HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-12-15, Page 101."1411111111.1r1 TRAINING STATESMEN OSCAti BROWNING WRITE.; REMI- NISCENCES OF (0 YEARS. Man of Letters, Who Was a Master at Eton aria Cambridge, Tells et Great II Men During Their School Days - tHe Aimed to Be a Tutor to Stales- mtn and Met Many of Them-Olten Visited Load Tennyson. 11 will probably ecane as u Sur ,rico to many people to learn that lite at Piton in the 'tifti •s was eharacterized by sceites and manners which remind ono of the miser • undergone by the scholars tet Detheboys Hall at the in- stigation of Mr. $quests, of "Nicholas Nickleby." Flogging, ragging, and bullyiug were the order of the dtty, while the boys were insufficiently feel and gouerully neglected. They had no food until more than two hours after they had risen in the morning, and for dinner an entire sheep was served, of which the seniors had the legs and shoulders, and the smaller boys had to find what they could on the ear - taxa. Such is the depressing picture of Eton given by Mr. Oscar Browning. who had sixty years of schoolntaster- ing at Eton and Cambridge, in e o "!ltentories of Sixty Years ' (Lan.• Dir. Browning di•l nitwit to improve the general condition., for the scholar at Eton. But it is a curious fact that the poet Swinburne. who was in "0. 11.'s' division as a Ley. refu-cd to meet the latter afterwards. because ho said he was an Eton nta.ler who had the power to flog ixe s. This did not happen to bu true, but it serves to illustrate tho retsitivcness of the great poet in regard to cruelty. Talking of Swinburne, .\1r. Brown- ing says, "He was very weak and til• not bullied. 1. 11 e t t and cars frail. fy took no part in genies, being, Indeed, little tilted for them; but in those days gams did not form so important a part of our echoed life ns they do now. Swinburne wee generally late for school, and I remember Cookesley calling out to hint one day, 'here you are. little lewitiburue, late again.I have been told that Cookesley once saluted his appearance with the ex- clamation, 'Here comes the rising sun,' alluding to his red hair." iCua'tuwlus enough, rgrnnidrredhrowhavc[t hr. \Williams' Ptnk Palls are absµ-' It .von as Y Iu lioulung: r scare% the a11vrnt Of tilt• much chance of long life. Ile Wait lately free from all habit-forming stun en Ilurseback was often very born prematurely apparently dead. drugs, and are not an experiment ! eottitlently predicted, But it paeeed "'That child is not dead.' said the as the following ease will show:-- through the t'•ntieltve stair beton' nur-e; and with a hearty blow she "Ir. W. Studley Lee is, Pilot' the death of President Carnot in made me squeal," he says. "And to Mound, Man., says :--"1 am a firm' 1904. and is now a permanency. Just this treatment 1 owe the fnct that t bclieter in Or. Williams' fink four days utter Gurnbttta pn,claimcd am able to write these memoirs at the ,. the establishment of the n.tailGc the age 0t aetenty-two. ions and ale•ayrc I-.eep some by etc United States a cubled ,ts recugntti•.n Dir. Browning refers to a visit witch in case of teed. A fc w years ago , of the new repine and welc0ul. 1 it. he paid to ..1 r. Bailout's swat at 11'hit• while teaching school I suffered so at the council buar.l of ow nati. n . tingehante. "Arthur was then twenty- much with rheutnatisnt in my amts , Five months later it wee recognized two years of age," he says, "and 1 and shoulders that 1 had the great- . by the great paw'ere of Europe. Its remember bun telling me, as we went est (lithcul1'• in writing un the niliar.c • with England and Russia by Quin to Edinburgh, that the due• blackhuard, Intl after trying a num- and its ententes with other countries tors hal assured hon Inc could not I,os bcr of ren•dic, wet,, '. bencftt•, 1 hives France n larger influence in the slbly live to the use of thirty, a feet affairs of (Inc world than it exerted of which I have now and again re- was almost m 41• i .1.r. and felt in- pr,•tion-ly since the days of Bunn• minded him during his career." .lined tai nband'•n teaching. But partes power ►n the first republic a 11 wt" Mr. Brownings aim 10 be a ono day I happened to pick up one century ago. sort of tutor to statesmen, and he of 1)r. Williams' almanacs, and came into contact with many men read of the cure of a. number of The Careful Sentry. who have risen to eminence in the Fwtcre cages of rheumatism. through Thr young private had been posted politieal world. iso knew Sir r.'ea)Henry Campbell-Bannenuan, and recall+ the use of I)r. Williams' fnk fills. as sentry un C squadron Stable But how Inc was the only man present at ;'this decided Inc to give the ['ills cnmwhen the sergeant Ma tsioft htht' guar 1 a miscroseoj.o lecture who had the , a trial, and I had only taken them lime roam! be seen. 'The sergeant was M. - pluck to lance •ilia ars, that blaott a few weeks when 1 felt much bet- might be pro'iiled for an experiment. -ter. in the .uurw of a few weeks • ieb''ut to depart to make inquiries \lith Tennyson "0 It." was on , when there .awe'iraffling noi:l41 from s ofintimacy. vi:,tai' hint often 'snore' the pain; and stiffness h041 all a heap of straw and the :.tastes stout at it } L left me, and 1 bad no more dillicul before him ntinu+ his boots and look• al 1•'arnngfunf. "Teuny:c,n'a Study was at the top of the house, and 1 tt in doing any w,.rk. I cannot say , ing eery sleepy. have often sat with hire there, tins of enough in prat;. of 1)r. Williams ! you la lot ' cried the hrn were. "Ilwro tobaeeo lying about the floor. He al- fink Nils for they and they stun . you when ways smoked a tong churchwarden 'mired Hie of my rheumatism." 1 eine round jti;t ►1µw?' "Marchiti' round," was toe sentry'( pipe, which, if i remember rightly, he' ti..l(I by all medicine dealer!' 4.r r• p)y, given iu tunes of causer,' never .:...1 more than once.' Ly trail at M) .trots a boas or six tutu•. Mr 1 o•tong pays n charming tri- hexes for ee.e0 from The 1)r. Wil ••Marchin' round, were you? \\'h;. bate ' \! - •'any.+un, who watched titer lilt , • •• •1 with such uiteeas. laths' Jietli ilie l'o., lirueksille, you's': g•L our beets took em off w ling car' 1' pI•turn of his (ant. 1I shouldn't wake the 'unDta'"--leuu- Gist hie.:. r ----+-- "At the a:..1 t.1 a tare• r• 1 0 13.1y. I 'I'Hi' t':1TII:Ni' :\N(iLI.li �dou lit-ll.ts. the rt 't beautiful. 1 t' c'i....t. 1 !•:,'I l ',[shy :µ1•I arty bitniiur t.. 4 r•• i -- �---^L ever ,ai 1 looked at '' t} t• ( an; tl er al:(• the teles (rid .1 ti„• A MOTHER'S ADVICE of i.•• vt,t e►:d!41rwr1 t It..,• rl,•. !, TO OTHEit �107IIERS of til•• \'drain 1 toll 1r ran 1.i! ,',(e , f the A•hcrnln►1, 'Pias away. n- ,f 1 a:,• 1, . t• t. .,•;.• 4 f :,u angler in sit' p' lata•;.: 1 ••• '':,•.• • .•,..ltlw-- ! , ., t•„t ' • t licca as a nlo(l, 1 i f Mr Nicholas Breslin, Rogcistilie. purr reit CAUSE AND CURE OF RHEUMATISM Due to Impurities in the Blood - Cured by Dr. Williams' Ping Pills. The most noticeable and imulcdi- ato result. of rbenmt►tisnt is a uutrk- ed thinning of the Wood, and in no disease does it dt•velop mole 1 a { t'1- ly-. Not ()lily does the blood become weak but it is soon filled with im- purities, which oho different organs of the body hate been unable to throw elf. One .f the most harm- ful of these impurities i. uric acid, which is formed from the \caste products of the body. In health it is readily- passed off by the kidnCy. With tbo help of oxygen from the red coypu'.!. s of the blood. \t itli- t),;,n it ever ".0•4in the pts t. It► '•1 could not even walk across out oxygen the kidneys are eu..Ll. ((11!. ti•,n .t has outlived any oh. f the room. 'I'Iten I et ailed to take to rid the ••.stent of this Heid total :.yste10 (,l,µ•11 France lois had s""''' Uudd's hidt►ry fills and lifter Ulk it is retained in the blood and (I's- the '•t'• rthre„ of Leu, XVI, and the linnet n ••, lTr' 'Ile• frit •epuhlir. :fig six boxes found me 'elf in the tribute(' t.• all party- of tho body. The slew buck pains across the THE TNIRO REPUBLIC Fri p Latest Form of Government limr-Now Over 40 Y4 ars Old. WHOLE COUNTY IS ewe 1 SCENE OF AMAZING ACTIVITY. RINGING WITI On September 4. 1rS(1, (.coo tiara- Wonderful Curd of R 'bight. speakinR'IW1 himself other madam By Dodd'e radinal mru,brrs of 111,' ...!i,luliwe ney Pllla. country not lung age alter the third 11rs. 11µh-hiva el 11ul•h:jw. slue.. t•„)t of six tnoaUts' duretiun to t11µ could not walk aerate( the room Uhure:.e empire in the last ten years. 51or) of her si►crd) uud cunt- Te., hundred wen are studying it u1 • plele cure. ; who,l exttdLllshc11 by oho (Iovermu,ent especially for I11.• purixlse. 'there are I)uri.nul, Que., Oct. 24. (Spetc'iei) nutUy wirelees stations at '1'ii,ct And Alissletluoi .uauty is ringing with oven the small Chinese river g.iiils sts the ',tory of itis. 41. M. 11utehuit. are equipped with wireless Tho who after buffering fruni Hite time- whole empire to -Jay, in short is a lisnl. Lumbago and Neuralgia, is rieene Of amazing military and it titled - Assembly. announced tie cl''i •.►trop of the Bonapartist dynasty and the establishment of the republic. This was two Jays after OW battle of Se- dan, in the Mance-(i,•rtnan war, 11111 the eaptur•• (if StacMal.ei'- :1.111)• i.n41 Nupoleun 111. Th.' eaulpa.Ini enacted upon sit confidently by that put(utate thus collapsed and he was a prisoner in the hands of the Germans. On the evening of the 4t1 the government of militate! defence was ••.U►Lheheit, with (len. 'fruelu, .11 the h. ad. \Vhi4• this was being den• the Empress Eugenie. dis.ruit=ed. 11.11 -air. fly front farts I'1' Whole Chinese Empire Going In For 1 Various Forms of Education. en- During Lite. hist year or two the Chi• id- j ►arra+ have taken up wireless tele- Id- With especial eurueetueas, state,. a writer who returned front that again a strung, bratty woman. lit soual 11441%it). Wherever 1 went o1► the trains 1 saw military ermine it, an inter% ie %V Mis. 11 *itchirlb soy':. whichdjrartof Ute5,0(10,(N%)arnty wluctr China Is mobilizing, is being traioc 1. Schools are being uj:ened literally 1 ; thousands. There me railroad echo,l, 'telegraph schools, p iston:I a achou'.. i•ustont house ec'hools marital settee! . ilaboratories, nluaeutns and Libr:tn' • 'rate teachers in thew) schools an ; e. • 1y foreign. but chiefly native \ these schools have recently Leen ester Pitied by the Imperial (iovernmer.: !tate' to further the mat al der:r• for being up to date. The Chu.r,o admire the 1:ugliah-speaking 1:•'• is invaluable in its capacity of quickly giving heat. Apply a match and it is im• newt turn their thumbs up as 0 r:' tnedietely at work. It will burn for nine hours without refilling, It is stile, t,f gratification whenever they sec e.rnnlelesa end odorless. 11 has a damper top and a cool handle. P.n indicator ft our fellow -countrymen. always shows the amount of oil in the font. In spite of the fact that the lin- It has an automatic -tackle° flume (spreader which prevents the Aerial Government is giving the Cl.:- wick from being turned high encu h to bntolte, and is easy to remove and drop "1 was affected witµ }(heuniatitnl, and entered lieli!iun., on her way to Neuralgia and Lumbago. My limbs would swell ; toy mu -cies would cramp: I was nervous and had a heavy dragging sense ton ucross tho k nos. England; where bile has resided cl .ver since. The governmental scheme which wan created on September 4 has last - elf 40 years and is strongar to -day wttiei: 1•,17:11 111 i;''. lasted, in its I of health -as well us e'w'er 1 was t••in.oi - -h:.!'. a:,til It104. when it .:i my life.' kidneys and thin •., at•t,. bight;. leo .s;,v t•. the hoe empire, ander Mrs. Hutchins' trntiblee were all .e!,red seeret!011e•, 1111011 f1'11..).%. 11.,lrapalt., anti that tt iia titbvie teal 4a7'1``', by hl(lll('y I-)1�<iu e. That's -11µw• that the acid is ahead% .I1 the in I$14, in til•• star v.. .ped agnlnet wh1; 0111.13 Kidney' L'tlls (µr(•(1 i 1 i Europe It trouble. It 1 1 1 Kidney Pills t are act e Temporary Heat QuIckI Did you ever stop to think of the many ways In which is perfect t 11 heater ig of value? If you want tosleep with your wisp dow onen in winter, you can get sufficient heat from an oII beater js'hilc you undre�s at night, and then turn it off. Apply a matcb in the morning, when you get out of bed, and you have beat while you dress. Those who have to eat an early breakfast before the stove is radiating heat can get itnmediate warmth from en oil heater, and then turn it off, The girl who practices ot,'(he piano in a cold rootn in the morning can have ,.varnith trurn an oil heater while otic plays, and then turn It off. The member of she family who has t' -f walk the floor on a cold win- tt'r'-u iti; lit with a rt-.1l:.Ss baby can get temporary hci't with an oil heater, and then tl:rn it olf. The t EIRFECTI� fi �tE �L • Absolutely smokeless and odorless only I,;en(1 and often leads the sulkies I,,0.r rut: .etas „'..• I ti:••m su cuulplch•ly and quickly. gg w b ,I 1. the ie lured Ft4.ur lactic every u cation a there ssaou itt ' back so that th3 wick can be cleantd In an instant, t t•. think so has kidney ou , l'• hurt monarchy under Louts XVIII. in•'' •s a tlev i .r file <lisei►a<+ in not driven out of the ; 18I4 which went down in the r, the • li �it , It t•:,t', but. they area sure way of education, is govern. ,:r1 The burner body or gallery cannot beccme wedged, and grin be qu1cU}• 1,1uod, rheumatisut .an never 1'(' i lion of July, in I87 . ('buries X. then .: t. f, r au': form of it frofu Back, :ebb) dlsetatirtaetimt at being go.c•ni• 1 unscrewed for rewieking. Finished In Japan or nickel, strong, �ureble, reL• cure(1, and the sufferer will alwayslander n r(gency, China's last three ! unsc guilt for service, and yet light and ornamental. being at its head. The Ilrlranirt • a. !:. t•• Bright's 1►i=case. � inounrehs have Loon babies when 1hvl bo subject to atter. Ls, cwhenctcr ex- monarchy of the Cilium hitt;' Louis q.- lfl(' Caine to the throne '1'be when posed to damp or cold. With each Philippe. which was .rented in loan, ( Bret thin they are passing a Chin a e returning attack the pain Lecvuu:; ;was xubmeryred in the stern, of INrI:'.. identified. critical period of their history, ant and the second republic was Sta11. d, ! 11'llllnm M. ('base, the nrtlst, ons n that they need (•specially now n lull- I mora settee and complications of- ! which gave place In Ole stcon.1 Ph,- picturesque figure, dresslug In clothes {;town titan to govern them. e'er this • ten arise, making necessary the useOre in Vise. ? preason, whirl might he culled ('l.ula'e of habit forming drugs to relieve this 0011aps4(1 ittr Napoleon wh11', aid that had ti certain urF01' less to though they conformed more"anti•naby" feeling is very strong. pain, ! present. regime came into being. tIt is readily aeon that the only 'ii,us the third republic hub Lad a Ill. i C.1RLl way to cure rheumatism is through longer career thus that of any tw,. tho blood. I)r. Williams' Pink of its predecessors since 17'9'2. 1•'.,r Pills afford such treatment as they several years it wee ...needed to Io' contain all the elements necessary ; gaily an experiment, which endured to build up :u,d par:iy the blond. because a majority of the Frcnt'11 people (•4111! not unit•• uponun; They increase its oxygen carrying „tiler toren of govcrnrn4'nt. AI.'ti capacity enabling oho kidneys to , mita til" (n<I of Utw 1're=idents• in pass oho uric acid from the body 1679 of Nnix,l.un 111.'s 0141 warrior, and the other organs to (1u their , Macelahon, there wets doubt as to work. This rheumatism is reached Which r ct would be wgeather 1It st -rati •1 at its rout and permanently cured. i 1; recent! as 1889 in the !' r r eye !I•. as �(lul4.asly to N. B., writes:- 1 can IiIgIiI) 14 • •..t,, ttaK:.:i .- fa,"'face! pur'lut 1411(11 comtn'•nd Ital,y's ()en Titbit is to ail Mr It- tt: With .. 1:-: •'r; {' .1 (oat .-t encountered 111111, a: tad mothers whose little ones are (u:1 }11.1 u. h ilae,'. '', • t..k. 1 hint hew long ho haft been ttipatcd. 1 gave my little girl 11, be tells An ateeeee - fishing in that stimuli. 1'l'ablets and they regulated 11.. sou (evasions 11r It •I •••1•,aelttt three years, tltofl.i tar,'' ; bowels x11(1 now elle sleeps wee .o ret into 1'arltnn:' • ' ! ! ...1 s, !. i calmly. !eats well, is fat at •I e • .I all 1..•• nKfJain't tui old Lu; ! �.• t ni.eny Lit,.'" time. 1 nm really delezet••1 v •til (`11nml.erli1D. ,,r Fart ' ,.r • +is . ii • 11 4 ago, 1i, . ,• •til(. Tablets and 1 always k. • I n N'I. u, at the ;..•eu l ;,::. n : t, t,,..! ,, I ' .,,, for it S•,uth berelen een.t,tuet.'v. Le 1 e 1• ! .•'i. V. )i1"c11 lift•int' ' n the le and ns seen a n , . •it1 Lc. ono•: tt•0nhlc.l .. f ons uneotlsciet:•lw .,1•i•"s•11 by another flout 11: r; . ".leach .• •' s of the sprue uiut.•' ;nit I)•1 I haul , ' 1 ..., ' or the 'I':thiel • "1 w' a• •sec 'ece•+ i!:,' 1✓,- era 1I 1, },1h • , :, eel! agate. Please }1.11.1 11 D,',.r Itr.r,• '1 1 t, ts•• i'• r hex ter they are the ter -an I twit .•'•. ••r- v.. • .• Ili. I. " 111'' .II 1(1 . I„ t uu di. i•.,' I know of 1 r lilt • •11,, - t, 1: 11 . I 'file nit)i,.c', f• r the defeatism •''i• 'lee • Ieldet' arc 1.- (t!.• r :•; 1, ' t.- f ,• ., • I I, •d teed, a nl,t-tt r'', 1•i... \Wh(•n•(I"r n gee. ,..i• , , et cut. . • \ I I,,• reminded near', eel t•.1, dy wa•, injnrl.:11 t - r tt•0 11,• w:, ,•, i,ing the i.e.... 3):t•l.' up lot c111141. Se111 Al `25 1.nt- , ut ,t, all tarsi tint dealers or fret 1 • ut: i• .: . . !:11!,1 heeded. w..tller-l. . old 7 , 111, n , n wl','e cars oro'(ry I)r, 1\ illiattis' Medv iII( le, 1'. - etl i, esti: :. 1 e 4 )rot. aur.,• ,1 re;µ. i , . � 1 , .. �. ,i .tar :.• toll liter now flakes till(•, -.___.--4.. _ . kitty, iunl -ii ! f'• ' rem •..e :,, :• • was unmoved, -- Hii�l::ufi, 1 :,,,i1 1. . . 1 N:,, 1••,i, 'ih. ' :it!•',; , 1•'.,k their FII T 11.1NI) KNOWI.!•:t)(il•: co • { nu.":,;:',, e.,, .. , „ i! a all i n ' . "1)u yet% mean to say. nia4:. . (tell au,' ment,'ntneerinr; form the . 1; . nt•n. :ci,l. rvully, in(iuir4d the J0(kO of the d:, •.• twat tayertr pnneeim of Mt!i Brown. . ! • t. I„ i:n11.•. �•1 1 begin with .earl, ''that your lee -bend t•g••c., fug r.n•I in wenn^erten with there he ' tells a Poli;•!•• 4,1 ..n1u•.ottg 1al.+. (111 1 that i ata tint 1,• 1!11:( (,.1 eater.' 1!',.(tet a t(•ar on 16111sc!f I- 011" .,t. a -a.,:. he I:a,I to r'••inon'trat' "i do, .1 mar bettor." with the ).r•el.r .1 stn .,)•cure Italian Nti'fllf\(: SE.IIIOi'.i "And that $5,000 a year c,•u'ti inn en the length el a hill, anti n -aur• ,:1 tlr.!air," Sirs. 1 ip•Irf,g 11 :IS lutes hi; .alta. income"'' e11 hits Bolt no (me would come to hi' r,a3ine, "1 peter was St) Sill! l' -cd "1c 11µ1r•1 if ha c•1/.irg.11 lake that. The in In'. 1. f( a - t. los the dor.; it. ex- rintin• •1 •le!tiui': and omit he had asteroids in his hut...•' Inni,eeper r••p!tctl that after (:r ref idly considering the matter in all its beer - 'net he had decided that nn ons would (urine ei any coos, nn'l theref•,re he h:111 totter cliatilo when hu hail the chane. Like it gresi many other things at Cambridge. the golf club was founded by Mr. ltrowning, and on one occa• 'don he went the round with A Scoteli professional, At the end of 1t the needlessly (rank Cnicelonian remark- oel, yer verra bad, and yell never bo any bettor." His Business Qualities. 1 "What w -rt of a man is het' -' e'A good debtor and a bad cre]itor." 11011I:1 t r•• NI 41a4 '''they- say the lx,y looks just. like ane." Windsor ---"1 wouldn't worry about that. They say that, the worso a baby looks the handsomer it will he when grown." t1e von know Mil 7 ,revelling fashions. On ouo occasion ('base 011 has Luny home stepped luso 4u n tittle wine shop and ordered a jug of claret of a special brand sent to ills house, 'J'he Ind wtio brought It carne to the front door an hour nfterw•urd, when the artist had already nrrtved. •'Sante wine," he snl41 curtly. The maid, knowing there wall yet plenty to has bated a worker frotn the it 1 the celiur and believing the lad had "hie elk( of blood-puisutune 11: ntnde u mistake, said sato was sure it Alfieri H1. Orth, of Shipley, (lr:t was nut for shut house and dtd the stays: "1C tele at work I 11:41 •l:' boy remember tbo Dame of the man nusfurtuoe to run a rusty n:'.. who ordered 1t. The boy didn't. 'ler my thumb natl, to 11. '�' Illi "Then." said the servant, "you've • f about one and a hall It,, :,. curve to the wrong place: we n(•ver Iain war. terrible and whit: 1 feat ordered wine'" Al this moment the ee•- that the nail. being w, (lift; boy spied Chase's famous hat on the .:r•1 rusty, would ,•' up r. -t• stn; hnll table. "Say:" lie 21;ke(1. "docs Arid 141(4,41 poison 1 t.t,t t, li that hat Ilvr' here?" "Yee." said the t:t'et•iuns expel -it -It 1,.w u•.. d %.;t. nlnus(d maid. "Then." said the boy hue wap, so 1 elcamed the 11,4111.1 trtnmplinatly. "here's where the wine t,;. !ted a little Zam-fI!ik, and r:: belongs!" -Argonaut. int,, the wound. The re. ' 1 II1.1)1)1) I'OIFON. - - f r.:rT alt'.: -! f i;i+B 13µt ''/.um•Illlk Sated hit. 'Thumb beet.e Cwry-akere. If .at et ycp.s. Lai!, /:r d-scry:.0 drndar to tie e.asut oloay e/ 1r:1 The Queen Citi: 011 Company, L-o••tedAzZEMEE. rota. . s54 DA, and upwards mmd• by 'nod aw•uu. No •s- Ip.•t•uw u.ce.•ur. ,a,llustruetioo• I••u. - nom• = r t Yaslusire territory. 1 (, - :r>t� •� , The " Hand. " bitting Jack is a Onee again a care it reported 10 'i - -_ -- ^; combination Litta.g Jack and Wire which flu' peteilar balm 'Lane}link �1 ` i 1enter Stretcher. Equals: any stretcher un the market, coils less. 1189A doses other uses besides. Pulls poo me and stictches single wire, heads barrel.+, hats heavily wagons, traction engines and ant buildings. Easily operated. Weigh only 22 pounds. Guaranteed for five `werelrrftll ! It t(t,tlied t to 1 Not For Fashion's Sake. rand the thumb actually (11(1 , The eriutlnal law of England WON , swell. 7..,tm-Ifuk kept away all 111 formerly marked by indiscriminating Il Ihanuuatieii. I wee able to go ori severity. Theft of nn article rained ' with sty' wail, 1t!1 the time, and in Metre 10 sit limes waft punished with a few days tl,o thumb was as 10)1:(1 ' as ever A brunt w hick can de 11:i. should be in dere we:king man - A (1 Rt A1' 1) E:IwANID t.....,.. '' p A ... c� E o1 ri ,?4 T !! .. I (tenth. In writing atunt "Sweet Hampstead and !!s Asa(n•tatlots" Mrs. White records at pirasant thing of Lard Matefleld, who. as /i rule, leaned to the side of tnerey. It was Lord \bins• field who dlreeted \ Jury to thud a ',mien trinket les.+ In value than 10 shillings In meter that the tiller might escape capital potttshm('nt. To tills the Jeweler who prnaecnted denmered. us,irlfug that the fashlnn of the thing had cost haul tole,. that rlinoey. -Gentlemen." replied the Judge, with grave 'telemetry. •'wa ourselves stand In need of on•r-y Lel ns ant Itau. a 1 man for the fashion's sake!" Farmers ' "this is Ih,• ,t ears. Thousands being sold. Ate I.andlrt thing energetic farmer or other good mail • on ,h- tarm. wanted to represent usin every locality. It rift'. .o ,-r, t.me. r ' i or Write at once 6cfore ycur territory is ;•rr antthniX,rcr,,i: .e i •,r511- taken. gale Send,tot I:nok'ar 14. HANDY JACK MFO. CO., SARNIA, ONT. ELEGRA bre. Aix :ry• • FOR SALE. •4.1:11 YA]tht'I Y.N(1L1'.11 1105(11 111,11 t 11 1411111 for bellies and young children t, .w r teen to 1' %a:n-link is a sure euro for ••t •1r. --LEAN, msec -'(g, C07('It't, 1 ingwurm. 1 'i puio)n, scalp sores, chapped • cold sores, 'stimme(l pall'h('• , ' ' If it, \ari.:•F4 ''041113 and pike. cuts. hurns, brt►ises. n. - skin ' skin. dioen•es and injn,ie_ '' 1 1,v n nil (Iruggi•(.; and st- t buy 1 for Rl I' •', • • 11• 1.•;. Iron 'tet• • - • 4r••. Aa -i ,li. an Maud Sti. i orante. Ont. `�'Ast ..n -•'.C.11 .til Y.l. \'. .. tlaille. Vhonehr DvUcula.. 11.1• �mvc U}i tte't 11 olf. t�tutt Ianterr4Seatn%t. �' R R OW E R S t r•,aty. �'� T Y. tRx1:1,. BtKat.lt :ItAUa - !tK1Y I .teem •.n,rfaut praetl:• .metol in.trse• ,.. r . • -r t •tae t.w ...•1is e•,n.p..te (,carie 1.415 free• rtnteal Convention �'te.earntp•i•.te•I;btee•1 dattare wart• ,ant• lorcst.t..Itis Mole: Wirer C•lleps, 11• 1.'mitw4. T " WANTED. (y v. 19th, and 17th. 1910 uaee,. t:.atl. ("mato • - To,aor(ro f,..•n '/.nm Bilk Co_Toronto. for SINOLE FAME r' OM ALL RAILWAYS ,e "_•'•' Pe"t"". •• n FARMS FOR SALE • n.gre-1 I - .L,. • Petr Juria; �nl 1 h i llwrA ettt'•Id r.'' 4 1ai1, - ,1 x.tll 1 1 harmful imitalinnr•11.0 ti r 67 1 ' ��; t 9 Tho Barber - Hee dal you tnan- � �.. ,� ( . �i i eemi hairs The W t(•- 1.1 �. agetol �nl eee•ts ,.t.•;.• t.•nees. a4-rc. cot.••. h,•.). ISO throe, sod loads • • • id- .call. (int --Guess my wife hall a 1101.4 in VENETIAN WOMEN. )t: Mlnard's Liniment Cures ei.rns, Ctc. The Whims of Fashion Hold No Ter• I 1 . ,r •• n Lace •„I.1 t••nr an ton For Them. 1 , , , ; t The wormer of Venice are absoluh•ly 1 a : 1!r /,1'1 free from 1111. rule which Dame 1'nsh• fon ,sercl.es titer their testers (•Ire• t 1 e,.•.' ,•, t afford t•• 1 .: (:.. ,•liar• where They care nothing for inedes, fur lho blame thing. Pries Is t .n.1 t r.•srr.,nune •ant „n Request (ANGER,'tumors, Lumps. etc. lnteteal P. W. NODOETTS, Secy. IL and eiternai, .nerd without Dain be I'arliaroeut Buildings, T•l,at•, r ,. 1.00e t••• -(merit. Write its before too --- I n M•ediral Co. Limited. 1.11'[: LIM'''. l'' -- Thera is good in each and sem' 'LEAN 4N t N G Lfbad in all : the nein who would rWmit !lin ... OUT!. S prt•nch must belt, theta uhf.fall. i 1 . : Er.t sh Ammr'C;n OtJin , Co. r Al Vies. Knot•.:rt Plan. ‘With them the length of the .tetra r1'• NO SURtTITUTE FOR '.Thr n A 1, SI Har 1 1 • , 1 1. .' malletalways the Brune. neither short t;..r•ti i l't••trr. rtrwmmendrd by •'cert+ near - i .,,1111 taut St:' . i r. I I i 1,-.r 0I.eumatisto 11•,1 nur long. and they unsays wear plainly b.•Jc 1"r ,user.• plur,ay, etc. Stade h: - I r. .• used 1t aur both .1,11 � Lawtrh.o mode dnrk l►atls dresses, block stockings and 1 (W.- - the heelless slippers of the east. flak i "II„cw (1" \'0'1 snl+t,e'c ihr fiefs (,[ I..►CI.R • me uuknoa'n, t.:..-:'...1 . t sheat,) Fs J.l,n 'Ube mule eisill outdoor wrap for ell ages nee 1111 sizer, 1+ the 1)1414,k shawl. .14'4'14W1•: Ise itilchcf'." With 11 (11.4.11 .liken fringe. 11 13 folded ni!h n veers point nls,ve and a b•'tg o; ,• o, ,•ta :,:..1 +onu•tlines 11 ant pewee e f!, 11 hemi to font, It Is neve •t .!emit at the throat. and when 1t R 11 is gathered up .with ane out- ., ut 1 rlr nl man '.n +1 sem, wile ti ,IOIk. the '{ ec r '1' .:4,s 1 lint a p • t ,.ltlnk et n big 1.1ril eireichltre Its to: ' !: ', ,,teary. 194.11, Stink. V%rnr!,-, water,. 517ee. I. :r.•e.•d by ltr.r,.'• the 1.1•11,l)'. To .1,' 1 .0„i,t•r. It HU'llt' . Gnc at' "t\ 1,a1 Ur., tile• I. h•it st r11:st•ti .. Inc,"►,,a,:4•.r•. '11•i1tr i •.r 14.0t(•It (ler ltl:l d(• in your life lee. Atauno 1:)•e liunedy Cu., 'r.'1'•:I,aA _ _-- '•\)t Pimping ing when 1 heard 011 au- to Norm the other day. ' t;, •l,elr nttire the women of fent e Ylnare a Liniment Celleves Nearalgla, .••.lrpentb•nt. Wily %tearing Icon! 1) I''''1', I ':.1(;1?I►'i'I1P, Ill' i'.. • •• but with feminine Incoµ+l•1. .:1 1 they nee thertmehty up to date ' \ ,. .t , .0 a held in t'r `:,„, :: .', tee mutter of 1i,tnlressIng• the oast•' 11,x' ':,' I tt.' 14,.! .t !: Iita :t. 1 . he K of Hole cnl1Trlrce chant:Ing !nen time ti,,. i,; •(uine •.nc keep- i► 1. aster. a hales or u to flute. ncc•!nling 1.. the teeue of the i -- 1., ,i , ,• • r oe., Iyer el, ,'1 arti '!11-' mouh•DI Ili Inndon ani Paris. 11. 1,. ,, t ferry Darier Iatnkll'er, 11'. erects are alms* i1.1 41,1•!,8 11. kW!. ant.. barn• mad brulNI. .sten tuteruilir cures 'temp•• dinr.b.es mrd !r..at•ry. Ac,.i.I rah'i l'lt.t , h•r• (e but ono • tafukitl•r"- Peril Dacia -too. sail SU". "I;iiter says he is wnktd up CV ••rt- 4.1 ilia at. •1.•' "MAIM I CURED OF LAME BACK WHEN 84. \I , Samuel Martin, of Slrsthrnt, (hit , passed twenty tear., of his 1i e in mist, v, suffering tortures from lams hark. 11 • tried nr:►rly all advertised rem,di,•s an.{ "1 f .111111 1t 11.711 111e moor••, y..::r hmisehold rrc.pr,, but rcceited no henehl from any of them. Some months ago, seeing (tin Pills ad ♦ertwral, 11r, Martin t•urchnard it hes. Sr;aa: d's Liniment tures 0: ntirul7. The relit( which Mr. Mer Un experienced "'i'i. trick .1 putting the nett, n01er hP h d talon oar butt was ;it), great .1, 4.1 Ilse lagkel tg that hr knew he had ( 1 Ihn right rem• fruit at the t , rdyat I:, .t. 1t• used awn mor.' boars and worked nal," aria the philosephie 11 now „,,,,elrrr'y cured, l grocer• : • it de -'n t foul anybody tit,., a hos, 6 for silt St, at all dealers.. 0113' m,•r' . 1 n ill leave tn01 • ba' Freo sample i you write National Drug kets 111-Ia' tare bate . em( 1 ' 1111', & Ct•'tn.yal Co., (Dept. W. I-.) Toronto, well 111,'r• pea(iies en 1 I1. Ont. *hi/ ' II. r, i• ;::,• brat pel.ry nn r rine,I1., .' ,t taco•• a I.11•,l:full 10. rc ?,lams at man's success leave:, n anal : ..tr.`. nut tar ,c.l tics 1,:l:er taste in the mouths of his quickly stop' tea b., tar•• tubi., Li ti. as .,vitt(:`s. Iho throat •nd los.. • • • r: iota. . . t . 1 ., ' ands. • • 1\', � , .1 tl'e fAlnr rd•$ Liniment -tar este everywhere. 111 :i,:h'fi i', e,, ,. ,,!,, 1 rt \ OI' I.IFI:. titttit „ the K(•nl!etu(•►, wale ase ai', ,' ur and to„'tl,nt( nt it, :Ir11 I'uI think' .\ „ -i1 k 1 .nnprefe>s"r, latae had Lite it left the de -•'t r_i- Dr. Mor se'3 Indian Root Pluto are not a new and untried remedy --- our grandfathers used them Half a century ago, before t'on(ederetion, they were ,•n (alt' in nearly every drug or ar.,erll store in the (:enada of that dee, sed w'r'rr the recognized cure In thnnvnds .d Irnme♦ for Constipation, 1ntlie eetio•r, Biliousness, Rheumatism and Kidney and Liver Troubles. To- day they are just as effective, just ae rehehle a+ evtr, and nothing better has yet been devised to Curo Common 111• 1111• 1111)41 Won •-t (•mint; 1em0what on ;lie l u! • of ptelant►y in regard to I've leo. cf the right• word in the right pin•,•. returl:ed home enc o'.ening end •'urprised a burglar at work in his room. Whipping out n revolver the lat- ter covered him, saying -- "If you mut.; you're a dead man." "Allow the to remark, my good man," rejoined the professor, "that your statement is absurd. 11 I movo it is excellent proof that 1 ata lite. You really should consider youur Mut a little beturo rising it O Turkey Feaih3rs li!antad ,• ,t i pay cash f,,, wing and 1.11 feathers, t'. • particulars - it. W. NE.L5OJ4 & CO , TORONTO ASK ME WI -IAT RAW FU [S WORT!, W. C. GO; F'ATT Oi:ILLIA• •- ONTARIO .t hived dropped 111 •u a:. oltl lath t,1 was frying a le. ha cell. "Co and lrtcen, the, alt'• f! tend, •atitling nlTahl, hall n 1 )Wt•11. 1 tau, :I . 1 :t'• 11,' said i11e 4O.1 '.1 1, . 1 ,. 111(• ',I:0'3 in the le, 1. `'.,- nom ler murdered stilt. outlier. 'flit:t pig (lie.I a natural 3 'l tiH:1'1r,� iso . 1 -NO 11 LG.