HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-12-15, Page 7of the C000dloo KoiIl les UIs TEAR:RltwULATIONB. Ieraon who is the sola head mile, or auy male •vsr le of available Dominion land is a, Saskatchewan, or Alberta 'licent meet appear in person itouliltiou Lands A twoy ao noy for the district. Entry by lay be had at the weary, oa conditions, by father, mother lighter, brother, or sister d Charles's person: and though the doe- : -Six Six mo homesteader. tor's evidence pointed to an almost in- :-tiio uwnt l rcaiden1 epos credible facial distortion -so great • year . of the land to nary that Dr. Mortimer refused at first to adcr may ears. A homeste 7 rind y 1 f indeed his a ft was !v et h t believe hip nine rniltw of his hons� and patient who lay before him -it was explained that that is a symptom which Is not unusual in cases of dyspnoea and death from cardiac exhaustion. This explanation was borno out by the post-mortem examination. which showed long-standing ase, and the coroner'sorganic juryrtured laever- dict in accordance with tho medical evidence. It is well that this Is so, for It is obviously of tho utmost Import- ance that Sir Charles's heir should set- tle at tho Hall and continue the good work which has been so sadly inter- rupted. Had the prosaic finding of the coroner not finally put au end to the romantic stories which have been whispered in connection with the affair, THE EX El TER TIM ♦44444 -44++♦++♦++++•.• -++ ♦++++++++++4: 4 +4.4 + + ♦ + I The Hound of the 8a skervilles • • • ♦ + + • Another Adventure of Sherlock Holmes. + t BY A CONAN DOY LI:. t Author of "The Green Flag" and "The Great Boer War" • + Copyright (19O) by A. Conan Doylo. 4 + 4 ++++++4.-+++++++++++.4+4-++++4+4-4+++++++++++++4- • ♦ + tfarui of at least 60 aerea tried anti occupied by him le er. mother, sea, daughter or teeter. tain districts a horueetetiet standing May pre-empt r seetioIl alongside nie home - rico $3. per acre. 1)utiee. ide six months. ineaoh of ars ow date of Lozneetead entry le the tens required to ear ail patent, and oultivta. rce extra. ,.,•steader whe has exhaueetsd ,eread right and cannot ot• re-emption may take a per mestend in certain distriet. . per acre. Duties. -Mae' ;tenths in each of the.. h (iffy acres sod ere•tt might have been difficult to And a .•' tenant for Baskerville Hall. It is un - w. $300.w. CORYsy, derstood that the next-of-kin 1s Mr. ep of ere coYint•ter of the nbeAer 1[enry Baskerville, it bo bo still alive, l,ns 'borI.ed pnbli'ation obi the son of Sir Charles Baskerville'; N. W%t se aid foryounger brother. Tho young man when moo D _--- ast heard of was to America, and in - i0 t, .;aa ALU.. Accident. c idem torte and Plau 4ufries are being instituted with a view lit rt to Informing him of his good fortune." ifori •tioneering. 1 . wr..-,'.,.o.• refolded hi. paper and • i. F ROULSTON replaced It in his pocket. • "Those are the public facts, Mr. D. S. ; I). D. S.' Holmes. in connection with the death graduate of Toronto University of Sir Charles l3askervtlle." DENTIST "1 mast thank you," said Sherlock Ilolmes, "tor calling my attention to 'E: -Over Dickson A Carling's a case which certainly presents some I.aw Offices, Exeter. featu'es of interest. 1 had observed . CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS some newspaper comment at the time. but I was exceedingly preoccupied by r‘R. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., I) I that little affair of the Vatican cameos. 11.01). S., Honor graduate of Toronto and in my anxiety to oblige the Pope I touch with several interesting University. 1English cases. This article, you say, Dental Surgeon Office over (Badman et Stanhury Main street-ExtxTFit. W. BROWNING, M. D.. M. • P. S., Graduate Victoria, t' wattle oMee and readenence. Dominion t aSoraborr. Exeter Associate Coroner of Mooren. l• R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and' •8., Honor Graduate Toronto Un ersity. Two years resident physician . yal Alexandra Iiospital, etc. Office .d residence, Dr. Amos' old stand drew Street, Exeter. SS EUG ITT AOBBS Jaynes Stet Par ALI�`FNBUSH, , n and Burgeon and Omer -Dr. Rollin'sold o Main Street. Residence -Corner mes and Albert Street. opposite James Street Methodist I'arennege. Bx* ter, Oat. Phones -Office 39a, Residence 3911 r• DR. C. A. 110U/.E, V. S. Graduate of Ontario Vet. College. lost "I can well remember'drlving up to, his house in the evening, some three weeks before the fatal event. ilo chanced to bo at his hall door. 1 bad descended from my glg and was btand- In frontof him, when I saw his R In 1 eyes fix themselves over my shoulder. and stare past me with an expression of the most dreadful horror. 1 whisked round and had just time to catch a Rlirpso of something which I took to be a large black calf passing at tho head of tho drive. So excited and alarmed was Ito that I was compelled to go down to the spot where the ant - mal had been and look around for It. It was gone, however, and the inci- dent appeared to make tiro worst im- pression upon his mind. I stayed With him all the evening, and it was on that occasion, to explain the emotion which bo had shown, that ho confided to my keeping that narrative which I read to you when first I came. I mention this small episode because it assumes some Importance In view of the tragedy which followed, but 1 was convinced It the time that tbe matter was entire- iy trivial and that his excitement had ao justification. "It was at my advice that Sir Charles was about to go to London. ]lis heart was, I knew, affected, and the constant anxiety In which he lived, however ehitnerlcal the cause of it might be, was evidently having a serious effect upon his health. 1 thought that a few months among the distractions of town would send him back a new man. Mr. Stapleton, a mutual friend who was much concerned at his state of health. was of the same opinion. At the last .,Yes „ Instant came this terrible catastrophe. "And what marks did you sea by the "On the night of Sir Charles's death Caught a Cold Which Ended in a Severe Attack of Pneumonia. Ex Honors, (i:i, A. M J'Qss, %V. u, Jori• s per 66. 11, :sod 63.2. 60.2, E. It nv, rage a W. it, Too much titres.; cannot be laid on the fact that when a person catches coni i0 must bo attcndod to immediately. or serious results are liable to follow. Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Consump- tion are all caused by neglecting -to cure the simple cold. Mrs. C. W. Bowman, 1'attullo, Ont., tree years ago 1 caught a cold which ended in a severe attack. of Pneumonia. Since that time at the beginning of each winter I seetn to catch cold very easily. I have been so hoarse 1 was unable to speak loud enough to be heard across the room. Last winter, however, a friend nclvised mo to try 1)r. Wood's Norway fine Syrup, saying it had helped her. I bought a bottle and before it was half usti 1 was completely cured. 1 also find it a good medicine for the children when they have colds." Beware of the many imitations of 1)r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Ask for "Dr. Wood's" and insist on getting what you ask for. it is put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; the price, 25 cents. Mannf'ietureel only by The T. Milburn ('n-. Lenient. Toronto -Ont. ;Mother point. leas the wicaet•gate limed?" "Closed and padlocked." "How high was it?" "About four feet high." "Then anyone could have got ovale It 7" Uarrymoro the butler, who mado the discovery, sent Perkins the groom on horseback to rue, and as 1 was sitting up late 1 was able to react laskervllle Hall within an hour of tilt event. 1 checked and corroborated all the facts which were mentioned at the inquest. I followed tho footsteps down the Y ow Alley. I saw the spot at the moor•gato where ho seemed to have. waited, 1 re- marked the change in the shape of the prints after that point, I noted that "Excellent! This is a colleague, Wat•. there were no other footsteps save son, after our own heart. But the those of I3arrymore on the soft gravel, *narks?' and finally I carefully examined the .le bad left his own marks all over body, which had not been touched un- r .et small patch of gravel. I could dis- ill my arrival. Sir Charles lay on his cern no others." face, his arms out. his fingers dug into,Sherlock Holmes struck his band the ground, and his features convulsed against his knee with an Impatlnt gcs- wIth eerme strong emotion to such an i ture. extent that 1 could hardly have sworn "1!I had only been there!" ho cried. tn physical injuryThere of any kind. fButas yone interestiandlot a case of extraordinary which presented m false statement was made by Barry• manse opportunities to the sctentleo were no the *est. upon Ile thesgroundthat round mtg� haere expert. ve reat ad sol much has been which 1 long the body. He slid not observe any. Ilut Pro this smudged by the rain and de - 1 did -some little distance off, but faced by tho clogs of curious pearfanta. fresh and clear." Oh, Dr. Mortimer, Dr. Morttnidr, to "Footprints?" think that you should not have called "Footprints." me in. You have Indeed much to an - "A man's or a woman's'." serer for." Dr. Mortimer looked strangely at us "I could not call you In, Mr. Holmes, for an instant. and hl» YMCA sank al• withoutand disclosing g these he a ffacts dy toen the most .o a whisper y; he answered:- "Mr.my Holmes. they were the foot• reasons for not wishing to do so. Be - prints of a gigs Uc hound!" sides, besides-" wickot-gate?" "None In particular." "Good Heaven! Did no one ex- amine?" "Yes, 1 examined myself." "And found nothing?" "It was all very confused. Sir Charles pad evidently stood there for eve of ten minutes." "How do you know that?" "Because the ash had twice dropped his clear." I lune;. 11 ,rold (;k Harry 14we \Cd S 71,.1,ilfriIlamt 71, Pearl (11 61,2, Ada \\' i ling 63.2. Ann Ronnie 62.6. leu encs Triebuer 61, . average att.ndane: '21 1•: M 1t 0 FORM 1 }loners, J. McCall 11. Ca+• 73, 'd. \lorga r' 72, F. E's:•ry 69. V, riodg-on 69. J Seddon ate J. 5 •idon 6'I, N. Carmi heel 65.5. J, Davis 61. L. Varvey O3.0, It. Rennie 62, F. McDonnell 61,' E. Shapton 00; it. Godbolt G0. Corn. •r.. Shorthand tp:•ed, 40 words a re nate test. 1), Atkinson 75. B. Geller 40, I3. Boyle 69, Monthly report llono H. Atkinson 75, I Q-.. S. Gillies 'Q. P. Renting 64. 11, Boyle 63, M. 3tayoham CO. Com- mercial Jr., llonors. N.11ill 75. Pew. M. 7\eh4son 69, 11. 'Mar 60, II. Gillies 64, No. on roll 42, daily average 39,3, 1. 31. Johator teacher. P. `. Department It•OUM IV. Sr, IV. honors, irno Sweet 89, Ariel R •verlev 8`(. Francis IIJI 8P, Florence Rowe 87. Viola Rowe P7, Blanche Queue. 86. Nellie Jores 015. Ethel 1311kw•ill 85. Maggie Case 414. Ethel Day 84. Carri • May 94. Itruce Walker 80. i.olo Tay'or 79. Oliver I1odgert 79. lteta Rowe 78. Harper Rivers 75. Sydney hector 75. fuss. Gordon P enhaleMiddle IV. Ilonorte G. 1) eve 80, \Ville Manson 79. Mildred It ywood 79. Ernest Harvey 75. M. 11''tchford 77, lleatric• llodgert 76. 1.111'•11.• Handford 75. Pester Horney 15. Maurice senior 75. Pries. Will- iam Kydd 69, Minnie '.iny 68. Lulu letetle 86, Annie Day 62. No. on roll 33. averag•• attendance el, C, Vesper, teacher. 1100.11 V Jr. IV. honors, Anna Bell ea. ". Jackson 8l. Oliw r Dave v1, Marjorie llueston 83. Alma Mack SI, Marjorie S.•Idon 78, Harry Parsons 75. Pasta. Etti•• Howey 74. Olive Macdonald 72. 11. ctor itowcliff.• 72. Joe Follick 70, Wilfrid Mack 66, Carman Powell 60. :3 r. 111. Honors. Mervin Vincent 8.3, Lila 'Lu'•fie 82, Edith Davis t0 Fanny Bower 79. Mabel Knott 76. Bertha llorney 76, Pare. Kori \Veiden- h teener 74. ina 1) Ivo 73, Gerald Fitton 72. Dorothy Kuntz 7). Mel - rill • Gladruan 70. Jenni- stun. -I 66. Gordon Ford 61. No. on ro!! :33, tv, rate attendant• 32.0. .1. r. `,i,:rray. teacher. ROOM \'I. .1r. 111. Honore. Rhoda Cornish 87, Milton Kydd 84, Pass. \ioln Welsh 7:1, Lili:.• Walker '2. Archie Davis 71, Alice Taylor 70. Herbert hector 63, Sr. I1. honors. Arvin Cornish 85. Prise. Vera sweet 73, Harold Hoyle67. 1:it f+Cll'OOL HEI s)ItT -port fur November t• 't. t)epzrt11lcnt I't)ttSt 111. W. 'Monteith 84.6, A', Dow lt�vrson 78.7, N. Amy 76.3 lira y 74.4, G. Eesti,• 74.3 •8, S. Petty 69, 1f. Trieb- lloggarth 64.7, C. cope - 1. Dougall 61.8, G. Ford inkin 60. No. on roll 20, tendance 21, \Cei(1enlnimi tet• Principal. FU1tM 11. 'earl Brown 75.2. Pars. n 74,7, Sidney Geiger 74.3, et 72,7, Florin Welsh 72.3. evert 72,1, Ruby Wood Puke 71.2, Lillie hrayuc• hr 67,:, Archie Morgan lin 64.1. Mad•Ieine Car- leseett 63.1, Irma u Howey 61.7, Flor- et:a on roll 27, �irlr. teacher. "Why do you hesitate?" ('lIAI'TER 111. "Thera 1s a realm to which the most acute and most experienced of detec- Nerii ►Pr of Ontario Veterinary Mede Standing over /lugo there stood ae a Afoul thin hip/, der passed that its through me. words awns is lir Yo t meaneithat the thing is super- thrilltended too. Cnl Society. a black blurt shaped contains all the public facts?'' in the doctor's voice which show- oat1 td1A'not positively say so." Treats all Diseases of Domesticated " "It docs." ed that he was himself deeply1(olm moved "No, but you evidently think it." Ai.iinale on latest Scientific principles. by that which he told us. Holmes lean -Mr. Itolmes. All cells daq_or night promptly wt• "Then let me have the prlvats ed forward 111 his excitement and AIR "Slues the tragedy, put hla finger eyes had the hard, dry glitter which there have come to my ears several ones." Ile leaned back I 1d ata which are hard to reconcile ter, Ramsey'; Old Stand DICKSON & CARLING, tips together, and assumed Ills moat shot from them when ho was keenly nc e impaa' to and judicial expression. with the settled order of Nature." Interested. For example?' "In �tilnq so," said Ur. Mortimer, "you saw this?" who had begun to show signs of some "As clearly as i see you" •antimer. Solicitor. Notarise, (eonv• asewre enmmt..1 .neer. Solicitor,. ear the Mol.00e . strong emotion, "1 am telling that "And you »aid nothing?" Hank. !Etc. I which 1 have not confided to anyone. "What was the use?" Maw .0 lame at Iowa+{ rata. of Interwet_ My motive for withholding it from the "flow was it that no one else Raw im faFFIIC :t- NAV. tieues,T. BXKTICN coroner's Inquiry is that a man of •„ r DIreuse f e science shrinks from placing himself tt • The marks were some twenty yards 1 caar.tiea », •. In the public position of seeming to ire from the body and no one gave them dorsa a popular superstition. 1 had the a thought. 1 don't suppose t should }� ONFS l O LOAN. (nether motive that Baskerville Hall. have done so had 1 not known this le- as the paper says. would certainly re. gond • w'• twee w Iwrtte amount of private rood. main untenanted If anything we re done ...•here are many sheepdogs on the to on fwrm and t IIIsKe properties at low r•" to increase Its already rather grim moor?" lntrrs.t• (MADMAN t 11ANIlUitY reputation. For both these reasons I •'N0 doubt, but this was no sheep N+rr1•tere SolIct'or., \t ,In St. Eery thought that 1 was justified in telling dog.,' rather legs than I know, since no pray Shorthorn Bulls "You say 1t was large?" tical good could result from 11. but "Enormous." with you there is no reason why I "But It had not approached As l enter int" tht, faled 1mei 11'tll�tt itter ... RhOtild not be Tho moor la very sparsely inhabited, body? erfectly frank. rade with 12 pure r dY,?" eft) ire no reeanna r tate. and those who live near each other "What thrown very oqe Pr• f IP o tt'u they at• much together. For "\ at sort of alight was it?" ;,rod ogni. of the blocky ttpe an,l areDamp and raw." qtly gni. 1►y Scotch (Trey 72t$r2. ll,. this reason i saw a good deal of Sir "lint not actually raining?" ('hyrles utastkervllle. With the excete „N mn • hewhe havl•herd and wilhalone r centered in tion of Mr. Frankland, of Latter Hall, ,•What is the nllcy' like?" modest way I have eotnbatted evil, but the wt. to and 31 r. Stapleton, the natnraltat, there There are two lines of old yew to take• on the Father of F;v11 himself D H t3 ► are no other mein of education with hedge. twelve feet high and Impene- would perhaps, be 100 ambitious a A () the Kb 90. lakes, "I find that before the terrible ovont occurred several people had seen a creature upon the moor which corres- ponds with this Baskerville demon, and which could not possibly be any animal known to science. They all agreed that it was a huge creature, luminous, ghasUY•, and spectral. 1 have cross•ex- arnined these men. one of them a bard• headed countryman, one a farrier, and one a moorland farmer, who all toll the same story of thls dreadful appari- tion, exactly corresponding to the hell- hound of the legend. 1 assure you that there is a reign of terror In the district and that It is a hardy man who will cross the moor at night." "And you, a trained man of science, believe. It to be supernatural?" "I do not know what to believe." jHolmes shrugged his shoulders. I "1 have hitherto confined my inves- tigations to this world." said he, "in a A By -Law To provide for the ©lection of Commissioners under the provisions of '"J'1io Al 'uncivil Water 1Vorlis Act" and amending Acts, cash �.ganizcda The Mu,,,r p11 Council of the \'ii -(t ,r anti until his sueetileipal eteo lag, of lie- ;, r setts( enact ns fol -I •' tied and the ee- member of tke lows ; 1, The system of Water Works now in course of construction within the said Municipality and all exten- eiotas and eddittone thereto hjt.1 1•,k •n on this 13y -Law etmultancr' hereafter upon the final •pass• •• of °nee tt'itl' the said election of the this I374lnw lot under 1).. paid ttvo Commissioners at the Fame hour on the same day at the same places and by .the name Deputy lies named ire turning Officer:* as arc n this 13y -Law for the said election of the said two CommissioncrJ. 9. That on Monday, the Twentere sixth day of Deoember A, 1). 1910 ab th Clerk's Office in the flown matt in the said Village of Exeter at the hour of ‘Two o'clock in the aftet:ntoou the 'Reeve shall appoint in writings., singed by himself, two persona to attend 'to the final t•urnming up of the votes by the Clerk, and one tar% son to attend at •••tch polling plica on behalf of the p r -on; interested. in and desirous of promoting'• the passing of this By -Law and a like number on behalf of the persons ins 7, At Each a be elected for two tion tber'cvthe plica of the mem•+ paid big, )''afehat the vote of the electors of esaid Village• of 'Exeter will bn a Board of Cornmtssaa , ,'rs shall 2. '1'h:• sL,id Conlo': ro Satd System 111(1ntay w• ith re,'- and arid•,tions and n11 �•ztotthe ,wets. rights L''ail powers. tbi•reto "eft immunities which under autho!tr�ittf11,al WaterWorks Act and 1 h.+ Yng A• cts might otherwise have a rqe' ' en • xercise'1 or E'njoved Roy irha Council and the officer. of the said Corporation acting for the said Corporation. 3, The said Board of Commissioners shall corl.,eet of the members oe whom the. 3 id of the Council of tbe said Corporation .shall ex -officio he one , 4, Nominati,oms to ti11 the offices of the two remaining members of the said Board shall be held at noon on Monday. the Twenty-sixth day or 1)e- terest.d in and desirous of oppo--tut;• member lf910 at the Townlfall in iba the eesain.g of this lty-Law. said Village of Exeter. 10. That the Cleric of the said 5, The vote of the Electors of the' ,Municipal Council of Ili • Village of said Villlago of Exeter for the elec- Ex -ter z hill attend at In- office era tion of the said two members will be tht Town Hall in the• -lid Village of taken by th:• Deputy Returning Of- Fx.•ter at the hour of tan o'clock in ficers -hereinafter named on Monday the. forenoon on the third day Of the Second day of January. A. 1). 1911. January A, D. 1911 to um up the. comm•:ftd.rg at Nine o'clock in the numb_•r of votes for and against the morning and continuing until Five Ity-Law. o'clock in the afternoon at the under -1 11, This 33y -Law bhall come into( mentioned places.- I fore•. and take effect on the final Polling 'Subdivision No. 1 at Silas passing thereof by the Council 6f (landlord Residence Main Street by the said Village of Exeter. Edward Tretic Deputy Returning, Council Chamber. Exeter, Nevem- Officer and Herbert Ford Poll Clerk,; b •r 18th. 1910. Clerk I'olline Subdivision No. 2 at ! \\' „ kee Brost.. Marble Works shop! Reeve Main Street by W. I). \\'.•eke_, De- Weekes, Returning Officer and Jas. TAKE \IO►1'ICE *that Tb:- above is n Wt -ekes, . Poll Clerk, Polling Subdivision No. 3 at Jno. true copy of a proposed I3yeLaw' Mitchell office corner of 'Main and which has been taken into considera•e W;lllington Streets by It, G. 6eldon. tion by the. Municipal Council of the Denny 'Returning Officer and A, G. Villag• of Exeter and which will he Dytr. Poll Clerk. finally .passed by the 'said Council (in Polling Subdivision No 4 at Th. the, event of the assent of the electore Town hall, 51.•tin Street by Jos, being obtained thereto) after 0018 Davis. D.•puty Returning Officer and month from th•- fir -t publieae' Wm, Murray. Poll Clerk. tion thereof in ale. 'Exeter Times* 6, At said first election the them- news pip'', the date of which pub- b:r receiving the highest number of lication was Thursday. the eighth' votes shall continue in office for two day of December A, D. 1910 and that rears thereafter and until hie e'tc- at the hour, day and places therein c' sor his been elected and the new fixed for taking the votes of the board organized and the other mem- electors the poll slo illlnior,l Clerk. bar shill continue in office for one PILES CURED at HOME ' .•1 h^r= by Itev. A. Mclabbin. of L'orr-- by New Absorption Method, cion, and o'er pa tor. Bev. W.;,U•y Butt. have resulted in great blessing' to th• church, many have e•tarted to If you suffer front bleeding; lit chr'ntian and ,epi ndid mcet- itching, blini or protruding int < h1v • been h let each night. 72. (7r••w 1{night 71. Czar Marne»r Piles, send LIie your address; anti, Mr-. Wilson. of Gr• ; ntcay, visited I Will tell ou clow to cure your- oar \V, 31. S. meeting ting on 'Wednesday 70. It, !l.• (:ontd 6''. Delete Charlton S at the home of Mrs..1. N. Ilodgsoni • 6i, Clifford ce Stall 1 . Willie Davis I W at home by file abSOrpti0lt i} ,. Arthur Gunning and family 66, lin:ce 1{;errs 1 4, Leon Palmer treatment ; and will also send ,r• the, week moving to titer new. 61. i.: on Dearing 61, No. on roll 3�. some of this home treatment ham• in leirktcft, nq free for trial, with references Sii=B T,Fs1 Landiord Sp nt last from your own locality if re- 1 �3quirtk y'' r: th•• quest of th• 3tisse.1 vested. Immediate relief and e BUII'1 A Mr. John Sherritt. cx-31.1'. attends cd the debate on Thursday evening last and occupied the chair. 11e gave the: young people some splendid en- couragetnent. We trope to Lave Mr. Sherritt with us again. Nip,. John Pickering ba: been on that tick list this week. Hope she t:i'y loon be well again under the ioctor'' care. The children and young 1 -oipie are busy eracticing for the Christmas 'tree. It will be held on Wedutedayv evening. Dec. '21st. Th • debate is Frtt•`ne. Barman's Hall was filled tooverflowin:. Read- ing' ttrsus observation cai�•d .forth an interesting and instructive diectts- !eou. rhe, observation fide wens cap- tain..d ey David Mcl ei; e. assisted by sheets Sherritt. Pearl Keys. Ida ltntz. 31. ssrs. McEachen. Morrison. Holt. Betz. Keys. Geiser. tiwe.tzer. Itch rt -on. Th,• reading side was c;tptlin d h\' \\"m. Swt:tzcr a++iFtcd ht• Mi?-- t [tett hey.. \'ins Sherritt. 31irth•t t-iweitz,•r. Meters, Keyv Stveit2'r. Lynch. leekbeiner, Roy Sherritt. Ford. The decision was quested. D. to •iO11N ELDER. Hensel! i . le. •lir 1111 Pett its, ('"n. 2. Hay. In many miles. Rlr Charles a•aR a 1'e• treble. The walk In the centro iR about task. Yet you mast admit that the toxtt• tiring man but the chance of hl 111 f ht feet across mark is material. ONF1• 'I'O LOAN M nes; brought u» together, and a corn• eight is there anything between the "The original ho -,rid was material so. Ile of interests to science kept us hedges and the walk?" enough to tug a man's thro'tt out, and so. Ile had brought back much Arlene- "Yee, there 1s a strip of green about yet he was diabolical ns well." Private funds to loan at lowest rates fle Information from South Africa. and six feet broad on either side." "1 ;PP that yon have gnito gone over of lntr•re'•t. ; many a charming evening we have ••1 understand that the yew hedge to the supernaturallata. Ilnt now, Ur. Ei{NEST ELLIOTT spent p a anatomYrofithessi Bushman and the Is Penetrated at one point by it Rate?" Mhrtlmer, tell m,. this. If you hold "Yes, the wicket -gate • which leads those views, why have }"nti come to Diller „I'po-itP :'antral 1lotel Mnin 11lottcntot. Street. Fetetei that. • • \Wthln the last few mention It he on to the moor." consult me at a11? \'ou tell me in the "is there any other opening?" same breath that 11 Is useless to inves- �AI K,rlftnn Thursday. came f.'a nervous plain to me that Sir ; "Sono.,' tlgate Sir Charles's death, and that C'harles's nervous Systerti was attained "On that to reach the Yew Alley one von daatre MA tri do It." v• attendance 511, 11. Si. ;:•n'm-:i. teacher. 110031 �-t1. e, con'! Ceiee. honors. Winne ':night "0. Viola Jones 90. Gladys ilarv.y. 89. Bertha Jackson P0. fees. Ir •n • Willie 71. Wr-.y H ddon '74. 1, )'.t .1 • 71, Mildred March ind 70. V. II ire, ib 70, Cora Sander. 69. Fred lirim,cntribe 65 Arlo D. 1v' 60. Sr. i t. 11, honors. Verde Hill Pf. Edward Taylor 8v. Clyde Beaman e5. Thelma Connor 82. Mildred 11 in• y `! I'riF- eilt a Corn' -h 77, ! n«. M eirice 11irv'y 67. \Cillo• rt - • 6';. J. Devi- 65. lr •. r , l,illippa i1- r -se Est• \t. , 1 •'•,:..1 t;l. :\ver- aq' nit•-ndane ai (7, t1 .1 *,rad a. , acs- r. !' 11 1. Jr 1't. 11, ! 1 nc• nt 28. Eddie D,v.: 91, un., \\••'d, nhammer 81, 51 �t \ b-1 r b t. Fee •,t V• Hoe el. u l'.r•I.n• 7P 1(1 :r -h ` : or 67. Sr. i't. 1. Gr• t i Hare ''1. Elsie Knight 90. \'. rda Rowe! 1._.•1.111t 1 Ting••r- I 1 1 t Wilson 7$. F r1 1'... d. Lizzi Marti: ib 68. I r••dd a Manns 69. 11. •'unto 66. 1:. ,t : 1 n.:. r 50. No. on ro!, 5:1, at•erag • attendance t8. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE llo the breakfnq Point• lis' had taken hast town it from the 11i4 legend hlch 1 have read you ex- ceedingly to heart -so much so that, although he would walk in his own grounds, nothing would induce him to go Incred- ible ft ast 111hn m lyemoor appearat toRIlt. you, Mr. itolme». e•Ava» honestly convineed Tnaoc MARKT that a dr lMill fate overhung his fam- Ily, and ettalnly the records which DESIGNS he was to to glvP of his ancestors Coevniomts Ao. ( o The Eden o encouraging.f tato w,e ecini,.n fres wq,<`hee an semP astly presence constantly ealit p►Ienl f`1 t antra- Edpuetnl. WID9sooli en uenta haunts him, and on more than one afire i r 5p.n f1nR fate'"'•' whether 1 nn•b Mu i;Trteu. tecelee mast he has asked me I Thad on medical Journeys at night ht creature II ever R _n any strange -� s I heard a 1's)lni of a hound. The let- areit.y7e m. for ,ter 911 fen De pat. to me several Pam. Ro0Afsrr times, avl Ygr41 �elbrn►n. an, D. d ;,ways vlth h voice whieb e"' pe MO.,. .w et either o comet t' • house or else to enter It by the moor - stag a •aMeb and de•rrt)))sten mal were gate?" "There Is . n exit through a summer- house at the . r end." "Had Air Charles reached this?" "No; he lay about fifty yards from It.""Now, tell me, Dr. Mortimer -and this IR important -the marks which you saw were on the path and not on the grass?" "No marks could show on the grass" "\'ere they on the same side of the path as the moor -rater "Yes; they were on the edge otithe path on the sane side as the Meer - gate " "You Interest mo Cxcee,lngly. s. . r '.W ..' d F. \V. tlo••.trd. teahei. Crediton Sch•eoi ". ..art. 1)iv'oion 111 i's I.- 1- uore-L. Finkb in, r. E. .• i •, 'd Clark. t .t -=-Sl, Itrown. 1'. -nr..:. O. Mots r;,art. .1c. - 11. drown, G. II: . -C. (ketrei- eli le 1., 1t ti . '•1•'':• • ew•eitrer n t 51. a r!, , is Ewald. S.h. -el. . 1: : . ..t!r. t!. i ;.• h. Sr. Hop t- is 1. • .•,r'. - King. O. F ....i. 1 .. . 74 • t;;• t ,ch •r. lie :eel eers-le lnl,za.inn. A. t:i.-• r. e:••- E• r. I:. G •• ,:.,brook. sr, i i i as; -1t. Clark. M. Gu, nt her. eh r,l.. 11. 117L'. O. Elbe-. Jr. 11- t -e -t). eo in r. L. Lawson. E. e. e. !! . ; t. 11. Vonore - I: t, 1: 1'. L. lir •.t n. i . i reie. L. Lawson. Mists Lo .•. 1richer. la,t -[en . [, '?r. !i. iireora-C. • I:.; -V,11 offma E. Fir.k- in-r. '.1 1..w'0n. A. ioitzniann. 't, al, rale-\ Greeter. • Short. E. �u nth• r. G. Wein: r. , t L. r. 11 1. (a) A. fit tin 11. W. Applet-it ,h) G. 'wolf •. G. Nims. 1•: !. • I't. 1. Midden. 1'. Eilber. 1 .nkbcin- i•. A. 1'inkb.'.ntr. Miss Seel S 2-. No. ), 5, 1 r, Fee - swine! is th' r u, 5 of the Township for the month of Note r port is batted on poen ,'vtfinr and c'n'-s etand;ts'. Moir. l:mm1 Fish••r. E'm^r Vntrenti ease. Fred Petkiu emery. • Austin Ford. Gc•rti 3r, 111. Maggie Moodie. Ga .' I1 • O11 r •ne John', • Jr. '.1 Moir. Orby Kestle. Pe n 'l'(i I',IA -F.rd. Roy '., (I. 111). -rt, fleeter. t, -r. Ir. • t cure assured. Send no lnOttet-, but tell others of this otter. Write to -day to 11Trs4 M. Summers, Box 1, gi1 Windsor, Ont. - - don Perkins. Arnold Ford. Charlie• 1'iout, Mervin Daymon. Pt. I1. Mac Ford, Chore. F:, -h- r. Amy Fiber, *)ran Moir. l't. i. Laura Hicks. V.eter... Min• rt. teacher, ---4,-. - 5, r. \o. b : RiloUNE Sr, V. John Str ere. Jr .V, Ten' Dougal, Ar. iV. Jame• Dougal. Wile; Strentr. \Vilfrd Doug il. (livrr 7iow- cliff.•. EIvi Harvey. lr. IV. Cecil ilarri'. Sr. 111. John Donetll, Gladys Moir. Maim' • Strane, 'F.'•tzin Row - cliff i. frank .ltrrrttt, Mira Dew, Fee -,e . V• r • !' 11. Harvey Ncil, Ito.. 1r.I.. .1r I, 1:11i. cinder!. sr. 11 i 11,' ', ' ('I Herd Moir. l.•iere e e. i.•,re • 4•1. . Alice Dick. Jr. Ii i„ .r I '. 1! . 1 Moe.. Mal- com Mile II. 1 •. 1. Ant.. $tram. In•z Moir, 1 •1 \lite'. 'i. torn a •ndanr,• Percy el. -rcy llerris• At .rag. at - A0. given in fat or of reading. The jud- ea', 11, 11ydall. t each r. g 1 were Holahan. Patton and 3ie- i'h e. Mr. John Sherritt ably nc- a 9. NO. 3. BTF.PhEN cupied the chair. Which is the most Th• fellnw•inll is the report of S. beau, tic :11 to h,ata the faun. al or :4. \o. 3. Se pb,n for the• month of 'nine re kingdom will tee rained thio \ot• nil- r. The merits ere lowi ed on Thur,day . venin« expire: et 8 tit while •. behaviour and gen .ral ".• t: . pr pit -item of l..•'one. 1'otal markt Our Int:nic::3i te.k7 t for PSI!. Mr, 317•, Sr. IV. Alvni-•r \'illi• _-r \'`.c- Satau.•l trweitzer for reeve. Mr, Slich- tor ilog•irth 268. John Hoe 1 . i = 11• i 1 c'inkteener for councillor. These It psi. lareons 265, M. \• ,1.,�r,r both good rlrong mes. floe Sr. 111. L to Salinet . L been tried and tested and found Ti- •ilrn •r 213. 1.: onlyd -hi • ht, (:,rt, Id taitlake 222. Earl t'•11 -r.* ram ytceitzer. our reve. at 1:42. .I r• Iii. Tho Willis ae. •1 county council at God.rielr Shro: dor 258, Corsena Parson.-. k•• 1. •11 Kannders 251. Sr. i1. L:oye lien,. rec.:t' : = are C^:ng ahro d. •r '262. !Aire. rrcibner 260. tion t!, Le,r:nn,nz of .•.•rcy „under; 215. V. rda Ilox 211. th,- e • k 1 1'reszcator -- -� 1Hili 21:. hazel 282, Verna 0lii111re11 CT 210. Jr..1 r. 11. Amy Shapton 9.. ,r•-zcitnr 2e5, Ruby Parsons 239. Email. Hogarth 272. first Clear.1 FOR FLETCHEk'S F:dei • Stanlake 270. Edd`.:' 1're-`- CASTOR 1 A altar 237. Vivian Ilogarth 1'18. Glade' • 9hro•der 259. I rimer, Charlotte Will•. '27:1, Lloyd I'arenn» 259. Eth•i C,\\AU:\'S tii'F..\TI'SI Nt'it88R• 1,r:szcator 260, Norman SaunderF - -I1:P. IMO. Want n retires ntatit'e d oris Exeter Thompson. teacher l and •urronteiinq _�_ Mi he reliability. healthy condition of V'lIAL.F:N nett Mock at well et 'et. etn \I r. Hector blill•on attended 11' name mutt be epl'reciaterl by the wee r Fair at (: iel;.h on Tuesday. ruble) or they would not have help- Bock- ad t, -.ted with friends at 1{ock- since 11837nthe o ier 1dote e. tof Ourr �eet blflshT tt,r: '. \1 r. and Mr.. >3. \ . 3lillaon visit- tncnt, "y�-j�_het colleen. Mr. S. 51ii1.o 1 Our firm'' name lends prestig' n .r li,r•ljii. and also attended the to our repr:•sentatives. Conipi'•t • fine of Nur--'Ty Stook -(ucl: •hots. Mr. John Mori -y and M• is+ 1L•s''e for hearts. tall. Marley e1Iended the funeral of his! Write for Full Particulars. broth r_in left nt Learn ni loft on leTnd \V \ E. en1 WELLINGTON, The Fonthill Nurseries. Rune V. services'eonrluct- .....1 i'Tri ONTARIO.Th•• evaneeli=t c 11 1 t+ nchcr. .l: of 9. N t -e trorn' ,e r. The are, h V. tell, ',1cFa 9 •