HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-11-17, Page 1Fairtst Offer Ever Made.
Costs you nothing unless it cures.
Rexall Eczema Ointment
Eczema sutterers we only eu•k you to give It
a trial. If it fella to cure we refund all the
money you pay us. Oe a box
The EiKtO rSdowt
Huron & Middlesex Gazette
Take Rexall Cherry Bark Cough
Syrup and cure your cough. 1t
will not derange the stomach.
Reliable, efli:;ient and easy to
take,, 25c a bottle
:••♦♦•♦1•♦•♦1.1••••1.1•••1• ♦•♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦•••••••••♦1♦••• T111: MAN \1'111) DOES.
• ♦•♦..•••1•••••••••••...••• •......•.••••••••••..•••••Z Sap.
Do you know the: kiud
Of a fellow who's
Just to the worlds mind,
Phone No. 32. ;t The kind the world
Can't los.•4
- - The kind that folks enthuse
And take orf their hats tool
Why. it's the Mau.Who. oes 1
.00 per year in advance
1 RE5tnYTl:lt1• (JF 11LItON AND Locals
Di: i Builders' A •
The Presbytery of Huron held its The foundry has closed down furl• Attention
regular November meeting on Tues. -t tt t''{v {w.'cka, •
day last at [Thames Road. Th •r.. Mrs, Swann, of Clinton, as 1•isitiug !
were present Messrs. E. 11. l'3aweri. bt`r daughter, sir+. @'linto[f, 111borrue
E. F. stoL. Smith. 11. .(A; S. 1'. 11. •o. iioutlicott. tts ,clout. was
:3har��t,, 11, D.; J. 1.. Small, 11. A. in A isa Craig Sunday and MondayAV, We have a Big Stock of
Tie T. Pietro.. M. A.3t. h. A. Car- visistittQ at the entertainment
o yet -
Samson Portland Cement, New Brunswick
titre. C. Fletcher. DL A.; J. 11ldh vices and ,ntertaihJnent u( cher jck
ardru,n. 11, A.; N. hhaw, 11. 1A.0 F. Methodist church. rnl
g• but the ens« whse grandpa t
I1. Larkin and the clrk, ministrs,Got there; and Mears, J, Cutt, J. Ginurell, Hol•, h. eaF. Sharp c. Jame.S the
Christmas Sho lnNot the fellow who Mould 11•, t:ydd, 1V. Diceash and Strang, chucrth League o[ the . Theleage- church Tucsdl �v°loe Theleague-
��If he could eldrsVisitors to Yh, 1'i-bytcry Sets nrc delighted {wth the forceful
♦ 2 Not the gentleman echo's going to during the day were Messrs, 'McKay, remarks of Mr. Sharp.
♦ • do of Crotrat ty, and A. F. Armstrong,
• Do It Now Some day. of 'Toronto, assistant foreign mission 1'h`' At iivrr�ary Fcn'iCcs of the
i2 • It,:t .the DIan.Who-Does aceta tan, I \Iain [Street Jtethodist church were
: Now A earl from Varna :rid !flake {{as ( held on Sunday tat and d_epite the
• To•da J. moo ntc• I very disagreeable weather, the roads
♦ • Christmas is only five weeks away. Not long is it? It is • • \o seytting round ! Rev. 1). Johnston, oft,\ enniek fav„ I being bad tired the sidewalks very
• • none too early to start on your purchasing tour. 110 it early and • •• \1 aititsg ed by 111 members and 30 udhert' tr, r.loppy, the services {vete a decided
•• t you won't be rushed in the last few days. 1Ve have made prep- • • About hint : Commissioners from the. cetingrc •1- cucccsl. The collection., for the day
• arations for a large Christmas trade and you will find us tread - No exporting roil,thing to happen: tions were h=eard. the ca: t w a.1 sus- reuctred high nater mark being
quarters for you to cin your shopping. Lots of New and Dainty • No looking for eowetLmg to turn twined, conunisviort+ rs were appoint- ts401.t!3, Rev. C. W. 1L/or n,, of
things wilt be found here to gladden the heart et anyone. Come • •uP. ed to prow cut• the cell b (ore the Clinton, was the el►eaker for the day
• along Tool see our nice display of Christmas goods. You are sure • 2 No. sir I Presbytery of London and and preached two excellent sermons
• r
to find what you want. • Ilerifts the turn Tonal arrnrt4,mutenta were made In the evening his theme was that as
for �c.t by lh.: li;urral Conference for
♦ • • And turns 'ern, the induction c1+ fellows: Jt r. clever, „
2 • 2 • Ile takes off his coat to preside. Mr. !toss to preach. .\1r. hunday evening •'Jesus Christ and
♦ FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS FANCY LINENS • • And doesn't care [Sharp to nddre:w th • ,min itxr. and his remark.; w. re forceful and inapir-
•: We are showing piles of 1'he nicest display we have • ••♦ 1( he starts a little *meat!
Dir, h;trkin the congregation. lug, and the large congregation were
New Xmas handkerchiefs in ever had. Fancy Tray Cloths, • •Ile doesn't peed a big A congratulatory resolution was delighted w itb the discourse, Hew,
•• • Plain, Icancy or bilk. Bond-
Cloths, Doylies, Runners, ♦ 2 Itrass but toned copper passed in connection with the Mork D1 r• Sharp assisted in the evc«irg
o. Centre I ieces in !cane • ♦ To toll him to move on: of the 1'rcabytert,l \Y, F. M. S, ,1T_ .ervtc, In rho ottcr°Oou n rum
• • reds to choose. from. • ♦ Ile keeps the procession bumping eangemt•tits were made for the in -
To coercing of the hands+y lichool
Z • sc. up to $r.00 Drawn work and F,mbroided. ♦
♦ •
25c each to $5• • keep up with friar, duction of Mr. Ito. into Knox 'las held and the Bobert ltaikea dip
• ♦ ♦ Its's hustle from his feet church, Goderich. cn November 2''tut tomes {vete prise°ted to the Echolera
BAND BAGS COLLARS AND BELTS• • 1 P On the morning and o[ternoon of 24 diploruas were given out also F R RE AND STOVE STO
• • Make a nice present. A ♦ I
And from his ls,;1d that day and in 1Vi,ltis church. Cain- red iHealsplou and 9 blue scala, The NEAMAN S HARDWARE RE
good large assortment is Are all different again this • Down. ton. :, conference on eve diplomas are given (or complete at- a�
� ♦ year. They a 1 'f evangelism. at
Plaster Paris, at Low Prices,
Paroid Ready Roofing
Amatite Ready Roofing
Quality Ready Roofing
1.76 to 2.50
Per Square
Mixed Paints and Varnish Stains :
Campbell's Stains in 15, 25, and 45c tins
Martin Senour and Elephant Paint in
15c, 25c, 45c and 50c tins
• y re res nifty • He's not onlywhicl, sir. Mitchell. of Hamilton, t''r'd:nice at Sunday School during
• • shown here at very low prices are sure to strike your fancy. • • ( !tut h.• is the liushl 1 ueh, will speak. and a diecu-ssion on the year, the red steals for the .c-
• • All styles in Black and Tan. • 1 Bond dear and tb blue for the third
r.0o toAll eolore. '1'h • whole thin
• Z $3.30 each. 25c each to $1.00 •And sa g ecl,cakt'ratln em 11 1sT.. which
tch^r, hart and the large number
• • j y. t given out
•2 I Thr way kin and Strang, will be c °gaged In. speaks well for the teachers and
(]LOVES ♦ • lir makes things coma A committee composedsebolwrs of tho Sunday School
of Das aro The choir, under the leadership of
• • And business hum Sharp. Ilamilton and Small was a}l.
For Ladies or (Tante in • i Is a caution. Misr; Evelyn Iivaton, nicely rendered
Knit, Kid. Mocha, Chamois ill • ••'related to ns73ist in the. revisior. o('
wool lined, fur lined, unlined. ♦ • i The way the world the Plait r and 1lymn for the
♦ • 'rakes that fellow up Young.
Every style of Gloves or Dlitts • • 1 And is good to him A writs of exchanger for the
are shown by us. • Makes
• • your heart glad. preaching of mieesionary discours.o
i was; proposed
lir is. TheTres-
ca •a the wheels o Progressbytery un, was e
.end keeps the woad spinning was rile° agreed that the minutia
And that's why 1 ray The /imolai rn.ivting of the Huron
e•stothe a
u y for him!
••1 2 No better present to be had.
• Everything in Ruth, Stoles,
Muffs, Fur Coats and Fur
Lined Coate are here at. the
: • lowest possible price.
two beautiful and effective anthems'
and {tore. very ably assisted by Mr. 2
F. F. Webster baritone soloist of
the First Rapt:at Church, London. •
• ♦ 11 • s all right', q }a d and wco, ted In the morning Mr.Webster ring
2{ NECK TIES NECK SCARFS o • h rater of 15 cents for the arcs- 1'^nit nt" had 'Just for toeless
For n
O • It gr s. t 1 t ) f 1 fixed for 1J11 1( and in the evening he rendered 44-
Ie bays a+ we'd. We A lot of New lines are teeing • ♦ feci.ntly -Fear not ye Ob Isreal"
are• tusking a targe display of shown by us this year, Some • • 1 rounda should (longer and ')►ing David's Lament" 3fr,
Christmas Neck Tier, The of the very beat styles and • • b" Panted Web+t. r
• ♦� posses°»: a rtrotrlq clear
best we have ever shown in colors are shown. Everyone •:I Il r DI n \Vho Docs! Presbyterial t4oc sty of tin• Women's voice full of melody and was much
* • all Styles and Shades new and up•to•date. • • II 11 appreciated both morning and even-
• • • Ib.' Foreign \I�Isionary do/leery wag held in Should he appear in Exeter
•• • -�- ♦ • • the tame: day, There was a good t' 11
)• TEMPERANCE DITINI: AT attendance•, all the auxiliaries rind :wain he will b-' greted by a large
• CLINTON many of the mission bands being well auienceof appciative llenero
2 At the annual meeting of rho Ifuron repnsented, n°d the several gea.tions Mr, and -ere. L. A. Hogs care Trained
on oret Our Dre�� e�ood� • • Y I Trace convention held were exceedingly interesting, Th.+ ate, 1Ve b•trr while hire.
•• Collar tern a -----40.--__
• in the town hall the following officers forenoon is 1'aiout was devoted large-
All colors to choose from at special 1„w prices. line lot of :,,) • • l were elected for the ensuing pear: l)' t•• ' °,laces, ouch a2 two rrndirys
to 70:. Goods in alt shades selling at Joc. Ilex yd. • • President, F. Buchanan, \Vinghan,, and o; iving o[ r• I,orts. etc. The
--- ♦• • secretary, A. T. Cooper, Clinton, tree• etre coon ti Salon was tak:n up tarpce-
LADIES' COATS 2 •• surer , J. P. Brown, Goderich; vice- ly by addresr,e and orotic, Th:
CHILDREN'S COATS ;� ♦ ♦ president•, for the ridings; Centre the rr!siori, VS- Nth woe open to
We have still a nice lot of '+ • •• Huron, G. M Elliot, (ioderich; North the public, was fairly well rittended,
• the newest Coats on the mar- A nice. lot of theist to choose • 1 Intron, John Kerr. \Vinghalll: South in addition to a very pleasing m115 -
from in Blue, Green or • • Huron. 1'. H. McCallum, Exeter; vice• real prt.ltrnrnm; , addr,.a a were &-
• from Come in and see them. Brown. Bring in the Child- • • ppresidents for the municipalities: livened b) Nev. J. ittehardeon. of
They ttreright. ren, • • Ci fetich, Melvin Howell; Clinton. C.
liippen, who by Rev.
the 1'rn .
• • i
J. `Nellie. \Vin,(ham, ti, Bennet; `tea• hytrr). and by it;{. } . A. Arne.•
: torch, Robert Bell: Hansell, Ke{, E. strong. 5lieeionary Secretary of Tu.
• ♦ Millyarl; 1Vroxeler, kw. Perrin; r°aloe troth addreracs TI,- int• r -
s • Ma • •
• Ashticvl, Rev, Rutherford; Colborne resting and .mel Tanta, Th • patter
Z Jones • ♦ John Duston; (ioderich Township, M. of the con:r^gntion. R., r. C. I'lotch►
.. ,•r. presided, The various. reports
•• ? olwrll, Grey, T. Strachan; iia Si t rte
• ♦ jz y•' submitted were of rhe most encour-
• • Raney; Hawick, W . \Velton; Bullet, aging nater, and showed that .rood
• Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford • • I Morrie, TaBielit KStark ,ft. Scarlett; work had been don, doting the past
► r r • •• • T. y: y, Mr. 1Vil4 ; year, The following or^ the eon-
j • (Tothill,• also high grade 51301 5 and wall paper • ♦ Stephen, itev. hicka;Tuckersmitl' , tribune°+ of the oevcral Auxiliaries
'♦♦•.•••••0••••♦••••♦♦♦•♦•♦••1•••0•••♦•••♦♦1••♦••• •• K.l( nnTurnsIr Vawnn ehp, I'aborne and Dtis;on 13.u,d• an'f ':r• fn add:•
1. Kerr; tion to cloth intl.' ..rd o:h r •ul,p?i.
♦•••♦•••♦•••♦••••••♦•♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••00011• West w'awanosh, William liailp, furnished to ladle° and n.iraion 1.i3.
-�- tions : Anxiiiar:cs-Auburn, 590,10;
;•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
jjztRu1_l1Ai , .. �,,� kMiff ft�tJ•
;1l�it i I
♦ I it tt v
i♦ 1 r(
)i �', r' 1 •
♦ I . t I
„ .,i •
• 4,
We Haven't Space
a (,
• o
• ♦
2 •'
• ♦
• °
• ♦
• ♦
• 0
o .0
O •
0 •
• 4
- - F4
5 Pairs 25 cent WOOI, SOCKS for $1
A few Pairs of RUBBERS left at 75c,
••♦••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• .2
$340 PIANOS FOR $237
Our Piano Club secures for its members unusual advantages
in price and terms as the result of cumulative buying. Twenty five
people i )inial; together and buying twenty-five pianos of the same
style and tuakc The opportunity to purchase a $34o Piano of a
popular style arid favorably known make for $237.
club members may choose any of the following options of
.payment ----
,Option A-,•� $34o piano for $237 cash.
rQption B -A $34o piano for $247 on yayment of $5o cash and
$to per month until paid without interest.
Option C -A $340 piano for $2S7 in payment of $25 cash and
$2o every three months until paid without into•
-Option D- A $34o pian3 for $2S7 on payment of $i5 .. .1
and $7 per month until pald without interest.
The members shall pay the cash deposit as soon as accepted
by and enrolled in with the club and the piano is delivered at once
the obligation of the members being to pay the monthly or quarter-
ly payment until the purchase price is met. There is no interest
charged. A fine stc 01 and silk scarf is supplied with each piano
and each piano is safely delivered without extra cost
An unlimited guarantee goes with every piano. As the club is
/limited to twenty-five members we would say that prompt enroll-
nlent is advisable.
S. Martin �c Son
A Quart can of 'farness Oil given free with every $5.00
purchase during November, December and January. We
have la full Zine of seasonable goods at prices that compare
favorably with any others for goods that are the best that
Call 1)e hall.
We save you Time and Money on Repairing.
It lis really ..wonderful how the
Editors of the l'•atnsly herald and
11't•.•kly Star of Montreal can go on
we -•k After week ironing tweirtti••e
eight and thirty-two pages of eight
big columns each. end always find
something n w rind interesting for
their renders. Every department of
that great paper is edited by men
and worsen of long experience, nnd
there• is not a dry departtmrrjtt in
the whole paper. Any person who k
not familiar with the Family 11.•rald
,ho'rl'l give it n trill. Thos • Icho
know i1 would not be witht»,t it. Ev-
ery r.ubsrrib,r for 1911 has An oppor-
tunity 'to win a fret trip to the Old
Country next Jun••, particulars may
he had at (his offlioc,
Lather only r•ee.:v,• Instruction.. in
cutting and making rill kinds of
dre!►era, They will be furni..M'd with
complete Tatter System and !oik.,
of instruction.. For terms and fur-
ther }'articelar- ,only n,t dreeetnnk-
°Olt V
i AKEH-At Grand Bend. on '•e,e, •
3rd, to Mr. end \I r,. Arthur Hiker.. n Eon, j
STEER -At Dashwood. on Tuesday, 2
Nov. $th, to Mr. rind Mrs. Gig .
4t.. .•1', 1i daughter.
Dl'CIIABME-At St. Joseph, on Nov. i
10th. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duch-' ••
arra.., it daugbtsr,
GiitVIN-Ailsa Craig. Saturday, (►c• ••
tober '11th. 1'x10• to Mr. and Mrs. ' ••;
W. 11. [iirvin, a son.
nese 1) --At Caruro-e. Alta., on ',,,. ••
71h. 10 1)r. ,un1 511'. A. 'r. 11on 1. :w
a do.r.hler. c •
i:f.El'tiT1VEH-At Dashwood, on • •
• \Vlr•dn el ty, Nev. 2t:d. to Mr. and • 2
Mrs. w'rn. K!ienst'v• r, a daught .r • •
ateCoRMICK-At Methodist Parson. 2 •
age. Yarmouth Centre. to Mr, and •:
Mrs. 1t. .1, McCortniek, nee Ern 11 • ♦
Godwin. n son. • •
CaitltOLL-in Clinton, Henry Car- 2•
Hayfield, ?:1N,6ti: It;;,k- . "2t ; Brno,-
trot••.roll. of Exeter. at the ago of P3 • •
field. $I1'1.P5; Myth. $116.50: Clot- yearn, •O
ton. $141 ; Doff', chereh. McKillop.' TOWLE-1n !',borne. on Thursday. • •
$2,,. .Egrnondville, `'225: Ex -ter. Nov, 10th. John Towle. ng:d PI ( 2.
$10J: Ooderi•h, Knox church. ,1122: years. •
Cook rich township. Inion church. ift" lt11'ASii-In Winghatn. on Nov. I • •
$52: llrnsall, $1'93; hills Gr�en. 8100 rth, lt.•s. N-:ti,-ni a 9, Burwarh. 1 41*
Kirkton, $02.50; Kipper]. "'17:102; ,.e., ••
I., , burn. $2:►: Londesboro. $120::3rw- IIAItV};Y y:1tr Sharon. on Tuesday. • ••
lotus. 11235.79: Amith'.s .11:!1, ''76: Novena. r 15th. Jam •. llarvey,
Theme.- hoed, $135,50: \'ern,, $I l.t0: we,' 7R y, nr• and 7
total. $2.19P,92. Mission Hands. Pee- months.
field. $8.59: Brute field. •'3:,.61 : Meth M.Vitttfl•TT-Grand Bend Friday,
8.'!7,09: Gnderieh. 859; S aforth. (lar. Nov. 4t1,. Mrs. Dirk' Marriott.
hire Kirkmn. $33.22; Minrhitr•. daughter of Mr. rind Mr-. Jos.
X10.13: Exeter. 'I7.75: C:,van church. Volk. of Parkhill, aged 34 serve.,
Winthrop, $9,75. Total. $212.27. IIEATTili-:1t Kirkton. 11;,nehard
forking the total contributions from townel►ip on Tuesday. NOV. eth,
Auxiliaries and Minsion Hindi $1,- Mr. Itotert Beattie, aF .i year!
410.59, ns compared with 82.050.00 and 6 months
last year. The members of the Ae-
xilinry and the members of th^ fres
hytery were very hospitably enter-
tnincd by the ladies of -the conetreea-
:ion of Thames !toad ,rid Kirkton
churches, who left nothing nndon
calculated to ndd to the comfort of
.1; dr emote and the ..ucn•sc of their
meeting. Thr 0,1lnw•in'r ere the of-
ficers for the current veer: Honor.
ing rooms over. \1'nl+cllt bran. Hton� ary President. Mrs. Shaw. Egmont'.
,et, president. Mrs. Sliver.. their--
?,t1i313 Tplf. 10.11:{,. 1 -president, sirs. )f..n,i!ton.
--- -- ' 1 '.1r Fl.•trh • 'rh,m.:
^��.N I' 1,1, ,,, 1 '•1' !Arkin.
1 ,. •Ir- t forth
.1 , n.litlg ' 1 • - 1'rift ix.
ro,lil: . Grrt-
art h • t•1i •
01:1.10111 with n Peek of Model
Sour will be rem/tiled by voter own
when you find haw touch betterthinge
to eat you get.
1. '.t
•!. '.11 15,°11 .I •!f•-
, K,•aforI h 1 • 1
• 1 - 1 h • plae • for ill :chute; nue t•
• ,rt v•11r.
•11 - sl, Gillir, o--_�i.on•Inh. kp,•nf ,a
,l.,ys !net w-:erk with 11•r Hunt
It, 11. Itobin-srin.
A tar ling of 1h• Ch'1,irens .Aid
Society will b. held Titesd ts- rt: nim,;
at P o'clock in the Town 1f311, re or
mend -ore are needed ns they are
nlnnnintr to dietribete boxes of
Christ rn ,s.
1!r. Marlin (tfa,nson, who tie ..�l11
known in town. )raysh visite.! of
`•1,. 1). Mills, anti nl�o titter) 1 '1
•rhnol hero. is opening a dn+R .r.,).
MODEL hakes ►noreaood lo.trea tor'f Monkton, North Perth. nn 1h.
FLOUR the Park that any other, l""t^rich hraneh of the C. P. it
hakes breed and slays Taoist and ler. and Mrs. ,las. Smith. of (" v. -
sweet, hake,. 111scn119 that mother In !and, are moving '0 to M. • 1 ne
her p'tlmieet da -a Scald not equal. f'isher's hens • on Huron st r • 1 '1 r.
'Smith intends going into t), 11•,
husinses in town and ne h • i, ;,
knatcn we bespeak for him every sue.
Harvey Bros.
STACEY -In rem nib •rant • of A1, •
hit: ;,! star.• w if • r•: Cha:. God- • 4
i,ntt. 1Vinr.h ..• .e who deo 1No% . • •
i l t h. 190s. , 2:
Two year: has gon • and Atilt we -it:
•„i'- her, n v -r w is h r tn�tnnry •
f el-. Liv:ng thoughts or • ••i!1 '•r:•
goring amend the .^.rave •..: -• -1!
i. laid.- ilrother.
• •
1i{ery hire of fitter that we s•1i
contains )i;=t as me:ch goodie =s
Only the nutrit'e pert.. of ,h.•
Fest w'h.-at ie ussd n milling our
e!•rcial grnd-e,
EVERY Hill 'R11"1F1•: hi:stA'�DM
is the place to hay Christruas Presents for Ven. \1'c•
have more Suitable and Serviceable Presents than any other
place in town. We (tare a Beautiful Range of
Mufflers Dressing Gowns
Handkerchiefs house Coats
Ties (Paisley Pattern) Slippers
Fancy Sox Fancy Vests
Gloves Fancy Suspenders
To tell VOL' all we want to about our Clothing. It is
the Most Satisfactory Line of Clothirg carried in this town
New Lines of Blues anal Blacks in ItEE,AI)Y
1'O-WYf:Alt and MIAI)E•TO-\IE.SUB E at
$15 to $17 SPECIAL. PRiCE
(Jur Stock is now Complete. We have the beat Line of
iIE:1\•V SOLED, sE11ViCABLEslJOEy In Black and Tan
I.II3t I. TV IIIIAND nt $F.00
• •'A•1'EN-r LEATHEILS4 till Stylet• $4 and $h
• W diking Shoes of AH kinds, ('lose Prices,
on all Working Shoes
who rierir - - ,, •t l:. ' 1 and •
iia=try fa:••. 1.
1oat shouht l r. .';.r 01-1-r kith 2:
1)4 withoet deter ••
H. Cook, ',Iles Sr Co
Do Not Forget OUR BiG RANGE of