HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-11-10, Page 5'1'H.h E$MITER 1'1M1 , NOVEMIII(:it loth 11+10 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••N••••••••••1••••••••♦•••••••••• • • 2 • st • • ♦• ♦• • • • •• t• • •• •• •• •2• • •• •• •• • • •t • i• • • 2• • • •• •• •• •• 12 • �• • t 2• • t 60 DAYS SALE 60 FALL & W 1 NTERGOODS Our Stock is now complete with the Largest 11 Range of Fall and Winter Goods we have ever shown. Oiar Prices were Never Lower We invite YOU to come in and Inspect onr Iatge !tu(l well assorted stock and compare OUR PRICES with all Competitors. FUR See Our Lad ies Mantles We have the Best Line man- ufactured in Canada for Style and Value. You can save from $2 to $3 on each Garment by dealing with us. Our Prices range from *4.--";(3 for aNice, Ileavy Black ('loth, 4s inch length to !b 15 for a very tine Black Kersey trimmed with Silk. 1)o not fail to see our Stock before purchasing. tZ 22 21 it •. S• 2 t• •• to t•• • 2• • • •••it i= •• Crediton •••••••••••••••000.0•••••• •••••••••♦•••••••••••••••• - 0•••••••••••000.0•••••••0••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••.•••••w •••••• The Molsons • • ONLY adnk 2• `� ' Incorporated 11153 it CAPITAL (P"'"•Til ..... •.... .... s4 000.000 00 RESERVE FUND t4,400..:o0o00 TOTAL ASSETS OVER *44,000,.1 00 I� • : ••se • 0 2: .• 'TT • The I.:tteOut(1 el. Meileek • This week we aro s •11 y to report the rein and sudden de LI h of Mr. (lot• tlieb Mollie k wLicit took place Friday t • • evening, Nov Illi, at his 1 e. Mr. • • \lorloek was a'w•ays bite and hearty I • O .cet(1 enjoy.," good he41llele the after- 1 • • •goon her had been tem knig in the cell- 1 • • • • 1 ar and canoe tilt to take a rest. and • o • • I when • he toss i a!h d they found him • 0 dead. 1t waN quite a t.huck to the member $ of his fancily. Tile deceased was 71 years 5 months end :ill 'aye of age rind took „u act,%.• interest in church and all other the gs pertaining to the welfare of hi+ vi 11.4g.•. ile was a prominent worker au.i entreat in the 2 • I •Evangelic .1 clam.h slid was held in • 2 the h:a;l..-,i • ,t.. in by his runny Brig- • • 1 1)0ra 81,41 14 .. 1 4-. %% 1111 t atend 'heir • • deepestiynlp.itht to to relatives of • • I the deceased lie is survived by a 2 • I widow, two deughterajand four suns as fellows: Alive t, John. William, Edward. Mrs iI. F. Either, and Mrs. 0. Brown, who resit.• 111 or near l'revl- itoo. The funeral services were held ••• ♦o • • fon Sanctity. interment taking place in •• • • the Crediton We are out with the o • •• •• S , Lar Est Stock of Furs. ever shown in the County MENS COATS We have a Lino of Nice Canadian Coon. $35 to $55 well furred, Prime Skins at 'Vailaby Coats front $23.00 to $:311.tro China nog Coats from $1011) to $1S.t$) BLACK Bulgarian) Lamb at $25.IIO to $30.00. We have as equally as good an offering to neat. on taro's fur lined and For Collar Beaver Coats. We have an Extra nice Black Braver shell with good quilted Italian lining, German Otter Collar and Lapels et $15 to 217.50 each. Another line with a beautiful Rlosey persian lank collar and lapels at $Y,.' 50 each. These are epet•i:tl values and cannot be beaten. Furs for Ladies See our Stock of Furs for the 1.444108 Conpristng of Electric rir Seal, Mtisk rat, Astrachan with Sable Collar Coate from S20 to $75 each. We guarantee all our furs satisfactory lir neptey refunded. We have a beautiful line of Rolfe, AiutTs, Grey nib (Idlers, Altars and Caps. We have a special Grey Lamb iia reason No. 1 Skins Satin lined. You pay 13 to $3 so ea here, Nur price $2.33 each. \\'e have a special otTer to slake in Ladie's Fur Collars and Rev r Coats. We have already sold a large better aquantic of this line 1 e will des. 1 a' llere. � because value cannot he gotten elsPw critic our $17.50 line -this coat is a nice bik heaver cloth, semi- fit- ting. quilted lined 54) in long with a Beautiful Mink Marmolt t;ot tat' and Revers a good stylish coat very Rat 111 and eervi(•eable The others equally as Good wants had we space to describe then, • • tt ••• •• t• • S• •• • •• ••t ••. •• ZZ• •• ♦• ♦ • •• • t• • O • s •• ♦• •• t• • •• • • • t t• 2♦ t• • • • e• •• •• •• c? .♦ •t •• • .' t`t Z es sS ••••Oi0•Cbv•O•••set, :. •- vii: •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Rcdui11de 6Io1I1Ii1a Ie a a t• -to•date. We Style. an(f a 11t gr ec•lectl u t 1 ): lot (nenet .►lid til' have new Convertible Collar ulster his year in variety of choice patterns from $I; to $14. We show a nice line of Black Beaver coats at $ 1 0 to $1 4. We are clearing out several lines of Men's and Boys overcome al $3 to $5 each worth from $1 to $)4.:e0) also a line of girls coats at. $'. to $t.each worth 3.00 to $0.00 each. Our stock of General ilryy Goods is large and well assorted. We are offering special bargains in many lines, We have a regular tile. line of flenne.ette which we are clearing at 14 yds. for t$1 00 cannot equal it anywhere for the Tanney. We have the New diagonal Dress Goods in all the latest styles and shades and at from 50c to 1 25 per vd. In This depitrt- ment yon will find the very latest cemetery. One of the finest hallowe'en l,•ieks reported in this section was that of some of the members of tire Metho,liet congregatii H. who. while lira. !t. amt 111re. ilicks were :tway. toot -tett his stable aid deo: s tett ahe.ur one hund- • ired bushrle (44 u,..s 1e the hie, etre • 2 , Ihicks was vie much surprised next • O nwrning on discovering what was • • done, • ♦ Mr. Mr Geo. Belford r.•turre ••• • , ti: .r t,n• in ilrliet n1.r • ,, week • n town 4 . - r.•:,•. Sieh •rt, of (heti- .1, i ) in tottn tits . ant Niro. S. Rosen ••+ to sport that Mr. :ger W,1 ,+ . ie Iaid ire with an .' t .•-1: of rel• .rna'i'rn. \V•• All hots. • Edg.ir aro,lil -iglin '0011. Mr. Conrad 1Selin It turned horn • niter : ,din_ ap 1 w Jay) in B •- hew elle, sit .n1 rig `h: funeral of hi; :seer -In -7 :(c, ell. 1). l'1111n. I' 1 t• ••et r I:e n lid :: e •'4 4,44 4i•1 me nits, •h. T. ! • tl 1 5t. 1) - h •Id hone • of '•! t, V. n; ;:1st 11 ty ct• •ntnr. .A 0 cnj„ y •1 t i. t t: , Bert Clark , i- *p•net.� 44 .i 4) in Ex t,r with her trireme. 1r. 'rt .' ',It -s. Thos. Brock. Mr. 'errs In 1:.•1l -rman paid tier tett n f:ging visit on Sunday. Jlr. Graham spent aunday in Ex . ter with frac ndK. Mr. Yellow .,r•=, e,f Toronto; epuke in th Ev'ange l:e•i! church on • ♦ Stingily evening last. 11,• addr's'et-d • 2the p•ople to a good temperance • sermon, The people listened with rept attention and it p' --,k v,•ry high- : of him. The boys held a bnsebell meeting la•t "4\'edn •'day evening. Ii,er1't forget for roop'ning ser- fs connection with the Mettle- !I etho-!I • church which will be 1 ' i on s n ' ,y, Nov. 20th. and th ' •• • ••r on the following T \v II o�g Nov. l;.t 22nd. nhl nffic. tn ,- • h., ,r.1 • or of their church, r. 41')W 1.440 a be/pitiful and comfort- ebb- church. This i* th-• first fowl r •l,tt `this chtrrch hall given in th -y ar-- eporing no turns and •• • • •o •• •• •• •• •• •• •• to O • • •• 0• v• • u • • O • • ♦ •• •• •• O •• •• • • • • 2• • O • O • • • • • • 0 •• • • •• • • 4 M r 42 ., 1.,‘ ! 1 ., 01 •*•0 /..„,%":0,----...........isO i - L •. '.� �? •. •. • • ♦(. - � O2 o• Auction Sale f L �o- e I �P 0 . • 1111 • N _ •c / •• /r >•l /J ter,.. • ♦ • O • • E ,Q • • •• •• •• tt L/ ,� 22 R I ♦•• •• :: •. .• • ♦• ..,, it.,,,, 11 . 17,44. . the4'':' r• i1111' (�ee.r ,•„ , ,.. , pl,ldir e'd oaf+ ((,,. 4,00 4) ,,, ., d'., I "stilly • O - t OO Special Mottoes • o BETTER THAN SPANKING. 2 O Spanking (lies not turn children of bed- t t• wetting. Thera is a rnnstitutional rause fcr this trouble, Mrs. Id. Summers, Box w -.1 • Windsor, Ontov.11 sone tree to any mother • • her successful hnmo treatment, with full Crediton, Ont t4, instrlittiona. Sorel nomoncy,hutwrite her 144 7WICKER, • t to•r. it your children tremble the in this CO)) solicited t frac. Don't Flame the child, the chances ♦ 2 are it can't help it. This treatment also •••••••••4•••••••9•••.) 4, roma adults and soled pseplo troubled with ••••••••••••••••••••••••l►• urine difficulties by day or Dight. 4. • 1, � . 4 - \ rood pro- ;• -.•n will 6• t• 4 n (• rh' 'upper. .11 1 4. • r 4 . e (! • • hop • to r (H:,. I. r. 1 10 ; :y for the ., 4 .n i•t,l: n,; th••• improvr- :_fir. • • r • 7 his Department is under the management of Miss M1e_Nabb and you wi I find the most exquisite Styles hr re. We ate going to make a Special Sale in th's (Ie partmcr)t, commencing this week and will clear every hat at greatly reduced prices. AA great opportunity to get bargains in this line so early in the season. See our stuck of i)ione: avis fine 4'llna, (Ilasv4varp rec. Oiir gree •ry stock ie complete with a greet line of No. 1 go)ouI4. We are open to filly IMO 1», white Beane also require clover rota timothy ,.• • el ie :.• y quantity at h'ghest prices also retluite:4 goantilyof ilnt(h `4•' (1 .inn'. large onions firing along year ,, sultry. 1t ,• pay the i .• • • i,. ire for them dressed or: alive, nutlet et•1 . • tr. sit 4444.41 , - l.o toes 23 Acres of Land. n i• 1 ,40 n :' • II 1•t i.ul. •r tl of 11 1' 111 r. \l. 1'. 1.. 'I r 143110, ,t lith.' 1910 :t /.'c-ock i•. tn. .':e acro: of ' In Tilt- 4410410 t y .-111; It •1 on I 71... filter mil • north of eh I t e01 i• l.,: 1% e,r, 44e• In re., . n 41 eeln. Tit prop •t•t y i n • r • . 4' it on. i) 711: I l-;"•4'- r Ira- (11151 cond. 4 (.n- n; t 4 . ,, .stet (.: y .,( n n 1 I� 1's.r11, \ , sur. N. I.. r.;1, lit, .\ue,id 11• 1' 1'l lrpr .d•i 11 - rt \%r II :.n i 44 •tladonnrl, ('urn- IIII• Ill h r ingredient. I to th • to •s4 {'•)rain piaster". t' , • • . N \\'. se 11. flack- •' • 1 1 th • boat in the market. S• t• 2• • :22 2• •• 2 2 •• • O • O •• 0 00 •• 6• •4, 2• 22 •• 2,•r, • ♦ ••ci • A 00 a 0 •) e. •• •. •• •. •• •e. •• 0,• • • •• •• •• •• I)ays �- - MORE 0F0UR BIG SALE BOOTS & (>I 1' $5 Shoes $4 Shoes Our Regular SHOESire i,e Hedoe (Jo t lire being 1.0,1,1 at ing $4 ; *3.25 ate going out fast 11I(1 BARGAINS are being picked up every Jay by our customers. '1't►a 1100\'e is only It sample of the Many lte(luc- tions we are giving Remember our Stock is Targe and well Assorted. SPECIAL BARCAiNS 11'e have rogue Odd Sizes and not up to the present Style which we are narking at Special Prices to Clete. Remember these shore are well of t,i•• and will WF:Alt 1.1 it/ a long dile, Come Kir; v and get •t it.r,•.,so. Reductions on Every Shoe in Our Store. Our Stork is complete iu every Zine. In tact our Stock and As• sortr)ent i44 se large, if not larger than any Shoe Store in the Country. We Carry a Full Line of Men's. Ladies and Children's Rubbers. arediton's Boot and Shoe Store B. BROWN Crediton, Ontario Ito Not Miss This Sale. It Will Save YOU MONEY I I I Savings Bank Department •. • • ilea Is Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspmule.Ile in all the ♦ Principal Cities in the World. Genera! Banking Business 'i'ransu'u-t • • at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. v: Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager •O•• ••••••••♦••••••••••••••••••••••••••• z THE CANADIAN BANK •2 •4, • SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.v.0., LL.D., D. C. L., PRESIDENT • • ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER • ••• V O •• J 00 2• •• •t •• 22 •2 •• •2 •, OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL, $ 10,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $6,000,000 SAYINGS BANK DEPARTMENT interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits t f S I and upwards in this Department.Careful attention is given to every account. Small deposits are welcomed. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of them or by the sur - 21e vivor. Full and clear written instructions as to who is to make the withdrawals should always be given to the Bank when opening accounts of this nature. Exeter Branch—G.W Harrison, Manager nranoh oils° at Crediton. • CENTRAL IG • 2 O i(iRA/TFoRD: o • CONT. 2. 22 •1,.' 1_n- t,c practical( :1 • 00 1 ; • • • -ehool of Wept ••rn !)lit •u io. 1: • 2• •• the (erg .1 :is 44•ti •1I• • ••• e • ••,t. (Jur relits - .r :4 � ti- • 2• 2 t •telt 1, t: 1 • 1♦ • 4, • 7 t ,. •. 7 1 ,•r . , . ,' •IP • I 4..ir,-7 lit • • ('oRtrn s0.4:14.�hn:shin! ••O•t '•'••• 1. ,1 ,. • O c',nu7,r l'.'Ii 00 • 1 I,n: .�I :snot :-fn 4 r • • • 'loath are '1 ei ,mint; ,,elf I I 2 • 41 t oar fr e.1aline. • vat • 2• I conlnl,•11C • 4„t, r o'er"• :et one •, 2 • • •• O • 0, A. Alcl.achl,n, •• •t I'rine le 44 2 • t •••••••••••0•••••••••••••• • • t The Conte .. has had the 4• t• .1r • •4 scrap •d and cieancd up. • • '.11•. Mary Johnston has return •4 • 2 Ater visiting in Woodstock. 4,• .lir, T. 'Murdock ereured is -scone • • • • • • • • • •a • • tones with his horse Hindmost •r . • •••••••••••••••••••••••••b io••••0•••••••0••••••••:O t 410 rac -s al Soaforth 00 Thank`,-. •••••••••♦•••♦•••••••4001• A•0.90••00e•••••e••••••••O• lag nay, We are pleased to learn th._ •- '�'^ ilarburn, who has been confin..1 to watch three report n' pupils who do Division :1, (.`lase 1 \ Sr, 1lot, rs—L. not snake at. least 544 per cent, are noel 1'inkbeiner, 1'aae-E, Kie0zxi, 111. making satisfactory progrevs. ('lar k, F. Uinney'. Jr, I V, Ilotlor•s-C. Continuation-1'l1ss III -- L. (Miser! Oeslreiche.r L. )lean. !'ass --\1. Nich- it4, It hienzle 00, M. Oestreicher IP_, raison, I1, Brown and V, Nutt, equal, B. Suilivan 57, A. Finkhe•iner :r.. U. i V. Kende. ti. Blurts and Ethel Smith Brown :i! ('lasses 1 11(1(1 11-L. Hod• I equal, K, 54e fuer, 8‘r‘',Sr. 411, rise—(i. gins 71, E, insist t 4it), .1. Sullivan 50, E, 1 Lamport, 1t. King, 1. o(e, N. F ink- Sims IS, I. Brown IR. S. Finkheiner1bsiner. It, V,Huh/minim 411,W. Hill td), Miss Goldthorpe. teacher. C. K. 131urtt, 'rPScher •Division 2..1r. 1 I I, Pass - A Garter, le in the public mitred report 75 per Holtzman, E. Geiser, M. Brown, E. cent are required sur banes 411144:11:0) n (5) per • Yweitzer, N, :Sambrook. Jr. II -11. cetit for parte standing. Those rho do, Shenk, It, ('ler k, O. Either. Jr. 11-E. out get pass alonding arenut doing , Brown, M. Benedict. Pert 11-1(. eati'fac tory work. Iirowrp, i, Satnhtook, W. Bean, L. Brown, o Mise Love, teacher. ' Divi ' 1, Sr. I I. Honors-- C. Ilaiet. Pass -A. Finkle•im•r, V. 11o1T(1Ian, A• ' 11onzr(1an, le Fink twiner. 4'art 11-- N. Geiser. I., Redden, L. Either. 1't. I1 A. A. Sweitele, W. Appleton. Pt. 1 13, G. Wolfe, E. Lampert, S. King. Pt. 1 4'. K. Redden, F. Either, 1. t FU:04.444er Miss Strothere, teacher. AWES 11ER li. ri, \D. 51 I - Retort'. Li ! ueew'ing le the 1 port of r+, (i No, 5, of the town -hip ce n t'+bor for :ho month of OctoI' r. The re- port is bleed on alt •ndanc:', tn Iu I%- iu:er and class standing, V, C, i.., un i Fos e Iii \ t r .1 F' I .. i 1 m •r 1. r t c a 1le ihm� , C. ink a e F: � dla P .1 tr, ,trance Cissa., (eel fe John_.. Ve etable Com i� ound I4!anchr Ford. F:ddis teillar}, Austin + Foto:. lied 1' skins. Sr. 411. Class. o ATI•: f r�. !:. M•e t'ienn.i. 11'. 1'a.- ••! fe•, i That ! "we t• d lx► f . .Ito •. (1 tilt, I.iL•i the last ten years of lay life to Lydia ,1, •.i, Jr. 44'I. (In--. 'I'h,•irna Ford, E. I'inkham's Vege_ 11 117, 1 Moir. Ferrol I1 y;,;.n•. 7;1:try table Compound •t' . Iloy Perkin,. Sr. Il, Caa, Eleven years ago 1 •\•r, r• floult.•r. Jr. 11. Clays. - was a walking 1, Ion I'•-rkins, Arnold Ford, Ch II shadow. I had been 117( dt;. Melvin Doman. I t. i1, 1'; under the doctor's I Chir!, • I i h r. \1.1 • Ford, .1 carebutgotnorellef.I'ishe•r, (44 .r, Mote. I't. I. Clas•., L Aly husband Icer-, hicks, .:c,or.1 Miner'. 1.acht . sanded me to try ----r- Lydi:► E. l'iiikham's 1.0 YEARS EXPERIENCE OF A \ Vegetable Coin.. OLD NURSE. (pound and itworke'(l • M1+. W109104'0 Hoot bin.; try rup is ikea charm. re- the prescription of ore of the best Iteved all my pitains female physicians and nur8,•s In 111,• and misery. t advise all suffering United States, sad has been used for woolen to take Lydia E. 1'inkltarn's fifty years tt'ilh never -Whoa suces's+ Vegetable Cornpound."-Mtis. EMMM.t ' by millions of mothers for their IViieATON, Vienna, W. Va. children. It relieves the child from Lydia E. l'Inkharn's Vegetable Com- pain. 011 tea diarrhoea, griping in pound, mall) from native roots and the bowels and wind colic. iiy ,living herbs, contains no narcotics or harts- health to the child, it rests the NI drugs. and to -day holds the record 1 mother. Twenty-five cents '• bottle. for the largest number of actual cures —_T of female diseases of any similar ntedl. BENHAM, eine in the country, and thousands of Mr. \\•m. McLaren has gone to Tor - voluntary testimonials are on file in onto where he bas srcnrerl n oai- (he I'inkhain laboratory at Lynn, tion with nn undertaking firma,4 Ile• Nass., from women who have been will be missed by a large. number o: cured from almost every form of friends remain complaints, inflammation, tit- ;\ large numb, -r of applications hat's 1 u ceration,displacements,ftbrol 1 t mors, t „ sec feed for the lead^rsh:i) of 4rtrqularllies,I,e: 'clic i'ine,l)arkaChe, I' ;rrn-'1 Presbyterian chereh Indigestion send nerve • prostration. ,,die' vacant ov the re'igna- Every such suffering w.eoTo 1 owes it to herself to give Lydia 1;. P'inkham's ' 1 \f .:h)r(nr f. ant The i thcan`i•• Veee•table Compound a trial. , • • ,.,, trial. If you would like special advice i. 4 T. 1;.1 ,in, of Toronto, 001 - 01 t your case write a conliden- ' ,I,,eied :-,r‘;(- - :n Carmel church on Hal letter to Mrs. Meacham, at 1 •, :t1e11 in the interest of the Lynn, Masa. Her advice is tree, ? sad always helpful. j 1)ornin'on Alliance, her room for Feveral month' through .. -ll i n S ate 1 to he around as: • . Mrs. W. [Mitchell. who has also to :. quite poorly of las:. - impro e lie. t -+•,--e •: