HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-11-17, Page 6JOSEPH bARYEQIIE Sihui Shocking Termination of a Drinking Bout at Monetville, Lake Nipissing A despatch from North Bay says: Tho tittle villago of Munteville, a centro for a thrivaug community of French-Cauatlial► farmers, is in tho throes of excitement over a terrible tragedy which took place un Mon- day night, resulting in the death of Joseph Eurveque. 5lontevillo is situated thirty -tile utiles from Stur- geon Falls, at the extreme west end of I.ako Nipissing, and is served by a tri -weekly steamer service from fiturgeon Falls. The facts as gath- ered from the crew of the steamer whit h made the trip to Montovillo on 1Vednesday, are that, Joseph Larvequo, a farmer living near Monteville, was drinking with a companion on .`.tonday evening. and about. 11 u'cl•,4k t, •'4t to the resi- dence of 'sate: I ..1 r4 ague with a bottle of whiskey. Ile latter, who is sixty years of aye, a widower liv jug with his grown-up family, was in bed wheu the wren cam, and hating been drinking during tlan day, was not, in a good humor. Ile got, up and drank with his visitors, a quarrel started, and the old elan ordered Larveque out. The latter refused to $o, although his compan- ion tried to take hint out. lsauo I.arvoquc told hint to go out or he would shoot, hint, taking down a rifle. The visitor was stand- ing in the doormat): at thi., time, and turning, said: ",Shoot ale, then." Tho old man pressed tits trigger, and shot Joe i,erveque through the heart. He fell acro -2 the doorstep outside the house. Joseph 1 arve- quo was married, age'tl thirty -live, with six children. 1,000,000 FOR EDIICATIO The Treasurer of Quebec Announces Re- forms by the G-overnment A •' •spatda (tin. Montreal says: rho Quebec 1-;o.ernme•lt w' uld Aon. U. S. Slachenzie, Treasurer spend a million Jotters on educ:Ohm of Quebec, speaking at a ton-►,oli- during the present yea-. :'owe sta- tical banquet given in l•is n 'i.or at tistics that he furnished o•t tduca- Richuond on Thursday night iefor tional work were of a rather stnrt- red to the finances of the pr•,vi•te, ling character. He „ated tnat n.'t and said that the outstanding fun- more than one-third of the 1'r•'••si dad debt of the province including ant school teachers, in the (sett in ONDLNSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS F'llQri .11.1. OYER IRE (.LORE. Telegraphic Briefs Frau Our Own and Other ('ount►•tes of invent Events. ( .1NAU•1. The London Trades and Labor Commit will numinat•o a slate tor the municipal elections. An Engls,h syndicate has arrang- ed a five-nlillionelollar lumber mer- ger in British Columbia. Abraham :Aaron of Hamilton was swindled out of $160 by a pair of bogus diamond sharpes. The For(. William Trades and La- bor Council have prepared a ticket for the municipal elections. The Government has taken up with M r. Hays the case of the strik- ing 1rniumen who have not yet been reinstated. Tho naval atation at F'..squinlalt ens formally handsel over to tho Canadian Government on Wednes- day. The Railway Commission has or- dered tho C. N. 11 to build it fit e - pier bridge over the Moira River at Belleville. Rachel Sinclair, a young girl of Selkirk, Man., was found dead be- hind a woodpile. A young man who went to bring her mother to her assistance is under arrest. GREAT ISItI'1'.11\. Cable rates for undated messages will shortly be reduced about one- half. The disturbed colliery districts in \''.Jos have been the scene of wild disutder, buildings being ,tanned and stores looted. Mr. Austen Chamberlain, speak Mg at 'Wigan, told his hearers that capital for conversion -t:u,ntetec' 10 townships, have certificates, a a:le a tax ..f two shillings on corn would out bring dearer bread. in himself up.hut changed his millions from former days, while 1 only thirty-three male la•• teachers Kg '1'he British Veto Conference has ,Hind and got aa a5. the d rens.. in the interest account supply 2,113 schools an,' as there r ended in failure. and it is behoved is $1,152,50:) and the wit debt snow's is a school population of 31•N14' that a general election will bea reduction of $2,710,2!13. The sur- there is but one teacher to ever) win.'11)1 U DEER 1 MED FLET. plus for the past year amounts to lit on neat mouth or iu Janu $915,117, an increase over the sur- plus of the previous year of $300.- 000. Mr. StacKtnzio anno i :red that $2.,696,216, a decrease ,f nearly tt 1► in the Protestant schools tl►ere :t1•! 51 M tJOI1ITY FOR DEM4II It 1TS. Latest 1', S. Election Returns Show Future ('outpositiun A despatch front New York says : According to the election rehires, the next Ilutlee wi,1 be Democratic by a majority of 52. 'Chero will be 2'21 Democrats, 169 Republicans, and ono Socialist, as compared with 917 Republicans and 173 Democratx iu tho prevent House. Votes in Legis- latures in one or two States are still very close, but the *chums in- dicate pretty certainly that the next United States Senate wilt have a Republican majority of 12. The Republican majority in tho prea- ent. Hepato is 25, allowing for one vacancy. It is apparent, therefore, that the }tepubtaeans in tho upper branch of Congress, while pussess- ing an abautute voting majority, will be skating on thin ice, which is likely to crack and let then[ in altogether in 1913, unless the De- mocratic drift is checked. -- �' - t'ONTR.1CTOR SHOT. --- Wild West Nelhoan iu a Manitoba 'lbws. A despatch front Uelorainc, Man., says: George Wright, ,► Canadian Northern Railway contractor, was shot with a revolver by a plan named McIntyre here on Tuesday night. Mr. Wright has tho contract for the grading of the Canadian Northern Railway coining iu here. The shouting took 'dace at the canip a few miles south of town. Wright was sitting in his buggy to come to town, and had just paid McIntyre for his work. Some words wale exchanged about a scraper that had been borrowed, when Mc- Intyre pulled a revolter and shot Wright in the head, the bullet en- tering near the nose and Itxllring in Honey ---Extracted, in tons. 10 to the back of the head. Wright was brought to town, and is in a weak Ile per Ib. ; No. 1 comb. wholesale, stale at present. McIntyre came $2 to $2.25 per doaen ; No. 2 comb, l• town with the IYk'1a10a of kr- wholesale, $1.70 to $1.115 per dozen. giv- ,1 41.1 fn al_1 nn THE WORLD'S MARKETS. REPORTS ERes TOE LEADING !R.t$E CENT E . Pilots of Cattle. brats. floes* and Other Dairy Produce at Hem• and Abroad. IIIIEADSTUFNS. Toronto, Nov. 15. Flour - Win- ter wheat 90 per cent. patr,nte, $3.- 30 to •:t.35 outside, in buyers' aacks. Manitoba flours - Firat patents, as. - 70 1.- 70; acvoud patents, $li.2U and strong bakers', $5, ou track, To- ronto. Manitoba '''beau --No. 1 North- ern, 95'/,c, Bay ports, and N's. 2 Northern, 02%c, flay ports. Ontario Wheat-- 83 to 84e outside 2 o No.•c Winter. for white i t c u► a d red 1 Y t Barley- 041 to 58e outside, and feed 50c outside. Oats --No. 9 white, 35;;; to 36c, on track, Toronto, and 32'Y to 33c out - rade ; No. 2 W. C. oats, 37'i;e, Bay ports, and No. 3 at 351/1c, Bay porta. ('ora—No. 2 American yellow, 57'-sc, Toronto freights; No. 2 yel- low. 57c, Toronto freights; No. 3 fisc, Midland. Peas -Good No. 2, free from,bugs, 65 to 87c, outside. A dcapntch from Ottawa says: Rye—No. 2 at Gc; to 67c outside. Tho annual report of the Public Brun-- Manitobas, $19 in bags, To- \Corks Department was issued on route, and shorts, $22, in bags, 'l'. Thursday, covering the work of tho rout's. Ontario bran, $19, in sacks, last fiscal year. Tale department's Toronto, and shorts, td'�2, in bags. Mal expenditure for the year was $11,342,365, of which $3,207,233 was COUNTRY PRODUCE. on harbors and rivers, $3,669,030 on dredging, and $3,478,508 ou public Apples ---Spies, 01; good Snows buildings. at $3 to $3.50; Baldwins and Green- The report refers particularly to lugs, $3.65 per barrel. the survey now under way looking Beans -Now. $I.GO to $1.70 f.o.b• to the establishment of a navigable per bushel, Western points. Small charmed via the North Saskatche- lots, $1.85 to $1.90. wan River from Edmonton to Win - r • t MP - f'• HEADY FOS V31 IN ANY QUANTITT Fee making SOAP, soft- ening water, removing/ •N paint. disinfecting sinks, closets and drains and for noisy other purposes. A n equals 20 lbs. Sal Sods Useful for five hundred purposes. sesta everya:hrre L. N. Jllicit Co.. Ltd. Tenets, est. S•'�rr��f'� GILLETT'S • PERFUMED LYE ANABA'S UNIQUE POSITIO Will Have 3,000 Miles of Inland Navigation When Plans Are Carried Out thousand children. In the Roman bn1u� Catholic schools there are •: my thir- ty-six male lay teat:Yers lint! „i• hi o- thers attending to 1' l,:iat, ••r rale teacher to look after 1,360 pain;, a1Cd Ha) - \o. 1 r R to1.50. a 10..10 l track, and No. 2 t$ Baled Stray $6 en to $7, on track Toronto. Potatoes Car lots. 50 to 55c per try. bag. UNITED ciT.ITF;S. Tho threatened strike of Phila- delphia street car men has been averted. APPLES SCARCE. Fort Assinibuinc several yens s ac••. President. Taft left to visit lite Meadows' district. en the south side The construction of a line. - t,•'' I'tlnnnla l-'nnal on We nesday, of the f31. Lawrence, and when the Not in many years have apples 1 Peace River country has beets .'•u Mr. ('champ ('lark of Missouri. one former attempted to cut the ani - been as scarce as they rare this fall. ( template(' by the C. N. it. for some „f ow Democrntie leaders, has giv- mat's throat it kicked nut and Nu authority has as vet solved ; time. The Provincial (;',vcnunent en a pledge that his party will rc- Dudley got a blow in the eye, which nipeg. It declares that with the de- velopment of the Saskatchewan Canada would stand unique among the countries of tho world in the matter of water transportation. A thirty-foot navigation (soon to be thirty-five) from tho sea to Mont- real, a distance of nearly 1,000 miles; a fourteen -foot channel from Montreal to Fon William, some- thing over 1,200 miles ; pine -foot na- vigation from W ran ni'1leg to Cedar Lake, and from there to the Rocky Mottntnins four to five 'foot navigse tem, over a distance of 1,500 mites, a total of approximately 3,miles of ,ental inland waterway ravers- ing the greater part of the exert ern half of this continent, the onl break in the chain being 400 miles front Fort %'illian1 to Winnipeg. A SURPLUS OF 521,505,913 Two hunters Injured. and Ose May poultry -- Wholesale prices: — Lose His Eyesight. Chickens, alive, 11 to 12c per lb.; Dominion Public Accounts Issued For 1 despatch from Cornwall toys: fowl, 9 to 10e per lb.; ducks, 11 to Jnutca Dudley and Henry Packard 12c per lb.; turkeys. 17 to 18c per the Last Fiscal Year geese, 11 to 13c per Ib. alwt a tine big buck in the South lb" and Dressed, 1 to 2e more. the question as to why there are' has guaranteed the bonds of the fewer apples this year. Syme say company fur the first fifty miles of there is a decrease in the average the line. growu. Others say .'Off seas: n," or some other equally plausible excuse. While there are probai.,: fewtr apples, yet the quality in nu,nv .i.s• nit Fellows Gobble i'p I.itlle One: tricts it vastly improved. This at }lurtlreal, tt I 1 It 1 \ 1: FIFTY DOLLARS. statement is made by the 1 ireeter A despatch from Montreal says:, �. of Fruit Experiment htatisla, F W. Hudgetta, who is also Seereta►; of the Ontario Horticultural N.xhi= A G t 11111.1.•:6 Till S'T. i.e the tariff downward. may blind hire for life. Packard rushed in with his knife as the deer GENERAL. struggled to its feet, but received a The l'resident ut Cuba has fe- kick which broke his kneecap and commended a revirti'.,,► of the Is• tore his trouser;. The deer escaped. land's tariff. %:14.1 ,5 1 1111 11 1 111 "400," Ttie hint. 1 pheleter shop .ted a According to statements made in ! 1II It1;t1-h !milli;;.•ants .'Reeled b) Residence Ueslrayrd. ()Dort on Thursday afternoon by :1n- ! \••4e !levitation, 1 despatch from Sault rte. drew Maloneyutea us. in a dispute over a ! ' Marie, Out.. -a:.•. Fire early \Ved- ttatolrher willlbeKintsx�a�r•:ulia!ly garnbliug house, the pool roost and t 1 .i• spat. :1 ii„m Toronto sags •1 iiesd$.',lo lthnt nos,. e s yF'ar`ah'she ket- gambling husin.'ss in_ Montreal 1+ ►ding to new Dentin i re u- g P Sao lot of fruit at this sear's l'xhi dominated by a trust. aloney star,- :1';•'111 which will come jilt() cffe,:t p,,f ,trey shop. two anplerneat rheds baton. Some counties al -''1- will ed that the whole gambling busi- on Nov- 30. the order peimilting owned by tie tate. and the residence send as many as 290 ba -Lela ofpass of the cit) was dominate c' by the dispensation tetlh the mune!' of William Wilson. The municipal four men known Ai the '•flig Four,' gnalifrcations of $25 in the case of buildings Hai rawly r,eap•r destruct who formed a regular trust, held apples. It i, ratite'. snrpri,ing t!i 1t in !ev- en )cars this Exhibition has hecome known throughout Amei ie t as the THF. DAIRY MARKETS. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Public Accounts fur the last fie do.. ',tants. 21 to 22c; cal year were issued in blue bask 1i do., tubs, 19 to 216; inferior, 18 to form on Thursda Tho main fi 5 19e. Creamery, 21k' per Ib. for rolls, y g- ,ane 241'4 to 2:,t: for solids, and 22 to 23c urea as to revenue and expenditur,• y:0• for separator prints. were published last summer, i-Ic”. - Militia ca Eggs ---('ase lots of pickled, 25 to ing a total expenditure on cttsoAt# led 01,299.9 'i 26e ; cold storage. 25 to 97c, and dated fund account amounting to During the year railway absi- atr,ctly new laid. 00c per dozen. $79,411,747, with a total revenue of diee were paid to the amount of Cheese Large, Ile. and twins at $2,043,097. Bounties totalled :52,- 111.1;4:. 2,- 16 ;c. 414,171, the details being as Sol - HOG -Iron and steel, $1,' 0tl,533; HDI: PRODUCTS lead, 340,542; binder twine, $61,- 500, and crude petroleum, $203,599. Ib. in case lots . mess pork. $rt4 to ralltrxys, $41.503.912, including The sum of $101,000 was received $24.50; short cut. $27.50 to f2+. $:1,961,064 for the National Trans- from the Phoenix Bridge Company Hams l.igit to milium. ;sr , do . r.,nt,nental Railway ; $1,273,409 en in respect of the collapse of the heasy, 17 to 17'2e: rill's, i4',• . the lntereotonial, and *53,042 ()n Quebec bridge and the failure of shoulders. 13 to 13,1,s hi-cal:fa.t the survey fur the Hudson Bay , the company to perform its con - bacon. ifiN to 19c : back. • t•e+ meal l Itiutway. 1 tract. This amount has been de - 19 to 20e. + On canals $1.650,706. of chi. h $1,- I ducted from the $0,424,731 hitherto e "r tuft :4' c 000,000 was spent on the Trent ('an- !standing in the bouks as a charge w• Ott Public; Our $101,503,710, leat•iug a surplus of $21,500,913. Details as to the total expendi- ture of $29.756,354 on capital ac- Bacon- Long elar. 14 to ; t':t' per count include the following:-- On Lard 'Here . , 14 , immigrants from the British isles tion. The lots will total $:;0,000, pails. 156. meetings, and generally controlled' mho have been assured employment f;llly insure.. Tit.: AAMi/is leek will - --- - L --i - -_ has been opened to American specu- lators. who desire options. f 'TO HELP THE BLIND. al, against tho Quebec bridge. affairs. �He complained that small in this country will be rescinded.!not•he rebuilt t11is 1Yiotrr one plate where a pertisi can ►ec t 1 and CJe manes qualification f,r Rl"51\ES iN 11ONTRE.V.. cattle averaged six creta a pound. ',select fruit in ahuridane•• Thra. tLr th••so has ben raised to R;,e), the � z. men. 1 1,. himself, were t,er+ecu •< , •► — Montreal Nev.is Oats, No. 2 by the trust, and that this w Stockers were %anted at a4 to St. - ed ('onupauice have r�•"part• ram.• at !IAA ben ,1a I IlF.1Al1 1� 9Al p \�. Canodtan \te .• n,, ..'► to .58/,c, ex 60. Lambs, sR6, live shtl p at $4.00 (rcae,.n he had all his troubles u, put into rtfw•t' , Y• I 7�3 :5.50. ed its importance.�bv grn,i1 ,I. stn• raining a gambling joint on Munn•' •1(taiii 1 irnnngrant•r from other r ' r to $4.50, and rains at . to$ glo fare rates to Toronto from all couurrie+. This is t).' Field Marshal I.o.d hitehruer Ilandrer, 1lertern. ::� t.. ..ti tr; Nn. 2 Hogs, $6.75. outside, and $7.10 fed stations cast of }'ort At r. Held street. The "Gambling Trust,' 'torpor. of 1 ' h to t \ 3 kcal white he declared, had put him out ..f rrutitic3t.1on whieli is I , 41,( seta out The dates of this )car's e.11jbi business whenever he tried to run by the l'ariian:• r1'.1:• ' • rtunittec of Lion are from November Ifeh to a place a ithuut paying thorn n }►.•r- I the Cunadi,►n N1.1.• Irerri' :\iso- 19t1u. Thousands of person, ft 'ea ventage of the profits. which were ' elation . • the m• '•' r 'Phe last ! pretty large. 1 day t n the :lit •.. • .srds of di"- ! 1'- - --- - 1 pen..(' • n . ,rel :t, i:,, Uhl Cour- 1 I t,. :'1 s'. will be hunoted on 1'1.0i lilts .11.L 'f0 DIE. 1)..• !it Court Imposes heath Penally on 1 - - - y — all points in Eastern l'nnuda t i,it Toronto each year to see the Lest Canada produces in Fruit. Flueerr and honey. - -4-- OI'EN UP Pb1t•E RIVER. Canadian Northern Surrcyoru are NOW at 'Work. A delpatc•h front \Vinnipeit says: A railway line io the Peace River and Grand Prairie c•nitly, strik- ing tiff the main litre of the C. N. 1t. just east of I.ne Ste. Atrne. Is now being ='1:tr;rrl 1,v the engineers of the 1 ,4•' 01,., ' `, .,tlu•rn, asc'.rding 1•, t. ;.1 },, ,list 1•, the 4,i t by nl- t t' '1'l:ii rets •:arcs••. will ton- art -----;1 (t,.• ',1 x4145,4% all Who Tht•ealcned llikadn. 1 t al/ -1 1111. fI\ 1111. . 1'. 1t. .\ d4spat. f, I: .n1 Tokio Rapt: The finding of ti„• eclat court ::alt, l'•"=''1 11,1111• IIcl11 1 p 1n tied to try t1,• i''otters ng,-', '• f 1;oe !.t tl n;'lllalll-. life of the 1 :• i • n r, ' 1- ntul'2anccd t, , , Is f \ , on \Wedne -,.l.. t •1' 4 • r, r . • i v pet9/n1� , \ :11111 1;1 " were fou: .1 .•1 nq th -• the (' 1' 1' ringlendet. 1 r• -c ', :11111 tine at, of (;olden. in the 1; man, tl-e • • i K' '' t tl. The court on \V -dne..+l't aft, • ,•o. ,,.•! rectvnn. "r.t pr•nn11y tes,dt searrel 114112.1..4 1.:4 -, t r t '1•'•1,at• h freru 1."uncal •:rts:I Eggs t'• le rt• 1 •to. is 1 :,n.' : \.•. ander 4 ' 4'1 • - ' . ,•11 pr•'vidcY . - . .'2.. 1 ...1. :, tr. a,r•4 :\u. Ir.th ra•ahonptl and tt. s, . 14 ,,.n.,Non on .l,.nc _ '-lt capital I;ur,;�ll'l:, • ' t, r plotters were tied up. Phis it t• , ` •„ • • h AdArre , i re, •1� ,.r ngainut the 11111••'1 • wah train sch'•i r.• s., 1'1. Departed for t'a'ro. eta white. u. •4 , er 41 i 36' ` 4 t 1 white. 'St 4• • Mani - A de,pateh from Loudon says: lobs feed bn 1 ie} . 47 i•. 1: c. Flour There is some Apprehension in of- Mnnitoi,n S1,ruug %%hest patents, ficial circles of it revolt in the Sou- - firsts. $:•.`•t': Mailitel'a Spring Ii01•I) 11\1) l\ .tl'STIt.11•It. dan. The oto, enaetit is promoted by I „Lent patent -. "', .n:d•. '' 30; 11 In- - _ — the 1•:gyptnn Nett( naliets. w bo ! ter %%heat potent•. )'-• ' -• to Al 5'► 1 Rich Find Reported in 1'ilgnrn pronr,.o a suna'ta1Iruus rising in ; 1f:►uit.,ha strong 1,0,1,', a% l'a and watered at the market. _ 0— Ia;, 142. Field Maishal Lett! Kit 1 ttrn'uht tolls ts, $i.�'J (c' a '.,,, .1mrru•nn Speculators. el d 1" be nittsntteto F.111)141 ts re- ipat alp of it , i., vivariaealrnly rollers. hag-. ll 1114( •n , 5,'t' \ despatch from London says: Ford Glowing accounts are sent by cable r :1441 lttt i .'•films 121151 hr• n ' .Ont:►riott' .419; I)n- ,•f wonderful gold discoveries iu rho 11r,u middlings. $21°. Ms Il;.trict of lilgnrn, West :lustrn- r .1t t,"In:1 r'. , ,.,•I•- fr• 1'1:_ eaelen h,au, 815; �lan`4.-t • short+, 1141. The rush to the fields continues , sea is • I $:'l to s._ . '•n„• gr.tul Inca iI e, rnahatld, and Bullfinch, in the In1•u: i:. , 1•, R \\ 11.1 1 111.1 44)5 4 I ••444%1. mixed 11 :• healt uf the belt, is described by 1 . - \V.- -II••, 1; t • ' ~•' ; titan'+tars, after an official sleet to • . \„ , •. rel'i at II fu .1 I - Itttltet lunotaliou� a. hi” 5.."1. 1. • . , r Y:'i w:ts nt4w1 f"i .: • • • '. wall all l sematic,• cliner}' stet's r,;$otr.f TRUSTS BIIITISH TROOP Sir John end' Makes a Rousing Speech at Mansion House Banquet .\ • • ,I . 21. A f1 •n► London At !h • i1,ui,i ' I Iluitse banquet on Wetht•• •i.t•v c•t,•ning Sir John I r • Writ made a reusing speech, cle- fending the Ili 5ish forses against and referred to how run, h the array appreciated the presence of the (wren's Own Rifles alt the rnanoeu- v,v•.s. 11e was only eehoing the heartfelt wish of etery soldier, he Fetid. in expressing the earned hope the recent criticisms of Colonel that much interchanges of troops Clanks, a Getman olGcer. Ile de- might become frequent. Rego rd - flared ho would gladly and coati- ing his t isit of inspection to ('an- dently rely on British soldiers to nda, words failed him to express steel forces more numerous than how highly he estimated the •plen- lhemselves. Then ho turned to a did energy and high i,nperisl spirit topic which he deseribed as a •e nonevent everywhere in the Cana- pleasaut and more congenial one, •li.tu f()rets. rear, so great %-.1.• i h• t for the • • ' ' • : ,.•t Shat tw() slides 1.41urlyd ill • 1 - rl .I n1 i. i \•.t . t'• `u1 et -n 1'ie :nlanitt. nastast, most persistent heartaches In halt an i; the ante (•Ince t5ithin :i • I ,i. - \•,. i s.• • 1 ).oar or less. Ws guarantee That they costa!' no opium, ': f ••. the r'- owl re1t1111g jlhl .• n l Le 4 I t (I I n ., , r \', rr.orph:ae or other potscn.l,; dr ire. 25- a tea at your druggists'. ,Basit the time 0 Inrge gang of la si - 4,.. ' t;a • • e •..t, `i . \.. t• t erhy r,...: um 29 balers were finish, •4 • • :,ring as, .1'. ! -11 .he • .- i,••'.. \, 1 , \ 4., - J t)ro, •n.t et.,,..; •1 Cr. •? e.,.4.. t:n5t•d. • • • • �4•wtrtr•a the filet. \,.Led. • s Acrd. 1 . r1. 11 1014'. . , , n. (1,1 .1.• ii.,.4:4 , . . 't 4 . Will .11 5 trla>f1!rltv125111,---- 9t11EMAUN= AMINO>oA— -. .• „1, I ' ..,. 4 I:t\li ill 12 11) I1t4) . I Vito( ile'n11� I\ 1!t1`t 1. I', Ir•4. '''ir; 111... SrvtnTI1A1IVAI. -- -._ t7 Ontario Horticultural I_--1s_- __Il-_____ I Exhibition sI s.- '10111re,11 4 111111rrn Charged Ilt.• •I,ing info ('are. the .nine, ns the grentcst gold find in the commonwealth. Goldfinch, ••• !• •-h adjoins Bullfinch on awn according to cable message, Montreal 1.+oelation Raising a Fund of 51100,900. A despatch front 1lontrta1 says: 1'ito Montreal Association for the Blind are endeavoring to raiso $100,000 to provide for English- speaking blind tho facilities for oinking themselves self-sup,orting. in their undertaking they aro meet- ing with sympathy from the publin' in the practical planner of cash do- nations, and on Thursday the com- mitteo was able to announce that fourteen tholt'and dollars of the required amount had been sub- scribed. Sir Vezcy St rune, the new Lord Mayor of London. took the oath of offico un Wednesds; . !Awl) s1';TI'• \►:KEYS. I NA -DRU -CO Headache Wafers A de,'..lt,1s flea' Vont real 2441 • Another band of 1 -ors has 14e,-0 broken up, known as the •'Terminal Band." Six of thein have been nr rested, and made their nppearanre in the coin! on 'Wednesday morn ing. Leading the gang was n youth of telt years, and ngsnciated with hitn were five h„ve three of ten years and two of tteelse. The hove aro said to bo in do. habit of break- ing into cars. They pleaded not 1', r -r• i II•.:nele•s rl \an.}, i LIVE -"I' 1s N 1I \I,'KFF.-. \ - \ i,'+I.:,t :. f,",n 1':11: a: \ . 11,(11•.• . \...•r 1f'..' li< flood.I •rd ., 'll t..' • d. •,' .15 (:.. , . , ,'1 .1' •I eel In eastern • 1' 1 .11 e. 1 ale :; 1'r.• •i • ,1,2'.l from Al :..01 \iric'llhe and its trihnlnr. • .1'.' 4.• . • . ' .• t.. h411 x'. IMir brink 4. SI»n5 t.'n:•. is,•• • • • • • 1"••'t, inllIHlated. .11 NA•1• 11, . . •l -. •.tt. :'4';25, there are 1,300 hotn•'e- . i,: • • ,• 4 , 1 .. • I . 14 hent i t ' e; ala" ,sgr• 1:as )0'011 ,l,'1''. t : .i ' - . .t.. . !'v triter '-.1 by the 11.,• \I. 1, `. I:r. 1'11' is on• vast hake. e • - • :' • •.t t. ,.,tt . have st.,ppe.l work. The I;. • r ..e - , 0: I, • :�:r lir to ?S.i , n:••I one threatens to int•acle (l,r famous • •I i •e" : •• •.•r - A5 t() 141 'l 'Iui1ty• Creusot steel w,.rka Ih.r.::q the s•'••:. tel; few h. !• St. Law -encu Areae, TORONTO November 13-16-17-18-19, 1910 1,14 !.1• ; -, .'~h1;ri'4 .11 ••1 h,r'ic rliersl i r'.tuci• riser held In Canada FRUiT - FLOWERS RONET - -VEGETABLES Special Excursion Rates front all ;, ,r44 , :11 • r.,1 521 5-k your I•'c:tl 1?ailwtl A:,,rnt r•• 1 11 i, e 2 4 r, r. w. eonatrTs, %octetsrr, t'res,'e,r t Parlis-•st 6144 s., Tweet* ■. R. ►P,A:tRLA4:,, 1