HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-12-22, Page 1USHES
. Do not forget wt,
of bristle goods w
• Bonnett, Military,
wile8. we can save
r assortuu•nt.
TY-EIUIiTtt YEA lt-No 1938
Huron & Middlesex Gazette
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Phone No. 32.
We Wish
You All
Merry Xmas
• 2
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♦ •
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• •
Do Not Forget
Our Christmas Goods
Everything you may require fur Presents will
be found here in Fancy aur! Useful
Special Prices on
Ftir: Ladies Coats and Millinery
:11 . 0
lits\• -to wear Clothing ;tuts Overcoat. -
- .sL=
o�� - s & Ma
De friday afternoon and tet, ming
t It • •Jirk-son Mfg. Co., of town held
their it opening when the public e'er.,
invited to go through the factory.
't'h• opening was a Rucceaa in every
e cvcnin • th•• building
tv.s>•. In the 6
was crowded with intere.st. d Fpr eta -
t ors, A number were dot, 11 from
Clinton. namely 'Phos. Jackson. \tl• tie. school room on Friday evening.
McLeod. Fuoerintandeut of the (AM- About ninety men and boys of im-
pressionable age sat down at 6,ao
to a hot dinner of roast turkey and
auger good things provided by the
I tt dies,
The gathering together of FO many
men was unique in the history of
the Church and a departure from
t h • usual round of social entertain-
ment. in connection with the
church••' of our village.
A Loud tical of credit fur the auc-
c --. of the uudertaking is due to the
Rev. S. 1'. Sharp, who sug-
,•••.(e•d the ;r•tth:•ring and w•as untir-
ing in hi- Herts to make it a RUC•
11,• t• was the furtherance
., of the Laymen's Mis-
1ovement in connection with
t',, :I..rch and the speaker+ in -
% It. .1 were Mr. 1!. K. Casket. Secre-
e.ry ut the Interdenominational toy -
Missionary Missionary Movement. and
\Ir. Theron Gibson. a prominent
financial agent of Toronto.
The resident alinisters, Rev. R.
Hobbs, Itr•v. 1). \V. Collins and Rev.
E '1:. Powell. and Itev. C. Fletcher,
I Th Rad were also invited
sides, Over 11:: and Overcoat 1, .end
with th Ittri. rn system and coed, -
tions they h.tv.• of 'turning elmthing
out it :its not to be wondered at. '1'll•
people of I:xet. r are to be conert-
elat'd on securing a branch of
this reputed and strot•_ulh concerti.
Men's lUanyuet
A very interesting event last
week ' as the Banquet of the ren of
(*even Presbyterian Church held in
MR. Tiff)$.
tun factory. W. Coll,•rr, 1. t.l cut-
s• -r. and Mr. John \\ is.,n. , .. Thea:
with Mr. 1)avi�t, see • Ii.:t •+•1• rust and
Mr. . . Perritt, het 1 • "• 1. of th
:,teal factory. loth u' when, ar.• very
capable and exceedingly popular with
the crnployt'. showed very ,treat
courtesy to the peceao and were
kept bt.sy showing and explain-
ing the points of interest. The•
factory has now 36 hands employed.
They first started %seth one electric
preseer and have now three installed.
During the first two or three weeks
about 300 garments w. re turned out
week but now it has r• _lolled about
t,P00 a week, And in the s !n • tine
.:bout 90,000 yards of thread are used
;tad about 1,700 yards of cloth. The
machine for sewing on buttons aver-
ages about 1,400 buttons a week and
it is partible to put on G00 button., an
hour on some garments. The sewing
machines run at 1,te00 stitcher. a
minute. Tho garments mad ar'
overcoat. over:llla, knickers and a
variety of suits. An elecrtic cutting
machine wet= brought down front
Clinton for the• day and in about
four hour. on • man cut n.:t 1.200
knickrr'. Th•• cloth is put on in
!:,sera and the machine cuts to about
100 thicknesses in cloth and 360 in
cotton. The factory has now reach-
ed that stage when on • is needed
and will be installed shortly. The
factory also bas its dwn elecrtine
motor which runs their electric tight
system. there being nn .• light for
ach machine, Elecrt,city is also
The most sat dying pleasure in li
from bringing happiness to others. D
forget your friends. A visit to s'ole's D
Store will help you to) choose your gifts.
Our store is filled with useful presents.
;$L.00 per year In advance
Electric Light Co. Case
1'rob.tbly no civil case in thie lo-
cality in recent years hos . Sestets so
Fetich interest and caused Mn much
discussion and ...peculation as t h -
action of Mr, Richard Yellow. •ot
1 :borne agaiest the Exeter El, etre
l.,hl Company %% Inch was tried Le -
1.•r•• a Jury at Godcrich last we_•k.
1 to the nuit
Itides the principl s
large number of witnesses went up
froin here and intrreit was 181.•n .
tied by reason of the fact that t
defend,•nts bad h cured ore of th••
best jury lawyers in \V..t •r• E►rt-
tario to defend them, while the pluin-
tario to defend thew, while th•
tiff was also energetically r,•pre- 1.' -
ed Illy his local solicitofrs. it w .11
b^ r• 1:» n,h 1 •1 that Yellow the night r f
Septcntlx•, t tt Mr.
turning hon: from the stature and
when oppo-,tr Mr. Thos. \Vb!t•':+
hi. scam came in coutaot with a :its
wire which lay across the et•Ilett
One horse was killed and 1r,
and the other horse 'receiv• d a e steres
The wire haul beet hlown down by
the wind. The case la�t..l thr .r
days and it great volume of expert
evidence was given for and again_;;;
the oluinl that there had peen neg-
ligence on lh.• part of the defend-
ants. The Judge's charms was
against the defendants and aft -.r a
short deliberation the Jury Sav•-'
their verdict for the plaintiff for
$230.00 to which the costs were
added. J. G. Stanbury•, of Exeter,
pleaded the cease for Mr. Yellow and
J. M. ;McEvoy, E. (.., of Lefodon, for
the Company.
D arae Road,
M7'1.4 'Mary Culbert. of Lucan. vus-
au\Vh rtthe
111;itcs were removed, on !it'd Mises Mary Taylor this week.
motion of }scars. .1. A. Stewart and Mi• -a Margaret McDougall, of Clif-
J. 11. Scott, Mr. F. W. Gladwin ford. has returned home for the bolie
was appointed chairman, and he pre- da`
sided with great grace. Mr. Brute. Anderson. of the Bank
Mr. Gibson when called upon spoke of Commerce staff leaves Friday for
paticularledrby Force f theof the city work
church• stish- a three and mother. Mtvexation
J. A. Anderson. of
the• great advantages to be derived Ottawa.
from systematic giving. Ile urged
upon thos • present the necessity of
considering thetns:elyrs stewards and VALE. -In Exeter North. on Friday, ♦ •'
accountabL• for all the prosperity 1)re. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson s, • •
wwith which they have been b1e s••d• Vale. a eon.
He al -o spoke of the great need of \VElill-Stephen. Saturday. 1). e, 10th; j:
the foreian field,- and the obligation 1910. to Mr. and Mr Thos. Webb.; ••
resting upon t I church of supply- a dvtaht.•r.
in;., Iran and m fns to carry the
Gospel to other ti tt:one
The fact thatsuccessful business
leen like Mr. Gleuon are taking Rech
ar etersst in the Missionary cans1
.n inspiration and an example to
a laymen.
Mr. Ca -key is •• I,art:cu".arty flu-
ent and grac••f -t •}...r. 11 • has a
e ay of keep:l1 t, - :e•17h. nc • i nter.
ested and :.It followed his ttct"ds
closely. lu u; • nine h•• rrf..rred to
hie visit to the• stocky ,Motrntain.a and
how as the t r tin in coming castward
as the foot hills od the mountains
diaapp4•1r certain snow rapped peaks
remain for a tons time upon the
horizon. 4u in the Gospels of Christ
certain utterance-, of 1h • !!fast. r
ring out a- bugle ca;ls command rot
attention 1hrouigh all the ages. Th,
(.111 comes to men to -day .of •'\wateh
t h refore". to ire tp and at tit • -at-
t• ration Th., is a day of great
••.::••.... ..................: •l-•..: +&.; ++++++04-1-1-+441
A Good Time �
is Xnuts time if vuu buy your Xtea., presents Isere. Useful articles
are Always most acceptable. Our toilet cases are selllhg hest this year.
See our window of twelve to choose trout ranging in price from
$5.00 to $10.00
the largest stuck ever shown in Exeter. Our Military Brushes are ex- -/•;
cellent gifts for men. See the variety
$2.50 to $7.00 ==
Our Stirrup tit, rings have :ul unexpected big demand. They are a 0
very useful gift fur men at 1.,
See our Men's Hat Brushes 1.25 Clothes Brushes from 50C,
See our perfumes, Chocolates. Hand mirrors, Hand painted China,
Cuff buttons, 'Toilet soap, etc. Come early. r=•
Fiowey's Drug Store.
We wish our Many Customers ':
to 2.00
A Very Merry Chrismas
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.........................
•. SF6F1L
r •(`applied for t!r cur r ^rr.�tna rctieity. ••pecinl:y in ('road::. -4o
1 W. 1 Sauforll •
I iron• :Ines tett• r. `•I r. I'• rr• tt. form •• titch thouartnds are flocking and \ETIIEHCOT'I1 - In Fullarlort, ot. • •
�iPad(ll1aCLE'CS for the Celebrated erlp of the tlo•1• nch • �t.thlinhm: nt •• !s r. the d• r, loptu• nt of the couo- Tu,•:day. Dec. 11th. Samuel \: th • •
., a of rh^ rvtOng depart tree i- t•rucr..a:n r :it n•:ch t rapid ereott. :Wel p0 sear", 6 month+. ♦ •
Ule)thini; also high grad(, 5ho11, au'i wall l);►l►E'r i • � ba. thara of tht y LAI -stn'. -- \t e;1lt�cr,t
rite. Th;- ,:• r.•. t:m• fur r.tcliyit Corr, 's. • ♦♦
KAEItCHEII.-At the lath Con., may
on Dec. 2nd, to Mr. and :Mrs. Ezra
Kaeroher, a daughter.
SCIIOCII,-At the 11th Con.. slay. on
the 13th inst.. Mr. and Mr-. Sam-
uel Schoch. a Fon. Wed- •:
DESJAItI)1\E-Grand Bend.
nesday. 11. e. th. to Mr. and Mrs.
Maxim.. -j.rd II,. a son. • •
1IAYTEit-\t .'.-in't Lin••. Steph. n.
Sundae. 1, ;th. to Mr. and \1r ♦•
Au-tio 1i 1 r. :I daughter.
GEItMOTTI:--,;rand Bend. \\-cdnese
day, Dec. 7th. to Mr. :and Mr..
Frank Germottc•. a (laugh). r.
CAJLPBELL-1n 1•tborn •, on h ier-
.!ty, D. e. 17th, to Mr. ant '•tr.
Ar 1111:r (•antpb••11. n ...rel.,-
I'M ST -At Zurich on lirer-•1.11
I),-cernh--r ie h. Adam S. 1'uc-t. lit �o
hi= (2nd. vicar. • •
WILKINSON.-ln Jtlan•hard. on • •
urday, Dec. 10th. Thoma. W. . • •
in'on. aged 79 years. I • •
The • ft1. net
4H11•••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• (silt.staff ,s +t. ad;t ncr t,'n_. .-tch tr u,d It' rete. , Look th r or nI rn 11nnd 1y.. I' • 1 ! • •
+ y r tt1 f, I.1• for they •.r e1, • 1 .•ly `1 ,r •
S•••♦•••••••1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• w. -k see inc Bore of t h • e'r,, deans 1 • •
r and an inures• d 1 av-rti I,' auto the have•Wit• Th•• o:,• "r .n.r • •
'.11 1 her. .1.ckson sIated th 'mount l in all lands are unprec..1 r,' ,1 '171', {::
1 ut « nntt being paid oast month- 1 door- , r•' open In,' h. at h ••: r
•,.,sensed 10 nm• thn.t'and dollars. Chit r ,rte• for rid
Ill. - 1
e,r' 1- are corning into the factory : t 1i.
I , , r than they can be -•x^cited 1 r,r. • h- c. \r,
it. • ,,. • i 1 • t • Th I
and :an carp meteem•nr of the !' r,, .r.•
rrptipnlent is root'•mplat •d• Th • gar- I 110 • i . 1, " r II
I \. 1 •, ,I •,r Off• r •h• -1-. ,
Il:u•d\\•are Store Gifts are appreciated because•
they are useful as well as appropriate.
Bissell Carpet Sweepers
The little folks drop alt others gifts
to welcome Santa ('Taus \vital his
toy 3wc('pe i -, only 40e. f h(t lady of ,
the house will appreciate one even
lucre than the children $'' ; :r to $'t
Asbestos and "ars.
Potts irons
are very acceptable
Nicely nickle plated from
$1 20 per set tip
A 110T
Gillette safety razors $5.00 tilt, 1. 'W 1,:\vey.
00 1'1.1 .t. : from 1I.•Ist I1 r•.f•ts to
('',Ver•1'Cady safety razors v t. \. jje,, .. t. ,1•h to. k ref the• t
tee eli
Wiss safety 11410 s'I,OO I;t•,1. ,ft .1., . ••ett I I' 1•1
lu c• to Inti. :1. I••nr 'rh
(lath() �lagn1•tie razors $2.0O w., n• • h 1 ni h ,. I•N t
w t � h 11. ,. t 7' n• n • 111
l'inng It:tiers $1.00 ,Lt 1. L 1 7.1 I1. .1 Irk -1M
t, t Ifs ,,ra �ok('1's 1' ing Cutters $1.7t stn'' .,,,k r . ••':1I tit 11
Inv (.tell,: t I, ,,,, a .I in
(Calor strops 50c to $1.50 •,,,•t ,, 1, I, • h g• tial
SltlIVIllg l'oli5 Ie4 2:7C, to 50c I'. I, :.tat`''1 I 1 II,Indforvl, r R
I. I f w '1 I \1 C I Ti,•
Shaving smut 1111•, i t, •,r lit. : I 1 of tb
fi (1 w 111!
tt ,•t 1 r1tell �.,
rt. to 1.1 •I:,r „ .-sets. I YOU :� 1
• - -- .1. . . n,n
t(:,. , mploy: d.
1 re i- ale. , 1.1 • , h n Godcrich
••••••♦0••♦••♦•••••••• ♦ •
XMIkS i=
fl blq gut in the Prue on all OVER -
GORTs. This is ge�ufne. We have
a GOMPLtTE STOGK aotl the M-
at and most up-to-date lines in top.
I'ollick's Bakers Ready-to-wear
1,.• ':t .\.
The Place f()r all
on the ,cork. t,I :„ o h r (innr�-i'�1ltlir�
port Milt esti. 1, t•'I•,' ,•
which th t •
(NM) ay (n •I .t . '1
•, ••
. r,l I ..- a ,) • \vants for \i11iIs •
• • where. .\ httd.
f t r In h • of
pi -ice to
them all cab in
tell day , xtAx
Clanlllot. ;ttl Jl tI
t t, hay your
.'ltlt.11e3 else -
n t• 1 e 1 en •: , 1t ions
t•i '.rthrr the I I)t'COri
.,1 .1. r i I, tt • I,.tn. •
I,,•r1, th • .• n I•,• 'h 1717' rn-'tl• Sittlta 4 1..... (lo.l)fIS •
its Olt I' stud:
will convince
:,1, n,.'. ,I.ar- • • \•(,11.
• • , 1 ,•1. \ n•ta
• •
l'hr u ! (• n - - t t .1 i (tut, It i - ter ynu' 111:• 1 1.1 111, • •
L7tt- o,- Cha l)T11I:I: eels(, , •O
\ , 1.••,1 0 fit d by I
',1 .-I . .1 11 , .n,l .i. Powe•; All kinds et baking for ynur Xmas y
c! f 1 r. I 1. r t • r l:•r •I 1,c • 1,•,... , dinner. Fr nits. :Cols.:mil Candies for ' • •
Planta for our ,ick : •
t.t 1 },. ,Inst course. y , •
r• ' friends. s •
' ttt • 1, for t COMP in to see our stere. it is a e' •
cit, h, (.n,t. (.:; .. r• 1 • •
1st • 1n•1 rch, n1•.•. Veritable \Vnnderlanil. . •
\I r. V4••idenhanlmer mov••d. • ,nd- I ; •
• \1 r. -tern that a 1 I-011iCk's Faker •
s '••
Of thank 1 erctlrded '•! r •
t' 1, v and t, r for ill . r 1 .I, 1), Iltt (')rinks 11 1111 l.tne tic.- nt All II• n1 s
r • nc n 1 1 n • :• l's• 1 .1 •♦•♦•♦••♦••••••♦00.0.4••04 • •
1 t ��
II. e... t 1, • •
.Inn •.. r , n : r I • •
VW /.t • 11 • I:.. ' .1 . 1 •
I: . t 1, •err .
L� 11: tt t I: •7:,
1. f • t . 1. • t t o : i, [�iftka I i•• •
?1t. \V, 1:, 11 l' .7
,• t 1'h' , ': 1 .1
th• Saviour of M 1' t
And Peter went it : n.1 1' -
Marching Est
Xmas s I i t_ s ,
itullt ti
doubt this
past of our
stock offers
you a select -
11)i1 that you
eann')t begin
to get else-
\vh('re, you
will he dis-
appointed if
you do not
see 0111' Ulises.
Suits have been cut in
tt0USE 0f�
•• -
••• •
• •
• i •
• Z
• •
• _
• 2
• •
� •
(�.0 OF Boots and Shoes, Bubb slay Moe ••
• • Bi(' I [ GS Boots. Liberty nrnnd"uhue- • •
j� � • I i
FOIL un ,. If .1•- � • •
•71.1 (i 11' i. S'l' I :: at•• t h.' highest grade shoes in America. • •♦♦
I r- f.,r ,',l1. 1 r .:, Ism.
1)1:. ECT IN ;; SWEATER GOfTS 100 ililterent coats to choose +_
.l',tr odds x l7. pr - •, ! fro
•�r t!, , r �n I• I nl • ♦
I.v h•;, / ,amity 'ICI1T
n fIC ; •t , 1 ti ain: on •
•.ft,re nitwit.
in • s rh't h \ tor• sirs 1
a I ogle frr de•vclnpr. lost .,••soul•:(
:7 pairs tion for x+1.011 see oar lion,•
of M 1 j •
• and Rath 1tuhes for men.
cordially invited.
I....tilde, I(emcnther • 0'1 r•rt. ..vv. ..• • 2
(r�i y:n:r aL711:t h.Inds. the i. r r•,e 1
, .•t1 M 01Lf,let ;stn _ Co. hove been Mr. I solve yule eyes Iwpla, e•{ 'c,th Uety`
Inst. a I.
•'' 1. encs. ; , .t .i sr yon 1e title the • e
-, n for 111 c r mnhnfnctur friend '•11. i' n i I
n5 ` Be' C ,• 1 h lig. known -.a l hest err a et t hen!, the one,. taut now
• ,�� __�.��� his home v ' 1, • ,
tf ��r._. !� ).ion Men !. Thal it has coughs have hays to la+t you ynur life lime.
_ nn') `s popular years and :,, ,1•().. t . • , , • •, .t nt Let os teal (heat prnperl)• t�ith the
r ti t.•. ;111 sizes :)0t • Il'. Hockey Skates $1 to $5 pr.' ,.n with th f ') f.n the \Vt•tt t, t ,),,,;11
,n I t, .t,)r new method if looking into the eye. spells: {: t ' ' 1 ----_- __•• •h the C.11: 11 t::• nsereh'tnt4 of Carr I to art bark nn :1e1.1 -.Int ,r 1 ih• I •
�- ev:d^nc^d with the great ^nd IL. has been in th t I 1 germ I Se [•ITT(1"
[)WARE ANI) STOVE STORF stash of t r hu 6.00 s. \Vr 1, , h di :d- I
[� nt I'ortaa•' In I ra:l
EA`1 A � • ` [[ nfnrmed that G.000 Thedeceased was bel n III I:ugJnnd
,7 hi , „f llty'• titre rants ore turn'd nut' ,.r venty-five yeast ago.
411 "rll'IA\ •
t•.,rtu,• k. in" ov •r 1,100 F11114, in - 1
BUY NOW do not delay till thelhest PICKED OUT �I
things are :til pickeit erlt ' • •
Scranton Coal Agency
_1 L