HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-11-24, Page 1FARMERS ! ATTENTION! How about your favorite veterinary reme- dies. Pratt's, W inan's, Dow's, Herbageum, $ackney,•Itoyal Purple, Kow•Kure, Ameri- can Horse Tonic and Veterinary Specialty Co. Always in stock a cotnplete aeeorNpent of theabove well-known veterinary remedies Special attention to private recipes. COLE'S DRUG STORE. £IIIRTY•SEVENTH YEAR—NO 1034 vier Huron & Middlesex Gazette REXALL RHEUMATISM 11tIATMENt' It touches the spot and the rheuwatiew is uo( Rexall Rheumatic Iterneoy 50 cents. Retell Rubbing Oil 51) cents. Price for complete treatment $1.00. If it fails to cure we refund all the money you pay us. hair offer --Try it ---At our Expense COLE'S DRUG STROE EXETER, ONT , CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 21th 1910. :•••••♦••♦••••••••••••••••• ♦•••••�♦H♦••••• N • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦••••1••••••••1•••♦ JONES & MAY'S Phone No. 32. it Z YOUR . t Christmas Shopping ii II Do It Now I t .• • •Uhristmas is only flue weeks away. Not long is it? It is • • none too early to start on your purchasing tour. Do it early and • you won't be rushed in the last few days. We have made prep- Christmas re t- • &rations for a large Christmas trade and you will find us head- none ear t quarters for you to do your shopping. Lots of New and Daintyt things will be found here to gladden the heart cf anyone. Come • along and see our nice display of Christmas goods. You are sure • to find what you want. •I • FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS FANCY LINENS t t We are showing piles of The nicest display we have • • New Xmas handkerchiefs in ever had. Fane Tray Cloths, • Tea Cloths. Doylies, Runners, Plain. Fancy or Silk. Hund- ,. • reds to choose from, Centro 1 tecee in Fancy • • sc. up to ir.00 Drawn work and Embroided. : • • 25c each to $5 ♦ • • •• i HAND BAGS COLLARS AND BELTS • • ♦ • Make a nice present. A Are all different again this t • good large assortment • is year. They aro real stirs and tshown here at very tow prices are sure to strike your fancy. • • All styles in Black and Tan. All colors. t.00 to $3.so each. 25c each to $1.00 sI • • • • ii II • • I WARM FURS GLOVES No better present to be had. Everything in Ruffs, Stoles. Muffs, Fur Coats and Fur Lined Coats are here at the lowest possible price. NECK TIES i \Ve For the boye a t t.hale are snaking a large display of ♦ Christmas Neck 'Tee. The hest we have ever shown in all Styles and Shades : For Ladies or lents in Knit. Kid. Mocha, Chamois in ined tr wool lined, fur lined, unlined. Every style of Gloves or Mitts are drown by pts. NECK SCARFS A lot of New lines are being shown by •te this year. Some of the very best styles and colors are shown. Everyone new and tip -to -date. D011't Forget Our Drcss OooOs All colors to choose from at Special low prices. Dae lot of 80 to . (foody in all shades selling at 3oc. per yd. LADIES' COATS CHILDREN'S COATS We have stilt a nice lot of the newest C cats on the mar- ket. Come in and see them. • They are right. • ♦ I May� Jones &, Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford :.� Clothing also high grade shoes and wall paper A nice Int of them to choose from in Blue. (Green or Brown. Bring in the Child- ren. •• t �•• • • • t • t • •• EXETER COUNCIL Thr council of the village of Exe- ter met in the reading room of the Town Ball, Friday, Nov. 1eth, 1910. Absent Councillor Waiver. The minutes of the meeting held Nov 4tb. were read and approved. Mr. Jno. Leathorn addressed the council regards the tax imposed; re -business. -No action. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: Thos. Brock, 4110W plowing 3.75 labor 1.75; Geo. Cud - more, snow plowing 2.50 ; Sid. San- ders, labor 2.75; Jno. Norry. labor at water work', 7.00 ; M. Jackson, lead for piping \V. , •W. account 1.44 ; 'rhos. Itoulden, St. %eateries; 15 hrs.. 6.00: Thos. lloulden, comm. on sale of water 2.10: The Queen City Oil Co.. gasoline 7.00 ; Fred Kerr. the account 21.92 : Fred llaist, tele ac- count 1.2.t<0; Daniel Jlartleib, re- pairs to lock 50 cents: amounting in all to $69.51 passed oft (notion of Beaman and Balkwell,-Carried. A request was received through the 'Reeve from the Ladi:•s Guild of Trivit` Memorial church for the use of the hall during 'ha afternoon and ,•v ming of Dec. 9th. Gran'ed, the Guild to Heave things as found. en motion of Levee t and Balkw•ell. Thos. Asset` Jr., flaked to have a drain opened up along Sanders $t. and opposite his properly. 1\r llalkwell-Levet: The corporation will furnish the necessary Zile. labor to be done by :he property owner fronting; :he work.-Carri-d. The commiselon, r was instructed to have the windows in the Town hall repaired. The By-law for the appointing of water commissioners was laid on the table and given its first reading. and on motion of Levett seconded by Beaman. the same be accepted and given its final reading at the next meting. -Cared. I'er llalkwell-No Seconder That the account as per aggreement with the Connor Machine Co., for prepar- ing and submitting the by-law to the electors be placed in the bands of a solicitor for collection. The tender for pipe and elbows es submitted from T. Hawkins & Son was opened and read. Referred to t he cotnmittee. Adj. by Levet t. JOS. SENIOR. Clerk. • • A LIBERAL (11.1'1•:It • ♦t • • • • • 1 Zt • t • • ♦• �♦ Z ii 2 t • • ♦•••••••♦•♦••••••••••••••••♦•••••••••••••••••••• ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••♦•♦••••♦••••••••••••••, • .: ;..'r.:•;. ......••i•.. , .. , ...: +++++.:..::..::.:.::.:-:-+++-++++++ Who's 'f .„.„ Your:,: :_: 1 , Tailor . .>� ' , a _ U0w CAM ANYONE + T Suit for notneone they „have never seen unless they -l• _; °• ' f� have the party's individual measure ?" ;-; Yet you are forced to take an awful chance on fit and X -,�' shape every time you buy a .j. ready rnade eat for these garrnente are treacle for no one in particular. :t Individual Style. .1.:1' lis '' Fit, Neatness, . +Comfort and + ,r 1 'f 4- f. '4: Permanence of • : •i Shape •r •%' ('nn only he had in CLOTHES MADE TO I'i:RSONAi, ORDER �• WE PRODUCE FOR $15 TO $20:{: y That kind of Garments, ►Wade expressly for THOSE who are to \V.• Gear:lute.. to Cure i)y-1, ...in. 1f We Fail the Medicine (:., t, Nothing Tn nnquestlonably prove to ,the p,•npl • that indigestion 'rend dys- a •p i . ran b • prrmnnenlly relieved tut that 'Itexall Dysp.•itsia Treaters will bang about this result. wet will It l inrni h thy• in I.rut.• naso Itey free if it tails to g.%••• satisfaction to any one a-inR it The 1 it, .1 k ,1t1 success of Itexall f)esp,•11,1 I '1'..h! •I= (hie to the high deers • of rcierttifir skill %sed in dct'i-enc; 1Ir it formula are well ns to the ell .•tercised in their ,manu- factur • tttt. reby the 'well known Proper 11 , ea Mame th-subnitrate and 1 opsin have 'been combined with Carminatives and call r agents, (Ilium th-.Subnit rate anti Pepsin err eonstarltly employ 41 and rccog- nitrtl by .l he entire nodical 'pro- f. as invaluable in the trenh- menl of rndigetstlon and dyyspepsia. Th.. 1' •p,tn used in itexatI !Dyne vel• is Tab! as is prepared 'by a pros •- • t,•l.tch develops i1. rreat••et ((fie' lief. ' Pepsin rtupplics lo the digest((• • opparntna one of the most important elemente of the digestive fluid, and w:tholtt It the: dig sstidt and n,siatllation of foal rete im- possible. The c,rminat,e' pens•t.e proper - tea which .aid in el. -vine the dia- tnrb:tnces and pain rail, e1 by tin. ales -1 d food. This I. rf et Vont- bin :t:nn of these In(•r •1: ut• woken a rent dy invaluable for I I,•• com- 1.'. t i It 1 of Ovine ,t or, and dys- nr 11 .11. We ar• .o c••rl:tin of that Ibat we urge you to try 4t: zall Dyspepsia Tablets on nor own p,'rsdual guaran- i.. Thr -item, 25 c• nts. (i0 cents red melte It• ret ember you eon ai- rlift Ret ill It •rn 'ilea only ret -The ResillScot . \V .. Cole. -- ---te- -- DRESSMAKING ANi) VETTING I I'1i'U-HATE. Ladies utas r e.•tve Sn.straeliona in rutting and makes,( all kinds of dr••ss- s. They will be furnished with complete Tailor System and Folka of instruction.. 1'or terms and fur- ther particulars apply at dr.•samnk- ing rooms over Wilson Ilros. Mora. Ml.S Tr)M, 10 -11 -It. ti:r WEAR THEN! and give PERFECTION in QUALITY, WORK J i THE COOK'S t ._ MANSIi 11' and 1►('RAI111.1TY. •• • DfiLl(iliT with a sack of Model Niv t;f, flour will be equalled by your own NV. T AAAA Ai AlerchanlMerchant when you fled bow much bette rthings TAMAN t••tot est sett get. • Tailor $1.00 per year in advance Mr, Thin. Hartnett is seriously ill : at his The wintere• Builders' Attention!The tvcatber bas caught Mr, A. 11. wale of Crediton, spn! Many farmers with thr turniful in Sunday in town, (be ground and if we do not goon get Mr, awl '•1r+. W. D. Clarke, open( ~Dine fin.+ weather a good many or Sunday in l.onduu, them will have to stay there till \i r. W. Zimmer, of Dashwood; spring. was 11 caller in town lisalurdap. WANTED -55 pairs of shoes that nerd repairing. Qeft at G. Maruion'a Mises Prances :Davis. of \Viugham' stem. n st to Gosling's dry gou•a event a 1-•w• .days at her home here store. No gaaolins organ -grinder to last week. repair boots and shoos with -G, Mr. Jackson's rale last Saturday blouson. was a stlecrae nearly everything The Union Literary. of 'Exeter, being sold, offers prizes for the following com- ber+. Francis, of London, who. has uetition: 'the Ittn best quotations been visiting around here. returned from eachr's of th • Expostulation. Dug( ltoont; Cto her 'bona. Monday. • \V,• hay. a splendid assortment of Evangelin and the ML•rebnnt of Hair and Cloth Brushes, Military \'cn, ' The papers are to be sent to the 5 crctary, Drawer I',. Exeter. Sett, rlc, Ilowtys Drug Store. not later khan January 1st, 1911; Mr. John McNichol. of Farquhar, awards to be made on or before the tt•ho has fie. 0 in the west all summer 16th. Six to compete or rete first returned house llast Thursday. prize given, ten to coutpeto or no Mr.. Jno. 1•'uke after a few we.•Irs eeeonel and third prize given. The visit with her friends it •re returns/; quotations are to b.• from one to six to her host: in Chicago on Monday. line.,. Th., coutpatition fa open to Mrs. Esti Heywood tt•ho has ben em ploy -es in the tows(- Thin L, an eerioesly ill for th•' last four we •kv excellent opportunity for the young has greatly improv •1 the last f •tt• people of lis• tor. anti there is red days bettor w .y in which to spend the The Camptt-II farms on the 2nd spare tint • than in studing some of concd=yion of Bay. that were mad the leading poets or authors. The last week were bought in by the two cotnpet1(:on 1s genuine and there oro Campbell boy ' no obligations outside of those Owing, uo doubt. to the death cif' stipulated above. Locals r the lar Wm. Bawd. n, 'Warden of the County Council, rho cotuttyi coup- EXETER PUBLIC BOARD cif ‘C‘. i11 not mr. t in Exchv in Dc- The regular meeting of (he Board comb; r, was held in the. Town hall, on Noy, •1r, 'ltobt. Gillis has n pew gaso- 14th. nbscnt (4, Martin Tie fol - line traction • swine with which he :orris;: •a the ord, r of business duly intends to draw loin; the wut,er. submitted and approved, 11•r chair, • ♦•♦•••♦♦••♦••••••••••♦♦••• •••♦••♦♦•••••••••••00•O••• ale malt his first trip Tuesday and minute= of previous meeting. • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••♦♦•••••••••••••♦ took four wagon= with him. Mrs, inn. L•..thorn was called to Ingersoll Sunday owing to h •r father being very r:criously i11. He under- went nn op•ration and was ''11 a very critical state when last h• nrd from. Another electric line to Vrand Bend iv cont.mplat.d. The London and Northwestern Railway Company are considering running an electric road from London to Sarnia. They would use :Niagara power and distrib- ute it along the road. A 'line to Grand (lend i, part of the: consrl.rr- n t ion. Mrs. Wm. .Uinen, of llibb:rt, rc- turued this tnont1h from a Iry to the coast, Mrs. Din •n has been ab- sent about rix months and visit:il Toronto. Winnipeg. Calgary. 'Van- couver and ninny smaller places see- ing many old facts. that ow tion 11' ' around here. ' r• • English church Sunday School 0.e busy trotting up 'Cindcr.•Ila" a anrsical play .to b• given about Christmas w'•• •k :n the Opera House. Cinderella is very uttractive when put on by gond actur The chitdr'it taking part are endeavoring to bring it rep In perf••cteon. Dr. Quackenbush pr 'ached in the Main street 'Methodist church !;tat annd.ty morning and at Bethany in the aft••rnoon. Th.' s, rvio••a in th, eve nine; were withdrawn an account of anniversary r. rvie's in ,lnun•s .+:. ch.rtch. The 1.1 -tor. 1t v. 1:,, t:. fort. t1 conduct .d nook •1 - ry :':'r- vic,•, .tt o form r a;'po:nt.n •n'. Th • anniveretry a 1'. . . of t h .1.1111.•, et rc.•t church o r - 11.1d 111 riundtt and Monday last. The tv' it 1, r w:.+ all that could b 41. - se •- sir ! . el ' ,r - crowds turn d out to t: • .i t h t It 1 :Flo Rev. I)r. Car- man. (:e11 -r.' ' r:nt.•ndent of the Methodist- eh -t, ': (•,n tela. In lb • I r)rt. 11-th, to air. and Mrs. Duncan. morning the e..r,-h a .t !I 1 'I .1 Me Drew,'!. :t da :.;t,t--r. u •t , fll and in the t r. ' :' t •� 1, •l. !UMW Crediton an unties, Ile. ('armtn ha I , r • rot .I Isom Nev. :O:lt. to Mr. and Mrs. Otto • attending ttt • 1 : ' \\ it:�I•• Christ- Brown. :t daught •r. ion Citizen•h p c(n f t etc' t. h cit tea± \1 \ItltlEll held al 1'hiI ,•1 I; h t ,nd in tit • v, n- l I1I:i.1AI(l)!N E - GRATDON, - Grand ♦: We have a Big Stock of Samson Portland Cement, New Brunswick Plaster Paris, at Low Prices. Paroid Ready Roofing Amatite Ready Roofing Quality Ready Roofing 1.15 to 2.50 Per Square Mixed Paints and Varnish Stains : Campbell's Stains in 15, 25, and 45c tins Martin Senour and Elephant Paint in 15c, 25c, 45c and 50c tins HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE Reports of Committees, Principal • • n erk progre-sing favorably ; field • • day n success. cost of priz.+s $33.00.+ •t printing :4,00. entertainment $10.00,• tt shortage 514.00 ; .Literary society or- 1 • ♦ gauized, patriotic entertainments and : •: .t••b,t.•s proposed oleo open meetings I t• Sp:l.ing match b•tveen the high ♦• School departw--nt and the employees tt of the town to b• corttsidered; Per. •t T. Il. Carling and F., wood that the Paine:pal's report bre accepted and tI that a gran'. of $14.00 be made to ,.• th_ school to corer the Shortage ad : :,,l. • ler F. W. G!adman and II.. E. • Huston that the following payor: nts be approved. Jon•s & May. brooms account. $3,35: it. Davis. gravel and earth, 59.25: W. A. Balkw•ill, labor. al.2 ; Ross & T. y!or, window frame, $9.70: J. A. Stewart, blinds. $4.50: rnited Type writer ribbon, f6 cents : 11. Grigg. school supplies. $55.72: r.- ♦_ •• •• •• • • P e fund f•• - • xpress. telephone, t , $5.63; W. Braman, oil. etc.. 510.07. Iter B, E. Ruston and T. B. Car- ling that the chair b! authorized to t 't -cure thD' usnn1 supply of wood. 1': r T 13. Carling, adjournment. c't-. -�- — 4 nO1iN •• Gr:tt.l I3�nd to Mr. and ' • • Mrs. & teer 11.ker• a son. ••• 111•I(I:E-In Ext. tsr, on Tu•.-dtv. e• Nov, 22nd. to Mr. and Mrs. W It • t Bur k... a da,,stht •r. • t• WILLIS -- lit hitphrn on N lay, ♦ • Nov, 2Oth to Mr. and Mis, .I. \\'illi& • • a daughter. • • A\Il'—.\t Ilautiota, Man., to M:. and It Mts. Wellington Amy. (n -e Ida • Caved n son. • LAM!'OET-In ('r• tliton. on Minds ••: Nov. 20. to Mr. and Mrs. Sam t Lamport. n riaught�•r. :2 McDn1 GALL -In ('ember, Ont.. on ing gave a 'tee - of thereef r- 11,. n 1. \\' In ••i .t ":1:. !:s= Emma enc,.. The I► tell eels. 1 n Grates to .lir. Jerry D,sjar;i,7-•• ti ,eats S ' I - I, t"s n el a: :ret . cal N-1{YDag(-I;,-(.tiepin. \\'edn •• lee( anti 11, t ,•rasp of tit n .1 day. Nov. 12th. Mics Mary ltyd^r. •t of th•• ehurch ..r.1 thi= I)otn.IIiort 1 .laughter of Mt. John itf•der, Chap- Z• our.. in .r.• kir • of 'Sabbath d - 1,1 leis E.dduiph, to Mr. Mich& •I oration he said that If w•t ars n ,r careful th • mita will It -ram ' nn the ttn•atest Sabbath I n•akert n the land, ills adds „ on Che r- ian citizenship tt • ;dein►( : ! was enjoyed by the• r • , t n" ,1 pt -- ent. The choir turn 11 .4 • ac 1.1 yeit tnusic for the flay. M I: 1) . n1;- (, enhtivh Rang a vet y ace. p:':I, in the mornvtg and in ill r • - - - . . • Mire Rhoda Chewers s , n • t \ t ! t' c• _' k. seals. •tr- the anthem. Mi••t ('haw -n 1•,ss t• .. i tet, :•1t -. Ater ;hits N'ar• n very sweet voice and It r singing t, • . n t' r 0�h h sear. • was much appreciated. (►n Mondor 111:,1\ 11:= - t . ' net, o:' t,atur• e* et,ning a cottr•rt was gen in the da}. ' 1' • 1 Mr. \\'ill:am I t• church by Alio imp sial .11.1,• ()nor- Ilr•av -r - tr. • •: h year. ^ t tette. of London. The quartette IIAiN-In 1' . - .n. on Thursday. was composed of C. .1. fink, first '.,,y. RIO.. 1 11. IS tin. eyed tenor: Alb 1t I(iddl•. bit .an . E. 7r, v and 21 days. ('.sin. of l)tr-t-t. ! tz DIED • :J'I'AI(T-in Login. on Nov. 17th. • Al Nand r 6:cart. aged f3 years. t 15, Clarence: Freeman in les 57th I z 1•:AIt't-In tit. Mary•. Tu• adny, l Jaaenh \V. I'. ern, in his A. \\•. later. basso rind 1'r ,1 ritc- iesn:'.1. second tenor and accortpan- i-1 '1 t, • complete program a frlr- o 1 ,1 by 1h• quarlelta and 1, i two u t half hoso:. r it. -y 1 r r• :m•d crop% 1 •1 '1:, :t I: 'il r.ae'•r r i:titltneflt, SP , t... r 1 , ions 1, 1 r.or+t r 1111,t „t: t ,. 11,t 'regi , I: . ,, .1 • ,� h ,- t n v 11i i ;, .. • : 1, 1, I: • It• • , ,! . ntil- .l 1., I. •,. w 1111; \•.u,1•1: I 1 T t. t: v ; l', r. Y � 1 nr the FC ,!' r! net i.t �[/• 1•� . , cern a rt , , ' . 1 — - ;1t�, O1 5 Pairs 25 cent WOOL SOCKS for $1 I.-erihife. t , f i I. :.t t 1 S\V1':ATEIt (;OA'T'S of all Colors 111) 1 E ty'1t HOUSE Of. OVUR- GOflTS —AND-- SUITS 1 N D -- SUITS t'Je have the Largest And Most Complete Range of CLOTHING in town. Bettervalueh Newer Styles, Distinc- tive Patterns. Now is the time to have your Mea .re tak- en for your Xmas Suit t10BBERlIN \� E GUARANTEE uwsree 1'E.ltEE(`T SATISFAC• TION. FUR COATS AND FUR -LINED OF ALL KINDS. New Lines --OF-- SHIRTS & TiES For X 1AS TRADE. A beautiful fancy SOX give•tt free with all small (10048. HATS, CAPS, GLOVES & MITTS IlouseCoi t s and Bath Robes, the most Sery i ciable Gift to a Man. Big Range for Boy's and SPECTAZ \V k! f \t tr I 1 ill.(,r•1! \grog t. 11.1) tt kly p.lp r •m tat', cant trent, a 6nott L i !ins+ I o r no tel hen n l to y • an ea . n 't ,: h :..• ,. !• . um flour and we 1 first pt .,•.. . !: ::r a,t•r • t t• •tv other t • HIGH=GEADE RUBBERS at 75c. "'SpecialTho lowe,-t possible prices on (111 est tea ` IIs • ut-w•=pap r ut ;:tin a:t1 gricu t• X Working Shoes, same iii ► values tial journal all in one. Tian again. 0\''111;21.:‘ l rsJ\V K ' h tacit sabscrtb:r lha era.+on ha.: theDRIFT FLt't it , Nance of winrung n f r c trip tri t h• e Ift';l\•\ (grey Flannel Working Shirts. Old 1 'i• f' I barrel f than you to u a a o ',e Country hie June with Ole- floor inn makes poetry the ld Country and all rx- most c. -r: ° t \\Tool flo'e's lined l'1.derwear all sizes 150 cells pens,( from hie hnnl' in C:mada to k ns •light ) return nn t s I,nt • F. '.r r could grow it. • ❑l�un ]rntin • d li t a t �.h 1t '�;►t, and as MODEL hokum mote g ted Intrvre to spending money ns well, That is no h y offer, t! 1' n'ly Mrd• , : d •: t••:; .: °r•'r+7; 1 ; ..: i ....: '1+d•++++1(+i•++++++++++++i++. i; ! • FLOUR tlta sack tlt-rt. `any Other. hakes br,,ad nod stays moist and •ttc peon n t.• o= t• at s ;..r• Resold anti •.\V.ekly attar e repot:►• )r, a n g O + i 4:: 'r•: F; ;• +;•:•+:4 F: 7 ::::: 'ri•✓rr+'3' �r:; :;•! : 'r+.3'r+'r+{ b M sweet, bakes (asci to t.hnt mother in tion would not allow arty fake eon - her olrnicsl 4ays could not el nal. test. full t•articulars can b. had jj.. I•• _,_` :f you nrr not a regular r. :td r If you are not a r.gular reader p 1 'it thi- of; r. or I:p ori: n: far n I H, C((JI(, (ii1S lX C o.I: _' F TiMES thetime t t f t! Tit•ir9 note is the time is be- [) sample copy of that gr•at pap .r. it 1 t One dollar weye up till corn. on One dollar peso up till Harve 13ro5 t tit t } 11eiisal l t••♦•••••••••••♦•••••••••6•••••••••♦•••••••••••••••♦ • A N DY AWDEN • • Y • •• o• • •• •• O • u• •• •• : • ♦ •t •• ♦ •• •• • ♦ •• • 0 • 0 00 0 O O• • ♦ •• o• •• O♦ O • • ♦ •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• • 0 • ♦ • 4• v• • •• • 0 •♦ • 6 O♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ • ♦• •• t ♦• t • •• •• •• • _ •• •♦♦ ♦ ♦• • < • • 440 • 1'f 4 <- O • r♦ :4 •4 O• • ♦4 •• • • 4 A • o• A• et e i. 4 1' • O • (•.e 4. • 3 0o 40 4c 66 • •t �e pot i• A c0 e • (t ♦• sof t h- . 'taw w i s c o t- o the cont• ore.u + h . - v.tln: in Canada beyond *January Ji 112. January 1012, I J ' dispute. amnia istn 1