HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-12-15, Page 1MIRRORS (IKNTLKMEM ! 1 A handsome mirror Will solve the problem. Fancy hand mirrors All sized and shapes. with or without cane in Ebony, Roae and Foxwood, From $1 to ikInspect our large assortment. 6LE'S DRUG STORE utter Huron & Middlesex Gazette Tatirrl'-EltiILT1t Yr:Alt-No 1937 1. MILITARY BRUSHES LADIES 1 We have a larg assortment of Military Brushed in beautiful cases. All kinds and styles. These snake acceptable gifts. We can please you. COLE'S DRUG STORE EXETER, ONT , CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 15th 1910. N•N♦♦♦•♦•♦•♦♦• EXETER SCHOOL BOARD - - •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• e•♦••••♦♦••••••••••••••♦••••••••••••••••••••••N••• '1'h. reenter monthly meeting ut • •• JONES & MAY'S • the School ,Hoard was held in t h , • ♦ • Town Ball, en Monday, Dec, 12tle ♦ • • r,r a,tl0 p. an.. with all members pre - \1• Phone No. 32. .• ,,,. Tho following is the order of • :hustle be duly submitted unc ap • CNIZlSTMAS GIFTS" pro, J, meeting. Chair [ninutea of pn- S p- ylon, meeting, Reports of Commit- tees, Wood that forty cords had been s THAT ARF. ATTRACTIVE AND PRACTICAL purchased at 84.50 list cord. 1nsp ,- sChristmas is only a few dnye off. It 1e time for you to get tor's report read with judgment d, - ♦ busy. You will tied us headquarters for your ehopping. Our • (erred. Per 14. ALartin and I1. lh►-- s ♦ .tore is filed up with nice useful articles for the cheerful giver.c�rrent thatyear the bon ks be 'OweWednesday,�trh1 3) . • WO Want w show you our Xmas diapluy, the boat yet. ii ;,•1st. of 6.30 p. in., and that 'h. • teachers' cls quer be ie' iced in ate __ - • s eordance Per B. Ruston and F. W. • • (Badman that the school re -opening • • Z be dated for \Vedneeday. JaVuuary we are showing the niftiest • 4th. at 9 a. nn. Per F. W. (Badman A Leautiful display of ('en•and 11. Huston that the following tee Pieces, Doylies, Tray Neck 'Pies and Scarfs ever : payments be approved: Times 11rir�f- Cloths, Tea Cloths and Run- shown in Exeter. Just what •• K11 �0: tte- n: r>i all at very low prices a roan or boy wants. See them :: Marchand, clock, $1.50: .1. Grigg, •,upplementnry reading, $20.10. s* Adjournment 1'cr 11, 'Huston: • • 3. (:RIG(:. to e',. • ; •. • •T •• •• ♦ • ♦ • • • Sox & Suspenders • . Nothing prettier for a Lady In plan at y • • 2 they are in all colors of wool. In Wool. Silks and mixed. Buy one for your Lady. Fancy Linens Men's Neckwear Gloves & Mits of every discription are I here. They make a nice gift Plain,Lined or Fur Lined • S2 Gloves at all prices. 4•.. 2: 2• 4 • • • 2' ♦• •• �♦ -- `` .. .•Z ♦• 2• 2 Silk Scarfs & Shawls Shirts & Collers WoBrand nd thew. G. R. Bos ell They speak for themselves being the best in Canada. Ilave a look at them el' ♦ - w• .• •• •• •• ♦• ♦• ♦• ♦• ♦• •• • s• • • At half price • Our half price sale of our • millinery is fast cleaning it. • out only a few left. do you • want a snap a winter hat. ,• fur j►alf price. • • • • • .n heaver. as an unbroken family. ♦ � .\n ir.terrsttng feature was the bap - : al► h \I Jones ♦ •t teens d two grcat-lre married r., • May • ♦ \ire and )ling Oke were married iv. i ten lintel. Exeter. on Thursdnyt ♦ • � llowmanvil3c 50 coats ago. Thee i i), c• 1501. at tine V• tn. M. j'\\'il'- • g lam- and N. E. Brady. Proper. tor. • •nnw.•d to Centralia where they re- • Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Seattle! s s { on a faun. From then they T. Brown. Auction.rr. • nt to flay ares afterwards to 1, In :tnoth r c,..unin will b' l • i l•)thills, also high grade shoes and wall paper • ♦ I t Tie entp-ore ye•►rt ago the a b .1aa for appointing a u:, r • 1 to town. where thvv have works commies on. On .'l,.ction .1 .'. ♦••••••♦•••♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦••••••♦•••♦•♦•♦♦•••• t, lulr.ofrd residents ever 'inc.-. will p,., for the people to •-.,y ••♦•♦•♦•♦•♦•♦♦•♦♦♦•♦♦•♦•♦•o•♦•♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦•♦♦•♦••♦♦••�`♦♦ .,1r. Oke le in his Plat year and, wh•th••r they 11:►nt the wat••re..•..:. t .rint,• the pest new year. has diff- int snag •d by a eommi .eon of !�: red a great deal ►e it h a•thrn't. Ile Ini'n ..r 1,av•• it n•t!. the a'r ,= confi need to the hotse rno't of the tburd meed counoi'.. tiro • inti. Oke is In her 73rd year \pr. l�. W. Fnrncomt.•. ►vaterwork and is • xc: ••d.ruly active for her •nget►eer. we, herr on Tii. e1sy sols, ag-, M. neer- of the family twerc (over th, waterwoekn account!. 1- pr. s• nt from Toronto. Eksforth, lar • informed on creditable authori's i?i►ovale and town. The 'rimes that there will be one thousand dr.:• joins with their many friends in 1rtrs or over to t h • g•x•d. v. bleb ►w wish ng them continued years of ,.o a Ione way to layette a• me • health and ha , mese. down et at ion et req. The .Greek' b IP ;well for the committee who had lettere of this matter. II 1.,•banor► Pure+t Lodge• A. 1'. ae.! N. 'M. ur-t on Months. eve nine and .lee• ted th • following nf.':c- r f\'. • 11., Ie.,. C. is rr : 9. \\' Bre. \\' 11. a me. , coN CERT r- J \\' 1'.r. 1• t: : ',tun et, lee Ie It , sv D (': n : Ts, es. Itro. \\.. 11. 1, , . r t " , , . Ile, (' 11. ,Sen'' r• - .\'l tr,. I:t, , . 11. In•,r- 1.1,n .ted 'I It ('i1 \', r t '1111' Ih• hr •hr n a.: n. .r •d Io '.1, !•; 104 r -,n ! hid ..c+. r r Handkerchiefs & Hand Bags hundreds of dozen of fancy Handkerchiefs in all styles and qualities 5c to 50C. Hand Bags of the latest styles from $1 to $3.5t) and fano colors Something necessary and use- ful for every men. Give hint a pair or two. OPPORTUNITY TO VISIT THE JACKSON COMPANY On friday aftcxl►oou. neat. from 1 o'clock until 5.30, and In the 0ven- ing from 7.30 to 6.30, anyone: who wi-hes to call and look through the Jackson Manufacturing Co. Clothing Industry. of this place may do 60. This is the industry that the people of this place voted a by4aw to give sone •. help and encouragement. in Jan. last, in the way of a. free buelding ♦ ' f ,r their use for ten years, u'ruler • • relit' conditions. one ►►•as that they • -1 .!d. at haat. employ 25 hands the • i.r-1 year, That they have more en s2 than [rade good their contract, the • people will have a chance to see on Friday. In less than 0 [months, they Z,employed over the number specified • • ,nd had .'vary machine running. • • Th• credit of this industry is large., For tnen women and child s t ly dun to Mr. .1. A. titewarb and W. ren, The best you can buy • • .1. penman. who followed up this for your .l -utas Present Every • • firm when they were almo_t decided thing an the fur line shown • • to start in another place, and being hereat reduced prices. • • known personally to the firm. they • would not take n turn down very • easily. The results 'o far have been • v ry satisfactory. • • • • s * BRAT C GOLDEN WEDDING • = Ile teeth' ring of the children. • S Igrand children and groat .:rand - children at the home of Mr. and Mre, s o I!iugb Oke on Monday. Dec. lith. an I. vent was celebrated that few people • . ,are permitted to enjoy, that is their s • igoldcn wedding. The home was e ♦ . th tk• ♦ beautifully decorated for • s `caeion and a very eumptnous repast s• was partaken of. After ten an ad- • 2 dress was given and a pur=e of • • void presented to the honored coup let ♦ It was ably responded to by ♦ Ictk•• ►who thanked them very ht•art- T ly and hoped they would all meet Furs! Furs ! Furs! Locals 1.0e1; ::t the tab,' on your paper. Lout: over th • tdvertiscmenta the- week. bub.scriptione Zr.• coming in. llow about yours. 11OItP4F. FOR tete I.E.-Driver, aptly to S. 'Fitton. Forget your troubles and count your blessings. Mr.. E. Jones. visited friends in 'teasel! last week. Mr. Writ. Leavitt was at Grand 11 end on Tuesday. Mr. Win. Carling and •Misr Louis•; were ire London Friday. Mil,, Matheson, of Clinton. is nut eintig Mr. Jas. StrUe, Rev. S. F. Sharp: lost a valuables Jersey cow one day last week. Ladies LONG Coats at SNORT Prices We are selling all our Ladies and Childrens Coate at greatly reduced Prices, If you need a Coat come and see whet we are ening, It will pay you. Millinery Clothing Buy the Soy a suit or over- coat for Xmas. We are show - int a leg sample lot bought ever these and selling cheap y 1)110 new and all ud-to date. Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrett is this week visiting friends in Zurich. were well up in the a hoot.Qtty. Ser the Xmas Candies, Nuts, Oran In the reort of the pelection of of- g;s and Grapes at t'o►well's Bazaar. i fie. r• for the Epworth League of A number from Bethany attended Jar►r s street. the names of ,Mie.t ;$ Loa per year In advance IM.u.s \ors, , Ilub-. r is vesilifg Mrs.! ,1, J. Knight. Don't foreet the husk• y h,Y. cun- c-rt ti ti elendey remiss. $luta Claus is+ 11• re. h•:'ll nod et you in south witido►v.-.Ipw:llt Il:tr- ut.r. Council meets th - (TIIor.sday) v sling, being the 1:,-t .statutory meeting of the year. .loner & May have Shipped tour hundred and forty thousand pound! of turkeys this ecaeon. Quite co number frotu town at- tended the IN rkin•--titeamou wed- ding in I shorn'e on Wednesday. Mr. IS. I'ow.'ll and Mrs. J. W. Powell attended the wedding of Mr. Powell'.. niece, in London tovn- ship on W..d4r ;'slay, M ---yrs. Fred Kerr, John Triebn -r and 1). Ilartleib were fn Clinton 3aet week attending 'the annual shoot of th Clinton Gun Club. The lo} -1 MR. and MRS. Ht:(ltt OKE CP.LE- Fleeda Maker. pianist arid'Miees Eun- ic' K, rnick, nseistant, were omitted. Tuesday Ilaet was the golden weed• ding day of Mr. and Mrs. \\'ut• 1)auna.'y, of town. We extend con- gratulations and hopi. the bride and groom of fifty years ago may long be paned as honored residence of Bee the tea in .Main street Mlouday even- ing. Mr. Vin. Cunningham, of Paisley. is th_ new clerk :.t the Commercial hotel. Provincial detective Stephenson. of Rridgeburg was in' town one day last ►t• • ds Mr. 1'. Gardiner is at present con•ltrr. • • tined to the house with pleurisy.- The wedding took place in I'.borne Blyth Standard . on Weltereday• Dee. 14th. of Mies Miry Ch -ti y. of tteaforth, vs ho Laura Memnon, daughter of Mr. and vis`-itcd in tu:ve. left last week to Mr. John Shannon to Mr. llarvey visit ctt Kipla•n. Perkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Silas HLndford left Perkeoe. The ceremony was per- formed by the Itev. It. hacks, of Tuesday morning for Renfrew to Or, siren. at 5 o'clock F. m. Th,' visit their son Gus. 1 Tim • extends congratu at+anis. Mrs. A. Francis, of liirkton. visit- -0..-- ..1 -T •.1 her mother. Mr'. .11arrison in BORN ;own a new days last week. DELISRiDGE,•-•IIs t:shorn, on Thurs- A' miwionary banquet will be held ,1 ; D e. eth, to Mr. and •Airs. in the. Thames Road Presbyterian 11' I► :bridge. n daughter. church thin (Thursday) evening. l-1'• .N1•:L-At Blake on Friday, Dec. Meati olive Quance. milliner for •2nd. to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ken- White- & May. 6t. Marys, has r.:- re. , a Fon turned home for the holidays. efAltitiED Miss T. Vincent and Mies V. Tieda- I'ERKtN 4-SLEAMON - In CsborncI man have returned to their homey utt W.dneeday. Dec. 14th. Miss • • near ])ashwood after working at Laura Sleaaeon, daughter of Mr. • 2 • the Central. nn•l Mr.. John Bleatnon to Mr. se Mr. Jae. Gould has opened up a Ilarv.•y 1 s rkion, son of Mr. tool it 4 ♦4 grocery business in the old Itosa pro- Mrs. Chart - Perkins perty which he recently purchase.) CI'PLEY-!'FILE-On Wednesday. from Mr. M. Jackson. Dec. 7th. '1t the James Street • T' :totes of town are beautifully. ` Methodist raroneg.• by the 1.�.. I ♦� It, llobbs, Mins North. May l'f: . ,so -tte for the Christmas season to Mr. Herbert James Cppley.both \u b.•tter ;.!act tc bees {foods than! o, Zurich. ♦ right in our own town. DIED W.• were in error 1,151 week in ilea - XMRS CUiLERY From out. Targe stock an t assortment of Cutlery. i is easy to stake selections for 'envoi (lifts. Pocket itt ivey for ploys - 5 10 & 15c Pocket. Knives for (lirls;- 25 to 33c Pocket Knives for Ladies - 3.5 to 51)c Pocket Knives for Men :tSc to $1.2i Flynn(' Gillette Safety $5 Ever heady $1 ~wigs Safety $1.25 Carbo 6lagnetic 52.1)t) Uokev'e [rout 75c up SKA!ES FOR EVERYBODY A COLD SWOT GUNS & RIFLES HANDLE_ Mhot Guns from $6.50 up. Rifles from 53,5u up Air Rifles from 95c u{► to $1.'25 Revolvers and Anununition, Mrs. Potts sad Irons, Asbestos Irons $1.220 per set up CARVERS Carvers per pair $1.(10 Carvers per vet $1.110 Bread Knives 25c Silver Spoousu(cdoz. Silver Knives and Forks Silver Berry Spoons Silver Pie Knives Silver Cold Meat Forks HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE Scranton Coal Agency • •••••••o••••••••••••♦••••• • •♦•♦♦•••••••••♦♦••••♦••••• se•••••••••••••••••♦••••••c •••••••••♦♦••♦♦•••••••♦:•: •. •. 8PE611iL XfAfl ••i •• A. ♦. •. :Z •♦ OFFERINGS .2 •. •. •. •1 e. t • • •. 1N MLNS Th#1R =i IA !Au Gut in the i'riGC on all OVER- ;s O♦ GOflTs. This is oenuinC. We has •• a GOMPI,RTE STOGK and the lard- is CSt and most up-to-date lines in town. I♦ -- •• • •• ♦ _ ♦• , �� �� ♦ • �iI 't r '� / /o .O •• •• \: I • •• • ���� O •• i• •• •• lug that the capacity of th • water McCALL('.`•`-Ta et. Marys. on Tina- =t • 1>•e. 5th. Mies I.rtbci:a Me - tank is four hundred thousand gal- 1 C�ljula. !on-. The' should have read fort• e i gal - , 6t. Marys. on Monday. thousand gallon I Dee. 5tb. &lichee! O'Dea. aged 73 ,a••s•� t the J ,::••- The F.p►.•orth L .. o street Methrediet church have r tilc"Ar GIITON-In 131ansbnrd. on csived en invitation to desist in th • . - T,:•,•day. lkc. Gth. Mrs. John Me- progr,em c.' th !•:rktnn P:;•wort`r i •;,,lphton. aged 78 years. League anniversary to be held dome 1 MERCER -On the Ilronson Lint. - tim a in J'snuary• it ,y. on Wednesday. Dec- "r ti. • s - . A choice. carload of cows wi:l 1.• ; 'I even. seri of Mr. end .`.Ir-. i'e e c l.- etro ton- ; •.t r n , 1 3 ears. _• >�` ire ofG red •far sate at t ! seed f • / } o { .pep:.4- , ::• .... ee :•+•.: :ip+ ;4.11.4.. , eeee-S.eere•+ :•Jr :....-+.t.4,4, -i ••''• -s• J: • 4• '( '''hey handed him a lemon Of bright and yellow hue; It looked something likes suit 01 clothes Which I'II describe to you. The buttonholes were all ma chined. Like ready•makera do - Ile thoughtit would he cus- tom-made, lie 111414 disappointed, so would you. It was not made in Exeter But far -far -Away: And any ready made Would fit better, an they say The gnosis, They tray, came all the way Froin somewhere else than Montreal; There'll be nothing but the buttons left When winter turns to summer So buy your clothes at '1'A MAN'S, Don't snake yourself a pun: This experimenting business Looks lake yon'll get ,tong. We are in business TO STAY. Note what we say, TO STAY. And we can't make a fortune out. of you or any other customer on one suit of clothes. What we hove to say in a city like `his, is Vont continued patronage Hence,a when ►v e Pay diatom clothes we mean 'land -made iluttonholes. Ei)(3ES which do not blister or draw up the first foggy sat. POC Kvas that of sag, 1'l1101e ,f)EIty that do not break or wrinkle, COL. ..wlte that stay op in place. COAT FRONTS that, after you wea. them a year, are the sante am when they left the store. Custom Tailored Suits $1S to *25 Taman's Toggery RELIABLE TAILOR 1)i1".1 \\"chines itnl)orters, No `1itl1110111;►ns i'rofit, ee t • HOCKEY twee••+. fel• i•r.rtrw...... 1 'i WE HAVE A BIG NEW RANGE OF ; GUARANTEED SHIRTS= e „ Reade =to=\\'ear Suits have been cut in s s 11'1('1' t 1) clear THE SI,I(i11Ti:ST •• them all out in • • ten days. You • cannot ttff)rll tly ) Otl1 14 liable In develo,n• into serious ( 1 s 3lothes else - DEFECT IN hYOUR SIGHT\;; to b • troulle, Ira you • • where. your eyes replaced with new ones. No it is up to you to take tatltel i' • at 011X' stock have have to butt you your life line. • Let , tem them properly with the I : • w st • }'Oil. new method -rf looking into the eye. I ♦ • Twat care of them, the ones you now • will convince S, 1-11TON •♦ •• ♦ (Wilt IAN 1 , ,. Xmas Ties. .,...,. i ev New Grocerystore • ,..x \ 4`,r I •L ,t• �� ' 1 .4 .THE • ll FIRTH.EATON '1 •• 4• CONCERT We have Spices, Flavoring Extracts, . ', yet anything duel bruits, in fact yo'1 can h . )' g COMPANYI ' y"air Christmas Raking. T. Will give fl CONCERT i : Inti•# solicit a share of your Patronage and will do all t ( i, ,k,. hieing A plea.nr•e fee YOr' sit our Store. ▪ under t he auspices of Highest Prices paid for flutter and The Hockey Club .� i, on I��LiI J. f lor�day, Dec.GOLJLD '1-'• in the OPERA HOUSE 1: EXF:'1'I'it. ‘V'c have this week opened up our \ . '., `t.•ck Fresh Groceries, Fruits atnl Candies In J. P. ROSS' Old Stand just south of the Metro- politan !tote!. Our Stock is complete and you ran get any thing you want to the Grocery Line and remember our Stock is New and Fri sh. : FOR XMAS COOKING Candies, Nuts you want for we can to E(Igs. n 0..4..1.4.{.0.. •p•, , ..: { ,••t••: {•..:• .:: ++4-+++++++++++++++++++•p++' ' This is a high class entertaining eep0. .;, e sees .. , •:• ,•4 .... , { : S , p .. •p : ++°r> ++ ••• Company, see posters for perticulara Plan of Nall at Howey's Drug Store .. Opposite Electric Light Plant. t • Mufflers i • • • Without a •• ft: ) ; doubt this i • • }Nut of our • • 3tut;k offers .f • 2 you a select- + • ion that you .4"... ♦•; eatitl')t begin :�. 2 s t o g t. else- :: • • \\here', yOtl • • will ho dig- :;: • • appointed if I NFS t you do not ►. 3. e: see our lines. .,- t ' .i • ♦ U1" floors and Mhoes, '.ublct s. 130ys Mo, I p j BIG I,INES caeins, Felt Roots. Liberty Brand Shoes 1, •O • ;,,. • the Wettestt;rnde shoes in America. :• ! s • SWEATER GOATS loo (lilterent, ( sat.. to choose v♦ 2 • trOIll 1(at • i,) pairs 25c sox for $, 1.1311 sec 11011,,, Coat!. •• • i and Bath Robes for nit'I1 'f; ? tBUY NOW ,lhio nngsot delaynreall tipillckthed oue hestt PICKED OUT . l .4 1 ANDY BAWDEN MOUSE Of_ HCBBERIIN • • •• • •• 22 t• s •• • s* •e •• • • ••• ••• s? � • • o •• o• o• •• e• •• •• •• •• 4 • ♦• r 0 s• O• • e A • •• • • •• •• • 1iiiiii • •i • '••.♦.♦•..♦♦.••..•♦..••••.♦•.•.•.•e•..•••N•.••.•♦♦•♦-