HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-11-10, Page 1Your Last Cough ! When YOU cough up twenty-five cents tor a bottle of REXALL CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP, Guaranteed or money re - If it. fails. COLE'S DRUG STORE riteE41011ZogStore THIRTY-SEVENTH Y13AI1-No 1;;31 ••••••••••••N••• :•••N•••••• •• • •••••••••••••••• JONES & MAY'S Phone No. 32. :trier Huron & Middlesex Gazette Cold weather Requisites SPECIAL THIS WEEK. /lot Water Bottles, $1,23 to $'2'2.5 Cole's Cure-a•Cold Tablets, 15c a box %Vinan's Cough Balsam 25c (tho old reliable) Emulsion Cod Liver 011. 30c and $1.1)0 atelisss Balm the popular Almond Cream for the toilet Ltic a bottle. COLE'S DRUG STORE Dispensing a Specialty. EXETER, ONT, CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER iuth ARM INTER earables Now is the time for you to buy your cold weather wants. %Ve are showing an abundance of warm comfortable gouda for the cold weather which is sure to come. Dont put it oft too long. •'ttet Beady" it is only a few weeks to Christmas, New Dress floods Everything that is new in Dress Goods line. All the newest Fabri^.s in the latest shades are shown. Beautiful linens for 511 and 75c. Our best for $1 and $1.`Lt Fur Talk Do you want a new fur at the old prices. come to us and we can do it for you. A big selection of 'tuffs. Muffs. They and Coats. 'he y were never cheaper. Smart Coats This is a big coat season with us. We are showing the nift- iest coats for Ladies and Children that can be bought anywhere. Childrens coats from 83 to $7 Ladies " '. 88 to 820 Het Rid Silk Woisis We have just, opened up the swelleat lot of new waists we have ever shown. Nice Net Waists in Creast Ecru, Bla k and silk of all colors Prices very reasonable. Millinery Just a few words to keep the fiat question in your mind. Our Milliners were never so busy. They must have the right goods to be so latest City9Styles and Colors. a Hat in and esee our disps very have it lay. Our Rugs and Carpet Department Is full to overflowing with the best imported goods on the mark- et. Swell new designs in Rugs, Carpets, Linuletims, Curtains and blinds. We want all intending purchasers to examine our goods and see the good values we are offeaing. Tapitery Rugs Brussel Rugs Velvet Rag sizes sues 2f x .i yds. 21 x a yds 3x81.. 21x31, :1 x3 31x4 4 x 4 •' 31x l •• 4x41 ,. 31x11., sizes 2t x 3 yds. 3x3 " :4x311 3 x 4 " x 4 4 x 41 •' Lace Curtains Tapestry Curtains and Linoleumne, Jones & May Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Cla)thtrlg also high grade shoes and wall paper ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••♦•• •••••••••••f►••••••••••••••• Ontario fall wheat supplies What Manitoba wheat lacks; What Ontario fall wheat lacks Manitoba spring wheat sup- plies. fi <D' c Q' A SACK • • tt sa 11 • • • tt i• � ••tt41 I tt i41 I•• it EXETER COUNCIL The Council met in the reading- rootu of tte 'Thos// hall ou Friday. Nov. 4t1i, 11./10. The members were all presttnt. Mr. John :Taylor, 'Reeve elect look and subscribed to the nee= .•+nary oath of office and afterwards Ice froze on the river above t h_ addressed a few words to the Council .lam un Monday nigh!. 'rhe minutes of the met•tipg held Oct. 21st were read and approved. A letter was received and read frotu Mrs. Margaret Bowden in an- -w'er to the letter of condofance. The sauw: being ordered fi1•. d. Letters were also mad from Mr. I'arncomb re Goold Shapley, Muir Co., Brantford. re hydrant threads and caps: and the Stuart Turner Co. Ltd.. Hamilton. Per. /Leaman and Levet t That the matter of 1breads and caps for hydrant be left in the hands of the iteevt• and Councillor Italkw'ill with power. -Carried. The Clerk write the Smart 'Turner Co. that the contractors of watt tower report That they will bave the sante completed in two weeks. After which testa will Is• made. Councillor ltalkwiJl reported hav- ing ordered the doorway of the power house repaired. The council giving power to have all new wood work given a pritning coat of paint. I'er J)alkwill.Walper That Mr. Cullon contractor of laying sewer pipe be charged $5.00 labor on road bed. -Carried. Per ItalkwiIl-Levett That Reeve and Councillor Hearnan act as a com- mittee with power regards connec- tions to be made with water mains -Carried. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: ltd. Davis, teaming .1 0. • .6J n • l labor Brock. 16.00:.Thos. r . It Sorry. labor 10.23: Silas Handford. teaming 11.23 : Walter \Ve•tcott, labor 3.75: Jno. Bell, tabor 4.13 ; Henry C. ilorn.•y. labor 75 c'tits : Jerry Knott, night watch 1.50: Jas. Acheson, night watch 1.50: Goold. Shapley, Muir Co. Ltd., Brantford. pt. contract. 3500.00: The Exeter E'ectric Light Co., Are street lights 63.00, Series ,street lights 140.00; Town flans, lights 0.60: The './kelt Telephone Co.. mesrcages 1.25: Exe- ter Timers Co,. printing 5.00: J w'hiffletr•a• and part of the barrie sei Grigg. supplies 55 cents: T. /law- broken. 7'h,• tants of horses were kine Z>c Hon. gasoline and trotting along the road and a wan 11.73: T. Hawkins & Son. cement was lying on the Joad apparently account 1.35: W.4 G. Ilisaette per under the• influenor of liquor and In - livery funeral late Reeve 13.00: T. capable of guiding tha team. An - Riker. per livery tuners] tate 'Reeve other rig .vas run into and taweral 600: Y... A. Folliek. flor•1 design other+ narrowly escaped. funeral late Reeve 10.011: W .1. Bis- ect is- At r. Jn. Scott. and two dnught.•ra sett, pt. salary 33.00; .('. W. Craws. ;ind Jpr. and \fro. John I1. .Hegar to. w'tlary 29.00: Jonathan lipid, trended the wedding of 1. Mr. Jae' labor 3.50: amounting in all to ,.alt's nom, Thom.is to A1is1 Sad;C 17A1.71. I'aescd on /notion of Billie McKellar, daughter of dr. 'Donald will-\Valper.-Carr,••d. McKellar. of the12th. coneerasion or 1dj, by Levet t. Ilihbert. Th wedding was perforni- JOS. SENIOR, Clerk. etl by '11.•r. Mr. McKay. of Cromarty and about one hundred guests were preselnt. Mr. rind Mrs. Scott will r.• - Nide on the farm recently vacated by Mr. Jas. Scott. Locals E. ILut•lfoid was in Leh don on Tueulay. Mrs. Copp, of Ingersoll, is viaitinl with relatives iu town. Mrs. .1. A. Stewart returned home from Toronto. last 'Thursday evening Mr. A. E. 'Pennant r. turned from the west last week and brought with hint a load of cattle. Miss Nero Campbell and SI ter Strang are visiting friends on 11i.• Thanks 'ltoad. Mi -s. Charters. of play, late of Ash- field. U. 8.. visited Mrs. 0. It Sn.•11 on Friday last. Mr. John Taylor, reeve elect. took the oath of offioi at the Council meeting last Friday. We have a number of school re. ports trent in this week which we are obliged to hold over. Mr. Frank Jones, of Brantford. was in town Tuesday attending the, fun- eral of the tato T. Jona. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith. of (leve - land, are visiting the fornier's par- entea Mr. and Slrs. S. Smith, Lon- don '/toad South. Miss 'tickle. who Itas been visiting relatives at Elimville and Exeter for the last two month.. bas returned to her home in Port Hope. A number of people from town attended the Wood -Cooper weed i:leg on concession its csburn.r on \\'.td- nesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. A quiet wedding t ,ole placecc in Mitchell on Wednesday when Wee Elizabeth Mated Ilan•on. who at one time attended school in town, was married to Mr. J. E. \Va1k'rt , of Mitchell. 'On Tuesday evening while Mr. and Mrs. itobt. Kerelake of Usborne, were 'driving to town they were run into by n team and wagon and were knocked into the ditch. Both of the axles of the buggy were b•'nt1 the •• i A CREDIT CANADA. IIC .n Ida can boast of many great • ant rprise; but 'the one in particular • • that all Canada is proud of Is that • • great weekly printed in Montreal' • The Family Herald and Weekly Star • 1 with its 211 and 32 pages every w••ck • • if the bast reading matters it cot.- :: tainly is a big dollar's worth. and : then again every subscriber for 1911. he. an opportunity .to wilt a Free • Trip to the 'end Country next June. Anyone who is not already a read••r of that great weekly :should lo.•' no time in sending •in an order. The price ie only on • Bolla• uer with a Fa o� Ob�t Parc ts,446? o •,cwill bring who f ��PT i.(9 $t.0o per year in advance Mr. 'Alex Dow Left this week for a trip to \Vinniprg. Mr. L. Day lost rt colt valued at $l,0 lust Monday night. 11i,s Anna Dow entertained a num- ber ot young people Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brownlee and family, of Egtnoudville, visited in town Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Aso l'enitale, who has s{rint the pout few months in the west, re- turned horn: 'Tuesday evening. Mr. \Vilhur Leiter of Centralia, was taken to the London hospital 'Tuesday where he was operated on for appen- dicitis. .`sir. John llobkirk. who has been w orktng with Mr. 1). ltusaell, black- • luith, returned to Sea forth ''mislay. Itis place has been taken by Mr, Al, x. Russell, of London, who form •rly worked beret, and it is likely be will become a resident. DRESSMAKING AND CUTTING' PA' 0-1/ATE. ' Ladies may r•ce.ve instructions in cutting and making all kinds of dress.'s. 'They will be furnished wit h complete 'Tailor System and bolk of instructions. For terms and fur- ther particulars apply at dr.•ssutak- iug rooms over \Vilsotn Bros. Stora. al1riS T))M. 10 -11 -It. Mr. Geo. 'Free •r. of Kilnhill. Scots land, was a vis t.,r in town on Tues- day. Mr. Tr t -.•r hex been visiting' in Australia end the United Stater and being :t friend of the late %Vme llawden. to whom h • had Fold hors•s when Mr lf.iwden bad been on his buying tripe to the old !mutt be de, cidcd to tak a run tip 10 see Jilin and wee vera sorry to 1 •arn of his death. Mr. 1'rae•r called in for a pater with the account of Mr. 1111W. 11411.* •a ebbs and while her• we had a V, I i:li t -1 tit: e•,tty'rseil.irl. A PREMIUM --UFFEItl i) fi\ - HARVEY BROS• EXETER Good within a Radius of 15 Miles or - MODEL od us a Photograph P11 44, ? <j&We «*'P ou nds of • K I ItKTON Anniversary services of the Kirk - ton Methodist church will be held Nov. 13 and 14th. On iiundayl 'Rev. \V. 11. Butt. of Centralia. will preach at 10,30 a. ru. and 7 p. in. 00 Mon- day evening supper will b.r provided •••••••••••••••••♦•••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• in the ba':tuint of the church aft.' ••••••••••••••••••••••••AO •40.00♦••O•••••••••••••••• which a program will be given con- • • o • -isting of addresses by Bevf+. It. uubb�, Exeter: '1', A. Steadman. of : •••• No St,oihe•Z • R. Vance. Wood- 2 ••lan : Go. W. Racy, Kirkton.♦• !►1u,ie will be lurniehed by the Boston • at tie Quartetto and local talent, ••• �: Admission 25 cents. The death took lilac.. on Friday:: • • i� Town• last of Mr. George Harrah, sued 78 L ♦ 3eare, The funeral took place on• • • • Saturday, interment taking place in :: • • the St. Marys cemetery. • ♦ - `>• air. John McCurdy left our village • �� has a better rept. e on Friday blast to take up his meal- • • • • talion for encu in Toronto. We wash hint all • • �7t • O pleasure and comfort in hia new • • O home. ;; Pine •:. Y e • V after at- llr, and �\(r.. \ m. Brown t tending the• Brown-Iluwphrics wed- •• Clot[jln�s 4 ding III Toronto returned Mime .0u •. b �• • • 'Thursday sere • • :in 1 nowhere w ill • • Mr. .las. Moore took in a carlo:u! • • v. •ly • • of block cattle on Tuesday and will • • !'tom" %///// •. you tin•l a • • tend them until nest spring. Tht y • Z n • wcr-• 0 fin• looking dot. • Better o w The ores. r+ of the Kirkton nt;il are 1 now inventigaOng some goo&in. •• Assaii� l • tants prior to installingsome • • tea\ :' power to operate their ni lk. I t t:. •• ! ' .�),e; • to be hoped they will 1.0011 get it go- ♦ • to select from • • ing again: •♦ • V ` ' ♦ • \\'e aro Eel ing • BROW \-I1l'MI'IIIIEY • • `) • The following •• is taken from a • • the hest Crothea se.: Toronto piper" Th • reridcnce of •� / ! o a • �tListownhenoyer Mr. stet Mi E. .1. Humphrey, rse510 •• , of � t,q,l •and are • • Spadin a 3%..11110, w t: the scene of a ♦ • >�.' �� •t Q .• • ver r •tty chr eanthewurn wed- • ). I' y y •• 0' \'� selling •• ding the+ afternoon at two o'clock. •• �; ,'r :�ellli�,, o.. when Geer :.ecood daughter. EdJe'll • _ \ ' +',{ ,` .� 4 May, breams the wit • of Mr. Edgar • ♦ \ \ i ! i `1►a Them • : • Ira Ilrown, son of Al r, and Mrs. Wm. Ilrown, of Kirktwt. The bay window : \ \ I i;: •t l • o was banked with balms and 1 •ray. • `�\ �� .► and the c• r: mony took place under a • Z `\\ �V iii (CIT • T large wedding^ bat of white airy- I • c santhctnums and green. Rey. 1)r. • • WAY • • • 1T;nck• tx•rfurm •d the c •re mony. ., . Z • Q I w • -1 1 1 by th.• It .i. C.• O. .lohnet.m. • • r 4.1., n I .111 orchestra play •d the wedding • j HOUSE �'� / . - -�=_ - • 111 arch. The brid • wbo wa. given : • This is what,„,:i. sway by her father...on• i handsome • • hoRBERIIt� one of our costo• • bridal robe of who • 'thin h •nlru t • • en said shoal one 2 with s• in h and a bath i of po 2 • of .site yti.•c•ial • MAI)/ ='1'O=MI:ASUIlE SUITS ': • Builders' Attention! Wo have a Big Stock of Samson Portland Cement, New Brunswick Plaster Paris, at Low Prices. Paroid Ready Roofing Amatite Ready Roofing Quality Ready Roofing 1.75 to 2.60 Per Square Mixed Paints and Varnish Stains : Campbell's Stains in 15, 25, and 45c tins Martin Senour and Elephant Paint in p t a t 15c, 25c, 45c and 50c tins HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE I;,ce. 11 r veil wag of tulle and :u- • • ranged with Id; of tht vanes, and ♦ • she c ort i• d a r hose, r bouq , 1 of � � Willie roes and Jay of th . .. •• 4 Mi A•Ie •n Humph' •y attend• .1 h 1 • • 1 was at a gathering of two hunJrctl people 1n11 ` s ai+tcc, and wcr.• a gown of pink 'null, • • ill eel d w;t ti cereus Ileac 1. need .!i • if 1 say it myself, sly Suit was thc hest thcrc." • cerri •J ;silk 'tees. Miss Witt d = • All of w hick is intended to interest you to the point4. • \IcLl�ltir of Cotiingwoud, was a • ''O dainty flower ger., in a frock of • of investigating. 4 • point d'e•pr.1 over pink silk :.1: 1 ♦ • • carrying a ba•k••t of pink dais - i • • • 0• !tilt,' Mcrt')•n Ile we 1he groom'. e"'' t• MEN'S ANI) CHII.DR[:`;'S :Z in, w.,: hest masa During th• s. •11•• ing of the n g +ter Ml.M Carr. • It . • • of `it. Mary's, sang 401i Fair. ei Z . . -. • ► •r • • • a.v • r and leo:}'," Atter the c. r - ♦ SWEATER COATS, All Colors. ; • mony Mrs. ]Humphrey received. w. sr- • _ _ • Z ing ., bantL•ont-• leer.. goo n of mane • - - _ 0: volt vine, with touches of mauve Tel. beet. tl r hat of th- nam• error.ii• Winter Weight SHOES, Heavy Sole,• • with silver ruse buda..,nd .h. carried • • • white row. •. Th, h1 al '. table look- I •`•: All Styles. •0 • •••1 prettlb with a c •ntr of wli 1 ./mums." and the other tables were • don in pal• {,.nk. The house was de, ZZ RUBBERS from 75 i,le:llt� to e1.15 o• curried throughout with a profns'on s of deliett •Iv 01a4 4 ehrvsanth••mum+. I Mr. end Mr Drown left on the `'' • ta:r-thirty tet n for a trip across •• th.• .ant. th• brads i string a kin.^,'s New Llne:: of •• 4 b;u • t.uloreJ suet., hat of the• sato: • • colo:. with Perr bo lrintrnhtga, and. • WorkingBoots♦a whi" f nth' boa. Rn ther re•` •�ea •• turn they willI t•. at K; _-_�_- w Reach. • • • ♦ • •s NO REASON FF)it DOUBT,• • • A Statem lit of Facts Racked by a 2 • • Strong Guarantee. t SP'M /'7 _A.T 1 =• � ; 5 Pairs 25 cent WOOL SOCKS for $1 oZ !+ • • ••• 0Z V: •♦ We fruarant complete relief 4o a!l sufferer.. from constipation. 1n every case where we fail we will Fele niv the medicine free.. 9tevall Orderlies are a gently et• lectiv . d, pr !viable acd gets bowei resod .1 or, etre ngthen'r and tonic. They t .t t1,lleh nature's functions •1 in 11 .1 •: . t a'y way. They do not i • • eiu-e :anv inconv"n.•noe. griping nt I it nausea. rl'h y are so pleasant to take end work +o easily that 1h y may I - h•' tak •n by any one at any tint,• They thoralghly tom up :h • echo: e r:y.tenl to h •trete activity. • - Itexall Ord-rli•-, are ttn•urpae•abl • i Z and ideal tar tit t , • of c•h ;a1r t . Z �� 9 rlght 131.h,N 1) tt j til old folks and del y r • Arron!. le i BAWDEN 11 cornu, too highly recamm nd th tet two makes the only PER- , blit•' rs from ^enc form o! I PER- FECT flour for A [ 1. bless(] s t ipation end Ira attendant , vie•. • : ----- i 'Tics. •iz,•<t) 10c. and 23e. li.•memb r • l► and pastry,vat a •n ()brim Ilexalee• ll il-me+ • • i •hie rna.mun ty Cniv ;t (ter !ter. - •••••••••0••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0040^.• •Ji .lust. Try iT and prove it.. crhe itexal1 Ator W. e. oot.E. ••••••0•••••••••••••••••40 o•••••••♦•••••♦•••••ee♦4•• • ew Ties an muttuers FOR XMAS TRADE,