HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-12-15, Page 4w 1
••h•l'•h++.e+ ++ ;.;•-: •: ;••-•1 ;- ; ;• ; : ;•.: •h. ••: ; •'a•'p•;-••; ; ;••, ; ; ; feet ;e • ; ... :• :•;••..••S • .-•
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'I Howey's Xmas Sly als
Check Your ('1uistmas \Vaiits from this 1,ist
For The Men
For The Ladies
4-:- '"•'cl f Toilet Sets $5.00 to $10.(10.
;tit Rost_ ,i0 'Toilet Sets $5.00 to $ f .50
.i1 Jewel len.,:,5o. to 75c.
Iland Alirrui..,5c to $:►.Ol►
r I•fand Bags cll,k, to :}t5,0U
•z- '• Manicure sots $3.50 .
n: •t ;•00
._ Music Baps; Fancy ," k Brooms,
> �. Stationery, Travelling Sets, nerfu111e
,4s: Atomizers, Post Card Albums, r,,�1d-
'kerchief Boxes, Glove Boxes, Fur
,,• •': Boxes, Desk Novelties.
: Per'fumes, 100. to $5.00
Z. i Toilet Waters, 25o, to $1,50
,a' Brushes and Combs
+►' Photo Holders
4 : Novelties of all Kinds.
Mr. Hour r Iia -haw has return d
hour • from tit. west.
Mrs. C. Smith. of London, is vislt-
ine with Mrs, E. Jou•-n.
Mr. and Mr-. W. Walper spent
Sunday with fr., nd. at Dashwood.
Mr. and qtr-. John McGavin, of
Seaturth, visited Last week with air,
end Mrs,. J. Jarrott.
Quite n number of loads of cement
blocks for the new shed at Cred.toep
lrtv•• passed through town lately.
.\ number of citiaens Will attend
Goderich this week in connection
with the case of Yellow vs. Electric
Light Co.
Shaving Sets $1.00 $3.60 :,..
Collar and Cuff Boxes $2•30 to $3.00
Collar and Cuff Bags $1.00 to $2.00 :
:1: :
Saf"ty Razors 1.50 to 5 1)0 :
Fancy Pipes 250 to :i.
IIat and Clothes_ Brushes 500 to 2 00
Necktie Rings 25c to 1 00
Fancy Ink Wells 750 to 2 OC .1.
Desk Novelties 25e to 50c :
Bill Books 50c to 1 50
Post Card Albums 25c to 1 00
•:inars per box 1 01) to 4 00 .t:,
'fru..'llingSets •101)toli00 :I: ;i• ti.'
Card Vices, Fancy Playing Cards, lot- x
let Waters. Strtioucr}', Shaving hugs -
and Brushes, 25c to 1 00,''
Military Brushes 3 50 to 5 00 :i
Fresh Box Candies (Ilayler's and Nasmith's) all the way from roc to $2.Oo
A full lino of Xmas Post Card and Local View Booklets also in stock.
Special attention given to Optical Goods for Xmas Presents
Conte early and Avoid the Rush.
s. = tiowey's Drug Store Phone`' �°
Eyes tested free
•_. .L
The Exeter Bargain Store
Leads in Lowest Prices.
Mr. Thos. Washburn, living neer
Exeter is in this vicinity buying"
clov •r seed for Mr .J. G Jones of
:hat •own and also visited Mr, and
Mrs. D. McDougall over Saturday and
Sunday.—Comber Herald.
11. G. ltycktnan, of the W. A. Gibbs
Go.. owners of the upple; evaporator
t :n town for the purpose of leasing
orchards. Owners of apple orchard,
would do well to see hits at Central
hotel b. fore leasing to outside
pa rt i•..s, 1 t.
Last week wv had sortie very cold
w other, Saturday being the coldest
day. The thermometer during the
night regirter•d 6 degrees below
zero. A. fall of snow made excelle-t
,Jejghing and the farmer's are now
busy teaming.
The E.xeterTiwcs came to hand Last
week with all home print, having
di.scankd the "patent ianii(e." 111'e.
r pleased to note this sign of pro -
,:r -.t -s and wish Tit: 'l'ame's and its
. dttor continued prosp_rity.-Wing- FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS 'AND
h ten Times.
Bran and Shorts 13EF.6
Thos. Cameron Las been instructed
by rho undclot 2nd to till by Public on lot 23, con. 13, Towrir+tt;p
1; .. ,-,; .;.., •!••I••h ;••• • ... , :•• , . • . i ; +4• ; • . ,-;••h;••: ;- 7•+;••'i -i'; +4 •t-++-:. • • • •1 ;-
J. A .y.
Last Word
J It'd evident that the people appreciate the possibtlitiee of this •r
1 stock. The response to our advertising has been quick and generous. y
Ae the day approached the interest is bound to increase. Moro sailers 3
.'tevery day from now on and every day emphasize what we have said =�
over and over again, that :{:
Furniture is the King or
Xmas Presents
tBring us your idea:+. \Ve can convince you in a few minutes that .1.
t- you are in the right place. Nu fancy prices to drive all the enthus- ;•
nein out of your Christmas shopping. :t:
I. These are busy days so get here as soon as you can, but better late than
x not at all, \Ve haven full stock in eyery line. They are too numerous to
mention here. A call w ill satisfy you that wo aro the leading Furni--
4tore Dealers and Undertakers and Embalmers.
.1. Jas. Sevens �.
.......... • ............... ...... • ..:..: •b•...: +•�.,•d••i..l'•�'•1•.
Choice Family Flour
Residence for Sa
Ore of the most comfortable, arid•.
erste priced brick homey in Exeter
hits be, n placed in our hands for
aule. It is well situated for school
and churches. has good stable and•
eardeu, in all about 2 1-2 acres.
Gladusau & ntanbury 10-6-tf
Pasture Farm for Sale
Fifty ucr.•ti good pastor,. farm,
Went half Lot Nine. North'Jleundar$
of McGillivray, several acres in bush.
Apply at onoo to
n:trristepi. Er't4er•
Farm For Sale
F011. SALE -Farts contain ng 100
acres of first claw land at the v
logo of Woodham. Good two•c'tore
frame house ; bank barn, 34 by.'
with up-t4rdate stable, found,'
built about a year ago., /MB
emented throughout. Mao a•
oe]ler 21x13 with cement top, u'
gangway. New driving shed of
rogated steel siding 24x40: hen
17x18• Also n good supply of
and hard w•ae•r. The farm is
ougbly drained. and well .fe
mostly with all new wire fencesk
so ten acnes of good bush. moist lyy�•
wood. Fier particulars apply .to k's
1 •q Khi• r. Woodham, Ont. 17
Auction Sale
Mr. Wesley Ford. eom of Mr. John
Ford. of Exeter North. .,vas tnarried
at Maple Creek, Sask.. on Nov. 30th,
to Mise Minnie Walker, only Baugh=
ter of Mr:•. McCulloch. The groom
:las tinny friends in toren who will
. xtend congratulations.
i ,tort wedding took place at
.i ere"; Street Methodist parson -
,•n Wednesday of last week
t. it n Mi -rt 11,rih i May 1'fite, of
i.:tnch. was un_tod in marriage to
Mr. lb rb•rt J•trne= t'ppley, also of
;/.urich. by rho Ite'. it. Hobbs.
.'.Ir II lb. Turd o;e et Frid.ty in Ths r:xet r Times has blossomed
•i• l' •.u' Loy -.forth ae on all -home •tint pap_r.
Mies 1't =tri Kastle v.e;tea in Credi-
I; will now b. .ntbled�to g:vc more
t' ton on �uuday. ad-
1- acting matter and a: the same
.: tele t . ('r, ::, . ;• le 5:.nein) time handle it,, eve: -Increasing ad-
. a at l'r ,: r • .. v. rti•iree patronage, Th Times :r
:ii Lots of goods suitable for Xmas presents. .1r. ,toter }coir. of I .I,.nt . wn-•r a bright. n•.wsv eh:.t an! .seri de.
,u ties r ch 1 ,.t we k. rv• .+ th • ;,resp rity u h eb it i s ex-
-:, in
Neek tics, I3raees, Mufflers, Lnderskirts,t• ri-nc`n .—St. 'liter,= Journal.
t-• Ful low• ( h • crowd- to tlowcll e
S; Fancy vests, Xmas bells, Hose. + Il,zaIr Ior Sart. ,:00,1 • tr. Bich Per ca•t,-:\ lt,actunary
�• 11 r. It rt l:;nrk. o: Crdttun, ,.. store) Period fait. on th• 16th. 17th
Children's slippers 15c. a pair. '1• d, cot- tt:n , Dr. liro.vn•eg; office. ,end 1Pt!s. at 'h center of tb= )I• r-
,� cury• p•-tod. Went r gales and bile-
Ladies' Slippers 20c. SOC, 1.00 and I . = :. Mr . A. ti'aylor. i f jl.-resell, ':Isit. z,rl. from th.• pr.•c•dtn;r p-r.od will
' Men's > Slippers 40c and i foo ed at h• r horn, h• r .1:tt crday. r .1. 1
, t b • n 11 4 . raalstormyt a story
Children's leggings SOC. a pair. X Mi- 1.,,,. t Fier t Lai returned .t. ' en::i 1 t .,. i for many days.
P.: ? from h 1 vi -:t to JiuorTvule. `,,,c:.: n h n
c ,.torth At'antic
11r. Ira liner w•, ,.f t;r:tnton.: p tit I 01 .. I, p. r lou' thro: 1e all
Collie to us for your shoes. :- tia[urday with (r. tele in loan, t 1)•1. •:ob r.
• 1 it 1.,•:, . of tl. Main , : r
>t;• + L. 5'tn;,,ws, c.: 'fluor a,t-:•�• . a
c: -.tis; frlvv3+ het. the week. \1 111 • 1, i ch,.reh It •1d n sue,.
: Prices on everything away below the >,,:.:.►tn : l r . ,c: ant, t 0 141 11 r.n•1 ) .4 tiin,r. A. 1,1•-• •
[ran h r r r. tit I :, numh•r enjoyed the excellent pro-
.. -Am. 911 hovllI.1i.::y erovided by
th tads:•=. After 1••a t, aplendid
• , . prwrrnnt t,re f;iv •n whoa the resit'.
113. w■ F. BEAVERS.,1r• this :o (r tit aunt t,reand the M]lo•'. E. nus-
• >t:t n.: t, r 4 i rte•.., tm. P., leoltick and n. How y. took
NIr .1 , t' it .run St. sill ;Art. A -octal wit. alFo head tut -,4-
s: Ilroderick's Old Stand. c-•nt;tr: • q day coshing. Th reser.• ! autount-
I Mr 11.1 CI . : t .1 up with ' d Io *1'2.00.
f.. , .. • ... , .. .. ...;,•. ............ . . ....:;•....• to 1 .. , 1 v . 4,
\ n' f. t..t :I :.. c:.cn
1'11 , - nl.k:nR Susi- arth th 1.,c,,: n' '•1 .. ,,,,,.� :or•`-
rn nt will tt' h bi r t h l' .t r••.•-
11 • h 1: ,. r 4 :r: . bet r. In e11,.rr4) •.n i t • • 4 21,!•;!'
Ir N;•.. 1 at his hots, ,t 6,30 p. et- l:. .c r:. •n eve.: ;r,
.11 11 r. e .. . t.:Ih CIv it chtlrell. t:.tether nett
Mr. .l(, i t i'••;•• Co.. \\'is- th. boys of intpress.onabl, age, Is cx-
coa,.r, .i .:. t.:. IIIpnd I.. cte11 and welcome. Addre•eee will
3rouml town. b., delivered by Mr. 11. K. C.t'key.
Mr. W. .1. Cole ford. of Toronto. 5, cretare inter•dcnom:national l.a, -
M' tit a couple of days here last then' ati y Movement f r Care
w- 'k.
regular price. : sir. Kin Fthu r of ere& tont
\\'111 CHRISTMAS 71!(:'1.1\t.
First. -Because you can get
better b:r,�ains wh^n the &tuck
is fr-'h and toll.
ri,cond.-nec-tuee vee !hes
h:v• tee • to make prop. r
1,•ction :1.4'te-td of 1. yir:k.; "jus
anytbing - to make. out coo:
gift lest.
Third. -11 •rat:-• you can tiuw
tL• gift• ,-o, trend away by .•t-
t•r •s• or he toad AO that th
w'i:'r ,ch :h' r r.;; env, just h•-
101' ('h:, • t n.: : uIC
1'0:rth.-1: ct::;•. h} ; r ri-
:ng your t•hopp:n;; u.• r .: v•
,t w• • ks instead of dons; all of
t .n .t few hour itr.'1 in to
gr :t rt:sh you wilt: b oh:,• to
�r -1 WI: it sot: went w h n .oft
w int it
fifth.-!I.cause yot a•ll h•
doing your pert toward Nest-
ing things 4 osier for th • c: rk-
w•he ':r• rushed 11!truot 1n
•1 • tt h w h •tr everybody buy. . v-
rvtbine th• last few day:. 1.-
for ('hr:=te.IA.
•. .. .. .. . .. e..... , el .:.1„ },:••':;••1••::•f•• . .e :..:.
: iia' ever Exeter.
Biggest Display ever Slums"' in Exeter.
188ROb�1 . See our Watches
t�ne(tualled any-
�� here,
Roger:, , ,':1 �i)f►nlla.
Rogers l). •.. t 1 .11►nt111"
;t ▪ Rogers Table Spoons,
Roger. 13utter I�nivPs,
Sugar Shelly, Pickle
• Forks, 4 1t •' L't dies,
• Pete.
•' Certified Silverware Small Profits, t r m
• •'• rte• :ink.•
We 111)ve the Inuit C.'omplr•tr' Stock in Muron Const. : anti Fail
{ Iappr.ciat
A. 14 a rc h a i i a Optician.'Tetveler and ,� nr M, -.
.j. tut ]1t i �
,F The prof
• l :!s!elefe!•+++++++++•t.+.I••i••p++++++4•,y.. 4.,hi•4-11ei.+,1'.y'1„14•4c 4.-4. le
VI 10 0 1
01' :•,01111'
this:�► in
tis.i .I.•„
elry hili'
is al
ways 1p-
preeiat .,rel, ,r
ed as
(hl'Istillt1S gift.
ii ea t."
20th, 1910, tit 12.30 p.m. Shari., rho
Always on hand. Leave your order or call up `oi1oii5-1 Agricultural Brood
mare 4 years old: 1 general pur-
"PHONE 2" lralggelding. 7 year old; 1 agri-
cultural gelding ri:in.{ 2 years old:
1' agricultural filly rising 2 years
old; 1 sucking colt ; 1 ag:d driving
R. G. SELDON, Exeter.mare.: 1 striving tiny. 2 year oft; .
1' carriage fitly 3 years old, broken
to harness.s,
CATTLE :-1 cow duo to calve at
limo of sale : 1 cow du.' to calor in
January : 3' cows du:• to calve in
March and April ; 1 farrow cow : 3
first class heifers, :.' years old : 2
$340 PIANOS FOR$237 rs, l years old; 1 ewes; aha
heifers. 1 year old ; 3 calves,
til[EBl'.:-rJ breeding 4 ewe
Iambs ; 1 Leichester ram.
110GS :.-1 sow with litter at foot.
IM1I'LEMENTS.:i-1 good binder,,
Our Piano Club secures for its t11etnbcrs unusual advantages reaper mower. seeder and dribs
in price and terms as the result of cumulative buying. Twenty five disk, riding.: plow, dearly new,
people joining together and buying twenty-ftve piancs of the same furrow gang plow, walking ,howl
,. nearly new. set barrows. steel land
style and make. The opportunity to purchase a $34o Piano of a roller. scuffler, lumber wagon, se:
popular style and favorably known make for $237. bob sleighs. nearly new, cuat.�{r
hay rack. wood rack. fanning mills
Too: pulp, -r. wire fencing machine J
FOUR DIFFERENT PAYMENT OPTIONS and fence aver her 2 democrat(
wagon9. 1 gravel box. straw cult.•r► {
platforms scales 2.000 lbs.. car, rope
Club members may choose any of the f.Jllowing options of and t'.ing.+, fork'.. .(boyulPi hoes and
other articles too numerous to mope
payment-- tion• '
Option A—A $34o piano for $237 cash. 1' cooking .tore. 3• Rood bed
Option B—A $340 piano for $247 on yaymcnt of $So cash and aft'. 1' loung:•. 2 rocking chairs ,
lot of PAP buckets and spites.
$io per month until paid without interest. BEES :-1 5 colonies o[
Option C—A $34o piano for $2S7 in payment of $25 cash and ,apply boxes tilled gl,
$2o every three months until paid without interest T lens of twee c�sl•.
Option ll-- A $340 piano for $257 on payment of $15 cash .\ii 101111A of $5.00 and end.
and $7 per month until pald without interest n?, me r that amount 10 T
cr -lit on furn��hing approved join
"The members shall pay the cash deposit as soon as a(�?ted not-•'. n (tiseoitnt of 5 per cent. per
ane•:'11 off for ca•h,
by, And enrolled in with the club and the piano is delivered at once l'u- tiveiy no mw•rve n. the pea
the obligation of the members being to pay the monthly or quarter prietor is going west.
s a+onar o a 1y payment until the purchase price is met. There is no interest •J '. ('an prop T. Cameron.
arr" net.
Ada. and Rev. A. E. Armstrong, M charged. A fine stool and silk scarf is supplied with each piano
Mr. Chas. Perkins, of Caboru.•. is A.as,i,tant-s ontary Presbyter se and each piano is safely delivered without extra cost
moving sato his c.others Jlouse on Hotel of Foreign �l.-.siot9. tri'.' -'
►+t An unlimited guarantee goes with every piano. As the club is
\\',ll,aeu Street. or boy trout. wigs the tete t.nd is - g
,pir:ng treat. limited to twenty-five members we would say that prompt enroll -
It - ve J. It. Taylor attended
county coupl lett week at Goder- The t:cond series of the Ni ssu'' sheat is adt,isable'
ich, ary campaign of th' Exeter die.:.
I ,•r:.-' ,• ;on '• of hr ek passed w. r • 11'11 last !?unday. in r I
o •% h hi r• (At '1t .day on thele morning th. ltry. J. E. .1. 11;!1}::rs . S. of
t. •� ILtt r• i'h) an to ser •,f Bonsai!, preached in the 51,
u- •1 ler tsil4.r._ a oew 1'r, Thy. tr • t church ora. Col. (its -von.
J• it man of Landon. owing to th . ili-
o 11 411 l rch ' ltosw '.I:11.•.
II •'., of th.• It -v. Mr. Godwin, of fork- i
'r0 ItI:sT-Tis- large brick 1 et- 1,111 preached in the James street
t• 1 enc South• at Exeter \t.rth blade The two gentlemen cxchan e-
I:.•y t stn!. It nt free for 1h. win- .1 pellet• 0t tight, Itoth of 1h•:I ---
t r t,. bark up trade. Apply 11) 1. g ntlem.n me excellent speakers and ,
'11.1 . 1- rt. •e.1 very inspiring :sermon). aver•
U , not low C,nicrella to h r ,shed, Mr. Gibson also addressee
get a •n the 01 rt nous,. n.'xt T : -- •.11 T. E. Ilandford'' ells+ of Mei: [� , N
,I.t . . ng b) :he Engli'h cli.:cli ,;, t in (h•' afternoon. 'tee. E. t: JH��[.. ��`,�/ ���/ SHOES
1e;,, 1 '. :,boo'. It prornh>•t. to b. Ott ., preach'd at Crediton end
S ll
,0144 thin; good find is new• to moat I It .
R. Hobbs. tit Adria Craig. Next
of a Se relay the pa'tore will b• wereted . F 141Tittt tis I:xh:TKl{, (►N"I'. .1. 1:. SMITH
y1r •`::a. C. a: \'inch:d.'a. Ii'v outside tnini.trrt. Hoe 11. A FOOT NOTES
ti t .. ,t h ,n 1 • 11" oe any Ia!t � l'rahant. of London. will preach rite Care of Boots and Shoes
Mail' r 1r•. t and ltty. '•1 r. list ,•ot 1 WP'vp just house clean.'d-dusted
w . k. Ib ell h • nu •(attune to of Landon. in Jam • aIr •'•t in` th \VP n01. only alto to m kP "14..1;1'01T our mental cosmos and prinked up
;, ur. r.. 11a t h resit which innornii' and th (via ...:1 i:chin;. eeet enPt.l hoo19 .rod aht•••s pos9ihle.
r ell! 1 la a ► • r► r.b. RK n(Pnerally all 'round the plate. "Sur•
th' evening. The oth• r arkhit•- but we are ever ready to utter any Aug. prising what a little paint, a little el.
mrnt9 will be as follows; T'arkh,t- Itp9t ion That ..,Il sed vim to get Uo bnw- grease and the int11,1011 of some
W. 0 h'on: ile. D. C. Taylor 1npnt potroiblre .••.alts flout the hoot/. new ideas into the within and without
(• nt 1.1111. John Kerr: lien•nuI, F. Wand Ames we melt. .If :A place will do. "Hardly knew
W. Langford : Kipper). M Hairy Ames
of Ili ever stop to think of the the place" Iny our customers -they
Cr futon. 14, J. ,i11`n; (:nand 11-nd. th.'phPr'n1).
1, \ -,• ,nl. y ; Sylvan. W. Johnston . ' •lilt•,• our fo1)twear gets and that it
1 1, , e:. S. Tuft ; L 1(;ln. .1. E. knee(,. •4 little attention and care as, There'1+ nothing like leather -well
Ford. ; 'much nr even m ere than our upset put to-gether.
wearing apparel which really get, verily, a pleased customer is the
less hard
usage. ibest advertisement. Hence we are so
•00000000000000000000eo�e•, Our shoes are certainly coming in'well known -ask anybody.
▪ • s ; contact. with sharp sticks. stones acids Many naughty corns and had bun-
1- o I h Br' akeand many other mjnrioua obstacles i009 too, would rest peacef.elly in our
lit. burn or harden them without 4111r,r11atie•G,-r11Pa94Ir, shoes.
1'In , ';I .' ,nasi(+, A entnniotn nti.uiugP of shoed
when wet. is drying them too quickie Don't wait 'till spring to have those
ThThe• near a hot tire' this will sap the life spring shoes repaired; spring them on
e 1) Iet��.x for all of any leather. Always let your mtl nnw.
(100d hoots or Omen dry out gradually; even When you call for that pair that,'
h i n� gs then the drying will 1Pavr tlirtti *little being repaired, bring „haw the pair
hard. brit if you ,often then) with a 11)51'9 "(eared...
%Ve call sllpply ♦ our good polish 0t oil will renew the 'rat- A safe thing to invest money into-
wants for Milas her and prolong the wear, A comfortable thing to put your feet
1)CCoraa1 iOits We sell the very best polishes, Hilo into-Htnith'e rnad.•to-nteasttre share.
And greases for waterproofing and Hove : Wear year rubbers; if you
tear the
preserving 511 kinds of footwear. re, leave them at Smiths' he
cnn repair them,
Nor1•: we have twelve pairs of A company i9 jndg.'d hr the area
lions for pole Rico'(' (31111, mane heavy Ince Amer. which Mr. it. keet•s; ter kpP 4 1lposro A, ttnd H,
o, - the 1)111011 (f11t1, Waller -I tens selling for $2.7I and $:3 1Vnitrr9-and wr1rP all Fuse,
a pair, We inle►•d to discontinue
Ali kind, of bat Mir far'nnr Xmas ready-made shoes, for 5 time lit least, Don't, let your sten•'g or ruble.rs get
dinner. Pr trite. Nat -..n,1 Cendiee Mr so you can get any pair now for cost Ion Sadly worn before having them
Inst course. Newts Ins your reek price, repaired, 1lensen,her the 1)141 adage
friends, I'44 stitch in time raves nine;" --yea
Cuu,r in to oar oar stens, it i9 w "The care of boors null shoes" to helmet malty a dime.
Veritable Wonderland. I'1)timleel next mark. I WATCH CS GI1(P.V.
Itr. I: Elle. • of Toronto. t. ho
IA v .,t ns Mr ,.ntl Mr.. V.' 1t.
h; „t t • I .l I. 'p ut :Mon lay
111 t ,a 11 . eters ut .ny tr. 11414
w• r p. ,,,d t . s . him meets,
1L_• tt (+'oplr.•11. while .cruh-
100. th o•I r fluor on Saturday
h t -i h r nee hind severely burnt,
with 1 Ttl 0m • had iss n n.etl
f.,r whet -truth mc the walls and
. 1: ac free ads of Mr. John
4 (1•'bortie township. are
cee t . . tet., h` In upon his appoeit-
I tie ut to t►t ,-•r-it:on of c, n'us corn.
14, fo� the riding of .South
f� c tutus will be token
Our Silverware i 1 l tar held by the
t I rig'rte Church last
1.1 - n and cven.na w:r•
i h 1 •,fel they have ever
is the hest that could .. 11
lie selectednod when it :: ; ..
•i. 1'1. i II r
comes to our jewelry you :, i• ,r • I ' : } . t'• 1. a Alit(' • 4
.,r te irem, tr.na 1
can find none better. •tS e,whu• ,I :
<, 1111 reel. t. 'I:.
Quick Sales,
1;, hidetlt• .alar.
'•t.rh l qt
I.,, n: •, I '•1 . • r Jack itur.l-•.•..
iwho •i, . • 4, t.. ,-n them. '1 n
n•'re i. - . '4!) r wit-, '0 , .,
MI. - s• -a Ednn 1 I
1 ieeur b, 'n:: v‘.1•3 m..eh
a' was also the singing
.µrhtfont end Jennings.
by Mr,•. Weideu.bammer
y were well Tendered.
in ell amounted to
!. ,1 of fancy :tad
r• a for elle,
e 39 Anld.
ng cont -t.
Santa Clad,' (loads
Follick's Bakery
11ot drink. nn(1 1,un(hce at All Hours
Boots, shoes
Rubhera Repaired
A. Walters'
old Stand
HO! Where to?
! To givers' to order some more Flour
before it goes up, and get n.y Christ-
mas baking done,
(iltANULA1E h OATMEAL -makes
I the cookies and terahahi Flour the
O(i i.I V 1EM OATMEAL. for porridge.
Bran Shorts
Flax See()
011 ('eke
Hess's -Stock World
and Louse K.Iler
4111 kinds of grain taken it)
VW'. Rivers
DAVIS 1)1.11 v'i'.1NI)
KXEI'Eit -- 1)NIA111
What is Nicer than a
Good Ring for a
Xmas Gift
Either a 1.a(ly nr (ienticmaAc
appreciate then). We have al>
immense stock for you to `sole t
from of
—Uiarnond Rings
—I'cari Rings
—Pin Rings
—Plata Wcddir:r I. ings
.11;1V1•:I.I:it &
r., teei.lr0ItNi.s. all \1('14
AN') FI, 111,1..
at LOW hates
fiecnre ckete and full pirtfcnier*
J. J, KNIGHT, Depot Agent.