HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-11-17, Page 7�� o (1► �s v's a o 0 0 00 0o e Young Folks+ �t;ot.L�oos►it►o�000N 1`:\I;.., x'1'(11:\. ('rack ! era went the lamp chimney, as AlJi:.e lighted the bis lump. "1t was poor Mass," oho said, as she carefully pit ked up the pieces, "or e!.e 'twos tik wu by u cureless w•orkm ati." "Mill n '' risked Mary. putting clown Ler box of paper dolls and comii,i to the table, "\e., lay dear. I used to live clots- h: the Li)- glass -works, and land thiuu1.•s. .fru ulade by blow- ing glass Ma, .:laps, like this." And Annie gate it puff and a lung breath. and then looked down at Meta surpriosi face and laugh- ed aloud. 1 can 1•'il i 1 a story alsait lame ,•Nims..•, si •• said, ''t;llt not le, !'.t. T. t. •,• afternoon you ()to 1.i•., N!:ss .•.tt •, round to my bail perch, and 1 •, i!1 tell you how glass is made." .1•1.i with a proud little std of foe h. ad, Annie step - led l:ri,k14 :: a, -a tilt+ room and closed tho d.'or seftty behind her. The next afternoon Constance and Mary found Annie waiting for them on the Fuck porch. She had it brisket full of stockings to be darned, and as she talked she worked busily. "1 always knew els ut (•.lass," she began, "beeanse I„' r'i.•r and brothers earned their bent slaking it. Your folks can tell you lav: it is made of pure sand n^l1 lisle, and a kiud of stela, all nixed and Int it. d n a big clay pot osr r a tierce lire till it bubbles like b.. molasses. \, e my father, being a glass- blower, had a king iron tube which he called a blowpipe. It had a mouthpiece at one end. and it swclhd oat like a howl at the other end. ted dip the howl end into the put of inei 'd glass and twist it round a bit till it gathered up a bit of the melted gloss. Then as he to.•k it oat he'd blow through the pipe. The Klass would swell oat like a bubble. and Inv father would swing the 1,lnwp1pc hack and forth steady, 41:.41 the bubble would lengthen dawn :L bit, about the shale ••f :t lamp chimney. Then he'd put it int., .t sort of mold, give his eita• a ttvitt, and blow again. The t;',.- i,ut;l,14- Heald stick to the side- ..f the n,u'.<I and be shaped in a pity. and the ,., t blow w'uuld Nice'. , 0, • ' ',.i•1 _ ,ft, and there's ' iI%' ' t\ ,:t : rsi ('1•I),t a rice. i 1 . .. :i kiwi% .vett' lamp chino \tit••', my lather worked they r. , ;toil :11,uic, but my bro- t • r is fermium ,1t the shop nt.w. al..! 1.•• toils roc that Futile deter man iia- (fixed 111.1clig in, to send air int., the glass. and save the brows breath. .'Just Cilia: that etas, ;s made nut of Aan'l.' of d 1',.n.taute, "arul ran he blown tutu bubbles, ju•t ws %s b1utY 44:11, "Nt1:0h the •.:,r•• way illy 41e.ir „ said Annie. ' 1 Last' great adt.u:t ages as a small girl in hay leg :t ta- llier who knew 'tow to d., ;,1.11 t It i,Ts " Ye‘. inrlce,l ie./pen/led Jia rs . -Vet illy 'teal er. tee! all• vias a (•!4'.t•r U..tnall... 441IIt it1111 d Annie. "She ft' i tt lin te put the Plnuc,th darns in m.' s1,, 1.;l,t:s,. I uas lucks in sty p:treat a14d :\u.ti(• 1at,411 d happily. '' i'i1 tea. h roll both to (tarn if vovr rnotit••r sacs the word," she c• ',vied. "Anil now• wheat s•• 1 rue a 1:1tnp chimney v"n'll te%'all what i (4,141 yeti aleett -, indeed. .1/alio'" sa d •„ 1, rt•, r'ee, ndmirini;ly : noel Mary ad d•'.! • • "r ,•well lr,tl:t lnsist, . tt trhlr h :1n air 1, i vviah. ata lets! .,. nf' •I 1 e Youth's - .M.\Ii'i ' 11 IN(iS. S,.•.•:et', ...m esi•d of tom great c!ns,r s. th•.- who have 1114,,e dib 11rs t' ft!I appetite and the..., who Lase more 111,1• -tit. than dauii•r'. A elan i, t:. i,'t cruel ellen 1i.• hat's. a woman when she fears. Every,. rte can read the sisrng,,sts on the road 14, perditi•tn except t•te• r matt who is travelling along it. Piat„nic love is a 'ser d shrine Jililt ,n the crest t:f a Slun1},etl'ig air eolear:n. Thi• 1,,- 41ern fn..d lushes to glory affil fa•r e where the .avant stands on his dignity. Seca to i, like Jetirle, its walls ta” n {,. .sire hitt who (tors the tri. 1 ; t- • '1 1,•• • clea,1 of f-xpet irnee is an in (hat, -osnstair-at that has nu va- cal, tl-. A ,v in passenger on a transnt.- lnnt er berthered the officers and a :1'- :mi11 unceasingly about a•lett••- .t hundred titers a clay F11„ a -l.• 1 1• Le (elled if one 11as sighted. )lett, madam," ext,n,is1 fated th • .attain finally, "Ply are s elude 1 you -„ a0vl,•ss nhnt this el (peat., 11 . it .a u•e.' fie replied. "ail no. I'fe Ft eat:t(d to sec a nm.•1!Ir trite• ,....eh,. • - • -.—. whP.le t•:•11r'. t r.e' Itte ,Lrn,li end /..ren. • . • t•.• a', taMment 07rar D,phthertit. THE RACKING PAINS OF RIHEUMATiSM orommorm Can Only Bo Cured Through the Blood ---Try Williams' Ping Pills, Which Act Directly On the Blood. „t.snt will rack you just as lona there is acid in the blood to 1,-,, rheumatism. 'That's the %ti,• e trouble- •acid in the bleed. (uid, damp weather may start the pains going but it. is not the cause. That is rooted in the blood and can only be cured through the blood. \carr; ago when medical science laid net know as notch hnLol, the cease plaint as to -flay, rhekel:die suffer- ers were given something to rob on the swollen tender joints. Bono people who do not know any bet- ter still adhere to the old fashion- ed way. but it does not euro their rheunlatisn►—and never will. When the acid is driven from the bleed the rheumatism is gone—it's cured. The thing is to get the right medicine to drive the acid out. 1►r. 1\illiams' fink Pills havo cured more cases of rheumatism than any other disease except anaemia. They do this because they enrich the blood supply, thus toning up the system to a point where the rheu- matic acid is expelled through the natural channels and the trouble disappears. They were iatended to do this and they sus it thoroughly. Mr. Henry O'Donoghue Viscount, Sask., Fuys: "About four years ago 1 Parse here from (Scotland kir the purpose of taking up iarld. liven at so recent a date as this the coun- try was quite different from what it is to -day. Then the nearest shack to too was ten miles distant, and the nearest town much further away. In these days homesteading was nut all suns:tline, and in the spring of 1l'O 1 contracted a severe oold. I had never been sick in my life be- fore, and paid no attention to the cult' and almost before I realized it I was down with an attack of pleurisy and as the pains of this trouble began to leave inc those of rheumatism set in, and my suffer- ings were sun elhing terrible. help was sent for. out it. did Inc no peal, nor did the medicine given nve have any effect. :it'd fur five months I was confined to the house. Then one day 1 hard an unexpected visit from my broth••. who carne from► pumpkin ice ,and a eel. Df cafe... 'tu-trali•i.:Ind whom 11::ui nisi seen ••;\tad y• a „us: 'i,it this Fro iolt frrr 11 1. •,.•:try. 1'. ,..' Uly . . of the caul•• � � ounus( golden coal read t:. If Ile at f ••i r'•• t., • t !.•' r, tirtl ion P. MIlubetltutefar"ib•nat.'%tentbs!Plaster, 1t,•t 1 ar. William:. I' ' ' I' ;•1•':1 t onti ••,rh • .me .n•ereput•u• dsa'.•• massa. there the •.r • r :i tiltitlts•r %a. ' , lade i:ra•m,nendat br J,M,r.. i'•spaab, oiersr I •. \l %. 1 of t,11 t ex sad •r eghvdy sur p:•aruy, .Eta nee•. at. the-. I. •; made, .. � • t P9 I l THE BRITISH ARMY. Unlit to Fight Continental Force, Says German Oitlt'et•. Colonel Clacdhe, the German military writer, who itttended the British Army manoeuvres in Sep- tember, .-xpresees in '1'h•• Berliner 'I'ageblat1 the conviction that if tho ltritislt Army Lu compares( with the French, German, Austrian Dr Jap- anese armies the verdict can only be that, as at present cunstititted and with its present t►niuing, it is not lit for conflict with a continent- al array. Also in general and quite apart from the smallness of its numbers, it is nut qualified to play a role worth Mentioning itt war. As a land power, t`olinel (laedke declares sc arcs that Great C r t f i i a Britain a has t n no place among the first-class mili- tu1y powers. Nevertheless, her soldier material and the raw mater- ial in the form of officers Pf V.bali she can dispose are really eminently good, and nerd yield to no others in the world. Colonel Gaedke's indictment. is based on what Ito saw at the ma- noeuvres. Ile nays the troops may be excellent for colonial and Asiatic warfare owing to their great moral qualities of cotlue'a and flaring, but their comnuuudere have no idea of hacdling troops in masses, and the army. instead of being organized as a whsle and wckled together for the work of war, is an aggregation of single battalions. The infantry and artillery bri- g:t(Ies and the eavalry regiments are still the highest organic unit, and i eyond these the training and prae- t�ce of the Generals do not extend. The training of the individual units is also defective. 'There is no proper co-operation between the tiring and the attack- ing lines, and the supports and re- serves. Each battalion tights for it -elf without cvnlsidering what is going on to the right or left of it. Itfost. astounding of all, however, MOTiJERS SHOULD WA 1'01 CLOSELY DISEASED KIDN1:1'8 Tith ('ARSE: OI' Ili':U•111:'1"1'INti. Wellesley young roan. permanently cured by Ilodd's Itiduey !'ills, gives the public the beuelt of hilt experient-c. Wellesley, Ont., Nov. 7. (Special). —'That all diseases of the blaeld..r from bed-wetting to Grovel aro the direct results of Kidney Disease, bus been pro'. td again and again by llotld's Kidney fills. They Lure the Kidneys and the Bladder dis- eases speedily disappear. One of the latest pruuls tomes in the ex- perience of *1r. (;surge 1- trebel tite well knvw n harness -soaker of Elis plate, "1 was troubled with bel -wetting for matty years," )Jr. Strebel says. "The doctor could not giro oto re- lief au(l no one knows how 1 suf- fered. 1 tried many medicines, till in January, le0a, reading the ex- periences of others led mo to use Dodd's Kidney !'ills. Nine boxes cured me BO completely that 1 balm never t,cen troubled since." Alot}iers should learn that when their children are addicted to bed- wetting it is time to look to the cause. The Kidnees are the cause. Cure the Kidneys by using 1)lxld's Kidney fills, and notonly stop the bed-wetting, but wand off serious and dangerous diseases itt after lite. "John,— clenrandc•d the militant wife, "will you always love tnc 1,1 "I reckon so," Was the answer. "I theta tee ane way to git out of 11.', It is Known Everywhere.—There Colonel C:u'dkn declurrs, were tho is not a city, town or hamlet in Ca- deeisiunF of the umpires. These nada where I)r. Thomas' I t-lcetric were so glaringly irreconcilable with 0,11 is not known— wherever intro - what must have happened in ae- durnd It orad° a foothokf for itself eundnnco with the. real position of and maintained it. Some merchants eycuta, and were Fo flatly in deli- tray suggest some other remedy as act-. of all the possibilities of war, ('(foully brnrfieial. Such roournmen- that thoroughly unsound Gtetieal dations Fio uld be received with theories nuts( be ascribed to the doubt. 'There is onl,Y one Eclectrie British Generals. Oil, and that is Dr. Thomas'. Take nothing else. wisp: :t p. "Father," said Willie. "what's S},e brrmr:lt hint oat a wPelg/' of the difference tetwrtn a van:a:triuut and :► sanatorium, 1" "Oh, ,about $5 a slay," said Mr. Billups. •ertli I,.,4•t:•.ii tea ,•1 i)'i,ty Ilan, T - 1. ,.. The t• . ' arts he went` with it srtii;e. •'t•.il i•. 1,• '1inden lee a ant] ono , •I six hoxes.I n .• L 1: i'1'I:lit( 1`t 1lt:Ltlist., and before I had (tie Inst Fox reel blooms it is tee late to cut grass an' too early to shovel enoyl." Seourre of the Indian Army Sae - I was out weskit.), 'i,1n my oxen and am now as heri't: '. as any man in the province. 1. • this 1 must thank the Pills anti r' .' brother's alit ice. and 1 fit rue. ; , onlmcru' the fills to other 1•,''t,utatic suf- ferers." S4•Id by all me•dit ine dealers or + ,,rely ,Ian to us, e, vial ht t:::ii at, 50 cents a box al, ,. 1 ill promptly (u:. a�. 1 r little R 1tai•v nv 1h(4-, and te• tLe• sy,tetu of l., ,• f• r •'2.:.0 front The 1)r. \•,; i'Is at tl:. 1 cue le n the vet,. ., a + i .1M' w•.tia i/er•ulat•on wh:, h 11:1.1 nee become l,an. \I(dicine t',• Brock lieu -t obis• 1°al. 1:nteric would -----fit-- 7NE BEST MEDiCINE cess•full) fought. Speaking recently at a diatribe- - • ties' of prices at the Middlesex (los J4'rd Kitchener said that rho running sore, arid 1 was alarmed for tear the result nai ht be a t,er- 'The best m : t` • world "'Darer .,1 the army in the 4.4114. epi nlurently : cif knee. The d„4 t, r'v A ''r 1eaiat can obtain an imitation et ter tide ones o t' • r(1• v r„• that tell. fever, was new at last def, Itou.cnn•R LINIMENT i e. a Tion e, • , r sant- amt treatment faittd t., Leat the 1ou..l• at n IN Ino once, and hose it %viol ILLI, so I applied Late Bek, ,. labs -Ld hkw o•.rn phot Uce. TII1': CANAItY'S EARS. A canary's Pars are beck ,( and a Ii111e below its rye.. 'They are not hand te find when One has learned w Let •• to look. 'There is no outer cur. s :L It us animals have, but simply a small opening ',i•itb is covered by feathers. It is el`tit., surprising that birth should pos- sess the very acute hearing t,t►rah they do while larking the fleshy 'lap which enables the animals to cat. h sounds. .\ 1'i11 That is Prized- There havo lir•, it many gilts put upon the mar - 1, t and press. d tome pehlic at-t.en- t:i ll, but none has et/Meted tau long or met with tut much favor as Par - melee's Vegetable I'illt;, Wide- ipread use of them tats attested theirreat value sold they nc e e4.1 no further lulvertiaement than this. Having firmly established them- selves( in public esteem. they now rank without a per in the list of standard vegetable preparations. '1'llere, are two anniversaries that a woman never forgets-- the day OW was married and the day she gave the baby its first bath. Minard's Liniment Cures Oislamper. Probably most of us would bo trtore thankful for the things wo have if there were nut so tnauy things wo want. Ilet/eren wn) a• eletshlnx. foes eons* hot* mecered with w•„• 11 • 1 a 4•14.14 ' ,njil of Tale• er ie hot ewe.trn• t wa:er w ill present Lar l ined. A•c41 seb.tiiutsa, then is eat sae Prank last "—Parry Daru'—iso. and 10w 'I'HE LOBS Ilk MOUIRNE!). 'flee peculiarly uecp affection of a man fur his dog is proved with un- expected force now and then. .\ writer in the 'mitten Daily Now' tells of a farrier who greeted ono of his laborers un New -year's d;i with tho question, "Well, Genre and 'ow did 'ec get on Inst y.• it "Av, maister,” was the rep;;.. war a bad year for I. 1 did lose my misses. I did Incnmy canary, and I (lid lose my dog. And it wur a good dog, too." FOOT-RALLER'S Brit► RN EL EA LED. !ant -Buil, :Again the Only ('ore. Mt 11. Allinson, of 457 Kin Street. London, Ont.. says : "%Voile a member of the last Kent1i)►vi, FEATHER DYEING ion Football '1'(•a1,1, aad during a t':eta.ne and Carling and Kid 411o,r• • rr ed rough and exciting game ..t foot I he . ,.n he ...usL, ; .•t .r y•.• ball, I fell on the hard gravel, sus-! BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. twining a badly laceret,'d knee. _ MOS'i11.r.A1. This required prompt medical at- tendance, as sand aid gravel filled the ole(1 wound. "Per several weeks the doctor treated my injury. and it was theitelit to be wt it healed o1 er ; \ ••n ve It, 11 prcuc'llin4,11 the sub - bet it.. summer had I bi'gtirt to to, ve) •' a 1.` -:;;nation for tea year• un' about than the skin broke, 411441 1 , y • 11,‘" 1"'.4:1" d s it. suffered inure than at first. For sct(•n lung w, 'ks 1 %ns actually laid up. 1t then de%411elpe.l into a hat Cold Room on the side of the house where winter blasts strike hardest always has a lower temperature than the rest of the house. There are times when it is necessary to raise the temperature quickly or to keep the temperature up for a long period. That can't be done by the regular method of heating without great trouble and overheating the rest of the house. The only reliable method of heating such a room alone by othur meads is to use a JR FE ClrfO Saw a4 to E c _.fl Absolutely smokeless and odorless which can be kept at full or low heat for a short or long time. Four quarts of oil will give a glowing beat for nine hours, without smoke Or smell. An indicator always shows the amo'Int of oil In the font. Finer -cap does not screw on; but is put In like a cork in a bottle, and is attached by a chain and cannot get lost. An automatic-loeldng !lame spreader prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so that It can be cleaned in an instant. The but Iodyy'or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unscrewed In an instant kr tewlcking, Finished In japan or nickel, strong, durable, wells, made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Has a cool handle. Dealers C•vryekere. I! eel al ywrt, wee Jct deserrjt:.s cter:dar mete nearest ovary o/ She The Queen City 011 Company, Farmers ! rhis is the handier* thing on tha farm. It lifts. allet,hee, pushes, pulls. or ;' anything ete,)lhing. iove,ti- �,tte. Send 'or Euok:et U• A ars•: yslar,te reads by 5 DA" permeenU. Noet. geneses necessary. IN,1 tutuuction.atren. L,ideals. Nrntory. 'I he "Handy," Lilting Jack is a combination Liking Jack and Wire Fence Stretcher. Eq,.als any stretcher on the market, costs less. Has a doze. other Uses besides. ('1411, posts• mends and stretches single wire, sets tires, heads barrel., bits heavily loaded wagons, Irac'',n engines and ama}I buildings. Easily operated. Weighs only 23 pounds. Guaranteed for Nye years. Thousands being sold. An energetic farmer or other good mars wanted to repr t as in every locality. Write at once before ), er territory Is taken. ;SANDY JaCN MFO. CO., SARNIA, ONT. 'f00 SLOW. Tho Minister --''Then you (lona think I practise what 1 preach. eh r' The 1 ' .t' on "No. sir. 1 delft. , t f ,;1, h. !•.te hear.. he l,elietcd. juin 111e i ..• , of rl.•.•til„oel ' ,' t'; .it,•aded cholera in total 1:, I t •' refs. t., 1,.• taking aloe ie ',•,tl • • . . , ,.., tl• t;oatar,t,•,• ' I:tu.vlt from our barracks in ,, •I,r• ;•i r,.• 1I111.•ir than i'' ,•f .. . .. 1:.::,• : , d1:1'1, -t that tile', ! -' . I• .. 1•- .1 that •.••:1ti1'" 1.111':•' ,t„ �, cunt:.,: • :, 1 111it'!e 4,f 11• •':a. ltnwecl'r, emit do •,i, ton a his to thes. ' I ' •i ft 1•, hatfte their ,•f� and . 411e. t ,,es, mist}. 11 1a.t• 1,-, 41 I'll . . lately in gottin _ .1 .1. hit l;- i•.•r1•' .. street,:1,.., d; eft• • ' ! he• er n- 11in t.• )•r:t, 1. -r ' "How .1 .1 ..':t f , v 1 t•' ' 1 1,.,' .• u e,i Bob, • :•1 it • • f ,! .• • I • , n Fpite- ala14'' it ' ' ''1 told li •,t '!.,• t', ,. to,,,I f• r .nnsl:r1:11 14 11tIIt—' + �• • , ,I.t.:t• f n. : 111141 n'',et11•t•ry rnm!d tltlyd of the mn , r . 1..: t 1,'•nits. '1' .• . ate ;n• '. n• "1'.:': s lied taken pia. • Jiea- 8n41 n.,Is 1 t:411't kernt.ilrtaway fit :11 • . i a v alit 11,4" uu'ihriM• f„r little' s •r• that l:ael horn aucc• s•fol in tl:•• J. .111 - --'1 i:. 'Tablets an d by all ''. tnlinnlinst malaria e!sewLere — — r 0e 4i•.t:ers Dr by ;t:u1 at .a we•le impossible in a country where near. %".ak. Weary. Writer, syr•.. , • 1.• • , t, .v rtes, '1'h.• lir. Williams'n it:'P s31i'1'4' 1 :•ell water •ult)t H•1••%.l Etc �lunne G>•• ID:..t>'• aiy 'ler1 li f'u., fir.ckvllle, OIIt. •nete1•t IAF('unth•l,aftd 11.1rme her 'font 1•:%o Tr,•,i1::.•s. 1 Ns ,,t 1.11,- �liir,c. 11 V .. •11,- ••. IA. '. —4a--- 1 whrrt ll: •' ,. -' , 15 4't Ietu ie. tiff,. I1•,114;4 a,le, lyrltr 1.', I .4,r• 111,11' t 1,.r. Alkaline Lye 1(ci t -d)' 1:.,., Tutuila,.1 I uta ptn,%InR n t►uusin•'i:e. v y 11e 1 s•Ilou!dn't marry a vicent:ut '•v • -lig me 516/iiffliel ',� lite 11n1:•ss she Airs sty- exiu•t. op) : •..te. --- , tt r„ . •r jh-. t.,.., i •., ,Is l.Cnw. `til' \l•,•, h4.)801111 :The (±It'll net er find FIl gs'rfl'ti 11r 1!t'w:ry ( rise 1 a ' • , tow ibtoe/ nod Ionil, • • . , .• see ► Iain as that. ter 11:4. 1'4' ?level it • . ; it - ,t, , g \ .. hose n'ser lisard if tt, 1 1' . ' ' • e hildren rhntll(l s'e t„ le nt •%, rt1 n t11t• tse•rs•t k:u•i. . ,;. a.,' 4' %Vern) Ester/ea.: t• t'. • •.n8 arc nue ..f the grin•'•t • a1 d•• 'lets ale plrpariug t,• I. t :it •• 01 suffering iu l•liilrin•ri ,i..- It 11,4 for t5. anti should be ex),(•L'ed fnnu tat Mlnards Liniment Cures ()argot In Cerro. • � - levo. use If :t : - tic•,• '_:ary Fool. (,►I'I:4'1'io)'s ” bide., 1,,1111 1;,, .n to II, you think 1`:is weather will ''" ?ver trail :a t reach ktiver' — iM h ► . I* ooh n a+a (m•• r 1 No • N ono N I al i- Ih,• ).its In that ed.!" co Thea eft trig( 1 " Or. i h.• t •u••Iw s•1.0 Irnr u•e 1•. ore,* 1., .e ohms• e. Ar:env Lung Ilal•am curet the w• r•t •4 D.) % t (l lllnk that (log will Lt.- e••;•1•. it allari mnarin atlwn and clean the air !net pa.syat Hew old do yell think i 11111' pfope is a valuable ass- 1 mail \\-berm du von think 1 .net ye-te r yeti try to raise tnoney on it. day Inn you know who's talking (This over the 'phone.) to burn your front of these NO ASf1ET.S. wife ":;hall i putyour diamond studs in your shirt, dear''' husband -"\\"hat on earth are y, '+ thinking of l i)o ,you want to tt n met I have. A meeting with , ! •.hturs this morning." People who agree with us hAtr .stand opinions; those who don't have .1.1nrinas. 1)o 111,t let. 11-111/-1(T Fettle on your lungs. Ile f rt to (tickle's Anti Con- sumptive Syrup at the first intimae t:n of irritation ,n the throat and ',latent di -ease from lodging its the pulnenary organs. Neglected colds are the cause of untold suffering throughout the country• all of which could have been prevented by the application of this simple but pow- erful medicine. The price, 25 cents, brings It within the reach of all. "What .cokes you think he hod been to a drinking party 1" "lie canie horr:c," sobbed the young rr,yiteiv'fe•, "wcnring a phonograph horn toe !•• r n hat.„ I•\I►II:s AND (;; '. , \1' 1 v Irtt semi -body 1( 4411(11 me %I. la r.- 1 00.•.11.1 this coal," said the grinty-lo4kitg man at the kitchen doer. "1'nu needn't ask me about that." retorted the young woman. "I d••n't }late any thing to (Io with unloading cull ; I'm rho kitchen holy.** "1 can't help thnt," he rejoined, ' I'rrl the coral gentleman, and the father of three kitchen ladies, one laundry Etch•, and one chamber - Indy, and if you don't ahuw mo where to ►tut fhis! coal I'll call tho women of the hon,.." t,sl I ND. to 111. 41 was sett, -I (IL'tg:eal Irl it 4'1 . Ti,. grea'y Imitation in the poorest ono oe Far,• vet arer' 4.1 the ,none that c•e•r- fed t M the „ t• 'I'tte. discharging Tom, Irick and !tarry ha. tried to intro- duce. so••n ., 41 1 „ 8441111144. 4.4 and Ask tot MINAUD'S .nd you will get It. pain, t.• 1,• t,. u.• e•1 and pi rsever- ui.. :t e, Zan, 1: t!, made the badly - la •'•ai, ei line, a, E,, ad aitd fit all as ey. r ' !'tin ltuk wl'J Lc foetid a Young iflab, I didn't at•e. pt Kure cure for eu'•I •••re, chapped hands, frost bite, cicers, eczema, btlo•.d-poison, tart ase Furey, piles, s!'alp Sores, li ng 1501111. inflamed patches, labia's' eruptions and chapped places. cult', hurts, bruis- es and skin injuries gen( rally.. All (ltuggist14 and stom4 Fell at 5$)e. Lox, or post fres front 'shin Iluk l u., Toronto, mien receipt of pitce. __ J'•1RDON.111LE 111NOiLiN('E. flurry the first time ho pro)x,ce- 1. Jli-s Ii%V111 Nu, d,ar; you wet, Woe.. Pill.•. That Have iien(•fltted Theii sands. Kno%u far and mots us a sure remedy in the treatment of indigestion and all derangements of the stomach. liter and kidneys, Pit ruteI(e's Vegetable Pills have !sought relief to thousands when other specifics have failed. Innunt "Good land"" exclaimed the as- ernhle te'tintoninls can he ) r•, .1,1, touIlI-d passenger tin the west gal to 1••4411.!1. 1the trod, • 1 1' bound express train. looking out of the car window. void the ((n(Iuctor; "these n re the Il+u1 (tans)f-- " CURED IN ONE MONTH. If every woman, who h.•. Kidney or H►adJr► trouble, e.•nld go to 1)Avisviltr. UM., and talk to Mr.. A. Sonp.on, they Mlnard s Liniment Cures Distemper. would do just as she did - take Gin Pills and rote themselves. I \last cable news is fresh, even af- "For 14 or 1S years 1 had Kidney er I , passing through stilt water. Bladder irritable, suffering at tinges eitenie pain. 1 doctored continually but nothing R Co,tatt drtea •1..p $eA aeM*A gase me permanent react until 1 was per- a„111,711."1"5 •,n cin nosier it with AI'en'. Lint Pins. rioter*. r.1 L .rthl l goaded to ha r a s is try to Gin wh ha[ p " "41Urin a couple of date 1 received' * .leh•st and Irritation of tits tbwat. (Pira 11 great relict• and After laking one boa was fre.ty es tb• ebndna Au cents a box. 41 boxes for $2.53 at all cumpinely aired.'' \list A. Simpson. "' Wrote National Drug & Chemical Co., Mtubb-There goes a man who has dealer t. (Dept. W. L.,) Toronto, ter free sample tense 11omen running after biro than any loan in town. !'ren' -You don't say! Regular Beau Brum- mei. eh 1 Stubh-- No, motorman on - a street car. fie never slows it until he is u block away from ti„ piece a woman signals. serli•'n. °0e tried tI •. %' found sitperii.r to a!1 Dtl:' 1 t1:4' treatment of the ailments t• t wl►icli they the prescribed. father is proud (i 1•. The thin pat hale/. "I want to sce you just a min- ute," says. the lady at the bottom of the step:, "hut this hobble skirt is ?o tight I can't climb the stairs. You come out. won't you t" I Woul<! if 1 could, but this new hat of (nine is too wide to go through the doorway," sighs the one on the inside. Mrs. Workins---John, in your sleep last night you muttered some thing about "coopering the aro." \\hat docs that meant Mr. Dor- k r►,s' - That's a chetnical term, Marin. To copper is to electroplate ; an nee, microscopically speaking, is An nl4,m. Coopering an ate means electroplating an atom. Save Ur. Morse's Indian Root Pil: cure many common aihnents h;.•h are different, but which all arise from the same cause—a system clogged with Impurities. The P,11. cause the bowels to move regularly, strengthen and stimulate the kidneys and open up the pores of the akin. These organs immediately throw off the accumulated impurities. and Bili- ousness, Indigestion, Liver Complalel, Kidney Troubles, Headaches, Rheum• atism and eimiter ailments veelsb. Dr. Horse's Indian Root Pills Doctor's BIIIe FOR SALE. • tat. ,. .I :s. 1:, I:. t'\IM• FORTY PA%/nt'.4 rsc11-11 Nns(1'4.Vt;"Y tent., VIII) trews Ne-•tr .L Kaoff 5.rr..t•• t.• treats hitt) (:rens frith snag. af..•r•t. rv. (onto words and 11u,1r A,IaJuw■ • Mamie Sture, 146 Victoria misfit, T.r•ate. AGENTS WANTED. 'AN11•111. 414'11% 1•.11.1-'s%f EN alt %1t 14, 1•.r 11•••tJs) 14- 1. that .ell ..1 ,1►L1 - nary •Y e0 1..r day Ile,, rauteed and I • uuu•-•'• n. (ut•it Free. !trite tube Mately. .1. 1 \, 1,••,s e.. , Lirnnal. 'R..•ud,.. I)/41111K14 %1' 1:1•1811,' n:, La:•d : '.t.'.n( m tchtne ,, matin( up tatt:e.' twat% 1 •r t:.• t• ole at y'•nr h •me, w sole er spay 1110.: e,tp.rl- •o •. ,. a nr, e•sst7. 1'.r a'l p.t.:,atlars ad ,eu • ..•a•I•.n tt.iexele LIstrtuutiug t:u., Ualti a. ••-•t 14.:•t •v Y AtITEO. Y' •• rent • .. . ttl, 1 4 .1 .4 1.1: 4 % IA, .. t Writs, u. 1 •r ,nh•r- r. s ,. is , -tact Broker., Y,•utt Mk. Rya'. 1,1' t,litllkK i1t4u.4 sr .r / •.. •re e••nsta•.t p.a'Uc•• ea:•fu. in•tlue• Atm fa- - .41• .. 1114,•15 a •U' I tools ft.a )radu4l.1 est- ts1 , t,• •1ihtee t duuar. erect- ly w nMr 1..1- cadet •see. Mule. &other Cutlets, 114 (cure., East, r..ruaN. /'ANGER, Tnrnor.. lin,'.. ere Inter' al 't and external, cured without rutin by one borne treafreent. Writ* n. before Nur Iste Dr. Reitman Medical Cu. Limit:d, t"Meren- d Orf ASK ME WHAT RAW FURS ARL WORTH W. C. GOFFATT ORILLIA. - ONTARIO RECRAPHY • .11 Tarlov Ears Wanted N ,rand t.•�, .' ;et.. 15 r . 'or p..• 11a1, -- `111. W.NELSON 1/oCO,TO'1:4;O $15,OCO RIM rat \. 4 • ,� • • . , , , .,, (Ivor \\.I; 1-,• Sacrificed for $10,600 is., :torr. fine sril and b;..•. ,, ) s, .•,•IJ ' e 11 %. t irti T1Irefl VI?nY FASY W E. D►En, 113 KIIIg W., Torrnto. An Abso,cle C:ue for Moon I+Ilndnrss IOrthalm'a). CM., .1 an Con'uncli3O 5h in h.,,... all suf• for tram dneaa.d Brea. 1 Ws/ 50 reassert am Aor.. 50,51 ti,r t'r• ree.d e.••i.t.i eon der•. u 1 • r 14,0,1•( Ila len t o 11,•111.•••14,41 ' • . aTi.ted. Net 5514, how weer Am t. r• 1.. •• rr.• .,•d (sne•l. ie .••191 )' under our ni c•4'• , Non., r .funded If.near dllIenen• II ecce rine r.,-• • St.ea es, betel.. ,.a1PLA ►w retch .) •r,1... 11Rt//rorltlts'r.,01,1,5,,l.Itblttlr.Catnta,l , w••w...,._w• •