• ►never and
-aid h•' thought we had a ocd seconder and thinks in all probabil-
immense stock for you to select PICKED OUT
from of �Z BUY NOW do notdeingtillthehest
: lhingsntr all picked Dirt
-1)iarnond Rings
-)Pial Kings
:l Wedding kings i•
\\'EL1•AI .' t• -
,s4. __
yatetn and he claimed that if there Continued on page four. •
• •