HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-12-22, Page 2mater
La G sippe
"1 had suffered several weeks
with Latirippe. 1Iad pains in
my head and eyes. It felt as
though there was a heavy weight
on the top of my head, until it
seemed that my brain would
burst. I was so nervous that
1 could not rest or sleep. \\'hen
I dozed off 1 would awake with
a sudden jerking of my whole
body. Dr. \:i:c':' Nervine, Heart
Remedy :u:,! Nerve and Liver
Pills cu—t1 one. A number of
friend:. :at ince realized the
Seine !eel
MRS. -\: IN 11. LOCKS,
Seabrook, N. II.
The a!tr: effects of Lat;rippc
are often : "-e serious than the
disc se. .: leaves the system
in a wo••,•red condition that
i1N•ites i • , t o.::ous troubles,
1_T. :,tiles'
Reit i-ative Nervine
should lie taken for some time
to thoroughly restore nerve
street '1,
Price 1' C at your druggist. He should
supply r' he does not. send price
110 us. w,- ard prepah..
DR. M:.[ MEDICAL CO., Toronto.
he has been fitting himself for such '1'
la position. Ile 11ae; familiarized him -I (1e'
fel( with the work, understands fully 1
th • needs of our town and the de-
utands that are made upon a man
for that position. Ile has been in
close touch with the improvements of
the past few years, and which are a
credit to our town. or any town.
whorl a man is willing year atter
year to serve a munici,ptality faith-
fully, _acrificine time and intereelo
in its welfare, receiving rebnkeet and
rebuffs, such as a thankless, public
handy out. that man. we think de-
serves a protuot ion and that man is
W. J. Neaman.
e GE ul' '[•lib: BELLS
Ring. nee, 0 bolls of Christmas
,:Your joyful message far and wide
Through all the land proclaim!
Whis is th bles•,ed Day of days
When Its r.. to walk earth's troub-
led %•ay s.
The 1,014 ocr S tviour camel
1) not with pomp and splendor fine.
liluc 'Inengst the lowly eheep and
And cradled in the Etraw.
IIe cant . and low the path He trod
'L\l vay:.—the greatest gift from God
An erring world e'er tem.
As in th • drawing cistern ekie1
The. Wie. Men watched the Star
That heralded His oirth.
Thus we await God'e Kingdom come.
(When man and ail God's creatures
Shall dwell upon this earth.
7n brotherhood: when ear shall
c es e
And Love and Universal l'eace—
Th sir banners whit,: unfurled—
:With t ud, rnees and gentle eway.
Their itatcbeoerd " Meeee.' eball for
- Pre%ail throughout the world!
Fling out your message. 0 ye bells.
Your teid••nee silvery foretells
The gracious times to be
1\'hu► -w:et Compassion. angel fair,
p'. r • his our land and everywhere
`h • brood p. rpetually 1
Loueila C.-l'ootet
•Nominat:otls for municipal office
Rill b• held rr •sr Monday. M1nie•ipat
matt •r• hive t.••• n quiet. bat w,•
Ito•liev•• th r • hos in tti. air. Coun-
cillor W. .1 II Amann haanriouuce'1
that he will es.. or fall chi'+ year and
in vizeing the rr,itter up %%-.. think
it is up to 'th • e:•.z,•t+a of Exeter to
honor 211r. Ileamin: on 'this occasion.
In supporting Mr. Delman w.• do eo
'realising our po-i1,om it it h the public.
and niso the te•rn•lnd that are ,rade
upon a man for a position of this
kind. 'Ve mu't hew to The lin'. and
•trik•• out from the •hoelder and that
is what !retss ito into trouble. how-
ever. our nelson for supporta, • Mr.
Sleamin is because ho 1s i,rit!•11 to
a promotion at 1h hand- of the
ratepty.•rs of Exeter. not only be-
cause of his ab_lity to fill rhe• posi-
tion. and Ifs sterling qtr('.:1 but
Aeeause for the pest fiv y;tr- h• ha;
Jabor•d 1ethfully in the peo•ition o'
councillor : h. ham nerved the. p ople
With enceinte, sacrificine efforts,
and ,- now entitled to a promotion.
Mr. Il. 'ruin hae not simply sought
th • „..tion of r•. v . like too many
Ar•• ire. 71 ,1 7o '11, I .t for five year.,
Mrs. George Mem, Grimsby Ont,.
writes: --"Jun a few lines to let you
know what btilbum'n Heart and Nerve
Pills have dune for roe. 1 suffered
greatly with my nerves and became ao
nervous and weak at times 1 could not
work. A friend of mine advised me to
ter n box of your pills, which I did, ant)
stain found great relief. They are the
beet medicine 1 have ever taken for the
hurt stud nears. 1 recommend them
to an one suffering from heart or nerve
Milbum's Heart and Nerve Pills make
Use weak heart string and the ahsk'
nerves firm by imparting a strengthening
end ttst:lrative influence to every organ
Teri tissue of the hotly and cluing pal.
ettetinn of the heart, dizriteee, FI pleee-
ttt , anaemia, twitching of the muscles,
general debility, lack of vitality, etc.
Price 50 rent per box or 3 for $l.:'.5,
at.all dealers, or mailed divert on receipt,
ornrien h Tho T. !Hilburn (b., Limited.
• •Tto, ()tit.
Mary .i erne Chri-ten:►ssea. many
Happy New Years. Unbroken friend-
ships. great accumulations of cheer-
ful recollection, :1nd affections on
earth. and heaven for us all. Th'se
words are of Ch•,rlt•s Dickens urs our
wish at this station. These words
will come to many of our readers b•• -
fore the• 25th of December. It is our
only opportunity to extend to a large
majority. our sincere Christ tole
greetings. It is the time of the 'ear
when the spirit of kindness and uod-
tvill should have sway amongst u,.
The rentembranc • of the lowly birt h
in Bethlehem. of the highest, and
holiest of our race roust stove es
anew to fetal the. besuty of a tire
crowded from dawn till dark with
gentle words. and characterized by a
compassion as boundless as the heart
of the Eternal. His spirit. is the
Christina.. spirit. It cannot live in
us without inereasin3ly determining
our relationships to the lives of
tliose around us. Indifference to the
sufferings or Coe welfare of those
around its is a reproach to the
nature we bear. i( n sparrow's
weal is not beneath the thought of
the Infinite. if -The All -wine• is the
All -loving too." then until something
of this vast love pollee-s+es us. tv'
have entered into little sympathy
with that spirit out of which the
world's first Christina; came. Into
every home whither the pap •r ;:oe +,
into th • life of each ruder. may
there come with the c•t,bration of
the approaching day. a new tide of
that spirit which spreads Sun+hive
and happiness in its wake. ltecallfna
that best of Christmas carols "Glory
to God in the highest. And on earth
peace. good -will toward men" and
thinking of all who read these words
we say God bless ev,ry one.
The search for the hidden cost
(nark begins next Sunday
• • • • • • •
It looks like something doing with
nominations and 11 holiday all in one
Dim—that'- what the skitters
-ay • And the i'ublic men after elec-
tion duty.
The smallest way te value a pre-
• eit i:. front the• dollars and rents
Still tt ie r r .n- ti•.p—Just no in
eiections. it nada th • break, rs
Monday night however.
• • • • •
1t's an ill wind that Moen no good.
Th aspir:tnta will have all day Mon-
day to ',report their epeech••s.
Th • .aiy 1tion of to n thousand 'er-
a -lime may result from the correct
education of a single child,—Anosi.
,''lumeipal aspir,nte won't regret
the scarcity of t' rk,•y..—ft'+ heed to
talk on a full .sfo.I,'leI. yobs knew,
• • ! •
. t • •
A :mil • Bever nears out if it is
worn Pleasantly. oral it iw niw•ays in
good style. No one Shetld 1m Wit 11-
011t it al Ilt + •s 14071 e4p.'ei:IlIy.
• •
trait " drtnonstittion orchaid 31
Th • eetir n ! nt• rnh.r• of th • .chow. iamb th. which. . v. n in the excel.
[laird are M. --r. I refit:. I', tient! ' oft" a aeon. of 1910, hex y. -141-
\V feel and T. 1:. 1'.: :l,.•. 1r :s cd a m•1 n•turn •gull to very penr't
grit'• probab.e the 11.1 is 1: s. k r - p r c nr, on valuation of $1.000 !• r
ction,• ace . d• -pit, a severe lor•al hailstnr: .
and :.n . arty autumn fre••z,. elect.
rein 1 :7.0 worth of SWes.
way the 1= r..• •• or .1 by the It -,d. a th, -•. and other outstand :
,7h• rr+:n•y prattled artici••s.:uch i (Beef (r" ,
O:r r: y tu'•tn • { :v It;rth 1n ({lock- •.nd "Queens of 'h
in a b tt r % :y, R tiry \\'orld." t h • rrrnb:•r ►, , .n•1
in h'I,nor r Irl. Ilie c 11r.• nlld I,.. -
Th•• wittertt•orks in the hand., of a r:: nl. i- r •I'! t• " ,etrat.orl•,
commission will r• r.:v. the whole at- and • t ,rk! - e ii b
1••ntion of three men while L•ft with '`Th Tale of the .. '
the council in an extra burden for vivid ntr•ation of r . ' 11 ,.• L. 1 ,
an already over -burdened council. early s (•;ere in the wex,d, of 1 Pi r
• • • • • Canada nd will appal to tit- rJei
1► • child died fern eatin' too and yo,:• .t.
h r ,rkey," The 1 :dint; feature in the
• lisp, • 11 r iin't so arch-th thine nn Magazin • is "An Id: al of Aloth, ,hoed
to, leech turkey." b inn r •P'.en+lid article about th
• \C 11, den. dor te•isn't • noel::h boy... Siena • Madonna. by Mrs. Tuck. t -
• • • • • Wi'eox : other contributor are !'et-
Th•'r• are many e' .rks who will er ''lcArthur and Mist 1., Montgom-
hive to lay in a f,tt hours (7hristrnli er}
morning beta„•e sum- pi opti• have 1' Mita vett. humor and re m:nisct nee
wait d 7:11 tie ninth hour to do their a• r -- .1 :erase and vera'•. abound
shn{•Pin.:, thre;rho .. this nurn, br. which t'
rkhi!! 1t",'•
i •i►• etaiee :et -.•,
k • trey et 11:11;7 • tr, , : .: -
+. between J:.u1:•.ry .::'! .ill
.t•ireh al-,. Th • move is it .•feet one
•utd i- worthy of imitation. I`.x ter
inn telian; • t tk • net 0.
• • • . •
It is for the ',rept,. to say whether
the waterworks will he motile d b)
a commisei011 or left with 'the rouu-
cif, It re tee fain that a commission
would trot have its Lando full wilt'
other civic tn:ttters, but would be
free to detect • it, tint, to the water -
work; question.
For the positio(p of water com-
ttli• s on •r sec.•r31 115111 •s have been
ul •m o0n •d. tiro of '1', 11,.McCatlum:
J. it eco:: teed A. E.. Flake.. Any
of the t hr... :t th •y would consent
to •t•uul tet} rid make 1I►t excellent
commit-s'ot and we would be as-
sure'1 t it • w:.trrvorke would be w •1,
look '1 aft r.
\\' :ire 1 hinkiu,t now of Clu•i•t urn s
and -I fill our fountain pen
\\' • are thinking of the speceh's of
1 It • aspiring public men:
If they only had some cousci,•,Ie ,
it ut:„ht be poesible Ihrn
icor ns In Spend the hdliday, tfl:.-
all the other men.
't1 ami looking for something t!ce
for t yu•:nt! tin tn..' said the yearng
nn,l t r sty Chri-t tele shopper.
"WI1y don't you: look in t!. •
mirror.” ask al the gallant clerk
And •h • was so flustered that h••
m:tn :;et to eel! her four different,
things that ..tl • did not want before
eh.• knew what she• was Going.
• • • • •
The council met List Thursday
,evening for the last'and nn.4far as we con learn. %%eh the ex -
e ption of W. J. ll.: i:i n. who will
r,:n for reev,•- all t!: ei•1 in enter,
we' - 1: ,. - ! ct a:•. \\-, heli.'•'4
'dr. f!,‘• t- tri'! 1. ::n .,.•ttirar,:
• for n..n:e:; li honors. Mr. River=
tt:x,1,1 1113 k.• .a capable Lean and
%would took well after the• int- roe,'
of our tclwn.
The foregoing quo.ation by Anon
brings forcibly ,he parent., duty in
the training of children. The pro-
gress of the world depends largely
upon the training of the young mind.
'Ihe ttrl{►1:elating of truths in th,•
minds of children ar,• like• planting
seeds in the springti►ne, and the r• -
sults in after years dep. .nd1 just ns
much upon what this children are
taught in youth. a; the hareem de-
pend, upon the selection of the •••d.
Canada's future lie in her chi!dr t.
and a great deal depends how :mad
what they are taught in early child-
The s11e1:e:•ts of the Jackson 511;•.
Co-. ()pellets is a matter of cotter t-
t'il:tlio11 to bti:11 Company and ',CI-
O, The e 1 ns were surpri.. 1
arr•l ,1 -:!tele •' %ith what they •- It'
th • ft. • . • awl are congt'atul ir_
in th,rn••.'•s on boyar; cured
branch of - :eh :11 • n7 r1 r„ n • 1 1 I r:.
and Chit th girls of I:x t•, hot
uch an aerie:elite lilac: of
meat. while the company 1' r
pleased with the evident it'' r -1
taken in the openix'7 and th r -
prise of many at the mnnncr of a „r k
:'nd rho• w•orkuianhi{, turn 1 .r
by this comparatively your• 7•
in our ,tient. Ilerc's
greater factory.
51 \111ER
Th • !arse • firm- of heavy -dr if 1,
;bore-n-ers in our 1• 771 r ; ei, 1 r d
'hat th • pric; of hore f:• h t•'- 1. • n
1oti th upward trend for th • t •
itw-••It.• tear:'. according to an are e •
publish d in the 1710 Christmas r :r.. -
b r n; Chit old reliable a;7rcl::r .r
!journal. "Th Fanner'' Adv7.rtt • er'1
!Rom • 511eazine,”
Th • nrticl,• referred to is the re.•-
leont of a l rronal inquiry by th
'hors • editor of "Th • Farn„•r's Alt,
,eat," into market conditions 'n
1 leading centers of pewit -thole ,i to 1
!Ann that city i:r.c... of Chit favor t
In of farm hors • stock have r.- 1:
;shout thirrt-f:v • dollars in th ' : :
!decade. with {•rospect of f .r1! c 1
sane Th,e• a an, ' si, r r •7:I,1i,11• r
gtv the results of the eecond )oars+
top ration.. iu -The 1. iii ••r'a Acl-
Ged rich • h rue 1.-1,7 in a
Neat Monday the people. will crepe•
Fri' Christman. and just 11 if the
h f'la't worked hard enough all year.
,w• hit- to go and take down those
nonunit,on sp.•eehe`. True. the pub-
•ic h it, • no h
I)o,'t wait until the• last moment
when the children ar • :eerie '(►stairs
to bd, wondering %what Manta Claus
will bring them—don't wait until
then to buy gifts for the little on 14,
Make your choice today,
• ".0:14 yoe advise me to go into
t,• .1 pu
•, ' n, , r: • an•w'•r'ed J. no ;or
s r '. 7, mere (let that you
ar reel ,, to ask advice shout
rove- th 1; you ore unfit for the
prof •-cion."
Children Ory
b• total. %. •• ' confident. • , y
the mn<t • n)yahl.•• holiday issue• • t r
t•irned 7.'1 rt, 7 r's-s of n ('; ,. i
ilia net e : ' .r is ) e:rnal. The I er
to nor(-+-eb-enb:•rs 50c. 1 copy.
N w $,h=crib rs !• c:' 1•• it1 prern-
iunl w•h:.l.• th • s':r;e17 7 est- a ITh.. • ,h-
Serint inn ;tie ., •1•h • Yore, 1'r .\.1-
eor,1 • n t 11l0, • 11'.: tele •" -1 -.41
Arl•Ir • • tit V. i !tit 1'. t4 ('n.. 1.' it
don. Ont. %%—tilt clubbing with th
"Tim • the {:rice iv $1,30.
— ru
flicks Forecast.--\ 1t.g::!ar `tar':'
eriot caved id. 21•: to 27th, tentril
an th 21111. This period is nt 711
centre of December Solali(5, and i'
ell! bring to n marked degree11 01
w•int• r storms of rain. Sleet awl
lizzards, Vigilane • on land and feet
will overt 1. 1ff.r'.nu and Fav, lif,
nd prop rty at thio and other De-
c tither storm periods• Snow. high
Iorthw.•st gales and a great cold
wave will be in Fight to most party.
on or cloy-• to Christmas.
Lesson XIII. --Fourth Quarter, For
Dec. 25, 1910.
Text of the Lesson, Luke II, 6.20.
Memory Versos, 13, 14—Golden Text.
Luk• 11, 11—Commentary Prepared
by Rev. D. M. Stearns.
An the review suggested for today
is wholly concerning Home events 111
the last week of Ills earthly sojourn.
IIIc death and Ills resurrection. we
cannot do better than to take the
Christmas lesson suggt•ste1l, as lie
was made of a woman, made mode(
the law, to redeem them that were
under the law (Gil. Iv, 4, 5). This
was all in the fullness of (line, and
when another fullness of time shall
have come Ile wUl come again to fut.
fill all that is written of Ills kingdom
and glory as literally as at Ills first
coming Ile fulfilled all that was writ-
ten of Ills humiliation. All nations
will be mored as far as need bo to
bring about rho events connected with
Ills return, as at the first Caesar was
moved. he knew not why, to decree
that alt the world should be enrolled.
A Jewish decree would require only
the men to go (Ex. rail!, 17). but it ti
evident that the Boman decree re-
quired women as well as men. I3a4
IIe been put to death by the Jews it
world have been by stoning, but the
prediction required crucifixion (Ps.
rill, 16). and the Romans were In
power at Ills death as well as at IIIs
birth. that all Scripture Wright be ful-
filed. Dr. Pierson says that "alp Ilse
tory is Itis storey," and it trust be true
that all events In all nations aro work -
nig out the eternal purpose which has
been purposed In Christ Jesus.
I)oubtleess many a Jewish woman
coveted to be the one of whom Iso.
v11, 14, spake, but it was reserved foe
this humble maiden of Nazareth to be
thus honored. It had to be some one
of the tribe of Judah. and the birth
Lad to be in Bethlehem (Gen. xlIx, 10;
Lflc. v. 2). This had been decreed cen-
turies before—yea, before the world
was. So they came to Bethlehem, to
the same city to which Ruth came
with Naomi and where ,)avid after-
ward kept tits father's sheep. But the
guest chamber was not ready; there
was no room for them in the inn.
The 1)ecemb,r seesiun of tie: county
cu% Bell opened ie Gud,•rich on Tuve-
day 1, e Gth ,
I'le • following comfit unjtcaGone
tc,•re read:—
The Warden addressed the coun-
cil :end spoke• of the death of Win.
!lewdest reeve of Exet,r. and the con=
tinned illneee of Mr. llaiu.,tock. dep-
'1ty r,•et,• of llowick ; that he had
consulted the members and all had
agreed to meet in Goderich instead
of in Exeter : that the special cow-
inittee has not suet sine • las t meet -
tie! of the council and. therefore, no
1 ';:ort will b: made r•spectin; the
stablishiug of a tuberculosis ..ani-
Utritlm ,tt ibis fd•s4orl.
\1070(1 by Mes.sr•' l:.•i = 1 and Gov -
lock that the action of the Warden
in calling the meeting in Goderich
b.• confirmed and that the motion of
n4jottrim"nt last June be recind •d.
Moved by Messrs. Watson and Gil-
l••spie that this council regret the
(heath of the late William Dowd 1..
of Exeter, who was considered a
valuable member of this council. and
that the clerk be instructed to send
a letter of condolenc • to Mrs. flaw -
den. fully espre-sin;( the sympathy
of his fellowcoenc:llors.—Carri'•d.
Moved by Me,,rs. Glenn and Reid
that the clerk {rocure a copy of th
consolidated municipalal act to dot.
for eaei number of this cot,i c:!.—
\Veduesday's Session,
A letter was received from lte7-
'.V• J. Doherty, of Hensel!, reseectins
the histoiry and condition of Miss
Haines, who is now in the hospital at
Goderich. Sent to Executive Com-
\\, C. Talbot reported the proem:se
made on the bridge,. near Grand Bend,
The report of Jailor Griffin wa-
r•ad, showing the number of prison-
ers in the jail to be five.
Moved by Messrs. Leckie and Mun-
ro • that further consideration of the•
question of a tablisbing a tuber-
culosis sanitarium be laid over till
the January meeting,—Carried,
aloe •rl by Mcsers. McFadzean end
1:ill- sP'o that the name of Mr. Tay-
lor, reeve of Exeter, be put in place
of Mr. Ilawden on all committetet
where the name of Mr. Bowden ap-
Mr. Watson submitted hie inven-
tory taken it the House of Ref,:j,•
end Messrs. Reid and Lanesubmitted
iheir inventory of furnishings, etc-,
at the court house. registry off:c •
ado jail. The former was ref••rred
to the )louse of itefug,• Committee
and the latter to the County Pro-
perty C r::. tree.
Thursday's Session,
A letter was received from C.
S. aster. County Crown Attorney. ask -
in r that certain improvements b'
made in the cquiptnent of his office.
S, nt to County Property Committee,
The report of D. Patterson. county
ensineer, etas r• r.'.t• d and sent to
Thteso w•'rtls "n" d "fittest chars the (toad and Brittr • Commitee.,,
bee" (vers.• 7 and!nxxIIan. 11) arc the Moved by Messrs. Hill (Mullett)
same words and. I think. used only in !nd Kernigman (bat this council ask
these two places. (look it up. 1 have :he Ontario Government to so amertll
Cork omteordaoec hatl l Cal the municipal act so On to read that
youno truly esay "Thera Isat room
n1n my all r''preeentatives of municipal coun-
henrt, Lord Jesus. loom for Thee? cels b • elected for two years indead
of one, `dent to Special Committee.
From the story of Hagar in Gen. xv! Moved by JtcsarS. Shearer and
all the way to Rev. axil, 16, how fas i'owell that the words in the present
chafing Is tho recond of heavenly mitt commitment form for the House of
Lstry by those who hearken uuto the Refuge beginning at 'he has been et
voice of Ills word and do Ills pleasorf r ;dent 0f the county frit at leant
Q'tt cllf, 30_11. Howt, cot
mtorting the "n n'':Irleast one year immesliatitl" 1x changed to read "he
assurance of Ileb. 14, hat th ace for ''''n a resident of the county
for at y
still ministering to us and have coo prior to the time of commitment,"
stant access ea our hatter in heaves a •nt to (louse of Range Committee .
(Matt. veil. let). In our last lesson, Reports of the inspector, keep. r
on his resarreetote I noticed (but, 1 led Physician of the ilousc of Itcfu.7•
think, did not write it) that Ile did not " r rad Sad - ut to the Ilona' of
show Dimwit alike to the chief priests Commit tee.
and to Pilate, but only to Ilis own fol 17' r Port of the Finance Commit -
lowers. Neo, as a rule, Were the low!J lr'r it d and teamed.,d,
ot d by llesare. Leckie. and 7;
ones of cents. $o Dere the angels r rtp• Crown Attorney. b• :.!.o•'
conn, not to any great ones of earth, phone in his office' at 1t, • (-
but to those who as to their oeeep:anis "( the county,
followed 1n the steer of Abel. Jacob i its aendment by Dr. S. •
Moons, Davidld andothers. i ,flea think ' I sedr1nt .in Kermr that rhe:
o phone
of Zeph. 111. 12. "I will also heave In r
midst of thee an afflicted and poor (leo
plc, and they shall trust In the name
of the Lord," nod also of Matt. v, a t
"Blessed are the {oar in spirit. [or Friday's Session.
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.' 11
Pr•rr of the F:dueation Commit -
!low precious are the "fear note" o1 1 "'• l'r• - need and reined.
!•.r: et the Special Commit.'•
•angels and of the Lord from Genesis " '1 r d anti petted.
to Revelation! Bot they are only! 17 • t,( the (toad and Ilrid, ,•
precious ns we appropriate theta and d' •,•.• %.,, conoids •d and ad -
In there hear Ills voice to us 1nd17kI •
, ually. Dees the saying "good tidings
t : '• f til Roue- o[ It (ogre
of great Joy" Mill hold good? if so, ('.":"‘".1 %a- taken up. Th.• te-
r Is P,s. d ••:rept alalias 6 nMl
l' au• f' wan nm,nded to rad
joke with joy unspeakable and live to, .,t'I !h• %ord:. immi.dintely prior to
make the tidings known to all People. "1011111111111: 01111.e l+, wh'eti ref r
Then hear the multitude of the hemv reed to increase. in :salary of Inst• clot.
only host as they pulse (:al and say,, ,''• et reek ' out. The report as
"Glory to God in the highest. and on; '1', wird "1 -
1 -earth peace, good will towanl (nen' Mot• •d he \1,.. rs. \\'apnea and Moir
rat its . tlarie.t of Mr. 571(1 "1rs.
(7etse 14). Note that "glory to Cod" \fere h. caretaker rind matron of Th..,
must be first always, whether it be. Ifo:: of 'lIefq.r,. is• increased $200
church or missionary work or tudivid' , 111111 ', $125 for Mr. Match and 675
ual service. The ford alone (rust be for '•I. Hutch,
exalted. \Ve must cry, no the sen '•i 1 by \frees, Kerninuhan and
nphim rand eherublm do. "Hely. holy, ! 7''an that it. this in the Intl
holy is the ieanf of !tostsl" "Holy,. " tF•' lin.' nt connc7 that
holy, holy, ford Ga] Almighty" (Ins.
vi, 3; Rev. Iv, R). That wall sink our
society, denomination or church eom•
pletely out of sight 1f only the earth
may be Ailed with Ills glory. A11 of-
ferings, Ilke thee. of the wise men,
will then be unto 1Hrn ether than
unto nay particnla. work for the
work's sake. All our s'rsire and even
our eating and drinking should be to
the end that God may in all things be
glorified through Jesus Christ (1 Pet.
It, 11; 1 Cor. x, 31). The angels! went
away into heaven (velrse 15). 11
sounds easy, but who can do It? Men
are being honored by nations today If
they can atny it few hours In the air
and move from place to place. The
shepherds ungnestioningly believed tete
angrls' message, went and found as
they had said ardl them made It known
abroad, glorifying and prnlsing God
for all the things they had beard and
seen. The people wondered ns they
heard, but Mery kept all 1n her heart
and pondered thein. It Is only as we
keep In our hearts and pioneler the
things of Gent that we w111 be In any
degree benefited. It is only as we
lanae that the Are wf horn. and we
will sleek that we may be retread
7ffa. xxxlx, 3; Jab rzell. 2lDk
11 out ani placed in a cab,cl.:
•h would be convenient and chit
r ,• r call bell system be vetab-
n each office.—Carried.
41161/aL•. •'1 06 /.Var•N.- .-•
" , r,o interfere with the by-lnw
• • • te glares of county of-
f , r l' 1 n •, ,4
t ,' •1 t.y '.f.•• -r- Taylor, (Ea,•, •rl
•7 \In:r Ih't Ih •n:r-.n•••r b in -
r • . .1 to exaunn• th brslg.• s
• 1 and report to Ih • cuoneil at
11 January meet Ina tie to the• n,•e,•s-
rt ehen:r,•t to prepar, it for t h •
►'tion of n concret • (loth.—Car-
•I ' •I It Rr `ITC th and \1r. Stun-
, n't •h n,.• •o't rr-d nn
t 11t r r, • item in enmity of-
. I, 1 .'• t,•! 1, a I h • propo4 •0
7 • • 'toe11t h• no.: ri-('etory fo
Special Sallee.
Spanking does net cure children of bed-
wetting. There is a ronstitutiotial cause Ger
this trouble. Mrs. U. Summers, lsnx " ,e,
Windsor, Ont,, will send free to any mother
her attccesefui home treatment, with frill
Instnictiona. Send no money,but write her
M•dav if your children trouble you in this
Fray. Don't blame the child, the chances
ire it can't help it. This treatment also
cures adelte and aired people troubled with
urine difficulties by day or night.
Foilno the Hockey hot- to Clin-
• es en Friday and h • 'ur • of 1 :•and
Drs. K. & K. Established 20
H. was eurpvt•ad at how Oho
eppt N h.al.d "( as.k your New
Mtrrroptu [ATM[Mr tar a t:erloua lobed
disease with which 1 had been in cted
for twelve years 1 had r,tti'rulted aw:ore
of hyysleisns taken alt kinds of Hoodme•dicin e, visited Ilot Springs and other
mineral water resorts, but oily got tetn-
porary relief. They would help me fora
Limp. but after discontinuing the medi-
cines the spriptonrs would break out
again -running moresB, blotches, rheurn-
atie p:.lns, lo•x:eness Tit the hair, swellings
of the glands, palma of the hands scaling,
urea[ ta[arr[sT itchiness of the skin, dyspeptic stomach,
eU'. 1 had glvr up n dcspsir when a
friend advised r,,,. to consult int, as 53'"u hat cured him of a,bullar diseases years *50
brad no huts(, but took his advice. in three weeks' time the sores commenced lobes' u
and 1 became eneouragev. I continued (110 NEW )1,rTa01. TREATMENT VI' four month
and at the end of that tlmn every symptom hal disappeared. I was cured 7 y:eant se
and nn signs of any ilke uu+ Einer. My boy, three yearn old. Is round and healthy. I cer-
tainly can recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer any \.per , n tO
me privately, but you can u,n this testimonial fur you wish.
SKIN sad SECRET Diseases, URINARY, BLADDER sod KIDNEY complaints of M.
and Wem•a.
FADER ere you a vietimt Ilave yyou lost bop'! Are you litending to foam • ltaa
jR! your bloo,l Leen dlsenrtvlt (love you ,,,,:i
n weaknrrult Uur NEw },,Taro
'l IIC•TMENT will cur. par. w prat it Irrut done for others It w III do for you. Consultation
Free, No matter who has rr'•at,d •, n write for •n honest opinion Fre. of Char[•
Chargees reasonable. Boole Free Illustrated) on diseases of Men.
Question list and cost of Home Treatment FREE.
arts TS[ATM[MT
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St.. Detroit, Mich.
IlirNOTICE All letters from Canada must he addressed
to our Canadian Correspondence Depar
Essnism went in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
ao Wiest* itt our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and
Iaboritory for Canadiau business only. Address all letters as follows:
Write for our private address.
the users and would cost morethan 1 county. Orders to the amount of
sleeted,—Carried. $R,927,21 were issued since: the lett
Ik•fore adjournment Dr. A. .1.1r_ I meeting of the council. As per in-
ttin, of \\'iingham. ,Warden of the structions. he examined the. bridge
county, %vas presented with an lid- on the boundary eeZ Grey and \\al-
dres-+ and a gold headed CTur• tie a lace. The bridge at hs present time
token of the godt feilowohip of tb is about 15 feet of water spac . the
,memben'. original being lel or 20 feet b•[ora
lILEq'U11Ttt, the new timbers w gr.. put in. On,
chain flung the bridge be found that,
County Property, Committee, it
would be good for this year. This
bridge would come in under monde
The cotnty property commute • - No.95 for the January >ession tsps
amined the different county build-
d- 19118
inks and found the same in rratitfac-
tory condition, '!'heyy recommend •d In reference to tha motion of Dies -
the purchase of ocrtain clothing for
hs•• at the jail and the purcha.'t' of sri• Hill and Kernigba t asking to
as supply r of wood. They tecoirl- memorialize the Onetrio Government
11 'tded a .hut -off for 1 th+• w•at• n that all representative, of municipal
r':pp1y its the ,'fortes .office. T11 y. councils be elected for two year.)
r'eornmertd.d the procuring of 1:r:nt instead of one as at present, recow-
and paper for the law library, the instead
no action, Ile the com-
work to be done by the ear•+utk,•r, menieation of J. A. Cartwright, r.• -
They roto al memo
hole accoutre constable recommended that this b'
d:+tions in Mr. t5ear;er.s offic,, but i,ft to the whole council. R:• •It,-
r•(erred the (natter of a telephone communication from the Ta elion,
to the whole council, They r.•capus form League. recommended
tea The House of Relit"
mended that the inventory o[ tit.• The following reports- tvht 1 tt•.r•
court !house, rr•gi:'try office and jail
presented to tb cot•ltty
rout it .,t
the December :session by tit t( r,
ent officers in connection 1 h ih;
Itous. of 'Refuge, will t, of
to our readers:
inspector's 11•
'total numPer of ism
since opening
number of inn eson Dec r.,
1!109, 'Rr±: numWer admitted for
time during solar. 12: number r -
wilted atter absence. 0; numb. i 1,
in House durielg the year.0: tum,
of deaths during the year. 12: nu
ber absconded during the yelr,-
number discharged during the year.
I: number of inmates on December
1, 19,10. 84: number of reales. 57;
number of females. 27. Admit eel
Burin: the year from 'evera'I muni.
cipaIiti.•s, a.. follows: Town +hips—
Aslifie.ld, 1: McKillopp, 2; Tucker -
smith. 2: Towns and `illag:s—W'irte-
ham. 1: Exeter, 1: Blythe 2: Sea -
forth. 1: Wrox t r. 1: hayfield. 1.
Cause of l'aupt ri.•nt—Old age. 7: in-
temperance. 2; imbecility. 3. Num-
b•r of days' board of inmate:+, 31,749;
number of days' board keeper.+ fam-
ily and help, 2,006; average numb:,
of inmate•s during the year. 87; aver-
age rumbler with k.•••pt•r's family
with help added. 112: 101al exp..ndir
tore on ifouse and farm, ?6.598,20;
add value of provision.+ and fuel on
hand. December 1, 1909, x2,031,9b;
total expenditure, $8,63:1,2i, les -
fleet capital account 3446,79; pro•
dice sold during 1910 and other
sources, $1077.07: provision+ and pro-
duce•, new clothing and fuel on hand
i)ecernber 1st, 1910 a4 per inventory
$1.977; received from pay nT inmates
:1.'610.30: total $1,117,111, Amount ,•x -
',ended for Support of inmaltea
$ l.;►I6.0S ; average expense p •r itt'-
mate per day. 14 1.4 cents; average
w„ekly expr•nditnr•• per inmate 99 3-4
roma, The exp,,nditure on Ilo t ' and
farm accounts ie as follow,: (''1e (a1
account $446,79: hired help. Houle
Special Committee.
future rt. '1•/,..1101.. • •
Hous, of Heft,_ Committee.
Th • Ile, :-e of 11,,fuee committee
reported :lett they had mad, their
quarterly visits to the Hous.: and
find the b:, Idings and equipment in
ewe' condi( en : also the preeent
number of inmates to he about n:n-
rv. all well cared for and comfort.
' look,d After. Re the claim of
.'•11. 1'',nnm,r, of Clinton. for terviaes
rendered to Mr=. Scott. a lit in-
nlate of the Roues.. recommended
that the matter the left over until
't1 • January meeting. and that the
r k he instructed to notify Mr.
'tuner to b, in attendance and
r -, nt bis claim. 11, commended the
window shad,:, be purchased.
It, matter b, lett in the hands of
I h.' Inspector. Ile th • requea: of Mr.
Ind M M et.. k tier and matron.
for an incr'•1-,• of $200 in ealiry,
•hit the mite r h•• Irft to th • whole
enuncil. IG• 11107011 of Mr. She tr••r.
t •commcnd,•d that no action b tak •n
eel that the clerk be in'trnrt d to
communicate with different counti••'
hlvin:! Roue., of Refuge with th
view of baying a uniform commit-
nr•nt form. Itecomrnend.d that all
commitment, be submitted to the'
Role of lteflge physician for Ids
a{'t•r,t 1e and in ,vent of any obj.e-
• :,r: t ng rai-'1 to { arty admitted.
711,7 •h• matter be 1, ft in the bande
of • h llous, of Refire coinntittl e.
e he h '1I h • convened at as early a
!• 1,70, for the purpot• of
r',:, 71' d fficulty, should any
.r. Recon, • n ! d that tide In-
-!, er 1-1 :1' 1 increaa.1 to $200
t r annum.
Rood and Bed : Committee,
A joint nt• et n:7 of the county en.
'in,•er and chairman of the road and
bride • couun'tt,•e' of Huron. Lomb -
ton and Middl,•'ex w ss held in Char-
les Talbot's office in London on .lune
30. tt h 11 it %ea, decided to timid ih • and farm, S21f+,75: ,tock one anPle-
brid 1.' 0t. r th • •1e:x $aubt.• Weer. m,nts. $113; safari'•". inspector. k ep-
near Grand 11, n 1. to l,•• of concr. t • ter and matron. `41,214: ado -,r: in'4
abutment+ on pile foundation and salaries: and alt' 'ancea, is:lOO.71 . ri
•feel w it..•ratt':c••:r . and that t••n- •.•,i1' to building end furniture
,ler• h, (gen el :it God •rich on Aug- :emelt : provi•uuts and teem hint.
u•t 11111. A join! In •et Oa of thee' ',•2171009: fuel and li:rhl, 79121:
commit! oe was held in God rich on book.. postage and etiliots'ry.e 10.50
tn.n.-t ilth. when it was agreed tak,ng inmate< home. etc. S1: inte-
r h'1 1h Ibre,• ccun(i•' bear on •1.111 .i. net'. exp.nees. $50.50: sundry :ie.
h't in
the cast of rhe: chit the conn:- on farm. *332.01; total. $6,-
t, nd• r of 11, Waltham for •ub.tric- ,-iter. 29,
ter at 02.06.1. and th, liamit.ton Menl;zr'+ Report
11, 1 • l's,. for eupertt ruct •:r•. ,t Crops grown and work don 01, In-
•'It':i:', b, acceete/1. Mr. Se •I1 r. 't•:strial Farm during tb.' yeir 1'110:
r ,'. of 57 {•h••n, 7% a. ppo n 11 n- 1117. lir ttni: oats :too 110.71 1:1r -
i' ct i • natter of th 11.1!• ,, Iso bushels; tnix,d gtira n;0hsh-
ot ' 'h' ThMaitland It'ver 1 r beano 6 busheela• onion' :,1) I:elt-
• 1• •rk'- bridge on the Hee. t .• , ,warden earrots. 20 bushel,: ear-
, r 1 nundary. b 1e1: t' t h • le. .1 a beets. 2:. busbee.la : potatose :I+N
r •T build. if me eeret. 11.- bu-It !,; mat -olds. 1,009 bit 4104: 1-2
! that :ccreent of Char„ - acre Dutch tis, net hack *I! l *1IJ:
1' 7 „t ter specifications of bridge p:tr-nips 25 : oshr•la: clover s• •d. 15
I:, n 1 Bend be paid. Th ac- bush •l+: cal ,::e 900 head : forldern
,r of V, 11 11obe rt• cern. 1 ace plums, 40 baskets; to -
County En:tin •cr':' Report, clad.::.;keta : 2 3.8hack nee201,59
m of
Mr. R. alto, -on. the county ,n- su> la"; h ,-ts. :' tine. net `
lin,rr repotted that a• instructed. ties hoe L S3s0,70. We put in
n • had examine .1 !h • lodge at the rob rod: of r • Iran and paintefd the
r boundary of Grey township and wood in 1 art 11' and n 7. d part,
r l etted to ih • chtirm'ln u1 the road uit(tairti, olso hoarded up ih,i
morgue an '•,''k:*7! room. •1nd put
ceiling in It ' ' n a'1 of which work
was done b3 1h• •ntn'Ite0.,
Awl 6, 1.7' cutnnr.ttoe. Also 1 bridge
•:t ill boundary of Willett and Mc-
Killop. known as Titaek's bridge.
%'itt require repairing or a n tt'
bridge reeete•d. Th:'r.• is also a
bridge on the north boundary of l's -
borne township that will have to he
rehnilt Of, r• min” ••umrn'er, bet watt
1t.'t,' :., ,w:t 1 th•• act ' ti of .!h
Children Cry