HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-11-24, Page 4•
Business & Shorthand
•Resideat and Mail Courses
cstsleluea Fr•o
t�,t`w, Westervelt, J. W. Waster.e't, 1r.. C.A.,
Principal. \'i e•1',inupal
Church Directory
Rov. Richard Hobbs, Pastor
Huntley Public Worship -10.30 null,
end 7 p.m.
LJass Service -Sunday 0.30 a.m. god
After Morning Service and Wedges.
allay eight.
iirpuDB Men's Clara tend �,:re•uu ►e::a
6urd', Sr t 0.41.
. eunday .6ehool and Mote Glances 2.30
Lptvorth League -Tuesday at O. p,m
Prayer afe,•tinr-Um/netar at E v,tn.
Jam's St. Methodist church, the par
for wi11 pr itch next Sunday.
$12.85 Return
Account of
International Live Stock;
Good Going Nov. 2S, 20, :10.
And December Ith. IplO.
Return Limit Dec. 5th 191st.
$ 2 4u !return
Account of
"Ontario PI ovincial Fair"
(food Going December 3 to 0th incluse
Retnr❑ Limit Dec. 12th 1910
Above Rates Appy From Exeter,
Ont. Propnrtionxte Rotes from Stat-
ions in Ontario , Kingston, Renfrew
and West.
Secure tickets and hill particulars
J. J. iCNI(ilHT, Depot Agent.
'.Vi have the (:I:NUiNI: DELA-
Egg and
This coal il9 the kind 'het burns
long. given the moot heat and males
no chokers. Try it and be .unvinced•
Our prises are the lowest. Special
rrlce+ on large flu int it ie..
fl. J. GLflTWOKB f1Y
(GRANi'(►N• -- uNl'AltiO
Note and Comment.
urea 1 duns.• : u cucuura.; nit: ,-
n7U:" ''• trod for Exeter1 tor �� -
ett t .rh .1 1 a WO! ell tu;i
/v;.• 1,, v• .•,d r:•sults.
. • • • •
The r::r.m •ntnei questions of the• day
Are th•:ee "If as winter really come
to •et.:y'"
An 1 ti !len th f ironer caul •e to tots
• \!"hada w•:11 h t•►ino. t b • wagon
or .. ;ht'.
('n a i.- it Cbl isle,:
I 'VW.
.. ,y :.tnning for
, Phos•:1,:. p c, ata, 1 fr,te ret ai.:
ore • tonne about \ t. V. ar'e r.-
, o . `ore: • : .,
► ci a •,r t.;,i • t . . • ', .f ;. ••
t 11 : I, r: .
1 eets.: r.. 1, • cc -, in ! r • :•
i,• t i, ,.r•1 (1101 • .1 r r-
4 •
• or .
rel , 1n•
Le a 1'• , t
nn•;;•tit- 1.1 %%Os,;
n . , •..
• t '.• h r h t r. a corset i,
t +1 t•., -t, a itaslitub or r 1,•t
Leal. tills ander her he,•!:. and
bobb,' •i;irt handcuffs h•'r at ;h•
ankle-.-Inrkhill Gaz•ett
• • • • •
One 4; ey last week a large deputa-
tion to 1 he businei.• men of ii.•aforth
sveilt d un Mayor McCollum and re -
novo .
novo. 1 him to stand for nnnth •r
year, Going to the important by-
, flaw:: 1•. I• carried th- d•pulat;on
thoutrttt it tiers odvisable that Mr,
• ble(',. • ,e who had had eo much to do
!moth t 1,- - matters, abould remain ;et
the h 11 ni th • coufell until they are
carried to n steeessful COT1Clusion,
► i]Ye wonder, now, if tharo in nny re.
lotion between this McCallum
rind a 01.111 We know. Hut we hop•
the ;' ople of Sea forth know n good h
jj2g when they have it.
Where are YOU Going Y haat go-
ing to
To order some more of that Flour•
the last 1 got wee just grand and just
(Ma. for 25c
and Listen
7 lbs. O(i1L\•IL S OATMEAL for 25c
or a tet -Ib Sack for $2.35
and is always so fresh and nice het•xuse
he handles so much of it.
All KINDS of FEED kept on !land.
W • Rivers
W. T. Colwell. Lay presser, of
Centralia, has pressed about 300 tons
of hay in Itosanquct.
Mr. M. Y. McLean. SL 1'., for
South Huron left last week for 01 -
!ewe, to attend to his duties. Mrs. 1.0010. to of the Zurich branch nu-
deLean at ou panied him. I..• n lean -f: reed to the ied;:• r in
It v. F. E. Dlalott, of Colhor'ne the branch h:•rt'.
t. London, has been invited to Word was received Wednesday by
L •conn the pastor of the Bt. Marys' Mr. 0. W. Ilxrrisnn, tnun.tg(r of the
.,1,•tho.1.,1 church. Bank of Cotun►evee, that he had been
`•L••. Nelson Kiri: bas opened up ,,
t 1: 'Temperance. house at Granton thansfered to \\ ,►t Although
as manager of
1 a lou the hank there. Althuuith tinny to
lose Mr. Harrison we are pleased to
learn that he has been pr tell. \L•.
W, H. Collins late of the Eike Lake
bren^_tt is to take the position as man-
ager of the bank here.
The Ks t r School hoard are Ihit:-
ing of having n spelling match 1.• -
two, a the scholare of the High
School and the .employees of the
town. The idea : it novel on •, and
no doubt would have good a -,alt=.
Th, event would b.• int. -r• -t .o. awl
the would like to See it t tL • !else',
flicks Forecasts. A Reactional y.
Storm Period is central on th.• 23141.
21th. 25th. and 26th. This 1. •r.441
w•i i cnlrninate on «red touching th
For any e.eeo of u.rvousnis4, •deep-( 25t1, and 26th. Moon being on th •
c•le-ttat squalor on the 2011i. Leos
heroin •t •r. higher 1 -•utperature. tt ,1
peneiL'.e lightning. thunder and E3.11.
on 11, 26th. }tieing barometer and
clean - • to cold -r tii1 come prompt ry
behind the t:torsn". The month 1'o..1
out ..t the oncoming of w r. gutter
,tome period. with Moots in npoite•
on th.• 30th. and 0 •w• moon set De-
e -nth -r 1-:. 1' thin. 1 • r.,o, t •r. risinr•,
t • r 77111 n I ince a.,,:. elotsdi*
(i • • It i:; r n !lie west by the
:tut li• hr•n •••, • („ tfrit rection rain
and snore to. 1). r •nth -r 1st. 'The 2ftth
to 30ih :n a - -'untie period,
VOL. tend •• r u441 the: J. E. Smith
has porch -.s 1 th • slit_• malting and
repeir no burin.--. of A. 1\'alters-
•. Son and on Doc. 1•t, w:'! roll ,:p
hi+ Rte eves and b: nt your sere c'.
Ills ' ntentiOne to • t0 carry on the
Guano.• niter the F•irn• order a+
now conducted only on :1 much
broader basis. The store will h: re-
model: •41 Nome find ,0111. new meehin-
ery inetall.•.t in tkns; the r •eeir:n_
e••rvic • twirl) quicker 1)1111 bet ter.
The aim will be to conduct a •'Yasng
Factory". so to apesk, where n line
of • 1.'n0 1 gen •r i!" Roots rind Soo.•-
wi!! 1, • tern d out. Altn rebel,l
mea,ur• phots will be made to your
own individeal Id •a. All n►• a-01 -
rr►enti for new elates wiii( be taken by
Mr, 1"ir,riti, and r' cord 1 fur f•:t• r
ref •t. nc : \'; hi!•• t Is • 111 . , n.r and
i. -p tiring work will b • ban.11 •d by
Metsr.. A. Walter and I1. Walt •r.
wee lave• been retained. As Mr.
Smith has had about ten years ex -
peri enc • along this lino of evork.
with some of the best factories and
Ir•teit stores in D,troit nod Cteve-
1,nd you may expect an tip -to -deft.
•rvic.t in every ;,articular.
Mr. Jetties Kyle Is ou the sick list.
air, Samuel I'upteston,. of 111)1 h,
was in town WIdn.tvday.
Mr. J. Lea thorn, of London. 'vie -
it eel he tether in town \Vedruesday,
Mice I'rancis ticutt is v:ailing tri-
•wd• iu (:od:rich for a few WvekS.
Mi•, '!Murray visited her slit •r.
\1 r.. SIia1IIie, of ifensall, over Sun-
91r Ed. d)iguan and daughter,
aro s'i,iting -Mr,. \\'n,. Chi tunnel.
Mr. Frank Walters. of 'Detroit,
spent Sunday with Ws parent:! Mr
and Mrs, Jtec, Walters.
Miss Flosr-ie Sandercott of Clearwa-
ter, visited Mee, A. Marchruwl a cou-
ple of days last week.
Mr. Luther I'7-nhalc isiftSt.'al arys
Ili,,tulting gasoline rent:jive for the
Connor Machine /Company.
!Hiss McGillicuddy has returned to
'Vatfordafter visiting for a couple of
weeps with Dr. and \1rs,Mc(Jillicuddy
Mr. Tho;. Kernick. who his spent
the I,+ -t the.:• months its and ::round
Las return -41 11010-.
fir . Gardiner, \%1liiani et root.
1s,• tion • to Ifiyth wh.•r.1 sh • will
nom! 1h • winter with h •r sou Mr.
1'. Cardin •r,
Mr. Lloyd Davis has been trans-
ferred from the Molsons buck here
to the branch at 'Zurich ivh: r.• h. -
will he acting accountant, ltr
Devi- 1 Ives to -day t'I'hursday). Ms-.
..n! will be able to look after the
trowelling public in proper style.
ell, (and Mrs. Geo. 'Turner, of
IIs ..• :; 1d, lett the other day for to
t •e
1:,00 IAA' visit to England. They
s by the C. P. It, S. fe.. Iau-
; r. - - of Britain.
Mr. J. •McCurdy, who has lived
;0 R-rkton for nearly half a cen-
t r. left last Friday for Toronto,
tt i, -re he wili reside. We wish hem
1. Oen and happiness is his new borne
('.arenc•e Freeman, an esteemed.
•idem of St. Marys, died ret his
home. Jones street, Tuesday evets-
icg. Nov. 15th, after nn illnns of
1. t rai years. Ile was in his 571b
yCL r,
ie: -n ns. weak stomach, indiegor4tion,
dy-pcpsia, try Carter's Little Nerve
1':l(s, Relief to sure. The only
nerve m;dic'-ac• for the price an mar-
ket. -
John 11. Lang. brother of Dr.
Ling, Granton, and well known in
West ern Ontario, was among 'the
killed in « Michigan Central and
trolley car collision at KCalnmazoo
Mr. Joseph E. !'earl, of 3t. Mlarya.
died on Monday. Nov. 14th at the age
.: 57 years. Ile bad been iii only a
NN days with pneumonia and the
nevus of his death came. as a shock 10
t1:'• cumntunity,
.'.rt says Mr. J. 13. Dinsdale, of
a:. is not improving very rapid -
Mount Clemens, Mich, Thin is
r of einoare regret to has
trends. It is hoped better
•=oon b' received.
• • 1 :, I,y thiel Mr. Win. t-'ord,
�'• • •r 1 faros" 4th concession of
soulpl_ t:d th-• (riming of
1.. • 1 :Ilk barn, Mr. Ford has now
e,. i (I. faucet Lira. in 111•• town -
lei notch credit is due Mr. Jas.
The barn :e fitted up
wit) .. the let, et improvement.,
,\.. r e-,•3 of weak or lame hack,
c;: • !, • (J{ •umati in. will find re -
1'•( be it 41.01e one of Carter' -i tertian
1'. .1 a n•I It,•lladontta Backache
-t •es Pile • 25 cents. Try them.
o:, t Lr ak of rabic+ ha+
t th farm of \V, Jlcln-
1 - 0.trip of Lobo. as 1h • re-
t which on, fine anirn11 has
i . riot find the rest of the cattle
i, rn ordered quarantined by
1. •• ,•r, on GoternUI •nt officer+. Some
• -0 n mail dog ran through th-'
le ;. ,, and it :.1 supposed the «ni-
p, ch t:.•V •:op•d rabic, wet bit•
%. r de 1 11 many farmcre r •ad 'I'll •
`'• i. c Flit' It cuss" It per' -at •11!
.5 ;4.17.1c .4 . (h ear cause: it faithfully
r h. ',reel:cal filmier with
f• • (nforrriat:on ore all •gra•
4. e tore: topics, and in the most 1 -
,t, hlruln •t of inertia
•n • t 1.- t•• .u•1 n (':anadi, :lel 1111 •
., 1 I s., 1'- 1'111* rn yo•lr r. atiieg
.1 f.• -•-y •:u• -old girl. a daughter
'.1 . ltobt. Neil:, of Motherwell.
t (t- n in the neck Tuesday or
ee • %: by a dog. The iittie g:rl
m L , fetb,•rs hotnc when th-•
« 1.10111 terrior, mad • a IDI -
•o attack on h••r and bit h -r • %-
1n the Y► CIG, The finis,., For Vo'mcn --ydia 1:. Pink-
.. tae'h 11.]01111.7; 11 to ill,. \.''ll f,,niily.
tt'.ar promptly allot and the head rtes- ham'sVegctableComp�und
,Ant to Toronto for examination foe
r.1 bi 0'.
I';,.• I;r.tnr"n :tag.. was wrecked a: Belleville, Ont.- " i was ao weak
:' Irk and Queen's avenue, London. red worn out from :t female weakness
t Pridav ,afternoon. when 1 1. -it:, 'tial i 1•0111•1 11,1•11 t,1 try Lydia E. l'ihk
:.or •• iti orh•d to the velar; • rens - leatn'x Vegettble
•it -14'. 11,1f lay between ltichm0n.l '- " --� 4'ntnpnund. 1 tank
•tr t ant 1 ark avenue, papers and t :4 several bottles of
.t .r. • t1 .tn elortg the r-rht•itse It. and I Joined-tt .c. : t7 • : a ng•r, loon Ito- ,p etrength no rapidly
e, M •; 1::•ove. I%,i e 'hu r' . • ; that it seemed to
reel) th • :1 er h n th• i••am ., ,make
(: >anewwoman
.•:.s(t w:: in ,ruto r of MMP. lean is as
1 • . 11 1 h' t boloWW1 .0.-1 1 , • n. t s f ` t good a
day's work
r .l t{ ,.D.
1 ever did. 1
•r 1./ 104 •r. wee• 1(iro110 out ; `tri sincerely bless the
t.: • r -r oreir. Neither was hurt.t.Ye jl 'lar the{ 1 made up
t. t,sic.•r of the stage. . my mind to take
: t . . 0t , th • 1 n.5. when • i
• ` r medlcino for
:ua,s flash.d across female weakness
• , t : • , ,n:• -t•. -eel o,n of t!, Ind l ant exceedingly gra tr. tel toyou fot
t . 1r:, ,: rig o prucur•'i your kind let term, asIcert :Maly profited
red 1 .. - • ,,, ..:: h i; = pa.•,:,:• .n, Its thein. 1 give you permission to
end ret,;: • . d .1 w;til a de ey o: publish this any titne you wtgh."-
.n'y abo : r , or. an now-. Mrs. Ar.BF:ttr Wu•tci:err•, Belleville,
if v:o, : r.• not a .lar . Ontario, Canada.
••f ti, 'i 7'.11::;, now 4- t 1.10e ;o b•- Womeneverywhereshouhlrememb'ir
come on .One dollar pay; up till that there 11 no other remedy known I•
,Linuary (1112. to medicine that will cure female weal,
11 YEARS t?)(Pie hv( 1: OF , ewes and 1O successfully rert'y wimple
through the Change of i,ife as Lydia 1;.
OLD NI It:;F.. Plnkham'sVegetable Cionp,wtd, made
.Mrs. \\'in;:ow'1' Hootbins oyr{Ip i+ from native roots and herbs.
the pr.;ctiptrur, of ole of Ihe heat For 30 years it has been curing tv
female physicians and nurse. in the women frontthe tlorstformaof female th
United cSeale& and rsfailin een tined for ills -- inflarnrnation. uteeratlon, die• h
fhy ife of '( placements, fibroid Donors, Irrcgs(ari•
children. It relieves fee child frtom eir nos, periodic pains, backache, and 0s
lacus prostration.
pain, cures diarrhoea, griping i/► eta
If so, we would ask you to
enquire amongst your friends
the value of Zam-Buk for this
ailment ! You cannot but meet
with tomo ono who has proved
how excellent it is.
Mr. 11. E. Hill of Shovlin,
writes: 1 suffered a long time with
piles and tried numerous remedies, but*
without ellect. Having tried a sample
0f ?am-Iluk and being encouraged by
the result, 1 persevered, using two
boxes. It w„t-1:rd like magic, and
effected a complete uuro in a very short
Mr, James Ruddy of Killaloc, Ont.,
says : --•• 1 sulfured greatly hula piles.
The pain from these -as anyone who
puffers from thorn will know -was al-
most unbearable. 1 tried l3»t, ono
remedy and then another, but all with•
out effect. Then I heard about Zam-
Buk and determined to give this won-
derful balm a trial. I obtained a sup4ly
and commenced with the treatment, and
to my great joy, after Ik•r=•reraoco jl•ith
Zan' Ituk, I obtained permanent relief
fr.,m the agoteizing pain of the piles.
Having been cured by Zara-lluk I
heartily recommend the balm to all
lam-nuk also cures inflamed sores,
eczema, scalp sorer, ulcers. a1 ct'PPes, fold
.ores, chapped hands, frost bile, cuts,
burns and all skin 'nitwits and diseases.
Ail druggists and .toren .ef1 at S':c hoz or
poi.t free from 7.an►-Ilnk Co , Toronto. for
price. Referee substitutes 41117 imitations.
Auction Sale
CLE -\1t1'' SA1.I; OJ-• 1'AlRM ST,OL'K
Thos. Cameron hie r c •d r-
ttritl"...:i- 1,v I. l..• '::,• ,:, era
LOl' \,•. \(,1:141 ftl.1>il.' I:tt.11)
on TUESD.1Y. DECEMBER 6, 1910
at I2 o'clock sharp the following :-
HORSES -1 brood mare, agricul-
tural : 1 pair f r: t (04ms �,•Idiug+.
1 and 5 )•ear old. agricultural ; I
e •'•hu-: S c. u . u!d. n-nceltIr-Il
! i,''t t :. • 0111. agricultor e! ; I
goo'i work hors • ; 1 driv n ' . r .,
year, old,
CATTLE -1 cow duo to •c'1i*': et
time of elle. 1 cow du- ei F• -h.. 1
cow newly .ce1v,-d. 3 Cows dere Or
'•1 (len end A;-ril. .( farrow cow-. 3
lir- t cl a,s he f.•rs years ole', 6
fart cl:,a.+ h ( re 1 year cod, 3
,treer; 1 y •-r t,! 1, 5 sprir-- calv.•s.
.sow du • in le c.. 1 ere
due in Jan.. 5 ,etc. '1 a in 1- b. :and
\l •tea. 1'- .••07 • . e; sh{avt-. :,C
ben.. owl
iM, LK>iI:'.7 -; Linter. 1 0 -ft
mower. 1 st •: rak 1 15 -dial drill,
1 dick hamate, 1, 2 -furrow Cock-
ehut rid.ng plow. 1 walking plow. 1
set iron barrow 1 3 -hors • culti-
vator, lend roller. seuffl. r. 3.1 tum.
Icer wagon, pair sleighs. wagon box
and big rack. hay rack, 2 sets work-
ing harness. no. of horst ental. I
set 2.00e I1hs. er *leo 1 fanning milli
1 car, ropes rind sling, lot of cow
chains, 1 creern te•earator, 1 De '.y
churn, 1 incubator and brooder. and
other :articlee to nutn:•r0us 10 m,v;-
1ion. A lot of Timothy and Alfal.
fa hay, a quantity of roots. 'also
straw and eneilag' to b' fed on farm.
The• above implement* are all near-
ly new nntl in first ciao; condition.
Positively no reserve as the pro-
prietor i• giving up farthing.
TERMS -Ali ,e,ino. of $5.00 and un-
der cash. oc •r that 'amount, 10
month- credit on furnishing Dr -
1 I' • ,trs. a discount of 5
1,- 1 e r•' r :•ants to for ca.h on
roe,. . .t:, •.
Poe* .1• .r Ore, T. Cam •roe.
i rol-r , .)17 •, r.
\V it. Elliott return d \I0ulny
from a trip to the .\ortbn.et.
Anthony Nevin-, of Londe -0.
a short i, - :t to our burg on Tueedey.
Mr+, S. \IeCoy, London. tormerty
of (hie v,!10ge has been v,•ry low
with 1ypho"d fev•r. \We :,re pleased
to say sal,• ie note eona'al,,•e.•n!.
F. Abbot t. loaves for an extended
visit l0 3lirhig.,n.
The t:,reent-Das•ie Co. are oh;l,-
ping owe n ,fuantitirs of fowl.
They ar it rI in coil F1orag•' 1. -
fort• retie : of, • t h-• cosec,
\Ire, 11 1•:
.\ a on. 1.' a . `. it a• organ-
.:• •i I i : '•1 t !.red t church
nn \,t. I•:t L, Lt '.ar• A. NI; Wilson,
1• ,�,.- fir -�ntciy. Out.
r.1 1 - tt• r.• rL•rl-•el'--
I I o1. 't, .lohn Dexon • Vie -
1 . '.it- '. 1 !.11 touting; 44 er•t-
:o r e :. 1 _ 1 ., •,ad ; ('orr.eepnnd-
in. I.. 11. 1)trlin :
Tr• • 1 . '.h . t .. 11,an ; )Ju ,t,
of nut • ho t.•x. M rs. A. Morgah. The
d.•r .i d to Inc, t thr. first
'I' .• t ' 1' - c •, v month.
:\ )'iiti-tel is '1 re, and Contort wail
• eov n et I;h•n•zer by the Sunday
rhea' nn f h v.• of 1) r. '2 reel
----Special Notice.
pankine does not cure children of bed -
Notice to Creditors
lu the matter of the cytato 4t
John !'route Otto of the City of
Hurt Huron in the utatct of Micbi-
gen U. 8. A., gcntiemau deeeust'd•
Notice is /tetchy given pursuant to
It. W. 0., 1097, chap. 129, that all
oteditore and others having cleitns
again'it the estate of the Cate John
l'ruut, who died o■ or shout !that
7111 day of September$ MHO. are re-
quired on or before the Lith day of
Nov. 191(4, to send by post prepaid.
.er deliver to Messrs. Gladman &
Stanbury. solicitors tor the cxcou-
tors of the *plate of the
said deceased their christian
and eurnatnes, addresses and des-
criptions. the full particulars of their
claims. the ilateinciet of 1Iieir a•-
te►11111n and the nature of the De-
41ulitiea, if any. held by them. And
further false notice that after such
lust mentioned data the sail Execu.
tors will proceed to distribute
tho assets of rho deceased amen; the
t,:attiter crilllled Ihereto. having ro-
g-1rd only to the claims of which
they shall then hath notiee and that
the ,;aid executors will not be liable
for 1 ho paid onsets or guy part there-
of 10 ;any perform or persons of whose
claims entice shall not hive tfoen
received by then* at the time of such
dist rile( ion.
Solicitors for the executo]ti.
Dated at 'J' ttere this 2rtd, day of
November 11,10,
Notice to Creditors
In the mutter of the estate of
3:1 1114'.4 Gardiner, Nate of the townie
ship of eeborne, in !Ito County til!
Huron, farmer. deceased.
Notice 18 hereby given pursuant to
1t. 8. 0., 1) )7, chapter 129, that all
creditors and others having claims
against the estate ot the said
.Eames Gardiner, who died on,or about
the 1st day of .November 1910e
tire required ou or before the
ere! day of Dec. 19111, to n end by
post prepaid, or deliver to
Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury
of the Village of Exeter, 8o -
ac! l ors fur the Administrators tat Oh •
said deceased, their christian and sur-
names, addressees and descriptions
the full particulars of their claims
the statement of their accounts and
the nature of the securities, if any
held by them. And further take
notice that after such last mentioned
d:tt.• (h. 1 aid Administrators ti -111 pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the de-
ceased among the parties entitled
thereto having regard only to the
cl,iims of which they shall theta have
notice and t hat the said Administra-
1or.+ will not b.• liable for maid ussett
or any part thereof to any person
or persons of whose claim notice
.h,11 not have been. received by them
at the time of such distribution.
Hoticitors for the Adneiuixtratot;..
la.,; •d at Exetl•r This 15th day of
November 1910,
Notice to Creditors
la the matter of the estate o
Jlary Ann Cudrnore, ef the VitIag..
of Exeter, in the County of Huron.
widow, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
it. 8. 0.. 11197, chap. 129, that all
creditors and uthere having claims
against the testate of the late Mary
Ann Cudrnore, who died on rye about
the 30th day of November, a010.
Ole required on or before the ard
deny of december. 1910, to !►a•nd b)
post prepaid ot deliver to Messrs.
Gladman & Seanhury, of the village
of Exeter. Solicitors for the Adminin-
tratr x of the said d,ceased their
chrieti;.n and Burn:,me.. ,addresses
and desoriptions, the lilt particu.
Iats of their claims, the statement
of their accounts and the nature of
Ilse eccuriticn, if any, held by them.
And further take uotiee tilt after
such last mentioned date the said
Adruinittratrix will proceed to distri-
bute assets of the deceased among
the pal 111_•8 entitled thereto, havins
tee ird only to tho claims of which
she shall tri •rl have notice and that
• •i'1 Adm:nietratrix shall not be liabt'
1:,r the• slid assete or nny tart there-
of to any person or I.er.nne of adeno
r' 1(111• notice shall not have h• or
nv.•avert by her at th • time or such
1:1.,1l)'I•1N & S'1'.\Nltl'li\',
Solicitors for Adut.in..t rami.
l,it •.1 rel Ext, r Ur • lith day of
Novemb-r. 11110.
Notice to Creditors
17, the n"ttlr1 of 1h,• t -tale• 01
\ :;r., ul the Township
1: t, • . County of 1 erth
oo• u , ,-• L. r. by given pursuant to
1 - O.. 1t',J7, Chap. 129 that all
f1, i::on. rind others lutvite; claims
• .net Ihe estate of ih • icer • 11 :t:.
ret \ sale• tor„ who di'd on or 7161.1:1
t h • Ililh day of :3 •pt, 1tr0i arc'regleet
• 1 on or b.•for.• the 10th clay of Dec.
I e :O la tend by pact toe p siel or del ver
to filet+r+. G:adman K Ntnnbury of
the 81:;age of 1icee•r. ,elicitor; for
1 • t f,: t -r t.: • h rid -e -asvd she r
too; ion mei burnunl, s. nddre-s,1
an I dc,cr,peines. for foil particulars
ut their claim-, the statement of
their '
1r 1
tc t
rU e
sea •
of then
recat'itit•s• if any, hell by them. And
further take notice •hat alter etch
lea • r 11100 loll •41 this: f :ae . 5 '4011 it
will pilcet•tl to dia11:1.-,1•' (islets of
the .Ieeensed nmotor e h • pnrtie; fn•
1113-11 !fierce°. havir.e reverd only to
I..• el:sill'+ of t7 viz le • ,h t'1 ih•n
I. .v • notice 0041 ,ha' :.1 es, -tutor
.h:a'I not be liable ear 11; • said ns.
e. - or rosy onto the r •o! to any per.
:.rni or l" t410n, of who's c:tt'.t{11 slot•
ice shill! not lance been r, eoived by
hl•, at th- t rn such t::•troeitioe.
Solis cote for Execut(tr.
Dtted at E.r•'t. r this 22nd day of
November, 1'.110,
THE REV. 1111. IiiCli;R 1911
stung. Theroismeonstitutionalcausetor r,•• ilea. ire it, Back“ 'Almanac
is tmnblo. The. M. Summers, Box tt stt fur l.sl1. that guardian Angel in a
indoor, Ont., will send free to anymother hundred t hasaand henna, is now
r successful !tomo trcatmont, with lull ready. Not many are now willinRlto bwithout it and (ha'1tevill .
tructions. Send no money,but write her 1 i irkes M. gazine, Word and
. \Yorks[t,
day if your children tremble you in this The two nn• only 'One Dollar a
Y• Don't blame rho child, the chances i,•ir. Th .• Almanac is 350 prepaid,
Ire it can't help it. This treatment also No home or office should fail to send 1
euros adults anti aged people troubled frith 1 tor Wm. to Word and Works I'dbf s
litems di®oultiee by day or night. llelbiag PCiro
h•• bowels and wind colic. Ily giving If you want special advice write
califs to the child, It rteete the 1 for ttoMrs.pinkhsm Lln
other, Twenty-five orate a bottle.. 1$1I free ant/ always helpful.
Times Want Column
Residence for Sale
One of the most comfosialtl�, ettOtl-
erste priced brick homes in Exeter
bas been plaoed in our laude for
gale, 1t is well pituat . Note reboot
and churches. has good stable and
garden, in all about 2 leg acres.
(Badman & Stanbury 10.11-tt
Pasture Farm hO Saltie
Fifty acres good pasture farm;
West half Lot (Nine. North Boundary
of McGillivray, several acres in bush.
Apply at onoo to
Ilarri$tefr$ dxeter.
Tdo Usborne and Mlbber&
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance ompand
Head Office, FarquharZOnt
President, J. F. RUSSELL,
Vice.l'rese 'WM. ROY
ROJ3T, N014US, Etaffa,
THUS. RYAN Dublin.
WM. IIROCK, Winchelsea.
1(011'. GARDINER, Fareubar.
JOHN EMERY. Exeter. agent ter
Osborne and jliddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS. Munro. agent
far Hibbert. Fullerton sod Logan.
13ecy.Treaa, Farquhar
'MADMAN & HTINHURY. 14ofettof,
Auction Sale
The und.•rsigned auctioneer bas re-
ceiv.,d instructions to a,'II by Public
Auction at
SATURDAY, VUVE.\IiIER 26th. 1910
:at :. o'clock p. m. the following
valuable property. namely :-
1 mare, H years old, standard bred
1 colt, 2 years old, standard brad
1 colt. 1 year old, ,tatelard bred.
Reel Estate -At the carne time and
place tb.•re will be offered for Kale
thu proprietor's residence. 6n !fain
St., being u story and half brick
house and two lots. Thi, boils, ha.e
all modern convenicnct-t; heated with
a furnace; hard and soft eat . -r in -
bide. There- is also u fine brick
enable and drive shed.
There will oleo be offered for sale
the• on .• and n half story frame house R. Blight, U. D., M.C. P. and
and lot on Nelson str.tet. one block
we.t of the 1'rtesbyteriaa church. e`3., Honor Gradu,tte Toronto Un-
TEItM8.-5 month•' credit given on ivcraity. TWu Yea" ieeide•nt physician
furnishing approved Joint not . 5 Royal Alexandra Iiubpital, etc, Office
per cont. per annum off for cash. and residence, 1)r. Aim s' old stand
Terms of It.•al 'Iodate road • known Andrew Street, Exeter.
on day of sale or on applicat'wi to
the undent igcnsed.
!troy. Auct.
sruopsIs 01 the Mem bill Ns
Any person who is the sole head
et a lankily, or any stale over lfl
sentoai ef available bowie tea land is
Manitoba, Easkatobewau, or Alberta.
Th• applicant must appear in person
at the Dominion Lands Agency et
Sub-agenoy for the district, Entry MI
prosy may be had at the agency, oa
certain conditions, by father, mother
son, daughter, brother, or glister of
intending boaieateader.
Duties:-liix rnontha residence omit
and cultivation of the land in sash
of three years. A bomeateader may
live witbin nine miles of his homes
stead on a (farm of at least SO acres
solely owed and ocuuteed by him et
his father, mother, son, iisusieter.
brother or slater.
In certain districts a hoate•'.eades
in good standing luny pre-empt a
quarter section alongside nis hams+
steatL Prioe $3, per acre. llutiea-r
Must reside six mouths ineaoh of sill
years from date of Loatebtead entry
(including the time req•iired to ears
homestead patent; and oulttvtae
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who has exhausted
his homestead right and cannot ob-
tain a pre-emption may take a pur-
obased home'terad in certain distrists
Prtoo $3. per acre. Duties. -Mast
reside six months in eaob of tbree
years, oultivute fifty acres and erect
a house worth $300.011
w. w. coat,
Deputy of the Minister of the flurries
N. B. -Unauthorised pnbli,;atlon obi
meat will not 1•e paid for
R. CABLING, Life, Accident, Fire and Piste
Glass insurance, also Collecting Accounts
• and Auctioneeriog.
L. D. S. ; D. D. S.'
Honor graduate of Toronto University
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices, Exeter. -
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Madman & Stanbury
lain street -EXETER.
W. BROWNIE°, M. D., M. 0
• P. S„ Graduate Victoria U
realty. olnoe and restden•nc•. Donbass
.atm rot tom Kiefer
Associate Coroner of Huron.
Auction Sale
The undersigned Auctioneer has
received instruction, to sell by public
'ruction at
LOT $. (ib", 1. 8TEI-. HE.N
one and a bait miles north of Cen-
U\ T1: ESDAY, NOV. 29th, 1910
1t one o'clock, 1). ne. tba follow-
;t:o valuable property, namely. -
HORSES -1 draught .rare 6 yr.
old, in foal to Clan McGrtgor;
draught mare 7 yr. old, in foal to
Young Rakerfield : ,1 blood spring
colt. got by Prohibition: 1 blood
eolt rising 2 years old, got by l'ro-
hib tion : .1 draft ::l!)•, rising 2
years, by Clan McGregor ; 1 drivinj
mare sllppoa:d to b•• in foal ; 1 draft
mare 4 years old.
CATTLE -1 cows supposed to b• in
carr to thoroughbred bull; 4 twee -
veer -old steers. 2 two•year-old heif-
ers . 2 on • year old steers; 2 year -
1,m. h?.f'r+, : spring calves. a num-
1 •r t,( hens.
(1! - l.EME\TS - Massy Harris
t. n 1--r ; Massey llarr's mower. near -
.e nee , frost and Wood cultivator:
2 lumber wagons ; 1 wagon box : 1
gravel box: j pair heavy bobsleighs.
nearly new ; I set of diamond bar-
rows ; walking plow ; riding plow;
disk harrows: fauning trill; cutting
box ; r::lper 1 hay rake ; single cutter
o:',•n buggy ; Massey Harris drat ;
Ian 1 roller ; hay rack : ,pet double
neavy hern.'se, nearly new ; set of
-'ough barnes.. Also n lot of otb r
u., fisc articles too nota:roux to
ilOt;:�-i brood sow: 4 young 1';;;=.
All will he road as th' propr,•tor 1
;11s tented his farm.
All stuns of t?5 and under, CAafl ; As 1 enter into ihe• fell and winter
that amount to ret 11 months' cn dit trade with Il puce bred Baha ( will
1 . given on furnishing approver' refuse no restxunable ulTrr. They Nee
,cant notes. A dscount of 5 •good mire of the 1.1.cky type and•
root, off for cash. mostly got by H:•, leh (ales 7L(NJ0 He
I,<. Ilodgins, 1), F. 1'halips, Ibeetle uty herd Arid 1' one of the best
I i'opri. tor. Auction •er. to be lied. All will be rt•gist'red In
Apply to JOHN ELDER, Ilensell P,
0.. or on iAlt i0, Con. 2, flay.
Violin Inbtructor, .11une•s Street Par.`-
sunage, Exeter.
Physician and Surgeon and Ac•
conchar. Office -Dr. Rullin'e old office
on Main Street. Rebidc•uce-Corner
James and Albert Street, opposite
Jatnes :street Methodiet Parsonage,
Exeter, Ont.
I'honos-Ofllce We, Residence 39b
DIt. C. A. IIOUZE, V. S.
(irruluate of Ontario Vet. College.
Member of Ontario Veterinary Medi-
cal `Society.
Treats all Dieeast's of Domesticated
Animate mi latest Stientrlic principles.
All calla day or night promptly at-
tended too. 011lec, Main inset. Exe-
ter. Refuse) 's 0111 Stahel.
nON It;1' 7,O LOA N
w'• bay, iodinated priest* fends for latrat.
out Open (arm 01 su:a.,N lrorertya1 IOWSS
r .Ma Of I'•.rrn•t.
13.rrlst.h Solicitor Notarler., uot,vs/l�aaesta
Oommisdoeeft, senators sot les menses
!tank. SU.
McM7 blase as 101►eet rata, of lateral*.
OFFICgt-Ya1N silt►:ET, tiRl17•v,
a. AMINO a. a. V a, *Maul
Ws bate a amount of private sante•
.a. es tsnn asd vlllaaiPrup•rttor sr towrus
Saul'tars So11clwr,• 1(sIn at, Mum.
Shorthorn Bulls
invertors and proop•'ctors are how
flocking into the above' regimes rind
the ppl,ndid reports of 0. IV 0.ise•r
!rode et Gow'ganda and bold at
Porcupine indicate that before long
there will be n rapid expansion in
value null that those' who now em-
brace the opportunity of getting in
will be richly rew•nrded.
The i.30 p. m. (brand Trunk ' Co
halt Special" 1eave.e Toronto daily,
Pull ,articulare and tickets from
Grand Trunk Agents.'or eddIM.q .1, 1).
McDonald, District Passenger Agent.
Toronto, Ont.
Palpitation of Rhe Dart, nervous -
nets. tremblings, tlervou; headache,
cold hands and feet, pain in the back,
and other forms of weakness are re-
ieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made
peoinlly for tln b
jDated, Nov. 21,st, 1910.
1000 ncrv•, nn
piny, 8t. L•Oula, M4. eolml�l0sl1{1 11• ►L l�l •`►i•
Private Rinds to loan at tiniest rates
of interest.
OMce opposite Ventral Hotel Main.
Street. Exeter Ont..
The council of the CorpoRntion of
the County of Huron is meet in the
chamber, in the. Town of Godcrich,
at 3 o'clock on Tuseday the 6th,
day of December next.
Alt account; for settlement muse
be placed with the Clerk before this
W. LANE, Clerk.