HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-12-15, Page 11• k ERONAIIT'S ASCENT IN VAIN C°'°` "ll NEWS rru,►s WORLD'5. rinriiers 111011 .t LI. 0V1:11 CCI'1)'1TS 111011 illi: I•t:.lt)I\(: Esoa1no From Asylum in Balloon Attempted THE 0l0\\\:. 1ltIf L ('1:\1R1:)', By Daring Inmate. A deelpatch from 4'u; • Sots, ....sow lh. .1111 I't'll :soy tees. Several says:.elf orig111:14''..1' ,•t «-ref'•• was attemptisd un St.n(t':4 I,, a patient at tile I'c•n,. %Ss., .t it,. II*14l4. • ,\\,aril, (110451\•„'1.111 to 41'. .t•..r' loan (l,•• ++tituti4.0 to a h,, . , u tthicb ha.! I• ” (4ui)'u41 444u ni,(i:.. •,i luaus nr,ntl,. to nuke f r 't4, i • • . 1 silk he had filched acacia -til; tn,nt the tailor, shop. . Henri Dupre, an aeronaut. who had been injured by falling from a balluo]t several ,tear, ago, F anti lat- er became )„.;elle, Since his ilu'ar- of tis. 1, . , ,••, ,,,.4! . . ,I •tt the tl 1,.11 • 4 1, to tote oul.•sida, and (e 1414,::•.lp ie Rri:•f•t }'rout Our Asa friers of Cattle. (;rain. Cheese an•1 ::ad Other ('ountriee of Other Dan's Produce. at Recent Events. Co!.'' and Abroad. guards haft (timed repeating rifles at t 1\.11).1, i,.'.'; \Irs'I't l't'S. OW b:iI ....VA. 1'rul,,ll.1 1,114• hundred Pert up .11 • I'' ' •\ '" l.4;•.•• . ';u •4• to f ., i1' , " \ ,c. 1. \'lour Winter and ultn,.,.t J;It „nor}. Door,. 4vay wa:.,,, ,!, 44 .r, J•• i.•.: 4: t :t;, 1, (1 41 rent. I,atrnlS, $'1.a`i atlspr,:dr41, } . 1►.1, • : r •,f• 1111 111, 1'.144 t . s'.431 ; . 1') udt�;(l , l Layers' sa* ks, hr4.,4ntstii'k and wat•i••j. .t: I .,• , •,.•,,.I . •1 '.I '•101..••4; ,I„ were „egist, red ? \lauitoba flours first patents, i'''••,4•, '•}fa, 1141! ('re IR. s asst/ '74'' i'••"4 S•',•n 1 11.t,•lkc(•})rrslyta..0; second pat;ut. *i.20, And 11: -:.,rel,. Why don't ,...r tl.: 1 " -4 „ I sfr,)nr, baker~', •, to ' h. „ wed.1 '•1 ' I tar,;,*:. on the P:)- r,tt . 1 •,i •t :,Ilei: 1+ '•'1 11,•, Bay \''brat --\o, 1 northern, til• r• ) •I' 4'4 hru•e Ito})rift has tel, t; .1 :ul.'.1,: I+,4,:, a4 l .1:',...ti:t (' •e1JUN$t', u'' . li•*v ports, and .eu. at for Ill•, r: :•, rl :!,:i t'114' prod. '`'Iltul,•ut •• l►1 i,untlr<'(I part- 0'31+'' li •, putts• bathe r, . a ,'t,1, 1*r•,.•, • e: ;! , fr."" i ' . l`'''''' to Iti o (>ntat+o wheat \u. '2 white , �•• 1 ret1 t and 1714 • n• - i. . si 1' • wit'1 )')„ t:. . 1', • 1 , 11.1 A a awl con r.'.1, ants;de• ratlnll flak! worked as a nurse tel btranR4 . ..." ;t 4(a, 11.' 11.:IIr1:1i :111:1 ! i:tl 1)4.41 were f. , tl, 1!, lu i3Oc UUtxld,'. ' MAW: the 1. hospital. S e tiJ 1 Sunday r 'Ilia � ,• Ire half beg-Irulor.. It 4,., ),,,ut lilt, ."n feet ^' at ('4,I,:t t I•, falling clown ►It . \.. _ white, 3b;, to af;`' on til' ! oft from attending church, sats in diamet r and 'sty rugged at the tl1.• ,i1]ft, of tt4 r1•-. •1 1.. K. tier ' Ir:t,'1<, 't':.runto' ar1t/d 32% U) sac out.- • Irl\ every °('411,!1. )•Ali 4llnt.pe4l .44.4:1• 1 do : \,i. ;l at :tl�' t0 :33(% outside. t Th' 11"ut,, el \.. •� t,/,• t tai(1e. • t I inA!iti til•• head guard went to „, ter' ' C. este, :35 ,e, 13av pu�w4 Canadian :::::,,,,,,,,i,,,e.,1:::...:,,,fi.. ni4l) 4:1•tulle 1'• 31.1 y,•:3 i Northern Raiiwa Blamed for gualiteair out, •4*'learn atale, fIbtports. •yhat nnc,n.4' d••an of t(• ll' ta,11 r;,►:4raofr174.4:r,): 1, 4 .,. .•.!,„\,•.:1'„rn\n.�' Am)ericsnyellow:+';•' T44r,lnte frei h , 2 ' Ihlprr t►•aa h,• f`” •:�,•'nU••n of the Lu11.1*17•• L: K ts• Nu. yellow, tho Fires in M • innesota corning flustered at Itis -failure to la4t•. � i.,',4, Toronto frei his• Ixro lag !ie war, feeling ill \I'1 ono Chia rues at the church srrru•rs the man 411u4rt) t••ok the rutle bal- loon from it: hiding place to the roof of the h,.,tlit•,J. Ile conneetcd a gas pipe soh t111 balloon andl. K 3 at filled it. Dupre hung (u A trapeze soar higher. In ah(trit- three uifu• = The Montreal Board of Control made of a broomstick, and with a. I utt'( the ba)b)on trN. „tach lower has offs:v.1 a rewald of rstSuu tor l'ean--(iuc,a No. 2, fron from bugs, razor cut the guy ropes. As he It w.I•l 41r•,p►tina .I,rw4y'. when the+ information tea.Iti* to the convi, �45 to Ale outside. had hoped, the hag rose easily. :1 balloon rrnchr'(! 4l thn grund two! fn la4.f the mot 41' 1..1. of Cecile 11.4. ! Rye -1o, 2 at: 0d to 137e outside• guard in the .4 Aral of the in:ditto:on guards sizessizes I)I:pre ant( hurried I lutt•.t. I iiratl \iRnitoba 919, in hags, gay.. the tint a'•.r,nl, which bloke hint to a cell. James 1.•.11111111 wtt. found guilty •,t I'•,r tete, end shorts, $22, in bags, ------- - -- - _` �` Iiia t„':thl'r . notisler• at Teterboro' i•" onto. Ontario bran. $19, in '11111EIV It1la 1\ (;1"1"1'1•:11.' `:1:11:\'1'1 1•osT 1'l, .tif:1.� Woman 'V n.-4 ('aught in Ilio All 111 'felt tieller•a1r of If ail ien Rep *4line l Oit(! rltl. 1 l ntoug I he i)rim Heil. 1 ,•'•.)Ur ..1 fro„! Montreal (a4,: • .1 (l.•-oat4 it ft.)... I'ott \tl }'t'tttce, o teen pr'..re e(4iti to work .,41,),. ' li:v ti, ,,,,y= : '1') .. 1}a.t en gunboat' Insert,lr.. •.. i at .1•,ni r...l ..n a !... ... ,t:•., twins, 91.60 to 1F1: - 6I Standard Article itcac►y for uac 1e any .luaallty. Vf6,1Lit If' Useful fur live Lufoloo.1 purpoace A ..in equal, 20 lbs. SAI. SOUR Ulu uuly the Bier. • SOLD ur l+lalu,y Soap. Fur Soft:wag Water. I'or Removing Pint, For nuiufeaing $.rile. Closets, 1Jrarna,cic. tar-: • PROSECUTIONS PENDING .l despatch from 5t. Paul, Minn., way just east of Renter }toad Ihr- aay'a: 'rho ('anadlan Northern Rail-jer. This fire work•xl cast three way is !WA responsible f.,4- the lire j! miles, and about two miles bark that destroyed it.'uudt'ttt•, iii a re- oil each side of the track, when, it 11t7'11.i,I:H 1' 11.1- port made to (:,•neral r e' n., eonneeted with the fire which was stitit.•..i •'n the Heatidetto nide of 1i441 4 41)1,.I a 1lontbe+• of Massa - the r 4','r' rim -oils Regiment. Eight prosecutions against ' Cie C. N. R. for allowing combustible \ i1`''le`itr}t from Lundin says: material on file right of•vtac are' h,lig George on Thursday accept - now pending in the di,triet court of cd honorary' nt1 :ober hip in the Be,Itraini County. The tum ]a»y Ancient and Honorable Artillery worked south :., tho is fighting the constitutionality of cu m4any of Massachusetts. \'ott,- nt?rth branch of the Heattu••tte the law. If the state wins in these twit of ilii election was mode till River.. and north ;o Rainy' H`'••:r, ruses, the forestry department p1a119 )els .l Majesty by a committee present- eovering about eight square limes. to bring action against the ('. N. II. e'1 at lfarlbuluugh House by the It burnt_{ up 1, the, first Sial of for sixteen other fires, alleged to, Earl of Denbigh , I.ieutenunt Iery. th(' Town of Beau(}raft.. and lay have been slatted since July. , mangler of the llouutablc Artillery. aa•.)u!:ler;ng until Oet. `�, site.: it 'filo los; (roto re(- sit fires is esti- 1 rile Americans Li cans triiii. 4'344. JuIg1 1). ':14 fa.:red ht' n tt'rrifli: ct mJ 4 1 f rusted by ag( ret; of the forestry Nichol, Lieut. I. runris H. Appleton h t,• i Hi ' u t °l" t I s<• c!e later 1{ t t} n i (' ! S d JI 1 11• F: ti f l : R \ 1' l: !\ I► F:'!"1'-1. 'trio (leu 11e:•1 in the Woods on g purser intent. 1 d"•patch from Winnipeg says: l'p in the wild country betwe•••n Lake Winnipeg and Lake Manito- ba, 101) mile:; north of Winnipeg, two 1114.11 a ill, un uverwbehning hat - reel of each other tart in the hush last Monday. !loth of them car- ried shotguns, and s;a(•1] was on the lookout for the other. Conrad Kruczko levelled his gun with the greatest speed and instantly' killed :flex. Barka. Krucko walked all that night and all day 'Tuesday, ar- riving at 'Teulo(, 50 milts distant, on Wednesday morning. He told the people there what had occur- red, and stated thata he wag going to Winnipeg to give himself tip. Ifo arrited here un We'dcsday night. rind, after staying all night with a friend, rid, gate hitnu'If up t.. flat authorities. Ho pleads self-defeneo and has retained o lawyer to fight his case. Conrad 1{t•u(•zko, the t)1R11 wilt) i6 now in rho Provincial jail, says that Burke shut hire) in the bark with a shotgun two weeks ago, and that the: deceased had sworn to kill hits. The two men were neighbors, and the roan un- der arrest has left a wife and three small children at home. .He is about 33 sears of age. t Itll i• 1(. thetas, formerly 1 *nuni\ioner All- .1�siret, t h" j„ Ey adding n rcevnt- -•..t . 'I'orontn, and shorts 422, in 1 (?e-.rg4a C'hapiu of St. Patti and 1Ien']ati./u t•, mercy. (italt('el4,: I`` • frank (\,rrtia of Roosevelt. Hoy.] did „..t sentence the }n'isorter, . ----- The report says there is satllicient Ind twill semi the verdict to tit , 1. 1►('\1'1(1• PROI)I'(-E. ovider;(•' to show that the foe was 13443. j AJ)).1 i`-.`23 to 32.50 per barrel started by the railway un the ('a - •\n 141)1.34) named llarti4at has. for good t•, fire :,tock. nadian aide, during the lilt", part of July.It t l d I } on 1lednessItis• made the startling 4..h'•rte has hen last at :ea off Port E(hrir4" of .'wtn.l!Inl{ htnl , by ru 1.•, h. 4,,•, 14i,,1:r1 \''astern prints. (liseovery that a ,x144'! shish ,: a'.•. •t•� Pais. r !' •',t :n , i •4 r\4171'-.) "ler- 414 i4 744:4 1•' - 51:.t;4 '••t-, ict., ;.r $4.tl(4. rnnn lead iu.•t thr4„(•n into the ,t r.-'4 le..1r.1. 1t r•t:::lat.',t hitt c•' iia\, •y). ral,••I jn '4 ""n' , :iiol •'til.•* • 11.474 1, in tins 9 to glitter (•ntttuj:•ed :IIs b,.(1y of :t n•'.•• •':t', 1,: t -'.11,`4..e t.• voter killed or l)nta:i• .t.. ••14•.1.'4' till nit*!*.• 10,• ),rt• ill. \:, 1 eturib. wholesale, born 44,4'.1. 11.,.., began all inti ,'•• `, ..t .p ,• (i:414• put -u.t, ,4h:ch cu•i v1 i1, },• t the !'4•111 out;! .:4 .4t.. :4 4`. 11::1r.- 4'1 V. Ii•''.:, 1.4••\ .11..... , )11.1. •. 141•• (* :..r.' t;:,• N„I11:1!4 ....1 she was ler.;- I,. (,1x11• rt, , f • as r.4r;''t• .lt 4l.'• \I it 4:.t, 1•Ir'•r_4 441•]4 11*.' !*•..11� w1* that •.f u . l•},illi, wlti•. )h 1.., i ••,s, i . (ir.•s(r.'.I. 'I'v.rr,t4' ''t fir r, wet.' roc * •1. \•'.1, •.1 t`:1• .t•.,•i('nt 6•a; •''•4 ! • ,. 1 1\ • b4, -•la\- '1'l," •. r.• - .1 from ' • f1 „ r. 1•.. _ "7, 4,,.;24.; ,., '•4 .1 •,U' 1 .'• -1 t .1, . ,.. to .- J e. r..1t y, , 2 Bomb, �Ir t ••, 11.4 tr. N 1• att;: - A"i1.:: ,', hl.:.1 :U $1. 4,. d./ .,1 le, 14,41••• I,,41t•ta4nr o slide (ii., en. » lit 4: ,•t :t'•• .i.: ,,. i!t 1 1: :.4 l . •n.•r. 41 •1 1,.,:-.• , •.,: , t:, 1, 1(l, ,a.n.4•t1, h:t t.,•.,:•• .7 ?• r,. .• sod \11, !f.'s... at.; i •, * 1, I 44• •. it 414••••.••1• II • lir•-:401 3•'4''/l 4.•. •r, 1:1 ('•111 .47 1 h: I)••� 11 i)) in t'4.• 4' • n( u . . y art Hedges. fast • - 1 .: _ . s . • rel , ,o,: ,r s•,t ,.• , corumi+Kion at about five tni[liuu ('onlmander• The King; cordially tra.1.. to t;: •,t. Cure tare sat' •et on t:.e 1'1:!ilt • 4 (?.,liars. Bit •'a tit ,n,t $4i.:•i t•' C cab,welcomed the -._ 7....,..,,.., u,n, his !!:„0..... .•• , .*,',.t.•. + .--.________ ---- name he placed up:*n the rostrum -silt c, i'") t.., 3r,; MILLI) t'Jtt 11'tt!S •'1 the reunient, sayinu: \''terse• Car I...:?, S.1 t • :„• 4'( r•,'nu4''n t•4 !SITING. "1 appro- u.itr. r.: ; •;411, •? 4 t•, i:, : 0,,-, i:; ! , ._ rate greatly your anion through - i'oultr. ( ,a Letts. ails Ile 4, r $..• bulls, $3 to :?1 Sheep it',!J at Perri :4 P.•Ie Shot 1'. 11'ai h Your Khich 1 heroine associated with tho t;iti 11' !'I:IT1IS. !h.; •(,,:cl, t► to to • )..'r ll,.: din is, $s.':,• •I:,.1 l:u..b ss” se lone-, Billing ►lila Instantly. oldest military urgnn: ati.„] of the r•4•tr, !;: Lnit/•d 5tate< 1f+• r ih. ; tntl:cy,• ' r lccallinpp 1' I. !. !,erns ,4 :1, 11 14. 1.'.• pre to t..1 � I "t , � i t„ 8i;. fl„>;, xcrr •\ <I15 i(tell fruhl 1 ctrl "'tI11A1n 4 1 t7r per ll,.. and rs.• i • •' .f+'•!iy' ;.f:•a•i}” at 5K.•:-., an:i -,,ws; 1 the uct•ri.,ious of the 4: ,- 4•xchanq- ••ti,•n :r. ~•,11,11 q” . • to is t''•:•. Z:.: ,. ('x44-•., br.,u ht (44 to 44.2. ; '11174: Because T. %4' lgit, a Scotch-' (•..i by the Amiens ass 1J uorable •:i\ of ::.O4(4 4b. die=•r(t. 1 to :,• 1:!!•Yr•. E * „,art, 4111 not ('rare whistling when - ` , Tor, too. Nov. 4. ll,!h• ,., ads !3 lrtillcr}' •t'oulpany of 1t . ,achusettt rte 1: D 14 H 1 11 111 Fi I i'S. 1'':.i ;,•r / .. ilihite44 ul•:cil ,t t 1 n,gth, I tl•!4t, .I...• i:h (, n,zrnio. k11'rwn At at:d the H„n'ltable .1 * :filers corn. 1 1•t? 14 I It 11 14 ••4, sr:I:: y, a!J 41:e ,:ay titan ,;;,4 to ¢lett • I er•.ua flare,' !, 'I,'a a elm and pans, the Iiing added- ••1 trust that — 1 n mane for 1' l'....,....!11.."1:.:::,1.4..! ? to .4-' . tilt.,. ; h..il the 4rrei:. 1.\ ,ort alt hot hien f ,ur t kil!int' hint t the br4au sty' and intimate rela- llel:•II t:,7 , It:, 11.1 • 4 .11111 '.',1••••c.• ' ' , r. 1ti t•• t:• ore 1:•,4 4)retni4* «,t at this tear-' 1,•.) )Ilii;', at 0. 1,4 • r, ,'g7"'n , •t: ns which have lung existed ho- t ''_.• :111,4 1 .• •I .t• 11!IUIr:i ,:It., , , 4, '� ,*. •. 4 4•• r t ,brute•\ at Wit, 1,, `L7c krt. 1.,•.('•• ar• not. ,,o,.ted at 411.- 11•"'"14 h r Ir' t• . I;. 1'. . r . fur :, t4cetn ti,c Ancient an-! Hunurahle ,:• t. And _'"' 1 t,•� to Art :,, t. Lu'', � and r11lIS � !' 7'ur-,l•ly t, •i,f. ' . r.. .r ,14, 11,•' 1;1-.\, 1� 1 t• .,A a -') .1' for tiey4,"1a at il:f.i•4.4. ,11 1., ,.1.; h,, r -(•a e• l •,'•r 1 � a• .( lambs at * t � t l(1.-1'4044,\ 1.. 'lr•.:,'1 t•. :F4,...10 11..t.:-. s7.1 :i '.144 ..44 1',4)3•4441, , f.o.b. ' 4-,• ,t p•..•• 4 e '1K 4 , Ir•,• :•1 (';,,. :rt• „ • e 4.►;•;- 4 1•t i,:. 1.14'1, t:,, . and t;. 4,t fed and •.'•et••r041 at the (•rintendent Ti..d.i• - t ' 11 , ;4r 1 _1`_ t the City u:l their w I . '.l 1'11111,,1 • .,, a r•,,(! �tl,i r, •�.Y• .,•) , . :ift••,' ; tr4 •l,,t .• 1 i:, 1 nfi alai .'t :.4v1, Y, n:nrk• t. left on '44.4.•dnc (t 1. i • •. .1 7.l • •, , - ..xoef,.., , , , , i4, i t., ::ti(: per dozen. of tho crime t. r Tr.. l,.1 • e' H .r':. .,n a•\fire^.r Large, 1`:.•, and rain~ :•t --'I• to , .••, i •I t,r: are 44i:4.114 -At I t . 1\..., 1 •, .1 aa.l (tlurr,! , (. :111; :h hot>••. . ,•.. •'' • I4. ;, , 1 •r. ..( , work and are Ino,-irf(:11 1.014.1 \, a r:, awl a tuR, rill,••, I. S 3, I: X44,.•;,; I+. '}*'4 e,.t'41ition\ •I:rr,•ul4 t >l. 1' ,r trial 4 :.'•,-„a..l, a Fre114}i 1 1; Smith ..f H .••4th I k r.•nttt,l ..! I:ugl rrin.o re 1101; PHI rl)I LIS. 11Ayvr iiopen411 Ahjetl4 Iv "('all• trier: hist. 41'-.•,t aa. .e .4; .4.4.1 * h.. Ifr, 4,1 t. ..v; L• a tel; at t• :Ma for Canadians.” Long 1'111110Iyer a: •t.'1•t 1. I•• I: '.tut. L'ac• I Luug clear. 1 t.. 1',. • t.wo and u hail ,•a,, j_, , a all• I'4 n>tcr•, t"(.1; j:,b- faro' - . role awl es •c; • 1 The 17.., '"('41171 ' r,,. r 1'.•11 41rr per Il,. in.a'' s• t,: nu ,e p--rh, l (t pat•'h from \l,•ntlfnl ass: . 1,,. t•.., `a-katchenun. and IAtrr••••r.•+Ired ' ` J,trnr, Ire f I Tann tris•,. nil :1\ertc• ,.f 1 hn•.1,. •it•,rt taut. $:4, t.. 11yc.',(1. { 1la4or . „•,,-,•1 4, 1 t. ..f II. -,;•1111, ,,,: ,. •r*r-t• .0 "1't.rc licrll r•.nri 4" as 1g' t I f Otta4vn, e'hu 11(1_ 71u• .. ' •i 1. and at i+11n1i¢rntion ti } „: ❑.! nni 1 ;o ( ter`.-, a aniio reprr •entatice gath- 1►I (4't•• r YI !,1•t. ,• ;t 11,1 ; • - Rrl 111.11 1, 1 h, 1 4 ' • (4 t•• 1` 11,+nn. 4 gr t 1 t 1 1 I f I } w'1 tort c '741 :r1 •1I' • • i,•• ha"• I::oi , \ret' ai,p••r:,ru1ty 4.f '• !„ati 4r .", 1•e *-r.. ,1 r' • 4'(4 t.h• .•+ ,(. do., hc.l•t. tc t„ 1-',.: r•,lt. • r o� . t n.. n!b,•,- 41 1144 Huard of `1'•' •1 4 n ntf• m4.+.,111_ t.. iuI it' ti: air, : , ,r. 11 t.• l.i',• •Ir..uid. rt !1 t4' !4' erne!• a:; I t hntnl•er .1 ('vtnmtrce � , , i , nTh'`1 herr O'•, ,1 1st. •i1 .'., ;. *.i ,•. ' i ti.. diffe•4 u1 h11t la k•t•, 1, .• : lorak(aro i'4tc•'o, 19 t4• _n. La. k• , lo•r*• '•n '1',:,:r%do., :Ito,'coon. urging *; t.I.ilvl h , t plc) •u.•• an/ R R ('yell lhltrttln•o II...t the•�r :44• ':! to il° 1 1 .t4 ,•. •. .' t.. t•., ,. 71;'d*' tn•:u, r•'.*aain: -. Their 7141 ' 4. g a i1• n fhr \.., t.... 1ahrl •, * :let 1 "r(i r:rte r., ):, n,!i,r,••nl f•,r 141, Balt co li li ,4 •,fl. �, 11:1\,• ia•,.lt. 411 the \t 1.4.11•. f__ 1.4.... 1... .. , r I:,•' .U11 1' 1 7'.•i•Ir. rr 11.11. 4. 1 1)1: \ 11 11.1 't • 14,14 til,• .tn'7)l, well 11 (11 1:1}1.1. f t.•I,.,•• „ *e4 h: rrlrnt 'ftAlalia.: Ship of His British \:tt) 011 1.r•ti};Ihy 1 1alists „*t•!. is s. If . \Isi t •1 a •'1 Ill I' 11 1t • ,i' 41.,•• • , .. . - t. • 1 I; ' • f,'..••14 ..,'t • t. ,i,.il- t •l••44 • , I I ia ••4 • .. - i,'• , . • ' • .ra4 •1. ( I,IPl'f \ 11111 SI'1'1 11 il. i. 11 ••11 •.''*4 1 41' .•turf in II.. 4,,1•on 4 44), 44 14, t. { ,•• 71 ,•t !l!r (tl oteian tiny ca• S!. !• ;nr 1_111 ! ••• ,rot}4.It ••tart rel his audie•nee 11, I' 1,•nr)1 1'* , ,:. •,f .r, •1 1). I C , 4 114 31e dol „4.t be- u r%. '.iaY,1,•-1 4*r*:1R- 1' '.1,-1•r �' f r , 111:111 ,1.:: t(•• t 1 4 ':144.44i.,44,77:4..,111',1.111::,4,14,41:,114.1,11:1 )44- 44)7,• )l. 1 1 alad:n7, 114.+. rn, It, • \o. .1 tr.l li r'it'e fhr 41414 (r:l- 11•• ( 1 U"II Mlfli 41!'Nt1t. 4 ' t r171a','n 1C. t• rn. : t, to :;•t' r : ''' n. 4" ,I'• '111,I. I1,, ( (1.‘31111,.°„41.,a(47:,.. 'ana'I'nn4 King 1'1, t. r Linnruin'•1 ha• u,•ue . •,•,I• .1)1.1..4.401,4 • ;fish. He heliev- r \ai,;• (:, 1•, ip • u+ta:rl h} 114, \*•. � I,•. t! a}1.14•. a 3.,•w1 whit. , t, * 1 1 ,:, 1.7 4 f• , * 4rry•.nr who a„•• 'th.t-.' 4th•• ha41 .ref/reevj I St:lnit(.141' ry. 411 t',r 1.••.••11 -1„ sl, t., 4••' .St ‘811:,:::41411-‘44:1' \anile "•4;:.•44:4114 .1:,,• a L` *.1 4 :III eft The 417, "1111 \' 1:r:'' n•.±t•, '..;44.4 h,. • ( "tGl.harls for ilei fr•vl hat!.'4. 4' in 1: ilrttaff„ I•t 4i t n. I. .,. 1 nr•.••i.l. ''1 11 •t -'( 4)111 da fur 1,'14-e•,. 04 l,• 41. I !'•,I I' .. —`-- - +' -- - -- 114r1.1 ir,l( n nett p•atrnt•. lit s. . ,t.: .41...•.• ,. .i•r:n► n,ad(' Artillery Company of 1lassachnsetts Pr..- •47111 the parent nig:Inization in .i Sap l.'.ndon and the interchange of T. 1'.•' visits, rorty maintain ever the spirit ,for the of comradeship between tite rogi- 4 an shooting t.•„k !Place at i'n"nt; and increase the friendly ro- Tholat:ut*s of the two countries. rid laborer's house. -- - - _.T. __________ lit-- y,-- NEW 1111.1T.1itl' .11)1'1 SI: R. 1111. 11115 IN 'rfl1: 11111)1+.. — GenerWill Mackenzie ill Sueeeerl 11}Iliami Randall Found trier Loll:: Sir Percy Lake. 1l it..1''i.u:' .1 despatch trout Otta••.a says: .1 despatch from C'har't• n says: `41' Percy Lake, thief Military Ad - 11 rlii:tnr Randall of Sjino•... after 4;ser and In4pector•(iencrai of S1i- beini[ 1.,.t in the hoods at the heal Lila, whose term has expired, will of iiuchug Lake, wade his nay back !•nye ('amid» far England u„ No to Thibs' building *'n Wednesday 4 ri'f'er I. Majo. •General Mae - afternoon. :1 rescue party. found 1:•'u;'.', it -lin is 1” succeed him as hits there on Thur -41••• tnornin4;, . 4.1.i4tary :141%-:.er and to become atld brought him down to Ityrk- •4 •lief of Staff, is expected to ar- 111811', mill. 114• had fired all his rive shortly. (Ieneral Utter is to cartridges'ig*Ailing the first night, IM'''otne Inspector -General• laird has one foot badly frozen, and was I•aneshuro, who i» retiring as Mi• out frye (lay» with nothing to eat. I \'tan• Secretary to the Governor - 110111; .tl''I1:It 1111:1.1 l: t \•tits. 111,•+ing Nettfnonuland Sailor Ile. 1 ( 1.1: 1 \ S11 1 1:1', tiirns After lone .1b,enre. licit p.:elro►•. •,.,•,,4{• s:> 't•: 1'11t1.t111t.\1' ((111 1'111\.1. 114+4•' 44h'.44 4a4(nt., •..l to' 1 c1' :4i•}, tr r.. �r ►..it. 111 i mplot,•r•. ret Aid Pal'tu:atr:e ;.-,,111. 14.4u.t •l.:r rt re. 1', t ret; )*,k. • . \el, 4. i i ibly Il"4}m'.}. it 411 Me. ".41 4 'a\ I'w1•'•, ac• ., `• a 4) I (*ulr•rttlueUt .lr,.) La, Y., ii, t,n cit) t,,.*et7, st :" t I rn:tn 4.( t' - I , . I ,,; , In the province of ilea lenhurt;, (let'- s, ,o MIDI 114 the Throne 11• :117 tl, man,) there len kettle of Mies for act• 1 -.1.r, estrx•, '.1 •*' 4„ �1 '. ('•-,,.1:'•h fr'rel 4' -, '(•11 114•4 f mors dying over towns •, rind ;Tinges. 0 r, • •-•• 11..t"I** II : t.. 11 . , .4.1'''1.stale t: \- ••,this 44:4, :1(4.'4.4,'.4 �•,' that 'I • ,+ * • t.., « r. ). ;•; the maxlmuru floc• beln;t 515. flue» , 'i .,, • 1 1 111 , i , .. 4i. t •--.•�__�--._.. '; ., ..! t ' •,•`:''141`. 44 1 `(.' to 44',, • Est - 111•.-t +,)4.4 , '*1. 11"1, .1 4111.1„!•44,44 )lir y,., H• 4f ,'• ! ,.t ,`,`,:',',,l' ,, aro 1144 lw4)os('IJ. howeYer, un sterrnbin 1 CI , t L,• ,t‘. .t, .'* t(• ::4,• gi �, tl, t'tr• ,r )•r.Iy 11K for r•t:1; er I, , bRUouns. t IL 1 t . , ,•.. 1••ll . :, ; 4 •.of, t•4 2,' * ,,' if .ii • 4 ,*• ni':Ir tnn, t An lntrr(KtlnQ frnture (tl ttlP )n1Cnt ( !not. 1 „ * l i;•• ,, ,, t F :4:• 4:44 '. I ' '3,,' ' t., yl ,;rl,t;, :1t 1 .•t'i• •f t” •ih!(• :,n' :c1,1:11,11:1,0,:vh. 11:, Y,'!.rel 'IA, 4}4`t•etopment of the year In (:rent llrlt• ,4, • 44 t,..'* 4_1* n• t„. l \•.11,......1,..14' .l4.r(1•-ru. e _ ,, a ,' r3111 was the nuajt,*1' of nr l :•i; 1'i','r1e41 :it,:,11,1;:i ill ns .,t1 I.ntloni • .4 41,1 - , , ,,r,rr, ::fita,11,-.1.2,1;1.:s1:1'1,511;::1Viii,CP./_it 11• 7: ,r4h 4'' t,,.‘,..,1..;;:','',, — flt,'tl to the fleld of nItnnautke. being try t 1 ;, y. r,, _..'.n f„ mote than thrum Ilmra the member 1!•4 t •i,,. 1•:x11. 1i,• :t tiled during the preceding year. London is to See A li ill ,;, • .,. �,.'� .\zit mall . :,?'.. a Gay Spectacle Uf I i 1 �4 • ,• ,, ,., II .ed ntf4nilue, fr�.i t , Boos. English Etchings. l Goo 1 Old r .1 n ,.,i.• r f'1, 01 :4' _--_ Nearly one•flflh of the deaths in ' England tx•cur In public Institutions. 1'fi:� Central toil) sail for England on November I. -*1 Aviation. There are about 800 aeroplanes in 700 of which have beeu made u fhr Inst ten lnunllix. Good Days .14•••; ,4 '1:' .1 leas+'.sit: •7 4, .'' ' 44111''harvl I1'!; • 7 ' • 4o ti4•• • '• 14 t"u;111rnt 111• 4..•1•1111:I'•I 41 ! 71, . 'I t .,•• .,11 . \ r .s •n -r, .1 I (I fife,•' 1, '14 l :• , •,4 44:, * 4,;,se loci* 04ad!nc ta\e,, ,, • . • ,r• r. a1, 4,r:\. 1,; *I•n4.1n r 4:. 4.•c ('\!+ie•srd the , , ,4. •, '.r :41^ •,•4,ar414,n of the •1 �tt• '4on11J he ar4orn .7 • ,, 11th. 1' 11; 11 P.11:1) SUICIDE. I'Inmlr: ►':. 11 ire rook 'Ifo Onnees of i•aud:lnnnt. ' `•1'4'4I) S'1', M1HKi.rs. 1' 7,• IIs, Nov. 1,- Wheat — \ . ra»h. $I.0 1 h; No, 1 \• i:,r• rash. $1.01!, s; I/4•4•en1- 1, . ?4.4131.41; .Slay. $1.07;4. Flour 1 !intents, $5 to $5.20; sec- !' rel•, tt1.h0 le 115; first clears • $3 tin; Fecund clears, *2.10 to »'l Buffalo No-•. 1.- Wheat Spring wheat. No. 1 Northern, carloads, store, 41.i0!'; Winter, No. 2 red. 97e: No. 3 extra red, fSt ; No. 2 A Large Part of the 1311 siness rection! i.vNearnfon tthirds t Islcrpetrntedbrttvrrnr2 p.;n on Saturdayv anti 1) a. in. on Ml udnre• Prison rations of England glue 51..1 ounee.'4 of food dolly to the pristine(' 1411•71.1.11)11“, , doing bard labor, ouncesA despatch hem '4irtolin. It ( .. 4.;114 '1:,.4 :, , p a'i,.;,'ng. '1 ,e Inthec *10 of prisoner doing light l large section of the ►llt.r'f:nu`• t•nil,li11¢ 1- ..•I•d in {..• r.af*•. labor. nes» district of 1'icloria tins "rontg- The 1144:4+11 i4••10 :11:14 the 4'rnrl)rr • cel by fire on 14Vcdurvchey 111431,4, and 44.14 144.41.1 were )r, �1:it,- (4'I,15 r for he fore the lintnes were nrtcl:'r roll -:11,•11., nll(i 4,7r., felial!4 s.,'*41. Tales of Cities. trol dninage I-Amint.ed at R•l,lnl'l,ltfnr 1 Many oat ..r'rr r fl•. 11• i 414 Tek a tae r r I hr 4 f a4 tial of Japan, covers onar4y eggare ember, hos 550,(x)0 houses and :14470. *) (xpHlntlun. 1:,trhnrest is a ally of ::00,0110 roosts, eoveriug a Areal (stiltory, Ilia on HA i Irritation lines th,'r( run only 139 h"r:*,• of the City Destro3-ed 41 ('n eau-. . he \,,lints look'', i.1 iii i!air,•:• , , al- oud in the )I 'i,•,I,t,•t.i• •though : ' rl l•"'Ito, euul «44 t„ turn, (:ern -No, 3 yellow, of fi renew (� ('u., 4113 4 *w;Ill(i 1olt lr,(11I;411 offllo'c II( tits', 1hfwy V01111.41f err• \ (1.••••14,14101 4•114171 4..,110(111 mays: ,'::•'.c ; No. 4 Yellow, 6"1,.ie; No. :i ie \!1'• (;i4th„u-•, wife of a Ihlndav (soon, 52e; No. d corn Glc; all on rag'ally. 11';rt�4 tal;Io,a('l'txtill I spread 'Lr ,er;lied• Ned it i, lo tliry ,l! /t. tier i*!nrnher, took two ounces of track, through bill Oats--Ao, bor caught• fire an4 were elr`h,r h'141• i.•lthotty es( aped, Isollaison, and was found ht' 0 2 white, 3s%e • No 3 whit • N; ' r 3oc, . ('• The hcavtr. corn 1111(1 ten ch'ctrie cart. a:lrr the trial of p*,tr(•n,an on the steer in a yup. }white, 3Ih. 13arloy-)Feed to malt• ( ontotkinat 1,•-: re- i Victoria is lit(' 4apitni of 44,,, ,4, Tnhrrcu4oils is the ( j ) . ported by i). Spencer t r t;. Seat etc'; •: r!4, iii...r:.'on nil) I p4. e 4!y I'll III:: c4.ndiliott, on rn4;. 71 to f9e. h 1 err 1 • .. tip- t't' umhia. and the. filo ('nrrrt<fittrt 1 of overcrowded Vienna. Seventy ter. I ,4.; It, ;kept!)-Thl•rv11ay. 'i:1• •ares r(tnnne(I to OIPtCMril and ftlrll'fu:r 4i, ,lif•t*.1 rnI'l tull('hea l,4' v.': I t unrr, from the 1l.5 Ill 14+.11(4e) der, from this disease to ' c•.ttt 111rr• ! The LIVE STOCK who estimated the damage (o Ilse,r Of ;mit. it is a Isstntifnt!y 4iinat i the nortiliss elnsa goutier of the else t the h,)_ *ital 4t ''are, doctors Mi 14Kf,TS, property at *s00,000. 4 1U'•'-ented• hat(' sonic h•'},l, .* n Thr• West. )n ed city. with u p•14u!ati••n of nlm:rt WI''',N)4,.4red hill, sixteen to the other f her ree•'yer; . Montreal, Nov. I• ---Choice steers Union building was burned, and a 13.1,non. , II...arida,