HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-11-24, Page 8• w••.••♦•t,.♦•••••.•••.••.• •••••••••••••••••♦•••••••• STEWAI T' • moms PHONE 10 1 • • • • V • .• • •o • Boys! Listen IIere is a chance to own a watch. With every suit or Overcoat at $5.00 or over we give you a beautiful Watch These watches arc good reliable time- keepers. To wear one of them will make you feel like a man, Remember we nave not advanced the price on our Clothing one cent, llvGntEjflv6 Ldfflei Goats • This week we are putting on sale 25 Ladies Coats 2 t These Coats are all this seasons make and are all good z Styles, but we are not carrying then) over so we give you I• this chance to buy early and have what is new and up- • to -date Don't miss this opportunity to buy a good Coat 2 at sin ,'t st at Big Reduction • is • Every woman admires fine China. And what would i be more suitable than a piece of lovely China to give to a friend for Xmas. From the small inexpensive nick nacks 2 to the fine French, German and Japanese China, Our 2 assortment is large. lVe would like all the Ladies of 2 Exeter and vicinity to see it• CHINA! CHINA! • •• •2 • • 2• if 22 •• •• 2• i r_' t a ii 1 L k TIM 3 NOVEMBER, 24th 1111u Market lteport.--The tolluwiu; is the report of Exeter markets. cor- rert •Il up 11, .\ot. (111)•1 'Li(h. 11 heal Standar') 82 a n:-. Outs :foo. }lathy 45e. to 48.. Shorts $21 ilran $18 Mo.l.1 Flour $2.50 Feed Flour $1.50 lin)• :410. Dotter c sate. Eggs 25 cents. Creamery butter 27c. orntu •a 45 cents. Choice export cattle 5.60 to Ii.80 Medium export callle 5.25 to 5.40 Choice L,Itcb••r's h•.:f.•t.. 5.50 to 5.75 ('honer Leitch r'', cows 4.25 to 4.75 '1 •Ilium bp:teh is cotes :1.25 to 3.51) Si:, •{i 1.50 to 4.75 Limb: 0,00 Dogs $6.55 Chickens live 10c.. drea.sed 12c. Dens live 7 l -2c„ dressed 91-'2c Ducks fine 10e., dr.•,ssed 12e. G••• .•• fit• • Pc., dressed 11c. lit • 16e., dressed 18c. Fowl dies, d tI 1.2 cents. ••••••••••••♦••••••••••••• • LOCALS • • 1 ••••••.. .••••••• 22 • • �1r Wes. (in,di visited in Landon • 2 ore Friday Oast. ♦ • Iii .1 S. \'.11and anti rtained • • number of young ladies Tuesday ♦ • et •nirx)t. • 2 M. and \Irs, Al. Amy. of Sharon, 2 ♦ t•1- teed Mr. rind '.Its. N. Nestle, on • Miami zy. • • tt i • . ('ora \Vinson►, of Hensi►ii, 114- 2 ♦ i t r,l (1, • Misses Jewell Sunday nod • • Monday. •• 2 Miss Cora Prior returned Mfurnl•tp 2 • i.fter visiting for a week in I ipp.n • .and ti aforth. • •• Mr. )1. Jackson. of St. Thomas, 2 • attend d his father's auction sal . • her.. Saturday. • 2 Mr. Clarence Heywood left Tues. • day for London where he has o •- ♦ • cured a position. • • M. Thomson. of Maple Lodge. ta- r .I Mr. and Ire. 1. Martin Suit- s • day sat :Monday. • • Mr . !told. Dinney, of Cr.'diton. •• • visited at her sisters. Mrs. P. now- • • oliffc last w'ss•k. • • A number of the schools through- out this district are preparing fur • • Christmas ent•.•rtainments. • ♦ Mi<s Vella ffirwkins bas return, d • • hone. from \Valkervillc where ,.hs• ♦ • c z- engag.•d as st:nographer. \1 r. 'rhos, Handford and five young rt, ,i of his olaas conduct •d th ti nervic•a of Centralia last •k %%.: received A •deaf r addreassel to the manager tern Times', Exeter. Devon. e•,• elrele met last week • ' I this season. Th• 'y , Wednesday) at Mrs, Cunnijgharn, of \ . has • returned horn. tri•-nds and r•fativea I Exet r. eek of the fine•at .{ser. ( :u••'' ui t h:o wick. Dont fail to 'se, near assortment 10e.. 25c.. 50c., 75cc $1.00, $1.511 up to $2.50. Howey'.' Drug Store. Misse.s [).•lie ht Dobbs 1111(1 Quackenbush will tall,: part fit •th • ent,•rtainnient in connection with the n -,op sting of the Crediton Methot- di•t church nest Tua:dty evening. Thr• young folks are hating north. excellent :c port these noon 'light night' loboKtaning on Dow's ,hill, Large and small hat•.• t ak •n adt•an- w• of tt, good fun. A Rig inaortrnent of leatber goods. Ladi •- 1 urn. s, }land )tags. 'toilet !•'old-, Music Itoll.... 'Gird ('rt •t, Chan,- • fare• . Gond.:meal Wall its )lilt Foldi. .Coin Purees. Ti.• 'Racks. ('01Lar. ('off and 1(nndkerchi.•f 110x. s, at llow.•y's Drug fetor ., Good cxr l U • �) JI r. 1•tmith! Finn Day Mr, Jones l What's tr. n-1 Oh noth- ing touch only Alf, Walters her sold out his rc•ptic !'hop. but .8111 fh• old reli;Itil•• of 115 years' eland ng, wh,•re ! have just got these she. s repair- ed. i• r:t 11 busy repairing boor• not) h0 .. -t: Manson, next to Calling's • 1 • •• • • • • For Ladies ' c� •• 2 New handkerchiefs, 2 Collars Scarfs. Frillings, ••Fancy doites, Fancy I -in - en Towels. Net 1 'gist, 2 Silk waists, any of which • would snake a beautiful • • Xmas gift• • r men •• 2• • •• •• •• ••• •• New Ties Braces, Scarfs 2: and Mufflcrs,Gloves llois- •• ery,Shirts underwear •- • Everything new in Gents 4 * • Furnishings for Xmas, •• ♦ •r •• All kinds of Produce taken same as Cash. •- li J"_ A S'TEWART2� •• • •• • • ••♦••••••••••••♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••o• t F3argairis PEOPLE about to go Douse -keeping should call at It OW & ATKINSON'S Furniture Store anti see how easily and Cheaply you can furnish your home. A Walk Through Our Store 1Vill show seas. (fere yott will find lh • I 'Nest, and Crest assort. k f Farnit 1-• • in the t' •••i• y, comprising Tables, Chairs, Parlor and Bed R oornS uites, Kitchen and Dining- Room Furniture, in fact e.erything to be found inn first-class Furniture Store a' We have a large number of f. twnand Veranda Chairs venial we are selling at remarkably Low Prier-3. Low Priers that defy Competit' n ROWE & ATKINSON The 1,04ding 11nu►e Furnishers and Funeral Directors. ....1111111111111111 ✓`' ••}•}•h•: .••}' ..... ........err ::•-'r4r•}•} �•F ries•• Anoth•....• er Lot of •� Bankrupt Goods T: �T-.. :i: Opcncd out this week at The Exeter Bargain Store _. Children's!nits and gloves. regular 25c for 10c AlentJ a � Ladies ' �I'l ek$c4arfs at I lalf Price -t• adieg' a11(1 children's coats ' •t• .� 1. , a tot. offering at $2.00 tX 1.+ 11l'rt's Overcoats at ifalf Price. t, On Saturday next we will sell a window full of rubber And linen collars at 15e. a box. ::: A new cash register for sale ehea , 1 Y.: + a ten foot window Blind. 1 as t foot counter, a St(�)npson computing scale, awning 0,11 on en :r. B. W. F. Beavers day Hahool tiurtdar. Last w.• c1,•t t.as \V,r 1'h ,s for t h 811. 111, t to-tli W. W 'r• Mr. ..n :.t \ I c un - .11 t :rood, store. W. J. Bissett, fax c)Il.•eror. t the Town if ell stere i•'-;. 1) till 12 in the moriiing .i_.iu 1 till 5 in th,� aft,moon 10 c iv.• taxes and also on 1),cern- ber 12th. 13th and 11th or tit • manic hours. Jlring the right W, J. Ilissett. tax coll.•ctor. Tea Meeting. Wh••r..) Man street 1 !!trus( church. \Vh nt •Monday, ' Ii il••c, \Vhat hour' 6 {•. n,. and Who is ;,+sting it apt Th • I AA. Bow ranch? 25 rents. Whom do they w • Ev. rybod). Children too. ff th •y have the price of 15 cents. Mrs. 11. E. 11us(on. 1'11.+Jd!nt. A communication from Vancouver le C., rave : Der. A. E. .lobrie end Mrs, Johns. of Exeter. Ontario, who arrived in Vnneonv.•r Nov 7th. wear, entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Thorn- ton. Owing to the delay of the- Im- Perial L:mit,•d, 91. • Emrrc.e of .1,trin did not sail ti!1 Frfdav, Nov. 1 ith. Iter. F. Cuonin(h,:::. of S•:rr,y Cent r.,. R. C.. fortn^riy of Mani- towanir was on the wsrf to bid firsts,- . Mr. and ,lir••. Johns left in Phe 1,•c( of ap?ri(• for (h it new tr. "e!( China, (tri 1 riday et-•n'ing the lath. lb 1•:x,•1 r Carling Klub met for the. ntamnal rre,fina when th • (olion 0; officer- w •r.• sleet for the corrin): s•.Isom 'earls. \ O. i(urdn, : 1loh. 8're.. li. E. •Ruston ; l't•.s., R. t'. 1), 11", (',ilio, : Vice. Pr.•� W. W. Tan•tn : (Aha; .. .lt •v. Sharp: a c Teas.. '4: •0. And erson : P:x••cnt iv, (0m,, 'It. v. -1). W. 'Collin..' V. p Tautens Gen. And -rt-nn. The alai) Iry postcards nn s PtPr been 1 y,teies old nn 1 had a very flonrr-h:ng y ir :and hap• In odd many n w rn rah.•.; for the roaring gain, (h -u wire r.coats, Mens and boys suits, Mens ralncoatS, you to teal(. jean}} small payment down foe W haves mention, el b• -tor,• of the think ice stole the stuff nr nye•- s month. ('Dine dangerous mint ire of t h s Roy. ' Neckties Collars (iloves, Skirts, I)ress Goods arI1K►tf in\`r'4) have the LI`} ct. Edison till Monday n Inst tins n ,r th' too end tt• --_ be• our window for Sanas Peet, 1 Advertise is tilt. ltiutea.•••N•••NN•••••••••••••••••N••N•N ••••••••• Cards. llowcy'� Drug Store. 1f )uu list,: u valise :.;r the Ti,,,, ••••p•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mr. Geo. Neil, of Hamilton, visit -41 , know. :11 'dr. John Pedlar's this week. Mr. (co. Neil, of 1l:uuillon, tisited At re Win. lira), of Farquhar, left relatives in town during the past Monday to visit in ('rosssvell, Mich. N'1''L. Mrs. T. Allan. u( Farquhar, is Ma- ' At the Huron Presbytery held in proving slowly Peon: her recent tat- held Clinton on Tuesday a discussion was tack ut appendicititr, held un church union. Masts. • T Men's Atr. J'. 1'oliard, of \Iindoor. visit••'IFletcher, Larkin rind Strang intro- at thI home of 11 r, and J1rs, q (bayed the subj •et. Ilan•kins a coup!.- of day's last week. 1 Good price: were realised fur the Mrs. Paul Stratton, of Cromwell. cattle that were sold by public auc- )tick., who ha- be, m visiting in us- tion at the hlotro{olitan Motet last Fur borne for the ' .1st three weeks re- i shursday.. turned hulas ?.}ossa). I Mrs. James While and two c11ilelr. 1tr. ,Alf. ('nates, of Gd n, left a ren who 1805-. bi t, %i-'itir.g h„t, ar- \tonday nigh: for 4 trig to th old) .uta. Mr. and sl,-, Julie Wee ke, Coats fouutry.A!1.w'JUvisit inFngland,of Thames Itorid, , 8 ru,•,1 to heir or about four months, I hone in Zurich areorupetni.•d or -.11'•r . Air. \Vine Leavitt, and daughter.. sister .Mss Alda W.t,tfake. • the Mists.% Vvrda and Pearl. of Grand ---- _.- i • • 2 Blend. have moved to town for the. • i •♦t winter and Lave rated a house on i Everybody Likes 1:* Albert et i.t, CARLINC'S We have a choice line of coats, ranging in price from Fresh chocolates this week. Rim- 2 •• ief:v. Lmwney's and Nesmith's. The: Homemade : i $23.0 to .$35 00 very h_st mad-, Al Ilowey'e Drug . • Stns,•. Candy ?1 FOR TIENT-The lnrg� brick Tem - u •-circ.: ilou at Exeter North. tient very- reasonable and for the winter to start on. free of charge. Apply to L. McTaggart, Hay, 1'. 0. Mr. Geo. Pedler. who was injured at Wheeler Doisy time ago and lately ;ccs been living with his brother. John, had an abscess br,•ak on his side, last Friday and at prs.•nt he i n n merlons condition. Next Sunday morning !)r. Qeck- enbu-h will occupy th,' pulpit oft he •I acnes street Methodist church and in the !evening 1)r. Itoulslon nn,l '1r. 11. F. Halter will conduct the ser- vice. Th. pastor. Rey. 11. 1f tobb..t . all h • ah --nt in Toronto. • It makes no difference whether you i • are husband or lover, we speak front • experience, you will be much more' I. 2 apiary( iated if you take home a pound 1 or (core of oto• fresh home-made 2 •• • • • • ♦• our . • taro i't Snack at 20C. a Ib. 2 • Only place in town that (cakes it is at. • • 2 Fnilir•1�'s Bakery • • Lunches at al 'hours.•• Peanut Brittle Maple Cteam Phutu• :it A. 12 e .1.2 X22 $340 PIANOS!22 2371. ••2 Our Piano Club secures for its members unusual advantages!: Z Flanneliette at in price and terms as the result of cumulative buying. Twenty five t: • $I.60 and $i, (5 ++ people joining together and buying twenty-five pianos of the same, ♦ 2 style and make. The opportunity to purchase a • e • Svhich are exceptional '' popular style and favorably known make for $34o Piano of a values for the quality of FOUR DIFFERENT PAYMENT OPTIONS t; the goods. Club members may choose any of the following options of • • pay'rncnt-- with a special discount of 15 per cent. , Wool & Flanncl JGttc Blankets,„ wool at $3.50, 84.00, 85.00 $5.50 and $6.50 Fall and Winter Caps Something to suit ev- eryone at 50c, and 15c. 1 �2• • Ladies' Black i • i 22 Dress Goods if i0 & 15 per cent, • any piece of Black Dress Goods in the place. MEN'S FURNISHINGS • • • i •=••••1• A choice line of close fitting Collars just ar- rived at 2 for 25c. The only 2 for 25c• collar which is four ply goods. 2i A Word About Poultry Option A -A $34o piano for $237 cash. ; • 2 We want all the Poultry alivo or dressed we Option 13- -A $3.to Piano for 2 on tea to per month until [,std without interest. pilon C -A $3.}o piano for $2S7 in payment of $25 cash and Option 1)- A paid without interest $34o pians for $2S7 on payment of $15 cash and $7 per month until paid without interest The members shall pay the cash deposit as soon as accepted! • • by and enrolled in with the club and the piano is delivered at once i 2 2 the obligation of the members beingto ,a pay the monthly or quarter- ly payment until the purchase price is met. There is no intcrest, •••••••••••••♦♦••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• charged. A fine stool and silk scarf is supplied with each piano sees•♦•♦sees••♦•••♦•♦♦♦♦•• •••••••••♦••••••••y and each piano is safely delivered without extra cost - _ _ An unlimited guarantee goes with every piano. As the club is -� limited to twenty-five members we would say that prompt enroll- ment is advisable. $ $247 yment of $5o cash and; 2 catt get and pay as high Prices as anyone in town. O Highest ighest Pricey for Butter and Eggs- • $20 every three months until ) d h • A 0 • . J. CARLJNG. S. Martin 6c Son FREE OIL A },wart can of Harness Uil given free with every $5.00 purchase (luring November, December and .January. We have a full line Of seasonable goods at prices that compare favorably with any others for goods that are the hest that can be lead. We save you Tirne ar,d Money on Repairing. W• J. ,SEER ig Clearing CHINA Our Xmas China of- ferings aro certainly rich in value. artistic in finish and colorings and Dirt Cheap. You'll think we stole some of the stuff when you see the price, but we didn't we stingily taught it low and are going to Fell it low. \Ve want to snake this a (creat Bargain Store and we will too, if the people buy rip the stuff. We have cups and saucers berry sets, table Beta, creamers and sugars, epoontrays etc. and the prettiest jarciineere at very low prices. You must see for yourself, en come along, change of scenery is good for anyone. so just as soon AS you step inside of this store the scenery changes. ‘Vho doesn't like looking at pretty dishes? :;hop early Bring Your Neighbors. DOLLS n e ion naughty and grxxl, (ey- ing. emili11g uleepin , e R dI'PPeI rl and undrnRF 1 Large and small, if from 1c up to $2.4tt each ' !Doll heed, china. blains 111 Js 41141 I1let111 t- ftp. 1_1ock One TOYS Door ForthPostoffice Ittlrl,11,•884 1(f (818', of hint , 1 rices :trains on track. erg. I ines, assns, rocking • 601111116116111g THUrIJiJij21lanrv,•s, [vela° NOvnitr Xmas Cards POWeLL'S BAZAAR EDISON PHONOORAI,n The new Edison Stan- dard Phongraph with the new improved born crane and spring connected Cygnet horn arrangement is non• on exhibition in our Phonograph depart- ment. Mans dealers haven't even heard of it, but we have it. Don't buy a phonograph uuleFS you get it thus equipped, If oa Yt want L tl e r best. ea t. See the price $48.90 Equipment -- 3 Amber°, (1 min) records 3 Stnndiud 12 min) record 1 record brush 1 oil can 1 screw driver i carrying case For only $4M.go This 1:)11 model plays either standard or amber- oI Iccortts, We guaran- tee to ket 1r it in I nnning ,order Ifinless }hut the owns.." itrcake some part thus we will .'flail- at low cost.) We also gives you any information we can tn4kirg home records etc. Let ur put one In re cornice. birthdays, theOrarika Ftl•(Ct- t greatest array of pica- i) 111 ht rrie for \mase it 25, 40, 50( is dozen ;t t• i of ,e Deady made clothing,Mens and boys over•� in Exeter will be oti I' EIIMS Young. New Figs and Dates • snlr hare. It will pay Cash or cagy Iran t) t New Almeria grapes for table use •••• BUZZERS Fun for the children with our buzzers a stick of candy and a buzzer all for tc. We have always fresh candy the kind the little tots like send them here for all their candy wants send rememb- er too we have Tots of sweets for the grown folk. Peppermints large soft, hard small, good old Presbyter- ians, humbugs, and black wans. CHOCOLATES Assarfe.t flavors nru! Maple !Suds. Burnt Almonds and d Milk Cho- colates CHEWING GUM I eema l's Spearmint Putti (1111811 ('harklets Fruitless i'npoese sugar Cote 5 C tl l: W S SC • climb:nit to the fop of fir. tetter, 1 :' t H, e • ria Int,tating the• mega ,% t,:• to 'dnsc end rapidly, 11,. mi • ,t nn • rung of the ladder mut slid town to the next, \-n duuht in thatAber,, ' over don, and it t • f , r. tart e h n heir:. brat fast *,t, fast- er then it had t •M • •t almost t h. r) . 1 not �4•, ..•:r: .•4•.4•. . ,;eels;. ., ..{..fele :•+•::••t•:.;..}t•F•F•1•.�..t..p.;..;..;.:.:.:. talo orlon •n fhir matt •r and than ..sees .. .•.:..•.: ... ..;.. .. ,.i..;l.l.l.,l..;.., }l.l.l..�.Fl.., . e•FI..F•Fl..l.l.l• navy fh, poc•i►:lily of a• calami! ns n fall /corn the y' )t HO D f•' .lit(' ' K, 9 Of, ► i STAND A\h ria n miracle that n central. nfrol, Ths aufhoriti-•s shall' h tow, r would Mens hats, Shawls, Laces, ' Wall paper, Carpet,' XMAS A quantity of up=to=date furs, Dishes, & etc. T. B. Carling • PRESENTS higher and lower in stock PEANUTS Creme etc Sweet peanuts, fresh roast - W, will keels till wani ed daily. Try a et Ino Any •ev t I( Y ' c 1 a this ti' )"' 1'!' for }tag, and we think lino - For old and nun to in twin Santa linu- will be in evidence Your porhis rh(ases rders iwilltrbei ily cetver` tee„t}:e5c a every vrhere goo kook wrapped and your num AUC! i . assn instant '.snit, ioneer in the store. Bring will he writ fan on, and it ! bag. Stensen a[ your friends here. can he called for wns•ti►ne monds and walnuts. 1