HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-11-10, Page 8r, r. . .t 1. k h t' t M L S NOVEMBER It:ch ►ttu
••••••••)••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Market Report. -The following is
M••••♦•••0••••••••♦•O••••• •••••••♦•••••••••••••••••• the report of Exeter Markets. cur -
1 •• reefed up CO \oteutb r 10th.
�TE�'Ar�T'!5 O,t&•at elle to 148
• Outs :SUI-.
s IIIA y 45. to 4tir.
• Shorts $22
Mu.l.1 Flour x$'2.50
heed fluor �I.5U
Hay :(10.
Mutter 22 c no.
1:gior 25 cents.
Creamery butter 27e.
!Mato, 43 cent:.
Choice export c.1tt10 5.90 to 6.15
Medium report cattle 51.4U to 5.7)
Choice report heifers 5.35 to 5.os
Choice botcher', heifers 5.50 to 5.73
M. ,11141► butd Co heifers 4.75 to 5.
Cons, 3.50 to 4.50
L;ttitbe 5.75 to 5.90
She •p ,cc4.50 to 4.775
[loge $6.66.
Chickens live. 10c.. dressed 12c.
11,11 • t1Y 7 1-2c., dressed 9e.
ll rt.:- lit 10e.. dressed 12c.
- lit Pe„ dressed llc.
1: •y• t , 1tc., dressed 16c.
I',.,, I dr d !) 1-2 c••nte.
� Ladies
1 Coats
• W.- sale showing the
1ntg••a range of \Vint-
• er t',. its for Ladies
1 • and t'hildten that it
icy 1 has ever been Dur
• 4111
Plea-ore to display. if
♦ • you nerd a Winter
• • Coat tor youreelf or
w • your chiidreu. Don't
mi.,- -toeing our style,
and getting our Prices
PRONE. 1(i
For Men and
Never have we had
such entries in Mews
and ladies Fur ('oI-
Il.red ('oats as tet•
have this season. In
Ladies we show a hig
range. 'These are
made of good Ket bey
cloth and 41'1' very
neatly trimmed. The
collatb are Made of
Aladita Sable, Auleri-
can Sable and Marmot.
Some linings arerprilt-
ed, others have shall
Black ('ut•1 Lining.
These ('oats are un-
beatable for style and
$18 $25
That's right up the nl:nut.'. tt t• strive to produce the very
latest stylet. at popular price:; rind we have gained our abject,
Judging from the increased gale,. Come arid consult our tnillin
ets before buying your hat.
5i)) yards of Flan-
nellette in light and
dark colored stripes
the kind we ace sell-
ing at 12e a yard. It
is 31 in. wide. Our
special price for this
10 yards
2 -Q
1•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••♦••••••♦♦•••0•
Buys Boy's-
This Coat is made in
sizes 23 to 27, It is
trimmed with brass
buttons. has good lin-
log. double ireasted.
velvet collar and is
trade of heavy (trey
English Tweed. The
twat coat we have ev•
or shown at the prise.
•• • • • •
$ •
• •
s = •••••••• �••••�••
•• Mr. l.eltoy Cc;::a of Gc1s:•.:
•: ,•c•nt +Sunday at Li.; hot e, ver:.
• ♦ altos Laiian March Ilodgert is at-
• • tending the Collegiate In Scaforth,
•• • 91iss Blair; of Gaderich.nd-
• • int; a wo',k the guest of Miss Bertha
• Cobbledick.
• Mr. 1'. \V. Giadman was in St.
• • Mary' one day Iasi week attending
Dir.;:on Court.
• 2 Tie Trustee. Board of the James
• Street Methodist church last week
• Z eccepted the tender of Mr. 'Richard
• • Gould for janitor of the church. Mr.
• ♦ Gould's tender was •$2_5.
2 •
•Last month six new branches of
S• the Canadian Bank of Commerce were
• • open:d in the )west, nt the lollowinit
• • places. Bounty. Herr -Robert and Mer-
• celin, bask.: Tratescona. Man.. Kit-
•• scoty. Alta.: .and Cumberland. B.C.
�• About six o'clock Tuesday evening
• • Mr. Norm. Jarrott's team became
• • frighten ei :It a traction engine and
• • ran down too n. it collided with a
•• • buggy in front of Jones & Thiry and
• • was captured near Oro Mansion 'Howse
• • No damage was .fon'.
::ound belonging to Mr. Ed.
• • Willis\\ was frightened by aome boys
t•on the str t last Thursday and th •
•• dog jumped through a large pane of
• • glass in Mr. Willis' barber shop.
• •
Boys should be more thotrgbt(ul on
• the streets and it would sive lots of
t rouble.
• • lett-ming is a buainesa which s:-
• • .Iutrei access to practical blrsinp.rs in-
• formation. This is applied in the col-
2 ♦ • limns of The Faru1•r'e Weekly Hun
• The secret of the growing popularity
t • of this paper lies in its untiring drt•o-
♦ ♦ tion to the . nt,•r('ts of the farmer.
•• To be posted it farmer must read The
• 2 Sun. If you n re not a r aler of The
Z• Sun try it fat 1911.
•• Mr. Sf. F. Salter. butcher with Mr.
• .t. J. For unc afternoon last week,
• :eade a record that will be hard to
t•y beat. In four hour!. single handed.
killed and dressed a beef. two
• .WD cowand then
think h.
• ;.1gs and a lamb. bceieica milking
• i ,t 1- doing much out ofd the) ordinary. -,
did not get the report from him
list he says it is correct. This is not
:he only thing Mart excells in. he is
lin111iiiiltt:latiI® nu •
PEOPLE about to go Housekeeping should call at R OW
& Ai'KiNHON'M Furniture Store and see how easily and
Cheaply you can furnish your home.
A Walk Through Our Store
Will show you. Ilene you will Sol till largest and hest assorts
!stock ••i I. urnitur • ;•t t`t t runty, comprising
Tables, Chairs, Parlor and Bed
Room Suites, Kitchen and
Dining- Room Furniture,
n fact ogees,- . n; to be fount) in a first -(.lase Furniture Stot.• ,►
such Low Pro or that defy Competition.
1Ve have ,1 I,trge niimher of Leven and Veranda ('hairs wnir h
we are selling at remarkably Low Prices.
The Leading Houle Furnishers and Funera' Direr tees,
1111111111111TIIIIME1111111111111111Millin EMI
J. C. RCCKWBLL'.i NEW St '•'•Y
Atter years of experience with a:1
the greatest colored shows of rev nt
times and years of endeavor
manager of his own aggregation, .1.
C. Rockwell has reached a• recur•
glace in the recognition of the thaa-
tre going public. Today it is a con-
crd 1 and undisputed tact that his
lieu. Sunny South company, which
Will appear in the. Opera limn- • Lt. -
ter, Friday evening. Novemb. r 114h..
is one of the largest, most comp
awl capable colored organizet •r►,:
ev,•r sent on the road. Mr. ltockw ell
does not believe in puling the great-
er part of his salary allotment into
one or two nets and allowing the
balance of the performance to suffer
.thtongh the empinyment of cheaper
t,II which always disgust the ex-
po, need patron. but he bas found
that the expenditure of money for
the purpose of making each act and
details complete pa)•a twice over in
the hue office recoiptg. 'Tia ex-
plains why the Sunny South always
give, unbound d :satisfaction. Th.,
organization is one of the lar!cet.
of its kind, being composed rig
twenty-five colored people. Inch and
ev,•ryon' an 'expert in speciality
work. who do everything funny that
darki con do so well and ke, p the
411411• Pr in n ifonstnnt state of
Sat:;"‘'r and excitement from start
to f.t., h.
Th •.r I- -aiz•at'nn is accomoaril d by
a high -r ,•• 4010 concert band and
nut' 11' arch 'tri. The band wi:1
bend th Koontown parade. which
The t re. . 0t .ielmnn.ion hnv
Carol at 35 & 50 cents. 11,
scats are now selling at Cotc'e
lr,• a
hicks Forecast. A Reactionary
Storm 1'erio.1 covers th- 13th: 14th,
15th find 16th. The facts that Oa-.
Moon qt on the c.•leatinl equator on
134h. and both full and in per -
on the 16th, indicate that storm
conditions will begin nt the bcgin-
ing and continue to th,.. end of this
period. Thunder, wind and rain will
begin in 1h• weft on and touching
the 13th. Low barometer will attend
the storm:) ne they 'wormers from
we=t to • wit. The culmination will
come on and touching the. 16th, whrn
change to rising barometer, north-
w.-t.•rly gales and possibly a Novrm-
b• r blizzard )visil ret in from th •
nor thwe't, All Coast regions ani
cit • ep,•cially 'zpased to high tides
or tidnI wave'► should h• r•mind-d
of i oseible danger on and 0 er Wed-
nesday. November the 16th. That
date is also the centre of the most
d.•rid d .4- mic period of the year'.
est ndinat three to four days before
rend :after th, lath tan that date
falls the Pull Munn at an echos,.
node, causing a total eclipse of the
Moon. end hence bringing the Earth
Moon and yen on n direct line with
•rh nth r. Arcording to th•
relations of this "storm prrty,het.'
Earth. air and seas will undergo an
n•tronnrrlie strain that will be beard
from nt this time.
.n atround man and is an excrllesit
worker among the young r• opt.. of
:he Jar(', sir •t chords.
Th. .1 .. street Methodist ann-
. w?11 he held on Sun -
d ly .14.1 Mor:.l.ty. Nov. 20th and 21st.
(in Sunday the 14. v. Dr. Carman,
I: n ral Superintendent of the Metho-
• church, u•:11 preach both morn!
,n: and evening. The Trustees are
..:king for a Lberal fr.,-will of-
fering nt both a-rvices in the inter-
est of the improvement fund. On
Monday night a grand concert will
be r.•nd.•red by the farn er% imperial
Male Quart.•tt••, of London. Ont.
Tickets ndnits 25c.. chitdr n 10c.
Mr. Jas. Gould. who rune a cooper-
age and ash bu'inrss on M:1.n Street.
has purchased the M. .lackaon pro -
t •sty, formerly known e• the J. It.
1: • , property, just south of th.
ropoitt In hot:•4, wh^re hr will
continue bis preecot business and in
..ddition run a grocery ('tor.•. Mr.
'could has rented the lot across the
road to conduct bis ash business un-
til a building can be erected on h.•
own prerui.ew. Mr. Gould. is tt•.11
known to the profile of Exeter and
community and in branching oat into
.1 Iarere busln• .s w.• !s•.pe•ak for
;rim a liberal patron-tg,.
Ernest Garfield Ilodgert, of Girvin,
flask , has been taking all the day-
lrtht plat has been a0 no this mention.
Since taking out bis car tbia spring
he plow, d 20 noes for oats, and eow•-
ed 120 neres4 109 ars wheat and 20
:titres of oats. He broke 30 acres out
of the trod and bas it ready for wheat
next spring► has built himself a
,lege hors, stable, cut 110 acres of
crop, stooked at all. has It threshed
and one car load..1 with 141111, don
alt bis owe wastenx and cooking.
He has 1400 busb.ls of wheat and 300
bushel- of oats. This is a pretty
good r, cOrd (ot a young man for 111 •
first t ear.
Mescal science has never found
anything much better than good old
Buchu and Juniper for th. kidneys.
Nine times In len the doctor will
t rescrib• one or the other for kid -
n y trouble. Hooey's Kidney fills
co44,tat1 buchu and juniper rnrnsined
in re...rPi 441 i•roirortion+ ;tilt) other
valuable kids y and bl.tdd •r tonics.
The. • pills IMO 4411 tracheal-, and
wive perman••n4 4,•l.ef In kiln •y and
Madder ills that hay • not r. eched
he ndvnnced chronic stage.
The importance of ke.-ringthe liver
+etive is well known. The kidneys
Ire no 1,_ie important. ifowey's Kid.
ney Mille cleanse the kidneys, bene-
fit the bladder and are bandy ao
errry and to use. Twenty five cents
box. You get wilt yon ask for
at our store -the bent of every -
4 ping n t the right pries and stock
always full.
W. S. HOWEY, Phm B.
Chemist and Druggist
A•Iv,•14i- in the Times.
Juhu, tle• 'IJy,, nu,n, paid us a fly-
1.,,:reit last w,' -k.
Mr. :\usaitl Ileiv it viaitvd at his
::oma n :it M.rry- Sunday:
1r•-. Thu•. Mute• u( Centralia,
i-itvd at T, Ilu)•1..• last tteok.
Mrs. Jn0. Puke. e. Chicago, 1a
.1 lig with relatives in town.
Mrs. Geo. Eacret1 and Miss Louis •
.Ire visiting friends in Moore,viIle.
Alrs. Jut, May. London Rued south,
;,3•4 teem...red from 11 •r r,•c••nt ilio',•...
:11i>s 1111,1:e Ilandford. of Ur writhe,
tiiited In town part of the )feet.
11 r. HIIn11iel Link, of fort 1)4('044)
ttt•r,' vieiting his sister, Mit,. I• r• d;
t t;t tcde n,
Mi -e li-atric: Wilcox spent ;r
couple of days last week at ser hone
Miss Vino Fisher leaves next week
fur Hamilton to reside with her , ,.-
ter, 1).avis.
Mr. and 31re., Y. .A Neil, of Mc-
tallivra, called on friends in tett
las, Friyday,
Mi..s Maud KlJiolt ret uru••d lam
t.• k nfl •r visiting her (sister in
V ,deft i, \fiche
`.Ir. Gro. Sanders who bas been in
411.! west for n couple of month% re-
turned dart week.
Mr. Wm. Collingwood is moving lu-
to the rt•t+idence on Mist Street re-
cently vacated by Mr. I). Gillt•A.
The Presbytery met in the Them,:s
Road church on Tuebday last and full
report will b.. (riven next w.rk.
Mr. Jim. Floyd. who has lie, n vis-
iting hi' mother here, left Ian) week
for his hook in Grand 1tapid14, Mich,
Mr. John Dickens and daught• r
Violet, of $imcoc county. vi:.t s
Mr. and Mrs. John hunter Tuere :,y.
Mises McKay'. of Exeter North.
left la -t Friday fro 1,atow'(•Il rite r•
elle will vitSt for th, )tinter with her
Mgrs. Win. and .1. It. Itrickwuoel
were called to Mount Joy Sunday
owing to the ie•rious illness GC their
brother lilarvey.
Miss Mtilie W.atland. who boa
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
flissett. returned to her home in
Wyoming on Monday last.
Mets. Wilson. of Greenway, district
organizer of the W. M. S. addreseca•d
a meeting in the Main street church
on Tuesday afternoon.
We were visited by a heavy snow
storm on Sunday laste and on blot-
chy several sleighs and cutters were
out for the first time.
Mr. J. J.'Knight. of town rind Mr.
i:eo. Knight.. of ltd.•rtou. ntten11.d
the funeral of an aunt at Oil Springs,
this w•e: k1, Mr, Shirley Bobier, of
Itelgrave was relieving at the sta-
11r. Ed. Powell, engineer for !Mr.
August Guhn. was called to Lapten,
Mich„ owing to the illness of his
father. Ile returned to town Mon-
day evi ningi his father being alight -
1r improved.
Misr. lleatric.• lfodgert bas received
the prise given by Miss N1cFan1{ for
having raid the largest number of
verses in the Prcabyterinn Sundae
School twice in succession. The com-
petition was open for an extended
k)n Tuesday we were shown a large
maple leaf that measured 16 1-2 in-
ches ncrest( 12 locker from tip ,to
stem and a 101 inch atom. The leaf
was tLe largeat we have had the
pleasure of opting. and wits sent to
Mr. Arthur Davis, of town. trona
British Columbia.
Special meetings arc b. ing held
every night thin week In the James
street ehurch. Th .• pastor 1tev. It.
llobb t, is being assisted by ,ttev•
Walter Millon. Next Sunday will
he Is•eis,oi. $unday in ih • Sunday
school, and a revs ption'nt•ry:a•
fie hid Sunday evening.
lioy- (pct 'Off. -On Friday last tte•
four ('•borne Township boy* who
•unie months ago were sent up fol•
trial en the charge of theft by Slag :-
(rater Kay and ifawkins were given
a hearing b•foie 11:s llonor fudge
Doyle at God, rich, Charles &•ager.
(. 1)nt Croon presented
the crown and J. G. Stanbery; of
l:xet, r defended the aceuted. Artier
The pr.t*-ntation of th.• case and a
special appeal by the boys' counsel
the Judge gave 4h, -n1 mime good ad-
vice rind allowed them to go,
'I'h'- annlvneary services of Olt
Main Street Methodiert Church welt
be hold next Bondly. November 13tb.
5• mons will b. preached at 11 a. m.
end 7 p. in. by ltev. T. W. Coss•ns.
of Clinton, Special music is h'ing
arranged by the choir of the church
assisted by Mr. F. F. Webster, pop-
ular Baritone soloist 01 the city ot
Loretto.. A mass meeting of the
children, parents and friends of the
Huntley School will be held in the
nudlen('• room at 3 p. tn. The Robert
(Nitre diplotnes will b• presented to
those whose names ore upon the gold-
en roil of honor. Address-, will b•'
given by 11 -;' T, W. Co&ens and
others. Sp•cial Contributions will be
ree •ivrd at all the serer s on behalf
n Trust f the r t-.
t r Hoard.
Ther. died in Exeter North. on
Sunday, Nov. 600 Thaddeaus .fon 0,
aged (.5 yeare and I months. Mr.
Jones had h,•en ailing for the peel
few months but only during fl f• w
days brfor- his death wail he serious
iv ill rind he pass d nway early Sun-
day nlnrninie. the cause of his denlh
being Itr•ghts dis-nso Th.• deceased
WAS born on n farm near l/nmi'ltntl
and when h • nom eight )•cors old h'a
fel her time •d to dol 1t. c(inc.esion 2
rsborne. In his youthful days Mr.
.lanes ass 11110.• n debater and many
of his old echo() initis can recall
the ninny inten•sting debates in
tthich hr took part in th. (Ad r.choil
a t Eden n here he was educated.
After his rt,arriag• to hies glary K.•1 -
land. danghler of Matthew Kellend,
hr d••vnted most of him time to• the
farm and rlhont 15 yenrei non )notal
to Exeter. About 25 year- ago the
dee •ased fell from a load of 14rr1),. r,
and falling on his right Shoulder.
t.lrnlixed hie arm end hand. tt hieh
never regained its strength. Mr
Joie.. mass an nrd.•nt Ora tigetnan ncol
to the Ire) spoke in the h'ghest t• rr,,s
of hie order. 11 • ass .a ('onteryativ,
rel a• .14, r•at of the Antrliclo
church. Th.• d.•reined is survived by
ttidoo p rel tw•o daughter. Th •
funeral I1x1k place To -day aft• r -
noon, interns nt tak ng pl•.e • in rh •
Exet••r c••m••tery.
Church Directory
Rev. Richard Hobbs. Pastor
Sunday Public. Worship -I6.30 a.tn`
and 7 p.m.
Class Service -Sunday 0,30 a.m. and
after Morning H.-rviee and Wegnea.
day night.
Yung Mui'v ogee vi d Cat•oorila •os
Sunday at 1 p en
Sunday $ebool and fibre entad * L.30
Epworth League -Tuesday at 8. p.m
Prayer Meeting-Tburcdaa., of 8 p.m.
J•u» •s tat. Methodist church. the pas-
tor %vitt preach next Sunday.
Tflrcshlnij Goal
Save your wood by getting our Coal
for your threshing, You can get any
('quantity you want.
Blue Lake Brand
\Ve have the above 11111 Mt of cement
always on hand, fresh from the manu-
fa(•ttrer•s. The Blue Lake ie consider-
ed the best cement.
\\•e have secured a number of
That are up -to date. If you
want A Hand -.Made )'oat call
And Are our
$12.00 LINE
Merchant Tailor.
Flour & Feed
All Good Kinds of
kept on Hand
Bran and Shorts sold by
the Ton.
Wheat taken in exchange for
Flour and Oats taken in
exchange for Qattneal.
W. Rivers
F.XF:TEIt -- ON IAItl0
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Msge,rr, of Ex.
ter North. attended th• `cii-Me-
guirc nuptial!*. at Brine,. p on Wtd.
nesday last.
On Monday, Oct, 31st. at the camp
old the o d Au: 8 able'vr
n of neve
well known sporttnen from Parkhill,
Ailsa Craig and Exeter. two of :Ice
members on returning to c Imo caw
a large l-aw•-bill duck swim oV1 from
under some ebelter, One of them
fired and killed It, whereupon five
others made their appearance and
three more were shut. In hringittt
in the ducks it was notic;d that a
fish's tail was protruding from the
beak of th first d::rk shot find on
hiking the bead and opening the
hill n pike, thirteen inches long,
was disgorged much to the grist
a-toni!hment of five of the camp
shooter.. Th; deck weighed a little
over four pounds. Na. one. of the
shooters had ever seen ;ueh a large
fi•b swallowed by an small n duck
The curios: y }vas given to Mr. N.
D. }lurdon to bring to Exeter w•h re
it was on exhibit:on in Mr. Alt
Walter's store.
Nearly eighty pulpits an Huron
county were filled on Satin -dry last
by representatives of the Dom:hion
Alliance. Mrs. 0. llitcheox occupied
the pulpit ot,the Stain str t ch::rch
in the morning. of th 1I •h I n}•
Methodist church in 'h^ i.ftcrnoon
and the James street church at night.
while Mr. Jos. Gibson. i'r(sident of
the Domin:bn A)iianer, preached in
the James (street church in the morn-
ing, addressed a mass n) (tin„ in
the James street church in the attrr-
noon and preached in tb' Main street
church a; night. The ma -se in erne)
tees arranged tor in the Town )laic.
het the erowd was so large that
;rge nutnbers were unable to gat
in so they went down to the James
street church. berg.. cnngreoetions
greeted the speakers with the ex-
ception of the evening servie, s which
wcr • not 'large on account of a heavy
!now storm jest nt church time.
The speakers 11 la touch data in r -
fer•nee to the work that is b. ng c lr-
ried on and the progress Char is be-
ine )Made througho•at th • t'rov'ne•.
Ma -o •r Douglas ytnbnry, th • boy
singer of Torontee ring in th • Jain -e
street church in the morning, r.t the
mess meting in th^ afternoon soli
in the Ma'n street in the et-. tie:.
Douglas is no stranger In the lie. -
ter people and is always grcet••d
large :and appr(•eitItt' a•: el: r.c•..
Itis singing grows in popularity :::th
each visit h • mak. <. Contribnt!one
w•er• tak^n up at all !crakes and
amounted to oter $160.00.
Great Big
For the next two weeks we are offering our large
stock of black dress Goods at greatly reduced
cash prices.
Regular $I.50 per yard at $1.30
1.35 " 4`
16 44
" 1.20
While you ire in our store don't fail to have a look at our furs.
We carry an up-to-date line in Muffs, Stales and Ruffs from $4.co
Children's Coats
We have a line of Children's coats, new goods this fall, which
we are clearing, while they last, at a dis per cent. We
have a limited supply of them Left.
Motor Scarfs
A Zine in Silk and Wool at 50c, 85c & 75e.
We have the Cleanest and Best stock of Groceries in town.
Poultry Taken Alive or Dressed.
Hghest prices paid for Produce.
':4.::•Y: -4-+i'-1' 4--a-1 • . • :+.4•F•fi•l 1'•: 4.-:--:•-:--:•-:--:--:-:•+-:•+++.:•-:-:•-:41.-:••:.
4. Powells Bazaar
+ ('ANDY'
-`� ('ANDY .
{- Fresh every
week. Try our
• ( )I/x 01 ATI:
a. at 4 for 1 cent.
• NF:W F'I(;M
-i- very tine
15 cents A lb.
• 10 rents pound
{Extra Fancy
}h Sweets at
2.-w. Plc, 50c
j. a dozen
hoice 2Ic due
There is no one thing that will give
so much amiteernent to err )'any peo-
ple at Ao small a cost as an
EDISON Phonograph
and a collection of (food Records.
We have A Montt assortulent to
choose from. CASH OR EASY PAY-
MENTS. (locate in and See Us.
OCR Specialty
1t will pay you
to drop in and
Look Around.
arriving now.
Don't buy until
YOU Nee our
Stoc k.
(111 (lir
r)c 141111 i OC
Tables every
y ,; .. }{.: r•.:.-:••: {..q .� ;.{..;.�..,..;....:-•F{- •F,'-$•!••:-4 ..... •:-d !••1.4•.:•{••:•• ... • {•
-- - - - -!
it is enacted that the water lank
will he corpl, t• d In lw•o weeks and
a test mn(tc. ---- -
•4 1
What's the use expel imen-
ting with medicines' Why
be persuaded to try 80111e•
tiling just )44014118- it is new,
when you 0441 get a medicine
that Iris Plmod the test (tf Ilse
for years. and which ham never
disappointed: We know
what Nowey's Cherry Cord•
la1 is. Nothing else will so
readily releive a tight, dry
hacking, cough,
('onteins Wild t'herry,
Bloodroot and other valuable
serial iVCR AIM expectorants.
So stop that cough or cold
before it loads to Perim', ill.
nrAA. M101r It wlthmllt ex•
Price '-,ir for a big bottle.
Don't forget ilowevs ('urea'
Cold cnpmules for ('old and
La Grippe.
NF:Tt'NN TI( 'stirs AT
Z 1 . Single Fere
2 • ! To point in TF 11.t'JA)tt, points Peer -
i l -:n' 415,4 to ProtI 41(4111 11, and 40 a•.
number of points reached by the ,
NottTIIFos Neaortee Imo ('. i,'esv''''
• i also to certain points i1. (,(bete, ;iI r,as..r.
i 1314 x,ttu
11 14. NI /V Sr 1 rrt.t, *fl(
OCTotiElt 20-rii to Nov. 12'rii
To Mu,.kokn Laken, I'enrtnng, Lake
iot Bays, Midland. Mnganetaw•an River
Lnkefleld. Madawaska to Petry ry Hound
Argyle to 4'ohoconk. Lindsay to
Ilaliburinn, Shar►x1t Lake to (:al-
ahogie via K & P. itailw nye 1 ' tw
from Revert. to North )bay inelusiye
and certai• points reached by the
Northern \ .vigation ('crnpany.
Return 11.•.it on ail tickets Dec, 15th
except to 1 •nts reached by steamer
linea Nove. Iser 15th, 111111
Mecnre II gets and fill particulate
.1. J. 1•"' 1011T, Depot Agent.
(k-ronl•:n hero ru Niro. 12'rn
Children Cry