HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-11-03, Page 7TRAINING ST•ATESMENICAUSL AND CURE
Man of Letters, N'ho W:Is a Waiter at
Eton and Cambridge, Tells of Great
Men During Their School Peva--
He Alined to tae a Tutor to States-
men and Met Many of Them -Often
Visited Lord Tennyson.
Due to Impllritie$ in the Blood --
Carat by Dr. Williams'
Pick I'ilis.
The lu. -1 noticeable and immca{i-
ato result if rheumatism is a Mark -
cd thinning of the blood, atntl ill no
disease dues it develop more rapid -
1: will prehally come as n surprise 1)•. Not only dove the blood become
to many ',cop! • to learn that life ill weak but it is soon tilled with int -
Eton ill t110 't1111 s wall churactcrited purities, which Cho different organs
by scent's mei a+:twee: which remind „f Cho body have been unable to
one of ow nlircrt un begone• by the
scholars et I►uthcbu s 1l:ul :,t the in. throw off. One of the most hartn-
stig anion of her. Nquecrs, of "Nicholas ful of there nupuritie•:: is urn. arid,
Kn•kleby." Floggiu::. 1aegimg. and which is formed from lbe wu•te
ballyiug wore Cho or"'r ,'t the day, products of 111e body. In health it•
while the boys were inseihtieutly fed dily passed tiff by the i:'.dnryx
and generally' neglected. Tiwy had no Is reawith the+ Itelp ill axyge'tt from the
reed until more than two hour. atter red corpuscle,. of the blood. With -
had risen in the morning. and 1
dingier all entire sire 1, rias served, out oxygen the kidneye are unable
of which the seniors had the leg= and to rid the system of this acid and
shoulders, and the smaller boys had it is retained in the blood and dis-
to find what they could on the cur- t ributetl to all parts of the body.
CASK. The wea,c back, pains across the various shapee, until 1NNN, la it i let sly' life.
Such is the depressing picture of kidneys mud thio scanty, I►ipchi)• gage wa to the fast 0m ,Ire, ander
Eton given by }ter, t)ecar itruwiiiiig, Y ! Airs. Ilutclniug' troubles were all
who had sixty years of Sehoolniaster- colored xeerosions, which follow, lionuparte, and Ihut ons tubrertal cause L} Kidn.••: i)israse. 'That's
ing at Piton and Cambridge. in his show that the acid is already in tho in !S14, in the war wuged against ' 4vhv 11. t!,i '' F;' !uey' fills cured
"hteruories ill Sixty Years" (Lane t. blood and often leads the sufferer
Bonaparte h} combined 1:1:rup>!. It 1hnlu ! ill )tocol and quick h.
Al r. Browning diol mgr h to improve tt. think lie bus kidney trouble. If wia_•4 succeeded by the restored Ittiur•I J
cuuditwn� fur the scholar , deices out of the hon ntnnnrchy under loofa XVII(. in 1lodli h eluey Pills ciir not only wa o1 education, there in consulcr-
ihc generalthe c}i .c•a,a' is not 1911. which vent down in the revolu- h :: n•• t 1 i. • ., e. but diet are a sereeblY
al I:Wn. tial it ie a curious in:i that blood, rheumatism can never be tion of July, in IMO. Charles X. then cel 1. 1 .. •.• term of it from Back- ' *au. dallutisen y, Chinat 's
s(gothree the t Swinburne, who was in "O.curler a regency, China'e last three
nee ditisiou as n l( -y, refused to eure(l, and the sufferer will always being at its head. The Or)onniat ;,• i. Bright's 1t r( (`r • monarchs have been babies when the,
meet the latter afterwards. because leo leo subject to attacks, 11heileter ex- monarchy of the Citirxn King Louis • �-__4_ cleat cuuic to the throne. The Chinese
said he was an Eton master who had ps)sed to damp or cold. With each Philippe, wl,ieh was errand in 1tJ0,i Ifeel that they aro passing through a
the power to flog lioy-. 'Mhos did not returning attack the pain becomes was filbmcreed in the t•turas of It+44,Identified. lerititxtl period of their history, xn+I
happen to hu true, but it Renee s to more rex• rc ford complications of_ and the second republic was started. William M. Chase. the trust. dna a . ttrxt they need especially now n full•
illustrate the Sensitiveness of these.ng which gave pine( to the second cm tI tunsque figure. dressing In eluthl'9 grown man to govern them. For this,
great poet in regard to cruelty. ten
f nl rise faking necessary tr a use tOro in his collapsed Se,ln11ec�awh11 the that had a certalu urigluallty, though season. what might be called ('hlna'i
Talking of Se inhume, her. Brown p they conformed more or less to the ^,u;4 -baby" feeling is very strung.
ing Says. "110 was very weak luta Paul, present regime camp into being. prevailing fashions. Ou one oeenslon _
Thus the Third republic liar bud n —_ - --
lraal, and certainly not bottled. Ht It is readily seen that the only (baso on tits wog borne stepped into
HE ru.titED 1110011 POISON.
took no part iu games, beiug, indeed, way to cure rheumatism is through longer career stats that of any two n little wine shop and ordered a jug _--
littlo fitted for them; but In those t•ho blots}. lir. Williams' Pink of its predeceS'inrs since 1794. For of claret of a special brand sent to his Out Zan -link Saved his 'Cholas:'
days games did not form so important fills afford Such treatment as they 'overall years it wc..+ rnneoded to he house, The led who brought it came -
a part of our school life as they do contain all the 4 lemons 1 tu•resanry only an experiment, which endured
now. Swinburuo was generally late to build up and purify the blod. ►'early° n majority of the french to the [rout door an hour afterward. (lace again a eau ire rep)urtrtl , ,
for school, and I rentem)bcr Cookeeley t people could not unite• upon any when the artist had already nrrtvrd, vthich the )u altar balm lent -L'.:1
calling out to hint one day, 'Itete you They increase its oxygen carrying tither forts of guvrr cent. Alun,; "Sonne wine." he said curtly. 'l'he 1 i
are, little Swinburne, late again.' I capacity enabling tho kidneys to unrtl ti:' end of the a reid, my in maid. knowing (here was yet plenty In tt, saved a worker from the t' r
have been told that C'esikesley once pass tho uric acid from the body 13;9 ' 1 Napoleon 111.'s old warner, the cellar and believing the lad had
rible effects r.[ blood-pulsuning;. Al l
saluted lou appearance with the ex- and the other organs to do th.•':r Mac•Mahort, there wens deaths as to Node a mistake. said she wens sure it Alfred Hy. (hill, 01 811ip11•y, Un'
I .
s worklied le
'''13 'hl
clamatiuu, 'Here comes the rising work This rheurntttir;rn is reached whct11, r it would weather the a„ren+ was not fur that house and did the \\ •t .re 1
sun,' alluding to his red hair.” at its root and permanently eure+l. whieh eeeuted to be with, r:u ,• 11:.'1 bey remember the unme of the' man tllisfortuno to run ai rusty na:.
Curiously r. ver c lir liruwnin., Dr. %Valiant.; Pink Pills are abso• it- Even as reoeutly as Ie'r'f', :0 11, who ordered 1t. The boy didn't. ti i.
u►y 1hunib nail. t.• Ila •'• :I•
himself was clever cons:/i4 roti :•' barolk a}ungcr scary, the a.iveut . 1 t:o• .•f about one and a ' 1
much chance of long He If.' tea.. lutely free from all habit-forming plan on llursebrok was oft. I, t• :. "then," said the scrvaut. "you've
born prematurely up.pnrenr:, .1• ct I drugs, and are not an experiment t, 11ti toady predicted. But it je. el ,'oma to the wrong place: we never fain was torr''•
"'That child is not dead, s:gid t!..- as the following like will show: through the tentntiv•• St:e.. 1.1.1• ordered wine!" At this tnontent the v. as that chi 1 , 7. L.
nurse; and with a hearty blue r',• eir. W. Studley 1/.11i..,, Pilot the death of Preset nt t .11,..t .n boy spiry) Cbase's fxulous tint on the and rusty, would rut up !
made me squeal." he says. "Ana to Mound. Man., says: "I :un a firth 19(1.1. and is 111.4• a t,. r1i n• 11 :. .I:, -t hall table. "Say." he ntikrd. "due0 • and bleed poison. I ki.., !1,
this treatment 1 owe the fact that I believer in 1Ir. \\ illiarns' i'i,, Inur days after 1;.,it, i, It 4 t ,r,;!. in,••f that tint lit•! here'.•' "Yes." said the previous experience, how gem' %•11:
am able to write these memoirs at the the eatabhshie. i.! , : t! .• r• ; 8 �.- tie• amused maid. "'Then:' xa111 the tiny . Bilk was. sat I cleaned the than:l
age of severlt�-two." fills and at.‘‘.,‘,
lw Iva trop srnne by n Untied Stat• ,t.•.:.ii t• r• •. ,:'lean triumphantly, "bores where the wine
melted a little ZinnNuk, and ran ''
Mr. Ilruwning refers t„ e 4 e which in ciao of acted. :1 few year., lig.. „p the neer rt, t:,,•' 1,11 t .+••:,••:1,•.1 it e.
he paid to tilt. I:ailuur - • , .t Whit- 4t tole teachin • actino} I suffered ,• belongs.-Argonnnt. i into the wound. Th result. was
!; f, •' the council h..lr•1 of tl•.• noires-. I
lingehanie. "Arthur ea- ::••.:i twenty much with rheumatism in my are. 1 acantha Iat••r it w'u.- rcc•gir.•d wnne}erful' It se,e.11itel the f,:t:c
two years of ago,' he •. t•. -netI and she skiers that I lead the grt•a: t • tin• great powers of Europe. Its Not For Fashion's Sake. and the thumb actually did
remember 111111 telling in• - ,t, t,.IIt ,.-1 tlitti, ult. in writing on 1! .. . with Englund and Russia The erirnl11nl law of I:righted WAR swe11. Zein link kept away :+
by train to E,liutdurgh, t; ! I•':1. Isl. are'. a I after trying a nun. •: 1. s ententes with outer ceuntriee formerly marked by Indiscriminating • Ilam►nation. I was able to :
tors had assured him 11' eine.; : 1-•-' ,,. rem, - without benefit. 1 1 ranee it Iart;er ISItI U' ll: l` ID the severity'- 'Theft of an article valued w ittl rely wurk all the time, 8 •'i
Rlfdy live t., the sou of titers} ,1 L. • I r u( re .....,,r- of the waerlt than it exerted ,1
si which 1 have now and r. - an also, t despair, and felt it abate 10 shillings was {welshed with a few ef:►ys the dewed, wu, a,) 1
toasty also. the days death. In writing about "'Sweet ' as ever. A halm 'tlr, h .811 d, 1
Iia111pstead end Its Asaoelatlona" Sire, 'should be in re eiy 4:4 Ik; tips tea
White reeinds n ple;.sant thin;; of Lord home..
, Mansfield. who. as {t rule. !enn,51 10 ; firing composed of pure vegeta!
the 41110 of mercy. 1 KaM fort Mans- 'rt,enI(•R, Zani-$nk is an ideal bait:
RA sentry nn squadron stable; _ tient who directed Jury 1" end n f. r 1tibiea and young children.
lo, when the sergeant (l the guar 1 'tutee trinket leas in ta:44e 11. 144 10 %a!n-link is a sure cure for iiI rr••.
came retina on hie visit he arts IM)- shlthnga 11) order that the thief n l.:llt 8Lw0es'(5, cerenta, rnlg1AUrin, b1.. ,i
where to bn scan. The sergeant was •+(cope 40111411 punishment 'rat Oils 1:,,1..,n, scalp 5(110:. el'xpi:ed hal:d•
at, out to depart to snake mg:lirl'1 the Jeweler who prom -towed den:mired. • i4;41 Sores, Innatnc'tl patches, n:1.1
when there carne a rustling noiee from uss(•rtlng (hitt the fashion of the thing 1, t•• 1:1111,4 50 veins Anel ulcer•,
a heap n1 straw and the .retry stood ' tired cost Klin twice That 111080!.
twfure hum minus his toots and Iwk•
4 -1111L.'"'
1�' 1101: COUNTY IS
France's Latest Form of Government 1 1 Whole Chinese Empire tieing In For
Now Over 40 Years Old. RINGING WITH IT Various Forms of'ducation.
1)n September 4. I'7u, Icon thine Wonderful Cure o� Rheu- ! During 1114 hoot year or two the ('hi-
bette►, speaking her lu n{, It mud other mecism Dy Dodd'es Kid nea4• lave lakrn up wl►eltss t le'
Nodical members of the •.cgielattvo ; i praphy with especial earnestness,
1 et:ltes a writer who returned teem thal
of the ltonapurtiet dynasty and the ' - • c(ntntry not lung It ( after the third
establishment ut for republic. Chia ilex. Rulthiur of I)iii1iltil, Que., visit u1 111 Monthly
duration to the
was two days after the battle of tie- - could Ilol oohs at•restr the ►'ouut CI_►neee empire ill the last ten yoara.
den, in the Franco-(icrntau ttiu, fund ' Slur) of her sieved) aid i out- '1'w., hundred aura are studying it ni i
the captor(' of MaeMahon'a artily land plot, t'al'c. ! techool 1•xtilbhShed by the Government
Napoleon 1I1. Th'• campaign entered Uulhaul, t eco, Oct. tA. (5pev al) especially lot the purpose. There aro
upon so confidently by that potentate many wireless stations ut Tibet. And
thus collapsed and be was a prisoner -- Mil,aisglwi s unmty ie baiting with even the email Chinese river gnnboata
in the hands of the Germane. On the the story of Mrs. (.1. Al. Ilutchiux, are equipped with wiu'Iesa. Tho
evening of the .tit the government of who after buffering from Rhea nu whole empire cooing. iu hurt is a
national defence was estribliahed, with slam, Lumbago and enialg;ia, i� +r►( of amazing n+ililury and educe -
(len. Truchu ut the hood. While this again a strong, hearty wanton• !n tduu:d alttvey. Wherever I went on
wan being done the. Ennpre0s Eugenie, AM) teslas 1 saw military camps, in
disguised, fled secretly from Paris un interview Mra. 11ntchins says:
which part of the b,WO,i1W snug whith
rind entered Belgium., en her way to •-1 was affected w,ttt Rheumatism,
China is mobililting, ix being trained.
Englund; where she has resided ever Nt't!ralgia and Lumbago. Aly !intim
Schools are being opened literally 1'!
since, would swell ; my m 1111clrx would t)i. use ndr. There are railroad school:,
The governmental scheme which "milli' 1 wits nervous nod had u itelcgrraph achoulR, p><,stoflice lelI00'a.
Wan created on Septemlher 4 Ilan last- heavy dragging yea •,it `e n across rustunl house sehuu x uunoul xc•hcwl:.
NI 40 y0a►s and is stn,nger to -du ifaborntonex, niu1euuls and librarie+.
Cho IonS- The teachers itt these wheels lire par• -
than it ever was in the poet. Lt J eutikl not ecce walk neroex 'p foreign, hut chiefly native. ,1'„
duration it has outlived any other r
eyetetl► which France hal, had sine,. the room'. Then 1 :darted to take
these schools have recently been estate
the overthrow of Louie XVI. and the 1 I)udd'8 Kidney Piilx and after tak- �uhe'4t by the lrnpe•rutl Uuvl•rnnict:t
Bourlxnte in 1793. The first republic, 1 Imp( ',ix boxes found myself in the (sell to further the natl:alai desic•
which began in l7tr_, lasted. 111 its i best of h4 alth---as well us ever 1 at;• ear;
fuhui ar dmire, pFangliuh spxlnkulgtto date. 'the C,frate
tinct turn their thumbs up as at Sign
1•t gratification whenever they seer (m•:
11 our fellow -countrymen.
In spit+ of the fact that the Im-
perial Government is giving the Chi-
i,oae every possible oonceseiun in the
Assembly. announced the deposition ; ney Pills.
i I , 1 of It„nu-
c':nc.l t•• • dot' teaching. 1111' ,,rte's power in the: lir: t reg•ub.t: a
,.1••• 1!.: 1 ! .: • reed to pick up ":" century ago.
f Di. \\:ili.uus' •Ilrnanacs, alio
read of the cure of a number • f The Careful Sentry.
i-'vere cases of rheumatism through The young private had ben po•t.•cl
the 1150 of fir. Williams' fink fills. t l' But
This decided too to give the l'ills
:n trial, anti I had only taken theme
a few weeks when 1 felt much bet -
r. in the ('euro of n few weeks
I„o re the pains and stiffness had all
(' ale. and 1 had no more diftiuul-
t, ,1 •sig my work. 1 cannot say
!, in prai,e of i)r. 1\'illiauts
1'.•.., 1'..- (•-r they and they alone
:t .i • f my rheumatism."
'•i 1 v all medicine dealers ur
1,v II. , ' 111 ..I1 ('1ill11 it 110X, llr ?t+(
boxes t. ! : • from The I)r. 1N11-
linnt• 11•4i:. •: •• ('o., Brockville,
mingled stint during his (-tier• !
1t w•114 11r. Browning's nen to be )►
sort of tutor to statesmen, and he
came into contact with many nee'
who have risen to entineflre Ill the
political world. He knew Sir Henry
Campbell-lianuer!• fit, and recalls
bow lie was the • ',ly than present at
a miser. •; •• ' tore who hail the
pluck k• :. , • ►rte that blood
might b•' • : 1 • pn experiment.
••ell" was 011
term t,f ;1,•,ur.1 .,':1 often
at Farrington! " i : ,. - •. - study
1180 at the tel, • ! the h,•':- aril I
have often sat w.• 11111 the .• tin- t
tobactsi lying a' • •t the Iluur- Ile al-
ways sruokt I a iingt churchwarden
pipe. which. f I r. •nenlbt•r rightly. he
never need t1., r•• than once."
Mr Brost wog pays a ch:►ruing tri-
bute to Mr - Tennyson. who w:rt.•he,l
Over her too -hind with styli unceas-
nce•as i "yrd, slrgcnut; 1 twk ern ufi so • -i�.�e
111;; ear,. 11ei•• IS ill+ picture •.f bei ae, n1 • e/ht •a r. "
first n ,. ! with her. 1 shuul•ill't wake Cho '0s:c+'"-l.uu- roe (breis aadlu,.t. aamu. t
!.ton Tlt-l:•ts, il'
"At the owl of a table stood a ::, "i I1:
the t bean' ' i th, 0 • • I i VENETIAN WOMEN.
ever seen. 11 1 at t e. !
Inc very sleepy.
"Gentles en.' replier) the Judge, with
"Hello! ' cried the sergeant.
ellero grate auleltllllty, "we ourselves state)
you are, eh% Micro were you when , Io Ilrvsl of mercy Let ut out hue;; a
! crime. fount lust no* "r- i man for the fasbinu's sake!"
"March in' round," was tgto sentry's
r1d1)•. given iu (01110 of conscious -
"Alnrehin' roam!, were you% Why. (.4
you've gut your bouts off;'
t,1'. ,,:t,. Lards, hru'••e•.. nrul alt
,1.•.i, .1: .:1-c'. and injuries. S.•141 by Annual C+OIl',/(`rl%ion
alt draggles4 ar,d 4t'drekecpere at .- r n -
>r , Nov, loth, and 17th. 1`31J � - --_
;.•h• n hex, 3 for >�1.:.•, Post. fere FARMS FOR SALE_
far •ort- vo
f,.,rn Zatn Bak Co., T.•h.h'. lr,`Fe.t 1r:nt +h.• •• 1evr donee , lI(' lit ll% 11.CFk't'$. N•,A(Ri0' 1 ♦1:•1-
• ire :\v. fel harmful In11181 Dns the e..i . u • 1 t {r aJ. wed nut..l ta" sees di'tnrt, will
S:NOLE FARE OR AL1, RAILWAYS ___ __. -.____ -
I'i 1e list and 1'r...tr%m.e ••eat an Request / tANCfn. lumcae, Letups, etc Int/toil
P. W. NODGETTS, Seer. l and Paternal• cured without 141i4 it
iaibameat nulldlua., Tutude. int 1(11':• tii•:•rmai't. t chest Co.bel,n,ilrel.
Temporary Heat Qulckly
Did you over stop to think of the many ways In which 1
perfect c !l heater is of value? 1f you want to sleep with your win-
dow open la winter, you can get sufficient heart from an oil heater
p. ile you undress, at night, and then turn it off. Apply a match
In the morning, when you get out of
bed, and you have heat while you dress.
Those who have to eat an early
breakfast before the stove is radiating
heat can get immediate warmth from
an oil heater, and then turn it off.
The girl who practices otithe piano
In a ccld roost in the mousing can
have warmth frorn an oil heater whllo
she plays, and then turn it off.
The rncmbor of the family T<'ho
has to walk the floor on a cold win-
ter's night with a restless baby can get
temporary heat with an oil heater, and
then turn It off. The
/!bsol.itely smokeless and odorless
11 invaluable in its capacity of quickly giving heat. Apply a match arid i1 is Im-
tn,:diately at work. It will burn for nine hours without refilling. 11 is safe,
smukeh:se and odorless. It has a damper top and a cool handle. An indica
always shows the amount of oil in the font.
It has an aatorutatic-Iocklup llumc spreader which prevents
wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is e:.sy to remove and drop
back so that the wick can be cleaned in an Instant.
The burner body or gailory cannot become wedged, and can he quickly
unscrewed for rewicking. Finished In japan or nickel, strong, dura: le, well -
made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental.
Drs:,,s 6wrylrbar. 1' ecr el 7,-.•1. 4 • ' • a,::rl'.,e dmrkr
/c 144 neortit e,(('.J _, r•:!
The Queen ally 0�Y CGziapz.i'.,',
and upwards mule h►
y..od ageate. rio ot•
p.•rl.iear nece•s4ry.
.,,:1:u»,ru.•tleuaR ilea.
•t,lusi.e terrtt••ry.
'I he " ti.r:dr." lifting Jack is o
rombinal,eo Lifting Jack and %Vire
Fence Strc:cher. Equals ,n)• 'trctcher
on the market. costs less. Ila•, a dozen
uiher uses besides. Pulse roes, mends
and stretches single wire, bets tirev,
heads barreli, lifts heavily loaded
wagons, traction engines and small
buildings. Easily operated. Weighs
` -
only 22 rounds. tivarantecd for Eva
This is the years, Thousands being eoIJ, Ail
Farmers ! handiest thing energetic tarnier or other good man
on the farm, wanted to represent win eco r y locality.
1, rot., et, f,rs. pushes, pulls, or Write at once Before y. w territory is
r•essetiata • •_ng. everything. Invesli• taken.
Otte. Send -tor Booklet 1). HANDY JACK MFG. 00,. SARNIA. ONT.
,.err •:�e.a.
w••,k In ah
r , , . - , ,vied In the
'w r •''1 1n
• :,ere
.t., u. 1'nr.
c, c
V? EAT Or. Fnnr•t1.l 1:0•
�( j
9 1
� k� ■ i.. ■ ! l:1 T Y, is if �
N.t•'l7 •I!1 • 1. ,. 1
41,88- 1 „ ..r , 1
E. n/r1 Lf.r)I Adr l,:ds. + f els
i YL Hof• Tara•' o�•t
Yhone Ise 0•rll^.a„•, 4: ,1. •e,
: • ..,,e I o
1,•111 : '1(11 S ENOLIAu $i1uv rlrrY
e tc" t 'ty e]em. br,t!i.le 1.3.111e. '•erevty
..,,,• - .1. (teem Ia.h14n',/lite„t) bre
n•1 Stow 4.hdowne 1111.[4: a.,r•.
11)411)15:. w' 4511411 t, run turd 1s:ttlea
as for r:114. taakieR uy, floater! t,•' It In the
. ,1 r •1. 11.•mr. whole or opal. time: eeppeeri•
• • •.-- •.4). fur an ps,lluuL.re addrst/
,nate l)tltrit,utinl Vt.., 1h111ia,
,V • • :;U At -i ll8 ,'A1.v.4SI1:N 0P.
noun`s f•.- H•,!:dss 1t,.. kV that •e11 .1
•ted: bays 1r_',a .r de) (:o-Irvn•e1 » ,
1 •.I,.ry:..t.,n. (111(1,1 14•r••• t5 VI'. 1x, n 1.
J 1. V i. lints ('., , 1 o4.-1, '1 •• e,t -
„A\'1'ntl-wr, li A: It 14 4♦ n.t►tn4
144�ts t {{etc, p..1,1 w:Hr at ( 1,11 {ttr
Mot.' n. tits h R•.s 51..ci It...ker..
t.%KV 1it,. Ittltu,.,t :It(ux `t +w
I/ •ys:ere r • 1)14••t praetere ...,.fel 11.•1 Ate-
, ..
•1..'• ,.t . 44, •kt a .8. 1, •i:hteen • romp elle er Antlar.•a1.•k-
•+ate ter • ate'nta•. 1dvl•. lhtreer C..,•/.,
.•2. traren ►'.411. Tor.,uto.
- - nt d .nhstitIdes.
o 1'n r1. •r I' x did y,11 man-
, • , ' hair ?
1 • -- n,; ,..1•, had a 11.041 in
1e• tuns , 3!.... ....'I t. t , r. _ --- s
1" " tA MOT1II,R'S AI)ViCE - Mlnard's Liniment Cures Berns, Eta
tie p••asunt ei,o lr n be,k re : • . e e. .. ' .... t .1 „f t t• I -
,n T uc • Tho Whims of Fashion Hold No Ter. I In Ir you tinge said your ae•
of the Virgin. 1 f••It incl , :'1'• �•.; . ,• i -Q OTIIER MO1111:R$. Non For Them.
away, as If I was w. 1... 1 1 •,.1:1.11'1 yo,1 nffo041 (4) keep it 1•,
!,.'1'be women of \ eulre llr! absolutely "'
introdu,•ed to n:•••' : • .. • 1 ,., , - t ,i.• n :1 a n , •i. ' , i• 4!, Ni, h,•lu, l.reatl, 11,•l cr,':ille, '1 could keen it all right, hut.
dote. ace hot ' • :+ r r i l
free front the rule %bleb thine Fush• Ye,
l t,.• :. .. II• t':t- _'•i':...t�,;. I: 4+rlle "I eau lug;hly' n• 1 eu,lldn't afford tv huy gasoline
1 pill str:u - :r' i . tun exerclves atter their slaters olde.
dent traces a •, i . '.':"I'll' pursuit w ion , • nitucnd Baby s (inn Tablets to all for the bintue thing.
11 r. !frowning was nh :, rn+ where• 1'h0v can,
u„Ihlagt for nuxtes.
silt] his mine=eke, 1:• 1•••ri it!. :. • :1 . 1 t,• .•entered hila, mid r others whose little ones are col,- :,poted. 1 gave my lit girl the \Vitt) thein the II'nrth •,r the wkirt re• NO BURSTITUTE FOn "Tho n A t
rn,l in connection n •:, chi, fro ,• n -,., d Liu in'tc I..nc he hail Le•• ., mato+ always the salve, neither short
Ito colli ani amusing 111, • , - 1'. •.;; 111 that • 0ean1• .'tablets and they regulated her tt•., that Pla•1er. r,..••n,rnende.l by eters,
'w•o ueett intra Mr !t- .,• l •nor lung. and They always wear plainly ' 1 to ter •trot.••. plans, tic. Nada try
1 „easy 1ere••• }eats. uuut•: 1.1' •il.•,w e!s and now Rhe• Rlrrps well, DA 4,4 h L)+w r, t.•e (o.
;ed g•••t ire•• 1.. ., , I • 1 made dark dresses. black stockings and
ii, .,,,. •.t'e'e 1 , :111ni.. sell, iv fat aces t • • rl all the
ng(:etnst \I • 1 , 1. i,.t• .' 1 ,,,, ! . ' t••. with 11�•• heellexe slillj1•r1 o1 th! ('0s1. ilii, •.}t,.,v d•, y„„ s,:t•n.,•e t)e• fire 4 „f I
l:,n:ub, r. I and rra•Ic ,t1 I unkuo44n.
I , .i. .1 uu.11-' •'. •, 1', !I .1 r 1 . • it . ro•rel:•, are I. :.•1'4.1 'I `11••,:111
14h•'n, n; 1,, !•t. l,� I ,the un!ver•itl outdoor wrap for nil
for a SotIto lit a -t to• . • I,e 1•t• 1• . ,, tear. en,l nil sizes Is the black slidtcI
stas unronsrtou 11•os„1 by ,,n the r (roil, „.Ik, ten 1 ! ,. t•... 7 ,h 11 deep silken fringe. It 14 f•d11ed
of the sumo nano e•1, 1•, I- •,, 1ti -.pot I had ,•, 1'V.. 1'.. ,, 1 •,., ! F -,r,.'” rtt,•ntc. 0,—‘........ewr., !:rlw.
"t wa+ desrrllrl in my- p'•=•• rd n, , 1%c.. 11 point a love and n hong 1 R.t,y 4icr.lt. t:y, Kon t'ry
n lit 1,:ae'. 1' 'I • 0,' Y.,. r 1:, •” 'i'rei••• 1,• t
0-- :r It:••4cn: f '.1 .\ h,• a}•, --- I. • „ :old Nunudinuw It envrinp)'r �• , he' it tooth. • t'
•,• t I,.. (. t' ' ti: -. 1...r•,' from head to font. It la net•• i
'a. I two e!,., •, • w.' • '.• ri,••a• I -• ' .11 I 1 . Le • 1 !,. r i.. t, lyrics her
res -n11• wits• tt.. - n,. ,u,t t r.'.• i• I ii I: KNIAV H 1•I i e• c• ( 1 ! , , f . , .1 al the throat. nn,1 when It 1 Ire, 7..:.1.,• 1:ye ltentody too., T.,1•,.,:e
'V1 ho I • Iho 11:•,4"u,7. \I \ 1 T11r tn:toru•y for Ow .1 fondant l on, ' 1 ,1• i ai,'• t i t gathered up wit l► one out•
1I ViIWn tier a gn•ii:,I,tee to •• i,: , n , • •i ,,1
valor repllyd, 'A. far :t- 1 , 11,. I, ,.t made a err-f••rl} c: • nhh b 11).kew the "Pee ; f: , re' many a penitrtlt 11 111 n
mit, l^ 1- a k„m't t I.- ,•.t;eholed beau% (t. r,l .ely was injurious 1•e cten rt.,Ir•. 'L. .. '1u116 of it hl;, hlr•t sln•trhlug 149 t,1r is n'ft•rl•art.
w>.•, •Irlvttrl throucli t,•" .l g . 'labs jury, n1::dr mfr of l (hilel. S• ''I al r• I - 1, I,.
k , u1,t i wins.
wacon, tte, two I,. rely' ;t• n•• n• 1, ,;,1 ! • .uled, we;ell.•r beaten old all t,,' l» int d, . 11 __--
un,h:•'In, ne.1 I - in Itte.r ha., i ' •
in their ntrire the wuniPli of Prni•e tttnird's Llolmast t'ellevef Ncuratr,la.
! utl4un•u oil w11ose• oars oratory 1)r. William,. '41•' I. ' • I•r• only nearitin 1"cal
.tl i.. t, ,t. is 1 . , nn` tet,,•e,,h'nl. }>!vt 1tl it :1(:1:11 THh. Irl:t:it.
tut. 1 , .1 II...I,.•- 1 ::.,.I ,•raiment fell like snow' Ilake.4 %tile, lhtt• 1 IV!' t,lrh feminine In, m,•„t
tIitit , 14111 -tl..:o;. i talo nol,l '1'o,t' :. aartn ehitn11(•y, wa,l annoyed, - 1\1►ti�\t11\I i It'll' c , ,rt• lboroi hey no to (1.10 \ v;_;t•,r ;it n hotel in (.0 ilei
thiol "117.1 !npp,n,r, that 1 was 1:01- 1 i, other attorney look their i iii t' 11. t 1 •f hnlydre- !nc. the ,Isle` 111t 11!aec(, t'..tti a'Ailijc a K'll.o :1S '..•
eft.•' 011':1::-11 r/' nl n g1.1 nt', '• "Ito 3 11 1181111 (4) ,4,... II1.I•l i:1., .,f 111n•:t , :•T ,:',a 1..1n� ing ftnen I)1' 111.• i•r•"I41 ( of !,kn :I1g g -!Le(`.
tielf and �to 4(417' cense Peel the I:e r,
„(ientlomat. ur raid, coolly, inlpuitl.l 11:1• j,'•1, • of 1:1 to t,•, e.:o, ,•1 :::• t., the ,•,;.7110 of Mt \ro fh* re ev'et stay tL 0r about
two favorite pnstim••• • 1 \Ir I:rs., he , e 1rein with court, ''that y•,:n h•:-i:u,d !i ei t monl••nt Ili I:•n1 n i an 1 Preis '
ing n8a in l • of an: t 1l h1 t'lat t he undrrtt• • I t• 1 1 !,r inti;l:rt5}.
1011., 8 coul.l• of an:n-ing! ta., -. On that 1 am nal L„ring{ for nater.•' *'>.t> ,o :, year 1•o lam-, f : ' • \\',•i1. r0ttlitd the ,�iliin
ogle ooea-ion i ., l,•t 1 to rrno.nstrxt•• •.. - 1 d”, your h,.gior. CURED or LAME BACK WHEN 54. I t!• ! hffully, ''the red ons pin, but
---- - -- - ":11:11 that ft J,l1111 a year c1.n`11 Di • s, \tarlirl, of Slralhrm•, (►tN,, , the gr.'til!elnetl were :14''' 11'd ,'.11r.
into., his e•ntiro lactone (•' I 1 ,., thiel:.
p.ss-al 1,.,••r . ,ears of his 11 ant miaow, i Inld sh ••,long at it. 1111•
\ sunrnnc rr, f lane hark. it. fag it left the d0.•+li;rt.
Inid n,•., ', • 1 adverle0•I .•'•n.•,lirr anti -- --- -
houv to .1 • • , i•ot, hu1 t.. • 11 1 nu bene: r ,
(rani Any .4tl,r,,, fir. iVIOr3c "1
-_- - .- Nome months alfa, reefs t t •1 fill. a•1 Indian Root P I I I tS
$;card's Llnlmsnl Carrs 0:nd►uR. l/0(liwe wr, Martin null 1,., -ort a bo.
The relief .._ sr ------.,..1.., 1 are not a new and untried remedy -
our graadfalhers used them. Half a
century ago, before Confederation,
they were on sale in ne,rtt every drug
or gener.it store in the (:,mads of that
div, and were the recognized cure In
(ho)sands of homes for Constipation,
Indio didn, Biliousness, ilheumatism
ane! Kidney and liver Troubles. To-
Intl on the heng:tt of a loll, and ll'tur• .,I declare,” i11rs, lose-ln,u 44"8"
saying, "1 never was so '11; -i:°4
in my Iifo ns when the dot•t•,r ex
antin(d Johnny and said he had
asteroids in 11i4 hose."
ed Illus 1t at no 'thy 45-1111 0(111e to his
hotel if he rlriri I 1:ko 11.,11. T}..•
innkeeper replied that alter car,•fully
ernt=idering the matter in all 11. brar-
lnv, he hail decided that no taw won!!
('4004'• in any 1"3-0, nml therefore he
had letter charge when 1)0 1,11,1 the
like a good many other things at
Cambridge, the golf civ1, was founded
by Mr. Browning, an to one occn•
Mott he went iho! round ., all a Scotch
professional. At the 1 of 1t tho
needlessly frank Caledonian remark -
nil, "Well, yrr sem bad, and yell
sever be any better."
Hie Business Qualities.
ft"Whet sort of a man is her' ''r
"A g'i`ld debtor and a bad creditor,"
\e 4'418(l "'They ray the ixty looks
ju-t like. tae.
1\ uldsor--"1 wouldn't worry
about that. They say that. Cho
w'orul a baby looks the handsomer
it, will he wh(11 grown."
'.11 t d" you know 111.t, : '
"i fops.: -h 11:111 the ;woe. v• • r
le neer '
1,,TL• 1 r,l'n , f putting 111.' r,"
1 alter h,' had taken ml.• ho 5 w,., to great
that hr kn: w he+ bad Innnd the hghl rim•
fruit al Ihr poli of an 11:llket is caveat 11.a. 11•tiled two more butte, and
work, it nut,. said 1hr' 1111i "5"1"1' is now farm Ictely cured.
grove >: •I. ••-11'1 (0,•1 111116"41.• co. :1 h.,, G Nor $2 s1, at all deafer..
any n1••„ . 1 w.:! !,.14.• .,1'; L.1' Fre- •...n:`Ie i• you 4tt,le National Drug
kel14 just as they !la.. :u1 1 • h,• . h Chem..al Co, (f►eg't. \V. L.) Toronto,
with t' ,• 1!(t'1 l., ,u.,• .n 1
day they are )est of effective, just as
ilul,4 :4 - t, r L, • t 1, •,..:, 1i1, :1 relk.hlc as !v1 r, and nothing bettor
.i ly ' 1: v:1- a h.•:IIt If thee,' Buri; :. man's:eucrch•. leaves n ha. yet been devi,ed 7:
RdQ ire .nisi r u • n• . I::tl t:,e• i,u.l i,1 • 1..t ter tnst<• in tile InunIl a of his Curo
goldfly moos coolie. tnrPe .atoll, heal. ,, C V r
the throat mad las •. • • „tom t4uU. 9J,.'.t•, , .1.141: :(�,, c„tt.s.
1.111: !ANIS — C
There is good in end, and 544110 .(;LEANING LADIES'
bad in all: the roan who would WAL�ili.i. ' i; GIJT1NG SUITO
I , .7
g'rrneit tnn•t hell) them who fall.
A Wel:• E(nown r/ an.
hl,nvi ! • 1 • • • • 1 • 1..•:,i!1,t
Deur •• I ' An • •-mn,rntl Your 11!'•
Ak1)8 11•.111i 51' 1 1 Hh•umati/m ,.
t4pratns. ns 1 have u.ed 11 fun both w,tb
01crlkent results 1, NFL'i0 g CO., TORONTO
Peart tn. 'v• i j. W.
7' 1t. 1..11' F: n!1. ,�,�•„�.........�+•�•�
8l. Juba
AML: W►1/t7
Br:t.sh f,maric tet CyainA Co.
Turkey FeatIt rs
7► C:l!!e `1: ler will l,41
ler wing i, lid l..•
4•. • r lel particular. -
%4 1,:•1 4.:1 1!Ir• 11111l ' I •
•.on et. 1 11..1.111' in y( 111 i :• W. C. COF f -ATT
1 j'1n.1 in Lon I heard 1111 a . f ORILLIA, • - OINTAFUO
}:• t r: t!, I day." re„e,.,_••...+..__ _ —.mss.
Nor) Darer' Painket'er. Ira •Reese to alma.* I tt f 1'(•11.1 drupprad in ern an old
• .1,,, - ,,. d 11.•. rate. hart„ tor, heut•N. , 1 ha -
l1 1 ,11.,•.'i• cure, cramp.. 'Hanhsa and laity who WaS fro IIig 0 bit o
,y..,at.r . A,•,irl •11h.tilatp 111.9.• 1e bot use cote. .4it:1l: 1 11 U'•"1, that.- saidt',u:'killer"- Pier, 1)Art. 23e. a.(1 :n,e.
•_ ' tin• friend, stigllnz apishly. ''Grand
"Filter say• he is waked up ec 1►:teon? \\•A. 1 nue:-•+ it is ,trend
ery morning at 1,," '•\\ liit .i, la •cm, Raid the ,!(l fault. 1 ire ng
i.' 1 c'p) -a rooster, a baby or a ! the • I'Fe 4 in the pan. ":\n' it' 1
gnat i1)a1" nuns :,• ger rner'irtl•d stuff. wither.
-_- That pea (It'd ,1 natural ileatit. '
MInr:rd•s Liniment for sale everywhere.
A tilt:N 1)1' LIFE.
:\ 'won known p,refe•sor, who had
the tepid Ilion of erring Somewhat
on the side of pedantry in regard
to the ti'4 of the right word in tho
right place, ret home one
evening and surprised a burglar at
44, 1 k in his mom.
Whipping out n revolver the lat-
ter covcr(al hint, saying ---
"if you I11o4 a you're a dead
"Allow me to remark, my good
nota," rejoined the professor, "that
your statement is absurd. If 1 "�+tdfal�+r {- ;.I''
move It is excellent proof that 1 ant 7•jIiE, ,t.�
olive. You really should coueillor %.47,•::,..4.
rtror words a, little before using
�Aem. r
rA '' 'vii E'
V%/0 12
l'Sll \U. 41 1G.