HomeMy WebLinkAboutExter Times, 1910-11-03, Page 4TUL'. EXETER TIME S, NoVEMiB1It 3111 1910.
Business & Shorthand
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Catalogues Fr.o
C', A\'. \\ e,tr.r!'. u `.t'e..enelt. Jr.. C•A.,
Nooses!. Vice-Nilopah
e INT.\1t1O'4 WHITE
,'1'h: f uran-• ort In Berlin recent ty
of t6: hydro- cmc power from Ni-
ngara Falls t- .n , , rat I11 tt will live
iu the history (.1 (':. :3 •.r :tad Canada.
marking as It ,i 1 ,Ise ac-
complishment ut . proi e3 th:.: has
uttracte•d attention all °tar 'the
tvorla, llydro-4•1:ctric power in On-
tatio has ended th:s .experan"ntal
Stag and has pass•'d into the re-
cord of accomplishment. Ch •ap:•r
light and power have goo:. •into ef-
fect unler iha regime of Ontario'.,
hydro-.!..:e'ic i,ot:cy, with its kiis-
tributoii •.n' est nding 10 all the
more important !owns and ,cities
throughu':t th • o •-tk•rn part of the
proyine,. El. etre light for the
Lone-, th (uh!ie halts. the factor-
ies an 1 tl._: .;tr. is will be served
from tb.4 gust w:tt_r power: of Ni-
agara riv.•r at s'.ow':r rata's than have
tier Ir • U io=3iblc heretofore. and
light arid rotor • nter largely into
11 ' wants of n1 n int our Clay. '1'h'
machin • situp-, Ill. city .ra;lways
and I • )'.:I•etc .c<t uIs of mat •r t•'tp-
ply, d: rive tnt:ch u[ theist driving
tore• from th ••1:et ric current.
IJ ides t6:sr ylcctrical '•nervy is
entering u.or. and more into dont:o-
lic•purpa-,s and iighteniug the work
of the hon, hold. l.. axing ot:t all
other con -ii ra4 el.. ".vert denizen
who work= in 't factory; Office or
shop, will 1s •. ;;;;;:ti •r 'n h,•tith by
th 11.stitue:on of . c.r;city for
light ng l,utiu .:usd 1t) comfort by
th. linlivat:ort of 1h • ,•mak:
nue . ('•411a•L t)1•. t 1, a tfep•.'n-
ding largely, on th coal mins for
Leat, light and ow: r, and it is t.
great comfort 10 b' hssurrt how• in -
d i ud:nt v. rat'.) I:. cool • N loot our
in.•xhanst ,t:. waster l,utr'r- are
mad • to s ippiy t hos., mods for res.
1'h o u r i ow,'r- of t h• great rivers
pt 1 I:• ,14:1. Q : 1, c :.11 1 \ •w Itrur;►-
%yie1; c. .i ! .r •.11 t.rn •. with
of 41; • c u. . '. In T.nglan l th
CO...,.1,. :1) 1...!it- nnn•.;;1 y 1-1
al:, •1, •.0 „1.
C.us,:• tL ii) 1tu-L. cern 1 ,t.
.:4 -t 11, ,. 411144 :11 nit t
pow • +t. co ! I:.caliI/ s '11110911r-
(0 c•• r \: ,. .:1 :, 1.1!t in 2So:t
hos 1-,+•. 1. r ; r.:. ntiu4; an anrl.t•t.
C0 t • , :•.1, .:11:.'i011 of over .367 ors' i, ie.::
tot. or icor • t is to on; awl a si lar -
tet ton .: more coal than i.9 mined
In l•:r:,•!.nr1 for :.it (,urpo•.•'. Chard (_
M, (• , t , in addr.sning the Cotu-
,r.i '•'1 Cur.•, soacon at Ottawa
furnish ,snow.
tit , r • r .11 II. b:'t form for
Ft . : 1 if . f ••.,a.og tar.' 11 .L1t
of .r c, • 1 -••rvoir.• for !t.
c'.1, 1 „: ; 1 Omit- r•,011
aa, thtt IL . 14.tury from Jn-
br 1 . to Curt \' ti1.1ru mint 1, -
C4.,w c tt1 au 1. by
1!• , tr,11•t,1 -041. distrlbu1
1.,., •t d: -;•la' •. )nd•••d.
to 1 , 1 of th iw:'nt i.•th a •ntury,
It ' ! :h• c etc ut
n ',wall! .4 Lv
engin .::.:,i, n 1 4. ,1,f d by r
T• i:. ! t ..1
113.• + 4 tt:
t t
J , • I
• . • . •
le, r,. 'lr...'4 r4 '•.1;.•
• AI 4 .01,4, ,r, 1 .r 1.. • ('f ,•,. tit 1.
11a4 4 t• ,t I 11,-
4, r • it. 1: 14 ,!, (. ,
b. i.
4' 1 Li; 04 1' ...
1 , . • 4 lea's. c•
.;13 t 1, (1:., 1
a.4... . •,1 1.11 i.
N 1 f r , 1:,. I. 1; •
1111 t th corn •1n1 4::11 • 111
tt r • 1.srn. Tii,, 44 'h.•
s �) r1 of t h
y.ha- ).:._ rl 11's t
11 .1.11.1 .11• f•::
z; et - 1 . •
Ceort• • ►!odenham, of Si. Marys,
s 14 ' (i:c,ing with a (eu' of his
•.. • on the. G. T. It. Back, had
t' : st broken, caused by falling
of t h r.:iis.
•1 i, t i= ou ono article in the lin
s,. !„ u.•: that gives so largo .,
•'.4n fur th tuotl.•)• el4 a good
strength •[11111: l'i:tstcr, such
t /lee:. Blase 1 \t . d and Vella -
!ors r. Backache 1'..>t r_3,
11 r. ,lames Manu 1 t, it he'to en cl.vk
rf `.litchcll. passed away nt his r4-
siderio • ou Saturday. (h•t. 22nd. rte.
44 61 years old awl ii •art)• all his
life had b.' •n :a r.•4:d •nt of 'Mitchell
During the past ttw'_1v.• )..ars he Ives
toren clerk and $.t•r, t:tr'y of the Ful -
torten, Iowan and Ilibbert CArgicul.'
tura1 society.
Mr, J. B. I)insdale, of Kipper, who
rec:ntly h:ld a successful at:ctioo
sole of his farm stock and implement.
i; contemplating a trip to Califoru,.t
50010 other pointe in Lope that
h, )light get relief from 0 F:•rious
at tack of rheumatism from wu:ch
he has been suffering. It is boned
t hat he might come back completely
restored. The have rented their farm
for a terns of three years to Mr.
•la•• McDonald. who gets p0ssessiclt
;t ORce,
Miss Ethel _Marriot. who is attend-
ing the St. Marys Collegiate Insti-
tute, was the victim o[ a very EM' -
iotas accident, while riding from
school on Tuesday evening on her
telle,.l. She coasted down the Wel-
lington st. hill and when about half
way down she lost control of th•
pedals. The wheel plunged forward
at n terrible sped and one of the
school boys, Mr. Alex. Young. while
ero�sing was run into. Ethel was
thrown from the who:l to ihr hard
road which she struck bead Irist and
was rendered unconscious.
AIr. Geo. Sanders returned home
from the West last Thursday night.
Mr. Loney Heywood, of Union, is
Visiting in town this week,
Me. Jack Walker. of Bervio visited
his parents Monday and 'foetid/1V
Mr. \VIII Knight, of London. is visit-
ing in town. Will has just recover-
ed from a three weeks illness in the
London hospital,
Sirs Douglas returned home Friday
last after visiting far two Months in
Miss Vera Coward and Miss Laura
Bailey, of London visited at the forul-
er's home in Winchelsea.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Piper, of
Lambeth, visited AIr. and Mrs. I).; SW,ILI.IVIt.\1 /:ern-ISuk 1,a= no egos! in el:ar.t:g 1;Ily lci.•et'1 for the l:z.
Mi1Is over 'Thanksgiving. .on Weon ,day. Nov.ruber 2nd tis. .11 I h• :.lin:; of 44 o::n.1-, and 1 r c- n') are ; 11 140'•ptionaity f:n.•
:.f cattle,
.'tn)• pt•r: on d, sirous of ;•rocs:r:! g
:- 40) cow or -rows 11::1 ;. d not miss
'1'1:11115-9•month cr'l.t 4'V 0 o'!
ft:rnt11"oir Approved jo:::: 1:ot
, nt. nit for ct=h.
"I have awful spells of Neu-
ralgia and have doctored a
great deal \without getting
much benefit. Por the last
two years I have been taking
Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills and
they always relieve ale. i
have been so bad with
Neuralgia that I sometimes
thought I would go crazy.
Sometimes it is necessary t0
take two of them, but never
more, and they are sure to re-
lieve Inc.” MRS. F1RRIER,
2.131 Lynn St., Lincoln, Neb.
Pr!ce 25c at your druggist. He
should supply you. If he does not,
send price to us, we forward prepaid.
'•11 . 11. Melton 1.11 f ''less J. ilf:etah- I Clearing Auction Sale Times Want
1.4:•1 I turriA hour: t1Os week from n
t! + :nt visit wits rclativcs and OF 1'AlC,1 tbIOOIC, LN'1•LEAL1':N'L'S,
u I1I It s'Is and 1\'inghaw, IIOuTS AND HAY.
1116.• cu.:ueil ars making a foto job )!r, Thos. Cameron has received
of the c n1 nt gutter on Wellington. iustructious from the undersigued
tr . t, i t'Iing to the railway fetation, to sell by public auction on
0 1 •'.p.cts to have it completed 114:. Lot 2, Concession 12, Bibb:rt. •u
vt •11. friday, November lltl,
A1s•, Ituby Fulton, tot Seattle, ut un+ o'clock sharp the following:
isingtun, is visiting her aunt, l'1\'1: b'!)UCti,-1 brood mart in
'11 . Charles McAlli-t,:r, and othtr fool to Siberian, agricultural ; 1
t,'I , r ,t and fri;ads in this vicinity. to I ling agrioulturat ; 1-2 year old
:1: \'� til. Shirr:ty and Miss Aggie t;rl.ling agricultural ; 1 cow due t•
1'19, 1 1) 13 turn:d last week from a calv,; lit timid of sale; 3 cows duo to
t• 1) 4, ,•,nt visit with rclativ,s calve lst of March; tI first class
u I f t send, in Cranbrook, Monkton heifers 2 years old ; 1 heifers I year
•„ 4 %ic 11.ty• old; S steers 1 year old ; 2 rprino
\i 4. Jo %ph Case and Mr. (:, Cas: j calves; I brood sow ; 3 store hog*:
1»1 h of 'I'oroitlori, were in the village 50 nice hens and pullets
fon' a day or 80 during the past IM1''LI:SIEN'r'd.-1 binder. mower,
pert harvester, Lay rake nearly new,
1 soeder and drill, 14 land roller,
diso harrow, 1 set iron barrows, 1
{tang plow. 1 scuffler. 1 horsepower
1 Ih,rn,ber k. pig, >,k, t ave* box. Pasture Farm for Sale
1 bay rack. pig rack, gravel box,
hay forks, tvhiffletrees, neck yokes,
1 bag truck and bag bolder, 1 mat r
trough, 1 sot double harness, 80110•
good horso collars, a quantity of
good hay, n quantity of good wan-
t;:; `. some corn in stooks.
new sewing machine., 1 drop jeaf
lab:e, bedsteads, 2 feather 0,0(11,
Set quilting frames, spinning wheel.
and a lot of other articles 'too nu-
merous to mention.
Positively no reserve ns the pro-
prietor is giving up farming.
%%+• ai.
rt.+• • 11_ Id in the MI•thodisb
,1lu1.b h •r: on Sunday, 'Oct. 30111.
1,. It t. 1)r. Dougall, of (lo'lerich;
•(•it d morning and evening.
411!' t 1(3 Gordon Madge
at Stratforl, mo is at at+
Ind.• last week visiting Ilia sister*
Ali Anna AIadge•
Mr.-. Itootlit on has returned from
II .,rrit; tyh r • =h • has been visiting
her (taught '•t, -, '•ieM lrtin.
111:. LI•:D,
• .-link :Once again the Only Cur:
Mr. IL Allinson, of 457 King Street
London,Ont,, says: "While a nl.►nb r
of the cast Kent. Div:t;iorl Football
►'cam, and during a rough and excit-
ing game of football. 1 tet oil the TERMS—All sums of $5.00 and un -
hard gravel, sustaining a badly lac- der cash; over that amount 12
Frons Lot 1e N. 11. lifsAitdiysss.
township about Augns(t 10th one
dehorned export stce'r weighing a-
bout 1200 pounds. Any iafoca ' tiara , hp p�
leading to his recovery w•il4 be liber- �yfl 8J8 O, IU6 CQ����oB MOT 4f0
ally rewarded. Byrom It. Risks.
Residence for Sale
One of tht. most cgatfor ta Ijtd=
erate prioed brick homes is Eketer
has beet) plae.td in our Leads for
sate. It is well situated for school
and churches, has good stable and
garden, in all about 2 1-2 acres.
(Madman & Stanbury 10-0-tf
rest 'i ken's, This r(quirrd prompt
r:.,• lie 31 :(tl••ndaneo., as , and and
ter Ivy! filled the op,•n wound. which
tat • %cry painful and sore.
' For r'•yeral weeks the doctor
is, s ( • 1 my injury; and it was.
thought to be %yell healed over : but
50 YEARS !EXPERIENCE OF AN i no sooner had I begun to move about
firm the skin broker and I suffered
OLD NURSE. I more than at first. For t- yen tong
Sirs. %Vins!ow's Soothing b-yrup Is w,• t:: l was actuatty fair( 1:p. it
the prescription of one of the beat • ,,•rt developed into a running sort,
female physicians and nura.•1 in the :1.1 I was alarmed for fear the re-
t"nited States. and bas been used for • 44,1 'nigh be a p:•rulancntly stiff
fifty years with never -failing succoas Ono •• Tho doctor's treatment failed
by millions of mothers for their to hell th" mound FO 1 r:oc:irad a
children. It relieves the child from t:pp!y of 'La ns-fi•;':,
month's credit will be given on turn -
Miklos; approved joint Hotta, or a
discount of 4 per cent. ler annum
for cash on credit amounts.
Auction Sale
,:! /111(Y
l i . • r!.d our! ••-
c ;r •1 :1. 'r :- ons 1e. 1 t'. .+ . •
A10-11011 : t tt::•
51E111101 tiLl'fAN IIOTI;L, EXETER,
on 'Thur -!'y, Nor. 17th. at 2 o'clock
rain. cures diarrhoea, griping in "1t %V19 almost snag. .11 in its cf- Tharp
t 5 �t:\\"t.Y CALVED COWS
the Howes and wind colic. by .tieing' feet ce tit • soh ore sand rgssg
hcaah to tho cbild, it nista the; ur,u cc'st,d, The soreness and pains 23 1)1 H TO CALVE IN .JAN.1
mother. Twenty-five ccntr .• bolas, 1.%•,.,•• banished and nrescrveranct• I'1:14, AND MAlam.
ta-itlt 'Lam -Duk matte the badly l:,c-
� orat.•d kn ,' as good and firm as ay.•r. All the ahoy; cows have bean
Mr. Jos. Sutton has gone to London I hove of AI r. and Airs. Andrew Ma- , 100714• n f is t L. -
to take take a position with the Sutherland' ,.,.3r
Of the 11th conctl :on of Mc- ', '
Innis Co.
Snowea fell netI•ly a foot at 'Merton
last week.
Special service's %rill be held in the
lamer street church next week. Rev.
\Vatter Millson st ill assist the pastor.
Rev. 1t. Hobbs.
'fhe Eden Methodist church. one of
the pioneer clays was sold last week
by public auction. Mr. Saul Kssery
purchased the church and Thos \Villin
the shed.
_ —
Jft. ..tol '•ir=. G: -o. :+laic ••' 111
'4'),. t.k. ;7i .1;;.: with (ri 1.,1• .It tion.
V i - L:., 11 •t t, accon:pan'•'l L r
• t r; Mrs. 11. 1'. art to h:•r n:•w• %rill t'tlto (4p th.:r r -''l •nee ou 4h h wcres11“::1044 .1 ,.r• t.:r'-...c tn,rning
444.141 • :1t itocl:Woo t, w h r 01t 11'14 tin ' 11 1111 un tnt
he 21:•1 conte --:bet, V: •to lear1 h• .\,1
11.144y -.I a Di.;as101 vi -'1 ,11 that .1'1 kiln ill 44 3131 *11'111 0I' (;t:a,n(1 t' rt, •;,• 1 rel .etre tr
tun 0. i r ,-) ^gnus jo::r4.) t i.rq" :It !.4 ut•'ntt,.:u,,l I' tat •, tt 1. , h t , .k place
\ t:,i-t::1: w ; • tu:l '.0 i; -t v. 1:' during 1!1,• r 4.4 4.1 11,:3,43 be last
two 4oat.,Mi. (..,Il:n-rbso '..., in
itn.• tc:th r.: 4r !. to th• ..a.4r, •- - 111..\f�t. (using 1,11!'1'. s stf.'rul)l Isom ht. lot
1: c . . t 4 0 : t hoot.... i, I! 11' '.a a v,11•:01 ' w49
14 , 4 .0 lb 0f W. lin-1oli •;oh1111'I0. appater.!:t' ,r, !, , '4;I I,r,44i,�wheh
u r,( Tho-. .lunh•tov, ., )•r('nlis ire he si,ITsr,'-1 .• ( ;.• -;•• from
r l,: 4._. it tvbir..b h•• r.. t. 4 , ,-r„a rr. ,t I.x.S•
i:•iw ;fa) Murton who has 1,4.11 itor1:- „ o:.::4,;....4•13 • g +%a1'
for Tho•. ,Merle y Sonat4 th • soon- on .solid ;y ;a,1. Sol.: • nim Ias! t4 i" The dlce,t-4d has born 44 resident of
• r i 443,:4 1 b,• 0 .1 w1(h .1'.): •t ('•1 .1 : ac:404.1 . .1 t,, :; ..t l on this community praclit•slly all his life
his 14'g and tit- tiooLc:1l a('^nd•:0to and has always proven himself to be
found it nec •ssary to omp.1tat, ' he an honest, industrious 11(1,1 upright
111311, being Held in 4ht' highest esteem
by his Many neighbors unci friends.
Iiia death is sincerely t•egtetted by his
(ail;y..ry, w;. lb.: gees.. of a v •ry 1. on -Bol. at'i:t .,:>o I. • fa::nti ^ r0
L :1'i y ev. nt. it bend th.: u,arr,':: • ' e:.i • for eol1 6or-.11, cu•::•;' -(1 f,..:-; i•,
Of 111^ir yoang:-t d.:cgnt:r, J.:n: t ' fro - t bites, l.lc_r., ecz:cl:, b'.oa'i-
to Mr. Young .A. 'Neil of tli 2nd cunt 1 :n•onb ,, tar.cose ser, a, biles. s. .
e..-iutl of M4G:ii,rary. '1"11•• (3,:.!- ur '. 1;11,1441:10::, .uf'.11; '
El 1 • fe011. pec at fo'cr o'clock n btbie'' .root Oots .111,1 ci,
:h4 aft ttua1T, 1114 tt a. cund'uc:.Il Lt a. . I • • . f 11N 19'.7
' . :.1,:
t i;(• 1: v. Itobt. llirl:i. t,f Cr •1.9 t
111. 1.. , t; 3 , '. \. •,.r.
To • laid; looked charming in a dr. -- • •• ' :.'r:. h . . ,::
of 1a.lty -ilk tr.0:n..:d a.th 1):c11 r 1i'' i:,:,.1.. CI.. 'to:,0-
;:till 41111) 1•0.,i1 1.1.-,, (.1:d tea- :; -4 e1 r• I; ,3'! ref i 1":.. •
4 r le' r .,.1_1- V C. wll : Olio ('1, •.t •o, I, 11:.:.. ..•. t ::i,:. .•.:3 1
`•11• 'r )' r(ortn d the d•:t:• •. of 1: 1 •t • t ,' ,:• r •d r 4114 ' i:a4a• 1,1 *3. • 4 o4
', 4.t) . : t ..o.;:o c L.it • 1 )- Julu, I'r0•.1, : of th C.:, t- of
Fort Huron in th• li=st • of -ll.cb -
' rill 4 , ti. A. t•.•trtl mon :1'c:•asert•
. ,1: ,. Lb>' Notice is tt:v+u too .u.,nt to
The, to -1. 4.4 to or 1: or. community 1:. F. O., io!1;, .4: ,p. 12' thtt 311
• •dreg• :111 914.1:'. 1 'ti't1,1 c4 .31114
14:1111.1 tar• t -tat, of til• lit, .lubts
I tool, who died on or altout Ih1
:th dos of F,•pt •ob•r( 1910, art• r,-
1 ,3n•d 1.n or I, for • tit • 2Ith d iy o1
• '.v. 1910, to :•.t)'1 by I o -r IT paid.
at (L•livcr t:1 ale-nt >. t;;,,441na:( (
'`tlnbury, sot it our to; tl,• cz•'eil-
• •,: of I h • ,' . of Int '
paid deeeay.el t: ,,r christi.ut
•,alt surnames. 1dd1'••4,1 'I 1111 '!c{
i •':or,:. Ih' toll 1'a1 Iirul,r- of tb''ir
-1 ,sol••. , 1;•• ,•!earn.' r 1 of III it :e•
err;; 11•• 0114 11.1. 11 *44 3' of the oe•
..:t1114•44. if :,11)', I.' 1: t!+ :I.etrl. And
;,.•1141 4'k" 111,1 i!« '!.•• .(4:r •u:11
'.,•t nt'ntinn4,l ,lit" t1,• •- ,it i:zecu.
w i.I peer • r1 t 1 11...130(011.1•7
the %.sots of Iho docess d moon; the
:-11i. •• "1,11411'.4 141''(''1). h•,air :4 re.
o •.! „ 11.'. r' t u• oa„hash
Notice to Creditors
Mr. '1:d. N, it tlay.d t h tt 'I- i1.•
••.11;• match. 111.1 prey. its tt 1 •r. •
,:;:'rots and costiy showing tit: •
t ' 4:1 in n high (11' brad.. w.1s 1tdo.
MI •r a short trip th • yu:;n11 cetyl.
• f '!: = I; III. tler form riy
:54,1. 11. r . ';.f: , Norval, on •
• t •:3t :r n`• of 14.1 Lupton O.11 I h •
I: it) 1 1: L:w n Str..:fnrd :.n,) Tor -
:.••nt wi1, 4, • :,'1tnu.::•t
n xt Sub,) 1y by 11 v. W. 11. Itl:tt Slush. 'l•h•s was don= Lot soon all r
is -tor. ot),,r ;;ronth4 alp ar:d ,!agog r •
--�- att.! s'owly hot Furely onipp d no. ,y
I: -':, I is his y_tality. I'inal;y h-., 1'•n,^,s I-- many neighbor, a3•1 fr ends olio ono
c1m affected rind all hope of r. coo- learned to respect and love* hint for his
'.1, or. cry was disprll.t, Ile Inas n yOOng tunny cxreNVot tut/Otter. 11.• was
ii. • n 1 `it!. I):,:: 1: . 10,n of ex, wl ary•clrar.tct,r ant hie horn in Stir'ing•41+ire, M(n'tat(1, on
'1 \\', 4:i:•1: i .. 40-0114 nlann.1' won f,r frm :t w t! January .rrth. lets and r:Itoo to IMe
circle of fri^t►ds, who to -d Iv 1;4, r•t tomtit sy with hiss parents. NH- 71101 firs
hi+ a arty I!',;to 0 ! oy s to 0.04.414 1'. Ii:trllin,'r. w n'•r, Meant f leo. of
l(sv h • fir fir r .o I 4• •:th T. :.% a e,-elt!ing on (he Thauns Wool
'troth••rs and list .• si'! r-, who 4 rh Ile was marti4d in Itiii to MI!'. ('hrist•
.e111 :,11 Irav•' th h .rot 1t 4yn,1 !1, ins('hristie..of 11411!s• -t, who with Iwo
Of the corny:Inuit,• Th:: rent ..0' w re sons. David ('.. t,11'rnrntrIy
1 •i t r. t •. t :n tl: • I11) -f, ' 1 e 1;, 1 ; )' er Ile at home are left. to no urn th"
'r .4 1v afternoon whit14'r tt, y lost of n kind and loving husband :u.d
% t ,w 1 1•y :1 11431' car:- •.: father In I,•lig.ti \It. 0.,,dit,rr 44:ar.
1 of nl o. nun. .
it l'r051•yleiiarl told in poli! c- .i.i' • , Al
1'l11' inners) w ill be h'•:.1 a, 13 i ! s% at
lirkt• 1. Motisialisi f'l'ag, It Aonivo I:UiIN 1.:14 interent•nt laking i 'r I: )''••
tsartwillieLehi on`inn!.tyNoa•.I::•It `cell•orty. Sot vices to,•:!.• i,•',4 .a•
and I nth, It \V. }1. 11;1'1, t'ent4.3' a I:'rr l:- 1t 11.^ S.11.!, hi 1•,n Soo, I1")•s r
on 44,' y to llr. �\1... -lynch. 'Ili- byres%• 1114•
%%11 prr:a h r•) Monday
at 10:('1 .. 111. : ml th' sympathy of their m an) Ir:tol
i,' l pantie on Monday tt gio a :mover w.tel ti•1.`. r and IOAtves.
will 1'Siven n, the• hat-.nr n' br•t;in- 1(141.'I'I(t11'It -lu 1,1: '•,r.. A.
ing MI a 1,•,)'.44. afier w1,ch 0 Itn.1 -';•; • 1 . '•1)11 . ni f' I1,\Itf'1.1:\"
gmature will b•• gi-d*i i„ et 4• ehypo h• H,14\14 :rlts3--in I:tci r North, r11 i ti• t• 1: I;'•':,;in: s•,•nr
A,)•itcfsr•s by -Revels I: Iio',Ls, I•:•• 1 l :v•• 14,•1. '1 I b, to Al r. 1n 1 '•l:s. 4 1 •:ay•• vs, ono th• it son
er E. 11. .`art•:t.ltn.n, G...r,t 1111,11, \V. i -. ran ti • 1.r It
Ii. Vatic-. \Vr oe111Au1, T. \\'. ata. eye r '.•1 , • C L'1v • fila n:
K1,6r0n, M1140' his 16..),. (1 4.y Boston %VAI.1 l:it-.1)n tine lotwn`in• K' 'pit n. I •1 i,0 - , , 1 h • lino, of :Mr.
' nn V.. ,In ,.,1'y. (feta 6th, to 41r.,o,. •h N:!,,,. 1 r. n or I)t:hwnce.
Byes (lurtrt 'r I nT•d lural t Ii' nt. Ad-
mission 2.1C 'fire + nn•1 MI' Jacob \\•n11,•r .141111100 r. I, , \ r• ti r -1, nt a (.55
- �- --
I. ADA\ln 11, (''ileac• .n'I'::••. 11y,('et I •' : . 1,1 ,• T11•:to'-....1•!4'-:inf...; with h•r pis -
II \ \ 2:,4 to 49 11r: ;70.1 '+ir-. C. 11.. S. 1111E t.•: - in t 4r-or44.
'I .. •, .i , In • ;L -s Aro .I• ,hr.e.l a e 4n, ' - t ).
( Il to is J•.lor • .\.1 ,•,
.I I. , 11 \Itl:i3 I,
1 '. 1 rr ,
' ' 4 tt'
.1 `
7,1 n:. 1 : .
. ) irl rr1 (1' 4..I. -
' e,kr3 L. d •. cQor 17Ii(2
No sense in rtmnin: ; from one doctor to anotfl::1. S‘.'t'ct
the hest one, ,lltr, : anti by lupi. 5C115C tither i!1 1r\•;nsi
ttli�. tlli!l:f, thein t'.iu:;, for your cl)tl,elle Carefully, d.:!'!•:sr-
atety select n:: i 4r::.► h 1rC•llici:. i.;•..! tai, _ ;;.t:c',
tt) i,. Ask your t.:o::to' about Aye; . (. 11;' i :.i 13:1
throat ark! ll:' j troubles. Sold f '. ' . • '
NIS alcohol in ii1rs (_06: a) medicine. f.C:/iyuCo.,Luucri,.f•lu3s.
a:1 'rt•,yse -us- - 1e. . •,'- 7., •arnev"T,alitr
r , ,.
MI (iv try Itis lnua4l, In,l .r!. 1.r voar r,.nstrp.0 ,.' -: ' <t!r., f , tti- e^^1
01.1 citable (fatly las •tiv.:-A;cr' _ I'ilh? Ask your .:ue;e 1 . 11 4•• r', • t'; •
.-'. .....1r ra t,.( .
!t . '•\'I- r , 1 1 1 • v. ! , t
1 , 1 -.4'
'1 1•
e I 1'
I 1' , . • ! ton 1' 3 , :,4:. is 1
I •,. ,f 1.
i''i Ir
I: .I I t- in .'4 . (a nt.. I,)•
' ;'4. -_n 1. .i,; , • t • 1 nil
\ , I r'.
tovrosO('It-ln 11i1e'. . , •.
\C1 -I y 11.1Ifour, I 11 ) ,; •
motif ft,.
(1I'4)141' Y11 I.: In I \ 1 1.
1 ('r! :'tar!. \I:lv Anis .1 „ r
rt t:. 4 '.1r. 9'h'•
111 l,• 3 1. .'1 t 3!,
I' 4)4) 4 4
1 1
GARiDINI'.IR 1•• i' ,,,. ,;„••1
day. Nos -ono -4c Is', ,lames (1110:
444(4(4 141 yrs, 1) molt hs m,,) 12 ;hit's.
Funeral w ill he held Fritlay at 1.34)
and Ivll) !'•^v'n r,. ltov'o e.metery,
set vices bei"g I."ld 1', :to) •t church
Fifty acres good pasture farm;
West halt Lot Nine, North Boundary
of McGillivray, several acres in bush.
Apply at once. to
Ilarriaterii, 11xeter.
Iron Posts
In order to close out our Stock
of Iron Posts we have reduced
the price from 25 cents to
18 Centra
Iron Pipe Braces all lengths at
5 C rite a Root
We will take in Exchange Ilorse-
hair, Rubbers, Iron, Copper,
Brass & Wool Pickings
for which we will
the Highest
Any tn'rMOtt 8.110 is the sola head
OS a faun Ly, •r tiny wale over 1/
emote/fit of available Uou„n,uti laud in
Manitoba, 8askatohewalt, or Aiberts1
The applicant tuuet appear in persss>•
at the Dominion Lands Aganoy st
*Sub-agenoy for the diatriet. Entr7 (�
proxy may be had at tits al;enoy, Oil
certain couditious, by father. mother
eon, daughter, brother, or sister or
intending houtoste'ader.
Dulled :-Six mon tIs residence upon
and cultivation of the land in earl'
of three years. A homesteader mays
live within nine milt* of lie homed
stead on a tfartn of at least 80 aoree
solely owned and occupied by bin Ot
his father, mother. btu, f1111110:1 tore
brother or sister.
In certain districts a homestead..
in good standing may per-empt $
quarter section alongside nis homer,
stead. Price $3. per acre. Duties -se
Must reside six months ineaoh of OR
years from date of Lumestead entry
(inoluding the time required to ears
homestead patent; and oultivtall
fifty acres extra.
A homesteader who hos exhausted
his homeatead right and cannot obs
tain a pre-emption may take a par+
chased homestead in certain distri•ts
Prion $3. per acre. t)utiee.-Ma•,
reside six months in eaoh of three
years, cultivate fifty acres and ere•,
a house worth $300.041
w. w. CORY,
Deputy of the Minister of the ntarlor
N. 13.-Lnautborlred pabliestlon oho
cent will not be paid for
TB. CAiRLINO, Lite, Accident, Fire and Plat*
Glass Insurance, also Collecting Account!
and Auctioueering.
1.. I). 8. ; U. D. 8.'
honor graduate of Toronto University
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices, Exeter.
nit. A.R.KINSMAN, L.D. 8., D
Tie Usborne and HibbertD. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur" i Dental Surgeon
Office over Madinat) & Stanbury
ante ompanu !Main street -Exit-row
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont
I'rc: c l nt. .1. F. RI:SNELI,
Vico-Pres.. 11' 31. II O Y
!MDT. NOIRRIS, Staffs.
TflOS, RYAN Dublin.
\V M. SMOCK. Winchelsea.
ROBT. GARDINF:R. Far lobar.
JOHN ESOF.Itl. L'xotor. at(t•ot to;
Usborne and llirldulph.
OLiVEIt I .tRRIS, Muns agent
for Ribbert. Full mon And Logan.
Socy.Troae. Farquhar
I)LADMAN t HTANHI'It'. 4".fcl(ors
Auction Sale
I hat • bei n in+truck .1 1,•. ill
,Admin".•tratrix of the estate of the
t►: y th^nant's • �:: i that flat:• \\ illiam Campb'Il to offer for
•,• t I , x Color. n 1• 1, sal.• by !pi auction e L5t t
,,. „at• . ‘11
44 Il,rt 1 it) F:x,•tr'tf. on 1at'u.•.thday, icn3th,
, .. „ •f vaho.r toy. fntluwin'O,ra * (w,o 'clock p. tar.
1 , ,,.•4.,. •.b 41 0. r 1„a,. i, leenoeta(,
r •Ia141 1.v tL.vn rt tOn ti• fef •nrh 1. Lot N0. 11, in Ill." SeCOtt•I• Con -
c •i',n of Hoy 'Pew's•)):I; cunt ainintt
It1I \\' Hf'•\It!'ttl' 400 ';Tres mora• 4r 1. ss. On thi,+ farm
t'.r' for 4), t , t s• (ut( r•. Ii< ,1 largo br:ek hon..' in rout, r •-
1t .1 •r 1'a 4, 1. :'n 1. .4•• {�p1ir, n large I, ink barn %%Ott] svi1I'1-
•',1; r 4',10, uu11. driving sh'd and own oh• 'l,
_ about six novo of hardwood bush.
ov •r two acres in orchard, abs -it r -`x
!aces fall wheat looking good, :end
4•:t thirty acr •- in gra....
It'.• i• ••• f•rst-class and in gaol ata: • 0-
. ;,:tic it :on.
'.;,:ticit:on• Th• (:gran is wel4 f'nc, 4
'•n: • ail,- n I and •r drai,a «1.
•• 1 "i4- 2. Lot No. 10, in (1100 I.•con,1 ('on -
:.f 1r ',• ion of 11a)• Townshil, conflating
'r1 .,•r • 1410re or lett' cxcrpt that
I to l4 Methodist Ch':rch.
I ( , 1 n +. I,H., 1. • - .
i 41.:,1 i •rn ;91 -t,h' '(11•
•r l ,• all el are/), mel; 1.•nc d :,ries
.1. I'! 1'1 (':'1t 1'
I. . 4.
I. 1,..• :. r3. 11 • ,
' cf.' r 1 4,
r:4,r 4,3
A : n .1 1. 1.111 for 1' n 1 r drained. There or about sots•
( 71.14 , .1 :;; 1, 1'112 feel '.' ' .er -. of 444001 w'h: at and nota • fall
i:itb r rat • is a rare' 0tPort„n .y 'owing. about forty acr sin *;raw.
fit •re nn• ries gaud tarn: on this
to non“ 41 r n'a "1")r 1 term.
I'Cit\l., -'4'.0 p r c,•nt. of the tour-
1' :t :i n .. 1 '.. • 1 .11:
(Is • ;.
/ 1 kt,owol,, t . 1 know wuu, w a anfrcring.b
L .• • 1 baso found the cure.
1 will ural* Ire. of an)• rl>.4rRC, my heme treat.
meat with toll irtrtnicflous t0 any aulrt•rcr from
women a allmrnts. 1 want to tell a 1 4OnMll ahtntt
this 01110-3012, toy reader, fur you: self. your
daughter. 30010101 erre or our sister. 1 want to
tell Sou how 10 euro yoornclf At Immo a -litmus
the help of ft doctor. Men cannot understand wom-
ono autrerhrgn. What wo women know Uom et.
perlence we know hotter than any doctor. 1 know
t1,.1 toy Homotreatmentlsa sato and pare care for
.ser whitish dlschar1e,lllcer.tion,nls.
placement,'r felling. 4 thtwnmb, p►Mu•e, Scanty
or Painful periods. 1 urine or Oa orlon Torators or
(Irowthe. at n pions In the head, hack and bowels,
besting dos. nleellnt(.,ner%nusnese,creeping feel.
In up the spine. melancholy, deetre to cry, hot
flashes, a eat loges, kidney and bladder troubles
where caused by weakness peculiar to cur a4,3.
anttn.vu(t you a complete 10 days•trealment
_ entirely tree to ponce to 3011 that yon (nn curet
3s0r,r.'1 •r';,•tel.'..;rc!(y,,+++,r:!a: ,1'laarely. Remember. thntIt trill cost you nothingtogivo
(h'• •a,'nc'r'np!,•iotilat. • ,ayou ehnuldwleMecca(inue,1lw•111costyou only about P1
' ..'.'- 4 -.
:. or le1'rtool ,'aday. Irwin not lntertrrowith your work oroccupation.
.c'ast'endmeyournameendnddres,. It'll MO how ynua11fTer,ifyo11wi814 nnd1will Fend you tho
Ir,mtcnt foryponrcn•o,c• ;,;reit. fro.% in lain oral1, ser ),yv urn mail. 1 w•illalsoFiend you ire•
Mcoet,Olybook -'•woM A'' -.51)w4' AtiibicAL Al1VISPfI"wllhexplanatory Mumma Imo show
too V.hynomenainT.r.ar.dNow lbsycart cosily core themselvc,III .110010. Every woman ghoul.'
have It and 'warn IO think for h 11• Then whenthodoetoranytt."4'otnnustharonnopem-
Cinn," yon ran dce:•lo!o. Ir Thousands of mecum hn%ecured themselvea with toy hOmo
(crumb.. It corona:l. rel 1 -oil. To Mothers or Daughters, 1 trill explain n simple homn
ealer' •s' nor', h sr•,, , . : r 4•rh:aFq rue(•4 1.aieorrhlea, t:rren 14 knees, and 4'ainhd er
joregot '0 • ' • . ,• i,'•:i, ,• 19ampnces and health alwa •a result from 51., use,
r 1 • j, , • .I r 11sileaafyule own loe,tlltywho know and willgtndly
telt anysutIcr,r1(t,,t%3,4 ll•,In:1,,•,*,it :tre.tilycures all moroon'sdi,caeosandmakes women
�. 1 .
Our adder and the /eco On do t a
l 10 ie. 11
moll. at mage plump and rnhust Jnst etnd me y , y U t hl
your. MIs.) ho book. Write to day. ns you nosy nu: eco this °tree again. Addres.:
+:.3.1 y on 1h• day of aft and
! on 1 t. .Apr:: n'ct 1!111
n f ,:l 1.1 - -jun vt. l h• elven
th• i'014 ,• r. I -.1 • arrange -
41 1 • r ' 0 4, • 111 1') • I •, :1 :IV.' 1 per-
n . f t h • lntrch •. • 111011'•)' on lac: 1.
C111 r. n! r=4 •, for forth,•r
;.1 a;',r• app!, to th• find •rs'an-
(;I•.\I)11.\\ & s'I'.\NISI itV
•r`, l:z••t• r.
Auction -,'i1, .t r,•tor.
Irick• Fores•).-A 11.'ltllar l4tortn
cried i's c, ntral 'on th" 'Sttt, •I'.lorb-
intr from th•' 6th' :o th• 11th. Th•
eulminition of the M,•reury )a riot
;t lis' 1'r14.is or '4 his ',riot!.Moon
..s t r orte declination flouttt and
1rtfl•r, Storms of 5'7)'n1
- rl,t+ . t and w'ittd aro (Indica..•.41
1 h, ; • ,t, all folloarel by high
h :•'1,t . .. • .. ;ping northw, a 4tal,•s
,:1 1 , : , 1 1 for th • 4ens0n, Only
4.•• t Ir . r 1y will ,d !!'p'er • storm
'it, ties and indication•. and
4.•ntor• on th- fakes of this tints.
Children (Jry
. P. S., Graduate Victoria U
rerelty• once and r.etdenenoe. 1)omintoo
Laboratory, Meter
Associate Coroner of Huron.
R. Bright, M. D., AI. C. P. and
.S., }honor Graduate Toronto 1.'n-
iversity. Two years resi.Irnt physician
Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc. Office
and reeidente,•.1)t•. An,os old stand
Andrew Street, Exeter.
Violin instructor, Jamb Street Par-
sonage, Exeter.
Physician and Surgeon anti Ac•
COW. her. Office -Dr. Rollin's old office
on Main Street. Residence -Cotner
James and Albert Street, Opposite
James Street Methodist Parsonage.
Exeter, Out.
Phones -Office 3(4,4, Residence 30h
Graduate of Ontario Vet. ('ollege•
Member of Ontario Veterinary Medi-
cal Society.
Treats all Dieeaaee of Domesticated
Animate on !meat Scientific principles.
AN calfs clay or night promptly at.
tended loo. Office, Main Street, Erre.
ter, Ramsey's Oil Stand.
fON H:1' 1't) LOAN
Wob..veunlimited prtvabe fano- fur 1nve.1
Oat PIMA t4r114 or t:.;AKA tr'perly,.t testes
► lee Of 1°:creat.
DICKSON & CA I: I.► N (;,
11%rrlsters,Sollcltore, \0teric-, t or.vryas(' err
Oomrulststonors, tiolicltors for the %toI-ons
Wolk. Kte.
Monty to loan at lows+l rale. of Imo's-t-
OYrl('ks-Efen4 t1Tx3:til, s{AR•T1CH.
■. 5a►tt.150 D. A. 1.. 11. DI( 'MICR
"10N 14.1 '1'O ULAN.
Wo A45,'•S l4f to ,.n....,ot at private (anal•
,an On farm and vtibaere pr•,pertfe. as towns.
U1.A11ttA`: 14 -4TANHURT
11trrt•tere l±ollr::• . Mala et.. ictetor
Shorthorn Bulls
As 1 enter into the fall nod winter
trade with 12 pure hoed limns 1 will
refuse no reasonable offer. They arc
Knurl ones of the blocky type and
nloslly got by Scotch (trey 726342. lin
heads my herd and is one of the best
to he had. All will be registered in
D. I1. if.
Apply to .loll` l:I.hl',R, Ilensall 1'.
O., or on Lot 111, ('on. 2, 11 ay.
MON EY '1'0 1.OAN
Private funds to loan at lowest rates
of Interest.
Office opposite 'idol ral hotel Drain
Soeet. Exeter Ont.
For Infants and Children.
ihs Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
$1 natnro of