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Exter Times, 1910-11-24, Page 6
$e,_i....._._.........I6009 ill:A .TH Itc.t,t:)t:!) SMORS. 0 11FOR YOUNG GIRLS Queen 1ictoria Permitted Them on Fashion Hi ltS the Meal Wil(!tf t. • Tho French lllinist' r , f Marine is •,_t T `1 troubled about a (•h:t,s•1e qualtcr- ©seOe,aee..eooeseer®/s li t1,:L Is Needed is the Rich, Red -Caster who refuses to sacrifice a BiC01 Dr, Williams' h11k beard fourteen inches in length, l;1 l'.N IN P 3iil5 SHOPS. M'. thereby defying tho official rules. Tailored ooats reach to the hip. Pills Actually Make. It is a case u[ cashiering the of - The use of dark fur edging is el- Perhaps fender or amending the regutat.iuus. you have already noticed The iao ritis t ratty heel sumtrete fcu lite. that your daughter in her "teens" bio of this kind also, says the lilac Bead bags and purses are shown has .leveloped a fitful teunper, Is jacket. 1� hen Hugh Childers was Blue - in great profusio.. restless and excitable. In that ease First herd of the Aelmiralty he 'rhe borderod chiffons in "oro- remember that tho march of years tempted at the suggestion of ,'riat- bre" bre'' effect aro extremely stntu•t. is leading her on to womanhood, t einingeu, then uggest u of the roy- 1Wu often sae plain uud foody and at this time a groat respousi al yacht, to abolish &havit►g in the Captai braids en the sante garment. bility rests upon you aa'parents. uses• Skirts aro nuut,w and straight if your daughter is pale, omil► plas "'There is more bad language," recta for practical and drossy wear. of weakness and depression, feels wrote filo Prince, "made ttso of dor Late tunics aro predicted, and "all tired out" niter a little c>:c•r ing tau quail•• of an hour afcvut also bread lace collars in sailor lion; if she tells of ticttdaches, or ed to slaving than during any part shape. backaches, or pain in the side, do of tho day, and u., wonder. Jack Narrow bands of fur trier gowns not disregard these warhings. \'our of silk, satin, velvet, chiffon, orhas had three hours on deck ever slaughter needs help for she Is most cloth. probably anaemic --that since 4 a.m., perhaps he has been is, blood- aloft during most of the time or Marabout trimmings aro effective less. en soft satins and chiffons.Should you notice any of these else he has been on tiro lookout, Yokes are seen as ,much as ever.steaming head to wind• signs, lose no time, but procure 1)r. steaming al lust he comes at six It is rarely that they are mado of a Williams' fink Pills, for her un- belie with taco as hard us iron; a single material. healthy girlhood is bound to lead bad razor, a small bit of broken The newest corsets aro lower in to unhealthy womanhood. Dr. Wil- thw bust and have more fullness ,• , ,i, looking -glass about tho size of a barns' I ink I ills enrich impoverish- half crown, very often n sect deck abaco the waist Iles• tell blood and by doing so they re- ,' r dancing,skirts just cs.alNe c to stand on, the ship all the while walking "fist pier were and prevent e. rolling or pitching heavily.,, the floor, and for $ they i They give to sickly, drooping girls, escape tato ground. health, brightness and charm, with The oldttie officers of rho eteryice en - Satin gowns are irequcntly ' color in the cheeks, bright eyes, a posed the proposed change. 41 r, up on the inside with chiffon of the lightness of step and high spirits. Childers submitted tho matter to same shade. A case typical of thousands curia, the Queen who took her usual cone Barbaric effects in bead work are through the use of Dr. Williams' 1°Of1 'ell" flew of th° affair• sought fur and striking results aro Pink Pills is that of Miss Grace I Her own personal feelings, she we -Aid b for the boards STILL SINGING '''' THEIR PR ,SES 1)Ol)I)'S I:IIIN I:Y I'll,l•S 11OINO ti It 1:.1'1' WORK IN S,1 S- Ii.tTd1lI: v.l N. Mr+. l:mel Carlson tell how giddily and completely they cured her kidney Trouble. Colonsay, Bask., Nov. 14 (Special) - No remedy has done us much for tho wheat growers of Saskatchewan as 1)odd's Kidney Fills. They oc- cupy a place in the fancily medicine chest on nearly every form, and every d:+y brings fresh evidence of rho great stork they are doing. One of the latest to sin,; their praises in this iteighburhotd is Mrs. Elncl Carlson. hero is N, hat. she is telling her many friends: "For about two years I was sore- ly troubled with Kidney Disease brought on by a strain. My heart bothered ate. My sleep was bro- ken and unrefreshing and 1 was al - was tired and nervous. Tho least exertion would cause me to perspire freely, and My perspiration had an unpleasant Ado "Three box of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured Inc. They are certain- ly the best medicine I tem- used." If you have any of Mrs. Carlsou's symptoms your kidneys are wrong. flake them right with Uod:!'s Kid - nes. Pills. EAS Y. LOSES TIME AND POWER. Stopping a Train frees foster Which Would Carry It 15 Miles. It is not generally knee what loss of limier is involved in the staining and stopping of an ordiu• aty train. About t„ u•o as m." 11 power is required to Flop a tree' as to ':last one, the lose of power depending upon the momentum. A train gong at. the rate of sixty miles an hour tan, by means of the IW.6stinghouse air brake, he stopped within Ivo yards of the spot wh' le the brake is first applied. Now, as touch power is thus lost as would have sufficed to carry this seen' train fifteen miles over a level sur- face.. First, there is a momentum acquired by the train flying at a high rate of speed ; and Melly, but not. least, the extra amount Menai tired W compensate fur all these losses. •lc_— MAN OF' EXPERIENCE. Itis daughter --Daddy, you were 25 when this was taken, weren't you 1 Why, you aright have sat for It yesterday. Uer Father --M yes -your mo- ther's own daughter. Well, well, you'll find it on the table, I think. 11is daughter -Find what, daddy, darling 1 Iter Father --The cheque book, my now lamb. - PLANK FEU O IIIA. wee tr, ° Hamilton Man Badly lujared• often vbtained. Cunningham, 11: rnnipeg, 11lea., who Reuben Alhertnn, of S:6 Fergie For street wear ,n shoe, the light. rays: "I really cannot any enough without. the mustaches, as the tat son Hamilton, on, an employee suede top with patrol leather vamp in praise of 1)r. Williams' Pink tali Frac rather a soldier lil:o Rp of the Otis EElevator Co., sustained is the correct flung. I't.ls, as they have made me feel pearnnde, but then the object in vow would not bo obL•tined, to pre serious injury while at work. A Nets, both plain and beetled, aro like a new girl. I utas pale and nl-; 1 1 extensively used for over corsages most bloodless and think that on an sent the necessity of sharing. Rel.e This nese tat 1 get plank fell from a Height on to is and tunics worn over velvet gowns. , average I missed at least threo 'Therefore, it had better bo as pro- doesn't suit my hair at. all." right foot, crushing it badly. Ito The tunic effect is in vogue, and school sessions a seek, because I p°F+<1--tile entire beard, only it ;thud --"Iden, dear, end which was taken horns, where Z.lm Bok inttswas applied with good result. mustaches the 1110(1015 show the two sides of - felt like a a broken clown person, slloeld be kept short and very clean. are you going to change 1"shouldche9 bdamagedTelling his exporiet.ee of the balm. the skirt widely different in design. :And too weak to do anything. The On 110 account she : "After rho denier had YIN'•« n'f ' 'HI tl N7 Co , LIMITICO. For morning frocks silk warp hen- :doetor'x medicine I took did little allowed without beards; that must Why suffer from they corns when dressed the damagedfoot with some t,r,r ire+ -t hove used 111�ARn'S rictta, combined with English wat-more than keep me in hope: it• cer- be clearly under toed• cart be painlessly touted ..ut by us• preparation of his otcn ! was in LIAI),It .a + my vessel and in rare family :more '- in Holloway's Corn Field. for ears, rind for my ve sol nd i illsm ramify orWide crepxr, is greatly used. 1 tainly did not care me. Then I' -' $great pain, and as dtr; after day I Y Wide, splash;; bands of satin are:was advises! to take 1)r. Williams' IiE. KNEW. ac- cidents life I consider .thas noequal. seemed to get no relief I left m('dt- 1 would not stat on a voyage. without nitwit ttFed as trimming on frocks j pink )'ills, and they soon made me Mrs. Spend':y---"Me John, this If a woman isn't ashamed to wear cal treatment and tried Zara -Bilk. U, if .t cost ,, dollar a heel•. of chiffon, serge, or almost Any ma -;feel like a new person. Day by day novel certainly in:pre-Fes ono with her old clothes it's a sign that site from the very stet Z application I ('AP'I. F. K. U65]?tRUI�', ferial. I I gained strength and color, and I • the thought that a stele s place is is rlth• tra;•cd an improvement. Zntn-Buk t3chr. "lilrtkeT. Andre, )AR DIN'. Chiffons in yellow torus Chang }►ago your mcd'cine to thank for at her husbaec{'s side." really seemed W act like tragic, a. Ing from the. deepest gold to faint-; it." I tipx'nclly - "Yes -- on the side Mr. Harry E. lsrittain, who vis - cleaning all the unhealthy ike rtlntte, est buttercup yellows -are ATC extreme I lir. Williams' Pink Pills aro sold whero he earl -ice his pocketbook." ited Fort George last susutnur and g what. he calls "Now B. U.," which from the wounds, drawing out all ly pretty. by all medicine dealers or may 1+•' �__1t____- t country ,n developed There is a continued favor of the and by mail at en cents a box el ••,•,•,••••••••.'..a.:••:••:••:••:••:••:. a:• ;•r.. r disrenessflanl stetted'athealing in he c l r being op d by kimono sleeve-- not only on corsage, boxes for Sees) hem 'Clio l': • :::::.• ! ion and ' he building vi the Urand TrunkMt)I)1:S'CY. ,.quick time. In two weeks the toe but on quite a number of the uew liarns' Mulicino Co., Bt, a .�...' , .. 110'11Ui:ia y 1,11 i 1,1: e.Pacific, has ret:,rued to England i jackets. Ont. `•j __Ill:i:.tNI•ICE t :old is now telling the people over and foot were well again. Zam "Were you the best man at Pretty frocks of nets and marryui (r f : Cleve about these wonderful fetti.0 ]ink lain is certainly a wonderhll' Kate wedding 1„ but 1 didn't pro ••sett: cis stenciled in a simple design BONIANile. I •: What mother does not look e. %alleys which are callingf curihs hwealer. and bI in uld lineae to bo gy pocCI thinksI elite heal to marry tl►c •: ,pun her babe as a little Truro the four corners o In sett coasts, and the design out_—__ All wori:ers should keep 7.am groom." - • 1ined in bends. " if Sou don't marry me,'' Lc '` trensuro. 11'hnt mother would ti• Buk handy.Applied tun cut or Plain white net, p,in doffed net, cried desperately, "I r;h:all kill tare Not rather safer herself than ;t; jIENI E THE CHANGE. 11A Ile lac incl Venetian lacer are self I' • Ler precious little one sof ,�• "1Why do yon only keep a clerk wound, it stops the pain. eon,ulenc I M'a'.d'.11mpef Bonet atweeupte n will°Citi ".Ind write a not(` tenni.: i:.: •: • ']'},,� well l'!1;!t1 bnnl ,o} •• f es healing. awl --what is equally n amt a.. rt s rul.L &t4', 4 eel eft , there k popular for the round or aquaro t. �r two weeks!" lien it IT vents 1111 pe•asibility of ;•tua.'•Yel„akLl•r•--WrpLarb .ito.Adxa yoke ane, high collar. about it•1" ryucricd ehc. ? • rhe ]tome the sick child �. '•11'rll, }un ser, it takes about i �'1"r,." •= i 1.nhs miser}. despair Wird i tial long or rho girls to final out blood -poisoning. 'barn Bok is cryo - _ :Ind hold my photograph in •s' ,are. But, nwthers, there is where n young man is working, and silly good for skin diseases` nryd' The tap notch of politeness has NOT -1 L1. Sl'NellINE IN JAPAN. your other hued i" ; no need for your ruby to b,• ;. after •fent they're so Fuss telrphur► cures eczema, itch, ulcers. ,a..sces' been attained when a man asks a+ "! had thouc;ht shunt it." •S toss and ailing; rein daring _• i„a. Fin,, that you can'L •t afire ills vnrico a ulcera, scalp sorts.. 6111 collector to call again. Yea c. and Uuurktnt- Conditions; of g blood -poisoning, etc. It heals cull; d1We11, just writ a mttllltC,'t she a' much dreaded teething •.r; work out of him.” cluck,, chisonin , hands, frust late; Maid --I can't keep the baby Girl. in !►likadu'' Empire. said, "and 1'11 burrow pa's pistol • e. What baby needs t<► _ • 1' t• ups .1\h DC)11N8. cures piles and all inflamed condi- quiet; he cries all the ti▪ me. Mis- Japan is not quite. such a paradise for you. My, won't it be roman- s . •e um well is n occasion- .L tic:" 1i dose of baby's Own Tab-�e tions of the skin and tissue. Fifty floss --Oh, I understand it now. he of pt'' tit} res you may o,syc. been ts• Higgins--'•1'pp.•ou has down cents 11 box item all druggists awl last maid was a colored girl. You led In think. 'There seems every z , ; (•• . these Tablets cure all ;� t;1 the vt'nrl4I, tit', tell me." A DIFFERENCE. stores, Litt aseid imitation:, and will find the ,toes polish on tho reason to supeese that the labor i •:' •teach and bowel trnublca; .. 1\1 ails "1 geese t 1,►t't+ right. top!heli in the kitchen. A prominent minister has n son tiny sennas and make '. `its K Wit, he is ut,a tiring on the substitutes.— e°ndite na in that• go-ahead come- 1 try are nut all they t•houtd be. The tsho is a ptl}siciau. It is rumored : 'Sing c.l:ay. Jars. Pierre M. ;.,p fieur of a tenement. HABIT (1F til.)IrICI'CL'Dp; SRNI'1:'\C1: SERMONS.rapid progress the "little folk" that ono day when tho reverend T., tinier, New Reds s. • ntleman was called to the tele • ' ire, Otte., ere ,• "Your wife seemed very much Yelping for the beet from a man the%td in rouging p ace with F' .{ • "Do you believe in long engage- helps him towards it. the wtrrid has bnu41 t the world's pli„n'i a se..e. eirtish voice ed tie N. aby's Chen Tablets i,,.t r excited about )trot airship trip.” 1 y 'i• in n�e'ntrthtto be asked after t1 ,d 111,1 1 ` Love 1113.14 llOwn it's own life; zeal illi in its train• and the particular 11th''• end .•f the Niru uignired Clc , .. h of great bcuent tom \ems " replied the aviator, "She' quenelles that of o . evils that brut, the industries 4'•t murcic: :.ttld enc and now he sleeps 't, r•;t," she replied. "I }ta+'• pawn'.• :'Iwac14 worries about my health." g Is is better to teem green than to the 1West have come in as an aid- "Ia lir int ' i • Keil and (ata well ns:d is hap thought it was such a nu- ake (•,r "Iltlr she afraid you'd get a have got beyond growing. tenet to their a►:..rsaful invites. "Yes,'' ttreplied one e ' u n di- a le.t all the rims" The Tab- :• •so people to rush into nl:itrinesuy fall 1" 'rho ettsicet way le !tere.our soul tions. 4I but which one d., c' a tenni 41 .• •• lets are nodi- 1 all uebee „e i.cfoie they !canned to really know ' No. She said she was sure I'd is to "sit and Rin it away. Iii consequenec, the J:lpllne r- presetting 4'r the practising one. eerie r: at Ids n Lox l:r ;-. i take my death of cold sitting up R' :; .Lieet t h ::, i':. Ur. 1', illian,s' telt ether." "Yell, about how It never brings heaven nearer to workman complaint of being ever- r • %i., 1 .V• ill t illi "ng would yen wish the engage- (here in all there drafts." stand on your neighbor's (orris+. taxed, under paid. ntul exploited try 111I:1T '1'll I:1' Af.L 5.11'. 1:. ,l,c • fiat to lr' 1'' -Let me ma,. Mould ;Nano then would drown their hire capitalist. Women aro being "What n 1,on,••!y girl Agnes i 1 ‘:;..................e.; t e von think it was fere• bong if ser !tickle's Syrup railer than send it out to :. } �.:: t wok]agreeable to the taste and isua faith drawn inti, emplo}'Inent in the "Yea, i•4', t sLfo But she'll nue •• ,hdn't get married un it a e is walk. factories iu larger reuniters year be a splendid wife fur some man." Everting tl• .I 1. ate n,:ul, ...f •tel- ;from ail xt Thursday certain relief for irritation ofthe Homo ,(o le think that heaven's year, anti work at Ica wnF(Ye, ±; __—. throat that c,►u•cs stacking coughs. url'rnt(uts rl,cter go beyond the while many thousands '.t children • �'I r:^t:ti 1 r•'e,t 1'•', fl..• selset _ In stain.'. nt ut.t 51111 ly 4'•r When a woman brl;ina to 1011 a If used according to distentcs it cresol. under fourteen am working ends,' ��in 're 1 n,an hew nice Inoking she think wilt break the moa persistent roll it ink(.• more religion In males an unxatiafactory eunditiom,. LL "aJ ••••YY the satin grt•!,n'I. and restore the air passages lu tat v According to M r. S. J�ntaznm:►. Ilse LI, t auu i,,,,.:.,, • • ..'•. t..,ae _ ho is, he immednetely develops un- ate healthy to mdition. There honest, merchant than a holy monk. g1b. throat a„•; L...e• .. t.,.:., Trial i+ Inexpensive.- To finer limited tails in her judgment. l it takes mo►•, than an imported a Japanrsc Socialist, an industrial 1 ( p is no net I : aid lit 1 t.;••.c do ,ressiou has Fet. in during the I "\'e n seem t' t ' ts18 uric, r " snffrr •from al):'prpstn, i,:dig.'.+ r Mit cruiar i:hrn+nrlti•m qul►du •1 familiar mai, it, Beit to them t.iio eloquence to give the hrsveul, past year. Wages have sunk from ly, 0111 nude" 1.13: 1 seat spit ,, 1 .n,, rlleumatijm or nt,} r: liner( del When one is n sufferer from Inas. neck a sure a curdy awl are in .1 lobs °1 Some men aro sure they have rice fifteen to thirty per went., and the bating as to y.Fetid• th° people who' arising train dcrangemeut. 4''f the t1i 1 cellar rheuma!iQm he cannl,t do let- what to use, the advice is -to heurte boaauro they have Iota, tie it country ie filled with the nnemplte. are ilea}s sending out. bills baso; gect{ve •}stem, a trial of i'eseir ter than to hxce the region n1Lbr'1 Biddc'I Setup. heed.. eel. Fifty years ago tar land.,wn all Ileo testi bills paid.' Ire's Wr-lcrtahlr rine is re'1'oir.'ro' i"' ' ;lith ])r. 'Phomas' J:cle� l.ri� tail. Many reacher, think they have -_-t ..►.....t.r 1i,., .,.rtnr.•r o.• nh:r You can't nlven)s tell how melteP Henn can drink from tho eize of his bitter tingemessage becaurc it has :t mug. we $.et as finis hostel ',unit A the erste ate? Mr. 1114.1 the 'It else sets in cu•1,I'hrt 0114 sa winla, ends is n 4 hart 14 .e tali All•oY rig krh.,a A cold is traeblMul.1 yid dugouts'. CIRCUMSTA- N- CES ALTER l'.1hr.S. The O:Ir Hilt i the,ught yell said your umbiella had a strai.,ht handle 1 The Other- -I thought it hall; bet rimer its mysterious divappear- nnce I'm c•un' inced it ended with e drink.'' Mr. llrittnin �in company with M r. Norton Griffiths, 41.1'., were nileteri into the Fort George coun- try by Premier McBride of British ('olumbin. Mr. J(rittain, who used to he one of the publishers of the Sphere and Tattler, is a fluent writ- er nnel has contributed a (solemn to the Daily Express of Oct. 14th, en- titled "Golden British - Columbia." It is difficult to believe• that some men are made of (list, for dust *I- li Fettles. ma ••- —•_� The Ray) Lamp Is a high grade Tamp, sold at a tow price. •�� •1 I.ere Are 141111.11 Ih.t c ..t u,,.,e, Lut there Is •u bst ter ',11u)r ,°.de r1 un) p„•e. Cundnlrtod .-1 •.INA br4.•; wckel plated 443.1) kept clean; a1 4'r ramont t .:up r. ,m to Lay I,•nn.. 'I her• I. iu•ahing kit •1111 4, the all et In.up•naklne'hal 1411 add to the tries of 1611 1t.61•( lant. asalight. Kirlur der:.'o. tr•ri defiler tit veywiwre. 11 out 46 years. wait* for der ecrileir4 �trculat 1 . t:.a et alert .teem 1. .1 The Queen City 011 Company, Limited, Toronto. yM! 1TLAtfr +M, T[ ileo• - i'11.1`�lil:1) "John,” said Mrs. St:•pe:cis, "I've gut lots • 1 (bless I want to talk to you oh: •t- - ---, "Glad to hear it,"' sewn -eel Ilei husband, "usually you want a •cik to Inc about lots of things that you haven't got." These Pills Oure Ithoumati irrl - To the marry who suffer fro.n. rheu- matism a trial of Parmelee's V4- re- table Pills is rect.-amended. 'The! have pronounced action upon the liver and kidneys and by regulating vin:l�rvlAn AN 1 u: ua, c .au•,e,, r.e,�ur the rnetion of those organ i act as (J etc , :11:::141' u,treat v anrt�'. `'1 gets, ou npp roe! 1 alternative 111 rreventit:g 1114' ad- h• rhea 10 '4er+ 4 1,1�':t,' rl ot'4,t.'17:Teltld. al I , , A7::.:1 rh 1�•.-n 13lue ':-;::.t:" r'•. mixture of uric acid and hood Ltat ArttliTs vtaftTrn causes this painfu. disorder They must bo taken according to duce- se Tee Ito, n•• i 1s' 1• a I,i?st1Hx °u r tvu,tr:x r•.. tt,• ni r.•„tit Ih.l esu •a tions awl used steadily 11110 they 2IKhL •t!"i 14'. pr+ •••> flueaute•d 1” will speedily give Ct'idCOCd of their eentetaslnu. Aa'ro Er.'•• gran itnln4Jiattly. J. 1.. Ni.•hul. t' • , 1 small 'nitwit°. beneficial effects. WANTED. t� 5%113 ';.Ir ntlttttrit -RADS -- NNW LATER. J •..roto --seafront practr, 0 es:°tul $n.trar Wifo-"You were late last night." •t•"' (4'w week+ cusp ate '""61-1" verse -tools estate $ irsln.te, Tarn..t.1•0/0 W ul�1:!e.n dellan lftlb—"Ileg pardon, lay dear• As ly w'rite l•.rcatat,.Eur. Muia. miler CuUsa6. te ,;moi Queen t'J'1. '4' •rdnt... I came in the [rout door the cluck struck eleyen.71 ,t ft Arleen, ern31.Tumors. Lamps, nee. Interact awl external• sena s. etelt pain al Wife -"But what bine did you oar home trop trent. *'ri!e u, 1,1 fora 1011 arrive at the head of the stairs!" la telnrpont e4)tnan Ited,- .' ot _1 •, . Llrnited. A man hopes for the best until hs�_ gets it---lben Ile hoped for 't�,ne- thiug better. Tot ret (Welded roa leave slwayo W ryeanllr•e yes Plaster, For rhevmatl DadaatslLWY•11011 Company. within le better. [lade vale ►% Too many men go around look- ing for work with their oyes shut. Nllnard's Liniment Cures Colds, et J)tln trP.XNAdC1ItI4 rttla.vr: I:rm !-1 I, Iola*, Neth .(tk-hews, w at awns, whirr•+ au l Brawl' ' to golf, for nue dullar. N-.nn.n I'eal. Io'i i •. out. CAR620 •PETe,a. DYEING Britian Americom Dyeing `•'• - send par•.e•lu• 6, pus•. and ...re woe a satlar1 addr..s soz 155, Montreal. The Saul of a Piano lathe Action. Insist on the 'OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action ASIC ME WHAT RAWFURS ARE WORTH W. C. GOFFATT F'ATT ()RILL IA, • - ONTARIO • 4'r, bore en1• r „-. .,o national penditu re, to -(lay they pray •'Illy(65iasiVrNMnnnspeet.loeor•eno�l10451d rytlninte(I with them. 'rile trill v:il enid In a d,lr. Itol tams amt Allen•" Lung tal•a'a 1 its effect ie subduing p•lin. Let 1111• -sixth of the hndgr! fir II 101elrem, Ili.:ul.lanJ.t.,.•lnr,munptk.n. be, inexpensive and the result site lir rubbing he brisk end cen►tinn'• country s law -making is controlled (etre will local sad ine.a. w 0.1aid •' • ••s be another customer for this excel- until rubbing ease i•: he There ►s ones by the large la.naow'curs. and the dOna'• I lent medicine. So effective 1, their workers have n4' say ipl the matter. what passe, for sympatl,.:- ••fhc r, action that teeny sores den ..er►sin. virtue in a bottle of it than can b • They are expleited in Japan not like aunuu,'s hair ; a for ..i It I l lv be traced to their elm where fully estimated-- - . - only by the landlords and the cape r,ti�t otlicr pills have posed ineffectise. “That nephew of sours is n little Gtlists, but also by the lawgivers, Some seamen air /on sins to wild. 1'il admit." said Cncic Jcr and their condition is becoming Mlnaras Liniment Carta - Diphtheria. he, i , 1 frith the neighborhood gos. ry s neighbor. trying to enlaforl worse every year. ` re's " he'll reform as he groan It is in the 14'. waving and talk I W A I;', I a e : F.FFI•-,' I'S. 1!'1 old•; . but he' hint to time end nae work done at home, which i, :► '•'Cho scan' • thing will make en ,till. vv.ak, wear,.. water• area. tare." "'1'lm•; and nature l'' snap - "talc ronlmon form of indu,try in Japan• fuels differ( nt impressions on •I,f t ,'Y Murine 1,ta Remedy. lire p,eci l;nc:e Jerr+. "It's Lime slid that t11r' ,wcntini( system is meat fercnt readers." r, marked I',• 1'ur seem 1: a Tlnublea, tun na111ir that nlakea ].iulLurgcr rife. Fourlen to fifteen hours at• � l•°I•.• )n'r►ne•. it Boothe.. tee At! „ man who a rile . . I'rul;phte, Write her Jose tiers. t•1.e.':•r• what 1t is. day. miserable Intel, and unhealthy "(quite so," replied the lawyer 1 • , NIurino 1;ye Remedy Co.. Toronto. workshops aro rather the rule thnn "betters *Inch bring tears 10 a the exeoplicm, in spite el the re - girl's eyes frequently make a jury ports that the wages paid 111 thejansc textile industry are geed, there is Inugtit.. steelier side to the picture. • in ninny factories women and Girls me employed under most un- it:Imes conditions. They cork in two shifts, which are changed every fourteen dasa. They are kept, ,inring the intervals between their ripens of work. iu prison -like dor- 'P dories inside the premises of the manufactory They are ,ought out In remote parts of the country and foetid to agree to a colitrnet of nt lents three years for a wage of slime. "en n year. ir. Many eneee the girls, after pe•yirg their borne.....-- and !edging, draw ire*" two tot( 11 bene ter tree een,nle t• O.pt. W. 1.. 4s Otellt.: a day. (Neel MY! • Chemical Co.. Temic. SUNBEAMS. Don't put your trust in money. Put yetir money in trust. The new color photography makes no appeal to the man frith the aid nose. The prudent resemble hatpins. Their kends prevent them from go. ing too far. "These are the clays when the weather o(•nversation gets on :ny nerves." "As to how!" "Oh, every shower is hailed as the equi- nox and every bright day as the brf inni: •'f Indian seamier." .111 mu• .are r(Irta1 before the law, e •'n° were than equal to r around it. ISSI l: NO. 47 1'). Minaret's Llnlme:lt Cures Dlstsniner. People who live in glass houses iitt a or, business ;21 pe,litics. 1119 POETiC TFMPLitAMEN'r A trenticnsan who take a business slew of things, when recently asked his opinion of a /terse!) of quite a poetic! temperament. replied "Oh, Ws one of those men who base tentrings after the infinite and disings after the unfathomable. but who never pays cash." CDIGfo rS5 The n oat highly emcienr app ie 111 for the reduction nt.'wt l.ings, (toitre, Thick Neck. (itanJular Enlarge ,,tents. Its Positive. PILES .•I all kink, in any and all stages, quickly re- lieved and positive) cured. Curr your suffering and live quietly. "Common Sense" tor Piles will do it Se a hos, f 5 6 Doses. Mailed on Ire..no of rt.. e. LYLE ',Aare NY. TORO�:TO frire e rhit t. 0 1R•• 11..1 1) AN. •.N ••n!' . •ur.•, 14.1':.. 1,0.141 tbruel and Ion:.. • • • a4' trate. I:ESC LIS N(1' EV ERN Till t(. 1t• {silt trite (lint resell' aro t: - omly thine that count. holo+t nle:;'t worth anything to you e theses any shadow ou the any fit.., got Ihem. ICenrly n11 children are subject t' worms, and many are horn wit them. Spate theill suffering by tis ing Mother ( i3se;' Wenn Enter minat"r. the he• t remedy of the kind that can be Most ninrt•iages n.o happy; the unhappiness cetera !atcr. Minard's Liniment t:.-•- ..• Cures Sertmtl 1cneon. Colter and Saddle Gulls T4 washers .n, RM►pe nt.. c..r Ink 150. -1 tan u .r ,.-,.r ly.atl• Curs •n • iprw, T..10, • to y'a., r• • ,1l•.n.4 1 ear t1eee.nrce it for t..•• 'sa:..••..J. , ti u.a.tr eiadaW s a -:fig ' —:(i Citrt •tat-.,.,: ,..•...,.,..,t,••,. pIr}}�• 1 • .•'• 14.. 14...t., a•. 111111roo• til .coli • ., Y•ta a., cr. 11„1•,• •:w 1•41•41) 4.30144'..1e.y to a.,.Nvt spry tw.Mrl.rry ' . a*+•in, k;r.ytww, ar :, •.rtd.r•�.'tar,.r•.,. a UIr ,r.. t 1,4 .1,• •.1. •r lura .• •s •. r .•A r.t 4'.e a tat 1.•.t c..p 1:endea's a.a.r.M.r., •' . •• • 11 4'r. WP., pm t..,,' y- .r.1 -o- •r •,.r Irak t ?n.bw en iM l4.,•. .•. . _1r M1 •1 511. a. J. tlrliau t ro., fleeter, esu., 114 ._.. gaga_ :•••• The NaUrjua Li e Mvortieinnt • l.i,• ttoo,. '1 , , ,ly.,.a•r 11 ..0 from 5,.,,0.' • 1.• )(,3,ee,• e sear. th••nglt till. "-e,agc is hem f floor h` v.,onn. NV, '1111 Iiav4' :1 fele gond open- ing•i:, tor. ., .111'1 rR''al <,, 11•r,• for mel, 531.11 eat) pro'I.l c hu'iness for 11.1 National l.if.- 11e ar•1•;,A the Paining. ILt hlrr.Una ar,d ;.n r:1•.s dr114.3' policy that s.ul. ,:cs die Inca insure t. Peer us a card 'n clay ter pa4111,, 410. The National Life Assu 'arks CC tilpany of Canaria t:crA o;. r.4 ',7o!•net' e 1 '