HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-12-15, Page 2I THE EXETER TIMES Do 'tut' nave T1 i4 1 it re- . • . i ri ,.• A wl ref • TAKE ONE °r yt r c OF THEE LITTLE TABLETS AND THE PAIN 16 GCNE. "My first experience with Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills was a sample package handed tnc. They relieved the rain so promptly that I have never been without them since. 1 have given then( to many friends when they had head - eche and tlr'y never failed to t c!ieve theta. 1 have suffered .ith neuralgia in my heal. end the first one I took re- i:cvcd mt•. They have cured me of neuralgia. I would no: be without them." MISS LILLIE B. COLLINS R °F, D. No. I, Salem. Va. Price 25c at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not, serd price to us. we forward prepald, DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Toronto. aoy or even an equality. the solution. it seems. is found only in the foreo3 of Christ €tnity. It L, clear that avberc ever the gospel ha., been', preached it has been the n„ ante of re- forming th. ordiau.ry runtiu.+ and hon • comforts, the social and umret conditi•in,, tb inieliectual and cul - fur •e1 et'tnding and 'the ooluni•rc'.al and industrial forces Il: content : Be happy : Ilse Sun - "TEE Shiny, The joyous seaeson 'of the CCLe ___..-4,--_ shiny. is upon us, On every rvi.de we : c.:} Ont., Feb. 7. 'lA. p )\\'d:R ht)lt TIIFI FARM. Ienk&nlla, see the preparations being [node t0 'I he H. A. aenkin» ]lig. Co., London. Unt.: That Niagara power is to be dis- make joyful the Christmas season. At a cost of only tweethird■ of a cent and heavy. And it builds up the heulth It makes the liens lay Eggs in Winter Are you doing something to add to a day per Animal, Itoynl Purple Stock and ru»torr» tbu furtlxr hluwpuesa undvigur •a wall es ,n the Summer. t entl.men,entr have bean using Royal :rib::t d l0 for farming ECCtIOn of MRS. WM. Il1'ItNIIAM, Sanford, Ont.. Purple poultry and Stuck Sheltie for the \Fctctern Ontario as well as to the the festivities/ Father and mother Speciac makes each Animal worth '25 per of run-down stock, in little or no time. soya : "Dear Y last threw weoka, and wast say that re- s ;,rr planning f0[ (ht•1r sons and rent. more. The very let time to use this the- Sirs, ---This i+ W certify urban centres was tnade plain in a daughters. Mather is nutty in the You never heard of any other Specific, dnlioner is NOW. IL dlgestr the herd loud that 1 have used two hexes of your sults aro rewurkable. Aw feedin the reoh by ilea. Adam Beck before the kitchen preparing the some things or "Stock Food," doing likewise. properly end prevents the eniwals get- Poultry Specific for my hens. They laid ~tock Slwcihc to two milking cowv, and 1 "that mother used to make". and ting iedigustlun or losing Cesh• so well while feeding it to (bete, I won- they have increased 30 per cent. in their, won - county council of Dliddlcrez, It was y Purple permanently cure the doped if hon would mind sending me milk, The Poultry results are ever) more ali for lb • eiech Tit^ 'iron. if 1 Royal t ur to will 1 Skin Diseases and get=lurked than this. We have about till intimated that the hydro-elect50 �Pr cent. Cheaper word how or where I could some Ora would loose ' :':C}l of their savor it huts, Cyan Worms,yourg mina, laying age. When we commenced more eonlmiss'On has a (telt defined plan weren't for mother's planning. Ik+Uility, and restore run • down Aniuu•ta winter, 1 bought it from • ent y ,Ian- to ,g One 50-ccent Package of Royal Purple Last winter. 1 had 32 hens, and soma feeding, we were getting live and iix eggs fah eche this power will radiate in Many a boy forgets the Fong I plumpness and vigor. 5 days 1 got two dozen eggs a day in a day, arid in the last lieu dues t� alma alt directions on low tension wires tied family re-nuion and celebrate.: It veto Inrrrnao the milk -yield three to will last one Aniwal days r to��ll th' re -union of roma old associate., five putouts per cow n da) inside of from figures a little over two -(tiled» of a cent February and March, white feeding thea, puck of hens laid 150 eggs, al .t ars and find its way into th. homes of to th. sorrow of his parents. To the Specific... average of 3s each day, and those ave two to three weeks. It wake; the walk per day. aver have been the day. coldest this waiter, the Earners on every concession and show a contented spirit to be happy'. ]'uu can sae rt•,ults plainly in two or will spread sunshine at this festive „cher than icer before. host "Stock Foods" In 50 -cent Park- sid:• road just as does the telephone season. and will be such at one will MB. ANDRREW WEc:i11f If, nt Walntlett, ages last but :•0 days, and are eiNr•u Royal Purple Poultry Specific prevents there days after the use ut "Royal I'ur- thio times a du). Fowls toile$ flesh at wwdtiog tiwe, and to -clay, aiway: b: able to look back upon Ont., says: Chis is to certify that [ permanently cures every poultry disease. hie," and the poultry have the ra \1ctat t his may mean to the farm- with Arid -r, have tried your Royal Purple Stock Hut Royal Purple Speciae is ntven only It makes their plumage bright and keeps hustle and appearance uuwnsis tht a th Specific for two weeks, on one cow. On ortec• a any, and lasts 50 per cent. longer. them always in prime condition. wee time. With cows and pn the , Vim- . -r cannot well be overstated. The) to $1.50 fail. containing tour tlules •1:1V t< ^t hand when conditions nthe 16th i weighed her wlal as 1T rout( worth mora using exactly the same teed and cars t;rWom IN thou'Rea SYSTEM pounds. I noticed a change atter 5 or the amount of the 50 -cent Package, lasts It makes your•' 'h .',eta will so far be improved as than they could ever be without it. before starting to teed "Royal 1'urp • Ea, ry Woman 'Should send this 6 clays, as there was an extra weight of 2g,) days.) when turners and stockmen get!! distinc11y 1.: son the contrast 1+' Advice and the Generous (lifer milk. on the 29th. 1 carefully weighed Son you ser, it Is only necessary to give Vet one 50 cent Package will last 25 quainted with Royal I•urple, it will Royal Purple Specific urine each day. Ilona 70 days. Or a Vl.50 Pail will 25 a greater demand than ail othe� tunics taveen tarn lite and thatof the dwel- that Goes With It. the [nllk, and she gave 22 pounds. I Just think of narking each Animal 25 liens 160 days. This is four times and stuck foods on the market ctbmbined. do ter f the cities. The drudgery of The numb^r of (iise �s pbeliavt' am giving an order for 5 boxes. es 1 worth 25 per cent. over Its cost ! llhat more u,uterial at only three tunes the ]'aura truly, ANDREW RICKS. th` farm will largely disappear un- to women is such that we belicvice ccneider it the boat I have ever used." this span! would hardly contain a "stock Food" will not do this. Because will that mean to you. Mr. Stock Owner 1 cost.. Aug. 28, 1910. der the boon of cheap power, The (erre mention of their names, and -stock Fu,.d' is nothing more or less A. it a fact that (nail n[ these di+- W..n Jenkins Mfg. co., London, Ont.: twining of a button as^:l set forcesthan a mixture g of the very things which Gentlemen,—Lust i'nll wo had 1n our oyal Pa le at work that will relieve the strain eases are of a catarrhal nature. A y"�� l„tlrsett, grow on your own farm. steels» n younK mare belonging to Miss bent the back of many a woman cannot be well if there IS n It is not more food your Animals need. which mai trace of catarrh in her system, hon, n! branMooral. We could notl noble yeoman and made his wile pre- LL. The must have something to help their feed her any on recount of causing Some wotnetl think there no Y violent scouring, consequently causing 11•:e the house, !y pld. Modern appliances do help ,for thew. We positively de- bodies get all the nourishment from the STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS to become weak and thin. We cable the in the the the Fill all NV • arc Nitrebof this tthatt we. offer fatten. aken idea. food mand ey rste aytfat, all the ting. so lyear at h'r, 'round. tnerteed using your Royal Purple $teal - and barns and in the field will Ito al J urple creates an appetite for TL T Specific. and the results were wonderful* • to supply' nledicin, absolutely fr. •• They need something to prevent disease, ) Make This Test After using it three weeks, we found we coin^ under the sway' of the resist` of all cost in every instance wh.r s. euro dtaeu,e, and to keep them in the f t, and n,Ipa nature to digest and tura b. The holm• will test et health. all the tine. Iver ounce of Rognl Purple Stock and could feed the enimnl bran or any other 1 • s electric current. it fails to gine satisfaction. or do tt Irl•, lhah and muscle. y soft feed without scouring her, and oh' With lighted as it never has bet a and not substantiate our elairan Not a Stack Food Ac. a (fog fattener, Royal Purple has Poultry ounce specific is guaranteed• aetunll• took on to this time twenty -Civ. th vacuum cleaner will reduce the this understanding. no woman should Donde .et nesh. we working her at tM brsliat to believe our honesty Of no equal. To prove that Royal Purple has no a. slavery invoiced in ' the ceascles3 purpowe, or hesitate to put our claims itoynl Purple in a .t n "Stock Fond,” Never Off Feed The • nor a "medicine." It is a Conditioner. equal, we wont you to make this test: h81°'tilytrecommend yourrStocktSpecific. struggle against dust and dirt. to a t:kt,TOM SMITH. cows will be milked. the separatorIt does not contain iter 1icFw,•n. Y Feed Royal Purple le to anyone of your There is only 0110 way f0 over- l7rnln, nor faun the• 1�•.roeman, an a:y ' rp come catarrh. That way is through products. Nor does it contain "Dope,'• "I have used !loyal Purple Stock Animals for four weeks. And at the Trainer for the lion Adam Beek• operated and the thorn kept in too- the blood, You may use all the or any other injurious ingredient. Royal t;.02i. persistently in feeding '•rhe Eel; same time feed any other preparation to Lion by th • same hubtle influtitCe. snuffs. douches or like remedies for Purple does not merely temporarily bloat 2,021, largest winner feeding any pacer on any other Animal in the same condition. w'lo; ueplcel'feerKiller 25c. At tb' barn th feed choppers, fen- years without getting more than or Inspfr the An,msl. It fattens end /hand Circuit In 1808 end 1809. and If Itoynl Purple does not prove to Royal li•nr Winter,' 2.tu , brother 'Allen that it is the Royal I'urpte Onll ('err 25c. sling nags and fodder handlers will temporary relief dat is.as dt condition strengthens It, permanently. Y iou, b actual results,itoynl Purple sw,nl Liniment50c. in genera) winters.' winner of =30,1xo In of 'Allen Y Y respond to the tont of electric mo- of the system that shote; locally _ Nn other9prciac twat you ever used, we'll return your Royal Purple Cough Curr5,1e. stakes in 19uN. money. Our Cough Cure will cure any ordinary cora. Th: n: xt fete years will wit- most frqu: nt'y in discharges from lN.'. known adds flesh -These hersea have never been off their nes nc wonderful revolution. AI- mucous membranes. Local treat- ",'•'. - t�, 80 quickly ealtoyal feed sense 1 started wing Royal Purple And we'll ask no questions—make no cough in four days. and will break op I urple. It m ekes ti{ eeific I will always have 11 to my excuses. You will be the fudge —not us. and cure distemper In ten to twelve days. ready the farmer is coming into his Sent should be assisted by internal ��r �• 'If your dealer cannot supply you mitts e treatment for the genera, diseased rer� ti Purple. Calves stables.]our Cough Powder works This Is nn honest teat, isn't It 7 pt's chane of the benefits o_ the public condition if it comp4•te cure is :o 1{^.., .i1(k, 1 as largestut Calvert our Royal Purple Hraede, we will attrPly, •anti - like magic.- sok you to make it .because we knew' you upon receipt of $1.50 a pall, pre - our of Niagara power. with t, reached. That internal treat- ft ,. (A�kea' ' nary -f 11 '!Ives are �` \ at l weeks. For Poultry (ret Royal Purple is the beat Conditioner paid, for either poultry or stock, or it trolley cars easaing his door. the Ise nt (should b • scienti:ically devised , 11 ��$' on the market. you want any Liniment, Galt ('err rte, electric energy his elbow and hydro- and faithfully adme. is scie it It oa 1 Purple Roysi Purple Poultry Specific Is our lt,•xa't linen -Toa^ is scientificallyy electric energy ready to do hi.s bid- pr -pared from prescription rnnkecl naturally- other N{,eeiac It 1• fur Poultry — not If you are not satisfied after testing tough 1, upon ewe wptll send e. by mall. thin Animals fat for stock. It. you don't lose anything. d" you 7 postpaid, upon receipt of price. VV. A. JI NICI1�T9 MF`(. COMPAIPTY, I,OI\TDOINT, ON"1`ARIO it, , stock e:I,I 1'uaitry S S. ire- an t] f re.' Hooklets can Centralia A. obtained iu'dE. oHemphill, W. J. Ik wan.Ilaldwar•. Eze'ter; J, J. Merncr, Zur- culum,as'bW or by the council( and siouto t 'i'!1 they it -law (t on cat is for tth• ommif- lion ri two commiseio.ners, and th• ell's t. 11 • a member vi -off .•io. Th. r • a, i•! 1. • ballots fur the by- ,e, and afro fur Ih.' cotuu,isslonrr= .•::,1 should (1l • by-law 1 d. 1 111,- vat 1,, :•,ting for Yth • came, t:.uL • 0. h in vain. A' BOY'S CHRISTMAS LETTER ':Dear Mr. Santa Clause. I want 'A warship painted white: want a C3I1r100 an' a sword. All polished up so bright. j want II lot of soldiers, too. With h••r=es, flags nn' guns. Au' 1 ee rd like a train of cars That o histles when •hen it ruin. want the biggest rockin' horse That gallops all alone_.: An' '1 would like a tooter 'horn That mak •e the 'loudest tone. 1 wast 0 111.001 that's very .big. Also a { .air of akates: Wu' I w•a'... i.k' some butterscotch. Some uw, e(5 and chocolates. want an axo, a box of tools, To build a house an' shed: p kite, at motor -bicycle A 'r indter au' a sited. ' 1 want a magic latnteru 'too ,e houseboat painted red: S' jumpin' jack that goes bi�wself 'N' c piggio in his bed. and Poultry Raisers �r�e to Stock N arembit„�• IiWa aaYYi114'lL7�__ •1a- We will send, absolutely free, for the a::king, postpaid, one of our large thirty -two-page booklets on the common diseases of ::tock and poultry. Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and marc::, milch cows, calves and fattening steers, also how to keep and feed poultry so that they will lay just as well in winter as in summer. No farmer should be without it. PI avant a top, a bat an' 'ball, An' tear books full of 'fights: 'Au' I would like n Christmas -tree All full of candle tights. qhs dear! L want a lot of things, Bat I'm too tired to write : That's alt that 1 can fink of now. :So, Santa Claus, good -night." n the prescription of ding.—London Fr • 1'r an eminent 1 hv. clan who for thirty years made tee. •rrh his specialty. This r .meds' : admirably adapted to th • tr; .:::•:nt of the catarrhal Ninth -hour shopping often results Wm nts of women. If verities and in disappointment, enriches the blood, tends to Stop • • • • • mucous discharges, nids in removing If you want this Chr`etmas to be impurities from the system. .soother. the best ever you must work to make heals and strengthens the mucous it so, t}ssu,s, and bring; about a feeling of health and strength. Procrastination is thus thief of We want you to try Renal! Mucu- time and patience too in the case of Ton• on our guarantee. If you are Christmas ehotohng. not benefited• or for any reason • • • • • not satisfied. Simply telt us and we Everybody works but father will hand back your money. Rezall Mother's !bopping too:t of the day Mucu Ton • comes in two size. 50 Buying the prevents for the children Dents arid -431.00. Remember. you And fath.r ha • s .• hebills to pay. • ``n r obtainn xa'l —The lb Realltorltemedies . 8. only MISSIONS Th • q•. -'ion of missions is awaken- ing and coming to its own. I'ul- Nit. press and pew are laboring for the cause of miasi.oni both in the home lands and foreign fields,. Never in the bstory of Christianity Las it r c .ce d such support as a' - the {`r - nt time. The field in Can- ada is b e In n_ a tr:mendot:a prob- lem. Fer inn -•r - by the thousands arc coelin. to our shores and ea.t- (ng in th. it lot with us. What ar We going to do with tbeml If Can- ada is not to rink to th • low Stand. nrd of living of r..a,l7 of her emi- grants sb . must ra.+r for emigrants to her standard. I•:'nigrants from =teeny every nationaait1 under the Sun nr: coming to our shores and we (must grapple with the problem of Christ anizing them. liesides tbis great rrponsibility at b:,rne there is a duty in fore•;gn fields. The ef- forts at present are probably focused upon Chinn. Ch:nn is nwak •ding from h •r fig. -long slumbers. find the w i Christ an world is a ak h alt' to th;• fact that China needs the gospel and trust hat • it at all natty. Apart from 111 • • :prone nim. t hat of spirit- ual h• u.'+. the goipel must be runt to Ih • h •athon tr•enmse of its ache v• rm fits el industrial and com- mercial forces. The Christian civil- ized nations practically control the llltennetiona1 trade elations and to assure 1 continnane • of th's .eupre ,u - NOTE AND COMMENTS Heart Trouble Caused Dizziness. Weakness and Smothering Spells. Wo had some veru cold weather :art wreck. but cheer up! a hotter time is Promised during our errt'- t lents; Th hydro-eicctric commission has turned it., attention to the farm. Th r, is nothi.ng too good for the f3rnr. r and p. rhaps it may a -seat to th • back to the farm movement. • • • • . Wt. will all enjoy the holiday time o much more if we know there err -ick and unfortunate perrons. whoa' ,ivts ler, brighter and happier be. 710' • WC have determined to Blake them to. This mn.t be the hard luck year for the T. R'si First Teddy Roo•r• volt got his bump from the hands 'of the n.:ople and now th • Toro Ito Street Railway hie get livers. Can- ada always I, ads h r neighbor a IRO. and in this cos• has an extra betel- '111", Through one cause or another a large majority of the people are troubled, more nr 1c_ss, with some form of heart trouble. Wherever there aro sickly people with weak hearts, Milburn'a heart and Nerve Pills will be found to be the most effective medicine on the market. Sirs. F. Leslie Craig, 114 Erie Ave., Itrantford, Ont., writes:—"It is with the greatest of pleasure 1 write you stating the benefit 1 have receiver! by tiring Milburn's heart and Nerve fills, 1 suffers! greatly from heart trouble which cauaetl haziness, weakness and smother- ing spells'. 1 used a great deal of Ur_'e medicine but received no benefit. A friend advised me to buy a box of your pills, which 1 did and before 1 hail finished one box 1 (felt so much better 1 continued their use by taking two boxes. 1 highly recommend there pills to any one suffering frena heart and nerve trouble" Milburn's }(cart Mrd Nerve Pilla are f!A cents per i.ox or 3 for $l..25, at n11 ��kre, or mailed direct by The T. Mile bOtt1 two., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Th. re's many n Loy miered on our tr•t•t.a Who toils now in some other clime Il: • him. a royal welcome awaas When he comes home at Christmas time. \'; ith ail the eine rfulness of the Christ:net decorations, the joy of th • family re -unions. and lover's gifts. Christmas is Still the child- ren's festival. \oth'ng can quite Anal the joy of the little girl who g de. Just the doll she wanted or the small boy who finds n coveted toy in his Etockitlg. DISTIIICT NEWS Mitchell expects hydro -power some time in April. The Clinton Gun Club held their inner:shoot on Thursday and Fri- day last. A Literary Club under the direc- tion of tit p Public Library beard. is h'ing form, d 'n Clinton. Mr. 1'. D. Hutchison. of f?tefta. is having a beg display of furs for one day only on Dec. 15th. An excellent lin, of all kinds of furl. St. Marys is now ready for Ninoara ;:oases and it is probable they will receive. it imtrediatc!y :.iter the holidays. Th many friends of Mr. John Wilson. Township Clerk of Fullar- ton,' will regret to learn that he s ta r:ously ill with pneumonia. Th., engagement is nnr,ounced nt Margar.•t Maud. daughter of Mr. fiidn.ty Fralcigh. 8t. Marie, to Mr. Wildinm N. llarrieon. Castor, Alta. The marriage will take I`laee on D: cenib •r 2hth. Last year the Montreal market disposed of over *200.000 worth oI frog' 1,•gs. We call meat dear at 20 cants per pound. Frogs' leg. are never sold under 30 cents and often 40 and 50 cents is not consid^red an exorbitant price. Frogs' I,gs have taken their place as one of the coaat- y edibles. in thea vicinity th- riven and marsb^s are becoming rapidly depleted and the many en- joy -ail breakfasts of frogs' legs nr • le coming fewer revery year. • • • • • The inner side of every cloud is bright and shining. i therefore turn my clouds about And always wear them inside out To -how the lining. —E. T. Fowler. Nominations will be held n week (ram Monday. This ycnr there will t)• on extra nomination on the doe.- .., This' nomination will be for tt ,t r-commie.`over', On election day the citizens will be naked lo vote on a by-law to appoint a commit,• ion and also to elect the eomm's- -ion •rs, The 'by -taw whirl) is print. .1 nn another Doge, in short i*. do the citixen4 of Exeter want the waterworks ltcntem managed by n Ilarsh purgative renediea arc fast giving way to th • is :title action and mild effect' of Carter's Little Liver Pills, If you try than, they will cer- tainly please you. 1 lir. Jas. M. Wi''i. of \\'ita.thal::, met with s paitifui accident while at work in' Wolk `r te • Clcgg's (urn:. Mr facto, y on Tburstay alt^rn000 last. Ile .• asworking oi, the rhatrr and his r :ht band s:ip1'ir.n' 11 ' • • n lase evening n' mob numbr rnR drawee ire ) (0 • knaves and to ti:•' All Skin Diseases 1,•twren 4.000 and 5.000 created a of three lingers were badly cut, riot on some of the leading streets. John Mat -bean. a pioneer resid- , nt of St. Marys. died nt the hemi of his daughter. Mr'. John Madill. of Traced o tit. Catherine.. on Friday morning BAD BLOOD. last, following n brief rn in.. The tat Mr. -MacLean was horn in Ilrock- ville on Dec. 11th. 1st!. \\'hen 20 yr•art of age he went to et. Marys Therefore to get rid of these akin dire nd owned n dreg store, At that eases it is absolutely nere.ssary that the tion " Rt. Maty• w•3a a hemi `t, o' Inti blood should be thoroughly cleansed of than 200 t. 01 ! , \1 r. }inet s 10 aa'at the accumulated poisons, and for this the. second oldest druggist in the• purpose there is nothing to equal Bur- proviso and tb, th`rd alarst Ucfd- ryr fellow. 11c• had been nn elder of th. dock Blood Rittere. First )`rc.byetrinn Church. ?t. Phis remedy hna been on the market if^res. fen- ar 25 years. Ile i• aurv:veet for over thirty-five years and when you be hi. w:fes. nn•• daughter. lir.. J. use it you are not experimenting with Sl stili and two sono. 17r. Mad. on. some new land untried remedy. of Ht. (7ithnrin^4 and Frank who continued the business a hon hie father retired. The body wet inter- red et Al. Marys on Ratnrday even- ing, occasion and met to tender congratu. I and was active and energetic for lotions. Thy were presented with bis age. two beautiful easy 'hairs and an ad- ' Mr. Mt,nno Oe; ch cf the Bronson drew. I Line. Hay. one of the old settlers of Michael, O'Dca, an old and es- the It dn, hon died u t the ,'Doome 3 of bat ls teemed resident of St. Marys passed sonn advanced aRa Saturday. dlb'e.cea3r bad away onf Monday, Dec, 5ta, aged ab 73 been poorly for some time. and the years, tic resided in St. Marys about forty dears. For n number of years attack of pneumonia. proved too h.. operated the Thomas quarries, emmuch h for was a man of 61. frail okindlyt(1n- Mayor. Taylor, of Clinton, is in position and be was respected by all r;eeipt, of a• letter from the Seers- who knew him. The funeral was tory of (bee Underwriters' Aasoeie- held on Tuesday afternoon• the in - tion stating that a new tariff icemen(( king 'place in the Amiscb of insurance will be issued allowing .7, meters.. A. large maniac*. or De- n substantial reduction in rate.. quaintanoes and relatives were pre - Mr. Jos. Stephens. of Woodham. r• nt to paytbeir re.px•cts to n worthy who was injured by being kicked in friend and neighbor. Among throw the bead by n horse. is improving who attended the. funeral were Mr. and ho1•os are entertained for hie re.' Henry Itrennerman and laughter. of coo. ry. ' s• w 1! :mbar¢. Ms. and Mrs. Mich- \1•hi1: Mr. Joseph Hodgins. of 1 a'! Zehr• of Wellesley. and Mr. John Mitchell. was going to Stratford on Roth. of New Hamburg. Saturday last with a load of 1900 If you once try Carter's Little dos• n of tags, for the Whyte' Peck- l.iv- r !'ills for sick headache, billions - :tie Company. the wagon stewed on , n..- or constipation. you will never the icy road and toppled over. scat- ' 8 without them. They 'ler purely t• ring the cgga in all direction. v,g,witho, small and easy to take, Very few were •+t•.i. Mr. Joseph Don't forget this. }lodgins narroo:y ,scap.d Serious Toronto et injury. The lies it h avy, sa the • good.the had n seneatitO on \Ved'esdae evening of lost week. 1+1 w r worth 1-r n dozen. wh.•n the cit:zrn. aroused 111 a 111351 1f you had taken tw•o of Carter's meeting hold in }lessee Hall. attack• Little Liver I'i11s before retiring you •,1 street car. and 1'rop,rty of the would not have had that coated inn- Street Railway Co. The gatherin.r goes or bad lett,' in the mouth this protested against the pay -15-700. morning. Keep :a vial with you for enter sy'ste•ul and nnii-smokiiig re- oreasional a•*•, ,;illations. and hurled bricks and Th:: community. of Avonbank. was atones and other mules with the v •ry much shocked on Friday Doc. r• suit that dozens were injured. 2nd. to learn nf1 the eudd.n death of five p (soda arrested. eleven cars ' Mr .Wm. Armstrong. on esteemed completely wrecked one hundred r lid' nt o, the 12th con.. Downie. others slightly datnnged. and *tore 11,• relined 1•_ ti4ual on Thursday fronts for blocks wet.. also datnn{ted. evening and n h' n hi• daughter, Toronto trailwayns whoet o o tronize :11..1 I went to hi- renal fourd that life oast cannel. Dr. C. N. Smith. who was irritated, , inconvenience it mildly( y 1) , has cel! .1. p,rnnvanord it ter failure, to far attended the newly inaugurat- ed a 1 N14 in h t '3rd year ,•d system of paying all fares nt the front door of the car. and on Wed - S. No. 7, ('eborn. for the tuonth of November. Sr. 1V. total marks 520, Ida I'enric, 366, Mabel Lie and 279, Warren Brock 196. Jr. IV. total 470. W. tliu. ton Brock 2 3. \Villin Ferric: 279. Sr. 111. total 470, A. l'ym 262. Hr. 1i. total 520, Margaret Peptic,- 473, •Ewart Pym 294. Elva: Horne 202. I. Garfield Brock. I't. 1, Edna I'ym. Minn`'e Hall. teacher. L•Alt-Ill'1: CURES PILES. Maritime Magistrate's Cade, Mr. C. E. Sanford. of \\'ratans King's Co.. N. 8.. t Justice of the Peace for the county. and a Deacon of the Baptist Church in Berwick, relys : ••1 have used Zam-il)uk for piles and found it a splendid remedy. It cured me." Mr, 'Tomas Pearson, of Prince Al- bert. Rask.. writtaf: "1 must :hank sou for for benefit i h ive received from the use oI 'Lain-Ifuk. Laat summer 1 had a fever. which left m • with pike. 1 atartcd to use Zam- bltk. and found 1t gave me relief. so r continued with it. After using thr or four boxes. it effestcd a 001111,' r cure." Mr. T1: et. Tufts rcc .v. d word from To: ante on. Tuesday of !asp Can be Directly seek (bit Mia daughter. Mrs, it. 1. Bryan. fete Selina Tufts). had d • 1 'r d T filar bad b'i'n suffering from lineu- 111011 ^, The !,,ua:1y have 1110 .3)0. pithy of the community in their sad bsr''1ve WCnt. In ord.?. to make Ike r.s little travel as possible for the delegates the first of tale north Middlesex Farmers' In- stituto tIaet;ngs w'iil be held in 1I1. Carmel nt for delegation comes from %nricb. in Huron. on the 12th of January. Greenway. Parkhill. West iltctiill:vray owl Mooresville wilt fol- low in order. The test of speaker+ ar• expected. The annual tn••etiug of the Dente' A-Qne;lt ntrt,f heron end Perth h •ld a, the Hotel Normandie. Cl n - ton on Wednesday of last week lash• n nt'itt• r, e raining to the {•rofe...io•t iu g• neral ice • • dise:tased, The past a• • It's offie rs were re.eleeted, lira. Sa! • rind Hayden. of Goderich. are pr•aidcnt and secretary. respectively. On. Monday of fast week Mr. a,:1 ..lire. \Vm. H. \Weymouth, old and much respected residents of llullctt, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary df their marring,'. Their friends and neighbors took ndvantag, of the Miss Stella Fiche', Maitland Forks N y., writes.--" 1 have been bothered with Salt Rheum on my hands for three years and it itched so i didn't know what to do, i tried everything but nothing aeeutcd to he any good. 1 heard of Burdock Blood )litters and bought two bottles of it, and now 1 am perfectly cured and have no Salt Rheum on my hande any more. 1 cannot speak too highly of Burdock illood Bitters." Manufactured only by The T. Milburn (',o., limited, Toronto, Ont. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Vtf)N The following is the report for P. Zatn-iluk will also be found a sure cure for cold sores. chapped hands; frost bite, ulcers, eczema, bleed -pole! son, varicose sores, seal ringworm. inflammd,pat• ,e_, bier' eruptions and cbappecf'places, eats• burns, bruises and akin in r►cA generally. All druggists and ebna ::c!! at 50o box. or past free from Zam-Ituk Co.. Toronto. upon res. ipt of aria•. You are warned against, harmful imitations and substitutes• Sae the rcgigtered name "Zen-iluk" an every package before buying. CROMART. Mr. W. Mahaffy, sonYof Mr. Thos. Mahaffy, received an ugly kick from a horse last week. Ile Ilse been under the doctor's care ever since, Mr. Will Barr. of Toronto. le visit- ing b:.s aged father and other frit nd.. here. Mr. .lames Scott. jr.. is in Guelph this week exhibiting his rplendid Clydesdale show team. Mci••rs. Donald and Duncan MMcKe.l• lar. jr.. and Russ• 1 Scott aro at- tending the Winter Fair at Guelph. Mr. and Miss Ilarry. of Whitby. nr' visiting their rest. r• Mrs. W111. Kers1 a ke. WE RR WEAK MEN •,a�',�~�F�i _ _ �x=:fir sa=;P' 1 ONE SL C,:: - (a'' r, _ atteuc, and tire" •t e,, •,,.. for the case a.'1 Air • „l,i„•,peat.• l,ralt. 5,n,ptom•tht .,tr ,• , e s.n1 ,1r atm• tar••, , . • . thra„hent ('.,n:. I .' W Guar:.al r•e r 1"• '. it • !: i( Unalde to r •• C -r . y et (....i • r r i f..',oil. £ti .... .. r ! •, l:.•.• tit 1.•:,c' ir:•S•1 �ta'��� .•- , , to tl , .• r r ., . , , • ,; ,, _ Eee u; lxt.,,•,• i ata pelican t•• •. ( r C• •,. 4 )e,t rfeuc: an . ,, .a :dl 1• lar; ... Ilaew, : "l" 4- ._ • . ,1 ,e 1,• Treat rent. 1..1 Laboratory t r l' a' 1;7I”„ }• t �•,)..� 1 a: ;: t.:. .. 'J' • .IIJ.Or, •lint• write r •r a„r p rr with,. ete