HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-12-15, Page 8••••••••• •••••N•••••♦•♦•• ••••••NNNNN••••••N•• N••••♦••_♦••••••o••♦•••♦♦ sees♦••••••••••••••••••�•• 1 • PHON l� ll) • v Only 1 Ar�1... 2 No. Not if you e buying your presents until the last minute. 1 ou will n.. -ethe assortment to choose frotn t i 2and you tt is become tiro. ,the worried, jamming through • 2 M be a season of misery :: the crowds, that Xmas to you 9 II •• Shopping 11ill cXMfiS€€ ••-ling to thoroughly enjoy Nmas ? instead of great joy. You caano• t -cure your Gifts to ♦• • • 500(. • • Market Report. -The fo110 the report of Exeter mark et,d ':P. to Der, (ober 11.1 SV t standard $4 contra Mo.l,l Flour •Sebe Feed 1°lour *Lae Witter 2. e- intr. C1.• Im• t y 1 .t t. r 270- 30 to :32 cense. album+ (22.00 Matt ['20,00 Barley 48 to 51 cents. Egg; 28 cents. Ducks live 13c., dretesed live 12c.. dressed 1 Turkeys live 17 1-2, dre Chickens live 11c, dress Hens live Re. dresetd 10 Choice export heifers $• Christ uv h •if •rs $0.25 Choice cows r-,.00 to 11 •(iiuui cow. • 1.00 l Cale •n ::7.00 to $(Z,O. tih , $•3.:10 to w1 •e•1 Lambs $;,lei, to, Illy R10. 0.00 Gifts for Men and Bob _= j = • Sweater Coats • •. •� •: ': :.11 Shades nod :+.tea at 76c to 2:75 Shirts le Fancy Weaves in neat Patterns sites 12i to 17 at 50e to $ t Gloves & Mitts \Vont. Kid. Mocha (•n- Iinril lied Silk or Wool Lined '• 5Octo$'� •• Z• Socks • in Plain, Ribbed or Fat.cy ♦ Embroidered Cashmere •= 25c to 506 Gifts or Ladies 86 Girls Braces Geed Quality Elastic web with Leather or Fabric ends. 256 to 506 per pair Ties \ Beautiful Assortment of Fancy Designs in all styles 25C to 50C Mufflers Fine Knitted Mercerized Bradley Mufflers and Silk Scarfs. 5oc to $1 .25 Handkercheifs in Plain Linen and Fancy Borders. Ion to 5oc s • • • •• • •• 2• 2♦ 2♦ • I2 • 2• ♦ • •• •• • • • • ••sees♦•,♦•••♦sees♦♦••••♦• ••♦••••••••••••••♦♦••••••• Scarfs 11f Silk Chiffon and Fancy 1\ t ollen ICnitt 50c to 2:50 Gloves and Mitts In \Vool, Cashmere. Silk and Kid. 25c to f:25 Blouses Toques All Colors, \Vorsted and Honeycomb Knits 25C to 50c Hair Ribbons All widths and Shales in Silk and 'satin 10c to 50c per yard Ha Jkerchiefs air and Embroidered, Fancy Net. Plain Net, Colored Borders in Linen and Lawns and Silks at Cambric 5oc to 6.00' 5c to 1:00 Linen Department..A, We have never before had such a beautiful array of Fancy Linens as we have for this Xmas Trade, Tray Cloths, Centre Pieces. Sideboard Scarfs, Lunch Cloths, Doylies, Table Clothe, Table Napkins, hemstitched and Embroidered Towels, also plain and fancy Huckaback Towellir.,;, See our Fancy Slippers or Men, Women, Child- ren and Boys XMAS C 1 1 I NA Another shipment of XMAS ('hinA hats just arrived. Thie lot consists of the very finest French. German and Austrian China You will have no trouble in choosing something for a friend out Of this assortment. -- _ - - -- .\ 11 kinds of Produce taken Carne as (',t -h. J_ A STEW AR's' LOCALS . •• •.••••••♦•♦•♦••••••••••••• • •. • 4♦,• (� L. • •Zt 1 THE EXETER TIMES i . ..,••••••••••••••••••• •••••NN°sThe Bigduction Sa 9O•••••••••••••••N••r••••••NN.: . •. CABLING' Wi11 continue this and next l• There is only Ten Days Left till Come ill and see us about your C gifts fcr your friends. We have thing surprisingly cheap for money. ' A few of the articles we give 20c. to $6. 0 :(1.111 5,12 • 3.50 tt , li,av dos yr.: 'a►x'! rt-adt • • I '!' a days na, , till Chri-sttnas• •• • • :send this 31D : r to a frIeeid. • • December 211 is the shortest d as • • of the year. , • • •• • •. •• • ••• • • •• •• •. • ♦ •. •• • • •. •. •• •. •. •. •• • • • ♦ ♦• 2• • • • • •• • •• •• • •• •• • •♦ ♦ •• •• •• •• ••• ••♦ ••• •• •• •• • • O • •• • •♦ •• •• •• •• • •• •• .. sees•♦•••••••••••♦•♦sees•• •••••♦♦••••♦sees♦♦••♦••••♦ BUY USEFUL PRESENTS Tho kind that hr it i Cheer to the heart of the one who give as well as the one who receives. See These Useful Presents at Cole's Drug Store PERFUMES The largest and best a; assortment in town. (Choice odors in bulk or in fan. y boxes •••;• Inc to $1 (r, each •.a J• XMAe, CARDS & I3UOKt-EiS I1'e 1"•sir Cho;ce Ir. n. Ihoa.u1. TOILET SETS Ebony and Hose s o.sl in alligator box- es. The very laleat. Ste rnr large assort. mint -27 NI to t. t salt. Cnn•e 0511,. TRAVELLING SETS 1'or Leslie. and Oen. Menten. Kee these. the) are choice, Ail priers MANICURE SET Special eir.piece set for $2. This Inclie a dandy for the money. New .n.1 Nifty. many others at Astonishing low prices. POST CARD ALBUMS Env the children these are,rry desirab- le Children prise them We have a splendid u• soremrnt froth 2Se to $1.6r.. See them XMAS STATION' RV In t,eauhf•.11.nIt• MANICURE PIECES 24e to Sl tach AMBER PIPES In leather ',VW., hem •2.00 to 6.00 each til file to Xt.no RAZORS Cigars in Name Dozes No honing nn grind. TOILET WATERS, EBONY HAT the Cahn •Magnitie GLOVE AND HAND' Razors $2.00; Auto BRUSHES prap nilteue [safety) KERCHIEF BOXES $.S each and Gem for And man otheethillgs In leather oases, ,p•1M1, Any of the y So.nettime new for Goon unieroustn meet- a1MeC mage n.eful •. chome (early i lion, only $1.00 peewits. rr 1 Drug ,,l a4-v-i.. SHAVING SETS A useful rut for a Gentleman. A lip to 111. Ladies -see them before you buy him a present. Easy styles Front 111 to V2,50 LEATHER GOODS K,eerything In lea. Ther. -.oln nurses for Men and Hoy., l'nck• et (tooks for men sad I1)5, Rand Satchels for Ladies, Mndc (tolls for 'Ache*, Gard Cases 1:,c., Etc. Ruffen Schism* Cuticle 2Se to 75c 26, toil 60e to Xi COMB AND BRUSH SETS We nen certainly please you here at pri• tees thatwlll suit )our poekelbnok. Beauti- ful new sty les of (toles from tu.•'.) to 0,00 SHAVING OJTFIT sharing Mugs 1:_,. 'e Shoeing Rr• Thr. 1 to S1 Mating Strop.2.Seto 51.10 :hating Ktick• in nice klean•l glass 4-5,5 2.o each J. •:.:�►t :....: +! ;••� •::. i d .; 1 +, Jc t i h+++++++++++.:4++++++++44+++ Canada's drank bill last y,-ar amounted to $73,545,757. Mrs. Frank Wright is visiting h, r daughter at ort Arthur. Mr. John nee-. of Calgary. is visiting with le:etives in town. Renew your subscription and re- ceive one of our beautiful calendars, Miss Lida Ot •. of Toronto. is visit- ing her pare,nte. Mr. end Mrs. H. Oko. Mr J. T. Wood =::d Mrs. J. J. Knight ase.re 'es Locd2n on Friday Mr. :and -lire. G. A. K. McLeod are visiting with relative. a: Egmond- ville. Christmas ahopper3 (vii! do well to study th, aids in thio issue before going , bottle see Look over our clubbing list in sn- other eotutlta and the what we can save: You when ordering two papers. Mr. 'itichard Glanville, was in Nineteen last week attending 'the funeral of his aster. ]sirs, \Vr1, T•,y!o:. week. 11 Wednesday Evenings at 8. p. m. and ss Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. and evening;fat 8 2• p.m. • • Goods arc being continually added. Among them 1500 worth I of choice Furs for Ladies and Children composed of s Stoles and Ruffs, Persian Lamb Coats, Grey Lamb CoI!arettc and sit Caps for children. Be sure you come to the sale. Never such bar- : : gains ever offered in Exeter. t• • • •• T.B. Carling, Auctioneer. Mr. and Mre. Ed. fiarneea and daughter Greta. are visiting Mrs. Harness' percnta at Dashwood for •t couple- of weeks. 51rs. (; .W. li irrieln and two ch.i.i- r: n.:and htr r. .Lh r. Mrs. Kent.:. . on:Thursday la -•t to join Mr. llarru eon at Wet. rice. Miss Kath:ern Stewnrt entertained r number of a sing teen& to n to- boe.-in (•ir•e en Friday evening. lt,•fteetir ets were $(t.rwartl' served at 'the hon-'. Th^ clearing+ of the Hank of Com- merce (bitl year amounts to $1,1,418,- 065.04 ns O•ulpar •d with R. 1 x,10, 695,- 43 in 1909 or nn increase of $32736J),- li' in 1910 over 190e. Bays( you r, neared your subscrip- :ion to in, -Times" and received one of our beautiful calandare4 We have triad to recurs 3 calendar worthy of a place in any room of the house. People are talking about them and they ere Poing lake hot cakes. Mr. Claris- W. Fitt U. of Toronto. ars ndir. 1 .' hoLdayi with hi er•-nt5. qtr. ,:id Mre. W. • en..1i. of [Bina 1.,•, aft. r which. I. c,tnt•,1e-' hie duties for the )• IA) nc city le presentative for the It •tai! ' 1rchent's Ar. neintion of ('.(nada. The renains of the :ate Mrs. Geo. Ilarton, who di- d at Manitou. 3lan.. on Mond+.y of ICs: week. arrived lu town on Fridly morning and ((erre interred n the Exeter cemetery Fri- day ;tfterneon. The funeral took nlac0 from the home of Mr. Thomas Ilarton. Andres ,trust, Tb. W(•.•kly i.un. 'Toronto. is a 1rg• seventy-c)Iunln farm weekly n •wspeprr. making a specialty o.' :111 matt.•ra of bueinese and Poe' -al in- t r -t t• the firmer and his family. "I I, t.un'.l ni irket reports are admit- th-• b • and moat nectirat•' put- ., h 41. It hi+ no equal its this field. r. 11. Smith. tvho attended tb • 1, . relational: Lite Stook Exhibition Chic ,go w.th three of hie Spa t: -- 1.1.1 Shorthorn h rd was euccc•- ul witenilur -• cond. f.fth and r 1. erizes. Mr .:`meth was fo1:r dace - n th. road with his cattle being he:d 10. fey :h • c.: -tams. and to caps ur three seizes in rings ranging (rota 40 to GO It '.d. sp•nke wen for o -,r townsman. end ranks hien ne ons• of 11. 1nr.•n/o'1 bre refers of Shorthorn t . Th wedding of Wes Margit i'loody .,nd It -v W. ii. Cooper. pa- . r of Mily--r'on Method''' Ch•;rch. :col: %lace V,,•, mildly aftzreoon. Dec. 7th. -.t tiro r idenee of the bride's tiro - t her. M Edward Floody. 5ft Cos • ev,nue, Toronto. Only intima, r: ind• of the contracting parties sen:. The ceremony was eon'iect 1 by Rev. W. I3, Caswell. of Dunn � .\•-': ••• Methodist Church. ',1r. Ogee •v I. n former pastor of th Elie Methodist church and ween kit• '•, 0 to our reader', W.• . corutratelRtinnts. We have Paid Particu- lar Attention to our Stock of Jew elery • • •• •• 2 • • • •• •• • • • •• •• • • • • • s • ••• •t • •2 • • • 2 •• • o♦♦•••••••+•♦•••••♦•♦♦••♦♦ • .......:• 7•++++++++++++++F++ -l+ ++++++++++++++++-1-1-4-1-++-:•+-1--:•..........: : . and never has a morel corn - pIfrtf• li le been shown titan WO a1(1 showing now consist- ing of (lents an (7.'1114 151) .� WOO(' r3e entire' Cuff Links and Sete relief i/leket5 anal ('linins , llrncelete, 1)reee Pins tinge and Ncvelllee. FITTON and Optician _, 1 • t• I.2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I • S New GrdnU Trus ?a61116 GItU The Gateway to the Great Peace River Country Agriculture, Coal, Iron, Location Destines EDSON to become shortly one of the GREAT CITIES OF TIIE WEST \Ve are Now Selling Lote in the Grand ;tun': Tari tic Townsite at 5100 for Inside Lots, $125 for Corners 810 down Secures a Lot. No interest. No Taxes. A Sure Way of Making Money. Now;,is the 'fine' to Purchase before Prices eds./ince. For Information, Mape, Et(•, tall on or write R• E• Office at Residence John Street. ExI73TER, PiCKA:2L) 1. General Selling Agent Grape 'Trunk Pacific Town Site ONTARIO •1 I2 • • • s t • • ♦ • • • • • t • • • • • •• •• t• • •• •• •• ♦•• •• •'•• • •• • II: •• 1 • • II:: '22 • 1I• • • 1111 • 21•• •I•: •I•• • •I•♦♦••••••••••♦•.••♦•♦••N• ♦♦♦•••.....I••••..••N•••• •I••••••o•••••♦•••♦••••••••• sees♦sees••♦NN•••• • 3 1-, Wool Blankets We have only a few pair of wool blanket left to clear. ['rices ranging from $3.50 to 5.50 Table Napkins We have some exceptional lines in (Inc damask table napkins. Something neat and the latest designs rang- ing in price froin $1.25 to 3.25 Fancy Towels A tine range just arrived in pule linen at 70c. pair also a fine damask towel in pure linen at $i.00 pair Room Rugs A fete lines in Brussels ruga ranging from 14.00 to $20.00 'These ruge are in green and fawn grounds with the latest designs also small rugs rang- ing from $2,50 to $3.50 to watch the ruga nicely. SPECIAL a Thie is e nutty for Chrlbcl for young men r a_ also a range fo ranging from gig 25c. to I e0 Handkerchi An exceptional li brie at and a pure linen at 25c. also a pure Japanese liitndkerchiefs at only 50c. (jents' Suspend All fine suspenders i 111tality elastic a11(1 Ilea si i; n each pair boxed sep ly for 50c. Gloves A choice line in Mocha aid Dressed Kid lined and unlILd ranging from 1.00 to 2.50 also a Chamois glove you can wash and snake like new at 1.50 A Special cash discount of 15J; will be given on all (Hen's and Ladies' furs. Fresh Groceries arriving every weekall groceries guaranteed to be the best. They say "The best is none to good at Christmas time. All kinds of Poultry taken alive or dressed at highest prices. ig Xmas SPECIAL • with every purchase of • 11:3 and over, you get FREE a 50 cent Bottle of MAU7,E ROSE I'I ll'ME. /dilute Rose is a real Sweet i- Lasting Odor. 1 ale Powoll's dziir Variety Place + CHINA AND GLASSWARE FOR XMAS PRESENTS 1• OUR CHINA is simply Beautiful. Our with the (111a111y. We have cheap china and good ('hind, i.ovely Plates and Salad .+. liowle, easily worth 50 rents for :Ri cents. t Sugar and ('realn Sete worth 00c and 75c, •?• now going at 50 cents. Se,. Them. Pretty hair Receivers and Jewel l'ast's 25 cents. Price.' are certainly Low compared .. Glass Water Sete Gold Trimmed with Tray (Ilaes Table Sets (Gold Trimmed, 1 Pieces ✓- (lIttse Berry Sets (cold Trimmed 7 Pieces Nearcut (:lass Intake like real Cut (class, In Table Sets, Berry Sets, Water Nets. Prices! ;l; very Low. Pepper and Malty, glass or China, 10 cents • a piece up. 4. Remember t. 0h each $:3 Purchrae fou get a fell cent Bottle of Manzi. Rose Perfume T. FREE. [land Bee, Purses Et (•„ some 13t'tsutire. + Toilet. Boxes, Conihs snit BrulheA, onth 1 Bnlehea, Etc. A good Astortnlcnt, l,ow Pricer'. - CONFECTIONERY ! Botl•linns 2.5 cosine a box up. ('hocolatea, [Many fiavoi a 2.lc to :01c a pound Creates. Nut. blocks, Etc„ 20c a pound up. h Thirty different I rent Goods Camels, ('hewing Gums, Cough Candy. Mints. Royal ,nixed, (tut Iiockltnixed. Al- : •- nleria (Grapes, Fig.' Dater, Our Creme de Sweete Peanuts aregreal.20c a pound. lin Mhams, Oranges, Lemons, best Quality. ��+,.�.. ;••1••I•�r•:-1••:••:••s• : •1•�• �•�•a ::.:..reel , : +•f••: •f SPECIAL. GOOD PERFUMES 6001) COSMETIC'S (700[1 CONFECTIONERY EvERYTIIINO GOOD A Merry Xmas For Every Member of The Family Mnke this Christmas an ,SII -Year -Round Christmas and a doubly eventful Christ- mas,- by making it the day on which the I:I)ISON I'l1ONO(iRAI't1 comes into Your donne. LIEN ''t)U select your ('llrintnlatt Instrument, be sere it's an EDISON-and then you'll be sure of get tlug vour full money's worth -not the gift of a day 1,1 a year, but the Rift of a lifetime; the inetruulent that gives more than double the entetta' at of ell other in-1rii- 1111511(1, The best, ('hri•,tmaC pr•r-'•nt ie menet fling all can Pnj •^• All run enjoy the Edison i'll nograph. to -(lay, to morrow and for yeitrs to come. TOYS ! TOYS ! 11,tve bet. ti ►noyiug nut fast, but we still have plenty. YOU WILt. IIAVE TO CO •!. secs+++'►'e' ....if•r••: t•; PICTURE POST CARDS, STATIONERY AND [)RUG PREPARATIONS Ti sandy of Nines Cards, beauties at 211 rents a dozen. 2 dozen :35c, while they last. Others at '25c and SOC a dozen. X oras Ilooklet e at 5c, 10c. Box Stationery, special 211 conte. Pads, Envelopes, Et(. Tooth Paste. Medicinal Jelly, Tont Powder, Talcum Powder. Hair Tonic and Perfumes, Florida Water. any Qi antity. Cut Rate if Nought by the iloeen. 'these Goods no.ke nice XIrart Gifts Order Early i E OFTEN