HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-12-01, Page 2GRA 0 mum uiii SY's EM icago $12.85 Return Account of International Live Stock EXHIBITION Good (Sling Nov. 2.e, 20, ad, And December lth. 1910. 1t tufa I.itnit Dec. 5th 1010. Guelph 2 to Return Account of "Ottttii0) i'iOViu('ial 1'till'" (Cud Go.i.y; December 3 to 0111 inclus- ive. items n Limit. Dec. I2t11 11110 Above Date: Apply Front Exeter, ()Ill. Prolog', $$$$$ lime.. trout Stat. - bole in O't,,uuo , hutgeton, Renfrew anti ‘Ver -1. Secure tit kers and hill particulate from J..1 KNIGHT. I).•p, t Agent. DIVORCE., ON TILE INCREASE Ther • are 27 applications in Par - Lenten., for divorces which breaks all reel:- ie. Last year there wero 25 an 1 that was the record. The number of divorces in Canada are small when compared with some other countries but the practice is on the increase. Charles A. Ell- wood. professor oI sociology at the 1 -nit --'ty of Missouri, figures that r r present rate of increase of (hew.- before the end of the cent- a:ry • a out of every two marriages •will result in divorce. He has the figure- to show the rapid increase that has been made. In 1855 Ameri- can courts granted 25,000 divorces. as against 24,000 for all the rest of the civilized ward. In 1906 the Americ.tn courts granted 72,000, as against 40.000 for the rent of the world. in 40 years, therefore, the divorce increase has been three times as tercet as the population increase. The ratio of divoroe and marriage in Am •ric.t now, he says, is one to 12. in France it is on to every 25, in Germany one to every 40 and in Eng- land one to every 400. In Missouri, according to the professor's maths - tics, one divorce is granted to every eight marringd-. In the State of Washington there is one divorce to every tour marriages. In Colorado end Montana the ratio Is one to five, and in Taxa-+. Oklahoma and Indiana it lei one to six. Divorcees are under- ilein ng the national life of the Uni- ted (States. Canada should take warning and not allow the practice to grow in this young country. .Righteousness cxalteth a nation, and it is easier to start right than to check an ril. TIIE TiMES ADVANCES This week the are pleased to an- noenc • nnotht r step in ndvnne'. Be- gin}rtutg with this issue we have started to print our paper at home. Tbie wall give us more room to pub - Leh the n •w•s that is of interest to our read r• and at the same time to handle th. : v •r -increasing advertis- ing patronage. Thirty•oev n y: ars ago, The Ex- eter Time, v.,.. founded by the late John 'Whit- to meet the de - 'mode of n ; rospering locality. Its aim was to 1.• a Jocal paper. well stocked with l;.ril a •w.- and in every way worthy of the patronage of the people: ,to keep its subscribers well informed and to look well after the business interests of the buelnesa men of Ezettr and comrnentiy. The enterprise of its Iubliah•'r has been awarded by an increased subscription :est. The people have realized that a properly conducted local paper is a large acquisition to a prosp.'rine community and have given a liberal support. Of late we have not had the space to accommodate the ever - Increasing advertising patronage and so have decided to print all our paper at home. instead of only four paged as we have formerly done. Thin will necessitate extra expense on our part. but our faith in our subscribers to lend ra hand in assisting its in Ode enterprise. .enables us to take this step We will continue to make our editorials pointed and racy. to give intcr.ieting looal and diatrict news. and make our t+,,lcctiona such as wi,11 be Intel -resting to nil our readers. The greater support that is given The Time*. the better are the pub- lishers enabled to advocate your in- 'tereots. The Times has always tried LONDON, ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catalogues Free �. . W. ,. ,.t. ells w n we•te 1 J nett, h.. C.A.. l'r,ns.pal. Vic•-I'rintapal. to be n co-worker in every good cense, and in all matters utters no uncertain sound. We will endeavor to stick to the old motto. "Ikea• 40 the lin.+. flet the chips fall evher they ;nay." Subscribers can gassiest the manag - ment very materially by paying their sub-crivtione In ndvence. Newspaper subscription- :.re no entail, that th •y are easily overlooked by the indi• rnwiden'. they i un , but mean a lot to the publishers. A suitable illustration is the following :- A farmer had a dream and dream- ed he had a. thousand bushels 'uf wheat, and was quite happy. Ile dreatn;'d he Fold it all for a dollar a bushel and then was very happy. (tut he dreamed he sold it to u thousand people. a bushel to each one. and only a few paid up. loo soon paid for li's paper. This year a .• are giving to sub- scribers. who iay In advance., that is to January 1912. one of the. prettiest Calendars we have ever given. We were able to secure only a 'limited number and those wishing to secure one should renew their subscription at once. The balance of the year. together with a. beautiful calendar, is given to new subscribers and any person getting us four new subscribers will be given d year's subscription free. We desire to thank our many pat- rons for their valued support in the past and trust that our relationship may even become closer in the future. + + Note and Comment It is related that the children o! Jsrael could not mak.• bricks wit heti a straw. It is nlmoiet as difficult to run a successful busineab in these days of keen competition. without. advertiti4ng. We are prepared to furnish you the space. now it's up to you. What ore the probst days a modest dame And it troubles our prognostica- tor's brain But he hits it right, when he doe.+ proclaim. it will be fair or windy, snow or rain. • • e • • remodellingThe ment+ e..m b to beon thetapii. 1he ro days. Portugal bas changed from a monarchy to a republic: the United States has changed [roto the Republi- can 'tarty to the Democratic: Eng- land is trying to remodel the House of Lords. so why not Canada get into line and remodel the Senettel • • • • • Why do we always talk of putting on a coat and vestf Who puts on a coi it beton: n' veett We also say putting on ehoee and stockings. %Vho puts on shoes before the etock- ifl),Iif We also put up signs telling people to wipe their feet. when we mean their boots and shoes. We are belittle eccentric in our phrases a' tired!. "Opporebunity" says Mr. Dooley, "knocks at Ivry man' dure wanst. 0n some men'. dure it hemmers GI! it breaks down tit' dure. an' then it goes in an' wakes him up if_hes as- leep, an' nftherwards it wufuka Pr bite :as a n gbt-watchman." Cuu. didly-are you making the most of your opportunities to beast your business' Are you pushing 1t' Are vote advertising in The Times, or is it your night-watchwahf • . • • • A farm journal suggests that it le :t good thing to let the Fun shine into the hen house. Is there any place in file where a little sunshine will not do goof, Let the Fun shine in. whether into the hen house, the home, or the life of on individual. Just try brightening up some other life and eve how quickly your own will be brightened. To keep on the sunny aide is best accomplished by spreading the sunlight. a•••• It Jot's (teem an old chestnut to u'. t0 taik about eieer:ons. al; a having three on th I it..• during the vast tear. Hct th • o , at ton of Item tar next year is ._ ; n coming up. Some cf the older t., n of the town have always occupied the chair of Chief Megi'trete and the young men. educated in oar coune:l have had to take a back seat, Th_ ezpr Hence of other ntunic.palities, even the large cites. ie thtt the• younger then are egnnl to tit task and in many in- stancy•+. • v n mor•• wide awake than the es!,1 r ones. We would like to see th' citizens support a young man at the next election. • • • • • Mr. D. Cantelon. of Clinton, has wound up the season's apple opera- tion*. Last season at the close of the season it was estimated that there were 200,000 barrels of apples in cold storage, but at the present time there are not more than 60.000 Mr. Cantelon it impressed with the value of spraying. Ile says among other things that sprayed fruit be- ing healthy was very little affected by wind'torms while. on the other hand, there was a lose on unspray- ed fruit by falling off of probably 25 per cent. Furthermore epayed or- chnrde yield from 60 to '75 p r cent. of No. 11 fruit. And to emphasize his remarks Mr. Cantelon added that the Apple Shipper'.! Associntion has decide d in future to buy only from 'priy,•,1 orchards. Two week• ago we made mention of youngsters on our etreta after dark, and the evils and temptations they get into. We are giad to se.- that eetbat the ('hildrn'' Aid and iHumane society h, v.' also taken the hatter up and in another column will b' found a r"olution passed by that society. Th • streets are certainly no place for children at night. If some parents could n.•e or h•!ar the action.% +n•I language of their children while un the streets there would be many THE EXETER TIMES 'teart•aih 'I'1$ ' •10...o not e'. ly i ;• e • .t:I • eh i it n. bit •e -, the b . .t-1• torr t h b t th it h:y, van 11 t 1.- bet 'inom; nie..r ai, the str. : to at 11::11. 1t is ih n they c t -t t ;Ice n • ipp ry pine •s when .t • nv a:rn,.•nt rh y ar• lik••ty to full ft c A!' •• 0 1 ::n I nobl • Les- son :,:tot -,t 11 .11 1 v rh 1r ,pothers tl' i• are there c•eunt •ract••d and u n if td. They I eirn net leeg that a. good - but et• ryta:n,, Lei e '1'h, 1; .y e. ha spent their even:.[igs in th tcred precincts of how., tv'th good books for theirout}gat n- r• the future o no a 1 hope of this country , th •y w•:II fill u.:r pirliamente toil 1;•gslative hall,., rut•! rat in judgment upon men ant measures. while the buyer who run t11 • 1 tr.•.•tn will fall our p.•ni- tentiar , almshouses and lunatic asylum!). 1'trents who are respon- sible for these broken law's of de- cency w -.l! have broken hearts and bowel deo n head: in the awakening year- that w.:! e:.abiy follow. "Exercise and Rest" What is the relation between eser- cise and rest's Werk Is that at which we roust coutluute w netther interesting or not. whether toe are tired or not. It used to be thought that the prime requisite of rest was the use of facul- ties other than those involved In tint labor of the day But there is such d thing as fatigue which goes deeper than daily work We can work so hard as to become exhausted --tow ex- bausted for any kind of ivork. Per; haps this Is will fatigue. It Is coming to be regandtd ns fundamentally true that rest from such fatigue demands continuity; that, for example, four pe- riods of fifteen minutes each of rest !s Dot the equivalent of one hour's rest; that a man who goes on a vacation and takes half an hour of his business work every day is doing the same thing ns the utan who had a horse with it sore back. Ile kept the saddle on only n few minutes each day, but the sore did not have n chance to heal. Rest periods mast be sufficiently con- secutive to overcome consecutive fa- tigue.-Luther II. Gulick In North American Itevlew. Cheerfulness and Cholera. A cheerful dt<position is held by some doctors to be the best protection against cholera. When this disease Qrst visited Paris in 1S32 a notice was leaned advising the luhabltants "to avoki as far as possible all occasions of melancholy and all painful emo- tions and to Reck plenty of distractions and amusements. Those with a bright and happy temperament are not likely ito be stricken down." This advice wag /wifely fo1l,)wed, and even when chol- era was claiming over a thousand Weekly vt tints tho theaters and salted were thronged. Tito epidemic was In Some tluart• rs treated as a huge Joke. and plea.. and songs wero written around 1t Rochefort wrote n play; "Le Cholera Morbus," which proved a big success, and another production an the same lints'. "Parts-malade," also had a long run. -London Chronicle. Ether Topers. Ether 1s c.ensutnai by gallons to get drank on In a small part of S.eotland. The origin of this peculiar and limited abuse Is strange. In IS -Pi it bad epi• detnic of cholera broke out in Glasgow. A)awug those hying from 1t were Roma Who came back tie 1•raperstown, their native place. «'1l1, theta they brought a chok•ra mixture which they found "exceeding comforting." A rascally doctor. knowing that the comfort pro. eeede d from ether, laid lo a whole eask. Ile made his fortune and start- ed the habit that lasts till yet. Ethel is sold over counters in Scotland, the penny n drink. An old ether toper can drink too or three ounces a day. but one-half ounce Is one big dram In wa- ter. '1 lie drinker gets hilarious In a minute. It is far wilder and more dangerous than alcohol. How Tortoise Shell Is Worked. The soldering of two l feces of tor- toise shell together Is effected by means of hot pinchers, which, while they compress. Rotten the opposed edge of each piece and amalgamate thein Into one. Even the rnsplugs and pow- der produced by the tile, tnixeed with small fragments. are put Into molds and subjected to the action of boiling water and thus innde into plates of the desired thickness or Otto various arti- cles wbich appenr to have been cut out of a solid block. Inconsistent. A man who look hat Infant daughter is be baptized told the clergyman to Call tier Venus. "lint i refuge to cell her Venus," said the clergyman Indignantly. "Ve- aus i i the name of n pagan goddess." "V. ell. how nbout your own girl, planar' Sala the man. Hair Raising. Iiusbanel-i feel In the mood for reading something sensational and Startling something that to Ill fairly stake my hair stand on end. 1Vife- Well, here is my last dressmaker's bill. Her Career. "Well. has yens college dnughter de. tided open her careerr' "Tees; he Inas bine eyes, brown halt and wnrtie In a hardware store."- Lonlsvllle Courier -Journal. Carries On. Woggs -So young Repheed an4 hie father ars rarrying on the huntress, Rogge -res. The old man does the boalnees. while young Eapbead dose Ike carrying oo.-Puek. -- . ¶Q 01SVQ Sea3H31313 801 LTO tieipjtRO •1• +++++++++++++++.:.++.l.+.:.++++.1 •++++++++++++++++++++ +++ I- I + DISTRICT NEWS : + .::: •;• :• :••1•4- •: .••:•++ e++ -+++•++F++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alex. Stewart. n pioneer. of Lo- gan Township, decd Nov. 17th, aged t-3 years, Mr. Thos. Cottle,ofC.ii ntm has been re-elected n director of the Ontario Horticultural Association. Th r • gar • 7r municipalities in -On- tario that will vote on Local Option ,it the forthcoming municipal elec- tion.. Mies New", Wasman. of C;intun. left for Nolan, New Mexico, where :he will assist ber broth •r in the mercantile busineas. Mesers, John Linde<ty and Charl,s F.ticoner, of Dayfield, arrived home on Saturday after spending the sum - •r• in the west, Mrs. T. Jackson, Sr.. of Clinton, re,eived word last week of the death of her youngest brother, Mr. Juew'ph Vannover, of Crestline, Ohio. Mre. M. J. Forton. of Wingham. announces 10 • marriage of her daughter. Serail J.. to Jainoe L. Moir, of ltam.ota. Manitoba, to take place in December. The remain, of 'sir. Vtn. Sharp, and old and P:'.cl, respected resident of the Babylon Line, Stanley, were laid to rest in the Hayfield cemetery on Monday ofternocm. A new five cent theatre was open - last week in Seaforth. St'aforth w•iii nter a hockey team l in the Junior U. 31. A. Mr'. Alma Grant. Gell on an icy walk Inst week and broke of Avonbar,k, near her home her leg. Mr, Harold Wilkie, student at To- ronto University and son or Mr. Wilk:e, of fit. Marys, is }41 in Toron- to with congestion of the lunge. The remains of the late Michael 11a11. of Duluth, brother of Thane Iiall. merchant at !1t. Carmel, were interred at Mt. Cancel cemetery on !Monday of last week. My friend, look here! you know how weak and nervous your wife ie. and you know that Carter's Iran Pill,. w•iil relieve her. now why not be fair about It and buy her a box! The receipts taken in at the Zion fowl supper Tuesday evening, 'Nov. 15th, were one hundred and five dol- lars. This amount cleared the debt on the new drive shed of the church. The men's class of the Methodist church ht. Marys, have accepted the invitation to conduct both morn:ng send evening r-rry:ccs in Granton r4lcthodist church on Sunday. De- cember 18th. Tbc school childr n of No. 3, A woman who is weak. nervous Illanshard, are holding a Chriet- and t,:. ;•pies. and who bas cold mas tree on 16th of December and hinds and feel.t, cannot feel and act on the 23rd of the came month there like n well er..on. Carter's Iron will be et regular old fashioned tea !.'ills equalize the circulation, re- held in the school. move nervousnee:. and give strength Es end rest. Marys ; ther rge ecipentwof aohand- Mr. John leanzton. of the Huron some solid gold pin. set with 26 Road, near Clinton. met with an ao- genuine is•arls, from the aupre•me cident recently. He was thrown court I. O. F. for obtaining new from a wagon with the remu1t that members for the local lodge. his lett arta was dislocated at rho 'boulder. There will be a farmer's meeting held in the Town Hall. heaforth. on Clinton hockeyeets have re -organ - Dee. 3rd, at 2 o'clock. The object of ized. They will place a team in the j the meeting is to 1urth,rr plans, eta, Junior or aitermediate 0. H. A. or j regards to sending delegates to Ot- madefors both, Arrangements ague tawa during next month, regard.nit made o four team local league tariff matter+, and a cup will be put up for this competit`hn. j Ur. William Gillespie•, only son of For over twenty years The Weekly Sun, and Mrs. John Gillespie, of Sea - Sun, Toronto, has occupied an ,.n- forth, was united in marriage with viable position. diligently serving lto.JDolma, (deiced daughter of hfr John Offn, of New Hamburg, on the Ontario farmers. It !e edited �.• .,o _lily for their particular benefit and a November '16th. The .peciel effort will be made durinlo remooyeagcr. Was preformed by Rev. ' thr coming year to make it even of MMr. 1' :were practical value than ever be-' On Nov, 23rd Dr. H. Il. Crippen fore All interested :n farming I was executed in the court yard of dbo. 1 read The Sun. l'cntonville prison. for the murder of Dells 'Elmore Crippen. He went calmly to his doom on the scaffold. Before hie execution Crippen ate • light breakfast and received the last rites of the Roman Catholic church. T: home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hayfield Line, was the scene •,f at very pretty wedding Tuesday • v, nin i when their third deugbter, i rtrence E., was united in marriage • Mr. Adelbert Gardiner, of the Cut At the oftioers of the hydros -el - 1 ease Th, ceremony %vas performed ectrio power eommssion. Toronto. v Rev J. E. Ford, of Clinton: The on Monday, it was ea •t that row - young couple will take up their re- er will be ready for delivery in Lrtn- sidenc • :n Goderich township. don this week. Woodstock and In- gersoll ars now on the transmisr:an line to London. and St. Mary., will be reached by the first week in De- cember it is expected. On %Vedneeday evening of Last k the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Rolland. Goderich fl'own41w. was Gene of a very pretty wedding their Fccond daughter Olive Eva !earl. became the bride of Mr. A: A. \Vdsh, eldest son of Mr. sad Mr.. A. Wclab. of the Hayfield Line The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T. W. Cozens, of C.inton. The • young couple will reside on n farm on the Hayfield Line. Last week another of th few rc- I main ng pioneers of Stanley Town- At .little son of Mr. and 'Min. Alex. I Fhip in the person of Mr. William Wood. of Motherwell, aged four Sharp. of the Babylon Line. died In years. died od d.Phtheria Friday the 78th year of his age. The de- morning. Nov. 1A. Another child of ceased had been afflicted with dropsy the same family is ill of (be tame for some time but was feeling some- dread di'•'ase, but is improving. what better of 'ate, flowerer on Dr. Proudfoot, medical health of - Saturday evening after eating a fieo of Fullerton Towneh:p, bas hearty meal, be suddenly tell over had the home put ani• r strict guar - and expired. The remains were in- antine and danger of an oetbreak is (erred in the ilayfield cemetery, Adverted. The war rooms owned by the In n hazing effa'r at fat. Marya ..rind Trunk and occupied by the Collegiate the other morning one of enedi Furniture Manufacturers the victims. Jack ilerri'. had tee erre ,net Walker & Clegg Furniture Com- broken in two places. IIe was put pany, at the elation Wingham, wer1e over the bar and landing on the alts ly destroyed by fire lest 'Wed- ohter side doubled his arm beneath n • •1 iv morning. Th • cause of the him, cius'ner the bone to snap in 1. ee i' not known. The fire had two place. The hazer; had their eined much headway before being hands warmed up, were given two , covered that she firemen tyre w.•••k's holidays and will have to •niblc to. prevent n total los., Two eottl,e the doctor's bill. hexc.tr+ nn the track w r' Men •les- troyed. The loss is about • $12,000. with small insurance with a brat of Toronto bruited,. Mr. David Douglas Wi!eon. son of Mr. D..1). Wilson, of Cseaforth. who is now manager of the Dom:pion Hank at Stratbeona. was united in marriage on November 11th. to Myr- tle Harriett Bell. youngest daughter of Wm. H. Dell, of 1Iuntsville. The ceremony was porform.•d at Calgary by IRev. J. A. OLark, of Knox church. The unloading of the first grain into the new cement annex lo (he. Goderieb Elevator Company'+ plant wee greeted with the blowing of n11 the whistle@ at the harbor ivb •n the unloading commenced. Th • eteamer \eebing brought in the cargo. Tbr work on the building commenced only about 90 days ago and it was rnsbed to completion for n • timet with n gbt rind day work. The ca- pacity is 600,000 bushels. The work on the other nett 600.000 :-bel elevator of the Western (lin, 1,11 Flour Mills Company is being contnuted. The cement work is to rt height of over 100 feet now. If you are nervous or dyspeptic try Carter's Little Nerve rills. Dys- pepsia mak m you nervous, and nerv- ousncsss makes you dyspeptic : (Other ons renders you miserable, and these little pals euro both. At Knox Preebvterian church. Gndr•rich, on fl'ueeday n {rho of 1,ts( The new factory in 8t. Marys of the National l'in Company is almost ready to t,e'gin op rit.on. A near pin machine which turns out over one hundred and fifty pins n minute is running steadily and several safety pin rnaohincn are in position to Is in work, On the first floor gar • the machines for making several kinds of pins and hooks and eyes. The top flat will be treed for eortletgi carding And packintr the goods, Action has been taken to quash the by-law passed by the rate payer. of Meeforth, in Aueei,t last, provfdinn for the guarnnl'tring of the bonds of the 1to1 rt It •11 Engine & Thresh- rr Comping. Limited, to the amount of *50,000. The chief ground!. on which the by-law is bring cttacked are that no provision was made- in the by-lett• for raising a sinking fund : that r;tock holders in th • com- teany voted: And other complaint.* are road., about the voter's list used, ani of money ,Pont illegally in rr,rry- ing the by !raw. Th • ease will be heard in Toronto on Dee. lst, before n itigh Court Judge. a �, .es ) ti N it Ge It t s, 1 sir. Jam Dusty, t of '11. k George 7 o at: of�. t Ma rya. a vivid color underneath Charlottetown, was inducted into has Just rs t:arn d from the Rainy etrlklne. the pas(oril.' The moderator, Rev. River 1)etriet. north of the Caned Pretty waists such ns this one can ,Dimee ilnmilton. pnesided : 1te v, J. i,. inn Northern Ion lway. Ile eurcesa i e used for the entire (tress and for Small, of Blyth. nddr•o ell the min- fully :inked and recorded several ester, and 11 v, FAL Lark+n, of min ng propositions for some East- the separate blouse. All the fashion- s S •a fort h, and Rev. W. t Richard+nn. ern capital (et& Th., r mining lero- . aide materials thin enough to tock auc• of Ki; sen, also took part. An . vent torti-.a are chew. to .the farno;is gat- cessfully are npproprlate, and for the r b tie• - y nolo wis the pr.'s; ntnt:on nkokan iron Mango control!. d fey trimmini; portions can be used con - of a Furst, of gold to G v. Mr. Ibant- Mol<enzie and Mann of the C. N. Jt. i:ton in appreciation of the care he The formation it altered `ranit•• or trasting silk or velvet. has shown in looking after the af- protogen' with intrusive Chiori', JGU1C CIIOT.T.E'r. fairs of the confer gat on eine• the iichi•t Dyke!. Mr. Dusty had rather demise of the former pastor. Tito a strenuous tire- gas tber• was nn This Ally Manton pattern comes in sizes ladies of the congr gat nn held te w,ty of reaching th • country t to •pf for misses of fourteen. sixteen and elght- re•e'ption, and n supeer was served in by tr.til, canoe, and postag , He eon years of ago send 10 cents to this the basement artier the induction pro-• reports that moo.!.. caribou. red ()Mee, giving number, d i, and It will tie seeding.', when Mrs. Rose was pre.' deer and timber wolves are q,t t . promptly forwarded to you by matt It in haste send an atldltiona! two cent stamp seated with a bouquet of flowers, numeroun. for letter postage, whhb heloses Mee prompt saver,. DEC1SIONS OF LA MODE hew to Altar an 01d Skirt Modal -Tho Separate Coat Much Worn. The all round plaited skirt is out. Tu alter such a model try to recut vlitb a wide pluln bac's and front panel and plain skies. Battu bands when used ou the new frocks aro of generous widths. The narrow bands as n trimming are not seen. The ever useful separate coat is specially uttrucve this year, being usually made of heavy mannish ma- terial. Velvet vests are used as a be- coming finish. and the large shawl collar is preferred. A novel four la -hand tie of two tone striped silk has un loch and a half plaiting of Persian silk at the ends. One end, too, has an odd little cord bowknot of the plain silk above the plaiting. The ties are 48 cents. Such a cunt as this oue has many features to commend it. It Is simple CIRCULAR COAT WITu CAPE. and easy to make, shapely and be- coming. The model illustrated is mado of Russian blue broadcloth, with trim- mings of rattail braid. If n simpler coat is wanted the cape may be omit- ted. JUD1C C'IIOLLET. This May Manton pattern le cut In sizes for girls of two, four and six years of age. Send 10 cents to this office, giving number. G73G. and it will be promptly for- warded to you by mall. If In haste send an additional two cent stamp for letter postage, which Insures more prompt de- livery. FOIBLES OF FASHION. A Fetching Novelty of the Season. Rival of Willow Plume. The mu;t fetching novelty of the sea- son is the theater cap of Taco with vel- vet or si!k bonnet ns an accompani- ment. The lace affair is modeled after the 111 s'ap and is intended to be worn throughout the play, the bonnet being donned fur the trip to and front the playhouse. For hats and frocks tho wood colors are much favored -soft dull brown and green that Is termed hunter. In tailor made .ostumes It is predicted that brown and green will continue In vogue throughout the winter. The willow plume is still In evidence, but It teas been supplanted in ultra Modlah esteetn by tho exquisite French plume both In two tone and shaded ef- ect. This feather Is a work of art; al many n9 four shades are combined. A new and much liked feature of Many frocks Is the yoke which extends ornr,'R FANCY WAIST. straight over the sleeves. In lace with the effect Is syaopsls of Ibe Cordial No(IIa IO MOSIRETliAD REGULATIONS, Auy persose who is the sole MIA of r family, or any male ever ,cotuut of available Dominion lata. hi Manitoba, Saskatohewau, or Albertan The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agway 8u b- 'e • o r t sal for th district. t, So r gaff e ) ) fi pluey may be had 81 the sgeooy, OW certain conditions. by lather, mothoe •o,a, daughter, brother, or sister s intending homesteader. Dunce :-8iz months residence apo. and cultivation of the laud in easel ul three years. A homesteader mag live within nine miles of his homes stead Oil a darn of at least 60 sere. solely ow nod and occupied by him •t alb fatber, mother, son. rdaughter. brother or stater. In certain districts a homeeteadeta al 'rood atanding way pre-empt a .no ter section alongside ale houses stead. Price $3. per acre. Duties- resido six months ineso• years from date of Lomcetead (,noluding the time required , homestead patent; and suit'' fifty sores extra. A homesteader who has exhaust his homestead right and cannot rain a pre-emption may take a pure el'.,tsed horueetead in certain districts Price $3. per acre. Dutiee.---Miuel reside aiI months in each of three yearn, oultiveto fifty acres and Brest a house worth $300.00r. w. w. CORY, Deputy of the Sinister of the sorter N. B. -Unauthorized pnbli.atlon oho meat will not W paid for ra T. n. CAIILlNO, Life, Accident, Fire mid Plate Glare insurance, alio (ctf..ctleg Account. and Auctioaterinr. DR. 0. F. ROULSTON v L. D. H. ; D. D. S.' Honor graduate of Toronto University DENTIST OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices, Exeter. i'n0NII S. CLOSED WEDNEsD!1r AFTERNOONS DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto Uni ver•atty. Dental Surgeon Office over Madman & Stanbury Main street -HINTER. T W. BROWNING, M. D.M. 0 eel • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria U varsity. omoe and resldeaeuoe. Dominica ,aboratory, Exeter Associate Coroner of Harts. II R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and +i. y., Honor Graduate Toronto tine ivereity. Two years resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office and residence, Dr. Amos' old stand Andrew Street, Exeter. MIHT H; ViolinSS InstructorDELIG, drones' SQBt ee nonage, Exeter. pit. QUACKENBUSH, Physician and Surgeon and Ac• coacher. ()Mee - Dr. Rollin'e old office on Main Street. Residence -Corner James and Albert Street. opposite James Street Methodist Parsonage, Exeter, Oat. Phones -0(11_e :19e. Residence VI' DR. C. A. HOU/,E, V. S. Graduate of Ontario Vet. College. Member of Ontario Veterinary Medi- cal Society. Treats all Diseases of Domesticated Animate on latest Scientific principles. All calls day or night promptly at- tended too. Oftice, Main Street, Exe- ter, 1(amsey's Old Stand. t)ICKSON & CARLiNG, Bsrrtatses Solicit tom Notaries, t;eave arose e m 0oielaaloaer,, Solicitors for the Rolessis Hank. Meso. Wooer aoL.osa at lowest rates of Iateems& ()tries r -MAIN BTitgt:T, SXSTRa, aL eARLIR• R. A. G 8. Dieaaete t" IONEY TO LOAN. We bare • large amount of private foods 1 ,an oa farm and village properties at lowrata fattest, MI ADMAN a 8TANHURY Barrieten Solicitor•, Mato 81. Kieft" Shorthorn Bulls Ar l enter into the fall and winter trade with 12 pure bred Bulls 1 will refine• no reaeonehle offer. They are good ones of the blocky type and mostly got by Scotch Grey 722i1!)2. He heads my herb anti is one of the hest to he hal. All will be registered in D. 11. II. Apply to JOHN ELDER, Ilensall P. 0., or on Lot 10, Con. 2, Hay. MONEY '1'O LOAN Private funds to loan at lowest re of Interest, I+ It, 1;S'T l.t.l (M:`an ice nppneite tral Hotel nitsn Sheet. Exeter ()tit. At Kirkton Thursday. eo YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS Tft*ot MARKO DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. ARyon••, pa�slteterarsd.screptt.,nmay Y7lealr ,• S Mos whether err lnt.ntlh• • ism DIDt crena, VM limner,., Ifenllad•nt Yi, on Patents Mat tele • i'IAlrt agency Isms. Patin • tea til _ aas " feo.Iva ,. ail* ►�.r• All. r-= *Lnaet etre Tstas fs, �J a Pare ,oM 9 to meldof Mi1.d.17rNew elk QRrJ� t iastest.il� 11t..